Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
“David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand. And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from Baale-judah to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the name of the Lord of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim.” (2 Samuel 6:1-23)
Moskoff shares his theory that the most prized find in archaeological history may be within an elaborate tunnel system below the temple mount.
He also discusses why they CIA has been tracking the search for biblical artifacts, the reason that governmental powers are preventing a search of the tunnels, the involvement of the Knights Templar, his thoughts on the Da Vinci Code, what role the Ark might play in Bible prophecy, and more.
I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to publish this tidbit of news I discovered in Friday morning’s newspaper, but by now everyone must surely know. On page 10 of the Jerusalem Post, there was a small article that happened to catch my attention. I would have expected it to be placed on the front page (knowing its significance), but nevertheless, there it was. I had been patiently waiting for this event to happen (along with many other people).
The article, which you can also find originally posted on Reuters, states: “The White House said on Thursday that Saudi Arabia’s King Salman would meet with President Barack Obama in Washington on Sept. 4. The two leaders will discuss Yemen, Syria and steps to counter Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region.” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told this to reporters who were traveling on Air Force One. The story goes on to say that US President Barack Obama wants to “shore up relations” after a period of tension regarding the US-led nuclear deal with Iran.
The timing is uncanny though, since this visit is scheduled to come less than two weeks before a Congressional vote on the nuclear agreement with Iran. Furthermore, the article points out clearly that the gist of the meeting is to discuss “steps to counter Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region.”
Can you smell the fear there? One of the things I learned in my Executive Counter-Terrorism course at IDT was that it’s the “infidel” (aka – moderate) Sunni Arabs in Saudi Arabia that are first on the Iranian (Shi’ite) nuclear hit list. Before Israel even – despite all the rhetoric to the contrary.
But here’s where it gets interesting. Very interesting. All this has been mapped out over 1500 years ago in the following Jewish scriptural sources:
Yoma 10a in the Talmud – “Rabbi Yochanan said in the name of Rabbi Yehuda in the name of Rabbi Ilayi: In the time to come, Rome will fall at the hands of Persia.”
Well, how it that going to happen? We definitely know that present-day Persia and Rome intensely dislike each other ever since the Iranian plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the US was revealed (in Nov. 2011). The above verse may in fact elude to the final battle of Gog and Magog that we may witness at the End of Days.
But here is something closer to home. The following passage is from a Midrash (an ancient text originally compiled circa 500 AD). Keep in mind that Midrashic literature is not always meant to be taken at face value, but is usually coming to teach an historic lesson that all can learn from.
Yalkut Shemoni (Isaiah, #499) – “Rabbi Yitzchak said: The year that Melekh HaMashiach (King Messiah) will be revealed, all the kings (leaders) of the nations will be struggling against each other. The leader of Persia (Iran) will contest with an Arab leader and the Arab leader will go to Aram/Edom (the Western Superpower) to get council from him. The leader of Persia will respond and [attempt to] bring destruction to the entire world. All the nations of the world will be trembling and shaking and falling on their faces. They will be seized by pains like labor pains. The Jewish people will be overcome by panic and fear, saying: “Where can we go? Where can we go?” And the Messiah will say to them: My children, do not fear, everything I did I did only for you! Why are you frightened? Don’t be afraid–the days of your redemption have arrived!”
I’d say this particular Midrash is not just conjecture, but pretty specific!
But when the Midrash speaks about destroying the world, for instance, it begs the question: Is this statement to be taken literally, or does it refer perhaps to another type of destruction? Iran and ISIS intend to destroy other things in the world as well, one of which is Democracy, and replace it with a global Islamic Caliphate. Or maybe it points to the poisoning of ecosystems and drinking water sources throughout the world by means of terror attacks, etc. Maybe it’s all three! (heaven forbid)
Rabbi Yonasan Eibshetz (1690-1764) in his book Ya’arot Dvash – “At a certain moment the time will come when the Messiah should have already arrived but the redemption has not yet come. The Messiah will ask how it could be that the time for redemption has arrived and he still undergoes sufferings? The response that he will receive is that he must wait for nine months. Why? In order to wait for the fall of Persia (Iran) at the hands of Edom (the Christian West), and then the final redemption will come!”
No doubt Jerusalem will end up in the centre of all this by then as well. The main thing for us is to be hopeful that the Redemption of the Jews, and all peoples, should happen in a merciful way, and not followed by sorrow and servitude!
Each one of us can actually affect that outcome by strengthening our connection to the Creator and our commitment to Him, each in his/her own way, in our everyday lives, and by doing random acts of kindness to each other. Sounds corny, but this stuff really does have an effect on High.
This piece wouldn’t be complete without at least a couple other hints that also point to this upcoming year as being especially appropriate for the Messianic arrival. In the Bible Codes the words “Melech HaMashiach” – Hebrew for King Messiah, are found crisscrossed with the words Obama and “Shoresh Nachash” (meaning Source of the Snake). In fact, the numerical equivalent, or Hebrew gematria, for Barack Obama, and also Snake, both equal 358, the same exact number as the word: Mashiach! (his antithesis?) There are actually so many more hints available on this stuff that it’s outside the scope here.
My take on all this? Nobody alive today can pretend to know for-sure if all these sources pertain to this year specifically, but that little article that I chanced upon reveals the most striking fulfillment so far of prophecy, right here in the 2015 daily papers. One things you CAN bet on though, is that this Sept. 4th I’ll be checking the news.
Fasten your seatbelts folks!
“David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel, thirty thousand. And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from Baale-judah to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the name of the Lord of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim.” (2 Samuel 6:1-23)
The Ark of the Covenant has inspired a whole sector of humanity to chase after one of the world’s most treasured – and missing – items. In what is known today as the Lost Ark, the search continues for Judaism’s most holy and significant artifact of religious and historical importance.
Meet Harry Moskoff, the man who is becoming known as the “Jewish Indiana Jones.” A filmmaker and researcher by hobby and an IT specialist by trade, Moskoff has spent the last 25 years of his life dedicated to uncovering the location of the Lost Ark.
“Truth of the matter is, for the last 25 years, it’s been a personal hobby of mine to find the Makom Hamikdash, the exact location where the Jewish Temple once stood,” he told Breaking Israel News.
Inspired by the teachings of Maimonides, Moskoff has met with world renowned rabbinical and archaeological authorities in Israel as he comes closer to finding the Lost Ark.
God first commanded Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant in the Book of Exodus:
“Have them make an Ark of acacia wood – two and a half cubits long, a cubit and a half wide, and a cubit and a half high. Overlay it with pure gold, both inside and out, and make a gold molding around it…Then put in the ark the tablets of the covenant law, which I will give you.” (Exodus 25:10-16)
Plated with pure gold and mounted with two golden Cherubim, the Ark was carried by the Levites as the Jewish nation wandered in the desert for 40 years. Playing a significant role in various Biblical accounts, the Ark is described as having supernatural powers.
Eventually, the Ark came to rest in the First Temple, which was built by King Solomon. The Ark was placed in a special inner room known as the Holy of Holies, where the High Priest would enter once a year on Yom Kippur.
The Ark was last seen in 586 BCE when the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and destroyed the First Temple. What happened to the Ark remains unknown until today.
Harry Moskoff inside the cave where the Temple Scrolls were found in Qumran. (Photo: Courtesy)
Moskoff believes that he is getting closer to finding the true location of where the Ark is buried – right under the Temple Mount itself. His “Moskoff Theory” explains that where we believe the location of the Holy of Holies is – the current location of the Dome of the Rock – is in fact wrong.
Based on historical, archaeological, topographical and biblical evidence, the Moskoff Theory states (in simple terms) that when we find the true location of the Holy of Holies, the Ark of the Covenant may very well be found in a secret chamber built directly underneath, in a room built for it by King Solomon, who foresaw the destruction of the Temple. He Designed this underground Temple room to hide and protect the Ark for future generations until the advent of the Third Temple.
“Is the Dome of the Rock the real place of the Temple? Some Jewish sages argue that God would never put any building on top of the Holy of Holies,” Moskoff explains. “The Dome of the Rock is not on the Foundation Stone, but rather the highest point on Mount Moriah.”
Moskoff explained that after researching various theories by well-known historians who claim to know the exact location of the Jewish Temples and where various features, such as the altar, stood, he realized that “they all cancelled each other out.”
“I found in one theory that some things just didn’t make sense with the original topography of the mountain. It didn’t jive,” he said. “So I went to another famous theory and found that things didn’t make sense from a scriptural perspective.”
“The game changer that made me pursue with interest the Lost Ark was a book published in 1982 called ‘In the Shadow of the Temple’ by the great Israeli archaeologist Meir Ben-Dov. That book changed my whole perspective,” Moskoff said.
In his book, Ben-Dov recalls the discovery of a tunnel spoken about in Jewish scripture that was used by ritually impure priests. The tunnel is said to run directly under the Temple Mount.
“The tunnel ran to the south under the Mount into a ritual bath with a fire and bathroom. This place is described in the Talmud. He (Ben-Dov) found that tunnel and it exists today, described in the exact same way,” Moskoff said.
“This tunnel was blocked up 150 years ago and it is clear that the original finders wanted it to remain closed. Over 2,000 years old, the tunnel exists in complete form. If we go through that tunnel it would lead us to the exact location of the Temple because we know from scripture where it surfaced.”
“Following the tunnel would either prove or disprove the Moskoff Theory! It would tell us the exact place of the altar, Holy of Holies and the location of the Ark,” he explained.
“The archaeologists were not religious and it was a huge find,” he continued. “Once I read about this find, I thought how all the other theories were not possible with the direction of the tunnel. Something clicked and I realized that what we think about the Temple Mount today is not all correct.”
Harry Moskoff with Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. (Photo: James D. Long)
While some may roll their eyes and say Moskoff is just another adventurer out for glory, this notion is far from the truth. He is the first person to ever come close to finding the Ark in a way that makes sense.
“I’ve spoken with other archaeologists and researchers. None of them have the scriptural sources or references where the holiest and most valuable item ever in history is located,” Moskoff stated. “None of them are looking for the Ark from a true Jewish, traditional, biblical perspective combining all the sources.”
“Everyone is looking in Ethiopia and other places where there are no real proofs as to the location of the Ark.”
When asked about the importance of his quest, Moskoff explained his belief that in today’s world, with the worsening geopolitical situation surrounding Jerusalem, finding the Ark would “validate and strengthen the Jewish connection and rights to Jerusalem.”
“I discovered that when talking about the Ark, you can’t not talk about what is happening in Israel today. Every day, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount are in the headlines. By discovering the Ark and even other Temple related artifacts, we can have an effect on the validation of the Jewish connection to Jerusalem,” he said.
Moskoff has become one of the world’s foremost experts on the Ark of the Covenant. Explaining in further detail the “Moskoff Theory,” Judaism’s Indiana Jones published “The A.R.K. Report” and an accompanying documentary which further features how Moskoff is reaching new levels of understanding about the Lost Ark.
Backed by a historical and biblical understanding, Moskoff is narrowing the gap between an important part of Jewish history and modern times. “The idea is to raise awareness and inspire people. This is just the beginning for Israel,” he said.
“In the big picture of Jewish history, things are speaking up and coming to a close. We can’t deny it. Things are happening now to the Jewish people and I want to tell people, show people, that there is a great and holy future for Israel.”
LISTEN BELOW: Is the Ark of the Covenant Buried Deep Underground?
This week's Torah portion (Exodus 25-27:19) describes the glorious Ark of the Covenant into which the two tablets from Sinai would be placed. In Hebrew, the name of the Ark/אָרון comes from the word "light"/אורה for it contained the spiritual light of the world. The Ark disappeared after the First Temple's destruction, and many believe it is in a secret chamber built deep underground by King Solomon, who foresaw the destruction and sought to protect the Ark for future generations. Learn more in the Israel Bible: the Five Books of Moses, with full Hebrew and English text and inspiring commentary.
Harry Moskoff has spent the last 25 years of his life dedicated to uncovering the location of the Lost Ark, and may be closer than anyone could have imagined.
This boxed set collects the Five Books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In Jewish tradition, these first five books differ from the rest of the Bible in that they were dictated by God on Mount Sinai, and therefore are considered to have a special status within the holy books.
Rebecca Kowalsky's photo of the southern wall excavations in the Old City of Jerusalem. The southern wall was a place from which Jews ascended to the Temple Mount in the times of the Second Temple.
Hi, I'm very grateful for all the emails that I have received regularly from you and your team. It's a great privilege to be informed about so many aspects of Jewish history and civilization and be permanently connected with the Land of Israel. Congratulations for Israel365's outstanding accomplishments and your total dedication. Dana S