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Bonnie Jones: Bob's 1980s Prophecy About Russia Is About to be Fulfilled
With all of the recent headlines focusing a negative light on Russia, one has to wonder if God has a plan for that nation that Satan is foolishly trying to interfere with.
Bonnie Jones, widow of the late Bob Jones, recently shared a vision she had for many nations with The Elijah List. But much of the word she shares from the Lord is focused on Russia—including a recap of a vision her husband once shared in the 1980s.
She wrote:
I saw a large solid, blood-red heart and to its immediate right, in large bold print, was written "POWER." I knew this was Bob Jones' Russian Red Army prophecy from the 1980s. Below is a portion of the transcript from that prophecy. The full prophecy can be found in the 2015 Shepherd's Rod.
In the early 80s, God said He was going to change the Soviet Union. The greatest awakening of all time was going to be in the Soviet Union. Four nations would begin to have open doors into Russia, and the fifth nation would be Sweden. Also Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. He also said that like Israel was in captivity for 70 years, Russia would be in captivity for 70 years also.
In the late 80s, He began to speak to me about releasing the Russian Jews and Christians and providing an open door for them. I saw 50,000 Christians being released, and I saw the wall coming down.
In 1991, the Lord began to speak really powerfully about Russia again. Kansas City took up an offering of $1.4 million and gave it to Terry Law to finance the work in Russia.
There was a Red Army angel general; he was the angel over Russia. He was the captain of the hosts in Russia. The Lord was standing with him, and he was totally red like blood. He had the power of the blood; he was like blood and fire. It was the blood of Christ, all the power of the blood. The Lord didn't speak to me, He just nodded, and what the angel said to say, it was right. He was one very powerful angel; he was an archangel over Russia. He brought me a white piece of paper, and on the paper was written, "Would you be interested in joining the Russian Army of God?" I said, "No, because the door to Russia is going to close." The angel said, "You're a liar!" And the Lord nodded to agree.
I said that Russia was going to be equipped and that it would attack the South. The angel said, "That's right, but did you ever see what the army was?" I said that it was the Red Army. He said that was right, but he said to look, and I looked, and behind them was a red cross. They are going to carry the cross into the cell, into the Muslim nations and into Europe. He said that some of the greatest evangelists in the world will come out of Russia. In the last days, it will not be the door to Russia that will close, it will be the door to the USA, and Russia will send evangelists to the United States.
I said that this was totally different from anything I've heard prophesied, and he told me that a lot of American prophets had prophesied patriotism instead of the truth. I asked him if any prophets had prophesied this beforehand, and he told me that they had before 1910, and we will begin to send literature to you right away about these prophecies. He said that in the next three months, I would receive confirmation that these prophecies had come beforehand.
Following my vision of the red heart and power, the Lord spoke to me, saying, "Russia is a backdrop to future events. I've held them in reserve for such a time as this. It's time for My army to arise and move forward. You see, many years ago, I spoke this prophesy through Bob, and he made it famous worldwide, yet many did not believe him. Why would I choose Russia? And I said, ''Why would I not choose them? They've been under persecution long enough, yet their heart has always been toward Me.'"
He went on to say, "I'm sending ones into Russia and the Ukraine to awaken their spirit to love. That's all they need to spark the fire of revival there. Love, love, love! My love abounds to them, and the rest is history."
I believe it's time for God's Russian Red Army to march forward in resurrection power. Bob said the angel over Russia had the power of the blood as well as fire. It had all the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, and there's nothing that can stop them once they are called to action. Get ready for the greatest awakening of all time to begin in the Soviet Union. Keep an eye on Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. They will catch the spark of fire to ignite revival in their nations as well.
The prophecy also included Japan, Slovakia and Israel. Click here to read the entire article at The Elijah List. 
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