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Why Believers Should Join This Group Set on Obliterating This Deceptive Cancer
Last week, I sat listening to a lecture by Dr. Hanson, an associate professor at the University of Central Florida, on the new anti-Semitism that is spreading throughout the Middle East and Europe. My heart grieved as I heard the horrors of what is being done to the Jews today in our age of progressive freedom.
This new intellectual ideology is supposed to be a rallying cry for the oppressed against the oppressor. Instead, it has become a deceptive cancer, eating at the heart of our society in the form of anti-Semitism. Make no mistake, what is being done to the Jews is pure evil. We are without excuse. None is innocent, for we are our brothers' keeper.
In this new world order, Israel is equated with Nazi Germany as the oppressor of Palestinians. As the Nazis exterminated the Jews is World War II, so are the Jews seeking to wipe out the Palestinians. This twisted logic and propaganda has caused a new generation of Jew haters to arise in Europe, inspired by the false teachings coming out of the Middle East.
It is filled with a racial hatred that is causing the burning of synagogues, murder of the Jews, destruction of their stores and a boycott of their goods produced in Israel. Jewish cemeteries are desecrated and children are taught to kill the Jews.
The Obama administration looked the other way in sinful denial of this persecution of the Jews as it tried to bury our heads in the sands of politically correct language. One example was their feeble attempt to say the fire bombing of a kosher restaurant in France was a random act of violence. They implied it was not anti-Semitism because customers were hurt who were not Jewish.
The root of this anti-Semitism comes from Christian Europe when Constantine, the newly converted Roman Emperor, ordered the Roman Empire to become Christian. This began the sick seed that said Jews were Christ-killers. They deserved to be persecuted, hunted and driven from Europe.
The blood of many Jews lies on the hands of Christians, whose own Savior is a Jew. This truth needs to be confessed before God and the world, the result of which needs to be repentance shown in love and the building of relationships with the Jewish community.
The Arab world is the largest sponsor of the new anti-Semitism. They claim the Jews are colonial oppressors of the Palestinians. Yet any honest study of history shows it was the Muslim Arabs who were the imperialist colonial power that came out of the Arabian Peninsula to conquer the ancient land of Israel.
The Palestinians are actually the descendants of the colonial oppressors of Israel. Now that Israel has been reborn, the Jews are reclaiming their homeland, which they settled 2,000 years before the Muslim Arabs came as conquerors into their cities and villages.
What is the answer to the propaganda that has unleashed the terrors of anti-Semitism spreading across the globe from Siberia to Iran to Syria to North Africa to Europe onto the American continents and even into China and the countries of Asia?
We must stand up for the truth by educating ourselves with the facts of history in order to show the ugliness of these lies that spread hatred and harm. We need to organize like the Zionistas, who sponsored this lecture on "The New Anti-Semitism." They are a group of Jews and Christians dedicated to the truth in uniting our communities in love.
Jesus said, "The truth will set you free." As Christians, we cannot deny the sins of our fathers and also the sins of today in the church by our neglect of this harbinger of death. We must open our doors in love and support of the Jews and Israel, but not as an arm of prejudice against Arabs, Muslims or even deceived Christians.
There needs to be a dialogue and strong witness that we will not allow any form of anti-Semitism or prejudice against any group of people, but speak the truth in love with authority and power—not in physical force, but in humility and faith in the living God Who created us in His image.
A new movie called Hate Spaces, the Politics of Intolerance on Campus has been produced, of which Alan Dershowitz says, "Hate Spaces is a wake-up call to the Jewish community and to civil society in America about the institutionalization of bigotry on college campuses."
Hatred of the Jews is real in our global network. Indifference and ignorance are no excuses to allow its terror to spread through propaganda and the false teachings of history. "For evil to triumph, all it takes is for good men to do nothing." —Edmund Burke
Let us unite together to extinguish this plague of death once and for all, so we can live in love as God created us to be as our God in heaven is one. 
Blake Lorenz is the senior pastor at Encounter Global Outreach in Orlando, Florida. Check out his daily blog at blakelorenz.com.
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