Lana Vawser: "Daughters - You Are Being Delivered From Fear! God Says: 'Look at the Days of Joy!'"
Jun 26, 2018
As I have two daughters of my own...I know how much it means to me that they be full of JOY and live fulfilled lives and walk into all the Lord has for them.
AND what makes us think that God wouldn't want it any other way for all of His daughters?
I sure appreciate this most Spirit-filled word from Lana Vawser in which she shares how the enemy has been trying to place fear on God's daughters...and how God will counter that with days filled with laughter and joy!
Please forward this most encouraging word from Lana to all the ladies you know! And share with them this word from the Lord through Lana:
I heard the Lord say, "DAUGHTERS, LOOK AT THE DAYS OF JOY!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Daughters of God, You are Being Delivered from Fear and About to Laugh Louder Without Fear of the Future!"
Over the past few weeks, the Lord has been showing me an attack of fear that has come against the Body of Christ again. I saw that this is happening in an attempt to hinder God's people from moving forward. We are in such a strategic, crucial season right now of what God is doing and about to do in the earth.
The Lord gave me this prophetic word specifically for the "daughters of God" after He showed me the spirit of fear that's trying to come against them intensely right now. The Lord showed me this spirit of fear attacking on many levels but very much regarding "the future". This foreboding spirit of fear has come against the daughters of God because of what they are stepping into.
"Right now, the way you SEE the future is rapidly changing as the Spirit of God blows upon you and clears the things that have been trying to hinder your vision."
Proverbs 31:25 has been ringing in my spirit for over a week now. I reviewed the footnotes of this Scripture included in Brian Simmon's Passion Translation and he says, "The virtuous and victorious Bride has no fear for the days to come. She contemplates eternity and her forever union with the Bridegroom."
I believe that the Lord is really dealing with the spirit of fear right now and also areas of the heart where fear has taken root. I felt the Lord wanted me to release Proverbs 31:25 specifically over the daughters of God right now: "Bold power and glorious majesty are wrapped around her as she laughs with joy over the latter days" (The Passion Translation).
"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." (New Living Translation)
There is a SIGNIFICANT shift taking place right now over the daughters of God. You shall no longer feel the dread, terror, fear and foreboding that many of you have been feeling regarding the future. You will not look at your day or the days to come with fear of the future and anxiety, for the revelation of the love of God is about to burst forth in your life in unprecedented ways. It is going to break the hold of fear in your life. There is a MAJOR deliverance at hand for you and you will see this spirit of fear being driven out of your life once and for all.
The areas of the heart where there has been wounding and fear caused by trauma and the onslaught of the spirit of fear in your life are about to be reworked. There is a divine reworking of your heart and life taking place right now by the hand of God. You shall see the power of God fall upon those areas and birth great strength and bold power within you by His Spirit.
The enemy has been looking for those areas of the heart to come and increase fear because of what you are stepping into. The enemy has been attacking relentlessly and working to cloud vision, and he's attempting to twist what the Lord is saying through confusion, fogginess and foreboding dread. The truth is: you are moving into such a significant breakthrough where joy, vision and clarity are going to abound. You are about to move into a place of greater strength in Him than you have known.
Holy Ghost Bolt Cutters
I had a dream recently where I saw the enemy placing shackles on feet. I knew these were the shackles of fear, and they were being placed on the feet to HINDER MOVEMENT. In the dream I prophesied: "God is raising up a company of people FULLY AWAKE, PRESENT, and CONVINCED of His love."
I believe this is taking place right now! God is removing and healing the areas of fear and trauma which would cause doubt of His love. He's dealing with it and reworking it!
As the dream went on, I looked at the shackles again on the feet and I spoke, "Jesus has the best Holy Ghost bolt cutters." As I spoke, SUDDENLY the shackles broke!
Such significant breakthrough is upon you that your heart and mouth shall be FILLED with laughter. Many of you have been in such an onslaught and battle with the enemy and with fear – fighting hard to keep your peace. Many of you have been dealing with those fearful parts of your soul that have been plaguing you and you haven't known how to move forward. Be encouraged and rejoice! The Lord has heard your cries and He is moving powerfully now to lead you into a whole new land of freedom.
"Daughters, Look at the Days of Joy"
I heard the Lord say, "DAUGHTERS, LOOK AT THE DAYS OF JOY!"
"There is a MAJOR deliverance at hand for you and you will see this spirit of fear being driven out of your life once and for all."
Right now, the way you SEE the future is rapidly changing as the Spirit of God blows upon you and clears the things that have been trying to hinder your vision. The Lord is shifting your perspective to a heavenly reality and viewpoint in greater ways than you've experienced before.
I prophesy in the name of Jesus that you are moving deeper into the manifestation of Proverbs 31:25. Even in trials or hardships that you may walk in, there will be a greater joy and peace in your life than you have ever known. You are going to walk in greater victory and a victory mindset as the deeper revelation of who He is – our beautiful Jesus – is awakened in you.
I prophesy: "Daughters, look at the days of joy!" No more foreboding, no more anxiety, no more worry and seeing the enemy steal your joy for the season you are in and what God has planned for you.
I prophesy that you are entering into days of GREAT JOY! You will walk in greater peace than you have known and you will ENJOY the abundance, blessing and increase the Lord is pouring into your land. The victory of the Cross and Jesus Christ is about to powerfully manifest in your life in greater ways than you have ever experienced and the generational chains many of you have lived in of fear will be broken. It's all been paid for! It is done.
The enemy is screaming "FEAR, FEAR, FEAR!" But the Lord is decreeing: "FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM!"
Daughters of God You are Going to a Whole New Level of Insight
The Lord is going to release to you greater insight, greater clarity and greater vision of His plans for the future, and they will not be something to fear, but they will be something to rejoice in. Great joy will accompany the vision and insight of God. You will know and understand why there has been such an intense battle with fear over the future.
A deeper place of rest is upon you in His love. A deeper place of joy and a greater birthing place. It's taking place now! Rejoice, for great freedom is upon you!
You are going to see yourself more excited and full of joy for what God is doing, releasing and leading you into! You are about to laugh louder without fear of the future! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA