Showing posts with label Jewish roots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewish roots. Show all posts

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Answering the Bible's Question of the Mysterious Root - ARIEL BLUMENTHAL REVIVE ISRAEL

What or who is this mysterious biblical root? (Pixabay)

Answering the Bible's Question of the Mysterious Root

Standing With Israel
"Jewish roots" or "Hebrew roots" is a very popular subject today in the body of Christ, with many books, teaching ministries, websites and so on about this topic. After centuries of replacement theology and anti-Semitism from the historic church, we are witnessing a revival of Christian "Philo-Semitism" and positive interest in Israel.
Today, millions of Christians around the world are getting revelation and scriptural understanding about the need to positively connect with Israel and the Jewish people. For many, this includes teaching about the "Jewish roots," which can take many forms: Torah studies, observing biblical/Jewish feasts, understanding the "Hebraic" mindset, Holy Land tours, participating in a Passover Seder, standing with Israel politically and more.
In this article (and the following two or three), we want to take a close look at the "roots" teaching, which is most often based on the Scripture which speaks most clearly of a Jewish root: the olive tree of Romans 11:16-24. What does the term actually mean in the biblical context? How would the Roman Christians, to whom Paul addressed the letter, have understood this teaching? How should it be applied today?
The Olive Tree and Its Root: Romans 11:16-24
The apostle Paul writes of an olive tree of God's people, its branches and its root. The word "root" appears four times in verses 16-18. The overall message of these verses is first a reminder to the Gentile, Roman believers (the "wild" branches) that they have been graciously and surprisingly "grafted into" this olive tree-community of God's people—a tree which for many, many generations had only been "cultivated" among the Jewish nation/people (the "natural," native, domesticated branches). The apostle then sternly warns the Romans not to become arrogant or boastful toward these native, Jewish branches, and to remember that they don't support the root, but the root supports them (v.18). While the apostle clearly identifies three kinds of branches (Jewish believer, Gentile believer, Jewish unbelievers—the "broken-off" branches), he doesn't similarly define the root—nor does the Scripture explicitly label it as a "Jewish" or "Hebrew" root.
Throughout church history, biblical interpreters have offered four possible definitions of the root:
  1. Jesus Himself, the "root and offspring" of David (Rev 22:16).
  2. The patriarchs and/or the patriarchal (Abrahamic) covenant, based on verses 11:28-29.
  3. The Jewish people/nation of Israel.
  4. The first-century, Jewish believing community, especially represented by the apostolic Jerusalem church.
What do you think? Please study and meditate on these Scriptures as we continue our study, with Part 2 to come soon. Try, as much as possible, not to "import" any of your theology or ideas to the text; try to imagine that you are a Gentile, Roman Christian (some knew Jews; others did not) who is hearing this letter read publicly during a worship meeting. What would it have sounded like? Who, or what, is this mysterious root? 
This article originally appeared at
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

2 Ways Christians Stop Short of Fully Connecting With Israel - REVIVEISRAEL.ORG STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

The Olive Tree metaphor of Romans 11 demands that Christians see themselves as "grafted in" to Israel. (Flickr)

2 Ways Christians Stop Short of Fully Connecting With Israel

Standing With Israel
In Part 1 of this series, we learned that according to the Bible, "Israel" can mean: A) the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the Jewish people; B) the Jewish nation in its land: and C) the emnant of believers in Yeshua—Jew and Gentile together.
The Olive Tree metaphor of Romans 11 demands that Christians see themselves as "grafted in" (covenantally connected) to Israel in a way that reflects the fullness of all three dimensions of biblical Israel. This is God's formula for bringing about the "fullness of the Gentiles/nations," "all Israel being saved," and the Second Coming of Yeshua (Rom. 11:25-26).
Before we study what this full "grafting in" might look like in our day, I want to look at how Christians have been connecting to Israel in ways that are good, but stop short of the fullness that we are seeking.
1. A+B, without C: Connecting with Israel or the Jewish people OUTSIDE of gospel faith – Over the last several generations, many Christians have discerned in Israel the fulfillment of the many biblical prophecies concerning the in-gathering of the Jewish people and the restoration of our nation. After centuries of mistreatment of the Jews, Christians have accepted the biblical mandate to lovingly "provoke" unbelieving Israel "to jealousy" (Rom 11:11). 
Many lead tours to the Land, visit the IDF, meet with politicians, rabbis, etc.; others have donated finances or planted trees to help the nation; and many take a strong pro-Israel political stance. These are all good, but can totally miss "C"—the Israel that is the Israel of faith—the spiritual remnant of Israeli believers in Yeshua.
Romans 9:6 and 11:17-18 tell us that not all of Israel is fully Israel. If one's primary mode of connecting, of grafting into the Olive Tree, is through the unsaved Jewish majority, then one is essentially grafting to branches which are (at least at this stage) cut off from the tree! That's not a good formula for "partaking with them of the rich root of the olive tree!" It's impossible to take blessing and nourishment from the root if you're grafting into branches that aren't even connected to the tree! This error was quite forgivable a generation ago, when the believing remnant in Israel was so tiny as to be practically invisible, but today the Jewish nation is experiencing a spiritual restoration and a growing, maturing remnant of the faithful in Yeshua. It's time for the fullness of the Olive Tree grafting relationship!
2. Jewish/Hebrew "roots" Torah teaching – Today, there is much popular teaching about the "Jewish roots" of the faith. Learning about the Hebraic background of the Scriptures, Jewish culture, the Feasts, etc. can be beneficial—as long as it does not come with a promise to find through their observance spiritual benefits that we already have in Messiah. But connecting with the laws and culture of a people is different from actually connecting with them in a relational way.
Think of it like this: Eating out regularly at a sushi restaurant may help you to appreciate Japanese food, but it may not help you actually connect with the reality that is Japan. Of course, an appreciation of the national cuisine, or studying the language and history of Japan, can help foster deeper relationship with Japanese people—but it shouldn't be mistaken for the relationship itself.
The Olive Tree of Romans 11 is a "people tree," not a "Torah teaching/doctrine tree." According to Paul, the root of the tree (God's covenant people) is to be identified more with the Abrahamic covenant of faith and promise, than with the later Torah-based religious practices that came to define the boundaries of Jewish identity (Gal. 4-5; Rom. 10:4). In context, Paul's whole point is about the right relationship with other peoples in the tree—not with observing Sabbaths or Feasts.
This "tree" of the people of God is also like a rainbow, demonstrating an incredible variety of the unique cultures and identities of the nations, whom John could visibly recognize in his vision (Rev. 7:9). This mistaken way of "connecting" or "grafting" with Israel through Jewish roots teaching can actually be a great deception. One may find himself with a supposedly "Jewish," or "biblical" way of living and practicing his faith, but without any of the biblical connections with Israel—neither A, B nor C!
In the end, according to our experience, this can lead to a very unhealthy focus on the details of one's own religious practice, identity and even the deception of thinking that you have Jewish or Israelite "blood" (Rev. 3:9). 
For the original article, visit
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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Messianic Believers: No Separation From Jewish Roots - SAM NADLER CHARISMA NEWS

Messianic believers should not be separated from their Jewish roots.

Messianic Believers: No Separation From Jewish Roots

Messianic believers should not be separated from their Jewish roots. (Dreamstime)

Standing With Israel
Though the words "Messiah" and "Christ," as well as the adjectives "Messianic" and "Christian," are technically equivalent, they have acquired additional cultural connotations over the years. Unfortunately, they are often misunderstood.
Many people do not realize that the word Messiah has the same meaning as the word Christ. The Hebrew word Mashiach, which means "Anointed One," is transliterated into English as Messiah. When Mashiach is translated into Greek, the word is Christos, which is then transliterated into English as Christ. 
To many, Christ is the central person of the Christian faith, but Messiah is the hope of the Jewish people. The same applies to the label "Christian." Generally, to Jewish people, the word Christian means non-Jew. Therefore, when a Jewish person becomes a believer in Yeshua, calling him or her a Christian indicates to the Jewish community that this person has deserted the Jewish people and "joined the Gentiles."
In order to prevent any misunderstanding of our faith by the Jewish community, we (Jewish believers) and those in fellowship with us have come to use the term "Messianic believer" to describe ourselves. Jewish believers are still Jewish, because Yeshua is the Jewish Messiah as well as Savior of the world.
When a Jewish person comes to faith in Yeshua and retains his or her Jewish identity, this serves as a strong testimony to the unbelieving Jewish community. For if Yeshua is the true Jewish Messiah, then a Jewish person who places faith in Him has made the most Jewish act of faith that he or she could ever make!
Why do I focus on Yeshua being the Jewish Messiah? Because the Word of God does. From the very first words of Matthew's account, the New Covenant declares Yeshua to be the Jewish Messiah: "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the son of Abraham" (Matt. 1:1).
As the Good News according to Matthew was written for a Jewish audience, the Good News according to John was written for a Gentile audience. However, even when John (Yochanan in Hebrew) wrote to Gentiles, he presented Yeshua for who He is: the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. Notice the terms John uses in John 1:29-49 (ESV, emphasis added):
"'Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!... They [the disciples] said to him, `Rabbi...We have found the Messiah... We have found him about whomMoses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Yeshua from Nazareth... Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!'"
When John wrote to the Gentile world about the essential need for faith in Yeshua, he dared not separate Messiah from His biblical and Jewish roots. Though his Gospel account would declare Yeshua to be the Savior of the world (John 4:42), Yeshua's credentials for being the world's Savior rely upon His being Israel's true Messiah.
If Yeshua is not the rightful Jewish Messiah, He has no authority to be anyone's savior, let alone the savior of the world. To separate Him from His Jewish roots is to separate Messiah from His legitimate, eternal authority and ministry.
It is true that at this present time, the majority of believers in Yeshua are non-Jews. However, this does not change the fact that Yeshua is still the true Jewish Messiah and that faith in Him does not and cannot make Jews into Gentiles.
Consider this illustration from my book, Messianic Discipleship, which expounds on the misunderstandings many have about Jewish believers in Messiah:
There was once a Jewish restaurant (the Bible), which served excellent food (Yeshua, the "bread of life" [John 6:35]). Though this restaurant was Jewish, it was located in a mostly Gentile neighborhood (the world). Now, if this restaurant served such great food that many Gentiles became patrons, would it make the food non-Jewish? Of course not! Jews could still eat there and enjoy the "home cooking." 
If those same Gentile patrons enjoyed the food so much that they took some home in their own non-Jewish containers (so that everyone mistakenly thought that the food had come from a non-Jewish restaurant), this still wouldn't change the fact that the food and the restaurant were Jewish. It would be ridiculous to think that Jews who ate in the restaurant would stop being Jewish simply because they ate with Gentiles.
The irony of these questions is this: Quite a while ago, some of the Jewish patrons of the restaurant thought that the Gentile patrons had to become Jewish in order to eat there! This matter turned into a real controversy for the Jewish restaurant. It escalated to the point that all the original Jewish patrons ended up coming together to discuss the issue. At this meeting, it was finally decided that "Gentiles that eat Jewish food don't become Jewish, they simply become fulfilled Gentiles!" (To read of the actual controversy and decision, see Acts 15.)
Shimon, an Israeli believer, met with me shortly after he had come to faith in Messiah Yeshua. He was curious about this "Jewish identity" issue. Since he only wanted to glorify Jesus and not put any trust in the flesh, this Jewish issue seemed to him to be no more than fleshly pride. However, after studying the Scriptures together, he realized that it was no more prideful to be identified as a Jewish believer than to be seen as a male believer; these are simply the facts of the matter.
In fact, according to Scripture, to identify as a Jewish believer in Messiah is a matter of testifying of God's faithfulness to His promises, even as Paul did in Romans 11:1-2. Since then, Shimon has matured as a Messianic Jewish believer, and though he still wants to be careful that he puts no trust in his flesh, he is also bold to declare, "Am Yisrael Chai BaShem Yeshua HaMashiach!" That is, "The People of Israel live in the name of Yeshua the Messiah!" 
Dr. Sam Nadler is a Jewish believer in Jesus who has been in Messianic ministry for over 40 years.  Sam is the president of Word of Messiah Ministries, which is bringing the good news—to the Jew first but not to the Jew only—and planting Messianic Congregations in Jewish communities worldwide. To encourage and equip the body of Messiah, Sam is invited to speak in churches across the country and has written multiple books on Jewish evangelism, discipleship and the feasts of Israel. For more information and resources, or to invite Sam to speak at your church, visit 
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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jewish actor Dustin Hoffman breaks down after discovering family roots - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

Dustin Hoffman
(see video below)

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In all of us, we are our stories. The experiences that make up our life dramatically impact the way we look at the world. Why does this Cuban, Texan Republican stand up and fight so relentlessly for the nation of Israel? This is his story....
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Today's Jewish Roots Feature - "They all survived for me to be here."
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Friday, March 4, 2016



© Morris E. Ruddick

Ghandi once commented that the teachings of Jesus are beautiful. His caveat was that if only he could find one real Christian.

Ghandi's claim was that he liked Christ, but that the Jesus followers he had met were unlike Him. His observation is a reflection of what the world sees in the faith that believers put in action.

Yet, Abraham was viewed as a prince by the sons of Heth, one of the dominant societies in his region The powerful biblical leader Abimelech's response to Isaac, Abraham's son was: "We see that the Lord has been with you. Let us make a covenant that you do us no harm." Pharaoh's discernment of Joseph was: "Can we find such a man as this, one in whom is the spirit of God?"

What Jesus imparted was not a philosophy or new religion. It was a dimension of reality bridging the natural and the spiritual. It was a reality, a threshold in God, that impacted everything. From the early days of God's people walking with Him, this reality of God, seen through His people, was recognized and acknowledged with awe as God manifesting. This dimension, this corridor of walking with God incorporated the knowledge of God with His ways, His truth.

It was this dimension that Jesus referred to as the Kingdom of God. It is both the gateway and pathway into knowing God. It involves what Jesus referred to as "abiding" or the process of abandoning ourselves to become one with God.

Jewish Foundations

This truth came from the foundations of what Jesus referred to as the law and prophets, which He noted that He had not come to change. They are foundational.

Jesus spoke very clearly to the issue of these foundations, of what we refer to as "our faith." As a Jew, Jesus made the point that He had come to bring completion to what Jews referred to as "the law," or the Torah and the prophets.

Yet, what followed digressed into the institutionalization of "the faith." This institutionalizing of the faith resulted in the loss of two key things: the foundations and the power that resulted, the result when what Jesus imparted is truly grasped and set in motion.

The Struggle for the Foundations

Instead, historically one generation beyond those of the first-century church and those so remarkably touched by this new dimension of the foundations, began seeing the replacement of the power of God with human effort. While retaining some of the essence of the faith, the effect lost the vibrancy of the foundations. The progressively embattled result became something akin to the settling of the wild west in America, which was polluted with lawlessness and corruption.

What played out in the next couple of centuries among the followers of Jesus was a serious division over matters foundational to the faith and with that a struggle for power.

When the foundations are restored, the Jesus I know and serve will not be misperceived as the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ or as having His birthplace in the Vatican. Jesus was a good Jewish boy who God sovereignly entrusted to a good Jewish home. He grew up expounding on the "law and the prophets."

However, in the early fourth century the struggle that ensued between those who adhered to the foundations and those who were institutionalizing the church converged with an unusual Roman emperor whose mother was reported to be a believer. In response to a battle he won, the emperor Constantine made Christianity the religion of his realm and in the process, he sided with the institutionalizers.

In that process, the Jewish foundations of the faith were expunged. The church that resulted started opposing anything related to the Jewishness of the good news, this fullness to the foundations laid out by Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.

This shift from the foundations marked the beginning of what some refer to as the dark ages. It resulted in a growing number of church leaders and sects taking a stand against Jews and anything Jewish tied to the "faith." It progressively produced deep rifts in the relationship with any of the Jewish faith with atrocities that created ripples that extend to this day.

The Foundations Recovered

Yet today, God is not only sovereignly restoring the Jewish roots to Christianity, but the biblical foundations of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to the Jewish people. These Jewish roots to the faith represent the foundations to be recovered. They are what was missing and caused Ghandi to say he liked Christ, but did not consider any of the Jesus followers he had met to be like Him.

To understand these foundations, how they affect what Jesus referred to as "the Kingdom" and how they impact every aspect of our lives: the mix of the economic, culture and power, we need to begin with the patriarch Abraham. Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish people. But before we talk about Abraham and how this all started, I'd like to outline some of the factors that are pertinent to this culture of business navigated by the people the world has accepted as being a people of business, the Jews.

The People of Business

Over the millennia the Jewish people not only have succeeded in retaining their cultural identity, but with disproportionate achievement have served as catalysts and influencers to the civilizations that would rise and fall around them, like the Greeks, the Romans, the Assyrians, the Ottomans, the Babylonians and others.

Historically, in civilizations without a middle class, the Jewish people have served that function, as merchants and bankers and people of business. They have been advisors to kings, rulers and leaders and financed national agendas in the societies in which they lived.

Yet, as a people, Jews have been distinctive. As a people, they have released nuggets of wisdom from the roots of their faith that have impacted the foundations: economically, governmentally, judicially, and morally, for what is now considered as the good and enduring virtues and values within Western civilization.

Today, despite being only one-fourth of one percent of the world's population, since 1950, Jews have been the recipients of 27 percent of the Nobel prizes awarded. Studies such as "The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement" and "Startup Nation" attest to their modern-day contributions, which statisticians would view as "beyond chance expectation."

In short, Jewish strategies have resulted in them outliving, as a people, the civilizations of which they have been a part. The keys to this remarkable phenomenon lie in the restoration of the foundations and its long-term, enduring model.

Pertinent Ancient Foundations

Identity. As already noted, at the foundations of Jewish culture is their identity. Jews hold to the belief of being a prophetic people of God whose ways reflect the pattern of their forefather Abraham: to be blessed to be a blessing. This distinction has been both unique and pertinent to their destiny. For the most part, they have resisted assimilation and from age to age they have maintained their unique identity as a culture within a culture.

Jews share with many Asian cultures the distinction of having had their share of centuries as a conquered people, yet without losing their foundations culturally that have made them unique and strong. Jewish and Asian diasporas share in both having retained their cultural identities and serving as positive influencers to the cultures of which they have become a part.

Community. Jewish beliefs nurture the dynamic of community much more than Western cultures. Historically Jews are an Eastern culture. As a culture within a culture, Jewish communities tend to operate with an approach of being a trust society. They foster entrepreneurship and creativity from within and build incisively from the bottom-up.

Self-Sufficiency. Within that context, community-wise, when adhering to their standards, they operate in a self-regulated, self-sufficiency within their communities. Self sufficiency will result from discipline, excellence and dependable stewardship. It is why Jews have succeeded even when the societies around them have made untenable legal requirements and even contained them within ghettos. Even during severe times of persecution, Jews typically have mastered fostering the type of stewardship that serves and reflects excellence, while profiting and overcoming.

Gifts.  Jewish communities are known for nurturing and mentoring emerging generations to excel as individuals, yet for the benefit of community. Everyone has a gift. First defining one's gift and then developing it to where what is being done stands out in excellence among others represents something that can be successfully commercialized. It is also the foundation of true leadership.

Leadership. The Jewish brand of leadership has the distinction of operating best through influence and service. Jesus described this brand of influence as being the salt of the earth, a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. As a people, Jews are disciplined and are willing to pay the cost to live according to a higher standard, as well as to sacrifice for the future of their people.

Moral Standards. With many similarities to the ancient roots of some key Asian peoples, Jews are a moral society. Their distinctive identity upholds the standards of community, entrepreneurship, innovation, excellence and industriousness. While not exempt from corruption, Jewish standards in business, community and seats of power do tend to be higher, with corrupt practices less tolerated.

However, these moral standards are significant. They form a part of knowing God's ways. They explain why certain Asian cultures have excelled in business without knowing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, moral standards are only a part of God's ways. That's the point of taking a closer look at the foundations embraced by Jews.

These observations provide the practical keys to opportunity. A recent Wall Street Journal article (Vietnamese Lessons for Burma, Chin and Collazo, 20 Nov 2013) has challenged whether Vietnam's doi moi economic reforms have lost their momentum and Vietnam, Asia's shining star for foreign investment, its advantage.

The answer lies within. Foreign investment will stir the economy, but building an enduring economy will follow the wisdom from the Jews, from within. That brings us back to the issue of the foundations and business. Jews have mastered the way they merge the economic with community and the spiritual.

Bottom-Up Foundations

Long-term economic growth that helps society as a whole requires bottom-up economic foundations. This doesn't discount either the opportunity or importance of leveraged development from top-down investment activity or business accelerator strategies.
Nevertheless, while the term "start-ups" and "small business" in the West has tended to embrace a threshold of anything under 20 million USD annually; the threshold tied to the foundations that has evolved from the people of business needs to be lower.

Healthy economic structures need to foster family-owned businesses that employ a handful of employees and serve a local neighborhood. In places like Vietnam, the reality is that a healthy ratio of Vietnam's GDP (roughly a fourth) comes from what has begun being referred to as the "sidewalk economy."

Historically in the West, some of the current, longest-lasting, more stable, larger organizations have grown from very humble beginnings. Ford Motor Company began in a garage. Again, this premise reflects the centuries-old approach employed by the people whose renown has been as a people of business and finance: the Jews.
What is most pertinent and warrants examination is the Jewish model which merges the spiritual, economic and community. From age to age, this model has operated with consistent success despite adversities and the very different, but dominant cultures of which Jews have been a part.

Cultural Compatibility and Entrepreneurship

A highly respected social economist has uncovered some unique insights into these issues in his examination of economies and cultures in "Trust: Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity." Francis Fukuyama contends that social capital may be as important as physical capital.

Dr. Fukuyama holds that only societies with a high degree of social trust will create the foundations needed for the large-scale business organizations that compete in today's global economy.

Nevertheless, large-scale organizations are only a part of the equation. Former Cambridge University entrepreneurial expert and author, Bill Bolton, stresses the importance of the creative and innovative dimensions which drive economic opportunity and the dynamic of entrepreneurship.

The challenge lies in the foundation of the economic structure. While the West has repeatedly gone through a process of reinventing the venture capital and "accelerator" investment models for fast-growth organizations; investment trends can be fickle and at times, abruptly cyclic. The reality is that without a firm foundation of entrepreneurship with community-level businesses; the economic structure will eventually soften and become top-heavy.

So, in wrapping up this brief introduction to Jewish business secrets, I want you to view this as a journey that we're taking together. We're going to look at foundations that fit into three categories: the spiritual, the entrepreneurial and the community and how they relate together.

What I'm outlining is a way of thinking. It taps the creative. It bears on your gifts, which we'll also talk more about. But more importantly it significantly impacts what we each call our destinies.

In this series, some of the highlights we will be addressing include both very practical and foundational issues like:
  • The Model: The God-Centered, Entrepreneurial, Community Matrix
  • Your Destiny Gifts: Developing your natural, spiritual and entrepreneurial gifts
  • Entrepreneurship and God's Economy: Create, innovate, build, multiply
  • Anointed Planning:  Learning to plan with God's guidance
  • Financial Stewardship:  The pathway to mastering financial cycles and growth
  • The Dynamic of Increase: Community responsibility and generosity
  • The Creative Advantage: Practical application of harnessing the spiritual
  • Opportunity in Crisis: Entering God's economy and succeeding in tough times
  • Understanding the Times: Prophetic insights into these times of change
  • The Power Factor: The reality of God and how good overcomes adversity
  • Success Groups:  A Jewish strategy for business success and opportunity
  • Community Building:  Understanding God's purposes for business
  • Jewish Strategies of Leadership: Keys to becoming agents of change
  • The Kingdom Factor: The paradox that restores the power and foundations.
What we're going to be covering was what was missing in the lives of the Christians that Ghandi had encountered, yet remains the essence of who Jesus is and the teachings He imparted. As has been written by the prophet Jeremiah:

"Stand at the crossroads and look. Then ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies. Then walk in it and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the higher dimensions of business leadership since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders to be blessed to be a blessing where God's light is dim in diverse regions around the globe.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders with destinies to impact their communities. 

They are available in print and e-versions from

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize economic community builders imparting influence and the blessings of God. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at

Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your group's gathering on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.

2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiative Foundation

Global Initiatives is 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization