Beth Moore is one of many women of faith who tweeted about Dr. Ford's Senate testimony
Women of Faith Find Ford Assault Testimony Deeply Disturbing: 'I'm Surprised by How Hard It Is to Watch'
CBN News Heather Sells
CBN News Heather Sells
by Dr. Christine Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh deeply troubling. Their posts on social media spoke
of inner turmoil no matter their political persuasion.
Author and speaker Mary DeMuth has written about her sexual assault as a child and said Ford's
Author and speaker Mary DeMuth has written about her sexual assault as a child and said Ford's
recollection of laughter during her attempted rape brought her to tears.

Beth Moore, Others Share Abuse Stories after Trump Tape

#ChurchToo: Evangelical Leaders' Warning About the Widespread Problem of Sex Abus
"I am crying right now," she tweeted Thursday. "I remember that too – the bantering, the joking, the
Beth Moore, Others Share Abuse Stories after Trump Tape
#ChurchToo: Evangelical Leaders' Warning About the Widespread Problem of Sex Abus
"I am crying right now," she tweeted Thursday. "I remember that too – the bantering, the joking, the
lackadaisical ways the boys demeaned me, treating their abuse as no big deal."

Mary DeMuth@MaryDeMuth
“They were laughing with each other, two friends having a really good time with one another.” I am

Mary DeMuth@MaryDeMuth
“They were laughing with each other, two friends having a really good time with one another.” I am
crying right now. #KavanaughHearings I remember that too, the bantering, the joking, the lackadaisical
ways the boys demeaned me, treating their abuse as no big deal.
Southern Baptist leader and survivor Trillia Newbell tweeted, "I'm surprised by how hard it is to watch
Southern Baptist leader and survivor Trillia Newbell tweeted, "I'm surprised by how hard it is to watch
this hearing."

Trillia Newbell
I'm surprised by how hard it is to watch this hearing. Praying for others who are likely struggling too.

Trillia Newbell
I'm surprised by how hard it is to watch this hearing. Praying for others who are likely struggling too.
May God bring peace, comfort, and healing where needed.
Former prosecutor and sexual abuse expert Boz Tchividjian said the testimony created a painful day for
Former prosecutor and sexual abuse expert Boz Tchividjian said the testimony created a painful day for
many survivors. "May these amazing souls be comforted and loved by those around them," he tweeted.

Boz Tchividjian@BozT
This has been a very painful day for many survivors having been triggered by what they witnessed in a

Boz Tchividjian@BozT
This has been a very painful day for many survivors having been triggered by what they witnessed in a
Senate hearing room. May these amazing souls be comforted and loved by those around them...and
may they end this difficult day with hope for tomorrow.
Likewise, Bible study speaker and assault survivor Beth Moore said, "A lot of people feeling stripped
Likewise, Bible study speaker and assault survivor Beth Moore said, "A lot of people feeling stripped
bare today. Your kindness and compassion even toward matters you don't fully understand could be a
blanket to somebody. It's a cold world. Warm it up a little."
Christian publisher and abuse survivor Jennifer Lyell talked about three things people have done that
Christian publisher and abuse survivor Jennifer Lyell talked about three things people have done that
helped her over the years: believing her story and telling her so, telling her they were sorry and not
changing how they treated her.
With the rise of the #MeToo movement and the #ChurchToo movement, awareness of sexual abuse is
With the rise of the #MeToo movement and the #ChurchToo movement, awareness of sexual abuse is
growing in the pews and affecting how people of faith view abuse survivors, be they in their church or
a Senate hearing room.
The Southern Baptist Executive Committee recently announced it will spend $250,000 for a sexual
The Southern Baptist Executive Committee recently announced it will spend $250,000 for a sexual
abuse advisory study.
And two-thirds of Protestant pastors surveyed in a LifeWay Research study said sexual and domestic
And two-thirds of Protestant pastors surveyed in a LifeWay Research study said sexual and domestic
violence affects their congregations. Eighty-five percent said they had heard of #MeToo and three-
quarters said they knew someone who had been sexually harassed.
One in five also said they personally had experienced domestic or sexual violence.
One in five also said they personally had experienced domestic or sexual violence.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA