Showing posts with label Second Coming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Second Coming. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Time Is Speeding Up - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Time Is Speeding Up
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

 “And he said, "Look, I am making known to you what shall happen in the latter time of the indignation; for at the appointed time the end shall be.” (Daniel 8:19 NKJV)

I sense the Lord is speaking loudly, to those with ears to hear, of His prophetic time table. Time is speeding up. At least it is as we would experience it, in our natural state of being. What He has set in motion from the beginning of time is falling into place, piece by piece, much quicker than what we may have anticipated. If we are not looking to Him we will certainly miss it. When He came the first time, even His own people missed that coming. We must be alert to prepare for His Second Coming.

The watchmen on the wall are seeing it. They are observing the obvious signs in the heavens and witnessing the movement of His Spirit on the earth. They are proclaiming His Word to those who would stop to listen. Without fear of ridicule, obstruction or rejection, from those who would have their own agendas, these watchmen are proclaiming obediently.

The first years of Jesus’ ministry walk on this planet were met severely by the religious, the self-proclaiming righteous ones. We would be naive to expect anything less from these same in our days as He prepares for His Second Coming.

Yeshua (Jesus) continues to proceed in completion of this phase which had already been planned for the inhabitants of earth. From the beginning of creation God the Father has determined these times. His Only Son Himself proclaimed it in Matthew 24 and Luke 21.

“And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us…” (Acts 17:26-27 NKJV)

The Lord continues to advance His Kingdom on the earth. Those who are in tune with His Holy Spirit will be aware of His actions in their life. They will acknowledge what they are seeing, and become witnesses to His people and the nations. They will speak words of His salvation plan, while also declaring His righteous judgment that must come, if there is no repentance.

This rapid increase in the fulfillment of prophesied events right before our eyes is because He has set those prophetic signs in sequential order, one after another, as we draw near to His appointed hour. More prophetic words, spoken and recorded long ago by those moved by His Holy Spirit, are being witnessed in our day at an incredible rate. It is time for them to be fulfilled, as written.

He is calling His Bride, the believers consisting of Jews and Gentiles saved in all the nations, to be ready and faithful to join Him in the outlay of His plans. We are to hear and obey, and walk with Him in the process.

I hear it. I believe it. It is happening.

If we are to be in tune with His purposes, we must take the needed time to seek His face. It is vital. We must allow His Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh, to open our understanding and see prophecy being fulfilled. That which is to occur in the end times, prophesied centuries ago, is happening now, faster than many would have expected. We cannot miss it this go around as His own people did the first time He came.

With the Lord Jesus, time is not as we would think of it. The Scriptures tell us that for Him, Who has all eternity laid out, what we would think of as a long time is but a twinkling of an eye to Him. Our minds cannot grasp that infinite picture, but He is allowing us to see in part, and proclaim what we know. Signs and wonders will fill in the rest.

“Moreover, dear friends, do not ignore this: with the Lord, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some people think of slowness; on the contrary, he is patient with you; for it is not his purpose that anyone should be destroyed, but that everyone should turn from his sins. However, the Day of the Lord will come “like a thief.” On that Day the heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will melt and disintegrate, and the earth and everything in it will be burned up.” (2 Peter 3:8-10 Complete Jewish Bible)

The Lord is pushing forward with His plans and purposes. He wants all that will be saved to come to the knowledge of His Gospel, the Good News. God the Father is getting excited about presenting to His Son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, His long awaited Bride, the Body of Messiah. This is one reason why time, as we know it, is being accelerated without hesitation.

In 2003 I received a prophetic indication of this quickening, when the Lord woke me up a few hours after I had gone to bed. Following are some excerpts from my book, “Prophetic Stories – Signs Along the Way” (Martin Lighthouse Publishing, 2014) of that time. It involved me driving over to the former Heritage USA/PTL Network property late at night. The vacated 2000 acres of land was still lying barren and in ruin. During my obedience in action, I received a word from the Lord during that drive. (You can read that whole chapter following this message.)

“On Oct. 21, 2003, I felt the Lord had me leave my home (a weekday night) in southern Pineville, NC, and head into town.  He has had me go on these trips before, where I have the sense to get in my vehicle and “go”, and then trust the Holy Spirit to guide me.  Sometimes it is early morning. Sometimes late at night.  Normally I go to bed at 9 pm, so for me to be up at 11:00 p.m. was not the norm.”

“At 12:05 a.m. I completed the first circular lap of the road that I could drive on.  I had weaved past The Barn, with its roof caved in and the interior having been flooded many time by indoor and outdoor waters; past the Upper Room, also left as it was on its last day, back in 1997. Then it was used for crying out to the Lord for His revival and intervention, but left alone in utter quietness over these many desolate years. I drove past the stark and empty amphitheater and through the former campground.”

“Again I proclaimed, “Restore the land to Your people!” seven times.  I then called the Derek Prince Ministries office at 12:08 a.m. on my cell phone and left a message on my desk phone, just to have confirmation that I was actually doing this.  (My personal assistant would check my messages the next day and confirm this.)

Then the Lord gave me further instructions. “Drive around the perimeter six more times, for a total of seven times.” And so I heard and obeyed.”

“As I drove the 3rd time, I continually prayed in tongues, as I had throughout the first two laps. I completed this round at 12:17 a.m., noting that each trip was 2.2 miles in length on my odometer. I also noted, as I wrote on the purple 3” x 6” paper sheets I had available to scribble on, that the Lord spoke again to “Speed up” when I took the next lap.  He said He was “Speeding up His timetable.”

Often the Lord will use signs to help in our spiritual understanding. In this instance, He was giving me an understood picture of what He was already doing on the earth.

Prophetic proclamations made by the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others have always pointed to this end time when the rapid fulfillment of the Lord’s time table would begin to occur. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, with acute accuracy they prophesied of the Messiah’s first coming, that of the Suffering Servant and the Lamb of God. Those words were completely fulfilled by Yeshua (Jesus).

These appointed men of God also prophesied of what would take place before His return. I believe we will be the ones to see those words fulfilled, and see Him when He comes again, riding triumphantly on His white horse, leading the armies of the heavens. This time the world will see Him clearly as the Lion of Judah. They will have their smartphones tuned into the news channel.

The key prophetic proclamation, that launched this end time table, was written in Scripture and fulfilled on May 14, 1948. That was when the nation of Israel was born in a single day.

“Who ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Is a country born in one day? Is a nation brought forth all at once? For as soon as Tziyon (Zion) went into labor, she brought forth her children.” Isaiah 66:8 Complete Jewish Bible

The Jews had been brought back to their rightful land supernaturally. The prophetic clock began to advance in 1948, beginning the final count down to the moment of Yeshua HaMashiach’s (Jesus Christ) Second Coming.

As the Jews were being regathered to their Promised Land, from the many nations where they had been scattered after the fall of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., time after time His protection became a witness to them. Through the centuries, though persecuted almost to non-existence, He has kept a remnant for His Name. In the major wars that followed since 1948, as the surrounding Arab nations sought to continually destroy this infant country, their Messiah rose to their defense. He continues steadfast to this day in keeping them under His wings.

We are witnessing in our lifetime God’s promises coming to fruition. He is excitedly looking forward to the time when He will present the prepared Bride, the Body of Christ, to His Only Son, Yeshua HaMashiach. It will be another prophetic fulfillment that will bless the Father’s heart.

Time as we know it is speeding up. Hang on for the ride, and be ready. Be continually about the Father’s business, while He takes care of yours.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Following is a chapter from my book “Prophetic Stories – Signs Along the Way”. 
Martinlighthouse Publishing 2014

Available in paperback & Kindle.

Heritage USA & the Prophetic Drive

Then I arose in the night...and went out by night…” (Nehemiah 2:12-13)“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23)

On Oct. 21, 2003, I felt the Lord had me leave my home (a weekday night) in southern Pineville, NC, and head into town.  He has had me go on these trips before, where I have the sense to get in my vehicle and “go”, and then trust the Holy Spirit to guide me.  Sometimes it is early morning. Sometimes late at night.  Normally I go to bed at 9 pm, so for me to be up at 11:00 p.m. was not the norm.

After I had headed up Lancaster Hwy. (old Hwy. 521), I made the turn onto Hwy. 51, and headed west.  By this time I had the sense that I was being directed to go to the former Heritage USA (PTL) property, which I had done so many times before. It is literally three miles from our house, as the crow flies. (Or the eagle, if you like real good prophetic symbols!)

As I approached the entrance onto the former land, now known as Regent Park, I wasn’t paying as close attention as I should have, and actually passed the main entrance.  When I became aware of missing it, I continued onto the All Nations Church property, which was about two miles or so further east.  I drove to its entrance. As I sat in my truck, praying in tongues, I felt the Lord say the building they were wanting to construct over the past three years (since 2001) hadn’t progressed because they were trying to put it in the wrong location on that former Heritage USA Fort Hope land. 

I made a call to the ANC office and left a message on the current administrator’s phone, sharing my belief.  (He later confirmed that a month earlier the decision had been made by them that the building was to go in the area I had specified in my call.)

I then returned to the other Heritage USA entrance, on Hwy. 160, arriving at 11:58 p.m.  After I crossed the railroad tracks onto the main part of the former Christian retreat center, I sensed that I was to drive around the perimeter road. I knew that was permissible. Again interceding in my prayer language, I knew I was imploring the Lord for the land to be put back in the hands of His believers.  I had expected to make only one trip around, even as Nehemiah had done when he approached ancient Jerusalem, and saw the walls in ruin.

At 12:00 a.m. I had driven to the back side of the property, near what was then called The Studio. I believe it still is. I knew this property well, even in the dark. Because I had invested $3000 in lifetime memberships in 1985 (two for my family and one for a family in Fort Lauderdale, who now actually live in the Charlotte area) I had often “scouted out my land.” To this day I still have a big, 20 pound granite rock that I had “picked up” in 2004, that now sits on the floor in our new “history room” in our house.

Also while on staff at All Nations Church/Mahesh Chavda Ministries, as the administrator, we held several conferences on this property. In fact, little did we know at the time, we held the very last conference on the former PTL grounds before it completely shut down – that being in November, 1997, in “The Barn”.  The entire place finally closed down at the end of that month.  The property had been in disuse since, apart from the Kingsway (NarroWay) Christian outdoor plays in the amphitheater and their dinner theatre in The Studio. (In 2004 MorningStar bought 52 acres of the property, including the former Grand Hotel.)

While I sat in my ’99 Chevy S-10 “pick-‘em-up” truck, praying and interceding, I was instructed by the Lord to proclaim “Return seven times what was stolen!” Maybe even as Nehemiah himself may have spoken as he sat on his horse, looking at the walls under the moonlit sky, seeking the Lord’s command and purpose for Jerusalem.  The enemies of the Lord had destroyed that city prior to his days. Now these grounds had also been vacant and falling further into destruction, for over six years now (when I originally wrote this in 2003.). Fallen apart, as if left for dead. Even as Rick Joyner had prophesized in that small blue book he wrote in 1988 on prophetic words.

At 12:05 a.m. I completed the first circular lap of the road that I could drive on.  I had weaved past The Barn, with its roof caved in and the interior having been flooded many time by indoor and outdoor waters; past the Upper Room, also left as it was on its last day, back in 1997. Then it was used for crying out to the Lord for His revival and intervention, but left alone in utter quietness over these many desolate years. I drove past the stark and empty amphitheater and through the former campground.

(Sidebar: My dad, Louis Martin, in 1998-1999, helped re-wire the outdoor, half-moon facility of the former home of the Passion Play. My son Ben has now set up a great memorabilia display off Main Street in the Grand Hotel of Heritage International Ministries. Go check it out! Jim Bakker did, and loves it!)

I then made a left turn at the stop sign posted at the edge of the campgrounds, and drove past the only burnt evergreen tree stump, located just under the walkway overpass, on the right side of the road. 

Back in 1997, I had conducted a Martin family reunion here on these grounds near Charlotte, over the 4th of July weekend. An errant bottle rocket, lit and fired by this writer, didn’t quite perform the projection that I had anticipated and hoped for, landing the fire piece instead in the top of the evergreen tree. It quickly made a Roman candle out of that once living creation! (I have my entire Martin family as witnesses too!)  With ineffective efforts on our part to put it out, with very little time to do otherwise, it didn’t keep the tree from burning rapidly to within one foot of the ground. For years only the charred stump remained, as a testimony to my unskilled method of shooting off bottle fire rockets. (Sidebar: And as of the last time I checked, it still stands as another memorial, to this very day!)

At that time, knowing that control of this land was heading into a direction that many desired it wouldn’t go, including myself, I spoke under my breath, after all of this extra 4th of July added excitement had leveled off. “Well, if we (believers) can’t have this land, no one will!”

I then turned my six cylinder around and drove back to the original intersection of the starting point (now known as Regent Blvd. and Starlight), where I stopped momentarily.

Again I proclaimed, “Restore the land to Your people!” seven times.  I then called the Derek Prince Ministries office at 12:08 a.m. on my cell phone and left a message on my desk phone, just to have confirmation that I was actually doing this.  (My personal assistant would check my messages the next day.)

Then the Lord gave me further instructions. “Drive around the perimeter six more times, for a total of seven times.” And so I heard and obeyed.

At 12:12 a.m. I completed the 2nd encircling of the land, and spoke out to “Restore the widow’s mite!”

As I drove the 3rd time, I continually prayed in tongues, as I had throughout the first two laps. I completed this round at 12:17 a.m., noting that each trip was 2.2 miles in length on my odometer. I also noted, as I wrote on the purple 3” x 6” paper sheets I had available to scribble on, that the Lord spoke again to “Speed up” when I took the next lap.  He said He was “Speeding up His timetable.”

The narrow roadway reminded me of a NASCAR road course, and it was no easy task to drive the dark, broken blacktop at 35 - 40 mph.  (No speed limit signs were posted! I felt like I could have taken on #24 Jeff Gordon at that time!)  J

At 12:23 a.m. I finished the 4th round.

At 12:24 a.m. I started the 5th lap, and completed it at 12:28 a.m.

At 12:29 a.m. I started the 6th lap, and finished it at 12:33 a.m.  Each time I grew bolder in my driving. (Yes, I would have beaten Jeff Gordon in this race! But kids, don’t always do what your father does!)

At 12:34 a.m. I started the 7th and final lap, completing the course at 12:38 a.m.  I had driven my 4 x 4 at a speed of up to 50 mph on the “straightaway”, which was rather short on the back stretch, which crossed the parking lot, just before passing The Studio on the right.

The total mileage traveled for the seven laps was 15.4 miles on my odometer.

At 12:40 a.m. I again called my office and left a message for my personal assistant, recording what I had just done.

Upon completion of this divinely assigned task, on my way out of this 2000 acre property, I headed towards the other entrance. That would take me by the former World Outreach Center, or commonly known as “The Pyramid”, back in the day.  All Nations Church/Mahesh Chavda Ministries had seriously considered leasing this building in 1998, for a church, conference and office facility. I had spoken of this possible commitment to the five Malaysian owners’ administrator of Regent. But to no avail.

(Sidebar: And for the record, I saw Jim Bakker’s famous, so-called “golden bathroom faucets”, on the very top floor of the building. From my observation, they were simply better hardware, which could have been found in Lowes, or anywhere else. Why the big issue made at that time in 1987? Just more lies printed and spoken in the media, as usual.)

At 12:42 a.m. I pulled up in front of the pyramid. I then felt led to run my Chevy truck around the flag pole that was located in front of what was then a Laura Ashley administration office, doing this encirclement seven times. (Remember, I originally wrote this act back in 2003. Being it is now Dec. 2010 that I am sharing this publicly, that makes it just over seven years ago.)  I finished at 12:43 a.m., quite dizzy, having driven my good ‘ole girl as fast as I could for those very tight laps.

I arrived back home at 1:04 a.m., knowing that 5:00 a.m. came early. The alarm clocks of Laurie and I had, as usual, been set for that scheduled normal “wake-up” time.

And now back to the future, as history has again shown, the Lord had preserved this land for His purposes. What the enemy had indeed stolen was returned to His people! And I give special heartfelt thanks to Rick Joyner, the past and current Morningstar Fellowship staff, and to so many others who have given of themselves, with long persevering efforts in the natural and spiritual realms, to bring restoration “to these walls.”  (Sidebar: Even the Upper Room has been restored too, for prayer and worship times for many.)

May the same restoration be brought forth in Jerusalem, and in the rightful owners of that entire Promised Land of Israel - the Jewish people.

On January 7, 2011 Laurie and I began to lead the new Beit Tikvah (“House of Hope”  in Hebrew) Friday night meetings at Antioch International Church (Pastors Peter Wyns and Jesse Enns), located within a stone’s throw of where the King’s Castle was located, since torn down.

In April, 2014, Antioch International Church bought the former Heritage USA/PTL Barn, the Studio, the former Heritage Church School building, plus 16 acres of land. Prophetic words and prayers answered!

This special anointed land, with Heritage International Ministries and several others on it, is further fulfillment of the many prophetic words spoken over these past 34 years. Having been undergirded by the prayers of countless aged saints (and some not as fine wined yet), His promises continue to be fulfilled.

The Lord is faithful!

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.
If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #189 “Time Is Speeding Up” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (10.15.15) Thursday at 3:30 am in Charlotte, NC
Interesting note: I wrote this blog message almost 12 years to the day that I took that prophetic ride around Heritage USA.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

COMMENTARY: Israel - the Apple of God's Eye - Charles Gardner, UK

COMMENTARY: Israel - the Apple of God's Eye

Wednesday, September 30, 2015 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
As we get into the swing of the Jewish New Year, with the sweet taste of honey-dipped apple still in our mouths, I pray that Israel will have a fresh revelation of their destiny as God’s chosen people.
And I am reminded of the fact that the Lord describes them as the “apple of his eye” (Zechariah 2.8) for which he longs with an everlasting love. And with the eye being the most sensitive part of the body, anticipating trouble almost before it happens, we can be sure that Elohim will be watching over his beloved at this particularly dangerous time.
I have written much about the signs of the Second Coming, but I wasn’t expecting to get one during a visit to family in leafy Hampstead, north London.
Walking up a pathway I have used for the past 45 years, I suddenly noticed the spreading branches of an overhanging fig tree. It was like the one we had in our garden in South Africa, but I have never seen one in this part of the world before. What particularly struck me was that it was laden with fruit, almost ripe for harvest.
I was reminded of the words of Jesus in describing the signs of his imminent return. “Now learn this lesson from the fig-tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (Mark 13.28-30)
The fig tree is used in the Bible as a symbol for Israel. So it seems the Lord was saying that when it started to blossom – i.e. Israel’s long-promised restoration to their land and their subsequent growth into a vibrant nation state – we would know that his coming was not far away.
Yet this Hampstead tree wasn’t simply in blossom; it was almost ready for harvest. It was, after all, late summer. Was God perhaps speaking to my heart saying that Israel’s salvation – that is, her full restoration, both physically and spiritually – was about to happen; that we are about to witness a bountiful harvest among his chosen people in the form of a mass recognition of Yeshua as their long-awaited Messiah who, with loving arms, is coming to rescue them from their many enemies? Are we about to witness the spiritual restoration, following their return to the land, spoken of by Ezekiel: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezek 36.26)
In the passage quoted earlier, Jesus suggests that the generation witnessing the physical restoration of Israel, along with signs from heaven and increasing turbulence on earth, would also see its spiritual re-birth and the return of Christ himself.
My friends, no-one knows the day or hour, but of this we can be sure: Jesus is coming again – and very soon it seems!
Israel’s significance in all this cannot be overstated and was re-emphasised to me the day after my Hampstead stroll as I was admiring the Savill Garden on the Queen’s estate near Windsor. I took a series of pictures of the beautiful borders and, when I viewed them later, was mystified by one of the ‘photos’ which seemed to have a Star of David – Israel’s national emblem – imprinted against a murky grey background. Make of that what you will. And then, in the early hours one morning, I heard a still, small voice asking me to be a ‘doorkeeper’ in the house of the Lord. I took that as confirmation of a calling to continue watching for signs of his coming, and convey that to readers.
As Haggai predicted, everything is being shaken in preparation for the return of Messiah (Haggai 2.6,7). Tens of thousands of refugees, possibly including jihadist infiltrators, are swarming into Europe, putting huge pressure on EU countries already creaking under the weight of increasing political, social and economic upheavals. Yet no-one asks why Saudi Arabia, which has both the economic and physical capacity to take them, has so far completely failed to do so. The Gulf state is reported to have 100,000 air-conditioned tents capable of housing three million people sitting empty – used only for five days each year to accommodate pilgrims to Mecca.
Meanwhile Britain has been severely jolted by the election of an extreme-leftist as leader of Her Majesty’s opposition. At his first public engagement, Jeremy Corbyn even refused to sing ‘God save the Queen’, the national anthem. And the UK’s 290,000 Jews – already under increasing attack from anti-Semites – now fear a Labour leader who has referred to Hamas and Hezbollah as ‘friends’. What on earth is going on?
But be comforted, O Israel, for all this trouble also points to hope, when the glory of the Lord will be revealed (Isaiah 40.5) and Yeshua HaMashiach will return.
“I have chosen you and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand… those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.” (Isaiah 41.9-11)

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen (available from Amazon) and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Babylon Code: Rise of the End-Time World State - PAUL MCGUIRE AND TROY ANDERSON

(© iStockphoto/Leonardo Patrizi; claudiodivizia; egal)

The Babylon Code: Rise of the End-Time World State

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

The world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, in an exclusive interview, said, "The Bible indicates that as the time for Christ's return approaches, evil and social chaos may well intensify. Are we living in those days?"
It's the great question of our time. Are we now living in the last days of planet Earth?
If so, how will the apocalyptic events foreseen by the ancient prophets unfold? Are powerful forces now at work to create a global government, economic system and religion as predicted in the Bible?
Unlocking a great biblical mystery that has puzzled scholars for nearly 2,000 years,The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Times Mystery unearths answers to these momentous questions. In the book, we explore a prophetic enigma that begins in Genesis at the Tower of Babel and ends in Revelation with the Battle of Armageddon. The prediction involves "Mystery, Babylon"—the Bible's greatest end-time riddle—and reveals how an elite group of wealthy globalists and their interlocking network of transnational corporations, international banks, government agencies, think tanks, foundations and clandestine organizations are working to create a global government, cashless society and universal religion as predicted in Scripture.
The world is at a final turning point. An unparalleled convergence and acceleration in end-time signs is now occurring. These harbingers are geopolitical, economic, scientific, technological, cultural and moral.
To ordinary men and women these forces are overwhelming, as if a giant tsunami is about to drown everything they've ever known or dreamed of. It's at this moment that every one of us is confronted with a choice. Either we can allow ourselves to be overcome by fear, leading to panic, or we can seek to understand the nature of the forces behind these events so we can survive.
In an out-of-control, upside-down world, there are two urgent questions: Is it possible that God embedded a code in the Bible that could be cracked only in the end times? What if by decoding this prophetic cryptogram we could unlock the secret to both our salvation and our survival?  
The Great Biblical Mystery
Our five-year journalistic investigation into this biblical cypher uncovered astonishing evidence that not only has the countdown to Armageddon begun, but the elite are involved in an international political and economic takeover—what one former United States official calls a "global financial coup d'état."
As we investigated this prophetic mystery sweeping across time, we unearthed evidence connecting a secretive, international power structure with ties to ancient Babylon—the occult-enmeshed civilization where the "magic of money manipulation" and the first world government originated—to what today's globalists call the "New World Order."
Featuring scores of exclusive interviews with prominent world leaders and highly respected experts in geopolitics, economics, science and theology, The Babylon Code is the first book by a mainstream, award-winning investigative journalist and a prophecy expert to explore the nexus between current events, secretive organizations and end-time biblical predictions.
Our investigation into this apocalyptic puzzle uncovered what could be one of the biggest stories and political scandals in modern history. It also unearthed answers to the questions many have about the troubling events now transpiring in the world. Recent polls and statements by world leaders demonstrate extraordinary public interest in this topic:
  • A Barna Group survey found 4 in 10 Americans—and 77 percent of evangelical Christians—believe the "world is now living in the biblical end times."
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently told the United Nations General Assembly that "Biblical prophecies are being realized." Meanwhile, Pope Francis said the world has entered the "last times" and is at the beginning of a "piecemeal" Third World War.
  • A McLaughlin & Associates poll found that 80 percent of Americans fear a "Second Holocaust" in Israel—and 68 percent fear a "nuclear holocaust" in the United States—if the world does not take decisive action to stop Iran from building nuclear weapons.
  • Meanwhile, 28 percent of American voters believe a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda are working to create an authoritarian world government. Nearly 40 percent of Republican voters agree.
A Final Turning Point
These stunning poll results come amid an explosion of interest in the end times. In recent years, a seemingly nonstop series of crises has prompted many to ask whether the conclusion of the human epoch is quickly approaching. These concerns have intensified since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks—an event that shocked the world and some saw as the biggest wake-up call in the nation's history. Since then, disaster after disaster has battered the planet—the Indian Ocean tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti earthquake, the global economic meltdown and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Recently, people worldwide have been intrigued by the convergence of a rare set of four blood moons and the biblical Shemitah, along with Sir Isaac Newton's end-time prediction known as "Newton's Riddle" regarding 2015-2016—asking whether these are portents of the beginning of the end.
A number of prophecy scholars in recent years have uncovered biblical mysteries and riddles they say point toward the possible fulfillment of end-time prophecies in the years ahead.
Nations are drowning in unparalleled levels of debt. Fears of a cataclysmic economic collapse and hyperinflation are rising. Tensions between Russia and America are growing, ISIS is warning the West of "Armageddon," and North Korea has threatened a nuclear strike on the U.S. Some experts believe Iran may already have nuclear weapons—further raising the specter of the unthinkable. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum says the world is experiencing record-breaking natural disasters and extreme weather, not to mention worsening global drought and famine.
Scientists are sounding the alarm about the dangers of mega-earthquakes and tsunamis, the Yellowstone supervolcano, solar storms and massive tornadoes, the likes of which the world has never seen.
A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change urged the world to prepare for more intense drought, famine, floods, freak weather and heat waves—emphasizing that the "world's food supply is at considerable risk."
A Brookings Institution report put it bluntly: The world is in an "unprecedented state of crisis."
Is this the end of civilization?
Noam Chomsky, a political theorist and a professor of linguistics emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who is considered "one of the world's most controversial thinkers," pondered that question in a recent article, "The End of History? The Short, Strange Era of Human Civilization Would Appear to Be Drawing to a Close."
"It is not pleasant to contemplate the thoughts that must be passing through the mind of the Owl of Minerva as the dusk falls and she undertakes the task of interpreting the era of human civilization, which may now be approaching its inglorious end," Chomsky wrote.
Chomsky's concerns are echoed in a recent study by professors and researchers at the University of Maryland and the University of Minnesota who found that civilization could be headed for an "irreversible collapse" because of unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution between the rich and the poor.
A recent Oxfam report titled "Working for the Few" found wealthy elites have "coopted political power to rig the rules of the economic game, undermining democracy"—creating a world where the 85 richest people own nearly half the world's wealth. The report found that 1 percent of the world's population control 46 percent, or $110 trillion, of its wealth. Noting growing public awareness of this "power-grab," the report found that increasing inequality is helping the rich undermine democratic processes and drive government policies that promote their interests at the expense of everyone else.
Meanwhile, a growing number of scientists and philosophers at Oxford, Cambridge, MIT and the University of California, Berkeley, believe the world needs to start thinking seriously about the threat of human extinction. Curiously, a report by the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford warned that one of the risks that threaten human civilization is a "world dictatorship" or a "global totalitarian state."
The Convergence
While secular experts warn of societal collapse and the end of civilization brought about by over exploitation of natural resources and income inequality, faith leaders say the roots of the world's problems are spiritual in nature and coincide with an unparalleled acceleration and convergence in signs of the last days.
Graham—the famed evangelist who has preached to more people (2.2 billion) than any Protestant in history—says he believes the world is approaching the "end of the age."
"There's a great deal to say in the Bible about the signs we're to watch for, and when these signs all converge at one place, we can be sure that we're close to the end of the age," Graham says. "And those signs in my judgment are converging now for the first time since Jesus made those predictions."
Graham's remarks follow a letter he released in the summer of 2012 comparing America to ancient Nineveh—the lone superpower of its time. When the prophet Jonah finally traveled to Nineveh and proclaimed God's warning, the people repented and escaped judgment. He believes the same thing can happen in America.
Greg Laurie, pastor at the 15,000-member Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California, and president of Harvest Crusades, says Graham is a "prophetic voice, and to me it's like Isaiah or Jeremiah standing up and telling our nation what we need to do. We would be wise to heed his warning and his admonitions and turn back to God because I believe God's prophet is speaking to us."
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of the New York Times best-selling books The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah, says Graham's message has grown "more and more prophetic" in recent years.
"Before God brings a nation into judgment, He sends warning," says Cahn, whose book The Harbinger is based on a real-life prophetic mystery he discovered in the Bible that unveiled the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the "War on Terror" and the 2008 global economic meltdown. "Before He brought judgment and destruction on ancient Israel, He warned them. The Harbinger is the revealing of how the same nine harbingers of judgment which appeared in the last days of ancient Israel are now reappearing on American soil."
Joel C. Rosenberg—a former adviser to Netanyahu and the New York Times best-selling author of Implosion: Can America Recover from Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in Time?—says he was taken aback by the Israeli prime minister's remarks before the United Nations. "There are very few world leaders who believe Bible prophecies are coming true in our lifetime, much less are willing to say that publicly," Rosenberg says. "I'm trying to draw a little bit more attention to (Netanyahu's comment), its significance and a question raised by it: If the prophecies related to the rebirth of the State of Israel have come true in our lifetime, when will other major Bible prophecies come true as well?"
Runup to the Second Coming
In addition to the rebirth of Israel, the Bible predicts a series of events in the runup to the Second Coming—an explosion in knowledge, the development of "mark of the Beast" technologies and ultimately the creation of a global government, cashless society, and false religious system.
Today, prominent world leaders and military officials are openly talking in the media about the possibility of a nuclear conflagration and a worldwide economic collapse. Even more remarkably, experts in science, economics and geopolitics across the political spectrum agree that the planet is facing a confluence of unparalleled dangers. On one hand, many believe climate change poses an existential threat to humanity. On the other, leaders of many faiths say events in recent decades suggest ancient prophecies are coming true. Throughout the world, people sense something epochal is occurring.
The most optimistic—futurists and transhumanists—believe humanity is on the cusp of a technology-driven quantum leap forward that will usher in a "techno-utopian" New Age era. Others are alarmed by the deepening chaos and immorality in the world. A Barna Group poll found that 81 percent of Americans believe morality is in a free fall.
Many believe the world is on the verge of an economic and societal collapse that will ultimately lead to what the Bible calls the Tribulation—a seven-year period of mayhem that culminates in the Battle of Armageddon. It is commonly believed that this period will begin when the Antichrist signs a peace treaty with Israel. During the first half of the Tribulation, the world will experience a time of peace and prosperity. But in the latter half, the Antichrist will consolidate his power and institute a global government, economic system and religion with the help of the False Prophet. During this time, he will declare himself to be God, require universal worship and demand that people take the notorious "mark of the Beast." Without it, people won't be able to earn a living or buy the necessities of life. By the time of the final battle, prophecy experts believe anywhere from one-half to two-thirds or more of the world's population will have perished via war, disease, starvation, cataclysmic natural disasters and the Antichrist's reign of terror.
Many today are unaware that we are now approaching the final battle for our world and that everything we see happening is connected with that conflict.
Global Domination and a Cashless Society
In journalism, investigative reporters are often told to "follow the money" to uncover the real truth behind a story. Likewise, money and the "love of money" is a prominent theme throughout the Bible. In fact, it is such an important topic that it is the main subject of nearly half of Jesus' parables. In the New Testament, one in every seven verses deals with money. And while the Bible has about 500 verses regarding prayer, it includes more than 2,000 verses about money. So it's no surprise that money and rampant materialism play an important role in the rise of "Mystery, Babylon" in the end times. As the world's governments amass unprecedented levels of debt, many are asking how it will all end. Many believe the global recession and the international debt crisis are just the beginning of events that will lead to the global economic system foretold by the prophets.
Today, for the first time since Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel, the potential of a global government and cashless society is within mankind's reach. All the necessary components are in place for creating a socialistic world government—the surveillance state, political bodies such as the United Nations, electronic banking and microchip implants.
While seldom mentioned in the mainstream media, the push for "global governance" has advanced significantly in recent years. At a U.N. summit this month, the nations of the world are scheduled to consider a sweeping set of sustainable development goals costing trillions of dollars, including unspecified "reforms of the mechanisms of global governance." The authors of the U.N. report citing these reforms note that the next 15 years will be some of the "most transformative in human history."
Meanwhile, biometrics, digital currencies and similar technologies are moving the world ever closer to a cashless society. In a article—"Cashless Society: A Huge Threat to Our Freedom"—bank chairman Scott A. Shay warned of the dangers of the "sprint to a cashless economy" that will "permit governments to exercise incredibly powerful control over all human behavior."
Increasingly, these and similar articles are showing up in the mainstream media or in reports by think tanks. Recently, Hudson Institute senior fellow John Fonte—author ofSovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?—wrote that the world is at the beginning of an epic international conflict between the forces of global governance and the democratic nation-state.
"The concept of 'global governance' is in the air," Fonte wrote. "For many of the world's elites—who gather at places like Geneva, Davos, The Hague, U.N. headquarters in Manhattan, and wherever the G20 meets—global governance is the 'big idea.' Leading thinkers argue that today's global issues are too complex for the 'obsolete' nation-state system ... We are told that 'sovereignty' must be redefined as something that is 'shared' or 'pooled.' "
The Babylonian World Order
The rise of the final Babylonian system aligns with prophecies in Daniel and Revelation regarding an end-time global government, economy and religion. Many prophecy scholars believe some type of international crisis will serve as the catalyst facilitating the rise of the predicted global dictator who will oversee this system. "The Antichrist will initially be a man of peace and he will be a man with global and economic solutions," Laurie says. "He will come as a false messiah. So any talk I hear of a one-world currency and a one-world government is certainly a cause for concern if it means a move toward the end-time scenario spoken of in Revelation."
Mark Hitchcock, a pastor, prophecy scholar, and adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, says globalization is setting the stage for the fulfillment of end-time predictions.
"The Bible tells us in Revelation 13 that there is going to be a one-world economy, a one-world religion, and there is going to be a one-world government in the end, and so to me the globalism that we see today points toward that," Hitchcock says. "How much longer will it take for the stage to be set? No one knows."
The move toward a cashless society and the development of mark of the Beast technologies are the necessary components for the total societal control the Bible predicts the Antichrist and the False Prophet will wield. Hitchcock believes a cashless society is coming: "I think we are seeing the beginning of it already. When we look at our world today, we see things moving in that direction, and in some cases, rapidly. To me, the convergence of all these things is staggering."
The Reason for Our Hope
Although our investigation uncovered extensive evidence that powerful forces are working to create a world state and cashless society, it doesn't mean it's a fait accompli. God gave us free will, and we believe there is still hope. We believe that there is a personal, living God of the universe who ultimately controls the destiny of the world and that He embedded a code in the Bible that has largely remained an enigma for nearly two millennia. We also believe that God gave each man and woman the power to decipher this code by reading God's Word.
When we understand this code the truth opens up to us. We discover that there is a force at work not only in the world, but in our personal lives that is far greater than the chaos. Ultimately, that force for good is embodied in Jesus. Even in the middle of the pandemonium, there is a real reason for hope, and that hope is Jesus. At a certain point in human history, at a time known only to God, Jesus will return to this earth at His Second Coming. At that time, He will destroy the counterfeit New World Order and "Mystery, Babylon" will fall.
At the Second Coming, God will usher in a brand-new world, a new heaven, a new earth and the new Jerusalem. Jesus will conquer death, and all those who put their faith in Him will be given new bodies and live forever.
When we trust in that reality, we have an unshakeable hope. In fact, Revelation is the Bible's greatest book of hope. It reveals God's final chapter in the story of humanity's salvation that began in Genesis. In the end, God is victorious. That's the great hope of our faith, and that's why "God's prophet" is sounding the alarm about the Second Coming.
Excerpted from THE BABYLON CODE: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Times Mystery. Copyright © 2015  Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson. Reprinted by permission of FaithWords, a division of Hachette Book Group. All rights reserved.

Paul McGuire is a prophecy expert, commentator for Fox News and the History Channel and host of GOD TV's "Apocalypse and the End Times." He's the former host of the nationally syndicated "Paul McGuire Show" radio program and a professor of eschatology at Pastor Jack Hayford's The Kings University. McGuire is the author of more than two dozen books and co-author of The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Times Mystery (FaithWords). Follow him on Twitter (radiomcguire),Facebook (PaulMcGuireor online at

Troy Anderson is the executive editor of Charisma and a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, author and speaker. He spent two decades as a reporter, bureau chief and editorial writer at the Los Angeles Daily News and other newspapers. He's also written for Reuters, Newsmax and Human Events. He's co-author of The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible's Greatest End Times Mystery (FaithWords). Follow him on Twitter (TroyMAnderson), Facebook (troyandersonwriter)or online at

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