Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts

Friday, October 3, 2014

Franklin Graham: Interceding for President Obama Is Not an Option

Franklin Graham: Interceding for President Obama Is Not an Option

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham says interceding for those in authority is not an option but a biblical command we are to obey. (BGEA)
The president recently asked for prayer as he faces the complex and dangerous challenges of leading our country in such tumultuous times.
His request was a pointed reminder to me that I should be praying for our president and our leaders every day—not to get something from them—but simply in obedience to the Scriptures. I personally haven't prayed the way I should, and I'm sure that's the case for some of you as well.
We know from Scripture that God can turn the hearts of kings (Prov. 21:1). That means that we should be praying for God's will to be done and for our leaders to seek God and listen to Him. We should pray that they would be surrounded by godly counsel and, most important, that our leadership would personally know God and the salvation found through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Think about all of the issues before our president and the leaders of our nation at this moment. Ebola is not only a huge problem for Western Africa, but it could be a major problem for this country. Our broken borders are a major challenge. In addition to all of the other concerns, they can provide terrorists easy access.
ISIS is brutally murdering Christians in Syria and Iraq, and other jihadists are killing Christians in Iran and other parts of the Muslim world. Believers are being threatened, villages are being burned, and churches pulled down.
Ukraine is in peril as Russia seems to want to rebuild its former Soviet empire there. China is spending huge amounts on its military and beginning to flex its muscles in the Pacific, threatening its neighbors including Vietnam and the Philippines. North Korea has nuclear weapons, Iran may be on the verge, and the threat of terrorists gaining access to nuclear bombs is very real.
Should we not be diligently praying that God would give our president, Congress and military leaders wisdom? Our senators and governors and council members need our prayers—even if they are not the candidates we voted for.
Interceding for those in authority is not an option. It is a biblical command that we are to obey. "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Tim. 2:1-2, KJV).
Understand that the Apostle Paul is writing this instruction to his protégé, Timothy, at a time when the vile emperor Nero was at the helm of the vast Roman Empire. Christians were viciously persecuted, clothed in wild animal skins and put in the arena before hungry lions, even covered red in pitch and used as human lanterns to light the streets of Rome.
Nevertheless, the aged apostle, who would soon be martyred during Nero's reign of terror, instructs Timothy to make prayer for the rulers of his day—including the deranged Nero—a personal priority.
There should be a sense of urgency in our prayer life, an understanding that we "do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12). The prince of darkness is grimly and powerfully at work in world affairs, and prayer is a great battlefield—especially as we pray for those in leadership.
When Scripture says that the "king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water" (Prov. 21:1), it means that a Sovereign God can turn the heart of a king at any time and in any way. If there are policies and platforms that don't conform to biblical ethics, the intercession of Christians can be used in a powerful, transforming way.
Neither kings, nor presidents, nor mayors, nor members of Congress are the ultimate authority—God is. "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, 'Let us break Their bonds in pieces and cast away Their cords from us.' He who sits in the heavens shall laugh ..." (Ps. 2:2-4).
As Charles Spurgeon said, "prayer is the slender nerve that moves the omnipotent muscle of God." The Bible commands us to pray for authorities, because all authority has been established by Him to accomplish His purposes.
When the prophet Jeremiah wrote to the Jewish exiles who lived in Babylonian captivity, he encouraged them not to protest or rebel against their captors, but to pray for them: "Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the Lord for it; for in its peace you will have peace" (Jer. 29:7). Even in the midst of an evil and wicked land, Jeremiah focused the Hebrew captives to pray for God's blessing.
Perhaps this is at least part of what the apostle meant when he said that praying for our leaders can result in an atmosphere that is conducive to the spreading of the gospel, leading to a "quiet and peaceable life" (1 Tim. 2:2, KJV). The more hostile the culture is to Christians and Christianity—and that is certainly the case in our nation today—the more difficult it is to preach and teach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Lord may use our prayers for those in authority to somehow delay or even stop legislation or initiatives that hinder the advance of the gospel. We have experienced serious moral degradation in America, but there are still many opportunities for the proclamation of the gospel. The day may soon come when that freedom no longer exists, thus all the more reason to pray for God's mercy to turn the hearts of our leaders now.
It is also very clear that the ultimate reason the Bible instructs us to intercede on behalf of our leaders is so that they might come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. "This [our intercession] is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:3-4).
God's desire is that as many people as possible be saved before He returns. He commands "all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 17:30), so that they might escape the eternal wrath of God at the judgment.
Praying for those in authority means that we are constantly asking that the Lord will open their hearts to the truth of the gospel message and receive Christ as their Savior. Born-again leaders have the indwelling Person of the Holy Spirit to guide them as they seek to govern.
I can't help but ask myself if all Christians had fulfilled this admonition and been faithful to pray for our leaders, would our nation—even our world—be different today? Can our diligent, heartfelt prayers make a difference for the future? Most certainly.
Prayer is the Christian's greatest weapon in a world that seems to be coming apart around us. 
Franklin Graham, son of iconic evangelist Billy Graham, is the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse.
©2014 BGEA. Click here for the original article.

Monday, June 23, 2014

An Open Letter to President Obama: Are You Living in Fantasyland? - Ron Cantor

Standing With Israel

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President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama (Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson)
Dear Mr. President,
Can you please tell me which world you were referring to, when, just the other day, you declared to Tumblr users (I am assuming that Tumblr is not a drug) that the world "is less violent than it has ever been?"
I find it very confusing, because on the one hand you claim you learned about the IRS scandal and the Veteran's Affairs wait-list scandal from the media, and on the other hand, it appears you don't even pay attention to the world news.
Not only is the world not the safest it has ever been, it is the most dangerous it has ever been! And much of the downfall has taken place with your White House in deeper denial than the former Information Minister of Iraq—aka Bagdad Bob! (Remember him? "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!" Well, you are starting to sound like him.) While you and Mr. Kerry claim, "Peace and safety!" the world is falling into chaos.
Cairo Speech
It was just over five years ago, a freshly inaugurated Barack Obama confidently marched into Egypt to give your "A New Beginning" speech to the Muslim world. You should have called it the "I'm Not Bush" speech, because we all know that was its real purpose. That day you boldly proposed "a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
How's that working?
Not even the fact you gave your very first post-inaugural interview to the Arab cable network, Al Arabia, (instead of NBC, ABC or CBS) won you any lasting good will in the Muslim world.
I don't believe the silly rumors that you are a secret Muslim. You are a humanist. And you were convinced that your human powers of charm and persuasion would cause the Arab world to lay down their weapons. Surely once they see that America is not all 'cowboys clinging to their guns and religion.' But you see Mr. President, it takes two to tango, and I don't think Muslims are allowed to dance.
Nobel Peace, yet No Peace
For all your rhetoric you were richly rewarded, as if you actually changed something on the ground—but your reward did not come from the Arab countries seeking peace and repudiating radicalism. Instead, the Nobel Peace Prize folks crowned you the Prince of Peace 2009, and gave you a million dollars. How does their press release from 2009 sound now?
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples ... Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics ... Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future.
My goodness, it's like they were declaring you Messiah! Sounds pretty funny now, right? If only Al-Qaeda had as much faith in you as the Norwegians.
Let's just take a look at what has happened in "Obama's World" since you were awarded for your "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy."
There was an attack by Al-Qaeda on 9/11/2012 on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left an ambassador, a staffer and two Navy Seals dead—two Seals who were protecting U.S. diplomats, while they awaited help that never came. It was followed by, what many see, as a cover-up by your administration. You, Jay Carney and, who can forget, Sunday Morning Susan (Rice), emphatically and repeatedly declared—even after all the evidence was pointing to a coordinated terror attack—that it was merely a spontaneous uprising because of an anti-Islam YouTube video. (As if people getting so angry over a video that they kill American is so much better than terror.)
Civil war has erupted in Syria, resulting in more than 150,000 deaths of innocent noncombatants, creating a refugee crisis of nearly 10,000,000 people. Even chemical weapons have been used to kill innocent children.
Egypt, the Middle East's largest country, went through a revolution that propelled the terror group, The Muslim Brotherhood, into power. While they systematically persecuted their own people, trampling their democratic freedoms, your administration stood by them because they were "democratically elected." When the military responded to the pleas of the people, your team stood with the Hamas-aligned Brotherhood.
Also in Egypt, we continue to see the systemic persecution of Christians by Islamic groups. Read this harrowing account of the murdering a young Christian woman by an angry horde of Muslims.
Meanwhile in Iran, human rights are denied to citizens, and Christians are persecuted. Iran continues to make advances in their efforts to build a nuclear bomb, while John Kerry makes deals with the devil and declares triumph.
Mass shootings in America are becoming a regular occurrence. I remember when a mass shooting was shocking. Now it is just news.
In Nigeria, nearly 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped and could be sold as child brides. (Yes, in the least violent time in world history, little girls are forced to marry older perverts.) The Nigerian terror group Boko Haram has continued to attack Christians in Nigeria, killing over 12,000 people.
Putin, thumbing his nose at you and the west, marched into Crimea and took sovereign Ukrainian territory by force. In a city where my family and I lived for a year, Odessa, 42 people were killed on May 4th. Putin's actions are reminiscent of the Cold War and many analysts (not in your White House, of course) are convinced he wants to return Russia to her former glory—by force.
And this week, even as you proclaimed with the tumblrites, with your head fully entrenched in sand, that the world was the safest it has ever been, an Al-Qaeda-affiliated group known as The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, (ISIS) is taking over Iraq one city at time. This group is so violent, that even Al-Qaeda considers them radical! You were so eager to be the anti-Bush and get our troops out of Iraq, that you left the nation vulnerable. Whether for or against the Iraq war, one thing is now clear: it was for naught.
Reports of Iraqi policemen laying down their arms and deserting are a clear sign we had not finished the job. Today we see thousands of Iraqi soldiers have been executed by fellow Muslims. How in the world did your intelligence agencies not see this coming?
I could go on and talk about North Korea, Cuba, the three teens kidnapped by Hamas this week in Israel, and the spread of Islamic nationalism in Africa, but I know you are enjoying your vacation and don't want to bring you too close to the depressing reality, lest it affect your golf game.
My focus is on ministry. I write about faith. But every now and then, something happens in which I feel compelled to use this platform to speak out.
Your administration sought to befriend the Muslim world. It earned you a million bucks and a trophy, but resulted in zero change on the ground. In fact, the world is in its most perilous moment in history. Never has there been so many radicals on earth with weapons of this magnitude.Yes, quite the opposite of your utopian view.
With the handing over of five terrorists for a deserter at best, and a traitor at worst, (without any counsel from Congress or the intelligence community), you have set the stage for American travelers—innocent men, women and children—to be kidnapped and held for ransom by the most vicious, evil people on earth. Two weeks after you released these killers, an American (and two Israelis) have been kidnapped by Hamas. While they may have been wanting to kidnap Israelis for some time, I can imagine that there were encouraged by your reckless, autonomous behavior.
No, Mr. President. You are dead wrong. The world is not the least violent it has ever been—it is the most violent. It is powder keg ready to explode—and this is your foreign affairs legacy.
Ron Cantor is the director of Messiah's Mandate International in Israel, a Messianic ministry dedicated to taking the message of Jesus from Israel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Cantor also travels internationally teaching on the Jewish roots of the New Testament. He serves on the pastoral team of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. His newest book is Identity Theft. Follow him at @RonSCantor on Twitter.
For the original article, visit
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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prophecy - JOHN PAUL JACKSON - USA, Euro Dollar fall, Iran, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Israel, weather catastrophes worldwide

John Paul Jackson - prophetic message that will let you know
we must intercede in prayer.

Published on Mar 5, 2014 on YouTube. 

Originally his message was given on Jan. 22, 2012.

This is just a 15 minute clip of the full 1.5 hr video. The entire video can be seen at:

Watch full message here:

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Vladimir Putin: The Rise of Gog and the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 by Dr. Jeff Crwaford

Vladimir Putin: 

The Rise of Gog 

and the 

Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39

Vladimir Putin, Russia
Dr. Jeff Crawford, The Good, The Band & The Ugly

March 10, 2014

We may be seeing a biblical prophecy fulfilled in front of our eyes.  Ezekiel 38-39 foretells the coming invasion of Israel from a northern land known as Magog.  The ruler of Magog is said to be Gog, a name that most biblical scholars identify as a title rather than a proper name itself.
The prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 is fascinating because it is so specific in the way it names a coalition of nations that will come up against Israel.  The prophecy foretells this axis of evil that invades Israel will be miraculously destroyed by the hand of God and that Gog, himself, will be killed.   What is remarkable about Gog’s defeat is that the Bible declares he will be buried in Israel and not in his homeland.  This will be a sure sign as to the literal fulfillment of this prophecy.
It is no secret that Israel has her share of enemies.  The focus tends to always be on the Palestinian conflict and tensions with Israel’s immediate neighbors.  But the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy points directly to an invasion led by Russia.  What clues in the prophecy point to modern day Russia as the biblical land of Magog?
  • Magog is referred to as the land in the north.  If you draw a line from Jerusalem all the way to the North Pole, that line will pass through…Moscow.
  • Gog is referred to as the prince of Meshech and Tubal.
  • Meschech refers to the ancient peoples who live along the Black and Caspien Seas, the Moschi, or the Moschovites.  This is the word from which Moscow is derived.
  • Tubal is a derivative of the modern word Tobolsk.  Tobolsk is the former capital of Russia and one of its most famous cities.
It is chillingly clear that the ancient land of Magog is modern day Russia.  More startling are Russia’s allies as named by Scripture.  A quick survey of Ezekiel 38:5-6 and the reader will note:
  • Persia – modern day Iran.  It is no secret the role Russia has and is playing in Iran’s nuclear program.  Iran is located to the east of Israel.
  • Cush – modern day Ethiopia.  A north African nation located to the south of Israel.
  • Put – modern day Lybia.  Another north African nation and one that has become completely hostile to the West in recent days.
  • Gomer – while a modern day equivalent here is difficult, biblical scholars agree that the people of Gomer were the Cimmerians, who lived around the Black Sea and were expelled to what is modern day Turkey.  So Gomer could be Turkey.  However, the ancient Cimmerians lived in what is now known as…Ukraine.  We should take particular notice of this as Ukraine has sprung onto the world scene as Russia is on the doorstep of invasion of this sovereign nation.  Could Gomer be Ukraine?
  • Beth-togarmah – this too is not certain but some scholars have suggested Germany as the modern day equivalent of this ancient land.
  • The uttermost parts of the north – when one looks at a map of the nations north of Israel they will certainly see Syria, among others.  Once again, the role of Russia in Syria is unavoidable.
The point is clear.  Russia, the ancient land of Magog, is on the move.  The headlines declare it so.  The pieces of its coalition are quickly falling into place.  And it is this collection of nations, led by the great bear of the north, that will at some point make a move against Israel.
Is Vladimir Putin the biblical leader, Gog?  Only time will tell.  But consider…
  • Putin is emboldened.  Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, Russia has been kept in-check by the United States.  Putin no longer feels “in check.” In fact, he is playing his own game of chess and doing his best to put the United States in “check.”
  • Just two weeks ago, Russia signed an arms agreement with Egypt, Israel’s southern most neighbor.  Egypt now gets it military arms from Russia and not the United States.
  • The world watched as President Obama, walked back from his red-line in Syria over the use of chemical weapons.  Putin was paying close attention as well.
  • The world watched as our ambassador and his team was slaughtered in Libya.  To this day our government has done nothing by way of response.  This too has been noted by Putin.
  • The world has watched as the United States has been fixated on domestic issues such as the economy, same-sex marriage, immigration, climate change regulations, the minimum wage, etc. and in turn has treated international matters as less important.
  • The world has watched as the United States has proposed defense cuts and troop reductions to pre-WWII levels.
So while the United States is gearing down, self-focused, and too timid to respond to international matters, Putin has decided to make his move.
Watch Russia.  Watch Putin.  Watch the response of the United States, or lack thereof.  And watch as biblical prophecy unfolds in tomorrow’s headlines.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

President Obama, Are You Really a Christian?

President Obama, Are You Really a Christian?

President Obama
President Obama
Mr. President, I thank you for this opportunity to share the following with you.
After graduating from Cleveland State University, where I was privileged to serve as the president of our student body, I was selected for a post at the AFL-CIO headquarters across the street from the White House, your home. One day I bumped into President Nixon as he exited his limo, and I asked him this question: "Mr. President, do you read the Bible?"
The smile he tried to swallow surfaced on his face as he replied with a wink and a nod, "I not only read it, I even quote from it sometimes!"
Although Richard Nixon knew Bible verses, when I reflect on that interchange I still wonder if he was really a born-again Christian. The fruit and witness of his life are a tragedy and make it suspect, so I leave the eternal destiny of this departed leader in the hands of God. 
President Obama, would you allow me to share with you that I and scores of others have similar doubts about your conversion and the authenticity of your Christianity? I say up front that while I'm in disagreement with many of your policies and beliefs, I do love you and pray for you every single day. I affirm your God-given leadership gifting and your exemplary role as a husband and a father to your two lovely daughters. Yet I must be honest with you: I'm not sure you're really a Christian
Will you allow me to present my reasons and, if you're not, to challenge you to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ at a time when America desperately needs your moral leadership? After political leader William Wilberforce was genuinely converted, he became the leader in the abolition of the slave trade in England that reverberated later to America. He brought about a righteous transformation, but it was accomplished after a true born-again experience that catapulted him to victory because of the blessing of God on his life.
Mr. President, as multitudes observe you lately, you seem to be under a heavy burden and striving to make things happen through the power of your own will, through clever obfuscation and through manipulation of the masses. Your signature issue of Obamacare is imploding. The promises you made to the American people regarding keeping our health plans, keeping our doctors, saving us money and insuring more than 30 million people with free medical care without adding "one dime to the federal deficit" appear to be lies and deception to informed and perceptive Americans. 
You told us this would be the most transparent administration ever. Is it? More than a year has elapsed, and you have yet to deliver the promised answers on the four Americans left to die in Benghazi. You assured us you would restore civility to political discourse. You talked of economic growth and recovery and stimulus packages that have delivered a paltry return on all our tax money.
One senior commentator stated, "Obama has told more whoppers than Burger King has sold!" Maybe this produces a laugh, but the tragedy is watching your credibility disintegrate daily while watching you squirm uncomfortably behind your podium. The majority don't see you as trustworthy anymore, and this is a terrible reflection on your so-called Christian testimony. 
But then again, maybe the label has been applied prematurely and God is using these events to bring you providentially to a place of desperation. Could the God who created you and gifted you in such incredible ways be orchestrating things to bring you to a newfound relationship with Himself?
On Tuesday your former nemesis, President George W. Bush, will make a rare TV appearance on the Tonight Show. Having a brush with death recently due to a heart problem, Jay Leno may interject something spiritual into the interview. If so, "W" may repeat something he's said previously regarding hisChristian faith and the confidence it gives him. He has been exemplary in his attitude toward you since leaving the White House, and maybe this statement gives us a clue into his excellent character. He has said, "When you turn your heart and your life over to Christ, when you accept Christ as the Savior, it changes your heart." This he learned after a soul-searching conversation with Billy Graham that led him to his born-again experience.
A changed life is at the core of a genuine conversion experience. This is what separates the authentic from the counterfeit when so many Americans—some polls say 80 percent—profess to be Christian, yet something seems terribly amiss as we survey our society today. And with all due respect, that's where I and countless others find ourselves sincerely questioning your stated spiritual identity of "I'm aChristian."
Are you?
Not that long ago, another former president, Jimmy Carter, shared that his conversion to Christ came when confronted by this challenging inquiry: "If you were arrested for being a Christian today, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" Convicted of his religious hypocrisy and self-righteousness, the peanut farmer from Plains, Ga., repented and was genuinely born again, as Jesus stated each person must be in order to become a child of God. Admittedly, where he's at today is another story!
Immediately this poses a problem with your expressed theology. Scripture clearly teaches that while all people are loved by God, created in God's image and are to be treated with dignity as God's creation, only those who repent and put their total trust in God's only begotten Son are designated children of God. (See John 1:12.) That may not be popular or politically correct, but it's fact according to divinerevelation.
Yet you say what scores of people mistakenly or ignorantly embrace: "I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people. We are all children of God."
Being incorrect on this fundamental of the faith is but one of many areas that cause many to sincerely question your understanding of the true nature of Christianity as well as the legitimacy of your conversion. And if you hold that we all are God's children, why won't you defend the least of these and most vulnerable—the unborn? Your 100-percent NARAL pro-abortion rating, your endorsement of taxpayer dollars for Plan B contraception, your support of partial-birth abortion, your opposition to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act and your speech to Planned Parenthood that ended with "God bless you!" leaves us dumbfounded.
Lest you and others stiffen at this point and say, "Hold it! Religion is personal. That's disrespectful. Doesn't the Bible state, 'Judge not'?" let's  be clear here on what Jesus actually said. He stated, "Judge with righteous judgment" (John 7:24) while cautioning us to avoid anything hypocritical, mean-spirited or unredemptive.
When it comes to leaders, righteous judgment is not an elective but a directive so we'll know their character and the values that shape their positions on critical issues affecting our lives. Also, we must examine their fruit (what they're producing), which takes time, something I and millions have afforded you. To simply give you a pass here because of the historic nature of your election or because of your race is idolatry and must be categorically rejected once and for all. America is imploding rapidly, and we cannot afford to remain ignorant or complacent or to retreat at this watershed moment.
Jesus Christ stated, "Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit" (Matt. 7:17). While I want to honor you in your position as our commander in chief, I respectfully submit that we are seeing lots of "bad fruit" coming from a tree most likely in need of real redemption. The Good News of the gospel begins with this recognition!
Mr. President, examining your beliefs, policies, social leanings and character lead us to this reasonable conclusion. Much of them are inconsistent with living out the biblical worldview that is to characterize an authentic, obedient Christian. It also encourages other high-profile Catholic Christians like Kathleen Sebelius, Nancy Pelosi and Caroline Kennedy to continue in their wayward paths. 
We all know you went to a Catholic school in a Muslim country. I, too, had 12 years of parochial school upbringing but wasn't truly born again till the age of 20. Later, after an admitted lifestyle of drug usage and fornication (cohabitation), you straightened out somewhat in Chicago and joined Trinity United Church of Christ, pastored by Jeremiah Wright.
You spent 20 years there but later disassociated yourself as public scrutiny of the reverend and his teachings became uncomfortable for you. As I proceed, know that I definitely cut you some slack here because this represents your formative years in the Christian faith. We know that the content of a church's message determines the authenticity of its converts. 
My question to you is this: Have you ever received correct instruction in the Christian faith? 
It's probably uncomfortable to hear this forthright and honest inquiry into your spiritual life, but we all need people in our lives who will tell us not what we want to hear but what we need to hear. You are surrounded by many who receive their direction from you and desire to please you (and keep their jobs!). Yet what is at stake is your eternal destiny. 
As we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, remember he was only 46 when he met his untimely death. You're 52. "No one knows the day nor the hour."  The very shoes we tie in the morning can be untied by a funeral director that night.
Franklin Graham was asked not long ago about your faith. He's an honest man who pulls no punches. "I don't know if he's a Christian," he said.
On the other hand, your former religious adviser Joshua Dubois appears on national TV promoting his new book, The President's Devotional. He testified to your faith in glowing terms: "The President is a committed Christian. ... He practices his faith spending time in the Oval Office with pastors praying for him. ... He went up the side of a mountain to visit Billy Graham. ... He has a yearly prayer call with pastors on his birthday. ... He really lives it out. ... I'd rather have a leader who lives a sermon than preaches one!"
Mr. President, these are all commendable activities, but most of us know atheists, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus and humanitarians who also are good husbands and fathers, who pray with others, who do good deeds and visit the sick. What really matters is this: Are they—and are you—born again?
Jesus told a learned, very religious man, "Unless one is born again, he cannot see [or enter] the kingdom of God" (John 3:3, 5). How's that for straight talk?
Years ago, Charles Colson, White House special counsel and "hatchet man" for President Nixon, was radically transformed when he repented and yielded his life to Jesus Christ. He penned a bestseller entitled Born Again to share his journey. May I suggest it for your next reading?
Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven" (Matt. 7:21). The key here is not merely a declaration but a demonstration—obedience to God's Son and His Words as revealed in sacred Scripture.
Years ago, at Moody Church in your hometown of Chicago, a famous pastor spoke with an elderly man who confessed to the pastor his uncertainty about his conversion experience. He told the pastor how he longed for some definite witness that he could not mistake.
"Suppose," said the pastor, "that you had a vision of an angel who told you your sins were forgiven and you were genuinely converted. Would that be enough to rest on?"
"Yes," the man replied. "I think it would. An angel would be great!"
The pastor continued, "Suppose on your deathbed Satan came and said, 'I was that angel, transformed to deceive you.' What would you say then?"
The gentleman was speechless.
The pastor smiled and put his arm around the shoulder of the older gentleman and said the following: "God has given us something much more trustworthy and authoritative than the voice of an angel. Consider an angel supposedly launched the Mormon faith and Islam! God has given us His Son and His authoritative Word."
That is enough to rest on—if we will humble ourselves and follow in obedience. 
The 7 Biblical Marks of an Authentic Christian
Mr. President, the words of the Lord Jesus Christ are clear on what it really means to be His disciple, aChristian. There is scarcely any room for misunderstanding if we will accept what He says at face value. Here are the terms as communicated by the Savior Himself:
1. A supreme love for Jesus Christ (Luke 14:26).
2. A denial of self (Matt. 16:24).
3. A deliberate choosing of the cross (Matt. 16:24).
4. A life spent following Christ (Matt. 16:24).
5. A fervent love for all who belong to Christ (John 13:35).
6. And unswerving continuance in His Word (John 8:31).
7. A forsaking of all to follow Him (Luke 14:33).
I must alert you, as Jesus did those to whom He preached, that it is wise to first "count the cost." There are many positions you hold that are totally incompatible with biblical teaching, no matter how many liberal Bible scholars have told you otherwise. These positions will have to change if you follow Jesus and obey His Word. 
For instance:
  • "Jesus is a historical figure for me, and he's also a bridge between God and man ... and he's also a wonderful teacher." Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. 
  • "I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power." There is salvation in no one else except through Jesus Christ, God's only begotten Son. 
  • "I'm a big believer in tolerance. I'm a progressive Christian." While we should respect everyone's beliefs, we can't respect everyone's conduct. 
  • "I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell." The path to salvation is open to all, but it is narrow, excluding all who reject God's free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. 
  • "Parts of the Bible may be modified to accommodate modern life." Extreme caution is needed here, as we have a mandate to "rightly divide the Word of truth."
  • "What I believe in is that if I live my life as well as I can, I will be rewarded. I don't presume to have knowledge of what happens after I die." Salvation comes as a result not of good deeds we do but totally as a gift of God received by faith and with a certainty of heaven upon one's death. 
  • "Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God's will—they have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths." At conception, a separate human being is created in God's image and deserves full protection and care until the child is born.
  • Regarding homosexuality and gay marriage, "I am not willing to accept a reading of the Bible that consists of an obscure line from Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount." Throughout the entire Bible, the practice of homosexuality is declared as sinful and contradicting of God's design for human relationships, marriage and family. 
Thank you for listening, Mr. President! If what I have communicated resonates with you, I'd suggest you give a call to the Rev. Billy Graham and let him pray with you, as he has other presidents for decades. What a phenomenal gift it would be to this man who just celebrated his 95th birthday and has spent his lifetime introducing people to an authentic relationship with God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
Respectfully, I am
Larry Tomczak
Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author and cultural commentator with over 40 years of trusted ministry experience. His passion is to bring perspective, analysis and insight from a biblical worldview. He loves people and loves awakening them to today's cultural realities and the responses needed for the bride of Christ—His church—to become influential in all spheres of life once again.

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Monday, July 8, 2013

MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #79 - "Too Big To See" - July 8, 2013 Rick Joyner

Too Big To See

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #79 - July 8, 2013

     At this writing, the saga of Edward Snowden still dominates the news. There may have never been a more poignant example of how easily our media and our elected representatives can take their eyes off the ball and begin to major on minors. Snowden may be a traitor, or he may be a hero, but he is not the real story here. Chasing after the story of Snowden’s plight is like trying to swat a gnat when there is a lion in the room about to pounce.
     No doubt Snowden revealed secret information illegally. That makes him a criminal, but the real issue is what he exposed: the truth that there has never been a more expansive and intrusive spying on its own citizens by a government in history, as ours is now doing to us.
     What our government is guilty of is far worse than anything Snowden did, regardless of his motives. There has never been a more blatant and dangerous violation of our Constitution, Bill of Rights, or a more far-reaching abuse of power by the American Government in history. Pursuing Snowden for his crime may be appropriate, but we should have ten thousand agents going after the ones who did this to the American people for every one that is chasing Snowden. 

“The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions.”
     This is a popular saying because it has so often proven true. Our Government is claiming that it only had the best of intentions for gathering almost unlimited information on every American—that it was done to protect us from terrorist attacks and criminals. Some have reasoned that if we are not terrorists or criminals, then we should have nothing to worry about. Really? This is the same rationale that every police state in history used to set up totalitarian control over its people.
     Are these motives true? We have a growing mountain of evidence that this most basic violation of every American’s privacy is already being used for other sinister purposes, like suppressing political opposition and even destroying the businesses and wealth of those who support causes counter to the Administrations. This is tyranny at its most basic level and the foundation of every police state. If we buy into the good intentions excuse, we are the most naïve sheep ever led to the slaughter.
     We have a long trail of evidence now proving that for several years the tactics of a police state have been slowly implemented in America. What is worse (and it does get worse) is that what Snowden brought to light is how our Government has built an apparatus for the most terrifying police state there has ever been. They not only have the power to see me typing these words right now, but they also have the power to watch you reading them. That is not paranoia; it is a fact that has been acknowledged. This is Orwellian prophecy fulfilled.

Why Is America Going So Meekly?
     The whole world is outraged by what has come to light by our NSA domestic spying network. They became even more alarmed when they found out that it is not just American citizens whose communications and movements are being monitored, but their citizens too and even they themselves. It was disclosed that soon the NSA will have the capability of doing the same with almost everyone on the planet. The question most of the world is now asking is why are American citizens being so passive about this?
     Why did our media and elected officials suddenly become so preoccupied with Snowden and suddenly stop protesting the NSA’s domestic spying? Did the NSA have something on them that they were able to hold over their heads? The fact that information obtained by the NSA is already being used in this way has been implied, and the evidence sure looks like it. However, even if it is not being done, it will be suspected from now on. What else could have gotten the media and our elected representatives off of an issue this big to focus everything on Snowden?
     Even the left leaning Politico carried a story lamenting that Snowden’s greatest fear was coming to pass—that the greatest threat to our freedom, possibly ever, could be revealed and nothing would be done about it. Is this something that is too big to see, too big to believe?
     Snowden broke his oath as an intelligence officer, and he broke the law by exposing classified information. This does make him a criminal. Being a criminal may discredit him in the eyes of most people, but Snowden may be the most noble, courageous criminal in U.S. history. He committed a crime and then openly exposed himself. He may well have done this to keep an even more sacred oath—to defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic. Regardless of his motives, what he did was to give us a chance to save our Republic.
     The evidence points to Snowden having an awakening to what he and many others were being used by the Government to do, and he resolved to set it right. He claims he did what had to be done while there was still time to stop this most frightening tyranny. There are many factors that do not line up for Snowden to have done this as a traitor, or an agent of another government. Even so, the reason he did this is not the main issue here. The issue is what the NSA is doing.
     What our Government is doing spying on Americans through the NSA is appalling. Yet when you combine it with the other cascading revelations about the use of the IRS, the FBI, and the DOJ to undermine or destroy political opponents, we must see that not only is the apparatus of the most terrible police state now in place, but the tactics of a police state are already being used.

The ACLU Joins Conservatives
     This may be almost as shocking as what the NSA is doing to us, but it is true. The ACLU stood up boldly and quickly to declare that what the NSA is doing is the biggest violation of our Constitution ever, and they filed a suit against the Government. Right now the ACLU is demonstrating more courage, wisdom, and leadership in this crisis than even the Republican leadership in Congress.
     All that our country was founded and built upon is at stake, and our fate will be decided over the next few months. We are now facing something much bigger than any Democratic or Republican Party issue. If this is allowed to stand, our Republic is doomed. We will soon be under the yoke of the most oppressive totalitarian state in history, made possible by our modern technology.

Another Revolution?
     It has now fallen upon us to do what our Founders did when they risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to throw off the yoke of the oppressor. The American Revolution was not a tax revolt as those who twist history would have us believe. The stifling and increasing taxation was number seventeen on their list of grievances. Far worse for the colonists were things like having their children kidnapped and made servants on British ships, having their property abused and even confiscated, and being treated like an occupied people by the British army. The things our own Government is doing to us now are worse.
     The American Revolution is unique in history because it was begun and led by the wealthiest of the colonists, not the disenfranchised. This has not happened before or since. Those who signed the Declaration of Independence were the 1%. If you are prone to think they did this out of greed, not wanting to pay more taxes, there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They risked their fortunes, when they had something to risk, in the face of almost impossible odds. Many of them paid the price. Two of the signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that the moment they signed, they had lost everything because British forces were camped right next to their estates. They signed anyway.
     All who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that if they did not win the war they were starting, they would all be hung as traitors. They did this while knowing they were starting a war against the most powerful army in the world, and they did not even yet have an army. No one in the world gave them a chance. They signed anyway. Then they endured five years of almost constant defeats, each year looking more hopeless than the last. Yet they fought on. We are again in need of such noble, resolute souls.
     We cannot let what our Founders, and so many others who have sacrificed so much for us to have this freedom, be lost on our watch. It is now going to take the same kind of courage and fortitude to save the Republic as it took to found it. It is our time. Will we measure up?
     The zeal with which our Government is going after Snowden should cause even the most naïve to be suspicious. Forcing the planes of other Heads of State to be grounded out of fear Snowden may be on them is not only extreme—it’s unprecedented. Snowden has obviously done all the harm that he can do, so why this obsession? Obviously, it is to make him an example to any others who might be considering blowing the whistle.
     If it is proven that Snowden is a traitor or that he did this as an agent of a foreign government, then he must be tracked down and prosecuted. If he did it for the reasons he claims, and at this writing this seems to be the case, then he deserves the Medal of Freedom, not prosecution.

Are We The “Useful Idiots?”
     Marx detested liberals, calling them “useful idiots.” He knew they were so naïve and easily manipulated that they could be used until absolute power had been seized. Then the liberals and the intelligentsia would be the first to be snuffed out. That has been the case with every totalitarian power to date. Why would anyone continue to think it would be different this time?
     Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results? How is it that those who are supposed to be the smartest get so fooled every time? We should be encouraged that the ACLU woke up so fast to this unprecedented threat. Liberals are actually the most at risk from totalitarian control, but like the Jews in the Holocaust going to the showers thinking they were actually going to get a shower, the same tragedy is repeated over and over.
     Idealism is a drug that makes you feel good while it is killing you. There is no political party, group, or single American that is not at risk from what we now have hanging over us. Everything America was born for and stands for is now threatened. We have all been duped, but now we need to all wake up or we may never wake up.
     Even if our government officials did have good intentions in setting up this all-powerful, all-seeing domestic spying apparatus, who is to guarantee that those who succeed them will have the same good intentions? This cannot be allowed to stand.
     Even if this was done with the best of intentions, good intentions are no excuse for violating the Constitution. Every officer and elected official takes an oath to defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Those who authorized and constructed the NSA spy apparatus have violated this oath, knowingly or unknowingly. We should give a pass to those who do what Snowden did—reveal that which so threatens our liberty and is in such obvious violation of the Constitution. Those who continue to defend this most blatant of all violations of the 4th Amendment against unlawful search and seizure are obvious enemies of all that America was built on and has stood for—and they are not just enemies of the people—this is a crime against humanity, not just America.

Our Loving Enemies
     Last year the Russian newspaper Pravda published an article on the evidence that proved that freedom of the press no longer exists in America. Sometimes your enemies will tell you things your friends won’t, but you need to hear. Pravda may have been gloating, but they were right. It has been obvious for a long time that the mainstream media in America is, at the very least, inhibited. Yet this makes it look totally controlled. Even so, we have reason for hope.
     A reason for hope is that now only about 35% of Americans get their news from the mainstream media, and that percentage is continuing to decrease. Blogs and alternative news sources are now where Americans are getting their information. The majority of Americans are smarter, more knowledgeable, and more resourceful than the present Administration or the mainstream media gives them credit for.
     Even so, alternative news sources are also under threat as the Government moves to tax internet use, which brings in the IRS. The KGB was right when it was disclosed that the KGB never thought of the CIA as their counterpart, but rather the IRS. They could see better than we could that the Government’s real power to control its citizens was the IRS. Lately, we have just begun to understand how right they were.
     The abuses that have just been revealed about how the IRS was used to target this Administration’s political opponents are already looking like the tip of the iceberg. With Obamacare set to be managed by the IRS, it will put all of our records, health and financial, in their hands and in their control, with the authority to draw from our accounts without our permission. Might that explain why the head of the IRS visited the White House over 160 times in this Administration, three times more than even the most frequently visiting Cabinet member? We would have to be the most blind and naïve people of all time not to see the pattern of where this is headed.

Egypt—The New Leaders of The Free World?
     Without visible leadership, Egyptians have thrown off their yoke a second time in two years. Granted they are just entering a long and hard struggle for their freedom. It is likely that the struggle in Egypt will get much worse before it gets better. However, they are demonstrating the one crucial ingredient that is essential to gain and maintain freedom—courage.
     It is a tell-tale revelation that the U.S. Administration is only grudgingly backing the new freedom movement (which is really the first one reawakened) and laments the overthrow of President Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. We claim to be concerned about how this duly elected President was removed, but Morsi abdicated his legitimacy as a Constitutional President when he started unilaterally changing the Constitution, suspending the Egyptian Supreme Court, and taking other such unconstitutional actions.
     Morsi put allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood mission of implementing Sharia above the Egyptian Constitution. So the people again did what our American Founding Fathers said every citizen and every American has the right and responsibility to do if our Government starts violating the Constitution. That was the stated reason for the Second Amendment—the right of American citizens to bear arms must not be infringed, so that the American people would keep in their hands the power to throw off the tyranny if our Government went awry.
     I am not advocating forceful resistance yet, but our Government has gone awry and has built the most threatening instruments of tyranny ever devised. Can we trust anyone with that power, especially when they have already been proven to abuse it?
     Our Government, with its checks and balances, was devised to protect us from what it is now starting to do to us. This is happening because you can have the best form of government, yet still have bad government, if you have weak or bad people in it. Those who now have the authority to bring the checks and balances have proven too weak or timid to use it.
     At the end of the Book of Revelation, the cowardly are the first to be thrown into the lake of fire, even before murderers, deceivers, and those who have done all other manner of abominable acts. The Republican leadership in Congress has been so impotent and cowardly in standing against what is being done to us that it could very well be the cause of the end of the Republican Party, even if we are able to preserve the Republic.
     Because of our present lack of principled, courageous, and resolute leadership, it may take the same kind of public uprising in America to throw off the yoke we are now being shackled with. We do not have time to cry over the vacuum of leadership. If we are to recover our Government that is “of the people, for the people, and by the people,” it just may be the best thing for the people to have to do it.

     Americans, get ready to arise. Get ready for a second American Revolution to recover the principles and the freedoms won by the first one.
     We must also know that, in such times as these, some of the greatest patriots will be branded traitors, and some of the worst traitors can be branded patriots. We must resolve now that we will not be swayed by how we are portrayed by our Government, by our media, or even by the majority of Americans. We must resolve to just do the right thing with the conviction that liberty is worth paying any price to preserve.
     If we go down in history as traitors while trying to do the right thing, we can be comforted that it will all be straightened out at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Regardless of what men may think of us now, we must take a stand for what is right for the sake of what is right and for our children. We must not be the generation that lost what so many paid such a dear price to give us. We must do the right thing because it is the right thing, leaving the consequences to the One in whom we have put our trust.
     If our Founding Fathers had lost The Revolutionary War, they would have been counted among history’s worst villains, and they would have been hung as traitors. That was the risk they took, and throughout most of the war, it looked like that was how it would end up. They stood for what they did because they knew it was right, not because they thought they would win. For five years it looked like they had little chance of actually winning. That is the kind of courage that eternal values stand on.
     Right now our Government seems to be holding all the cards and all the power. However, we have divinely powerful weapons, such as truth, honor, integrity, and love—even love for those who may misunderstand what we are doing and for those we may have to fight against. Above all, we have such love for our King that we will never surrender or retreat.
     Almost all of our present representatives in Government are proving that they are what the Lord called “hirelings.” The system has gone so awry that it promotes people of the lowest character into some of the highest positions. There are some true and noble souls still in Government, both as elected officials and bureaucrats, but they are rare. If we are to preserve our Republic, there must be a revolution in the way we choose our leaders and representatives.
     For those who are in the Government who are of a different spirit, some will have to do what Snowden did—be a whistleblower. They will have to sound the alarm and be willing to take the heat. There will be heat because one cannot stand in the way of totalitarian control without repercussions.
     For our part, let us not be so quick to judge them, but look at what they are exposing. The only thing that makes sense out of the Administration’s over-the-top pursuit of Snowden, who has likely already done all the damage he can do, is now to make an example of him to keep others in line who may be considering doing something similar. The present Administration has become known for being the most severe and brutal in dealing with whistleblowers, so it will take uncommon courage to do it. We should know not to pile on just because our Government and the media do.
     This is not to prematurely justify Snowden, as we do not yet know what his real motives were. However, what we do know is that a government that starts looking at its own citizens as the greatest threat has itself become our greatest threat. That is precisely what our Department of Homeland Security did when it put out the memo that the greatest terrorist threats to America come from Evangelical Christians who believe in the end-time prophecies of The Bible, Veterans, and Second Amendment groups. What should be to everyone’s shock is how they left off of this threat list the one group that has been responsible for almost every terrorist attack in the last half century—Islamic extremists!
     We can’t look to those who are in Government at this time for leadership. However, that does not mean we do not have the kind of leadership available in America that we will need for the times to come. We must all take the leadership we can within our own circles and be ready to link up with others when the trumpet call is heard.

The Tipping Point
     President Obama said that we would need to have the discussion about trading freedom for security. As we see in Scripture, even Caiaphas, the High Priest who condemned Jesus to death, can be used to prophesy. I think Obama prophesied when he said this. America is right now choosing between the security of a prison and freedom.
      We can count on 30% of Americans to choose security. These will side with the Government and believe Government to be the answer to every problem. The majority of those in conventional media are in this 30%, so they can make it look like the majority. However, they are, in fact, the minority.
      We can likewise count on 30% doubting everything the Government says or does and will, without even thinking, choose freedom over Government intrusion. Right now, even though everything the Government or Obama is doing is not wrong, it is far better to be skeptical of Government. We must stay on point to challenge the really big and really dangerous threats.
     There are about 40% between these two camps that can go either way. This was the breakdown of Americans in 1776 and has remained about the same since. However, for now we must throw off the yoke of thinking in terms of getting the magical 51% majority needed to pass a bill or win an election. We don’t need a majority to save our country as much as we need courage.
     This whole matter could be settled by a tiny minority, even 2% or less, on either side of the issue. Marx has been proven true that a tiny minority of the passionate can rule the majority who are indifferent. The great tipping points in history that have brought profound cultural change have consistently come from less than the square root of 1% of the population affected. That means that less than 100 people can profoundly impact and determine the course of a city of one million.
      Maybe that is why the Lord made Gideon send away tens of thousands who wanted to fight with him, until he got down to just three hundred men. With God, three hundred were enough even in the face the massive army arrayed against them. The longer the odds, the better the Lord seems to like it.
     Tolkien portrayed his vision of these times in The Lord of the Rings.
     In his prophecy, the evil that was coming out of the bowels of the earth was worse than the world had ever faced before. Those who were standing against the hordes from hell were few in number, but they resolved to fight in the face of almost certain death because it was the right thing to do. They fought well, but it took just two persevering hobbits to undo all of the power of the evil one.
     You might be one of those hobbits. The smallest and seemingly most insignificant of our neighbors might be one. Therefore, let us treat everyone in the fight as heroes. As the last battle unfolded, the heroes were equally as shocked by those who turned out to be in the enemy’s camp as they were by some who turned out to be on their side. Be open.
     We must keep it simple and just do the right thing. Even if we fail, we will be able to stand before our King without shame. It will be much better to take our stand and fail, than not to have stood. However, we can read the end of the story in our Book. We win in the end. It is time for boldness and courage. It is time for the righteous to arise.

The MorningStar Journal