Showing posts with label Intercessors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Intercessors. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Intercessors Go to War as Church of Lucifer Readies to Open on Halloween - CHARISMA NEWS

The Church of Lucifer prepares to open its doors.

The Church of Lucifer prepares to open its doors. (YouTube)

Intercessors Go to War as Church of Lucifer Readies to Open on Halloween

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Concerned families from the city of Spring, Texas, are saying: "Proud Lucifer next to the Christmas Crib—NO thanks!"
The cause of their alarm is the Greater Church of Lucifer opening in their town on Friday, Oct. 30.
This public devil worship in the heart of quaint Old Town Spring is sparking healthy reaction. Prayer vigils and peaceful protests are in the works by locals and by the national Catholic group TFP-America Needs Fatima on several days from now until Halloween.
TFP-America Needs Fatima is also launching an online petition against the opening of the "church" of Lucifer and in support of locals who abhor the growth of Satanism in their town.
"I'm inviting my friends from Houston, Dallas and Tyler to join with locals in a peaceful and prayerful opposition to this satanic denial that we are—and have always been—a country defined as 'One Nation Under God,'" said Thomas Drake, TFP Louisiana president.
"I cannot imagine parents bringing their children for Christmas shopping in Old Town Spring," Drake continued. "It would be an awful shock for children to see a 'church' to Lucifer amid their joys over Christ coming to the world."
More and more families are lining up with the angels against Satan.

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Saturday, October 3, 2015

"God is Financing What He Builds – His Plan, His Church, His Harvest" - Cindy McGill (The Elijah List)

Times and Seasons
It's time for change. It has to happen. God is driving. The Lord is building His house where we will not labor in vain to build it. New structures and expressions are being birthed to contain THIS harvest during the greatest outpouring from Heaven. The world has changed and so must the Church. We are not in the 70s anymore. Our world is sinking into deep darkness and we have been called to be the lights that illuminate the way in this hour.
Jesus spent most of His time out and about with people who were not even close to coming to a temple. His whole passion was to heal ALL who were oppressed by the devil. He not only healed their bodies but also their hearts, minds, and spirits. Those who were forgiven much loved much more.
God Gives the Plan
In 2003, I was doing a dream interpretation school on an Indian reservation in Idaho. That night I had a dream with clear instruction on how to compel today's seekers to receive the Lord. In the dream, God spoke to me about a menu board with items on it to "scratch the itch" of the seekers and to create "prophetic healing circles" of no more than three people. The menu board had language on it like "organic spiritual alignment," "original root recovery," "spiritual cleansing and re-definement." (Photo via Pixabay)
In between the small circles, I saw intercessors. God told me to call them "spiritual connectors," as they are the ones to pray during the encounters. When I awoke, I knew it was a new blueprint for reaching this generation who were turned off by church. When I got home, I told my husband about the dream and we set off to our local park to try it out. Literally, within minutes, we were swarmed with young people from the local drum circle, who were desperate for a life change with a God they could relate to, who met them at the point of their need.
The next year, I went with a team to the Burning Man festival in Nevada, where tens of thousands of people gather for a week-long lifestyle of radical self-expression. We gave great room for the Holy Spirit to move, and again we were swarmed with seekers from every walk of life.
Two years later, I branched off with the concepts God had given me in the dream to create another camp and expand a Jesus-presence at this popular festival.
Report From the Desert
For our outreach teams, this was our 11th year in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada at the Burning Man event. Our ministry theme camp, Freedom Lounge, was once again PACKED out with seekers who would never, ever, ever darken the door of a church. These are the creative ones, the spiritual ones, who wander out in the highways and byways. Their mindset and lifestyles are expressed in every form of twisted mindsets based on today's influences, but Jesus doesn't seem to mind that. He ALWAYS, ALWAYS looks on the hearts of men. He sees the ones He made, knows their journey, and is passionate to bring them out of destructive lifestyles into hope and a future. (Photo of Freedom Lounge via Cindy McGill)
A welcome mat is placed at the door of our tent for those whom the Father draws so they can freely "taste and see" for once in their lives that the Lord is GOOD. There is no condemnation, shaming, or judgement allowed, only unconditional love and acceptance. As a result of doing things God's way, our tent remains full for the whole week, as those who feel His love go and get their friends to have the same experience. It's like the woman at the well who went into the village after an encounter with the Jesus who didn't judge her, and told all of her friends to come and meet Him, too.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
If We Don't Follow Jesus, Our Efforts Will Fail
God KNOWS where the fish are and the timing. Peter had fished all night using the methods he knew about and caught nothing, but when Jesus showed up, He told Peter where to cast his net, and the catch was so full the net started to break. In order to effectively reach THIS HARVEST, we will have to be teachable, moldable, and let Him instruct us. Being TEACHABLE is huge. God sees the beginning from the end and is well aware of His strategy and plan.
Jesus was really clear on how to fish men. He said, "FOLLOW ME (LISTEN TO ME)...and I'll MAKE you fishers of men." He did not say, "Follow trends, other people, your own thoughts, your old ways, your talking points." Instead, He said to pay attention and He will teach us about His compelling that love draws even the most bruised, hurting, and traumatized heart into a loving transformation with the One who made them, and their lives are forever changed. (Photo via Pixabay)
Every person has their own journey we are not aware of. Their hunger and thirst is, for that one moment, where unconditional love and acceptance is not only felt but embraced, resulting in receiving the One who has never left their side, but they did not know He was there.
Be Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves
Have you ever watched a serpent approach its prey? The serpent doesn't announce his presence but lays low, undetected, and waits for the right moment to make its move. We seek God's wisdom for these days and the days ahead. Our thoughts are not God's thoughts and our ways are not His. He is communicating a strong message to us, and we MUST be teachable to His instruction and warnings.
God's got this. He knows what He is doing, how He wants it done, and He is trying to instruct us in something new that we have never done before. This is HIS plan, HIS Church, HIS harvest and we are in a learning curve like never before. It's exciting and stretching for us, but the results are above and beyond what we can think up or ask for.
God is Financing What He Builds
We have been hearing about an outpouring of finances amidst the world's voice of economic collapse. God OWNS it all, and the finances He is releasing is for the work of the ministry, preparation for the days ahead, and for relief of debts in this Jubilee year. God is building HIS Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it. When finances are poured out, it is wisdom not to set our hearts on the money, but that we use it for the intended purpose. There are faith-based films emerging filled with hope and promise, new spiritual communities where the Holy Spirit is honored and given free expression and creativity from Heaven that we have never, ever seen before. (Photo via Pixabay)
Our best days are ahead, and God is driving. Let Him tear down old structures that don't work and build new ones according to His blueprint and plan. When we allow the GENERAL Contractor to build according to His vision, people will beat the door down to come to meet Him.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest Ministries

Cindy McGill's passion to help people find their lives' purpose, receive healing from life's trauma and live their lives to the fullest. She travels internationally, teaching on the subject of dreams and dream interpretation. She also leads "dream teams" using innovative methods to help others discover the hidden meanings behind their dreams and give them a chance to find hope and truth at their point of need. Since 1979, she and her husband Tim have given their lives to helping people redefine their lives and find healing and direction. They have two grown daughters and four grandchildren.
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

"RE-DIGGING THE WELLS OF REVIVAL: My Visits to Cane Ridge and Wales" - Dutch Sheets

My Visits to Cane Ridge and Wales"
Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX
The Elijah List

Scripture makes it clear that the Lord accomplishes His purposes on the earth not through one man or movement, but through the labors and legacy of many across multiple generations (Hebrews 11:39-12:2). Working through a divine timeline that extends beyond a single lifetime, the Lord desires that we honor and build upon the foundations laid by those who have gone before us. In Genesis 26, we are told that when Isaac dug water wells, he didn't get to start with his own. Isaac recognized his hereditary right and responsibility to re-dig and restore the ancient wells of his father Abraham, which the Philistines stopped up after he died.

It was after re-digging his father's wells that the Lord appeared to Isaac and pronounced over him the same blessing previously spoken over Abraham. Not long after that, the Lord allowed Isaac's servants to unearth his very own well. 

I have spent more than a decade of my life teaching about the synergy of the ages; exhorting Believers that in order for us to move forward in fulfilling God's purposes for our generation, we must reach back to remember, honor and add to what He has done through previous generations. 

Through a recent sequence of events, however, the Lord once again invited me to tap into some historic wells of revival in order to release a fresh river of His glory to flow into our generation. (Photo via Dutch Sheets)

A few months ago, I was invited to minister at a small log cabin-style church in Kentucky, which happens to be the site of the historic Cane Ridge Revival of the late 1800's. During that powerful move of the Holy Spirit, tens of thousands of people came by wagon to the hillsides of Kentucky, hungry to hear the preaching of the Word and bask in the glory of God for days at a time.

At these camp meetings, it was common to see dozens of ministers preaching simultaneously across the countryside, while multitudes were strewn along the ground, being moved upon by the extremely weighty presence of God. This revival swept through the southern states and beyond, helping to birth the Second Great Awakening! I found it most interesting that the Lord set up my itinerary in such a way that from Cane Ridge, He sent me to Wales—another extremely significant site of revival history!

Moving From Well to Well

The nation of Wales is the place where revivalist Evan Roberts was baptized in the fire of God and commissioned by the Lord as a leader in the world-reaching Welsh Revival of the early 1900's. So many people were radically saved in that spiritual outpouring, that the nation of Wales experienced societal transformation. Judges had no cases to try, and law enforcement officials had no crime to deal with, so they formed traveling evangelistic singing groups!

The presence of God was so strong among the common people that pubs closed down, sporting events were cancelled, thousands of depressed and drunken miners came to Jesus, and hundreds left everything behind to give their lives on the foreign mission field. It is believed that since the 1900's, there has never been a revival in world history that cannot trace its roots back to the nation-shaking Welsh Revival.

Wales was also home to Rees Howells, another significant contributor to revival history. His life of intercession, chronicled in the biography, Rees Howells Intercessor, has greatly influenced many people and movements of prayer, myself included. After being powerfully swept into the Welsh Revival, this former miner-turned-missionary devoted the rest of his life to serving the purposes of God for his generation—in the place of prayer.
In 1924 Howells founded The Bible College of Wales to train others in what the Lord had taught him. That place soon became a house of prayer for all nations, with students and staff joining Howells in fighting world battles on their knees. 

What transpired on that small campus unquestionably affected the course of world history, and has left a legacy of prayer that the Lord is inviting us to lay hold of today. (Photo of Dutch and Ceci Sheets and friends in front of The Bible College Of Wales, via Dutch Sheets)

Fighting The Battles Of The Kingdom 

Howells' intercessors prayed all through World War II, engaging in the spiritual warfare necessary to take down the demonic powers encroaching upon the governments of nations through the dictatorial leadership of men like Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini. They also prayed fervently through the 1948 UN-mandated vote on Israel's status as a nation. Even after Howells' passing, their ardent intercession continued under the leadership of his son, Samuel. They prayed through the Cuban missile crises, the Cold War between the US and the USSR, and also helped pray in the signs and wonders movement of the 40's, 50's and 60's.

Their story could be likened to Moses' hilltop intercession affecting Joshua's frontline battle. Scripture states that as long as Moses held up the staff of God in his hand, Joshua and Israel prevailed, but when Moses let his hands down, the enemy prevailed.

Through this prophetic act of intercession—lifting up the rod, which represented the authority and power of God—the Lord faithfully responded by releasing victory on the battlefield (Exodus 17:8-16). Likewise, Howells and his intercessors continually "held up" spiritual authority in the heavenlies while soldiers experienced miraculous breakthroughs, enabling them to execute victory on the battlefield.

During WWII in particular, God would give Howells prophetic insight concerning what was going to happen next and where they needed to strategically focus their intercession. After class each day, these devoted intercessors would contend in travailing prayer for hours and hours on end, sometimes praying through the night. They were determined to match in the spirit realm, the level of intensity and self-sacrifice experienced by heads of nations and soldiers on the frontlines of battle. (The Blue Room where Howells and his intercessors prayed, via Dutch Sheets)

Impassioned about fulfilling their godly calling, Howells said, "If I am not called up to fight, and I know another way to help them and I don't do it, I ought to be killed instead of them. They are facing death...for you and me. If they suffer more than we suffer for them, it will be our lifelong shame." (From Rees Howells: Intercessor, Chapter 36 – Russia, North Africa, Italy, "D" Day)

Howells and his students gave their lives to fighting the battles spiritually as if they were called to the frontlines of the war. And with each new assignment, these hidden intercessors prevailed in their prayers, and the world marveled and breathed heavy sighs of relief at such dramatic turnarounds.

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Redigging A Well

Despite the rich revival history at The Bible College of Wales, this spiritual well had fallen into disrepair. After the death of Howells' son, Samuel, the directors of the school found it too costly to maintain the campus and keep the school running. For decades, the property went further into decay and was about to be sold to a developer for housing. The Lord, however, had other plans and saw to it that this spiritual well was preserved and unstopped. He moved upon the heart of a pastor from Singapore, who not only caught God's vision for restoring that place but also was willing to pay the price to make it happen. This pastor raised 10 million dollars to purchase and restore the historic Bible College of Wales so that people from around the world could drink from this well of revival once again!

As a student of revival history, a teacher on intercession, and one called to awaken this nation to the purposes of God through prayer, it has always been a great desire of my heart to visit Wales and drink from its spiritual wells. Right after my time of ministry at Cane Ridge, I had the great honor of not only visiting the Bible College of Wales, but also serving as a key participant in the rededication ceremony for this historic well of revival.

During our stay at the Bible College, Ceci and I were assigned to the room of Rees' son, Samuel Howells. This room sits directly above the prayer room where decades of nation-changing prophetic intercession took place—what a privilege! Among the gathering of key leaders from around the world, I was also extended the honor of rededicating Howells' Ebenezer stone of remembrance (1 Samuel 7:12). Similar to what the prophet Samuel did to commemorate Israel's victory against their enemies, Howells set up a huge stone as a continual reminder of the Lord's providence and provision. Inscribed on one side of its marble top is the phrase, "Faith Is Substance." On the other side, the words, "Jehovah Jireh."

When, as part of the rededication ceremony, this remembrance stone was relocated to the center of the campus and anointing oil was poured upon it, we could sense the glory of the Lord. In that very holy moment, God met with me in a powerful way. I was overcome with the Lord's kindness at gathering us all to this place to drink from this historic well. 

In that moment, I pledged to help carry on Howells' legacy of prayer and recommitted my life to raising up a movement of prayer to take out the giants of our day and usher in a Third Great Awakening. (Dutch pouring anointing oil over Howells' remembrance stone during the rededication ceremony, via Dutch Sheets)

The rededication ceremony at the Bible College was not the only special appointment the Lord had planned for me. The same Singaporean leaders that restored Howells' campus also purchased the little church in Wales where revivalist Evan Roberts met with God. During the renovation process for converting that church into a house of prayer, the original Bible used by Evan Roberts during the Welsh Revival was found sitting under decades of dust on the pulpit of the church! I marveled at this find.

Paying The Price

I am so grateful for the Singaporeans who accepted the Lord's invitation to take on the extremely costly and painstaking restoration of this well of revival history. But the investment required for releasing God's river of revival into the nations of the earth doesn't end with restored facilities.

God desires to raise up Roberts-like revivalists and bands of Howells-like intercessors through which He can release a greater awakening and shift the course of nations today. This will require a high level of commitment. These men were so powerfully used of God because they complied with the great extremes God required of them. This is a principle repeatedly seen in Scripture. (Dutch holding Evan Roberts' Bible with Lou Engle and Singaporean Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong, via Dutch Sheets)

As I prayer-walked the grounds of the Bible College of Wales, while I communed with the Lord in the church where Evan Roberts met with God, and even now, I hear Holy Spirit asking, "Who will pay the price in this generation?" 

God used Howells and his intercessors to contend against and defeat the demonic powers and principalities trying to take over the world.

Today, the goliaths of Islam, communism, human trafficking, abortion, and the sexual rights agenda are standing at our door. Never has there been more at stake. We need the same warrior spirit of Howells' era to arise in us—both in the place of prayer and in being a prophetic voice. No doubt, God has a plan. He always does something great in the face of the impossible!

I believe the Lord allowed for the restoration of these spiritual wells in Wales because He is loosing a spirit of contending prayer and revival into the nations of the earth once again. 

I believe we will see a new momentum of intercession—appealing to Heaven and fighting Kingdom battles on our knees, until the greatest Great Awakening the world has ever seen occurs.

You are a part of this! There is a spiritual inheritance available to you. Young people, especially, it is your time to arise! The Lord is anointing you to overthrow the goliaths of our day and contend for the destinies of nations. The Lord is searching for those who will say, "I will pay the price." For those who invest their lives in these costly battles of intercession, He will show Himself strong! (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Email: click here

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging Believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. 

Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. Dutch and his wife Ceci have been married for 35 years and now reside in the Dallas area. They treasure time spent with their two grown daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Surprising Prophetic Word About the Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

God is compelling his bride, the church, to rise up in intercession, and now.
God is compelling his bride, the church, to rise up in intercession, and now. (Lightstock )
As news began to spread regarding the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision to legalize homosexual marriage in America this past week, my heart was filled with an unusual mixture of hope and crisis as I got on my knees before the Lord.
I immediately began to seek the Father regarding His perspective on the ruling and I believe He said to me, "In the natural, the Supreme Court justices have just legalized homosexual marriage in America, but little do they know that they also just authorized an awakening of the Spirit in My bride. For know that now is the time to turn inward, it is a time of repentance and fasting for My people. Has their laziness and blindness on the issue of sexual immorality in their midst not given the homosexual agenda its true power? America has now legalized homosexual immorality because the American church legalized heterosexual immorality first."
I immediately received a powerful vision of intercessors gathering from all over America in response to the ruling. They gathered and began to pray, but what they were interceding about was very displeasing to the Father. I listened very carefully to the cries and prayers of the intercessors in the vision and this is what they were crying out: "Father, we repent for the sins of America! Father, we ask that you would turn the hearts of homosexuals back to you. Father, bring justice to these people!"
As I listened in to these continual prayers, the Father said to me, "Do you know what's wrong with these prayers Jeremiah? They are all focused on the call for America to repent when I have called My bride to repent! You must tell the intercessors to shift their focus from America to My bride. Their self-righteous hearts and blindness to their own sin is a stench in my nostrils. The issues coming forth in the United States is not an American problem, it's an American Church problem."
America is in a crisis, but the American church is in a greater crisis. We are and will continue to reap what we have sown and that is seeds of silence and tolerance on the key issues of our day that have come before the Father as sin.
As Abraham Kuyper once said, "When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith."
I believe that God the Father is releasing burning and shining lamps in America to sound the alarm and wake up the bride of Christ from her slumber (see John 5:35). He is bringing forth a worthy bride in the earth right now who will make herself ready by voluntarily choosing to love His Son Jesus.
In Revelation 3, Jesus told the church at Sardis, "You have the appearance of being alive, but you are dead." It is this same message, that the American church has every sign of thriving, every program known to man, every self-help workshop, yet they are spiritually dead that will awaken the bride and call her back to her first love.
I want to encourage intercessors and leaders across America to take the plank out of our own eyes before we begin judging homosexuals and the lifestyle that they have chosen (see Matthew 7:5). While I do believe that these individuals are choosing to blatantly sin and will be judged by God Himself for their behavior (see Romans 14:12), we have an obligation as believers in Jesus Christ to look within our own lives and in our own spiritual communities and ask the Spirit of truth to search us inwardly before we begin calling others to accountability (see Psalm 51:6).
My hope today is in Jesus Christ and in His desire to call His bride to the place of repentance and fasting in this hour. There is no other hope for the American church. We must remember that the heart of a religious Pharisee continues to cry out, "Thank God I'm not like them" (see Luke 18:11). May we repent to the Father for our failure as the bride of Christ to preach holiness and purity to those that call themselves believers in Jesus and for our self-righteous attitudes toward those who are in need of His grace and mercy.
I fully recognize the crisis that is here and will only increase in the days ahead if we as the bride of Christ do not turn to the Lord Jesus and repent of our sins. Let us choose wisely which path we walk. Shall we put our hope in Him and the invitation to look inward in this hour and examine our own hearts as the bride or shall we welcome continual crisis by becoming more consumed with the American problem than the American church problem?
Remember, reformation never comes to a society before it first comes to the church!
Jeremiah Johnson planted Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida and is on the Eldership Team. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David. Check out Jeremiah's new book release, I See A New Prophetic Generation and visit him online at Behold the Man Ministries or connect with him on Facebook."
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Friday, January 31, 2014

More "Open Doors" prophetic words have come for 2014...

Tim Sheets:
Leap Into Your Future – 
Doors of New History 
Will Now Be Open
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

In 2014, many of God's prophets and prophetic people are receiving words, dreams and visions about this "year of open doors!"

Such is the case with Tim Sheets. In this potent word, expect to be encouraged by these promises of God for this year and the time going forward.

Here is just a glimpse of some of the things you are about to read:

Tim Sheets: "Notable miracles are leaping forth. Notable miracles are leaping into your region. Notable miracles are leaping into your households. 

The revival in the womb of My intercessors is now leaping in them. It's leaping from the womb of those in travail. It is now time for the birthing of forerunners who will run. Leap into your future. The door is open!"

Let a spirit of expectation and excitement rise up from within you as you read this word through Tim Sheets!


Steve Shultz
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Tim Sheets:
Leap Into Your Future – 
Doors of New History 
Will Now Be Open

Tim SheetsOn January 24, 2014, we hosted our Annual Prophetic Summit. The speakers were Tim Sheets, Dutch Sheets, and Barbara Wentroble. The following word was given by Apostle Tim Sheets:

God Is Opening Doors

The year 2014 is 5774 on the Hebraic calendar – Ayin Dalet. The Hebrew calendar speaks to us prophetically. The number 4 is the letter Dalet. Dalet is the word for "door," or an open tent flap, or the opening into a new territory. 

5774 is also a Leap Year in the Hebraic cycle. Ayin Dalet references a year of open doors – so you can leap forward, that is, a year of open doors so you can spring forward.
God is opening doors
Holy Spirit is going to open doors supernaturally for His people this year to surge ahead. 

Many in the Body of Christ have had doors closed by adverse circumstances, by demon attacks, by financial attacks, even people attacks, but we come together to declare the word of the Lord.

God is right now opening doors for us to leap forward. He is opening doors for us to surge ahead, and we are now going to run through open doors and spring into our future. 

We're going to leap over adverse circumstances. We're going to leap over demon attacks. We're going to leap over financial attacks. We're going to spring into hope that is sure. It is steadfast. It is immoveable. We're going to overcome and we're going to reign – demonstrating a superior power in our Kingdom.  

(Open Door Photo by Eric Foltz)

"Arise, And I Will Empower You"

The Spirit of the Lord declares to the Church,"Doors of new history will now be opened

A new movement will now spring forth. A new stream from My throne will begin to flow. It is a pure stream of pure Gospel; for the stream of My Gospel has been diverted and dammed up by those who wanted the benefits of reservoired blessings, but I will now blow up the dams.

"I will have a Gospel that flows and flows freely. My movement will move. It is built to move and it will move. Empowered by fresh downpours, fresh rain – the downpours of Heaven will fill it to overflowing. It will leap to flood stage. It will not be confined by Laodiceans. It shall be a pure Gospel stream that is lit with the fire of My cause, one that I can back with signs, with wonders, and with miracles; one that is not diluted by pride, immorality or greed, one that I can marshal Heaven's army behind, one that I can back with awesome Kingdom power.

God will empower you"And the generations will synergize their efforts together for the revival of ingathering such has not been seen heretofore. I am calling My Gideons to come out of hiding and stop the raiding of My harvest. I have seen you behind the winepress. I have seen your secret toil. I have heard your cries. Now hear Mine. Arise and I will empower you. Arise for the days that are in front of you, and leap into the future that I have ordained for you. 

(Mural Photo via Empower Yourself/by Jay Moli)

"I will synergize the warriors, the eagle warriors with my remnant warriors, those who have faithfully committed themselves to Me. I will synergize them together now for the greatest move that I have ever released upon this earth. You shall now see and you shall now know that there is a Kingdom that is indeed at hand, and it is an awesome Kingdom. 

I've seen your heart and I will empower you. You will defeat your enemy, and you will enjoy the spoils of victory. You will say, 'Our enemy has resourced us. Our enemy has poured abundance for us. We have more because of war.'

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"A shift in leadership will now come," says the Lord. "A new breed of leaders will be revealed in My Kingdom. 

The obscure ones who have served faithfully will now receive promotion man has not seen – but have seen. 

It will be said, 'Where did they come from? Who are they?' And I will advocate for them.
"I will say, 'These are they who came from My presence. 

These are they who would not compromise

These are they who would not be muzzled; they would not bow to darkness. These are they who have not been appeasing of humanistic ways with enticing words, but have stood for Me and My words. These are they that did not flinch. These are they that would not bend their knee to blended religion or doctrines of demons. They stood unashamed for Me; now I will stand unashamed for them. I will side with them. I have proclaimed their victory, and now I will oversee its completion."

Divine Alignment Will Spring Forth In Your Life

"Can there be an abundance in Goshen? Can there be plenty in My remnant camp? Watch and see. 

Great deliverance is coming. New history is coming. Abundance is coming. 

The set time has come for the war eagle generation of young reformers to partner with the remnant generation, and there will now come a divine alignment. This will spring forth.
Aligned"There will now come a functioning Church in the midst of dysfunction. Multiplied grace is now being poured forth. Bound souls shall be set free. 

Captives in heart will be delivered. Those blinded by sin and iniquity will be liberated from Hell's bondage as the revival of the ingathering now leaps ahead. The synergized generations in sync with My angel armies and soaked in the fresh rains of Heaven will now leap forward into great revival. 

It will be a movement that moves in power, in passion, and in purity. I will back it with signs, wonders and with miracles. 

(Properly Aligned Photo via

"Notable miracles are leaping forth. Notable miracles are leaping into your region. Notable miracles are leaping into your households. 

The revival in the womb of My intercessors is now leaping in them. It's leaping from the womb of those in travail. 

It is now time for the birthing of forerunners who will run. Leap into your future. The door is open!"

Tim Sheets
Tim Sheets Ministries | The Oasis, a CityGate Church

Dr. Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor, and author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis, a CityGate Church, in Middletown, Ohio. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. 

His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America.

Dr. Sheets is a teacher and speaker nationally at conferences, churches, seminars, Bible schools, and served as an instructor with the Christian Life School of Theology for eleven years. He has written and personally published two books, Armed and Battle Ready and Being Led by the Spirit, and a third book published by Destiny Image, Heaven Made Real. 

Dr. Sheets founded Destiny Bible School, and in 2009 Dr. Sheets was asked by Apostle Cindy Jacobs to be the Apostolic Director for Ohio Reformation Prayer Network and has organized 24/7 Prayer across the State. In 2013 Dr. Sheets launched AwakeningNow TV on DirecTV. Dr. Tim Sheets resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children and five grandchildren.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Intercessors Gather in Jerusalem to Pray for Israel

Intercessors Gather in Jerusalem to Pray for Israel

    Chuck Cohen
JERUSALEM, Israel -- Prayer warriors from around the world gathered in Jerusalem to intercede for Israeli elections this week. Their efforts were part of the 29th annual Intercessors for Israel prayer conference.
Ironically, when IFI Chairman Eliyahu Ben Haim scheduled this year's conference a week earlier than usual, he had no idea it would be the week of national elections, Chuck Cohen, director of Intercessors for Israel, told CBN News.

Cohen explained the theme of this year's conference, "A World Turned Upside Down."

"God says the time to favor Zion has come," he said. "In Psalm 102, that comes right after scriptures that relate to the Holocaust and therefore we know that was in 1948 extending on to now."

"But in Isaiah 60, God says to Israel, 'Arise, shine for your light has come, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth, gross darkness the peoples.'"

"That's what we see," he said. "We see people calling evil good and good evil. We see people voting for people in Western governments in particular who are absolutely anti-God. And it's a world turned upside down," Cohen said.

On Monday evening, opening night began with an overview of the 30-some political parties vying for seats in the Knesset, followed by a short welcome from IFI board member Lance Lambert. Cohen provided some prayer guidelines, especially for the 50 newcomers.

Nearly 180 intercessors are here from abroad this year to pray with local attendees. Most come from the U.S. and Europe and some from as far away as Hong Kong and South Korea.

It's the seventh prayer conference for Tong Sook Seo from Seoul. She came for the first time in 1990.
"Israel was in my heart a long time ago," Seo told CBN News.

It's the first prayer conference for U.S.-born Pastor Greg Husband, who has called England his home for the past 31 years.

"People from all over the world are coming together for one purpose: to pray for Israel," said Husband, who says his church prays for Israel every Friday.

"We see Israel backed into a corner and we want to see this nation survive in God."

While tiny Israel is faring better economically than many nations during the global financial crisis the last few years, it's still surrounded by a sea of hostile neighbors, making state-of-the-art defenses crucial.

Asked if this year is more critical than past years, Cohen said "We always tend to say that this year's more critical than last year."

"Two years ago [when] we started the prayer conference, the 'Arab spring' broke out. You know that was pretty critical. Everybody in the world was saying 'this is fantastic.' The leadership of the prayer conference very clearly told our people when it started, 'this is going to lead to an Islamic winter.'" And so it seems.

Justin Warren from San Diego said God has given him "an inexpressible desire for the Holy Land."

"The Lord brought me to this prayer conference because through His Word and the heart of His Spirit, and the Jewish blood that was shed for my soul and applied to my life, God has given me a special heart for His chosen people and given me an inexpressible desire for the Holy Land," Warren said, before quoting Psalm 122.

"Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within your walls, and prosperity in your palaces.  For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within you. Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good."