Showing posts with label Significant spike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Significant spike. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2017

Significant spike in visitors to our websites was caused by the most amazing reason! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr Erez Soref President of  ONE FOR ISRAEL 

Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of Purim, which is the time that we read the scroll of Esther, and remember how God amazingly saved his people destruction - yet again! 
The name Esther sounds like the word "hidden" in Hebrew, and the word for scroll (megila) sounds like the word to reveal - Purim is a story of secrets revealed, and truth and goodness conquering evil and falsehood.

In that spirit, we are delighted to tell you that our evangelistic websites and videos just got a great deal more exposure, as they were broadcast on the evening news a few days ago! 
The news item informed the whole of Israel, on prime time television, where to find all the information they could want on the best kept secret of all: Yeshua the Messiah. 


"Israel News Company" (Channel 2 News) is the largest television news company in Israel. Last Wednesday, on their 6pm newscast, just as families sit down for dinner, they had a five minute section about Eitan and Moti's evangelistic videos on YouTube, and our website "which defends and promotes Christianity". 

They were interviewing a Jewish lawyer who is trying to sue YouTube for $200,000 for sponsoring our videos (good luck with that one...) which is really why we've made it to the news. But there is no such thing as bad publicity! The whole country is now familiar with how to search for and find our videos and websites, and we have seen a great surge of people visiting our sites.

They showed a few seconds from one of Eitan and Moti's videos on the news, and praised the high amount of views our videos receiving. Ironically, the news anchor lady who is a religious Jew herself, said on our behalf (and against the lawyer) that, "There are much worse things people need to worry about on YouTube than these videos". How about that?!

Here is just one example of how God is using the situation. This text message came in from a man called Joseph:
"I saw on the news that they spoke about your advertisements on YouTube, I thought to myself 'how fun for you guys to be receiving this crazy free publicity!!` So I decided to check out your videos out see what it's all about, and this is how it all started..."

Joseph said he's now addicted to our videos, and has already watched more than 20! Please pray for him and for everyone who watched the newscast, including the company's staff. These are awesome times indeed!


Purim commemorates the narrow escape of the entire Jewish race from the threat of annihilation, and the courage of Queen Esther who bravely stood up for her people. The word "purim" means "lots", due to the method that wicked Haman used to decide the date that they would wipe out the Jewish people in the provinces of Persia. There are many surprises hidden in the book of Esther, where things are not what they seem. Purim is a time Israelis celebrate by "hiding" in costumes! Continue reading...


There's a rumor going around that the New Testament supposedly teaches a belief in three gods.
To begin with, it's important to understand that this false rumor does not exist by accident. It is based on deliberate brainwashing that has been promoted for 2,000 years, and its purpose is to present the New Testament as pagan. 

But no, we absolutely do not believe in three gods! God is ONE, as the Prophet Isaiah said: "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god." Now check this quote out...
 Continue reading...


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ONE FOR ISRAEL, 47 Pinkas david St. POB 13401, Netanya, 42138 Israel