Digging Deeper
Steve Martin
"Believe me, woman, the time is coming when you Samaritans will worship the Father neither here at this mountain nor there in Jerusalem. You worship guessing in the dark; we Jews worship in the clear light of day. God's way of salvation is made available through the Jews.” (John 4:21-22, THE MESSAGE)
Archeologists in Israel are continually digging. Digging deeper, looking for buried treasure, artifacts from centuries before, which are buried under layers of rubble, covered with rock, dirt, stone, and accumulated debris.
Why do they spend hours, days, even decades searching, looking, sweating away in the heat of the afternoon sun? Because people before them, who had been on the same search and find mission, have made great discoveries of those societies which had previously lived, and they are convinced that if they keep removing the tons of dirt, they will further uncover the wealth of knowledge and truth still awaiting their discovery.
As these ancient artifacts are being continually revealed, at the same time the Lord continues to unfold Himself, His plans and His mission in all the nations.
As His heart keeps pounding strong for the restoration of Israel in the natural, at the same time the parallel restoration of His Body of believers, the Church, is being pumped through with His saving blood. What He is doing in the natural, particularly regarding the return of the Jews to the land of Promise, Israel, to that very place of His promised prophetic placement, at the same time He is also bringing a powerful, spiritual, saving restoration among the Gentile nations.
At some point soon these two will together merge, fully emerging as the One New Man, both Jew and Gentile, becoming the complete Body of Christ, the fulfilled Bride of the Messiah Yeshua, HaMashiach.
When Yeshua (Jesus) came to earth the first time, having been born of Jewish lineage, he grew up living among those chosen by His Father God, to further advance the reality that salvation would come through the Jews. From the days of Patriarch Abraham, himself called by the same God to be His light among the nations, the eternal plan of the Almighty brought further fulfillment as Yeshua walked the same land of Israel, bringing to pass the centuries of prophetic, Messianic proclamations of that Who was to come.
Hebron - burial site of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of Israel |
Digging deeper into the wells of history are these archeologists, daily uncovering the proven truths spoken by the Jewish prophets with the Word of God in the land of Israel. These very stones further revealed are crying out the glory of God.
While at this very same time as the uncovered findings continue in Israel, there is a miraculous, restorative, resurrection power of the Holy Spirit going on, moving among the Gentile groups, revealing the long-time buried treasure, ancient jewels of truth. He is uncovering our Jewish roots, having once been lost due to the replacement theology of so-called Christian men and women in the early centuries of the Church.
Our Lord is restoring both Jew and Gentile, digging deeper to release the wells that have been covered up. For the love of the world, He is preparing His army of believers from among these two groups, in order to complete His salvation of the people in these end of days.
Therefore, let us all be willing, watching, and working to be a part of this eternal restoration plan.
Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).
Now think on this,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #394 - in the year of our Lord 03.04.19 – “Digging Deeper” – Monday 2:30 am