Showing posts with label God's favor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's favor. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2016

Will Two-Thirds of Israelis Perish? - | Brian Hennessy ISRAEL TODAY

Will Two-Thirds of Israelis Perish?

Monday, February 01, 2016 
Brian Hennessy  ISRAEL TODAY
There is a popular belief, even among Christian lovers of Israel, that according to Zechariah’s prophecy, two-thirds of the Jewish people in Israel “will be cut off and perish” (Zech. 13:8). This interpretation is tied to the belief of how God will bring about Israel’s ultimate salvation. The theory being, that nothing short of near annihilation will ever be able to overcome their stubborn resistance to accepting Jesus as the Messiah.
Quite frankly, I believe it is dispassionate theological interpretations of Scripture like this that only reinforce Jewish resistance to the gospel.  How can we loudly proclaim love for Israel one minute, and in the next breath, say, “oh well, it’s a shame, but up to four million more Jews must die before all Israel is saved.” I don’t buy it.
So - can Zechariah’s prophecy be understood another way? Let’s look at it. “It will come about in all the land, declares the Lord, that two parts in it will be cut off and perish; but the third will be left in it. And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are My people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’” (Zech 13:8,9).
Like all prophecy, we never really know when or how it will be fulfilled until it happens. Who could have guessed the massacre of the children in Bethlehem would be a fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy of “Rachael weeping for her children?” (Matt. 2:18) Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit can and does give us advanced insight on Bible prophecy, often based on what God is doing in our day. And one thing that should be abundantly clear today, especially to a Christian Zionist, is that God is now squarely on Israel’s side. That their long exile is over and God is restoring all that the “gnawing … swarming … creeping … stripping locust has eaten” (Joel 1:4).
So when we read Zechariah’s prophecy, I believe it must be understood in light of God’s favor being shown to Israel today. Not in terms of the divine displeasure the nation has already suffered. If we look at the prophecy in full context we see it follows these words, “Strike the Shepherd that the sheep may be scattered, and I will turn My hand against the little ones” (Zech 13:7). We know this is speaking of Yeshua, as John informed us (John 26:31). So we can safely assume the judgment that follows is connected to that first-century rejection of him. 
Historians tell us that 1.1 million Jews died in the siege of Jerusalem, far less than two-thirds of the population needed to fulfill the prophecy. But who can say the counting didn’t continue over the centuries? When Zechariah said “in all the land,” it could mean the whole earth. In fact, I find it beyond coincidental that the number of European Jews murdered in the Holocaust is always said to be “two-thirds.” If we needed to have an obvious sign that God’s judgment spoken by Zechariah has been fulfilled, that did it for me.
More importantly, we know that just three years after the Holocaust the dark days of Jewish exile came to an end when the nation of Israel was resurrected from the rubble of history. Those who had ears to hear understood immediately God was once again restoring favor to His people. The winter was over. 
So does that mean Israel will avoid severe tribulation in the days ahead? Of course not. They are even now being “refined as silver” in their efforts to reclaim the land. Jeremiah states concerning the last days, “Alas! for that day is great, there is none like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s distress,but he will be saved out of it” (Jer. 30:7). 
It doesn’t take a military genius to see Israel is facing the battle of its life in the days ahead. And with the mass migration of Muslims to Western nations, it’s inevitable European and American Jewry will also soon face an explosion of anti-Semitism. Yes, God will no doubt use all the coming tribulation to bring His chosen ones to faith (and home), but it won’t be Israel that suffers the catastrophic judgment. 
Instead of forecasting doom and gloom upon Israel, Christians ought to see the handwriting on the wall regarding their own nations. As Jeremiah also told Israel: “I am with you, declares the Lord, to save you; For I will completely destroy all the nations where I have scattered you” (Jer. 30:11). 
Is there any nation on earth where a descendant of Abraham has not lived?

Brian Hennessy is the author of Valley of the Steeples, available at:ketchpublishing/BrianHennessyBooks.htm
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Australia and New Zealand – Seven Words From God For You" - Brian Simmons

"Australia and New Zealand 
– Seven Words From God For You"
Brian Simmons, Wichita, KS
The Elijah List

God has a wonderful word He wants to speak over Australia. The land down under will become one of the most desirable places to live on earth as the Holy Spirit begins to fall, kissing the hearts of His worshippers. Throughout your nation, the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, a wave of God's favor is about to sweep over you.

Churches will grow, new converts will birth churches filled with more new converts. Established churches will be like the fathers and mothers of this great move of God. Expect to see many who have immigrated to Australia, especially Iranians, Indonesians, and Indians, along with many middle eastern refugees, become mighty evangelists after they come in contact with God's power flowing the churches of Australia. (Photo via Pixabay)

My wife and I just returned from a three-week ministry tour of the beloved nation. While there we both received a number of dreams from God, Holy Spirit-inspired visions, and words of prophecy for that beautiful land.

Allow me to share the seven prophetic words He spoke to my wife and me. Although Australia is highlighted, I believe these words apply to the wonderful nation of New Zealand as well! These will begin to manifest immediately and move into greater fulfillment throughout 2015:
1. Australia will experience an immediate Holy Spirit shift that could be compared to the WINDOWS of Heaven being open over your nation. This involves great financial blessing that will increase (see Malachi 3:10-11), but even greater will be the revelation of the Holy Spirit that comes over the nation. Of all the nations, Australia will be given insight into global events that will startle the powers that be. You will be given eyes to see and ears to hear, and the Spirit of Understanding will rest upon your political leaders, intercessors, and pastors. Expect to see an even greater alliance forged between Australia and Israel. 
2. Australia will be a healing center. Many healings will come to the praying Believers who have great faith for healing. The anointing of Smith Wigglesworth, the noted healing evangelist of generations past, will be re-deposited in the Church. Healing services will begin to fill with people turning to Jesus Christ. I awoke this morning to the sounds of, "I am the Lord who heals you, I am the Lord your healer." As a sign that you will be a healing nation, there will be a great healing of the rift between the native Australians and the government. Watch a tearful move of God sweep into Canberra. (Photo via Pixabay) 
3. Truth will prevail. Aussies love the truth, hate the hype, and have been given great discernment. God has put a root of truth into your DNA. You will help the global Church navigate many thorny theological issues that will soon arise. Authors will be anointed to point us to truth. You will carry the Spirit of Truth and the Word of Truth as discernment flows through you. Never fall back from your calling to preach the truth. 
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

4. The Battle of Hope continues. The Hope of Christ must win over every pocket of fear of the future. Hope is the answer and will become a great invitation to the lost in your nation to come to the God of Hope. Every state of your nation must bring forth your message of hope! Hope, come back and burn bright in Oz! Hope will win in the end! I saw Perth give birth to a move of mercy, giving compassion to the Asians that have come to your land. Perth will soon be called "a Global City of Refuge" (see Joshua 20). 
5. Judah praises. I see high praises rising from all over the nation. Aboriginals will join in as the celebration of freedom and power sweeps through the Church. Expect new moves of God, much like Hillsong, to come forth with a brand new sound that will cause shaking and trembling in God's presence. 
6. You will move from following the pack to leading the pack. As my Aussie friend says, "It smells better up front anyway!" Your leadership calling will not be stifled. An apostolic renewal will come. What was cut short and went dormant will now break forth with new grace as true apostles begin to emerge. 
This move of leadership grace will startle Australians who have been content to let other nations lead the way, but now grace has come for you to lay hold of your destiny. And the voice of the Church will be heard in parliament as you bring wisdom to the decisions of your nation. Your greatest export to the nations will be the move of God's Spirit. (Photo via Pixabay) 
7. The Gift of Fellowship (Mateship). The redemptive calling of Australia is to model community, fellowship, partnership in the Gospel, fighting for your brother and sister, serving them as you display the love Jesus speaks of: "So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you're My true followers" (John 13:34-35 TPT).

Lead the way, Australia; we're waiting to celebrate your victories! So, we will watch the nation of Australia experience God's kiss this coming year. May the lovers of God take the nation!

Brian Simmons
Stairway Ministries
The Passion Translation

Brian Simmons is known as a passionate lover of God. After a dramatic conversion to Christ, Brian knew that God was calling him to go to the unreached people of the world and present the gospel of God's grace to all who would listen. With his wife Candice and their three children, he spent nearly eight years in the tropical rain forest of the Darien Province of Panama as a church planter, translator, and consultant. 

Brian was involved in the Paya-Kuna New Testament translation project. He studied linguistics and Bible translation principles with New Tribes Mission. After their ministry in the jungle, Brian was instrumental in planting a thriving church in New England (U.S.), and now travels full time as a speaker and Bible teacher. He is also the lead translator for The Passion Translation Project which will result in a new, dynamic version of the Bible for this generation. He has been happily married to Candice for over forty-two years and is known to boast regularly of his children and grandchildren.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How You Can Pray With Prophetic Power by Barbara Wentroble

How You Can Pray With Prophetic Power 

by Barbara Wentroble

Identity Network

Anyone given to the ministry of intercession knows that there are special moments in prayer that are met with a certainty of God's immediate intervention. These are breakthrough prayers - dynamic, forceful and perfectly in sync with the purposes of God.
Knowing how and when to apply a specific prayer strategy can make a difference in a situation's outcome. But why are some prayers seemingly more in tune with the will and timing of God than others?
The Right Prayer at the Right Time
At a ministry conference a woman approached me who was obviously in pain. "Please pray for my daughter," she cried. "We taught her the Word of God. Jane knows the right thing to do, and yet she has walked away from it. She is now living with her boyfriend, and we haven't heard from her in months."
Jane's mother had prayed constantly during this ordeal. Now the request for additional prayer was desperate.
"Heavenly Father," I began. "You are a father and understand the agony of this mother's heart. I ask you in the Name of Jesus to bring healing and restoration to this family. Remind this daughter of Your Word. Help her to remember Your goodness."
Immediately, I sensed the Spirit of the Lord rise up inside me, along with my faith. Knowing the authority Jesus has given us, I spoke into the atmosphere as if Jane were standing in front of me.
"Jane," I called. "Open your eyes and look. You are in a pigpen. Get up and get out of the pigpen. Come back to your father's house. Come home in Jesus' Name!"
A month later I was speaking at a conference held at a Bible school. On the way into the auditorium one morning, Jane's mother saw me and came running.
"Barbara," she called out. "You prayed for my daughter, and I have to tell you what happened. When I came home from the conference last month, I found I had received a phone call from her. The time of the call was exactly when you and I were praying.
"Jane left a message that she was coming home. She said, 'I don't know what happened to me! It was if my eyes were opened, and I could see. And I thought, This is a pigpen. I'm going home.'"
That night after the conference session, she saw me again and came over. "My daughter is here," she said, as her daughter walked up and joined her, "and she wants to talk to you."
"Thank you, thank you, Barbara, for praying," Jane said, as tears flowed down her cheeks. "Suddenly my eyes opened, and I could see the truth." Jane acknowledged her blindness in the situation.
I wondered what happened to bring about such a change. What was different about this prayer from previous times of prayer?
Through the study of God's Word, I found that He has given us the authority to speak for Him. We are His voice in the earth.
I also discovered that God has orchestrated a strategic time for prayers to break through. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will prompt us to pray the right kind of prayer at that moment. Powerful things will happen as we participate with the Lord at these specific times.
Strategic Declarations
God established the church on the Earth to finish the work of putting Satan under His feet. Paul speaks in Ephesians of the work and power made available to the church. He says he was called to "bring to light...the mystery" hidden for ages in God "in order that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places" and declares that God "is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us" (Eph. 3:9-10,20, NASB).
Paul indicates that God is going to make known His wisdom through the church. According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the word "known" comes from the Greek verb gnoridzo. It means "to certify, to declare, make known, give to understand, to come to know, discover." To "make known" means that God is going to use the church to make declarations to the demonic rulers and authorities.
Making declarations is the same as making prophetic proclamations. The Hebrew word for proclaim, qara, means "to call out to, call forth, cry unto, invite or preach. It is usually addressed to a specific recipient and intended to elicit a specific response. Rarely does it refer to a random outcry" (Zodhiates, "Lexical Aids to the Old Testament," Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible, AMG Pubs).
The Greek language has several words for "proclaim." One of them is katagello, which Zodhiates says means "to tell, to declare plainly, openly, or aloud." Katagello has the sense of an offer of information or encouragement.
We find this word used to describe one of the results of the communion table:
"For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes" (1 Cor. 11:26).
When we partake of the elements at the communion table, we are making an announcement or giving a report about the Lord's death.
Another Greek word for "proclaim" that Zodhiates defines is kerusso, a much stronger word. It means "to be a herald."
A herald was a public crier who was a speaker of divine truth. The message delivered by the crier was a public and authoritative announcement that demanded compliance. When you kerusso, you are like a town crier making an announcement that requires the hearers to comply. How powerful!
Town Criers
Today public heralds have been replaced by newspapers, television and other electronic information sources. Perhaps the best known town crier in all of American history is Paul Revere. However, the tradition predates his famed ride from Boston to Lexington and carries great significance for us today.
Attendants and friends. In Greek literature the public crier was the attendant of a prince - but not just an ordinary attendant. Raised above the status of other servants, the crier was given a respect and status similar to a friend.
As believers, we serve the Prince of Peace. Yet Jesus said, "No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My father I have made known to you" (John 15:15). In this, Prince Jesus has raised us to a status like that of the town crier-we are His friends.
He says that He will make known to us everything He has heard from the Father. The Greek word meaning "make known" is the same word used in Ephesians 3:10. What does that mean to us as intercessors?
It means we are not giving just a random outcry, but we are participating in a process released from heaven.
God the Father makes known (gnoridzo) His intentions to Jesus.
Jesus makes known (gnoridzo) the Father's intentions to the church.
The church makes known (gnoridzo) the intentions of God to the evil powers through proclamation (kerusso).
The result? Breakthrough!
Deputies of the prince. A town crier was given a herald's staff. The scepter in his hands made it clear that as he carried out his commission, he did so under the prince's authorization.
When Jesus rose victorious from the grave, He took back the authority man had given away in the garden. Jesus then turned and gave the authority He purchased to those who would follow Him, declaring that whatever they bound or loosed on Earth would be so also in heaven (see Matt. 16:19).
Proclamation carries with it a nature of binding, commanding and settling. Zodhiates says the word "bind" means "to fasten or to tie up with chains or a cord." Prophetic proclamations released through the mouths of intercessors have the ability to tie up the effect of evil powers like an animal tied with chains or a cord.
The verb translated "loose," according to Zodhiates, means "to loosen, break up, destroy, dissolve, unloose, melt or put off." When you loose the powers of darkness from a situation, person or city, the enemy is no longer able to do what he intended to do.
Protected heralds. The Greeks believed that a herald who came in wartime must not be touched. If he were, the one who touched him would incur the wrath of both the one who sent the crier and his gods.
The security of the intercessor is his faith in the powerful Blood of Jesus. Intercessors are on assignment in a spiritual war. They have been sent by the Captain of the Hosts to do His bidding. A scepter of authority has been given to them, and they are to rule in the earth.
Crier Characteristics
There are some general characteristics that apply to all public criers, historic and current.
Under authority. A crier was always under the authority of someone else. The crier was only the spokesman.
Intercessors should always be under the authority of the Lord. A submissive spirit is vital.
We also need to submit to others (see Eph. 5:21). No person is above the need for accountability. Each of us has blind spots. We need those who love us enough to tell us the truth.
Convey the message of the master. The crier was not to deliver his own message or compromise with the one who was receiving it. He simply delivered the message he was sent to speak.
Often, I find people who were, at one time, very powerful in prayer. As difficulties came into their lives, they retreated and stopped involving themselves with the body of Christ. But an intercessor cannot compromise with the enemy during a spiritual battle.
Announce judicial verdicts. What the public crier announced became valid by the act of proclamation. Likewise, Jesus the righteous Judge hands the verdict to the intercessor, who then delivers a prophetic proclamation to the evil powers. The verdict becomes valid through the proclamation spoken by the intercessor.
Jesus said, "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim [kerusso] upon the housetops" (Matt. 10:27).
Through a practical demonstration in my own life, God enabled me to gain an even deeper understanding of how this principle works.
Declaring God's Favor
When the Lord was ready to move our family to Dallas, we put our house up for sale. Houses, however, were not selling very well where we lived at that time.
We had prayed and done everything the real estate lady told us to do. But after eight months on the market, the house had not sold.
Wanda, a "spiritual daughter," was living with us at the time. Knowing the power of proclamation, Wanda started walking the boundaries of our yard each day praying, "In the Name of Jesus, I release the favor of God on this house. I command all blinders to come off the eyes of those people needing this house. Eyes, see this house. House, you are sold in Jesus' Name."
Within a couple of weeks the house was sold. Wanda had uttered a command, a prophetic proclamation.
In 2 Timothy, Paul wrote: "The Lord stood with me, and strengthened me, in order that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished, and that all the Gentiles might hear; and I was delivered out of the lion's mouth" (4:17).
When intercessors are given the right word to speak at the proper time, there will be great victory and spiritual breakthroughs. There will be deliverance for God's people, for cities and for nations. God will provide strength to intercessors so that they can do the will of the Lord.
Jesus will make known to you the intentions of His Father. Let Him strengthen you so that the prophetic proclamation of His Word can go forth from your mouth without compromise and establish His will on the Earth.
Barbara Wentroble

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