May 18, 2019
"Are You Called to the Nations? Here Are Keys Just For You!" Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Darren has traveled the world and he has great experience for you to glean from in his international travels around the globe.
If God is calling you to step out and GO to the nations, I encourage you to read this revelatory word by Darren...believe me, it will really help you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Are You Called to the Nations? Here Are Keys Just For You!"
Darren Canning, Ontario, Canada
A Trip Around the World
As I write you, I am sitting here at the beginning of a big trip around the world. Over the next month I will completely circumvent the globe. It is an amazing adventure that God is bringing me on. I will be ministering in five nations, but will be landing and praying in four more. In thirty-two days I will have been in 9 nations and have ministered about two dozen times.
This isn't the first time that I have undergone such a journey, and it isn't even my first time doing it alone. I have become accustomed to it – the sense of loneliness that you endure as you are preparing to depart from your family. I look each of my children in the eyes and tell them I love them and that although I am going to be gone for a while, I will still be coming home. My greatest joy is spending time with my family, so for me to leave them is a great sacrifice.
The only reason I would do what I do is because I have been convinced by God that it is my destiny to do it. I am possessed by the Holy Spirit who has filled me with the power and grace to do what I am called to do.
The Challenges of Global Ministry
I am not naive, and I know there will be some challenges that will come my way as I travel. There have been times in the field when I just want to give up and go home.
I am thankful for modern technology, but there have been times when I haven't even been able to rely on it during my travels. My cell phone is only as good as the networks within the countries that I go to.
During my travels, most of the western and Asian countries have been an awesome experience for me, but there have been times that I've had to deal with lapses in being able to contact home and my intercessors. Having an intercessory team that prays for me is like a lifeline when challenges occur!
Walking in Faith and Perseverance
These trips are all about walking in faith. I have seen God move time and time again. He provides for me all the time in such marvelous ways. My expectations of how He will provide are not always guaranteed, and in those moments I can get a little stressed. That is when I am glad to have prayer warriors surrounding me who pray and ask the Lord to bring breakthrough! The team that surrounds me is excellent, and they hear the Lord for me when my stress is too high to hear.
If you haven't walked into the nations not knowing how God is going to provide, it can be unsettling. In my heart of hearts I know everything is going to work out, but hearing from God daily strengthens my perseverance to do what He has called me to do.
Releasing God's Word
Preaching the Gospel boldly is what He has called us to do. There are times when I am in the field and the boldness of the Holy Spirit comes upon me, and I begin to feel a word arise inside of me. I have no idea if that word is going to be received, but I have no choice but to release it.
Many of you know this from experience; you have felt the pulse of the word. When you feel it and when you release it there can be a difference, and feeling a word and releasing a word can be tricky. You have to speak it, but how you speak it is very important. For instance, some cultures don't understand the language that you use, so you often have to say it over and over again.
Our Greatest Strategy: Speaking the Truth
In the nations, time and time again, I have had to deal with powers and principalities over regions. It is a part of what we do. The powers do not want you there. It is as simple as that. I always try to be humble, but when I feel a demonic force in the room I don't bow to it. A power will manifest in many ways and you have to rightly discern it, and in discerning it you have to seek the Holy Spirit for a strategy to overcome.
There is no greater strategy than to simply preach the Word of God. If there is a stronghold of hate then preach love. If there is a stronghold of depression and anxiety, then preach joy. If there is a stronghold of poverty then preach the riches of Heaven. The strongholds will always come down! They have no choice. Every power must bow to the name of Jesus. When you see the lie, speak the truth, and those who are captive to the lie, when they hear the truth, will be set free. Pray that their ears and eyes will be open!
Trust in the Lord, Not Your Outward Appearance
Many will judge you. They will look at your outward appearance and they will not think much of you. You cannot dress or speak in such a way to impress them. If your strength is in your outward appearance when you open your mouth to speak, you will sound like a fool.
Trust in the Lord and He will give you the right words to say. You will be like Ezekiel who spoke to the power of death over that lonely valley and resurrection power raised an entire valley.
Give More Than What You Take
On every trip you will meet wonderful people. These souls will leave you longing to go back to the places time and time again. You will cry with them and you will laugh with them. You will see miracles together and you will see warfare together. You have challenges and you will have victories. Persevere with them and love them. Do not let the darkness over them become the darkness over you, but let your light so shine that you become contagious with joy! God will use you to bring revival everywhere you go – just go!
I could write so much more but I will finish here for today. Always remember that in each meeting, what you do has deeper meaning than the poster you developed for it. If all you are is a famous face to the people and not the true person God created you to be, then don't be surprised when they don't receive you. When it comes to giving, we must always give more than what we take!
Darren Canning
Darren Canning Ministries
Darren Canning Ministries
Darren Canning is an international speaker, painter and writer. He is a seer in the spirit and believes that God is moving in this hour in such a way that many millions are about to be reaped into the Kingdom of God. As he travels the world, he is blessed to see the Body of Christ in its glory. He has been among people of different cultures and languages and they are growing into the spotless Bride.