Showing posts with label Steve Warren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Warren. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

These Dots Represent More Than 1,000 Galaxies: New Infrared Image Reveals Glory of God in Outer Space - CBN News Steve Warren

This image may look like a blue sky, but it's an infrared image with hundreds of tiny dots of light, and each dot is a galaxy (PHOTO: European Space Agency)
These Dots Represent More Than 1,000 Galaxies: New Infrared 
Image Reveals Glory of God in Outer Space
CBN News Steve Warren
A new image released by the European Space Agency (ESA) reveals more than 1,000 points of light 
that are actually individual galaxies.

The infrared image was taken by the ESA's Herschel Space Observatory's Spectral and Photometric 
Imaging Receiver (SPIRE).

The image shows the North Galactic Pole, covering 180 square degrees of the sky.


A Sign of the End Times? Another Blood Moon Appears in July

Michigan Meteor Did Not Cause Earthquake

NASA Asteroid Predictions Line Up with Biblical Prophecy

Astronomers say each point of light in the image represents a galaxy. A galaxy is an enormous array 
of stars, interstellar gas, and dust. For example, our galaxy is known as The Milky Way. Scientists 
believe it includes more than 100 billion stars.

Images like this one reaffirm the Psalmist's declaration who wrote in the Bible's Old Testament:

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." - Psalm 19:1

According to the website Answers in Genesis, the Bible indicates that the universe has stretched out 
or expanded.

Isaiah 40:22 tells us that God stretches out the heavens like a curtain and spreads them out like a tent 
to dwell in. The verse also suggests the universe has increased in size since God created it and he is 
causing it to expand.

"He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names." - Psalms 147:4

According to, images like this one allow astronomers to estimate the total number of 
galaxies across the entire observable universe. A few years ago, astronomers came to the realization 
that the universe contains up to 10 to 20 times more galaxies than previously thought.

The star-gazing scientists' best guess is the universe contains somewhere between one and two trillion 
galaxies. This means the universe is literally overflowing with stars, somewhere around the number 
of 700 sextillion stars -- the number seven followed by 23 zeros.

And that's just the estimated number of stars in the observable universe. There could also be trillions
 more that we cannot see with our current technology.

"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon, and the stars, which thou hast 
ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?" 
- Psalms 8:3 - 4.

The powerful Hillsong Worship song BELOW talks about how God's awesome power is seen in 
Creation, declaring: "As You speak, a hundred billion galaxies are born, in the vapor of Your breath 
the planets form, if the stars were made to worship so will I."

Sunday, July 1, 2018

'He Sits and Listens to the Word of God Every Day': Blind Iraqi Refugee Memorizes 87 Chapters of the Bible - CBN News Steve Warren

'He Sits and Listens to the Word of God Every Day': Blind Iraqi Refugee Memorizes 87 Chapters 
of the Bible
CBN News Steve Warren
Leading the Way Ministries reports they delivered one of their solar-powered Navigator audio Bibles 
to Fadhil, a blind Iraqi refugee in Amman, Jordan.

They visited the man's home again and discovered he had memorized 87 chapters of the Bible.

The man told the ministry team he just sits and listens to the Word of God every day. Team members 

"It was convicting because for us we memorize a couple of verses. But he memorized chapters. He 
just meditates on scriptures day in and day out," David Bottoms told Charisma News.

"Fadhil is someone who would seem unremarkable by the ways of the world. But God doesn't choose 
to reveal Himself through the mighty and the powerful and the rich," added Ron Hughes. He reveals 
Himself through the poor and the humble. Being in this very, very small, modest home and being in 
the presence of greatness as God's word filled the room ... was an amazing experience."

Hughes said this is another example of how the ministry's Navigator "is changing hearts, changing 
minds and glorifying God on the ground in the Middle East in a part of the world that is starving 
for God's love."

Learn more about Leading the Way Ministries and their vision for global outreach for Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Texas Pastor Thanks Ivanka Trump for Her Generosity to Help Church's Ministry to Detained Border Kids - CBN News Steve Warren

Ivanka Trump

Pastor Jack Graham and wife Deb. Photo Credit: Prestonwood Baptist Church/Facebook.
Pastor Jack Graham and wife Deb. Photo Credit: Prestonwood Baptist Church/Facebook.
Texas Pastor Thanks Ivanka Trump for Her Generosity to Help Church's Ministry 
to Detained Border Kids
CBN News  Steve Warren
At Prestonwood Baptist Church's Sunday service, Pastor Jack Graham thanked Ivanka Trump for 
her generosity and kindness in donating $50,000 for the Dallas, Texas church's efforts to care 
for migrants.

Trump learned about the church's efforts in a tweet Graham posted last week. She reached out to 
Graham, who's been Prestonwood's pastor for more than 30 years, and donated the money to help 
the church's work with migrant children.

"I've had the opportunity to meet with Ivanka Trump a number of times over the last year, and 
I've been struck by her kindness and concern for those in need," Graham said, "so, it wasn't that 
surprising to know she would want to help these families. But I certainly never expected to hear 
from her after a simple tweet."


SCOOP: Ivanka Trump Donates $50k to Texas Church Helping Children at Border

President Trump Signs Executive Order Preventing Separation of Immigrant Families

"What if more Americans, whatever their politics, decided to take to heart the needs of others and 
do what they can to help? Countless lives would be transformed. Hopefully, Ivanka's generosity 
will inspire many other Americans to get off the sidelines and actually provide tangible help to those 
in need." he said.

CBN News reported the story just days before President Trump signed an executive order directing 
that migrant families be detained together.

On Sunday, Graham explained the first step in the church's response to the immigration crisis will 
be an assessment trip to determine the need and how other churches can also respond.

Graham, alongside several of the informal evangelical advisers to the administration, will travel to 
Brownsville, Texas, this week to visit detention centers near the border. According to Graham, they 
will then plan an event during the first week of July for children in the detention centers.

"HHS officials have told us that the basic needs of the children are being taken care of," Graham 
said in a press release. "What the kids really need most is someone to brighten their day. They need
 someone to give them hope. Our plan is to create an event for the children that will encourage them 
and make them smile. Of course, we will also focus on how we can provide financial aid to families 
to assist them in their situation.

Since Graham's announcement on social media, the Prestonwood church has been receiving calls 
from congregations and Christians across America who want to participate in the church's response. 
Graham believes Ivanka's donation, the largest contribution so far, will encourage more people to help.

"The beauty of America and the people in our church is that we don't have to wait for our politicians 
to sort out their disagreements in order to do what is right," Graham said in the release. "Our country 
is facing complex issues that will take time to fix, but this shouldn't delay or stop our response to 
the needs of others.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Israel Strikes Launchers of Burning Kites from Gaza Strip - CBN News Steve Warren

'Terror Kites' Causing Massive Fires in Southern Israel, Photo, Screen Capture, JNF
'Terror Kites' Causing Massive Fires in Southern Israel, Photo, Screen Capture, JNF
Israel Strikes Launchers of Burning Kites from Gaza Strip
CBN News Steve Warren
Israeli military jets fired on a vehicle early Sunday belonging to someone who sent burning kites 
flying into Israel from Gaza.

The Israeli military said no one was injured in the strike.

The incident is an escalation in Israel's response to the phenomenon that has wreaked havoc on 
agriculture in southern Israel in recent weeks. Burning kites set fields ablaze in more than a 
dozen locations Saturday.

Gazans began flying kites with burning rags attached to them during the mass protests against 
the Israeli and Egyptian blockade of the territory.


Terror by Fire: Palestinians Launching Hundreds of 'Fire Kites' to Torch Israel

'Terror Kites' Causing Massive Fires in Southern Israel

Gaza-Based Terror Cells Fire 50+ Rockets and Mortars at Israel

Israeli troops have fired on the protesters in self-defense since the weekly demonstrations began 
in March. The Israeli military says militants have used the protests as cover to carry out attacks 
and to try to breach the border fence.

The protests have been led by the Islamic militant group Hamas, which rules Gaza. Israel says it 
holds Hamas responsible for the fires.

While Israel has been mostly successful in thwarting militant attempts to breach the border and 
defend against rocket fire, it has struggled to stop the airborne kites drifting into its territory.

A parliamentary committee last week said the fires have destroyed more than 6,000 acres of land 
in recent weeks, causing some $2 million in damages. Israel says it plans to deduct from tax funds 
it collects for the Palestinians to compensate farmers.

The military says its drones have been able to shoot down more than 90 percent of the kites and 
flaming balloons, and it will continue to target them.

Cabinet Minister Naftali Bennett compared the kites to rockets and said the response should be 
the same.

"We should not wait until Israeli citizens are hurt and only then wake up," he said.

In the West Bank, meanwhile, Israeli police evicted Jewish settlers from 10 homes they had built 
in violation of Israeli law.

Israel captured the West Bank along with east Jerusalem in the 1967 war and today about 600,000 
settlers live in those areas.

Israel's Supreme Court often has ruled that structures built illegally have to be evacuated and 
demolished. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said 11 officers were wounded in scuffles and 
that police arrested six protesters for violence.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

President Trump, North Korea's Kim Wrap Up Historic Summit: Kim Commits to 'Complete Denuclearization' - CBN News Steve Warren

President Trump, North Korea's Kim Wrap Up Historic 
Summit: Kim Commits to 'Complete Denuclearization'
CBN News Steve Warren
President Trump followed his historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with a 
press conference heralding a message of hope, vision and peace.

The president said 70 years after the Korean War began, the world entered a new chapter and a 
new history. He said vigorous negotiations would began immediately toward the complete 
denuclearization of North Korea and pledged they would stop war games. He indicated they 
would meet again to discuss Kim's commitment to denuclearization, saying they were "much 
further along" than he would have thought.

North Korea, he said, has a "substantial arsenal" of nuclear weapons, adding that the summit 
should have taken place five years ago.

The two leaders signed an agreement "to build a lasting and stable peace regime." It also provides "
security guarantees" by the US for North Korea.

With the entire world watching, they met on Tuesday at a hotel in Singapore in front of a 
display of American and North Korean flags to began their historic face-to-face summit 
over the fate of Pyongyang's nuclear arsenal and the prospect of peace between the two nations.

Speaking to reporters with Kim sitting by his side, Trump said: 'I feel really great we'll have 
a great discussion and I think a great success, tremendously successful. It's my honor. We'll 
have a tremendous relationship no doubt."

"The past was filled with obstacles and prejudices, but we got past them and we are here 
today," Kim responded through his interpreter.

At their farewell meeting, a reporter asked President Trump what surprised him most about 
the North Korean leader. He replied, "A great personality and very smart. Good combination. 
He's a worthy negotiator, negotiating on behalf of his people. A very worthy, a very smart 
negotiator. We had a terrific day. We learnt a lot about each other and about our countries. I learnt 
he is a very talented man. I also learned that he loves his country very much."

Another reporter asked the president if they would be meeting again. He replied, "We will 
meet again; we will meet many times."

They bid farewell and began a process many hope will lead to the denuclearization of the 
Korean Peninsula and even perhaps the end of the Korean War.

The meeting between the two leaders was billed by political experts as one of the most highly 
anticipated diplomatic meetings in the last century.

President Trump said Monday he would know if Kim was sincere about peace within the first 
couple of minutes of their meeting.

The schedule for the meeting had been set for several days. When he emerged from his one-on-one 
talk with Kim, Trump said the meeting was "very, very good" and that the two have an 
"excellent relationship."

Trump and Kim talked for about 40 minutes with only interpreters present in the room.

The president made the comments while he and Kim walked together as they headed to a 
larger meeting with their aides.

Trump was joined by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo 
and National Security Advisor John Bolton. The four men sat across the table from Kim and his team.

After the larger meeting, the group will then transition to a working lunch.

Up early in preparation for the meeting Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted, "Meetings between 
staffs and representatives are going well and quickly ... but in the end, that doesn't matter. We 
will all know soon whether or not a real deal, unlike those of the past, can happen!"

US officials have said a best-case scenario would be that the summit serves as the platform 
for further negotiations, providing Kim and his heavily sanctioned nation with economic 
guarantees in exchange for dismantling his country's nuclear capabilities once and for all.

"I believe we're going to have a terrific success or a modified success," Trump said during a 
press conference last week with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. "But I really believe 
that we have the potential to do something incredible for the world. And it's my honor to be involved."

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tried to keep expectations about the talks in check.

"We are hopeful this summit will have set the conditions for future successful talks," Pompeo said.

Trump will have only a few hours with Kim as the White House announced the president would 
be leaving Singapore on Tuesday evening. The White House said Trump was leaving early because
 negotiations had moved "more quickly than expected," but gave no details.

Following the meeting, Trump will hold a press conference with reporters as Kim departs for 
North Korea.

The president plans to stop in Guam and Hawaii on his way back to Washington.

On Monday, US and North Korean officials met at a Singapore hotel working out last minute 
details and trying to get acquainted after years of little to no contact between the two governments.

Trump spoke only briefly in public Monday predicting a "nice" outcome.

It is not known if the president will bring up the issue of human rights at the meeting. Just hours 
before meeting with Kim, the president took to Twitter to lash out at his critics.

"The fact that I am having a meeting is a major loss for the US, say the haters & losers," 
Trump wrote. "We have our hostages, testing, research and all missile launches have stopped, 
and these pundits, who have called me wrong from the beginning, have nothing else they can 
say! We will be fine!

Kim, 36, now finds himself on the world stage dealing with the president of the United States. 
Even though the negotiations could mean even more politically for both men, it could mean 
perhaps even more for the poverty-stricken citizens of North Korea.

Just about a year ago, Trump and Kim were trading insults. The president was threatening 
"fire and fury" against Kim, who called Trump "a "mentally deranged US dotard."

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Justify's Jockey Praises 'His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ' After Horse Wins the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown - CBN News Steve Warren

Justify, with jockey Mike Smith, crosses the finish line to win the 150th running of the Belmont Stakes horse race and becoming the 13th horse to win the Triple Crown.
Justify, with jockey Mike Smith, crosses the finish line to win the 150th running of the Belmont Stakes horse race and becoming the 13th horse to win the Triple Crown.
Justify's Jockey Praises 'His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ' After Horse Wins the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown
CBN News Steve Warren
Mike Smith, the jockey riding Justify in Saturday night's Belmont Stakes, could have said anything 
in his first television interview. Instead of thanking the horse's owner and the trainer, the very first 
thing he told NBC while being interviewed on horseback following the race, "First of all, I want to 
thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."

Justify led all the way in New York's Belmont Stakes winning by 1 3/4 lengths to gain immortality 
as horse racings 13th Triple Crown winner.

There was some show of competition from the other horses. Vino Rosso made a move to get within 
a length of Justify but never improved. Justify pulled away from the pack for good down the stretch 
in front of a packed grandstand of screaming fans.


Kentucky Derby Jockey Praises Jesus After Big Win with 'Justify'

'All I Do Is Pray': Jockey Mike Smith Relying on God for Next Race with 'Justify'

The chestnut colt is the second horse to sweep the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont, 
improving to 6-0 in a racing career that began on Feb. 18. Seattle Slew was unbeaten when he 
won the Triple Crown in 1977.

At the age of 52, Smith, a devout Christian, is the oldest jockey to win the Triple Crown.

He told CBN News last month how he prepares for a big race -- with training strategy and prayer.

Smith garnered extra attention after the Derby in May when he thanked Jesus during his first 
interview after crossing the finish line. Smith told reporters, "I just want to thank my Lord and Savior 
Jesus Christ for blessing us on this afternoon, and blessing us with this amazing horse."

"I just couldn't keep it inside of me," Smith told CBN News. "I truly give God all the glory and 
I had to say it. Without Him, I wouldn't have all the success I do." Smith said that when he's 
mounted on his horse, he follows God just as he normally would.

"I believe there's just a flow that guides me and when I follow it, amazing things happen," he said. 
"And that's with everyday life too. When God's leading you, you follow it."

Smith's riding career began in 1982. He says he's ridden plenty of amazing horses but that there 
is just something special about Justify.

"He's sent from Heaven," Smith said. "He's just got this 'it' factor. Everything he does is exceptional. 
He's got a brilliant mind, and for a powerful racehorse like him who has a mind of his own, he's 
still just eager to please. Even just looking at him he's this massive beautiful horse."

Bob Baffert became only the second trainer in history to win the Triple Crown twice. He did it with 
American Pharoah in 2015.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

MUST SEE: Russian Born Artist Hand Paints Biblical Iconic Art in Orthodox Church - CBN News Steve Warren

MUST SEE: Russian Born Artist Hand Paints Biblical Iconic Art in Orthodox Church
CBN News Steve Warren
Russian Orthodox church buildings are known around the world for their beautiful classic artwork 
or icons painted by Russian masters.

Now an Orthodox church in East Green Bay, Wis., will also be added to the list of church buildings 
containing classic icons designed, painted and installed by Russian born artist Dmitry Shkolnik.

The seven large canvas paintings were designed by the artist in his California studio and brought to 
Saint Matthews where the final paintings are being added to the church building's interior, according 
and the step-by-step of the old masters," Shkolnik told FOX 11.

According to Father Eugene Wozniak, the church's priest, the hand-painted iconography inside 
Orthodox churches is an essential expression of beauty and revelation in worship and faith.

"They are a proclamation of the gospel. But along with that, they represent our doctrinal teachings, 
and they are a source of spiritual inspiration," Wozniak told FOX 11.

And what does Rev. Wozniak think of the final presentation?

"The icons are more beautiful than I could possibly imagine," he said.

The local Fox television affiliate has compiled a series of videos showing Shkolni and his team 
working on the icons. You can watch the work-in-progress here.

An Artist with a Seminary Degree

According to his online bio, Shkolnik was born in Moscow, Russia in 1960. While studying in 
high school, he developed a keen interest in Russian religious art. Upon graduation, he pursued 
a higher education in the field of architecture. Concurrently, he cultivated a knowledge of Russian 
craft art in the form of lacquer miniatures and icon restoration.

In 1979-80, Shkolnik began to work for the Russian Patriarchal Workshops (now known as 
SOFRINO). In 1981 he immigrated to the United States with his family. He enrolled in the 
Theological Seminary at The Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY in 1983. In his time 
there, he apprenticed under the well-known iconographer Archimandrite Ciprian (Pyzhov) 
for many years. In 1988, Shkolnik completed the Seminary with a Bachelors in Theology.

Since 1981, Shkolnik has written over 3,000 icons, completed more than 20 iconostases, and 
painted numerous church frescos, murals, and wall ornamentations. His work can be seen in 
churches and private collections all over the United States, Canada, Central and South America, 
France, Australia, Japan, Russia, Greece, and many other countries.

Visit Shkolnik's website to see his Iconographic Studio Gallery containing the works he 
has created.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Tim Tebow Shares Video of Friend Walking His Bride Who Was Told He Would Never Walk Again - CBN News Steve Warren

Tim Tebow Shares Video of Friend Walking His Bride Who 
Was Told He Would Never Walk Again
CBN News Steve Warren
Former NFL quarterback and now minor league baseball player Tim Tebow took to Instagram 
recently to share a video of an amazing accomplishment by his friend Chris Norton walking his 
bride down the aisle during their wedding after being told there was a chance he would never 
walk again.

According to the Des Moines Register, Norton suffered a spinal cord injury in a college football 
game almost eight years ago which left him in a wheelchair. Doctors gave him only a 3 percent 
chance of ever regaining any feeling or movement below his neck.

He made a promise to himself back in October that he would walk his fiancé Emily Summers 
down the aisle during their April wedding.

The couple's wedding took place last week in Jupiter, Florida.

Tebow shared a video with his followers on Instagram of Norton walking down the aisle of their 
outdoor wedding with Emily's help. It didn't take him long to cover the seven yards.

Tebow wrote, "I wanted to give a special shoutout to my friend of the last 7 years, @chrisanorton16, 
for his incredible fight & determination to walk his fiancé down the aisle. You are a fighter and a hero. 
God bless you brother, you did it!"
But their wedding wasn't the first time, the couple had inspired others. They walked ten feet together 
back in 2015, so Norton could receive his degree from Luther College.

Watch video: Wedding

Thursday, April 26, 2018

'Wary When It Come to Covering Pro-Life Issues': Major Networks Cover Royal Birth, Ignore Dying UK Toddler - CBN News Steve Warren

'Wary When It Come to Covering Pro-Life Issues': 
Major Networks Cover Royal Birth, Ignore Dying UK Toddler
CBN News Steve Warren
If the major television networks, ABCCBS, and NBC, can spend nearly a half hour on
the birth of one baby, what can't they spare one second for a dying toddler?
That's the question Katie Yoder pondered in a recent article for the Media Research
Center's website where she serves as the associate culture editor.
In her research, Yoder found the three networks devoted more than 28 minutes on
April 23 to the birth of the third child to William and Kate, the Duke and Duchess of
Cambridge.  She also found the very same programs ignored the story of another
infant -- Baby Alfie -- that was playing out in another hospital in Britain. Alfie Evans
was taken off life support at the hospital against his parents wishes the very same day.  
To Yoder, it seemed like the perfect comparison to check how the networks were
covering one versus the other. The day the royal baby is born was the same exact
day Alfie was taken off a ventilator.
"They are both two British babies. But one is celebrating the life of, while the other
is facing death. That made me want to look into this," Yoder said in a telephone
interview with CBN News
While various online media, including CBN News and FOX News, have reported
the Alfie Evans story, Yoder also ponders why the major networks have so far failed
to mention Tom and Kate Evans fight in the U.K. courts to save their son's life.  So
why no network coverage for the 23-month-old toddler?
"Last year, the networks were reluctant to cover another British baby whose case
was also in the legal courts -- Charlie Gard. The networks actually did cover him,
but only after Pope Francis and President Trump chimed in," Yoder noted. 
"With little Alfie, Pope Francis has been very outspoken. He's tweeted multiple times.
He's met with the father of Alfie. Italy is ready to welcome Alfie into the county and
admit him to a Vatican hospital and the networks haven't said anything. I think it
speaks to how the networks, in general, have a history of being wary when it comes
to covering issues that the pro-life movement is concerned about," she explained. 
To support this point, Yoder says to take a look at how much coverage the networks
have given to the March for Life over a four-year period.  According to the MRC,
in 2016, the nets devoted 21 minutes, 52 seconds to the march (they gave 3.4 times
more coverage to the Women's March). In 2015, only CBS mentioned the march,
allotting 15 seconds. In 2014, the networks devoted 46 seconds (yet, ABCNBC,
and CBS spent six times that on the National Zoo's new panda cub and four-and-a-half
times that on the Climate March). In 2013, it was just 17 seconds of coverage devoted
to the march. 
"But why the networks aren't covering this little toddler when they routinely cover issues
that Pope Francis is concerned about is baffling," she told CBN News
"It's good that the networks are celebrating life. People want to know about the royal
baby and that's fine. But if they can cover nearly a half hour on the birth of this British
baby, why can't they spare a second for a dying toddler who also has international
support? she asked. 
Yoder's article on the website explains the methodology used to
come up with the 28:03 of coverage devoted to the birth of the royal baby. MRC Culture
watched the evening news shows April 23 and the morning news shows April 24 of
the three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC).
For the baby time tally, MRC included stories reported in connection to the royal baby
(such as interviews with doctors on childbirth). In addition to full segments, MRC
counted shorter commentary in the shows, but not teasers. MRC Culture also searched
 for "Alfie Evans" in Nexis transcripts.