Showing posts with label Steve Porter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Porter. Show all posts

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Steve Porter: "The Supernatural Power of Restoration" - The Elijah List

Steve Porter: "The Supernatural Power of Restoration"

The Elijah List Nov 4, 2018
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
God is a God of restoration...and He's very good at it!
I know many of you, including myself, have places that you want God to restore.
This latest article by Steve Porter will minister RESTORATION to your innermost being as Steve shares this word of the Lord:
"The enemy will try to declare that you are defenseless and useless to My Kingdom, but I say otherwise, so believe what I say. If you have a skeleton in your closet, repent and let me disarm the enemy with that sweet spirit of repentance, forgiveness, and restoration. The only thing that matters is what I declare."
God is declaring RESTORATION over your life! I pray you receive it in the fullness God has for you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Then the Philistines seized him and gouged out his eyes; and they brought him down to Gaza and bound him with bronze chains, and he was a grinder in the prison. However, the hair of his head began to grow again after it was shaved off...It so happened when they were in high spirits, that they said, 'Call for Samson, that he may amuse us.' So they called for Samson from the prison, and he entertained them. And they made him stand between the pillars..." (Judges 16:21-22,25)
Consider the heartbreaking story of Samson, who traded the secret of his anointed strength for sin. How foolish he was to throw away his supernatural power in his lust for a traitorous, immoral woman. Yet he did, and he suffered greatly for it. When he revealed to her the secret of his incredible physical strength—his hair that had never been cut since birth—she shaved it off, leaving him powerless against his captors.
"Give those dead things to Me and I will turn them into honey for you."
At that time, mortal enemies would punish captives by brutally gouging out their eyes, thus rendering them harmless. Once Samson was taken captive, they gouged out his eyes and bound him in chains, forcing him to grind grain for hours every day, tied to a massive millstone, as if he were little more than an ox. As awful as this was, as is often the case, the consequence was unavoidable. He turned away from God when he looked at and lusted after what God had forbidden. Humiliated and alone, he had time to realize that he had brought his grievous suffering on himself. 
He knew, but ignored the truth. The truth that if God's people fail to keep their focus on God alone and don't turn away from temptation, they will fall into enemy hands and lose the power of their anointing—their usefulness to God.
Lost Strength Recovered Through Prayer
Though sightless, his spiritual vision was suddenly sharp, and he realized he was powerless without the Lord. Then came the day when his enemies arranged a celebration and said, "Call for Samson, that he may amuse us!" In front of 3,000 Philistines, he was ruthlessly ridiculed and mocked, yet Samson called out to God, and the strength that he had lost by sin was recovered by prayer! The hair on his head had begun to grow again. Did you catch that? His hair was growing! 
All that was lost was recovered. Our God is the God of recovery and restoration.
Great were the misdeeds of Samson, and he paid a terrible price for his sin, but he found mercy when he once again cried out to God. He repented and God forgave him. In fact, the celebration ended abruptly when Samson pulled down the pillars that held up the building, killing every one of the Philistines. Remarkably, he is listed in the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11, honored alongside Gideon, David, and Samuel. In the last moments of his life, Samson returned to God, and God answered his prayer and used him greatly.
Perhaps you've become spiritually blind due to lust of the flesh. You have looked at evil things and this has led to blurred spiritual vision, chains that bind you, and grinding in a prison where you do not belong. Maybe you even traded your birthright for a cheap bowl of soup. Not only have you lost your eyes (spiritual vision), but you have lost your hair (glory and anointing) as well as your good name and reputation. The enemy has made you a laughing stock to the underworld. You are despised and rejected by men and now you bow your head in shame, wondering if God could ever restore you. 
If that describes you, I want you to know that God loves to provide restoration and gives second chances to those who repent.
A Cry for Restoration
Cry out to Him with all your heart and soul, and humbly repent for trading your anointing for sin. He will hear your cry for help and answer you. He will give you new vision to see things from His perspective. He will destroy the chains that bind you, and you will walk out of that prison and into your destiny. God declares you righteous because of the Blood of Jesus, and says you will recover all! Trust Him, and know He will rescue and restore you. He will revive you. You will reclaim all, for He is your refuge and strength, and by His power your hair will grow again! (Photo via Steve Porter)
Pray with me: You are a God of recovery and restoration! You love to give second chances to those who truly repent. You will revive me, and I will reclaim all, for You are my refuge and strength, and by Your power my hair will grow again!
If this article hits home, I want to release this prophetic word over your life...
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Honey in the Carcass
"Later, when he returned to Timnah for the wedding, he turned off the path to look at the carcass of the lion. And he found that a swarm of bees had made some honey in the carcass." (Judges 14:8 NLT)
The Father says: "My Precious child, hear the word of the Lord. Even as Samson walked the road toward Timnah and a young lion sprang toward him and roared, My Spirit came upon him with such force that Samson tore the lion apart with his bare hands; he had no weapon other than My power.
"In the same way I was with Samson, I will also be with you as you face the lions of life! They will attempt to terrorize and destroy you as if you were just a goat or a lamb. They roar and send waves of fear that paralyze My children. Yet the same power that caused Samson to rip apart the lion with his bare hands also dwells in you! I live within you, so stir up that anointing and refuse to allow the enemy to cripple you for even one more moment.
"...yet Samson called out to God, and the strength that he had lost by sin was recovered by prayer!"
"The enemy of your soul, like a roaring lion, seeks to devour My children. Yet I am the Lion of Judah! When I roar, all others must bow before My great power. Samson faced the lion and conquered it, and so will you. After some time had passed, he once again passed the place where he had fought the lion and saw that only its carcass remained. Its flesh had been devoured so only the skeleton survived.
"My child, I want you to see My hand at work here. Your past contains the carcass of the lion that is dead and can no longer hurt you! All that remains is the carcass of painful defeats of your past. The young lion that once brought fear and intimidation now lies dead at your feet. The power of the Holy Spirit has brought the victory. Not even your failures can hurt you anymore, unless you believe and speak otherwise to empower them.
"Once you repent for past failures and bad choices, they have no power to hinder you or abort your destiny. For the righteous may fall, but they should choose to stand and fight once again. The enemy will try to tear you down with words of failure, discouragement and weariness—telling you that you will never be victorious—but put him in his place with words of faith that agree with My Word, and he will flee in terror at My name. I have given you power and authority over everything the devil can throw at you, but many of My children remain victimized because they fail to believe Me and act accordingly in faith to thwart the evil plans of the enemy.
"When you choose to agree with My will and My Word, I render harmless the young lions that attempt to destroy your purpose and destiny. I will fight for you as you stand in unity with My power and refuse to doubt. I will even place something sweet within that old carcass for you. Just as Samson found a swarm of bees with honey in the skeleton of that lion, I am going to bring something sweet into your life even from dead places.
"I will bring good even from life's fiercest battles. Don't worry about fighting the bees, for they are going to bring something productive into your life. I can even turn your failures into something sweet, so don't be afraid to pass those skeletons on the road of life and clearly see the lessons I am teaching you. I will give the revelation, the goodness, and even the honey to mature you. Reach in and sweep out the honey from the dead places in your life. (Photo via Steve Porter)
"The enemy will try to declare that you are defenseless and useless to My Kingdom, but I say otherwise, so believe what I say. If you have a skeleton in your closet, repent and let me disarm the enemy with that sweet spirit of repentance, forgiveness, and restoration. The only thing that matters is what I declare.
"Perhaps you have been discouraged and despairing after listening to the lies of the enemy and have walked great distances to avoid looking at the carcasses in your life. Hear this: there's honey in that carcass. Once you've repented, I will turn that carcass into a thing of beauty that I will use to draw others to Me, as you tell of the great things the Lord has done on your behalf. Give those dead things to Me and I will turn them into honey for you. Watch and see the salvation of your God!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Steve Porter
Refuge Ministries
Steve Porter and his wife Diane founded "Refuge Ministries." Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications, including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. He has also been interviewed by the Trinity Broadcasting Network and other TV programs. Steve's books, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Steve Porter: A Word For Those Dealing with Devastation: "My Child, You Are Weeping at My Feet and I Collect All Your Tears" -THE ELIJAH LIST

Steve Porter: A Word For Those Dealing with Devastation: "My Child, You Are Weeping at My Feet and I Collect All Your Tears"

Sep 13, 2017
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a mmuch-neededword RIGHT NOW for those affected by recent devastations in the flooding, hurricanes and wildfires, especially...but it covers us all – no matter what we are going through.
Let me just say this: GOD LOVES YOU! And He wants to come in and heal all the trauma and brokenness you have gone through.
Steve Porter, a friend of ours and a friend of God, sent us this word and shares:
With all the brokenness from the flood disasters, hurricanes, wild fires and other challenges happening in this day, I hope this word may encourage and help you. May your Autumn be filled with great surprises, gifts from Abba, divine connections and abundant favor.
I pray Steve's word ministers deeply into your spirit-man and soul. No matter what you are going through, may you be blessed and comforted abundantly in the Lord in this time! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

With all the brokenness from the flood disasters, hurricanes, wild fires and other challenges happening in this day, I hope this word may encourage and help you. May your Autumn be filled with great surprises, gifts from Abba, divine connections and abundant favor.
"Where have you put him?" He asked them. They told Him, "Lord, come and see." Then Jesus wept. The people who were standing nearby said, "See how much He loved him!" (John 11:34-36)
Jesus had a very special bond with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus; they weren't just casual acquaintances. We can catch a glimpse of His nature by observing the way He became intimately involved in their lives. Nothing has changed. Jesus still has a yearning to be close to His people today. In fact, we see into the heart of Jesus through these two powerful words in John 11:35: "Jesus wept."
I don't believe He was weeping for Lazarus, but rather for Mary and Martha. He loved them so much that He shed tears of empathy. His heart ached because of their deep sorrow. I genuinely believe that every tear you shed also runs down the cheek of Jesus! He weeps today when you drown in the depths of grief.
He Loves You Through the Pain
He says, "Oh, how I love you, My dear one! I want to hold you in My arms and whisper that everything will be okay." Can you feel the heartbeat of Daddy God in you? He loves you that much! You are that special to Him. Even the hairs on your head are numbered. You are that precious! I love my own children more than life itself, but I can't tell you how many hairs are on their heads. Jesus can! (Photo via publicdomainpictures)
Not only does He love us as much as we love our children, but He loves us more than any earthly father ever could, because He doesn't just show love, He is love. Everything that love is, God is. When He looks at His children, He looks with a heart filled with love and tender compassion. He weeps over the things that so deeply affect His children and sends His Holy Spirit to comfort them.
Dear friend, if you're in pain right now, the most powerful medicine for you is the knowledge that Jesus cares for you in your struggle and He weeps with you! He loves you. You have a purpose and a destiny, and you can be encouraged by the knowledge that He has not forgotten you. He will answer when you call on His name in faith!
Grab hold of the following Scriptures, meditate on them, and allow them to minister to your pain:
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed." (Psalm 34:18)
"He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds." (Psalm 147:3)
There is no wound so great that He cannot heal it. He will put the broken pieces of your life back together again and make you a vessel of honor. You will be better than before. I once heard someone say, "I'm a mess, Lord, but I'm Your mess!" He will always show Himself incredibly faithful, but because He draws near to the brokenhearted, He is closest when tragedy strikes. So, run into His loving embrace and let His comfort meet your needs. He's waiting...
He Collects Your Tears
I want you to know, precious friend, that Jesus collects all our tears, but not all tears are sad tears. Some tears simply express deep emotion. Let's look a little deeper at this.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil." (Luke 7:37-38)
Once when I was praying, I felt an overwhelming desire to kneel before Him. As I did so, the Holy Spirit came and I couldn't stop weeping no matter how much I tried. I just lay on the floor as His love and tenderness swept over me in waves. Those tears were not from sadness; I was deeply touched by His great love and I responded with seemingly endless tears.
I was very still for a long time, just basking in His manifest presence when suddenly the Lord spoke to my spirit, "Steve, you're weeping at My feet." I had the inner sense that He was standing in front of me and I became keenly aware that He was to my right; I was weeping at His feet. That revelation kept me on the floor for many hours, transforming me from the inside out, giving me a revelation I would never forget. (Photo via Wikimedia)
The Sweet Master Jesus came and received my tears as a beautiful offering. Our Lord loves our tears. Just like the woman in Luke 7, we anoint Him with our love when we weep at His feet, adoring Him with our whole being. How can we not become transformed in His presence?
A Great Lover of Jesus
Mary was always at His feet. She loved to love Him. She anointed Him with her tears and our Lord loved her back. She got the attention of Father, and because of her deep devotion, she went down in history as a great lover of God!
"She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what He said." (Luke 10:39)
"When Mary reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet and said, 'Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.'" (John 11:32)
"Then Mary took about a pint of pure spikenard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." (John 12:3)
So regardless of whether your tears are the result of sorrow or a heart full of adoration, run into His loving embrace and let His comfort and love meet you where you are. He's waiting...
Pray with me dear one:
Beloved Lord, You care for me in my struggles and You weep when I weep! Thank You for Your deep compassion that changes everything. I thank You for giving me a purpose and a destiny, and that You have not forgotten me. Come and collect all my tears, whether adoring or sad. Help me to lie at Your feet each day and anoint them with my love! You hold every tear I shed dear. Use each moment to transform me into Your image as I worship and adore You. Let me minister to You. Lift me to higher realms of understanding. Sweet Lover of my soul, draw me ever closer. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Steve Porter
Refuge Ministries

Steve Porter is the founder of Refuge Ministries. He has written many books and has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit with a clarity and simplicity that draws one into a closer walk and a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Steve's books, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world.
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Thursday, January 21, 2016

2016 - The Year of: You are Coming Out! by Steve Porter - Identity Network

2016 - The Year of: You are Coming Out! 

by Steve Porter

Identity Network
Even when I walk through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. Psalm 23:4

I am speaking prophetically to those who have experienced great loss and setbacks in the year 2015. Satan has come to convince you that things will never change, and he's almost persuaded you to believe that lie! He wants to keep you in the dark valley of death, believing God has abandoned you. This valley may symbolize a valley of defeat, the death of a marriage, a lost opportunity, the death of a job -- deadly setbacks that seem impossible to overcome.

Satan has come to rob you of your peace and steal your hope. But the Lord wants you to know that you will walk "THROUGH" the dark valley. You will not dwell there or build a house there; you will not camp there, because you're not staying there.  You are coming through the valley in the year 2016 if you refuse to give up hope and instead continue to stand, holding onto faith in His all-sufficiency.

The valley of the shadow was never designed as a place to stay for any length of time. It was never meant to kill your dreams or steal your destiny. Oh, how craftily Satan has come to spread his lies, like flaming missiles bombarding your mind and slowly stealing your hope. Yet I hear the still small voice of the Lord say: "My child, I am there with you in the darkest valley of life. I have not left you. You will not be abandoned to shiver in the cold.  When you run to me and ask me to, I will send the warm blanket of my presence to keep you warm, sheltering you with my love, for I have a future and hope designed just for you, so refuse to give up hope."

Your Downward Spiral is Being Interrupted

In the year 2016 I believe the Lord wants to bring about events that will suddenly interrupt the downward spiral you've been in. Perhaps you've given up hope, believing your life is so far off course that it can't be restored, or a relationship was too far gone to be reconciled, and the valley is so dark that you thought you'd never again see the light of day. But God is getting ready to bring the devil's plans for evil to a sudden and life-changing halt. He will come in like a flood and set your life back on track, restoring your relationships to order, and bringing your finances and sense of equilibrium back into divine alignment. 

So let's not grow tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. (Galatians 6:9)

My friend, there is a due season - a set time coming to bring you out of your darkest valley if you hold onto faith and begin speaking and declaring in faith what you believe He will do - if you refuse to give up on God. You were never meant to dwell in defeat. You were never destined to live life curled up in a fetal position. You were destined to win. Scripture says so over and over. He gives us a future and a hope. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord raises up a standard against it, protecting us from harm.   

I hear the Lord say: "I will use the pain to your advantage. I will reverse every curse and make the devil return 100-fold for all the losses in your life!  Double for your trouble. Even your enemies will stand in awe at your restoration and amazing comeback!" I hear these words like thunder in my spirit for you: "I am giving you a powerful breakthrough in 2016 for I AM the King of the breakthrough!"

You Won't Stay in the Darkness

If you knew the date of your comeback you would not stay in defeat. If you knew that God was bringing an end to all your misery and pain you would stand and praise God with all that's in you. "For I have been in your future, says the Lord, and you are not staying in that dark valley… are coming through it. I will comfort you and bring healing to your soul if you can choose to trust Me!

You feel the valley is an ugly place, a place of defeat and lack….but I the Lord am invading the darkness with my power and presence. I am making the valley bloom for I am the lily of the valley and I am making all things beautiful. Beauty for ashes declares the Lord!  I turn around for good what the enemy means for harm, to the glory of My name."

My precious friend, do not grow weary in doing right; do not hand over to the enemy the rights to your life by living in dread and speaking negative words of doubt. STAND strong in the valley, for you are coming out! It's in the valley where the Lord is pouring on you the oil and perfume of His presence. It's in the valley where He gives you such a lasting revelation of Himself that you will never be the same again. You discover He is Jehovah Jireh, your provider; He is the lily of the valley; He is your high tower and deliverer. It is in the valley where you're transformed by His presence, and He brings you out with a powerful testimony of His incredible love and power.

In the year 2016 I declare over you: YOU ARE COMING OUT!  I see great testimonies of His greatness and faithfulness. I see restoration and deliverance. I see hope where you have lost hope. I see faith in His faithfulness restoring the places where you have lost all faith. I see this year as a year of miracles where God will prove Himself faithful, healing your heart, restoring your sense of stability and giving you a brand new song of victory inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself. 

"And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Steve Porter

E-Book PDF Download
By Lynn Davis
Price: $16.99
Sale! $10.99
Click HERE to order.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Invisible to the World but Known to God by Steve Porter - Identity Network

Invisible to the World but Known to God by Steve Porter

Identity Network
According to the world's system, our visibility or value to others is determined by who we know or what others can do for us - it's all about networking and connections. Not so in the economy of God. In the Kingdom it's about knowing Christ, adoring Him, and being content to rest at His beautiful feet while building God an intimate House of Devotion, to the exclusion of all else. 

Do you feel invisible to others? If so, take heart, because God knows your name. When you're invisible to others and no one knows your name, choose to be content to worship before an audience of One, because it's in that place that God will equip you for your destiny and whatever ministry He has for you. 

Scripture says our ways are not God's. In fact, He often does things in ways that seem illogical to our human understanding. Case in point: it's not about rubbing shoulders with those who can open doors for us; nor is it about hoping and praying someone will notice our special talents. Sadly, we often see people trying to climb the ladder in the flesh, even within the church. And while some may be discovered by those who help them up and out, it's not that way for you. Any kingdom built by man will fall, while only those built and established by God will stand. Any kingdom built by man will suffer loss, the chaff burned because it wasn't God at all.

Psalm 127:1 says this: "Unless Jehovah build the house, in vain do its builders labor in it; unless Jehovah keep the city, the keeper watcheth in vain."

According to the Kingdom of God

Build your ministry according to the Kingdom of God, not according to the dictates of the world. Time spent alone in His presence is never wasted but wisely invested. You see, it is in the waiting that He prepares us to fulfill our destiny. The Lord will purify our motives when we are alone in His presence unnoticed by man until we no longer care who knows our names or how popular we become. We are too busy worshiping the FAMOUS ONE - JESUS.  

If we are passionate about Him and submit to His leading He transforms us, helping us die to our old desires and motivations, so we can live and move and have our being in Him alone. In fact, He says that until we die to our old nature and even our gifts, and submit to Him, we get in His way, hindering Him from moving as He desires. So how do we do that? We ask Him to open our eyes to see where we've been deceived and are content, stuck in preconceived notions that are not of Him - where we hold on to opinions that must go if we are to become that bride in white garments. Until we let go of all the things that our "old man" brought into the relationship, we drag garments of flesh with us, coloring everything we do and say.

It is not about getting a million Facebook likes or a big name promoting our ministry name. It's about being transformed in the secret place, so that we see through heaven's eyes instead of the eyes of the flesh. It is about asking Him for His point of view and moving in harmony with His Spirit.

Early on in ministry I sent out letters to hundreds of churches hoping someone would invite me to speak. Few responded. As you can imagine, I felt confused, trying to discern what it meant to be a wise steward of my gifts and callings, and whether or not I was to promote my ministry. In nearly twenty-three years since that time I've learned that the best approach is to hide in the secret place and become desperate for God, because then He will move us and bring us into our destiny. 

I have found if we focus on His face people will then seek us out because we carry something special. If you carry the goods people will pursue you! When all is said and done, the world's approach leads to feelings of hopelessness and desperation that motivate us to operate in the flesh, while God builds a kingdom inside of us that reflects His character, where He alone makes the connections that will produce real, life-changing fruit in us and everyone we meet. He can place you at the right the right time...that will surpass anything you do in your own ability.   

The Bridegroom Knows Your Name

At the end of this process He will get the glory for our rise to fulfill our God-given destiny, and man will get no credit for placing us into our promise. In human terms, it's not who we know - it's knowing Christ and being content to love Him and follow His lead wherever it takes us. If He keeps you hidden away for a lifetime, all is not lost. Having your name known in heaven is worth more than millions singing your praises on Earth. 

As you sit back and watch others in the body of Christ climbing the ladder, leaving you behind, choose to rest in His good plan, refusing to be desperate or antsy. He has you right where He wants you. Stop looking to people to promote you, and be like King David, who sang and worshiped with all his heart before an audience of One. 

Hold on to the incredible truth that you are hidden away in the garden of the Lord. Your heavenly Bridegroom knows your name, and His sweet presence embraces you with such tenderness and love that man's ways pale in comparison. Even if your name is never shouted from the rooftops on Earth, you can rest as you hear your Bridegroom tenderly whisper your name in the secret place. 

His whisper touches your heart, reminding you that, like a pearl of great price, He is all you need. He is altogether lovely. He alone satisfies your soul and fills it with His good treasures, enabling you to live out His desires and to ultimately fulfill His incredible plan for your life. 

"If you build God a house of devotion, He will build you a house of ministry." - Walter Beuttler

Steve Porter

E-Book PDF Download
By Matthew Payne
Price: $11.99
Sale! $2.99
Click HERE to order.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

God of the Turnaround - A Prophetic Word by Steve Porter

God of the Turnaround
- A Prophetic Word by Steve Porter

Identity Network

"I am the God of the turnaround! For some time now you have been asking Me when things are going to turn around - when the winds of change are going to start blowing, when the winds of favor will head your way. Well, the time is now, and I'm going to begin to restore everything that the locust has eaten!
"It's time for your turnaround. Did I not make a pathway for My people through the Red Sea? Did I not provide water from a rock to give refreshment? Did I not send manna and quail to feed My people? Did I not give direction by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night to lead them?
"If I did that for My people then don't I care just as much about you? Can I not bring order from your chaos or refreshment from the dry places in your life? Can I not resurrect even the dead things?"
"For I know the plans I have for you,' says the LORD. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)
"This is not a time to fold your hands and fall asleep. It's a time to decree and declare that you have victory through Me. So ask Me today for your turnaround.
I'm releasing favor over you. I'm restoring your honor and giving you a fresh mandate from heaven. I am ready to arise and scatter your enemies." (See Psalms 68:1)
New Influence and Favor
New territory, New anointing, New favor!
Time is short; your days on this Earth are numbered.  Don't squander the precious moments you have left. Life's curtain will close suddenly before you know it, but today I see The Lord Jesus reaching out to you and gently calling your name - wooing you closer to Him in 2015.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Jesus was pretty clear when He said to forsake all and follow Him. What He said then He also means now; even if that means doing things with which we're not comfortable, pushing away anything that hinders our relationship with Him, or sacrificing the things we want most.  "I desire to give you new territory, a new anointing and divine favor...but will you seek me first? I desire to establish you but will you first establish me in your heart?" 
As you seek the Lord first and make Him your first love, He will honor you and bring you forth as pure gold.
God honors us when He is honored as our top priority. He's jealous of us. (Deuteronomy 4:24)
I encourage you to let Jesus Christ be at the forefront of your thoughts and the guide of your heart this year. He will put everything else into place. He will establish you; give you a new beginning and a fresh start. He will place a fresh anointing and favor on your life as He has already promised. Seek intimacy with the Lord, lay at His feet, resting in His presence this coming year and watch Him establish you beyond what you could ever imagine!
"Begin again! New beginnings! Fresh Starts," says the Lord!
Steve Porter

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Cry for Spiritual Mothers and Fathers by Steve Porter

The Cry for Spiritual Mothers and Fathers 

by Steve Porter

Identity Network

"Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel." (1 Corinthians 4:15)

Many people in the church have broken lives and have experienced more rejection and pain than most of us can even imagine. These struggling warriors aren't limited in age; they come from all walks of life, and they're desperate for a nurturing spiritual parent, someone to really care and help them find their identity and victory in Christ. Many are filled with self-doubt, fear, and even shame over the things that haunt their past. They want to bask in the warm glow of God's love, but they feel unworthy. Who will help them?

We should not be afraid to offer the encouragement, love, and support they so desperately need as surrogate spiritual mothers or fathers. In fact, our greatest joy comes when we lift up the fallen, encourage the brokenhearted, and touch others the way Jesus would - we are to be Jesus with skin on, to the world in which we live. That's the reason we're here!

Being a Spiritual Parent

Remember, Jesus himself acted as a spiritual Father to the fallen woman, a young lady with a sinful past. He did not throw stones and condemn her because, in His great love, He wanted to restore her. The Bible is filled with numerous examples of good people who temporarily lost their way but were eventually restored to God - people like Peter and King David, for example.

Many of today's lost children of God feel certain that He could never forgive what they've done. As a result, they walk away from the church and the Lord, feeling unworthy to seek help though they're desperate for it. And believe it or not, some are rejected by church people once they actually muster the courage to return to seek forgiveness.

This is an untenable situation - one God hates. In fact, right now He wants to raise up spiritual mothers and fathers to mentor the broken and lost, to bring healing and hope, to touch, heal and mature them. Our assignment is to refuse to give up on them or let them go until they're whole. This new breed of spiritual parents believes that each and every child of God is far too valuable to the body of Christ to condemn or throw away.

In 1 Corinthians 4:15 Paul himself said this: "…that there were many guardians of Christ but not many fathers." Even after 2000 years, we are still severely lacking in true spiritual mothers and fathers in the church today. Where are they?

It's not hard to minister to these precious wounded warriors. In fact, they eagerly soak up all the love, grace, kindness, gentleness, patience, encouragement, compassion, guidance and forgiveness we can give.

Jesus Christ was the ultimate spiritual Father. He possessed all of these qualities, and, on some level, we all do. After all, we are created in His image. True spiritual parents will lay down their lives for their children, are always willing to help build a child's character and resolve, ready to nurture the special gifts and qualities that others fail to see. Spiritual parents encourage these wounded warriors to make good use of their God-given gifts, and very often show them how. Today God is not only raising up pastors who have true shepherds' hearts, He also wants everyone in the body of Christ to mentor someone else. That's what community should be about.

A spiritual parent has a genuine Christ-like love for others, and wants nothing more than to lift them up, and cheer them on toward spiritual maturity. The mentor has the unique vision and insight for how best to connect with the broken. Once you're called into action by the Holy Spirit, take the hint. Don't be afraid to step out in faith. Once you accept your new role as a parent mentor, God will be with you every step of the way.

Be Supportive and Love Unconditionally

There may be times when the one in your spiritual care wavers or wanders off the path. But it is your duty to be patient, to be supportive while gently wooing them back, and to love them unconditionally, reminding them of their identity in Christ. Many stumble on their way to maturity, but God will be there to support you, to give you the strength to carry on, and the courage to see it through, if you're willing to stay the course.

If your spiritual son or daughter falls, you must offer firm yet loving correction while always communicating your love and hope for them. Be the role model they so desperately need by showing compassion rather than harsh judgment, while demonstrating your steadfast belief that God sees them as winners, victorious in every area. They just need a cheerleader to urge them on, telling them they can do it.

Remember, Paul said this, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." (1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV)

When they fall away, you must pray for them and believe that God won't give up on them, but will grab hold of their hearts and restore them, as long as they repent and seek true restoration. He will heal their wounds, turn their scars into stars and give them the second chance they so desperately need. Wrap your arms around them and show them the love of Christ; weep with them, and listen to them the way few others do.

You don't have to be a biological parent to be a spiritual mother or father. Paul had no children of his own, but he went on to become the greatest example of a father the world has ever seen. Use your past life experiences to offer love, support, and guidance to someone in need.

In the end, there is no greater investment you can make than giving yourself to raise up the fallen and restore them to God. Bandage a wound, hug a neck, and love on the broken. And you may be surprised at how much you are blessed in the process, doing something that will truly count for eternity.


Lord, help me to minister to these precious people. Give me the love, grace, kindness, gentleness, patience, encouragement, compassion, guidance and forgiveness for these dear ones.  Enable me to be that spiritual parent with a tender heart to the spiritual children that have no one to love them. Help me to correct them in Love. I refuse to give up or let them go until they're whole and healed. Each and every child of God is far too valuable to the body of Christ to condemn or throw away. Lord, you have no misfits!

Steve Porter

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