Showing posts with label Marketplace testimonies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketplace testimonies. Show all posts

Sunday, August 17, 2014



This is one of those times that mere words seem inadequate. Reading Leadership by Anointing once is not enough.  This is so much like Something More; each time you read, there is something new that gets illuminated.  When I began Something More the first time, I thought, wow, this is different.  What at first seemed a nice collection of scripture unfolded into a grand vision into the heart and magnificence of the Father and each time I go through it, it blossoms further.  It produces such a hunger and passion along with a boldness that rises up while reading it.

I believe this is the same for Leadership by Anointing.  While one may at first see this as a compilation, and on the very surface it may be, the more one delves into it, the more the depth draws one into an incredible journey into God's mind and heart for Kingdom leadership and the dear price the author has paid in order to gain this mother lode of revelatory wisdom and understanding, and the creative unction to release it in a way that comprehensible without watering anything down. I fully intend on going through this several times this year in my evening mediation time.  The richness of its content is as the pearl of great price.  The value of what has been written is, without overstatement, priceless.

Jon Grieser
Investment Advisor