Johnny Enlow: "A Super Bowl Message For Our Day"
I really enjoyed having Elizabeth and Johnny Enlow at our recent annual conference last month. There was so much prophetic revelation released from them.
Johnny is one who truly understands the day in which we live as God gives him many prophetic signs that happen in current events.
Johnny shares some profound revelation from the recent 53rd Super Bowl:
This was the 53rd Super Bowl. Psalm 53:1 starts with, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works..." This is the scenario that is being visibly played out in front of our nation. There is a godless and evil agenda being exposed as it has never been before.
It is going to a place described in Psalm 53:5, "...For God has scattered the bones of him who encamps against you; you have put them to shame, because God has despised them." The exposure is going to include those even dead and gone who were initial building blocks of the "abominable iniquity" now being revealed.
God is cleaning house, so to speak, across the earth. We are going to see much more of this on a large scale. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Super Bowl Message For Our Day"
Once again, I believe there is an encouraging word for us from this past Super Bowl result, where the New England Patriots defeated the Los Angeles Rams 13-3. I find it always best to wait for the results as almost every detail has an accompanying message for us. I will point out some of the main ones that I have seen. For those who have followed my previous prophetic words, you will see the synchronicity with what has been said. To put the puzzle together, here are the following names and numbers that have significance: 53, Patriots, Rams, Tom Brady, 12, Julian Edelman, Robert Kraft, 13-3.
The 53rd Super Bowl & Psalm 53
"The Lord is bringing us out of bondage from a previously hidden agenda of death that is being progressively exposed."
This was the 53rd Super Bowl. Psalm 53:1 starts with, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works..." This is the scenario that is being visibly played out in front of our nation. There is a godless and evil agenda being exposed as it has never been before. It is going to a place described in Psalm 53:5, "...For God has scattered the bones of him who encamps against you; you have put them to shame, because God has despised them." The exposure is going to include those even dead and gone who were initial building blocks of the "abominable iniquity" now being revealed.
Psalm 53:6 ends with, "...let Jacob rejoice and let Israel be glad." As we follow the Super Bowl story we see that both the owner of the winning team as well as the game's MVP (Most Valuable Player) are both Jews. Though evil is also being exposed of corrupt men and women of Jewish descent, do not let that jade you toward antisemitism as there is a great "next chapter" in Israel's restoration being advanced. We honor Israel because they are the original root for the Savior of the world. There has also never been a retraction from God on His original pronouncement over Israel through Abraham in Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse..."
The Patriots
The Patriots winning is no surprise as they have been in the Super Bowl all three "Trump" years. The red, white and blue colors, of course, match the colors of our flag and there really is a heavenly intention to make America great for the sake of a world Kingdom breakthrough. A repeat pattern is seen here with the World Series baseball result, where the Boston Red Sox defeated the Los Angeles Dodgers. The city that represents original patriotism defeats the city that presently is known for being the bastion of far left and socialist politics.
I have repeatedly pointed out the color red representing an empowering by the Blood of Jesus. It also happens to be the color advanced by President Trump and his MAGA (Make America Great Again) hats. Trump is a gift from God to this nation and the world, and that will be progressively seen. It is not at all that God is red Republican, but at present, this party is the party carrying the agenda of God through the Cyrus mandate on Donald J. Trump.
Both losing Los Angeles teams carried a primary blue color. This doesn't have to always be a negative, nor does this condemn these teams to never win again. It is just in the light of today's realities that the blue is associated with a horrible socialistic agenda of death that at present is being exposed in the Democratic Party. There are good people and even worthy policies in the party – but it is in the valley of decision right now whether they can coexist with the extreme elements that have hijacked this party.
The Rams
A second message from the Rams losing is that they represent a blue and yellow (the Ram's colors) agenda being defeated. Blue is associated with where the Democrat Party presently is at and yellow represents Hollywood as it is the color we (my wife and I) associate in our Rainbow God book with the Mountain of Celebration (arts and entertainment) which is headquartered in Hollywood/LA. The blue and yellow have been working together to be on the wrong side at this time.
The Scripture, Daniel 8:20, when isolated just for this occasion, gives an amazing message for today. It says, "The ram which you saw, having the two horns – they are the kings of Media and Persia." If you watched the Super Bowl you know that the Ram's helmet has a yellow horn against a blue background on each side. If you read this passage directly to apply to the Super Bowl (yes, I know that is not the full intended meaning and application of this Scripture, but God is amazing to hide real-time revelation in this kind of way), you see that it speaks of a ram having two horns which are kings of Media and Persia.
"There is a godless and evil agenda being exposed as it has never been before."
Also, another things that is of interest is that if you read Daniel 8 you know that in this part it is the archangel Gabriel who is saying these words to Daniel. I have previously identified Gabriel as the archangel over the Mountain of Media and I find this fascinating. The ram's two horns represent the kings of Media and Persia. It is quite significant that the great battle President Trump faces is with the dominant "fake news" media and that they are presently totally aligned and empowered by a not-yet-transformed Hollywood (the yellow). The king of Persia speaks of the "prince of Persia" principality that presently operates as the ruling god of Islam. Both sinister "kings" are in the process of being defeated.
Tom Brady #12
The name Tom/Thomas means "twin" or "double." The greatest quarterback in history won yet another Super Bowl. Appropriately enough, he wears 12 which is the number of government. Tom was taking all kinds of heat on Super Bowl week for daring to wear a red MAGA hat. He is a known supporter of President Trump – a fact which riles the soon-to-be-defeated bad "kings" of Media. I believe he represents Trump's present quarterback position in America, and the fact that his name means "twin" speaks of Trump winning another four year term as president of the United States. Even Tom's marriage to a Brazilian mirrors the recent election of Bolsonaro as president of Brazil. He is called the "Trump of the Tropics" and I believe he and Trump will greatly strengthen each other as they are of the same "family."
MVP Julian Edelman
Though I personally thought Tom Brady deserved the MVP of the game, I believe there is a message here as well. Edelman is the first Jewish MVP of a Super Bowl ever. He is often noted for being little, but tough, a key player and always starring in the big games. This basically describes Israel, who continues to hold a central place in the great storytelling God is doing on planet Earth. If Brady represents Trump, then Edelman represents Israel, and it is the tandem that works for victory. Of interest, Brazil's president, Bolsonaro, has led Brazil and joined the United States as the only large nations to endorse Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (note that Guatemala has also done this).
Owner Robert Kraft
Just in case we missed the vital role of the Israel connection, we find that Robert Kraft is the 77-year-old majority owner of the New England Patriots. Both his age and his ethnicity are speaking important things to us. I have probably covered 7s enough for that to be obvious by now, but let me remind you that Trump won the presidency in the Hebrew year 5777, and his first full day as president he was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. Only God can "craft" such a message.
Exodus 13:3 & Psalm 133: Deliverance & Unity
Exodus 13:3 says, "...REMEMBER THIS DAY in which you went out of Egypt, OUT OF THE HOUSE OF BONDAGE; for by strength of hand THE LORD BROUGHT YOU OUT OF THIS PLACE..." (emphasis mine). I believe this speaks directly into the day we live in and it coincides with the day Israel left Egypt. It is a historic day for the ages.
Psalm 133 is the unity chapter that begins with, "Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity!" (Psalm 133:1). It is no accident that Trump's State of the Union speech was filled with appeals toward unity. This is a huge theme for us this year, even as the Lord fully exposes the dark agendas that have been hiding in government circles. The call is still to be the UNITED States and our president is understanding that high priority more and more. It is also not coincidental that Mercedes-Benz Stadium, where the Super Bowl was played, is the home of MLS soccer champions, the Atlanta United.
Let's stay encouraged at what God is doing and let's not flinch or blink as we see the enemy overreact. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.