Showing posts with label Karla Shrake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karla Shrake. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

"I Am The Divine Globalist," says the Lord, "and I Am Lifting the Veil of Deceit" by Karla Shrake (August 22, 2013)

A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake, August 22, 2013

To subscribe to The Lion Roars Newsletter: 

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem."

Joel 3:16, "The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His
 camp is Very Great, For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."
Joel 2:11

"I Am The Divine Globalist," says the
Lord,"and I Am Lifting the Veil of
Deceit" by Karla Shrake 

"My champions, you were chosen to be born for this day and
you have My DNA," says your Father. "As The One who
conceived and fashioned you I want to assure you that
you shall surely stand and even flourish in the midst of
all that is on the horizon in this late hour of human history."

Change at Hand - My Peace I Give to You:

"In your personal lives be not concerned that there are
 things of the past season that are coming to an end,
for you must understand this must be so in order
to make room for the new commissionings and
faith-adventures I have for you. Be not anxious as
many things begin to shift, change and turn, for the
prophetic time-clock of history is accelerating. As the
Father-of-all I am very busy on the planet, on every
continent, for I so love all the diverse peoples and
cultures of the earth."

"I am the Divine Globalist!" laughs the Creator
of the Universe. "I have the whole world on My
mind and I have had a plan of redemption from
the beginning. Did I not tell you in detail that the
time near the end would be marked by birth-pangs
and much change? In the midst of circumstances
that are changing and shifting, the one thing that
will never change is that you are Mine and I watch
over My covenant children. There is no power in
heaven nor on earth that can snatch My blood-bought
children out of My hand," consoles your Father, the
Lord God Almighty.

"For while the seas may roar and the mountains may fall
know that I AM the first and the last, the One who
changes not. I am The Faithful One who has you securely
in My mighty hand."

"So do not become consumed with excessive focus
on the markets or on your government and its politicians,
but rather focus on The One who made the heavens and
the earth, the One who formed you within the belly of
your mother, The One who has loved you from the beginning."

I am The Righteous Judge:

"You will also come to know Me as The Righteous Judge
as I am now beginning to judge the powers of darkness
and the enemies of the cross, and I will judge the enemies'
of My children, My bride. I am long-suffering but because
I am also forever just you will now begin to see My righteous
 judgments increasing in the earth, for it is through these
that many prisoners will finally be set free."

"The veil of darkness, the shroud of deceit, I have begun
to lift so that the enemies' lies and wicked schemes would
be exposed. Among those who oppose Me are those
who have a counterfeit plan of destruction and take-over
of the peoples and resources of the earth. But I sit in the
heavens and laugh as these enemies are being made a
footstool under the feet of My Son."

"My righteous judgments are going forth, for it is My gavel 
that shall crush your adversaries," explains the Lord.

Ambassadors of Truth Commissioned:

"For truly the enemy has lied and schemed from the very
beginning in the garden, causing humanity to question
My love and goodness toward them. In this age of deceit
know that as I send you to represent Me, the light of My
truth will burn ever-more-brightly than ever before. For
who among you like to be lied about and misrepresented?
 And neither do I!" says the Lord of Hosts.

"So go dear champions, in the power of My Spirit and
herald the truth that I am a very good and faithful Father
and that I am not only merciful, but also just. As you
partner with Me in complete obedience in this challenging
hour you will see your enemies hung on their own gallows
as it was with the enemies of Mordecai and
Queen Esther long ago."

"For I am the ultimate whistleblower! For not only do I
tell the truth, I released the fullness of truth to the earth
 in the form of My Son, who is forevermore The Way,
The Truth and The Life, and the only way back to Me.
 It was The Lamb who purchased the mercy that covers
 you but understand it was The Lamb who also purchased
the judgment that overtakes your enemies. All was purchased
with His pure and holy blood, so honor The Lamb/ Lion
wherever He treads among you. For the government
is most assuredly upon His shoulders and He is bringing
heaven to earth as you partner with Him by allowing Him to
rule and reign in and through you."
"For you are very greatly loved and treasured My little children, 
My last-day champions of the faith," says your Abba-Father. 
"I have much trust in you to carry out My bidding, for there is 
much riding on your obedience as billions of souls are ripe for 
harvest and the end of the age is not far off. Please go and 
quickly gather them into the family-ark," pleads the caring Father

"Partner with Me in declaring My Word and you shall see My
righteous judgments go forth as fire and lightnings."

Davidic Warriors


Don't you love the graphic above of the mighty angel
destroying the creature of darkness?

Dear Davidic Warrior family, that is an accurate portrayal of what
has been happening to your enemies as we have all been decreeing
His Word together on Thursdays. Our spoken Word-decrees
activate the angelic hosts to accomplish His will and bring it to pass.

A friend went abroad to minister and was given instruction from
the Holy Spirit to bind up the powers of witchcraft over the nation,
which he did. The next day he found out that at the very same
time he did that, a fire-lightning bolt struck a tree where sorcerer's
had been gathering for many years to cast spells. The tree was
destroyed and the sorcerers scattered by the fire-lightning bolt
that came from heaven through the decree of the servant of
the Lord. And the eye-witnesses testified the fire-bolt came from
a clear sky - there was no rainstorm. This is what happens
as believers decree His Word, it is more powerful than we
can imagine.

Be encouraged as you follow the instructions of scripture in
calling things that are not as though they are.' Our doing so
helps to bring the will and plan of heaven into our lives, our
 families' lives and the lives of one the glory of God.

Know that you are loved and appreciated,


A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of
heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been
reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of
Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to
those who wear them and to their households.

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings
fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its
readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles"
the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your
 own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Lion Roars Prophetic Newsletter - "The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again - Part III" - Karla Shrake (Mantles of Glory Ministries)

A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake

July, 2013 - Vol. 21

And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters  His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great,For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again - Part III

(*Note from author Karla Shrake: Below are excerpts taken from the last section of my book "Mantles of Glory." This section received and penned in 1999, published 2001.) 
The wise and loving Father of all is preparing His beloved children for the greatest challenges and the greatest battle of all time. Does not an earthly father instruct, train and even admonish his children in order to equip them for the challenges of life? In anticipation of a great war is it not the wise and caring general who presses his troops to the maximum, training them for the rigors of the battlefield ahead and preparing them not just for survival, but for victory?

Mothers and Fathers Speak Truth

The Father-General is now raising up mothers and fathers who will speak His truth for the purpose of maturing and preparing the Body for the great battle ahead. We must put aside milk and diapers "and grow up into Him who is the head." This battlefield is only for those who are spiritually strong and developed. It is time to go into the gyms of daily life to exercise God's truths and to develop strength and stamina. 

We cannot wait until the heat of the great battle to begin exercising and learning the weapons of our warfare for it will be too late and we will be overcome. His voice to the Body in this hour is the voice of preparation, instruction and exhortation and of loving admonishment. "The time is short," warns the Father-General, "and there is much to learn and overcome in order to be ready for what lies ahead."

It is imperative that you follow the Lamb-Lion wherever He goes in this critical hour, obeying Him as your Commanding General not only when you understand but even when you do not. You must follow Him not only when you feel good and rested but also when you are battle-worn and weary for the time of preparation is shorter than you realize. 

Remember you will be able to stand in this rigorous and challenging latter day only in the Lord's strength that has been deposited within you from the beginning.

"He (Eleazar) arose and attacked the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand stuck to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to plunder." II Sam. 23:10

The Warrior-Eagle Makes Resolution

America you must resolve to seek your Father as never before. You must resolve to grasp Him even as the warrior-Eleazar of David's three mighty men. This mighty warrior stood alone defying the entire Philistine army that had gathered for battle while the men of Israel retreated. Alone and in his weariness he continued to stand against all odds. He grasped his sword until his hand 'stuck' to it. 

 It is imperative that you grasp Him Warrior-Eagle as Eleazar grasped his sword. You must grasp His Word, His anointing, and even His very own heart in this late hour until you are 'stuck' to them, becoming one with them.

"Even as I used Eleazar to stand against many bringing about a great victory for Israel," says the Lord, "so will I use you in this late day My courageous Warrior-Eagle. You will indeed stand against the very hordes of hell itself to bring about great last-day victory as I manifest the triumph of Calvary through you."

New Winds are Blowing

"Even as I blew into Adam's nostrils the breath of life in the beginning so am I now as the Father of all again blowing My eternal life-breath deeply into the hearts of men in this late hour. As I commanded My servant Ezekiel to prophesy to the dead bones in the midst of the valley so am I now commanding life into the dead bones of the valleys of America in this urgent hour:

" 'Oh dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. Come from the four winds, Oh breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.' " Ezekiel 37:4-5, 9

The Spirit of Elijah Will Resurrect the Eagle

Beloved Eagle-America allow the Lord of Glory once again to be intimate with you to overshadow you and to blow His eternal life-breath deeply into you. He will resurrect you even as He resurrected the son of the widow of Zarepheth and the son of the Shunamite woman. Even as He sent his prophets to them so is He now sending His spirit of Elijah/Elisha, His prophetic spirit of restoration, to resurrect that which has died within you.

Both these prophets stretched themselves out laying their own bodies upon the bodies of the dead sons as they prayed. Even so the Lord is now stretching Himself out upon that which is dead within you Eagle-America, laying His Spirit of resurrection upon you, breathing His very own life-breath into you once again until you are warmed and restored. 

Yes He did lay His presence upon you in the beginning when He conceived and formed you but know that He is now coming to you a second time.

"I hear the cries of My faithful children across this land welcoming Me in this day," says your Father, "even as the widow and the Shunamite who welcomed Me into their homes long ago. This is truly your appointed day to rise again My beloved Eagle-America," commands your Father.

You will Live Again Eagle-America!

"Your heart will beat again with the fervor and the passion of your first love toward Me. You will rise up stretching and exercising your great wings, again catching the winds of My Spirit and purpose, becoming airborne. As you fellowship with Me in the heights of My Spirit your eyes will again become clear as you 'come to yourself' remembering who you are and for what great purpose you were conceived."

"You will be strengthened," promises your faithful Father. "You will endure and overcome, accomplishing all that I have ordained for you from the beginning. Long ago My last day servant Joel prophesied last-day restoration:

"Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust...." Joel 2:25

"Receive My resurrection life-breath even now My beloved Eagle for your latter days will be much more glorious than your former. It is time now to hoist up your welcome banners toward Heaven beseeching My precious Holy Spirit to invade your deepest hearts, lives and families. Welcome My eternal life-breath into all that has been dead to Me and you will receive My resurrection power. Rejoice for your hour of deliverance, vindication and commissioning has come...your restoration is truly at hand!"

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again

Final Header
A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake

June 20, 2013,Volume 19

And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem."
Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before
His Army;
Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."

Joel 2:11

The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again

Part 1

by Karla Shrake

June 20, 2013

"My dear America you have seen both good times and bad but you must understand this is your prophetic hour to wake up for I am beginning to reveal Myself to many across this great land," says your Founder-Father. "This is the hour to search for Me with all your heart and to heed My word with great diligence and care.

 As you do you will find the deliverance and healing you are in such desperate need of. The hour is short and you must respond quickly for the prophetic wheels of time and eternity are turning and the appointed hour of deliverance has begun," exhorts your loving Father.

Time to Rouse from your Comfort-Nests:
"Yes American church I understand your joints, shoulders and muscles have become stiff and even atrophied from so many years of dryness, lethargy and ease. Now is the time to forsake business as usual and the comfort of your nests.

I am coming to awaken you so that you will remember who you are, the greatness that I your covenant Father imparted to from your inception so long ago. You must again lift up your eyes toward heaven so that your spiritual understanding, reasoning and true identity will return. I have called you to be My humble and obedient ones to represent My father's heart of love for the lost and dying in your own country as well as around the globe."

The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail:

"Yes it is true the very gates of hell are battering against you yet again and again with great ferocity even as hurricane winds and waves batter the coastline, but know that they will not prevail against you My faithful ones. You must learn to continually hide yourself in Me and in My latter-day purposes for this is where you will find protection and victory."

"As you learn to truly hide yourself in Me you will discover that I will shield you from the batterings and beatings that hell is spewing forth with such great intensity. Humble yourselves, seek Me while I may be found and stay under the shelter of My strong, eternal wings. Hide yourself in that secret place of intimate fellowship with Me," exhorts your loving Father. "But do not become comfortable for I am moving suddenly and frequently in this critical hour of preparation therefore you must be prepared to move quickly with Me."

Lean into My Faithfulness:

"You must turn toward Me My beloved Eagle and stretch forth the wings of your faith, trusting in Me as your Father-Founder once again. As you lean into Me in this dark hour you will encounter My covenant faithfulness and the lifting of My Spirit."

"Take courage dear ones as the winds of heaven are stirring across this great land as I your Maker have a plan and a purpose from long ago. I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I know the end from the beginning. Find your your strength in Me and in the power of My might, for truly My might has no end." (Part II coming in next week's newsletter.)

*Note from author Karla Shrake:

The above are excerpts taken from the last section of my book "Mantles of Glory,

this section received and penned in 1999. As the author I have taken liberty in making changes, edits and additions to the original text, although the essence of the message remains the same.

Davidic Warriors

Dear Friends and Fellow-Patriots,

The Lord quickened to me to go back and reread the last section of my book "Mantles" about America, that part written 14 years ago.  As we are three weeks away from July 4th, the anniversary of our liberty, I felt He wanted to release a word of perspective, encouragement and exhortation to us and to those this word might be forwarded to.  This is not just about patriotism, it is about His kingdom plans and purposes for our country - that they be fulfilled and not aborted.  

I pray this word will stir the hearts of many to pray and fast for our country and for the leaders of the Body of Christ in America.  Ultimately a nation is ruled by the righteous who bow before Him in faith and humility.   So let us pray that His children would take their rightful places as they kneel before Him in the courtroom of heaven where our Righteous Judge rules according to the everlasting covenant.   Let us stand in agreement with the Mayflower Compact and many other founders and believers who shed both tears and blood for a land of liberty based on the Bible and on The Lamb's eternal sacrifice, the only way to true and lasting liberty.

Blessings to all in the Davidic Warrior prayer-fasting-decree family for although we are decreeing in a hidden and private way, it is divinely powerful for the establishing of His plan and Kingdom in our lives, destinies and families.  May your heart's desires come to pass quickly and surely in this season as He richly rewards faithfulness and devotion to Him.  Know that you are remembered and honored not only in heaven but on earth as well.
love to all,
A Prophetic Word to this Generation
      Click for more information  
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation.   Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. 

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers.  As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Click Here to Buy 

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Lions Roars (Vol. 18) - Karla Shrake - "Who Will Build With Me, As Noah Did?"

A Prophetic Newsletter
By Karla Shrake

June 6, 2013  Volume 18

Click here to subscribe to The Lion Roars Newsletter:

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

"I am Calling and Commissioning Noahs - Who Will Build With Me in this Late Hour?" asks your Father"

by Karla Shrake June 6, 2013

Pt. II of "He is Readying Us to Rule and Reign"

"For surely long ago I spoke to you about the last days, the days of My Son's return and how they would be like the days of Noah. Know that in My goodness I always have an ark - a way of escape - for those seeking truth and life. In the days of My servant Noah it was an ark of gopher wood and pitch that provided the way of escape through the deep flood waters. In your day I need many centers, many ark-centers that are built and established upon the saving and rescuing blood of Jesus."

Ark Refuge Live-In Centers:

"I need places to bind up the wounded and heal the brokenhearted. I am pouring out much grace in this hour My people, therefore I need containers and structures that I can pour this grace into so it can be accessed by the masses who so desperately need it. I have begun developing rescue-centers that will serve as prototypes for others to follow, but there is much left to be built and established. I am calling My people to create ark-centers, even cities of refuge in every region so they will be readily available to those who have need of them."

"Where are My Noah-Builders who will partner with Me in the greatest harvest of all time?" asks your Father.

Many Coming In Soon:

"For there are many who will be coming into My kingdom in a very short time," explains your Father, "and many will need a place to rest their weary heads and souls. I desire to raise up centers of healing, deliverance and housing, for it is not enough for the wounded and the needy to attend services, they need to have places to live where they are loved and restored to wholeness and strength. They need a place to be discipled in how to live daily life as an overcomer.

A Place to be Discipled:

I desire to manifest to these in need not only through the preaching of My Word, but also through the truth lived out in daily life, relationships, in marriages and families. As these broken ones come into wholeness they will in turn become mighty warriors who will have great anointing, wisdom and authority over the enemy who seeks to rob, kill and destroy mankind. Their healing is part of the foundation of their equipping for the great exploits I have planned for them."

"Where are those who have My heart of compassion for the lost and hurting? Who will build with Me and for Me," asks the Father of mercy. "Who will yield to Me and labor with Me in this all-important mission?"


"I not only want to offer food for the hungry and clothing for the naked, I also want to offer healing for sick bodies and souls. I am now beginning to pour out My delivering power as never before in the history of mankind and I need many Noahs to partner with Me in the liberation of multitudes of captives. The evil powers of this day have locked up many in dark dungeons of deception, delusion and despair, but know that I am throwing new mantles of Noah upon those whom I have called and am now commissioning for these mercy-missions." 

"Just as the animals followed Noah into the ark so will many souls follow you into the ark in this uncertain hour. From before the foundation of the world the ark of salvation was prepared - as the Lamb was slain for the sins of all," comforts your Father.

"In his day My servant Noah preached faithfully for 120 years and not one soul turned toward Me. But you My last-day Noahs will see the greatest harvests of all time as I bring them in just as I brought my animal kingdom into the ark in Noah's day. The animals came in two by two and in sevens as I instructed, in all types and species.

Master-Plan for each Region:

"As leaders in each region inquire of Me I will begin to unfold the master plan for your area. Each center is to be designed according to the region's unique characteristics and needs," explains your Father-Planner. "These centers will be hospitals for sick bodies, sick souls and sick families. 

I am very eager to pour out supernatural signs and wonders as never before. I am restoring all things as prophesied by My prophets Joel, Malachi, Jeremiah and others and I am needing willing vessels, agents of My mighty restoration power, to not only rescue lost souls but to also love them with My love and bring them into complete and total wholeness and soundness in every way."

"The last day storms are increasing, so quickly help the lost find their way back home" pleads the merciful Father.

Redemption Glory:

"For those who are obedient to hear My voice in the details of each center's design and purpose, you will see Me begin to pour out an abiding glory that will overshadow and redeem all that the enemy has tried to ravage and destroy in mankind. Centers of joy and new life in My resurrection power!" laughs your jubilant Father-Rescuer-Provider. "Redemption centers, reclaiming souls that some have deemed as hopeless. But I AM the Living Hope and My redemption lives and the power of My glory is ever-increasing!"

"My covenant faithfulness awaits each Noah-team as I pour out My latter-day glory," promises your Abba.

Abba Provides for Ark-Centers:

"Noah-teams.......My eyes are upon you...I am with you to build and to move forward into all I've put in your heart. As you yield, listen and obey My instructions be assured I will provide for the building and sustenance of the ark-center, even as I provided long ago for Noah the gopher wood, pitch, and the needed helpers.

Abba Provides for Noahs:

"I not only supplied for the building of the ark, but I also provided for Noah and all his household.....for most assuredly I provide for My faithful ones and for those who are about My critical last-day rescue business, for it is very dear to My heart as precious souls are gathered into My bosom," consoles your Father. "My heart longs for all tribes, nations, peoples and cultures of the world to come in to the ark of safety while there is still time."

Davidic Warriors,

Warm greetings to all of you! It is encouraging and strengthening to know our numbers are increasing as the Holy Spirit is stirring friends to share with new friends in our prayer-decrees. What a joy to know we are partnering with Him as we are pulling heaven's plan and purpose into the realm of the earth, that He would have His way in all things pertaining to our lives, destinies and families. And what a comfort and joy to know others are praying for our families and loved ones!

I pray you faith-eagles will feel a fresh breeze from heaven, even the Father's life-breath, to lift you up and refresh and strengthen you. How He loves and appreciates you! Take a pause and receive His loving embrace.....

And I send an embrace of appreciation and love, a hug to you as well -


Upcoming Ministry Events

Please visit our website at for updates on upcoming ministry events.

For inquiries about speaking engagements or ministry invitations, we can be reached at:

A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households.

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Glory Conferences

Our ministry offers what we call 'Preparing for the Glory' Conferences.

We customize these for churches, prayer-groups, home-groups and even

businesses. In these we deal with the whole person, body, soul and spirit, in a very pragmatic way. The seminars and conferences are designed so that folks receive not only encouragement and inspiration during the meeting sessions, but also receive the very pragmatic tools to take home to bring about deep, genuine change and growth for themselves and their families. For more information, go to:

Coaching/Personal Ministry

As time permits in between speaking commitments, Karla is available for phone or Skype sessions. For more information go

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mantles of Glory Newsletter "The Lion Roars" - Vol 18

The Lion Roars Prophetic Newsletter - by Karla Shrake

A Prophetic Newsletter

May 30, 2013, Volume 18

 Click here to subscribe to The Lion Roars Newsletter:

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army;  Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is He who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

"I am Readying You" says your Father, "To Rule and Reign with Me"

by Karla Shrake, May 30, 2013

"For surely these are the days My prophets have spoken about, days of challenge, transition and increasing turbulence. But as you will shortly see these are also days of great opportunity for the good news of My gospel to go forth as never before in history. Multitudes upon multitudes will be coming into My Kingdom very shortly, indeed it has even begun," discloses your Father.

I hear the Lord saying He is 'readying' us for the days in which we live, and for the days to come.

- to be prepared mentally or physically, prepared for immediate use
-to be fit, set, conditioned, primed, ripe, braced, fortified, steeled, qualified, trained, and seasoned

That is quite a list! We say yes Lord, we thank you for readying us and establishing us in all these ways!

"Keep the airwaves full of My glory," invites your triumphant Lion-Deliverer. "Your worshipping Me in spirit and in truth is your greatest tool of preparation, for it lifts you above the smog and releases and imprints My DNA more deeply into you, the DNA of resurrection life and overcoming grace. As you abide more and more in worship and in My Word be assured I am readying and strengthening you. 

As you live lifestyles of loving and helping one another and reaching out to the lost, understand that I am fortifying you as only I can do. As you flow in these things you are creating a highway in the wilderness, a highway of holiness that is preparing the way for My soon return," explains your Lamb-Bridegroom.

"My dear children I am calling you to stand before Me in a state of alertness, for I have much to disclose in this prophetic season, many winning plays and strategies I have to share with you. Stay in a state of focus, keen and sharp focus, keeping your ears and hearts attuned to Me first and foremost. I have much to reveal to you," repeats your Father, "of things that will soon take place for surely I am releasing instructions and guidance for this season to those who are seeking Me. I am preparing and training you to rule and reign with Me."

"Know that the sound of My voice is being turned up more and more so that it can be heard above the noise of the distractions and disturbances of the enemy. Even the whispers that come from My throne room are being heard more and more clearly by those who have their hearts toward Me as their Father-Instructor. 

The sound of My voice will be heard in the land in a new way and it will echo deeper and deeper into the hearts of man in this late hour. For even in My people there is much change and renovation that I am initiating. I am securing you into a more solid foundation of My truth, purpose and plan that you might rule with Me more effectively. For I am needing many last-day Noahs to build in preparation for what is to come........" 

 Part II to be continued in the next newsletter.

Dear Friends,

It is so good to know our Father is busy preparing and readying us. There is much passivity and complacency in our land and even in the Body of Christ. Truly we must rely solely on Him and keep our focus ever-toward Him as our one source of life, strength and direction.

Ultimately only He can ready us for the times in which we live, but it is our part to stay very close to Him and listen and obey His instructions. We know from the Bible that the last days are full of challenge and many faith-adventures, but it is so comforting to know that He already triumphed over all things. We have been given a 'winning script' and as we step into it and walk it out in obedience and faith, we will receive the crown of the overcomer.

"Heavenly Father we as the Davidic Warrior prayer family thank you for readying us for our destinies that we may remain steadfastly faithful to You and your plan for our lives. We honor Your voice of instruction and preparation as we set our hearts and our gaze upon You, the One we love, Amen."

Love and blessings to you,


Our Thursday prayer-decree is on my website under the Davidic Warriors page.

Upcoming Ministry Events

Please visit our website at for updates on upcoming ministry events.

For inquiries about speaking engagements or ministry invitations, we can be reached at:

A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households.

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Glory Conferences

Our ministry offers what we call 'Preparing for the Glory' Conferences.
We customize these for churches, prayer-groups, home-groups and even
businesses. In these we deal with the whole person, body, soul and spirit, in a very pragmatic way. The seminars and conferences are designed so that folks receive not only encouragement and inspiration during the meeting sessions, but also receive the very pragmatic tools to take home to bring about deep, genuine change and growth for themselves and their families. For more information, go to:
Coaching/Personal Ministry

As time permits in between speaking commitments, Karla is available for phone or Skype sessions. For more information go

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Lions Roars - "In the Midst of Darkness A Great Arising and Shining"

A Prophetic Newsletter                  
By Karla Shrake

May 16, 2013
Volume 18


"And the Lord Roars from Zion...
And utters 
His voice from Jerusalem."
 Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before
His Army; 
Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."
 Joel 2:11
In the Midst of Darkness
A Great Arising and Shining
by Karla Shrake
May 16,2013

"In the midst of deep darkness I am raising you up My children, to execute vengeance upon My enemies and yours," laughs your jubilant Father. "For surely this is the time that was spoken of by My prophets that I will do a new thing in the earth. My mighty right arm is lifting My faithful ones, those broken ones considered to be beyond repair, even yourselves. I am now raising up those who have been faithful through all that hell has thrown at them in recent years."

"You will begin to observe what a mighty God I truly am and you will observe My strategies that are beyond knowing, winning strategies that will surprise and ambush the enemy and even also surprise My own children. For I have always waited until the darkest hour to shine forth My greatest and brightest light as I have judged the enemy and rescued My own. Out of the dark mud-pits of Egypt I surprised Pharoah by using a broken and exiled vessel named Moses. During the time Israel was oppressed by the Midianites I chose a fearful vessel named Gideon to surprise and overturn them. During a dark time of lack I chose a woman, a prophetess-judge named Deborah. I filled her mouth with a faith-filled roar as she rode into battle alongside the army's commander securing a solid victory on behalf of My people."

 "The greatest victory of all time was that of My Son Jesus/Yeshua who on Calvary overcame sin and He descended into the region below and took captivity captive and took back the keys of death and hell.   He overcame and defeated for all time the most hideous and cruel darkness, including the gross darkness that is now layering the earth." 

"And while these testimonies are your history My children, you must understand they are not only your history, they are also your heritage.  A heritage of strength, courage and fortitude in the face of great opposition for you must understand My seed has always overcome. Because I am above dear ones, you cannot be beneath and because I am strong you cannot be weak, because I am triumphant you cannot fail, for My overcoming DNA lives and flourishes within you. No matter how black the darkness or how deep the dungeon be assured that I always have a plan, a winning strategy."

"Now you must draw near My precious ones, draw near and allow Me to encourage, strengthen and console you. Allow Me to hold you in My oversized Father's lap while you lean your weary head against My loving bosom. For My heart contains nothing but good and blessing for you little children.   Receive refreshing as I give you fresh perspective of the hour in which you live and also the role you will play in it. For it is the victor's role - the overcomer's crown - you are destined to wear as you rule and reign in My name."

"Again I say I will execute My vengeance upon My enemies in this dark day for I will overturn many conspiracies and plans of the enemy, I will pluck up and root out as never before in human history as I lose the fire of the spirit of Elijah. Yielded and surrendered ones, you are the very ones through whom I will do this. Be assured I am with you and I am for you as you go forth in My name doing My business in the earth. My eyes are upon you and My love is ever-toward you as I hold you in My heart," comforts your eternal Father. "Be strong and of good courage for surely I am with you to win."
 Davidic Warriors,

Again I felt led to send out the word to all on The Lion Roars newsletter list.  But please receive the word above personally as from the Father's heart directly to yours.  I speak blessings over you as we all stand together in the greatest season of human history.  I loved His invitation to us to draw near and climb up into His wonderful lap, the best place to be.  Abba, we ask that you hold us close - close - close, for You are good - good - good!
My love to all

Our Thursday prayer-decree is on my website under the Davidic Warriors page.

A Prophetic Word to this Generation
      Click for more information  
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation.   Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. 

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers.  As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Click Here to Buy 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mantles of Glory Ministries - "As You Lean into Me My Bride, You Will Be Set Aflame"

A Prophetic Newsletter                  
By Karla Shrake

May 9, 2013
Volume 18

"As You Lean into Me My Bride,
You Will Be Set Aflame"

"As you draw near to Me in adoration and worship," says your Lion-Bridegroom, "I will release fresh fire upon you, deeper and hotter than ever before. This fire will remove the dross and complacency that has been upon much of My Body. For this is the hour of the purifying fire of Malachi 4...burning like an oven and burning not only the branches, but also the roots of those things that oppose Me."

"Surely this is the season I am releasing fresh fire from heaven upon My people, upon those who are seeking Me. For it is the consuming fire of My presence that is needed in this dark day, for many who are lost and bound will not recognize Me unless they encounter Me in a tangible way. I am looking for those who will fully surrender to Me so I can manifest My fire in and through them to all around. During the dry and challenging last season some have grown weary and lukewarm. I desire to stir and ignite them afresh that they woud burn brightly and clearly and flow in increasing dumais power. For this will produce more fruit for My Kingdom and also more liberty and victory for you personally."

"I am inviting you to fellowship with Me in the fire of My holiness. Commune with Me in the fire of My passion....the passion of My love for you, My Bride. As you draw ever-nearer I will impart to you My fiery passion for lost souls, for the perishing and the dying. Commune with Me as the Lion of Judah and I will ignite your hearts with love for My people Israel, that they would come to know Me as their Lamb-Messiah. As you lean into Me My Bride, I will take you into new realms, glories and possibilities."

How we love you, Jesus our Lion! Our hearts say yes, yes....Y-E-S to you!
Consume us.... that we are transformed into living torches releasing your presence everywhere we go. Amen!

Please visit Karla Shrake's website at for updates on upcoming ministry events.

For inquiries about speaking engagements or ministry invitations, she can be reached at: 

      Click for more information  
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation.   Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. 

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers.  As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Click Here to Buy 

Karla Shrake's ministry offers what we call 'Preparing for the Glory' Conferences.

She customize these for churches, prayer-groups, home-groups and even
businesses. In these we deal with the whole person, body, soul and spirit, in a very pragmatic way. 

The seminars and conferences are designed so that folks receive not only encouragement and inspiration during the meeting sessions, but also receive the very pragmatic tools to take home to bring about deep, genuine change and growth for themselves and their families.  

For more information, go to: 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Prophetic Word: The Gathering; United We Stand - Karla Shrake

The Gathering;
United We Stand
by Karla Shrake
August 5, 2012

"The time has come for a historic unifying across the land and even across the globe. For many have endured great challenges and much isolation in the past season, but now is the hour that I am gathering you and joining you to one another for My purposes," comforts your Father. "I am gathering regionally, nationally and even globally in order to bring My Body into the wholeness necessary so that she can become not only My Bride, but also an exceedingly great army."

"For surely I am mounting new initiatives in this dark hour and I am gathering to Myself those whom I've chosen to lead My last-day army.   I am aligning you for this new season, My warriors," declares the Captain of Armies. "I am preparing for the great ingathering of souls that is at hand, but first I must gather those who will lead the charge and build according to My blueprints."

Fresh Oil of Unity Pouring Forth:

"For I am releasing a new oil, fresh oil from heaven dear ones, that will begin to create a unity that has not been seen since the early days of the church.   Those who are synchronized with My Spirit will flow in alignment and unity with one another as this is what I am doing in this hour. I am assembling and joining that I might build the throne of David and I am building a network, a great harvest net that will be thrown upon the whole earth in the coming days.

I am answering the prayer of My Son Jesus/ Yeshua in John, chapter 17:20-23: My prayer is not for them alone -- I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one - I in them and you in me-so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."


"I am releasing an anointing that will be recognizable upon those who build bridges to connect those of differing flows and diverse groups. I am connecting and establishing the joints of Ephesians 4:16, the joints that supply. I will bring My people together joint to joint in a new flow that will begin to bring more form and shape to My Body, with Jesus/Yeshua as Head."

"The days of fragmentation and isolation are over!   Watch who and what I will begin to connect and join," laughs your jubilant Father. "The harvest net must reflect great diversity therefore I am anointing networking as never before to bring it together. So be alert to My voice and My promptings as I position you in the right places for the divine connections for this season."  

First assignment - A Wall of Protection:

"Long ago My servant Nehemiah built an impenetrable wall around Jerusalem for their protection before attempting to restore the actual city. A wall of protection must go up first around you before you proceed with Kingdom projects, otherwise the enemy will steal from you, drain and harass you incessantly. I am releasing strategies to bring the wall of protection up around you, indeed this is at the top of My list!" says your faithful Father-Protector. "Look for those who are heading up prayer and fasting initiatives and align as per the leading of My Spirit. Find your place on the wall in serious and unified prayer and fasting, for you are entering a season like none other."
Tables of Strategy:

"In the past the pathways to breakthrough were obscured or overlooked, but I am now unveiling them and removing the clutter and debris that has blocked your focus and your way. In this critical hour of human history, I am gathering My faithful ones around tables of strategy in order to give the very specific knowledge and instructions needed in this unique season of time. Know most assuredly that I am the God of the breakthrough and I am very ready to unveil heaven's wisdom so you can possess your full destiny and calling, and the provision and resources that are needed to fulfill it."

Leaders Birthing Destiny:

"Many of My leaders are beginning to go into birth-pangs to bring forth that which they've carried and believed for in the last season. Now is the time to bring forth!" says your Father. "Now is the time to press in and bring to full delivery and manifestation those things which you've stood for and contended, for I am with you to bring forth, My children!"

"For as much as you are wanting to move into these new arenas - I am needing and wanting it even more, because so very much is riding on it. There are billions of precious souls that are on My heart," says your loving Father, "souls that I want rescued and brought into the family of heaven and I need you as leaders to be fully in your place for this to come about. I need many who love Israel and the sons of Jacob and who understand My covenant promises to her."

Leaders Shifted into their Places, for Such a Time as This:

"I need you in your places of authority and influence, My people. This is not a business-as-usual time, but rather this is a critical season of being positioned for the new things that will shortly be taking place. I positioned Mordecai and Queen Esther before the crisis with Hamaan and I saved the entire nation of Israel using two people who heard My voice and had great courage. My last-day leaders I need you in your place now so that you will be ready as future events unfold. I need My people to be positioned in all aspects of life, in communities, schools, civil government, commerce, and in media and the arts.    When the circumstances of your lives shift and move it can be both perplexing and uncomfortable, but you must understand I am moving and shifting you in order to promote and position you strategically."  
"Indeed movement and shifting, new people, places and things, and new opportunities shall become the norm in this new season. A season of great change has come upon you My people, and upon the earth. Even as the earth itself was shifted on its axis in the last season I am now shifting My leaders into their God-given places of authority and influence so that the Kingdom of heaven can be advanced in the earth," explains the Father. "I am now lifting you into your places of arising and shining with My glory, that all my children may see and know My goodness and love toward them."

Karla Shrake is a professional counselor and as time permits in between ministry commitments, she is available for phone or Skype counseling sessions. For more information, go to: