Showing posts with label Lion of Judah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lion of Judah. Show all posts

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Lana Vawser: "Keep Your Hopes Up! Keep Your Faith High! I Am About to Arrive!" - The Elijah List

Lana Vawser: "Keep Your Hopes Up! Keep Your Faith High! I Am About to Arrive!"

The Elijah List Feb 7, 2019

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
We are living in some of the most exciting days that will be filled with God's glory. Will the world get darker and be full of challenges and shakings? Yes, yes it will...and that's WHEN we will see many mighty moves of God upon the earth.
Just read this most awesome word by Lana Vawser as she shares:
A strong sense of excitement surrounded me. God is about to move in such a powerful way in the lives of His people and on behalf of His people that there is going to be a major increase in miracles. There is going to be a turning of the tables. The supernatural power of God is going to be demonstrated in the lives of His people so powerfully, unlike anything that has ever been seen before.
As I leaned into the Lord to hear His heart, I kept hearing the words, "Keep your hopes up! Keep your faith high! I am about to ARRIVE!"
Now let's do what the Lord said through full of hope and faith, as HE is about to arrive! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here on:
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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This week, the Lord surprised me with the way that He spoke to me. As I was washing the dishes the other day, suddenly, my washing was interrupted by a song that I knew none of the lines to, except for two lines of the chorus. I knew my Mum used to listen to this song years ago before I was married and lived at home.
Over and over again in my mind these two lines played loudly: "Are you ready for a miracle? As ready as I can be!" Over and over again they resounded loudly in my spirit. I knew immediately that the Lord was speaking. So I went and began to search out this song and looked at the lyrics. I was blown away!(To view the lyrics "Ready for a Miracle" click here.)
A strong sense of excitement surrounded me. God is about to move in such a powerful way in the lives of His people and on behalf of His people that there is going to be a major increase in miracles. There is going to be a turning of the tables. The supernatural power of God is going to be demonstrated in the lives of His people so powerfully, unlike anything that has ever been seen before.
As I leaned into the Lord to hear His heart, I kept hearing the words, "Keep your hopes up! Keep your faith high! I am about to ARRIVE!"
God is about to arrive in the lives of His people in such a way that Heaven is going to meet Earth in significant ways. There is about to be a significant reintroduction of the power of God in lives of His people. The story is changing. The page is turned and God is about to show Himself STRONG in the Body of Christ.
I hear the roar in of the Lion of Judah in the spirit. He is coming for His people. He is coming on behalf of His people. He is coming with a divine shift and alignment where nothing shall stand against the roar of His name, and the Body of Christ is going to shake with the sound of His faithfulness. The sound of His faithfulness is about to RESOUND LOUDLY! (Photo via Flickr)
Complete Transformation
The Lord spoke to me that He is coming as the Lion of Judah and that there is about to be a ROAR which is going to be released over many that will bring the most powerful divine alignment of their lives. It won't just be "one area" of their lives that is transformed, it will be a COMPLETE TRANSFORMATION. Jesus is about to reveal Himself in power like never before to many people. Not only will bodies suddenly be healed, situations will suddenly turn around, chains and giants will suddenly disintegrate, and ground the enemy has had will be suddenly withdrawn from him. NOTHING is going to stand against the name of Jesus. 
Things that have refused to bow to the name of Jesus in the lives of Believers are about to be uprooted and removed by the power of God in Jesus name.
2 Corinthians 1:20 is About to Resound LOUDLY!
"For all of God's promises find their 'yes' of fulfillment in Him. And as His 'yes' and our 'amen' ascend to God, we bring Him glory!" (2 Corinthians 1:20 The Passion Translation)
"For as many as are the promises of God, in Christ they are [all answered] 'Yes.' So through Him we say our 'Amen' to the glory of God." (2 Corinthians 1:20Amplified Version)
There is a major fulfillment of the promises of God which will be found in the miracles that are about to take place. I encourage you to create the environment of faith in your life to see the huge fulfillment and miracles that are about to take place. You have taken the Lord at His Word for so long, but struggles and battles have come to discourage you from these promises. A battle has raged in the darkness that many have not seen, but NOW you are about to be brought into the greatest miracle of your life. It will not be by your hand or your power, but by the Spirit of God.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
I prophesy over you right now, in the name of Jesus: this year you are going to see the power of God and the miraculous burst forth in your life unlike anything you have ever seen before. Your cry will resound loudly, "LOOK WHAT GOD HAS DONE!"
"But let all who passionately seek You erupt with excitement and joy over what You've done! Let all Your lovers, who continually rejoice in the Savior, say aloud, 'How great and glorious is our God!'" (Psalm 70:4 The Passion Translation)
New Mantles in the Place of Miracles
The Lord showed me the ferocious attack that has been against many Believers and has continued into these early days of 2019. I heard the Lord say, "The enemy has tried to break you in these early days, but I am about to BREAK YOU THROUGH INTO THE NEW."
The Lord then showed me that this attack has been so ferocious because in the very area where the attack has been, the Lion of Judah is coming in power, releasing an increase of the miraculous, and that in that place, a NEW MANTLE will be received. That's why the enemy has fought so hard to keep God's people from the miracles the Lord is about to release.
There will be many new mantles received in the miracles God is releasing, and one of the mantles I saw falling on many in the Body of Christ was the mantle for HEALING.
There is a major tidal wave of God's healing that is going to crash into the Body of Christ very soon. The Lord showed me that many are going to carry this mantle for a powerful healing ministry, but ESPECIALLY those who have been relentlessly assaulted in their bodies their whole lives.The Lord is about to bring supernatural healing and wholeness to their bodies—a life-changing breakthrough. (Photo via Wikimedia)
The enemy will lose his hold, the spirit of infirmity will be cast out by the roar of the Lion of Judah. There will be deliverances and healings. There is about to be a major physical and emotional healing for these ones, and the Lord is going to release a huge mantle for healing upon them. Healing ministries will begin to explode through their lives. In this place, they will realize WHY the enemy has attempted to hold them back all their lives with infirmity—but NO MORE.
Media Reporting Miracles
I heard the Lord say, "In this new era, MEDIA will report the MIRACLES."
The Lord is going to move in such power in the Body of Christ and in the world, that even the news will report these unexplainable, supernatural miracles and the name of Jesus will be lifted high and testified all across the earth.
The Lord is not just reintroducing Himself to the Church, He is about to reintroduce Himself in power and glory to the world, and it will draw many to Him. The nations will shake and turn their heads. God is stepping into Earth in a way we have never seen before (Psalm 24:7-9).
The whole earth is groaning. It is groaning for the King of Glory to come and the manifested sons and daughters of God to arise. It's a Kairos time! It has arrived! The nexus points are here like we have never seen before.
"For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:14 English Standard Version)
I heard His decree, "When I come, it will not be just 'some things' that will change. The magnitude of how I am about to come will see EVERYTHING CHANGE! Nothing will be left the same! My people, ARE you ready for a miracle? I'm coming!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, with their two sons.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Hi Ho Silvers! - The Silvers Are Back! Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Hi Ho Silvers!
The Silvers Are Back!
Steve Martin

“Now as they came down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, "Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead." And His disciples asked Him, saying, "Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?" Jesus answered and said to them, "Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will restore all things.” (Matthew 17:9-12, NKJV)

After more than 21 is time to be back. 
The silver-hairs are BACK AT IT!

Laurie Martin - climbing the stairs to the worship team stage.

I just want to share this testimony, for it has become a fulfilled hope and promised day for us. I strongly believe it will also be an encouragement for many others who think the time has come and gone.

On Feb. 3, 2019, Laurie and I were once again on a Sunday morning church worship team. It had been almost six years since the last time that had happened.

By then it had gotten to the point where we thought our time was done. The days were over. The years had come and moved on. We didn't sing in public since August 2013 - the last time with our group Ahava Love Band at a One New Man Saturday night meeting with Warren Marcus.

In fact, at times we considered, if not aloud but to ourselves, "Let the others do it now. I've done my part. I am tired, old, and time has passed." I can speak for myself, that this thought was just to cover up the longing I still had from the Lord to lead others into worship. And now that it seemed to have finished, I wanted the inner longing to stop. It almost was as if I didn't want to think about it, for it didn't seem that it would happen again.

The Bible speaks of that happening to others. They have a call from the Lord, they do it for a time, and then they are set aside; distracted into other areas, or just quit out of discouragement and "lack of use".
But the Lord has His plans, His purposes, and His faith, which is bigger than ours. If the time is not over with Him, then it is not over with us. That which He has put in each of us may have been buried for a while, and even considered as dead. But it is only taking more process time to pressure the soft coal into a hard diamond, more so to enable the finest to come forth, beyond what would have done if completed earlier ahead of its time.

Character building.

The gifts may be there, but the fruit takes longer to develop.

We give thanks for the Lord God Almighty, bringing us back into the place of leading worship, as we had been gifted to do for so many years before.

We also give thanks to the leadership of Antioch International Church, with Dr. Peter and Joy Wyns, Pastors Jesse and Elizabeth (Liz) Enns, who have given us this opportunity once again.

Our hearts are that we, being 64 (Steve) and 59 (Laurie) respectively, will be an encouragement to others who are "silver-haired"- that the Lord has much yet to do in and through you too.

He is not finished with us yet! There is much to do, increasingly coming forth as we step out in faith and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and the FINISHER of our faith.

If you have been out of the game for a while, seek the Lord to get back in. You are needed on the team once more, to finish the race! With you in the Lord’s service!

And the rest of the story…

Another very important part of this restoration concerns the building that we sang in – the former Heritage USA/PTL Barn (Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker ministry). In November of 1997, I was the Administrator of All Nations Church/Mahesh Chavda Ministries (Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda), which had relocated from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to Charlotte, NC on July 3, 1994. (Full details of this have been written in my book Prophetic Stories – Signs Along the Way, published in April 2014 through Martin Lighthouse Publishing. Available below.)

Having administrated many conferences since the beginning of my time with that ministry, in August 1987, (a grand total of exactly 40 in the 14 years I served with them) we had scheduled a national conference with the then current owners of the former Heritage USA property, to be held in mid-November 1997. The New Heritage USA (as it had been renamed) Barn venue was the specific location.

As was our joy, Laurie and I were also on the Mahesh Chavda Ministries conference worship team, along with Doug Goff, bass player. (Doug now plays bass every other week on the Antioch International Church five worship teams.) The three-day conference went very well. Though I cannot recall the name of the worship leader or conference speakers we had, it was an awesome time being in the Barn and on the worship team, leading the people into the presence of the Lord.

At one point during one of the worship times, the Lord gave me a prophetic word, which I spoke out from the stage at my singer’s position.  In my mind’s eye, I could see an image of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, on the very back wall of the auditorium, high up, almost filling the entire space. As I remember in part, I declared that the Lord Himself, the Lion of Israel, was in this place, and His purposes were being accomplished. He was ruling and reigning in the earth. I will never forget that image!

After the completion of the conference, two weeks later the entire New Heritage USA shut down. The entire 2000 plus acre main grounds, consisting of the Grand Hotel, Pyramid administration building, the Barn and attached Studio where the PTL Club program had run, the King’s Castle, Kevin’s House, the Bunk Houses, Heritage Island, and the incomplete Tower were all left desolate. Over the period of the next 7 years, nothing was operational for public use. Only the former Fort Hope, located across the railroad tracks, which was a reformation, restoration ministry of the Bakkers, to give the homeless a place to live and earn a trade, was sold by the four Malaysian businessmen who had bought the entire property in those years (buying out Morris Cerullo, who half-owned with them at the time, but specifically wanted the PTL TV Network for his ministry.)

During this time, Hurricane Hugo came through the Carolinas, severely damaging the Grand Hotel and other facilities. A few years later, the north side of the Barn’s roof lost a good third of its roof, caving in down into the building itself. Water damage from frozen pipes destroyed all the carpet and interior lower walls in the former Heritage School rooms below, leaving that area quite unusable. Rick Joyner had prophesied in 1988 that the entire Heritage USA would die.

But he also prophesied that it would be resurrected. And as was in the Lord’s heart from the beginning, so it was!

The full history of the years from that time in November 1997 through this February 2019 are well documented in other volumes and websites, involving Rick Joyner and Morningstar, Mahesh Chavda and All Nations Church, Peter Wyns and Christians For Messiah Ministries/Antioch International Church (read my book, The Promise, One Man’s Journey To See God's Word Revealed (published by Martin Lighthouse Publishing, Sept. 2013. Available below.) but I just want to share this following portion with you, to keep this short.

In the book I also document the time I met with the Malaysian’s Administrator of the property (which is now the current Morningstar’s Comenius School building) negotiating the sale/purchase of the Fort Hope 26 acres property, as Administrator for All Nations Church. We were able to purchase that for the church home in the late fall of 1999, for $900,000.
Now back to the future. When Laurie and I walked onto that restored Barn’s stage, Feb. 4, 2019, to once again be a part of a worship team leading the Lord’s people into His presence, it wasn’t just another time to sing. 

After more than 21 years since the last time we had sung on that very stage, the Lord was returning us to a place that He still has deep in His heart of love. The place where we had given $3,000 in 1985 for three Lifetime Partner memberships; the place where multitudes, in the millions, came every year to witness, experience, and walk in the presence of the Lord with all the other believers who brought family and friends there annually.

This place is not just another big building. It is a place that is revealing the Lord’s tremendous heart of worship, intercession, restoration, and reformation for His people, and all those who are coming back to Him, to fulfill His purposes and plans for this area and the nations that will be affected from it!

We rejoice in this! We proclaimed the Living God Yeshua HaMashiach, the Mighty One of Israel, is on the move! He rules! He reigns! Nothing can stop Him from carrying out His will in all the earth! (That was part of the prophetic word He also gave me that morning from the platform.)

And one last word I want to share with you. I received this in an email from a long-time friend, Lisa Antonson, just a week before on Jan. 27, 2019:

“I told Ray I had a dream on Friday night & you were in it, it was on the PTL grounds and I remembered in the dream you said you were helping to restore PTL back to the great Christian place to come to as it was intended many years go…….and everyone was so happy in the dream.”
Bring it on Lord! Let Your Holy Spirit come and rule over this place, and in the hearts of all those Who You are bring back, for re-storation and re-commission!

  Steve & Laurie Martin
Antioch International Church worship team
(Photo by Ed Brigham, Prayer Pastor)

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Here are the two books I mentioned above, written in 2013 and 2014, documenting more of what I have shared in this edition of Now Think On This. I hope you get them and see what the Lord has done! We rejoice in His miraculous works, and all that He is restoring in the earth for His people!

published in April 2014 through Martin Lighthouse Publishing

You can buy now on Amazon in paperback and Kindle: Buy here: $7.95 & $1.99

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$120 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
Please donate online safely through our website. Click here: DONATE  

(or use the DONATE  buttons on the blog.)

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

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Now Think On This #387 - in the year of our Lord 02.05.19 – “Hi Ho Silvers! -The Silvers Are Back” – Monday, 5:22 am

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Shabbat Shalom!

Blessings from Charlotte, North Carolina  USA
to all our Jewish friends in Israel and beyond!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People ministry

Monday, December 24, 2018

Mary Had A Little Lamb - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Mary Had A Little Lamb

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29 NASU)

“The next day, Yochanan saw Yeshua coming toward him and said, “Look! God’s lamb! The one who is taking away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29, Complete Jewish Bible)

It is a bit fascinating how the Holy Spirit speaks to us. After finishing my morning reading of the Bible, with today’s Scripture being from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 21, He spoke to me, “Mary had a little lamb.” I thought, “Hmm. Now what is that all about? An old nursery rhyme from centuries ago? What are you saying to me, Lord?”
So I asked Him for further revelation. It became a bit clearer. Mary did have a little lamb.
Thinking that there was more to the story than what we think, from days gone by, I looked up the history of the song which we all learned as little kids. Here is what Wikepedia has to say.

“Mary Had A Little Lamb is a nursery rhyme first published by the Boston publishing firm Marsh, Capen & Lyon, as an original poem by Sarah Josepha Hale on May 24, 1830, and was inspired by an actual incident.
As a young girl, Mary Sawyer (later Mary Tyler) kept a pet lamb that she took to school one day at the suggestion of her brother. A commotion naturally ensued. Mary recalled: "Visiting school that morning was a young man by the name of John Roulstone, a nephew of the Reverend Lemuel Capen, who was then settled in Sterling. It was the custom then for students to prepare for college with ministers, and for this purpose Roulstone was studying with his uncle.
The young man was very much pleased with the incident of the lamb; and the next day he rode across the fields on horseback to the little old schoolhouse and handed me a slip of paper which had written upon it the three original stanzas of the poem..."
There are two competing theories on the origin of this poem. One holds that Roulstone wrote the first four lines and that the final twelve lines, less childlike than the first, were composed by Sarah Josepha Hale; the other is that Hale was responsible for the entire poem.
In the 1830s, Lowell Mason set the nursery rhyme Mary Had A Little Lamb, originally written by to a melody adding repetition in the verses:

Mary had a little lamb,
His fleece was white as snow,
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

He followed her to school one day,
Which was against the rule,
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.
And so the teacher turned it out,
But still it lingered near,
And waited patiently about,
Till Mary did appear.

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"
The eager children cry.
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know."
The teacher did reply.

As I further pursued Holy Spirit’s thoughts, asking Him what He wanted to share in regards to this rather strange thought, here is what I got. You can seek Him too, and see what He says to you. It may be similar, or with more!

Mary, actually having the Hebrew name Miriam, did indeed have a little lamb, who was the Lamb of God. Yeshua (Jesus) was being sent by God the Father to planet earth to redeem mankind, for “long lay the world in sin and error pining” (Recall O Holy Night?)

She had been called by God, to be the human vessel used by Him in this unfolding eternal plan of salvation, in order to further show His love through and for us. The Lord’s plan of redemption was being fulfilled.

It always amazes me how our God uses ordinary people, just like us, to do extraordinary things. That is how He chooses to so often do His work.

Mary’s response to this call was to walk in obedience, though I am sure in her heart, mind, and soul she had many questions. We ourselves can learn from her, seeing how she chose to walk it out in faith, and not let doubt or unbelief keep her from her mission. Good move Mary!

As the nursery rhyme continues, “His fleece was white as snow.” Fleece in those days was the woolen coat of the lamb, not the jacket we wear today. This lamb’s fleece was a white as snow. In Isaiah 1:18 we read, "Come now, and let us reason together," says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool.

As students of the Scriptures, we know that the lamb brought to the altar of sacrifice, to be offered up to cover sin, had to be without spot or wrinkle. The lamb’s fleece had to be white as snow. Only Yeshua (Jesus), the perfect Lamb of God, was born without spot or wrinkle, with no sin (and no, it was not Mary who was without sin, as I was taught as a young boy at the Catholic school I attended. She too had to be saved by the Savior born through her.)

“And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.” As a boy growing up in Joseph (Yosef was his Hebrew/Jewish name) and Mary’s Nazareth home, Yeshua was raised fully in His Jewish culture, following in obedience that which His earthly parents taught Him. He learned what the feasts of the Lord were; He experienced the day to day life we all do; He lived fully as a man so He could identify with everything that we ourselves would experience. There was no “silver spoon” for Him, in life or death.

“He followed her to school one day.” Up until His 13th birthday, the year He would have had His bar mitzvah when a Jewish boy is now to become a man, Yeshua learned obedience from Miriam and Yosef. He learned to listen, to become responsible, to allow His parents to prepare Him in the natural for the supernatural work He knew He was sent to do. He did manual labor, learning from Yosef the carpenter, even all about the sweat and toil that comes from being productive (as my son-in-law Andrew likes to say – “We need to be productive.”)

“He followed her to school one day, which was against the rule, it made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school.”

Yeshua didn’t play along with the religious games of that time in history. Nor does He even today. On many occasions, He would point out that the Pharisees and Sadducees were not the ones to follow. Their religion, their rules, and manmade regulations were actually strangling the people, keeping them from knowing the true love, care, and protection of their heavenly Father.

“And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near, and waited patiently about, till Mary did appear.”

Jesus was rejected by the ruling authorities – both the religious and the political Romans. He was crucified outside the Jerusalem city walls, along with the common thieves, murderers, and even innocent victims of the cruel world. Today He is still rejected by those who seek their own agendas. But those who seek Him will receive the salvation He alone can offer them.

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" the eager children cry. "Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." The teacher did reply.”

The majority of people in the nations will not understand why the Lamb of God loves us so much. They will not receive the Gospel and believe that Jesus, the Son of the Living God, came to this earth to die for our sins. They will not understand His desire to deliver them from their sins; to free them from bondage they live under; to redeem their souls from the eternal hell that will come if they do not repent, believe, and follow after Him.

But that is now our mission that we have been called to do – to take the Gospel, the Good News of the Lamb, to the peoples inhabiting the nations, so that they can hear, believe, and obey. To those, whosoever will believe and receive, the Living God of Israel’s plan of redemption. The know the One who came to earth, was raised in a Jewish family, lived among us, died on the tree, and was gloriously raised from the dead on the third day, as was prophesied centuries before by the Jewish prophets. He now ever lives upon His throne, preparing the world before He returns, coming the second time in glory and power.

The Lamb of God came the first time to lay His life down so that we might live eternally with Him. Walking this world as a man, He lived as we do, yet without sin, in order to be the perfect Lamb that God the Father would receive as the perfect sacrificial lamb.

When Jesus returns in glory, as the Lion from the tribe of Judah, I pray that this nursery rhyme, which Holy Spirit used today, in a small way, to again tell His story. I hope this will inspire you to walk in faith, learn obedience, and be ready for these end of days that are coming upon us, if not already here.

It won’t be a nursery rhyme then. So you better watch out, you better not cry. But instead, pray, and then obey. He will be speaking to you today.

Now think on this,

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. This message was first published on Dec. 13, 2015. It can also be found in my published book "Twelve" for $7.99 in paperback, and also in Kindle e-book format. 

I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Click here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the year of our Lord 12.13.15 - #219 –“Mary Had A Little Lamb – Sunday at 7:45 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve