Showing posts with label Apostle Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apostle Paul. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Closed Doors. Open Doors. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Closed Doors. Open Doors.

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.” (Acts 16:10 NASU)

The Lord speaks to us in order to get us to where He needs us to be. If we listen, we will hear His voice, know His ways, and fulfill the purpose He has planned for us. Something good will come then.

Do you want Him to do that for you? Are you ready?

There have been many times when I was in a situation that I did not know what to do. I remember once needing to make a critical decision, which would affect not only myself, but my family, friends around us, and the employment I had at the time. It involved a move to another state, for a ministry job opportunity, but at the same time we would be leaving family and that life which we had been familiar with. Prayer, fasting, guidance from others, and the Holy Spirit speaking to me brought the right decision.

We moved. Thank you Jesus.

That may seem just a common situation to some, as many people move all the time. Some would think it was just a matter of time and we would have moved anyway. Or I would have figured it out by myself, given further research and just making the decision to do it, letting the results be as they would.


But then I wanted to depend on the Holy Spirit to guide our steps, so even in that common example I had learned to ask Him to help me. And as I continue to learn, as I am being trained, I will be able to hear His voice distinctly in those times when more difficult, pressing issues come my way, and I really need to know the way to go, and make the right choice. Life or death may depend on it.

In the Scripture given at the beginning of this message, Paul had been trusting the Lord for direction, seeking which way he was to go. He was willing to do what the Lord wanted him to do.  People were depending on him. His team needed his leadership, and he needed to get it right.

He thought it was one way, and so he proceeded, literally, down that road. But in his going, he was directed to another way, another place. It came in the form of a vision. Sometimes His word will come in a dream. Often He tells us in a simple thought in our mind, which hopefully we don’t dismiss as a random thought.

Whichever way He choices to guide, we must know it is Him, and respond in obedience. For Paul, later it became apparent that this was a critical step in his walk in taking the Gospel to the Gentiles, the non-Jews. If he had not been expecting guidance from the Lord, Europe may not have heard the Good News in this time they needed to.

Have you ever been in a place in your life where the doors seemed to keep getting shut? It didn’t work the way you had expected, hoped for, figured it would? Have you ever thanked the Lord later, after His perfect plan was then revealed to you down the road, and you realized how He stopped you from going that way, because He had something better up ahead, and you just had to wait a bit more?I am sure you have, just like it happened in Paul’s life. Just as it has already happened several times in my own, and also in yours.

“They passed through the Phrygian and Galatian region, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia; and after they came to Mysia, they were trying to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them; and passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas.

A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing and appealing to him, and saying, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." When he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go into Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.” (Acts 16:6-10 NASU)

Paul was on the move. He had been wanting to go to Asia (modern day Turkey and surrounding lands), believing that was the next stop. But the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus, did not permit Him. Why did that happen? How did that happen?

The time was not yet right for the one location. The Lord stopped Paul to reveal to him where he was to be. Supernaturally.

You too can hear the Lord’s voice. You too can learn to depend upon Him, to hear His quiet leading, for He is more than willing to speak to you. And when a door is shut as you start to walk through it, you will not get discouraged and give up, but will seek Him for the open door that He has on ahead for you. Through His Holy Spirit’s guidance He will show you the way.

Learning to hear and obey now will be vitally important for when we are put in a situation where knowing the right door to go through is the only one that will work. You may be trying to push open a closed door that would cause harm for you and those close to you, not realizing the right open door is just another step ahead.

Depending on the Holy Spirit to guide our steps, speak to us with His answers, and show us what is the open door, so we don’t try to break down the closed ones, is vital. In these days we are living in, you and I will need to know the way to go, how to go, and when to go. 

Having that close relationship with the Lord and the Spirit of God speaking and leading will not be a luxury, but a necessity.

So think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

We are blessed when the ministry receives gifts to bless the families that we do in Israel, India, Pakistan and the hurting ones here in the USA. You also can share out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 01.26.16 - #238 –“Closed Doors. Open Doors.” – Tuesday at 4:30 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Thursday, November 19, 2015

My Gut Says Yes, but the Holy Spirit Says - DR. STEVE GREENE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Woman disciplining dog

(iStock photo )

My Gut Says Yes, but the Holy Spirit Says NO

Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

If I seek to be a spirit-led leader, I must expect to hear the Holy Spirit say "no."
"They went throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia and were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. When they came near Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not allow them" (Acts 16:6-7).
Imagine the work of Paul and his missionary team in preparation to enter into Phrygia. Surely they had a strategy. The region was not unknown to them and the culture was probably one they understood well. The region seemed like a perfect opportunity for a church plant. We read later in Acts 19 verse 10 that the region was indeed a fertile ground for ministry.
"All who lived in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus."
It's not always easy to understand a "no." But we do have insight into the direction of the Holy Spirit in this case. Perhaps the Holy Spirit knew the time was critical for Paul to meet Dr. Luke. Perhaps the ministry in Macedonia was more important in a timing sense.
I wonder how many ministers and leaders miss a "no" from the Holy Spirit. World history would have been impacted had Paul not been obedient in this one seemingly simple decision to "obey" a "no." Many leaders are challenged when they hear the word "no." Some see "no" as an invitation to press on and find a way. For some, "no" is simply a suggestion.
The difference is that Paul heard a spiritual "no." We don't know how Paul heard from God, we only know that he did. We also know Paul moved with instant obedience to the Holy Spirit.
As we lead our organizations, we must develop confidence in our knowledge that we hear God. We must stay open and willing to hear the word "no."
We must sharpen our eyes and ears and soften our hearts to become willing to hear that our big idea isn't of the Lord. He protects us from ourselves. If we truly expect to receive the favor of God, we must be ready to hear Him say, "No, my son. Not at this time. Check back with me in another season."
Help us, Lord, to receive the favor of a "no."

Here's something I'm trying or thinking about today ...
This is not an endorsement or recommendation. It's just noodling.
I read Content Inc. by Joe Pulizzi a few months ago. I reviewed it again this past weekend. 
The book could have been titled, The Missing Puzzle Piece to Platform Development.
"Build your audience first, then create your product." My favorite section of the book addresses "content tilting." There is always a niche for your message.
We only need to find the intersection between our heart and a unique message arc.

To help you develop content, stay focused on your "why." Pray over your personal why. Ask the Lord for more depth of understanding.
 Why do you do what you do?
Your platform message is waiting in the answer to your why.
If you lose your why, you'll lose your way.

 Do you want to learn more about developing your personal platform?
Send for my free series of lessons titled, "The Fundamentals of Creating, Curating and Developing Content for Multiple Platforms." Send your request to:
This is an exclusive offer to Ministry Today and "Greenelines" readers. 
We will not share your email address with anyone. 

For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW - Life in the Spirit is your Spirit-filled teaching guide. Encounter the Holy Spirit, hear God speak to you, and enjoy timeless teachings on love, mercy and forgiveness.LEARN MORE!

Friday, May 8, 2015

How to Avoid Prophetic Shipwrecks by Doug Addison

How to Avoid Prophetic Shipwrecks 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network

Have you ever heard God speak to you but what you thought you heard never came about? Or you got a prophetic word and the exact opposite happened? Maybe you stepped out in faith when you heard God and you ended up disappointed or you lost money?

I hear so many of these stories in my Prophetic Life Coaching and from the thousands of people I meet each year. If this is you then you are not alone. A big attack of the enemy over the past several years has been to try to shipwreck people from hearing God and responding appropriately.

Lessons Learned in Hearing God

What I have learned about hearing the voice of God is that too often we try to limit or fine-tune the words we hear. Maybe you have heard God tell you to do something and then you try to follow it to the letter of the law?

Most of the time God is giving instructions and the end result may be a bit different but in the same ballpark. The Apostle Paul compares the Church to a "Body" and reality is that we are all living organisms and not machines. In most cases, hearing God needs to be more organic and not an exact "follow this or you will miss God mentality." In fact I hear about more people missing God by trying to get too focused and not let the "brush strokes of the creator" paint the bigger picture for them.

I am generalizing here. There can be times that God will speak to us with specific directions. But in my years of hearing God's voice I have found that we often have more freedom than we realize in responding to a prophetic word.

Do Something in Hollywood

When God called us to start a meeting in Hollywood in 2003, I took that as "Hollywood proper." We rented a conference room at the Holiday Inn off Hollywood Boulevard.
Hollywood itself is kind of trashy and touristy. The meetings did not do well at all. Then we moved the meeting to Culver City on the west side of Los Angeles and it took off great. But God said to start the meeting in Hollywood? Why did we lose money and have to move to a different city?

What I discovered is that Hollywood is not a "place" but an industry. Most of the original studios filmed movies (including the Wizard of Oz) in Culver City. I was trying to limit what I was hearing to a specific area. Usually exact city boundaries are not all that important to God. This happened several times throughout my life before I understood that God wants to partner with us instead of dictate to us.

Bigger Decisions Take More Confirmation

If God speaks to you to do something big or more radical, like change jobs, move, or make relationship decisions like marriage, then you will need several confirming pieces of revelation and not just one dream.

A good deal of the people I coach have taken a small amount of revelation and over-responded to it. One common thing they heard was that God said to "leave your job and trust Him." If this is the case be sure that God is giving you a plan on what to do and how you will make money.

Just "hanging out with God" is not wise to do without a specific plan. It can turn into the plan of the enemy to strip you of finances and get you discouraged. We are in a seven-year season of repayment, storing up and making money for the Kingdom. This is not a time to retreat. Of course this is a general word and it is still possible that God may call you to pull back to get a new vision.

Seeing More Clearly

People become afraid to miss God and so they start looking at too many details and this can cloud what He is saying. Often it is like understanding a parable or a dream. Less can sometimes be more beneficial.

1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part…

Don't Get Shipwrecked

Let God guide you through your decisions and avoid viewing Him as a dictator of His Will for you. Many people get shipwrecked because of the way they respond to how God speaks to them. Here are a few common pitfalls to our responses to hearing God:
No response: this is the most common pitfall. The task or assignment God had for you may be given to someone else if you don't do anything.

Over-interpreting: like my meeting "in Hollywood" (over-interpreting brings limitations and you often miss the freedom God wants to bring you).

Over-responding: gets you out of God's timing. Example: selling or buying things too soon, leaving a job or pulling back out of God's timing could bring financial ruin.

Look at the Big Picture

God is training us to be His sons and daughters, not robots. I wish I could give you all the examples of how often I seem to miss hearing God. But the more it seems that I missed hearing God, the more in tune I become with hearing His voice and learning to respond.
It's reminds me of the baseball player Babe Ruth who was the home run king. He was also the king of strikeouts. We need to be willing to step up to the plate right now!

Never Stop Learning

We need to step out and get into God's timing. Remember, hearing God's voice is a life-long process. You need to develop your ability and learn to discern. It takes trial and error, tracking how He speaks, trying things, and seeing what works and what does not. You will need to write down the things God is speaking to you. Go back to it and fill in more later as your understanding grows.

So have you experienced any of the things I am saying here? If so, be encouraged and learn from it. Ask God to speak to you today about your life, situation or circumstances and be open to the way it unfolds!


Doug Addison

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 A $20.00 Value
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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Myles Munroe in one of his last media interviews said…

Myles Munroe in one of his last media interviews said…

10538458_10152853086054936_6964473261815948353_nMyles Munroe in one of his last media interviews said…
“I want to challenge every Kenyan to go to the cemetery and disappoint the graveyard. Die like the Apostle Paul who said I have finished my course, I have kept the faith and I have been poured out like a drink offering. There is nothing left. I am ready to die. That’s how I wanna die because there is nothing else for me left to die.”
“You weren’t born just to live a life and to die, you were born to accomplish something specifically,” he said. “Matter of fact, success is making it to the end of your purpose, that is success. … Success is not just existing, success is making it to the end of why you were born.”
He also discussed the human lifespan and making the most of one’s life.
“The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live. And most people are concerned about growing old rather than being effective,” he said in 2003. “The people who have impacted the world didn’t live long. Martin Luther King. John F. Kennedy. These people who impact the world were not old people, but they lived so effectively that we cannot erase them from history.”
BRILLIANT till the end…and even then, being dead he yet is still speaking!
Source: Lance Wallnau

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Road Less Traveled…Making All the Difference by Gale Maiden

The Road Less Traveled…

Making All the Difference 

by Gale Maiden

Identity Network

The very well-known poem called The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost speaks powerfully to my heart. Though this poem is titled The Road Not Taken there is another road in this poem which is called the road less traveled. The road less traveled is an unfamiliar road.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, sorry I could not
travel both and be one traveler, long I stood
and looked down one as far as I could
to where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
and having perhaps the better claim
because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
in leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost

Touched by a Poem

After recently encountering this poem for the first time since my high school days, I was moved by the words of this poem. Just a month before encountering this poem, the Spirit of God spoke to my heart concerning God's need for me to embrace the unfamiliar. This means to me that continuing successful ministry will require choices to travel the less traveled paths and not the well-worn familiar road. The Spirit specifically told me that on the unfamiliar road is where I need to minister. I believe that this is a word for many who are servants and ministers of God.

Joshua…You Have not Passed this Way Before!

I believe that just as Joshua and the leadership of Israel had to embrace a path unknown in order to enter and successfully occupy the Promised Land so must present day leadership. Below is a passage of scripture leading up to the crossing of the Jordan River by Joshua and the Israelites. Even though no one had passed this way before God was giving instructions to Joshua to ensure safe passage over the Jordan to Canaan.

Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and he and all the sons of Israel set out from Shittim and came to the Jordan, and they lodged there before they crossed. At the end of three days the officers went through the midst of the camp; and they commanded the people, saying, "When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God with the Levitical priests carrying it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it."However, there shall be between you and it a distance of about 2,000 cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way (road less traveled) by which you shall go, for you have not passed this way before." Joshua 3:1-4

God here is relaying "road signs" to the children of Israel in order for them to successfully enter the Land of Promise. This was necessary because they were totally unfamiliar with this road. Neither Joshua nor the children of Israel had passed over this road. This was a road chosen by God and would require very attentive hearing ears in order to follow the road signs leading to possession of the full inheritance in the Land of Canaan.

Little did Joshua and the Israelites know that it would take approximately fourteen years along a road less traveled to fully obtain the Land of Promise. This was accomplished by God orchestrated campaigns throughout the Land of Promise launched repeatedly from an encampment at Gilgal.

Gilgal was the first encampment in Canaan located on the west bank of the Jordan River, less than a stone's throw from where they were told that they had never passed this way before.

Apostles Paul and Peter Chose Roads Less Traveled

There are many Biblical instances where choices were made to follow a God given road less traveled; these righteous choices continue making all the difference for the good in the outcome of the destinies of many.

Saul of Tarsus, later named Paul, a Jew among Jews was presented the choice of leaving his familiar environment of Judaism to minister in the unfamiliar world of Gentiles.

The Apostle Peter an unlearned and uneducated fisherman was called and sent down the road of unfamiliarity as an Apostle to the Jews.

Must I detail the unfathomable Godly difference in the kingdom of God today as a result of these two Apostles righteous choices to go the way of unfamiliarity?

Dangers along a Road of Familiarity: Familiarity Breeds Contempt

A known road is one in which travelers might very well grow to depend on familiar and past road signs instead of accepting the challenge of the need to be alert to new road signs. Does familiarity breed contempt? Contempt argues that "my" familiar way is the only way to successfully travel. Unfortunately this contempt for the signs given by an ever-present God in order to lead us down the less traveled road is rampant in the present day church. This contempt is called "religion".

God is much better served, not by our familiarity or experience from a well-traveled road, but from our familiarity with Him. God is able to guide us down the less traveled road!

The road chosen by God for us is one which Frost says is grassy and desires wear. Unfamiliar roads desire to be trodden down with steps of those willing to walk this way. I believe that only those who are willing to follow God down an unfamiliar path will as Robert Frost said, "Make all the difference."   

Possible Characteristics of a Present Day Road Less Traveled

The unfamiliar road chosen by God for us needless to say could have an infinite number of characteristics. I am seeing that one of the unfamiliar characteristics of a road less worn could be in the area of a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. God is truth and desires truth in our inward parts.

I believe that the hand-me-down traditions which have for two thousand years nullified the truth and liberty desired for the church is being now challenged as never before. This path or road of revelation is a road less traveled and is now challenging the very heart of thought to be established doctrines; doctrines which for the most part aren't producing a true witness to the works given to us by our Father God. 

This present life changing unfamiliar revelation is nothing new but rather a rediscovery of the profound simplicity of the word of God. Rejoice and prepare to be shaken to the core. God recently told me to tell the body of Christ that there is presently a post script written on the heart of every believer. PS is an acronym for profoundly simple.

Also just as Joshua and the Apostle Paul were called geographically down an unfamiliar road less traveled so will many of us hear the voice of God calling us to other locations with which we are totally unfamiliar.
May this poem and article challenge our heart unto consistent reexamination to see if we be on the faith road of unfamiliarity?

To those of us with a pioneering spirit this word is a glorious boost on to a road which will make "all the difference" to the world.

Gale Maiden
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 A $20.00 Value

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple - Anne Elmer

Anne Elmer:
The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth;
Then Into a Buddhist Temple
The Best-Selling Elijah List Book EVER!

Steve Shultz
Dear Elijah List Readers (and your friends),

The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple.

Now, as the fourth Printing of this amazing book by Anne Elmer has arrived, we can tell you that "Transported" has already sold more copies all over the world than any book we've ever carried.

This is one of the most amazing AND TRUE stories I've ever read and it's by a person I know very well. My wife and I have stayed in Anne Elmer and her husband's home in France. When she shared her story with me, I KNEW this had to be a book. Anne agreed and our readers have spoken by purchasing so many copies of this amazing narrative at what REALLY HAPPENED TO HER as THE LION FLEW HER THROUGHOUT THE EARTH! 

Jesus, as the Lion of Judah, literally came into Anne's room and offered to take her on MULTIPLE trips throughout the earth . . . including into a Buddhist temple. The Lion (Jesus) was so intense, it surprised Anne. Growling, the Lion scared off demons and yet insisted to Anne that HE had the RIGHT TO BE HERE in this Buddhist temple because so many Christians had toured this place and prayed that Jesus would reveal Himself to many in this place—even though it was currently dedicated to the huge Buddha in the building! The LION was fierce with PURPOSE because of those prayers!

Though this whole book is true, you'll find yourself exclaiming, time after time, "UNBELIEVABLE!!" 

Our readers have loved this book so much, we have to keep going back to press. Our fourth printing is just hot off the press so you can now order a copy of the book (or two). You'll want to give this book as a gift or a stocking stuffer for Christmas!

Prepare to have your view of "The Church" changed forever, and I mean it! Trust me when I say that you will not want to miss reading this book. We are encouraged by the Lord to learn HIS WAYS. This book will go a LONG WAY to LEARN HIS WAYS and HIS THOUGHTS. Again I ask you to trust me that you will say to yourself, "I never thought of it that way before!"

That's how it was for me! I just was amazed at God's way of thinking about the saved and the unsaved!

You'll remember that Paul, the Apostle was literally "caught up" into a "transported" experience, as was John the Revelator, probably more than once. Often they didn't know if their experience was "in the body or out of the body" but they knew they were caught up....

...And they were allowed sometimes to tell us some or all of what they saw. Yet other times they were DIS-allowed from sharing the content of their visitation experience.Fortunately for you, the reader, Anne is allowed to speak of her experience through this book.

I can tell you that this story has forever changed my heart and my understandings about how God loves those...even those "caught" in very DRY will be amazed. And even those people who don't seem to practice the Gifts of the'll learn the amazing grace of God's heart. And for those who are seeking but have not found Christ yet—you'll learn the heart of Jesus and His plans for them too!

You will be just amazed at how your thought processes will be altered FOR LIFE because of "Transported By The Lion Of Judah!" You'll want to order this before we need to go into a 5th printing!

This incredible Book is available to you in your choice of 4 different formats, Paperback, Audio Book-on-CD, Downloadable Audio Book, and E-Book in PDF format. Click on the one(s) you wish to purchase:

1. Paperback Book
2. Audio Book on 2 CDs
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4. E-Book in PDF Download

Formats 1 and 2 will be shipped to you, while formats 3 and 4 are download files—you will receive a link at the end of your purchase to immediately download either format to your computer.

Get one or get more....These life changing, paradigm shifting stories are priceless!


Steve Shultz
Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Apostle Paul was caught up and shown things so spectacular, he wasn't even allowed to tell some of them. Phillip was transported in the Spirit from the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch to another city. John the Revelator was told to "come up here" so that God could show him things to come.

And still today, hundreds, if not thousands, of God's people are continuing to have "caught up" experiences where God shows them marvelous revelation for the Church.

Anne Elmer
Anne Elmer never saw it coming. Yet before she knew it, the Lord was transporting her all over the earth, in multiple experiences, on a "literal" Lion—THE Lion of Judah—to see God's people from many different people groups, and in many countries—but no longer from her perspective. This is a "wow" book if I've ever read one. So we published it. 


Audio Book
on CD

Audio Book
on MP3


Here is what others are saying about

"...a great read and helps to demonstrate how actively the Lord is at work in all of our lives." – Lisa Cooke Doyle

"I was absolutely amazed when reading chapter 13. Although this 'church' was set in Denmark, it was the exact same situation of a church on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia where I have been going. I had been 'sent' from 60 miles away, two times per week, 'to lift Jesus Higher' from within this place, for a period of over 3 years.

Although it has been an absolute pleasure before God, it has been sad and difficult, even heartbreaking, on the ground. Here I felt deeply moved and 'saw' the precious 'church' I have been attending for so long, and am now in CERTAIN anticipation of the Lord's own marvelous work. Not that I doubted, but now I am POSITIVE. It is exactly the same. Exactly!

I do indeed Praise the Lord, for what He has shown me is indeed in process. What He has shown Anne is indeed in process. God, Himself, shall indeed redeem His people. His Church shall indeed arise on eagle's wings. He shall indeed deal with the matter for His victory and His glory. Praise His Holy Name. Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power, be unto Him who sits upon the throne.

Blessings and Love in Him who first loved us. Agape."
  M. Austin

About the Author:

Originally from the north of England, Anne and her husband have lived for the last 30 years in France where they run a small Christian publishing company. They have 3 children and 11 grandchildren. Anne's heart is for unity among Believers and to see every Christian living up to their potential in Christ.