In my new book, God and Donald Trump, I document the way four modern-day prophets prophesied ahead of the election that Donald Trump would win. Right up to Election Day, however, popular opinion had it that he would lose big to Hillary Clinton. Yet, he won! The prophets were right.
As I wrote the book, I interviewed numerous people and recorded six of these interviews so I could transcribe them. I also realized I could use them as podcasts to give behind-the-scenes information about how I put the book together.
My first interview was with Chuck Pierce, who prophesied in 2008 that God would play a "trump card," and how he began to understand that God was referring to Donald Trump. The prophetic aspect in what God is doing is not usually part of our public discourse. I believe my book makes an appeal to the reader that God is involved in the affairs of man, including the election of our president.
Chuck Pierce is not active politically, but he is active in intercession. When people attacked him for prophesying that Trump would win, he said he was merely speaking as an oracle of the Lord—which is what a true prophet is supposed to do.
Please take time to listen to the podcast to get much more detail from Chuck Pierce himself. He emphasizes what God is doing, especially His covenant with Israel, which he believes is key for the future of American and for Trump's presidency.
He also tells a story that may have never been reported: a "decree" made by Vice President Pence at the White House in May about a covenant between Israel and the United States.
I encourage you to download a sample chapter of the book by clicking here. See our exciting video trailer about the book. I hope it makes you want to purchase it, and I encourage you to preorder it online at either at, or Of course, you can also order through a local Christian bookstore. These advance sales will help boost the numbers to qualify the book for some of the literary best-seller lists.
The website also has some memes you can share on social media if you'd like to help us get out the word about God and Donald Trump. 

Chuck Pierce: Playing the Trump Card
On May 31, 2008, God told Chuck Pierce that America "must play the Trump card." More than eight years later, Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States, an answer to prayer for many. Chuck and I discuss how this miraculous turn of events came about and what it means for our nation.
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and President of Christian Life Missions. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook. Click here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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