 | Dr. Erez Soref, President of ONE FOR ISRAEL |
"But don't forget this one thing, loved ones, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some consider slowness. Rather, He is being patient toward you - not wanting anyone to perish, but for all to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:8-9)
God is bringing in a great harvest in the Middle East, and every day Jews and Arabs are being saved. Stories like Barri's below show that you can be Jewish and follow Jesus! The Messiah is coming back, but He wants as many to turn to Him as possible, all over the world.
A team of Arabs and Jews from our Bible college, Israel College of the Bible, has just returned from a mission trip to Berlin.
Many Israelis and Muslims who now live in Berlin are very open to the gospel. O ur team shared a Shabbat meal with some 30 non-believers and was able to share the gospel with them all. Carlos shared his testimony and opened the discussion about Yeshua and salvation. One girl from Lod in Israel received the Lord - she had heard the gospel back in Israel, but made the step to follow Yeshua right there with the team.
Together with local believers, our team has been able to share with many Muslims from Syria, Iran, and other places in the Middle East. They have also had the privilege to work with and encourage some new believers from Muslim backgrounds. Please pray there would be much fruit from their labors - fruit that will last!
Four Things Hidden in the Book of Esther

This week we will celebrate the feast of Purim! Purim commemorates the narrow escape of the Jewish people from the threat of annihilation and the courage of Queen Esther who bravely stood up for her people. The word "purim" means "lots," due to the method that wicked Haman used to decide the date that they would wipe out the Jewish people in the provinces of Persia. The story is well known, but there are several things hiding beneath the surface in this unusual book of the Bible. Continue reading...
Why Does Fasting Work?

People who take prayer seriously will know how powerful fasting is. But what is it about missing meals that makes prayer so potent? And does fasting from social media or chocolate have the same effect?Continue reading...
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