Showing posts with label Robin Mark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robin Mark. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2015

Dominque Francois: "It's Ireland's Time"

"It's Ireland's Time!"
Dominique Francois, Paris, France

"Ireland! Put on the Garment of Praise!"

The first section of this article was originally posted on The Elijah List on February 15, 2000. Click to read the original post here.

Although I have been a born again Christian for over 30 years and have been in this prophetic renewal for many of those, I have never, ever received a vision and a word like the one God seized me with for Ireland this morning.
As I was listening to the song "O, Consuming Fire," I saw the map of Europe circled by a high and thick wall, like a fortified city. Coming from the west, I saw the stern of a big ship – an ice-breaker type thing, only much bigger – knocking this wall down and making a breakthrough in Europe through Ireland.
I said: "God, are you going to bring a revival or a renewal to Ireland?" He answered: "No. Revival or renewal are not adequate words for what I am about to do in this country. 

It is going to be an outburst, an explosion, an invasion of My Spirit in the land of Ireland. 

All they have known for decades is civil war, terrorism, bombs, bullets, explosions, and slaughters, which were the works of the enemy, because satan knows what an exceptional destiny I have for the Irish people; but now I come. I come with might and power, I come with glory and splendor, I come with a divine explosion." (Photo via Freeimages)

Then the Lord led me to listen to the first song of "Revival In Belfast" (Robin Mark; Hosanna Music), titled "Garments of Praise," and the sobs of the Father's heart for Ireland seized me with violence. The lyrics say:
"Put on the garments of praise
or the spirit of heaviness;Let the oil of gladness flow down
From Your throne!"
Ireland, REJOICE! The Lord of glory is coming to you in an unprecedented explosion of His manifest presence, and all of Europe will be impacted and in awe of what God has done for you.

When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting. Then they said among the nations, "The Lord has done great things for them." The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. Psalm 126

May this word stir up your hearts, renew your courage and hope, and enlarge your vision. We cannot fathom what God is about to do.

Now, Fifteen Years Later...

I have returned to Ireland several times since the above word was published in 2000 to attend intercessor's meetings and conferences.

Our very first contact when we arrived in Ireland almost fifteen years ago was Marie Lacey, who is now a close and cherished friend. She is the initiator and director of the amazing Belfast Community Gospel Choir. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

At the end of 2013, my partner in ministry, Sandra Haven, and I felt called to return to Ireland for an extended period of time. It was then that God began to multiply our contacts, connecting us rapidly with key people, leaders, and intercessors from the North and the South. We are now based here in Northern Ireland until mid-April 2015.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Divine Appointments and Preparing the Way of the Lord for Ireland!

Shortly after we arrived, we went to a store in Bangor (Northern Ireland), and as we ascended the escalator, we were greeted at the top by two women, and one of them was telling the other that she should meet us.

The one that should meet us was Deborah, and here is her side of the story: "Coming into 2014, I felt that things were changing, and that it was a new season for me spiritually. I had been involved for several years with a group of women. Nothing had happened between us to cause a break up, it was just as if our hearts were turning in different directions – mine back to Ireland. I had had a real heart for our land years before, but it was as if something was stirring again. My friends were supportive and excited. I was back in a place where I wasn't sure what direction to take or who to meet up with! In my heart one day I asked, 'Lord, connect me with the right people.'

"Later that same day, I was out shopping and was upstairs looking around, when I met an old friend. We chatted briefly, and I can hardly remember what I said to her, or if I'd even mentioned to her about my heart for Ireland...when she got excited and said, 'Oh! You have to meet Dominique and Sandy. The Lord has called them to Ireland!' The words weren't right out of her mouth when...up the escalator came the two ladies. They were standing right in front of us! 

Wow, that was a quick answer to my prayer for the right connections! We met up that week, and it was as if we had known each other for years."

In March 2014, Deborah took us to Athlone to a meeting for intercessors and leaders. There, we met Norma, a woman I can only describe as a "Mother to the nation," an apostle, a key leader in the future of God's plan for Ireland.

This is what Norma said to us: "I was in a meeting, when I felt my arms turning constantly in motion like a locomotive, slowly at first, but then with great speed. Next, after a long period of this action, I saw this magnificent, glorious, green train with gold markings, engine and carriages. It was a brand new train that had never been out of the station. 

All carriage doors were being slammed closed one after the other – guards all in – until we came to the front where the conductor was standing with one foot on the step of the train and the other on the platform, whistle in mouth ready to blow for takeoff. Waiting, waiting, always waiting...for three long years, but when I met Dominique and Sandy, I knew that they were the people that the conductor was waiting for, and when they got on the train, it left the station." (Photo via Pixabay)

After we returned from Athlone, we visited many churches of different denominations in order to feel the spiritual pulse of Northern Ireland. Everywhere we went, in every church, concerts and various meetings, we felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, mightily at work among the people.

In one of these meetings, I had an encounter with a woman that I will never forget.

This was her experience: "For many years as an intercessor I have prayed for a revival and a move of God in my beloved Ireland. On Saturday, February 19th, 2000, after our prayer time, my pastor gave a copy of a prophetic word for Ireland from Dominique Francois in Paris, which had just been published by The Elijah List. When I read this word, it hit my Spirit. I not only felt emotional, as it captured my heart, but I have faithfully prayed and declared it since as the Spirit led me in both north and south of Ireland.

"I longed to meet this prophet who so loved and cried for our land, so I asked of the Lord, 'Could I meet Dominique?' In early 2014, I heard she was in Northern Ireland, so I tried to meet her. Three times I just missed her! Although I did not know her, I felt spiritually connected to her, and a grief-like feeling came over me that I missed her again!

"Then, I was invited to a meeting on the 26th of March in 2014. I sat at the very back of the room. The worship was amazing, but during this time, I sensed the Holy Spirit say, 'If you turn around you will see Dominique!' I knew what I had heard, but I was a bit 'shaken'! In obedience I turned, and there, in that vast empty space, was a lady standing alone, lost in worship.

I gently went to her and whispered, 'Are you Dominique?' She said, 'Yes,' and I shook and cried. We hugged and couldn't let go! Our hearts were divinely connected in the Spirit. I have no words to explain the impact that first meeting had, not just for Ireland, but for me on a personal level. Dominique has imparted something beautiful and spiritual for Ireland. After carrying this prophetic word for now 15 years, I sense the power and the authority of the words given are truly only a prayer away."

Aren't these people so attractive, so passionate, and so radical about what they expect the Lord to do for their beloved land?

He Is Coming Like a Tidal Wave!

We are in Northern Ireland to encourage Believers to prepare the way of the Lord and to strive for unity. God will not release the magnificence of His presence on a divided Church. We may have different ideas, ways of worship, music, versions of the Bible, and denominations, but He wants us to display the sign that we are Christians by the way we love and prefer one another. He commands His blessing when we walk in unity. (Photo via Pixabay)

The manifest presence of the Lord is coming like a tidal wave to Ireland, and it will definitely be unprecedented. For sure, "Aslan is on the move." He is about to mightily restore the things that have been lost. His Spirit is raising an army of people who will have the awesome mission to take that fire to the ends of the world. These people of all ages, different backgrounds, social statuses, denominations and races, will walk as one man, shoulder to shoulder, in perfect unity to bring God's mighty, end-time purpose to fruition.

May His mighty name be exalted forever!

Dominique Francois

Dominique Francois has been a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ since her conversion in 1970. In the years that followed, she had a leadership role in women's ministry, prayer groups, and Bible studies. She has a powerful prophetic prayer ministry and loves to encourage, edify, and comfort the Body of Christ. 

As a French/English translator for most of her adult life, she has translated hundreds of articles, five Christian books, and many manuals to train pastors. She has also translated simultaneously in conferences held in the United States and for prominent speakers who come to France. She is The Elijah List translator for the French list. 

Her passionate desire is to come alongside the people of Ireland as they experience the unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will catapult them into their destiny as a nation.

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Appreciating Worship Leaders - Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, David Crowder, Don Moen, Jesus Culture...

"Just a few of my favorite ones..." Steve Martin

Chris Tomlin - Passion 2014 Atlanta

David Crowder

Matt Redman - UK

Jesus Culture - USA

Don Moen

Darlene Zschech - Australia

Jesus Culture

John G. Elliott

John G. Elliott - Nashville

John G. Elliott

Back in the day...1970's and '80's

Joshua Aaron - Israel

Keith Green - heaven in now his home

The early Jesus Music - some of the best

Love Song - '70's California

Marty Goetz - USA

Paul Baloche - Texas

Paul Wilbur - Messianic music
Jacksonville, FL

Rueben Morgan - Australia

Robert Critchley - Canada

Robert Critchley - Canada

Robin Mark - Ireland

Ted Pearce - Messianic worship

Joel Chernoff of LAMB
Messianic Jew

...and then the best quartet ever! 4HIM!!!


In the business of music, 15 years might as well be a lifetime; however, for four ordinary guys who couldn’t imagine anything better than singing about Jesus, the past 15 years have been more like a dream come to life. 4HIM has been about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through the powerful, incomparable medium of music since their beginnings singing with the well-known ensemble group, Truth.

From the four ordinary guys who formed while sitting down at McDonald’s to explore the idea of forming a four-man pop-gospel group, 4HIM presents ENCORE…FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS, their final project as 4HIM, a collection of career favorites, as well as a solo song from each member.

“We couldn’t think of a better way to write the closing chapter to our story than to sing our way out,” 4HIM states,  “We hope you hear our hearts in ENCORE and know how blessed we’ve been to be a part of your lives.”

Since their formation in 1989, their harmonic convergence—the likes of which hadn’t been heard in Christian music since the Imperials took audiences by storm in the late 1970s—blended the best of tradition from past decades in Christian music with modern pop sensibilities and no-holds-barred, real life lyrics.  Christian radio ‘got it’ right of the box with the group’s first No. 1 single, “Where There Is Faith,” and audiences began to sit up and take notice of the fresh-faced foursome from down south.

4HIM managed to transcend any of those potential pratfalls, continuing to make music that not only met the needs of listeners but pushed the creative envelope as the mainstream pop music scene evolved into something a little less slick, less produced.

By the time 4HIM’s ‘best of’ album released in 2004, all four men were contemplating ‘where do we go from here?’ Not because they were drifting apart or because the opportunities were few and far between. No, call it sixth sense, the sense of discovery, of beginning to understand that there could be life beyond the ministry they’d devoted the biggest part of their adult lives to.

After much prayer, Andy Chrisman decided to pursue a lifelong passion as worship leader at a local church in Celebration, Florida. Mark Harris had begun writing new songs for a solo project. Marty and Kirk were also busy writing and doing production work on their own.

Each one, in his own time, began to feel the excitement of seeing new roads winding out before them. They began, one by one, to sense God saying “I am doing a new thing in you.” And so, with gratitude for all God has done over the past 15 years, they began to write the closing chapter in the story of 4HIM. 

Taking a walk down memory lane, 4HIM recorded new versions of their biggest hits on the farewell project.  Once again their longtime producer Michael Omartian produced the project, which features nine favorite 4HIM songs, in addition to a medley and one new track, “Unity (We Stand),” featuring guest vocalists Point of Grace and Jeromy Deibler of FFH. Four bonus solo songs from each band member will also be included.

“This project will hopefully capture the spirit of the songs and where we are now in 2005 musically, spiritually and thematically it will be a trip down memory lane with a new twist,” Mark Harris explains.  “We wanted to do this last project as a gift to our loyal fans—to commemorate all the years of faithful support we have received from them.”

Throughout their time together, 4HIM has received much acclaim for their 11 hit albums including an RIAA Gold certified album (The Basics of Life), 24 No. 1 radio singles, eight Dove Awards including three “Group of the Year,” and a Grammy Award nomination as well as Alabama’s Music Hall of Fame for The Governor’s Achievement Award.  In addition to their numerous tours across the nation, the group has also been featured performers with the Billy Graham and Louis Palau crusades.

2003 Dove Award nomination – Inspirational Recorded Song of the Year
1998 Dove Award - Group of the Year
Dove Award - Inspirational Song of the Year for “Center of the Mark”
1998 WOW! Inspirational Award nomination - Performing artist of the Year
1997 Grammy Award nomination - Best Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album for The Message
1996 RIAA certified gold album for The Basics of Life
1996 CCM Magazine’s readers’ poll - Favorite Long Form Video for The Ride Comes Alive
1995 American Songwriter - Christian Artist of the Year
1995 Dove Award - Group of the Year
1994 CCM Magazine - Song of the Year for “For Future Generations”
1994 Dove Award - Group of the Year
Dove Award - Inspirational Album of the Year for The Season of Love
1993 Christian Booksellers Association Impact Award - Cassette Jacket Design for The Basics of Life
Christian Booksellers Association Impact Award - Total Promotional Campaign, Music for The Basics of Life
1993 Dove Award - Group of the Year
Dove Award - Inspirational Album of the Year for Generation to Generation
1992 Christian Research Report Reporter Poll - Best Group
1991 Christian Research Report Reporter Poll - Best Group
1991 Dove Award - Best New Artist
1990 Christian Research Report Reporter Poll - Best New Artist

1996 The Message in the Making
1995 The Ride Comes Alive
1993 The Basics of Life
1991 Face the Nation

1998 The Basics of Life

• A career total so far of 22 number one singles
• Partners in hunger relief with World Vision—featured performer on World Vision 2003 Spring Tour
• Nominated by Alabama’s Music’s Hall of Fame for The Governor’s Achievement Award
• 2002 “4Guys And A Fruitcake” Christmas tour with Chonda Pierce
• Featured performers with the Louis Palau crusade and the Billy Graham crusade
• Co-headlined a national tour with Point of Grace
• Co-headlined 1998 fall national tour with Jaci Velasquez and special guest Michelle Tumes
• Headlined 1998 Spring tour with special guest Big Tent Revival featuring Jeni Varnadeau
• Performed at “Sold Out 1998” Promise Keepers conference the day before the Super Bowl
• Co-host of the 1998 NCCAA (National Christian College Athletic Association) Bobby Clampett/4HIM Pro-Am Classic Golf Tournament—