Lana Vawser: "The Word Over You is No Longer 'Delay' but 'Now Are Your Greatest Days'"
I always look forward to what Lana Vawser has to release to the Body of Christ. She is full of heavenly revelation for the nations of the earth.
Many prophetic voices are coming out of Australia, where Lana is from, and this is a most exciting word about what God is doing there.
Lana shares here:
I heard the Lord say: "There is a changing of the guard taking place in Australia and I am decreeing: 'ACCELERATE.' The major shifts and changes that will take place in Australia are My divine moving and rearranging for this new era and the acceleration of My plans and purposes. For what I have done in the last era has been glorious and it is now time to prepare and for My divine rearranging to take place to usher in the new move of My Spirit and the new wine I am releasing.
What happens in Australia influences many nations across the globe. Whether from Australia or not, this is a word to get behind and pray into for the Church at large!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"The Word Over You is No Longer 'Delay' but 'Now Are Your Greatest Days'"
I heard the Lord saying, "Australia, the word over you is no longer 'delay' but 'now are your greatest days!'" Suddenly, I could hear the sound of birthing, like a woman in labor, and I kept hearing the words, "It is time to forge and bring forth. It is time to forge and bring forth." The words "forge" and "bring forth" were booming in my spirit so strongly so I decided to look them up.
Forge means: To make or shape by heating it in a fire of furnace and beating or hammering it. To produce a copy or imitation of (a document, signature, banknote, or work of art) for the purpose of deception. Bring Forth means: To give birth to, to deliver, to bear.
As I sat with the Lord over this word, I heard the Lord say over Australia: "I am breaking delay and these are your greatest days, but they will not come without fire. Australia you are moving into a season of fire. You are moving into a season of seeing My fire come like never before. The fire of My love will burn brightly. The fire of My presence will ignite. The fire of My presence will purify, cleanse and refine, for it is time for Australia to move further into her destiny. But, My people, the greatest days will not come without fires of adversity. When the fires of adversity rage, do not be distracted by those fires, but know that the fire of My presence will fall heavily upon the altars that are prepared for Me."
"Holiness will be restored to My Church and a deeper cleansing of the prophetic to release My words with greater purity, power, and weight from My heart to pierce the nation and bring forth major change."
I then heard a loud decree booming in the Spirit: "The days of Isaiah 60 are upon the Body of Christ in Australia. Isaiah 60 is being burned across the nation, but the Isaiah 60 army will be birthed out of the fires of adversity.
"The days of harvest are here, the days of revival of here, the days of a great outpouring in Australia are here. There is a major shift taking place where the fire of My presence will burn brightly and the governmental anointing upon My five-fold will rapidly increase. But, My people, you must remain close to My heart. You must remain deep in My Word to hear My voice and to hear what My heart is saying."
I Am Looking for Those Who Are Yielded to Me
"I am releasing a clarion call over the Body of Christ in Australia right now, to be drawing closer to Me and listening to what I am saying. For there is an invitation into the library of Heaven over Australia to decree what I am releasing. I am inviting My people in Australia into the library to read and see what I have decreed, but in order to enter into this room with Me there needs to be a laying down of old wineskins.
There needs to be a laying down of agendas and impure motives and a deeper yieldedness to My Word, My way and My divine timing and placing to bring forth and carry the new wine that is about to be released across the nation.
"For the shaking will increase and the fire will get hotter, but the manifestation of My glory will be unlike anything that has ever been seen. I am looking for those who are yielding to Me and My way. I am looking for those who are seeking My heart and where I am going and moving to see My name glorified and lifted high. There is a major birthing taking place over Australia right now. The pains of groaning from the 'bringing forth' are loud; and now, more than ever, the sound of praising My name and sound of yielding to Me, Jesus Christ, must be heard to usher forth the greatest move of My Spirit that has ever been seen in Australia."
Changing of the Guard in Australia: Accelerate!
I heard the Lord say: "There is a changing of the guard taking place in Australia and I am decreeing: 'ACCELERATE.' The major shifts and changes that will take place in Australia are My divine moving and rearranging for this new era and the acceleration of My plans and purposes.
For what I have done in the last era has been glorious and it is now time to prepare and for My divine rearranging to take place to usher in the new move of My Spirit and the new wine I am releasing.
"There will be a great honoring of what has been and what is to come as My heartbeat is heard. The changing of the guard is necessary in a new era. It is imperative, in this new era, to embrace My repositioning, to embrace My divine rearranging, to embrace My divine timing and know that how My hand moves is perfect and it pours in greater increase and overflow."
Jesus is Using a Hammer to Forge
As the hammer of the Lord came down and struck the nation of Australia, I saw it first come upon the Body of Christ and then spread into the nation. The power of His Word was coming to break and smash that which was not aligned with His Word and His ways.
As I watched this take place I saw a vision over the Body of Christ in Australia and the nation. Jesus was sitting at a bench with the hammer and I watched as fire and heat were being used to "forge" and "mold." It was a deep and glorious shaping in the fire of God to forge and shape the Body of Christ and nation to receive what He is pouring out. I saw Jesus begin to decree Psalm 24:7-9 over the nation of Australia:
"So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for He is about to come through you. You ask, 'Who is this Glory-King?' The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here He comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in." (The Passion Translation)
The King of Glory is coming! The time has come for a major demonstration of Him stepping in and coming through His people in a way that has never been seen before. His power is being demonstrated, the harvest is being brought in, the sound of revival is beginning to resound and the fire of His presence and purification is making the Bride of Christ in Australia ready.
Can You Hear the Sound of Holiness?
I then heard Him say, "Can you hear the sound of holiness? The sound of holiness will resound in the Body of Christ and in the nation as I FORGE. For in the forging will be birthed the awe and wonder of who I am again. I am REINTRODUCING Myself in power, glory and majesty to Australia.
"Holiness will be restored to My Church and a deeper cleansing of the prophetic to release My words with greater purity, power, and weight from My heart to pierce the nation and bring forth major change. Australia, I have called you as a nation that will shine bright, a nation that will shine with My holiness, and nothing stands against My plans and purposes. I will prevail. I am removing the veil of deception over the nation. I will prevail! This deep forging is needed. This deep forging is required. This deep forging is imperative in My people to be able to carry the great outpouring I am releasing and to steward the greatest move of My Spirit in the nation with purity and without game playing."
The Gavel of My Justice
"There needs to be a laying down of agendas and impure motives and a deeper yieldedness to My Word, My way and My divine timing and placing to bring forth and carry the new wine that is about to be released across the nation."
I heard the Lord speak again: "The gavel of My justice is coming down in this new era unlike ever before. A new era has been decreed and released and the power of My Word and Spirit is going to come down upon the Body of Christ and the nation, breaking injustice. In this new era there will be mighty demonstrations in the Body of Christ and in the nation of Australia of My justice. For I am going to show Myself strong. I am going to show Myself as the King of Glory, the Warrior-King who cannot be overcome.
"It is time for My Bride to arise and advance in Australia. For she will not be afraid of fires, but will run with greater boldness and empowerment of My Spirit towards the fires of injustice, and bring radical transformation and shift. My name will be decreed and resounded loudly in the fires of injustice in this new era that will bring major demonstrations of My power and My purpose."
"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!"(Isaiah 30:18)
The Scepter of the Lord
I began to see the scepter of the Lord coming upon the
Body of Christ and then flowing out into the nation of Australia. The Lord spoke to me: "The scepter of My favor and positioning will come upon radical obedience in this new era. There will be major demonstrations of My favor to position My people in great increase in places of great influence to speak My name, My Word and My Kingdom principles. For I have decreed that Australia will have great favor as a nation to release greater heavenly strategy, fire and provision to the rest of the world. For I have decreed that Australia will be a prototype for many places for what I am going to do and release in this new era.
Body of Christ and then flowing out into the nation of Australia. The Lord spoke to me: "The scepter of My favor and positioning will come upon radical obedience in this new era. There will be major demonstrations of My favor to position My people in great increase in places of great influence to speak My name, My Word and My Kingdom principles. For I have decreed that Australia will have great favor as a nation to release greater heavenly strategy, fire and provision to the rest of the world. For I have decreed that Australia will be a prototype for many places for what I am going to do and release in this new era.
Australia, I have called you to release heavenly vision to the earth in greater ways than you have seen, and that is why there has been a major battle of deception, blinding and complacency in vision in many ways. But I have decreed that now is the time for change. I am decreeing: 'Australia, AWAKE.' And NOW, suddenly in this new era, will the eyes of Australia be opened to see Me and see My power and the eyes of the rest of the world UPON Australia."
My Fire is Bringing a Cleansing, a Sharpening of Accuracy and Increase
I heard the Lord speak again: "The enemy has attempted to muddy prophetic vision in Australia but now I decree My fire is bringing a cleansing, a sharpening of My accuracy and increase."
I had a vision and saw many different ways the enemy has attempted to hinder prophetic vision in Australia up until now. I watched as the enemy whispered lies to bring division, competition and impurity, but the Lord has been dealing with it and the fire of His presence and purification will continue to deal with the "muddiness" that built up. In this new era there will be a greater increase of prophetic vision and accuracy from prophets in Australia and words that do not fall to the ground.
The Lord's voice then thundered: "I am now raising up the plumbline prophets. They are My prophets who will step forward in boldness and love and decree the truth of My Word and righteousness. There will be an even greater increase of the plumbline prophets in the nation that will call My people forth out of complacency, out of compromise, and release My heart and My love that will see My Word shake My people awake, catapulting them further into the invitation of yieldedness and radical abandonment – further into their identity and destiny in Me."
Stay Grounded and Founded in My Word
"Australia, your greatest days have arrived as I decree the Isaiah 60 days upon you. Australia, you shall see My fire, you shall see My love and you shall see My goodness like never before. My people in Australia, it is time to be forged to carry My glory and see the nation changed. In the forging will come an increase of faith that will resonate deep within My people to align and believe My decree of Isaiah 66:8: 'Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth all at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons.'"
Jesus unraveled a huge banner over the nation of Australia and it said: "Never Been Seen Before!"
I then heard His decree: "What I am about to do, what I am about to pour out has never been seen before. Australia, your new era and greatest days have arrived. Arise and shine for your light has come! The greatest birthing of My Spirit that has been seen in Australia is imminent. It's time!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
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