Names & Numbers
Now Think On This
Steve Martin
“As for you, every hair on your head has been counted.” (Matthew 10:30, Complete Jewish Bible)
Just As I Am, ((HarperOne/Zondervan, 2007) the autobiography of Billy Graham, is a massive book of 801 pages (with many more pages of historic photos). I started reading it a week ago. One thing I particularly noticed is the numerous names of people met and the numbers of attendance records that Dr. Graham gives attention to. Wanting to be as accurate as possible, with no “evangelistically speaking” stretching of the truth, he commits to writing the decades of crusades and countries where the Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached by him and his team. In reading these accounts, it gives me even more respect for Billy Graham, along with his wife Ruth, who stood with him through many of his 99 years.
When it comes to names, like myself, you too may have trouble remembering one when a person you haven’t seen in several years comes back into your world. Try as you might, you search the memory banks, seeking to recall something that will help the process. When success does come, gratitude for needed assistance follows. It is especially important when that person happens to be a relative or friend whom you haven’t seen in ages.

At times we feel we get lost in the crowded population. Just having a number as the record keeper of our file isn’t enough to bring the needed feeling that we are worth more than just being another number in someone’s storage cabinet. Having a personal connection with our Creator is what so many long for, realizing it or not. That is why He Who created us sees us more than just being another name, another number. He wants us to know Him intimately, to realize that our very purpose and place means so very much to Him. His desire for us is one of the very precious factors that draw us to Him day after day.
Writing of these simple truths may not bring many accolades or seem to be accomplishing much among the great scholars and works out there in the published world, but at times a simple word is much more appreciated than a complicated, complex dissection of matter that just doesn’t seem too personal. Our God is a personal God. He knows us each by name. And as the Bible also says, He has each of our hairs numbered. Simple truth. Simple love.
Next time you feel a bit lost in a crowd, or thinking you have been forgotten in a mass of names and numbers, know that the One who brought you into this world cares deeply for you. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you, and will see you through to the promised end.
Your name, and your number among the billions, are very personal to God the Father. We can rest in His trusted Word that we will not be lost in the masses, but will receive guidance and provision in our daily walk with Him.
Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
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Now Think On This #350 - in the year of our Lord 08.15.18 – “Names & Numbers”, Wednesday, 10:00 am