Showing posts with label church history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church history. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What Has Already Been Set in Motion - Part 3 by Bill Click

What Has Already Been Set in Motion 

- Part 3 by Bill Click

Identity Network

Jesus commanded the Apostles to continue what He had set in motion. It was a succession of faith that would reproduce the very same dimension of who He had not only been to them, but  was getting ready to release into them and then throughout the earth (Acts 1:4-8).

While they were with Jesus, the Apostles evangelized under Christ’s authority with an anointing (Mt.10:8). This power was also released to the seventy.  The effectiveness of all was verified by the testimony that they, “seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name” (Luke10:17). 

Such is to be God’s normal for the Great Commission today (Mt.28:18-20). But to be and do this, we must abandon the old wineskins that make these commands no longer valid (Mt.22:29).

Our experience leads us to form doctrines that say being healed, delivered and experiencing God supernaturally is either false, unnecessary or a bonus to salvation, instead of being an essential part of its total package.

Moving from the Concept to Conception

Jesus came to institute Spiritual reality, true relationship, and divine authority. For years, however, the dimension of the apostolic most of us have witnessed is primarily one of doctrine, networking and structure. There is so much more. But that is what happens when we take what we have received in seed form and prematurely call it a tree. The seed of the revelation of the apostolic was not planted prematurely, but any evaluation of it being either fully established or a finished product is. 

Whenever we take whatever is only ours in seed form and run with it prematurely, what we ultimately see is only the result of our own efforts. Then the obvious disparity between “this is that” and what it is discredits not only the realm of the Spirit, but also the Lord Himself (Acts.2:16).

Our desire for something to be does not make it so. Even when whatever we may perceive reaches to the farthest extent of what has been understood to that point. Instead, what the Lord is calling His people into is the very substance and evidence of apostolic faith which brings power with its revelation (Heb.11:1; Ro.10:17). 

This is not only more but also completely different from understandings acknowledged and agreed upon by groups based on principles that are rooted in the mind rather than the power of the Spirit (1Cor.2; 2Tim.3:1-5). What you just read above was the very definition of denominationalism: common ideals of truth about God and the church designed to identify who is “one of us” and who is not.

Deepening in the Spirit without Complicating it in Soul

To move past the framework of what is true about God into the actual house Christ is building, we first need to get into His living room. We need the intimacy and resulting power that makes the foundation not only identifiable, but sustainable. The foundation itself is essential, but God has more than just acknowledging gifts, ministries and offices, their place, and what their function should look like in serving the Church. The foundation is about the whole body doing likewise, because of what Christ’s work in each of us is to result in.

Through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (Eph.2:19-22).

Paul was emphasizing that through Christ, both he and those who would read have our access in one Spirit to the Father (19). The same Spirit that was on the Apostles and Prophets came on the body at Ephesus. Although Apostles and Prophets lay foundation, it is not so they can do so over and over again. It is so that the whole building, being fitted together will be growing into a holy temple in the Lord (21). Paul gave them (& also us) the word of the Lord. I the same way Apostles and Prophets receive and release Christ in the Spirit, you (we) also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit (22).

With a foundation alone you have the appearance of what can become a house. Set apart for building purposes, its future use is determined, but it is only the beginning. That doesn’t change too much just by adding a frame. Without the Spiritual reality, true relationship, and divine authority of the foundation actually becoming that which belongs to body members, only the framework of what has been promised is established. But the Lord has given us all we need to become that completely finished house. Not only observed and defined as such, but inhabited and functioning as one. That way, the house becomes a home.

We are to become His home on Earth, just as His home will be ours in eternity. Jesus came to occupy us in such a way that He not only resides, but we abide (Col.1:27; Jn.15:7). It is a mutual, ongoing experience shared by those who have entered into His abundant life (Jn.10:10). And by doing so, we cannot only work the works of God but come to the place in our shared housing that we do greater works than these “because I go to the Father.” (Jn.6:28; 14:12)

We want to get caught up in qualifications, so that we may excuse and explain away what we are not seeing. But how many times have we said, “God qualifies those He calls, He does not call the qualified.”  We tend to get caught in criticism of people or manifestations, then reject what does not match our “jot and tittle” of doctrine or lack of Supernatural experience (Mt.5:18). But we have neither seen it all, heard it all, nor experienced it all. God WILL definitely use His Word as a confirmation for what He does in the Spirit, but He has called us to understand it and apply His Word by His Spirit, not our soul (1Cor.2:12-16).

God Goes Beyond Our Understanding in Ways which Require Us to Receive as Children

It is clear that the Kingdom of God belongs to those Jesus personally touches (Mt.19:13-15). No one can understand the extent to which people are physically impacted by a true visitation: not only what happens in the Spirit realm, but also in their bodies and how it often transforms their mind, will and emotions. The adult in most of us says, “all that is not necessary, we just need the anointing to get the job done.”  But Jesus said that the gist of what it means to truly be converted is to become as children (Mt.18:3).

Throughout Scripture and Church history, God chooses to manifest His Glory by granting His children moments of visitation which not only feature down loadings of anointing, but demonstrations of the extent to which our bodies, souls and cultures are so obviously vacant and powerless compared to His presence and power. Phenomena such as visions of Jesus, revelations of past or future, loss of bodily control and/or waves of glory which emanate and affect those who get near them (spread the experience). The laughing, crying, vacillation between the two or even other unusual sounds which come forth not only cleanse but empower and are truly signs and wonders.

We need more than just the witness of the Spirit (Ro.8:9,16). We need more than just the call of God (Ro.11:29). We need much more than just the revelation of our gift (Ro.12:6). We even need more than just to move in spiritual gifts (1Cor.12:11; 14:1). Years ago, during a time of training: the Lord called us into His depths by having me exhort that, “you need to get inside the One who is inside you.”  It will take that to begin to see things through His eyes and not our own. And it will take even more to become fully occupied by Christ. We need to actually “receive power when the Holy Spirit has come…” (Acts1:8).

Jesus made it mandatory for the Apostles who were to make it mandatory for those who followed them (Mt.28:20). And we have inherited both their promise and its command: “I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke.24:49).

At the end of part 1, I emphasized that we need to seek the Lord until we find Him. After finding, we must then ask Him what He wants. After receiving His direction, we must then believe that following His process will result in becoming those who will truly be houses of his power. In part 2, I encouraged that we do not have to stop all human activity to do so, neither do we have to refuse to be available for use by the Lord. Instead, that we are to give away what we already have received as we seek Him for the “more” that will make the difference in this next, upcoming and ongoing release of His Glory.

The Power will Reveal what has not Yet Been Discovered

Again, we need more than just the witness of the Spirit, the call of God, the revelation of our gift, and even moving in the spiritual gifts (1Cor.12:11; 14:1). Most if not all have been designed to flow in gifts which have never been activated, even if already received. On occasion you may have been used in the anointing in ways that have yet to become consistent or even seasonal. There are times when God will do something sovereign through us, but at the same time point toward what can become more than just a momentarily experience or even sporadic occurrence.

For God to use us more consistently (& increasingly) in power, we must receive greater impartations of His power. For Jesus to extend Himself through you prophetically, you must receive more significant impartations of revelation.

But to increase what you already have, you must use what you have been given while you seek for more of Him. Instead of just trying to “hold on till the end” or “hold on to the horns of the altar” or “hold onto faith” or “hold on until things change,” it is time to take hold of what He has taken hold of us for (Php.3:12).

All through Scripture we are reminded that we will reap what we sow. Paul exhorted us to “sow after the Spirit” (Gal.6:7-9). What puts to death the misdeeds of the body and enables us to live that abundant life only happens through the Spirit (Ro.8:13). So that is how we will demonstrate being true sons and daughters of God (Ro.8:14).

Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the LORD Until He comes to rain righteousness on you. (Ho.10:12)

Bill Click

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Paul Keith Davis: A New Season - The Church is Entering an Age of Militancy and Spiritual Confrontation

Paul Keith Davis:
The Elijah List

Paul Keith & Wanda DavisWith the passing of our friend Bob Jones and many other powerful saints, there seems to be a clear message of transition and transformation being heralded by the Spirit.

After Bob's passing the Lord highlighted to me Philippians 3:20-21 saying:

For our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself.

By supernatural grace many will be transformed from a humble state into conformity with the body of His glory through the exertion of His power. This is a divine impartation that I believe will mark many in this season and change them forever. Paul clearly had such an experience on the road to Damascus (see Acts 9). Jacob likewise was radically transformed at the river Jabbok (see Genesis 32).

It will be like a baptism of fire coming upon those who have been set apart and prepared to be mightily anointed in this juncture of Church history. 

The Lord clearly has a strategic blueprint that is continuing to display His perfect plan and purpose for this age. It is His road map to the Prince of Peace with signposts along the way to indicate progress.
Having Insight with Understanding

This crossroad is presently alerting us to a present release of spiritual virtue and Heavenly power for the vessels that have gone through a grooming and purging process in order to qualify them to carry this dimension of His authority. 

The Angel speaking with Daniel referenced this reality and its timing saying:

He said, "Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time." Many will be purged, purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand. Daniel 12:9-10

We are now broaching the completion of a spiritual stepping stone that ultimately leads to the Throne of Heaven. Many of the central figures used in the process of completing this important step in God's plan are receiving their Heavenly reward and crossing over into eternity. 

The Lord spoke it to us this way:
"These men and women have been carried to their reward so others can take the next step to go far beyond the valuable foundation established by these devoted leaders. As Elijah was a prophet in the wilderness, the Lord will now establish the Elisha's who will be prophets to the masses." 

These Godly saints going home have left us with a rich heritage and a responsibility to carry Heaven's torch to greater heights. No longer will the Lord's anointed ones be hidden in the wilderness. They will now be revealed on a broad scale to a number of people in a corporate way. 

A new generation of radical prophetic voices will now emerge who have encountered Heaven and carry a fresh expression from God's heart.

The prophet Elijah once prayed and observed a cloud the size of a man's hand on the horizon of Israel. So also can we now perceive a new cloud to bring the "reign" of Heaven on our spiritual horizon! 

The prophetic prayers offered to the Lord for the release of governmental leadership will now be answered in a more pronounced way!

Becoming Militant

StageThe Church is entering an age of militancy and spiritual confrontation. 

The "end of days" is characterized with great conflict. The struggle between "light" and "darkness" will continually escalate. We are entering days that will introduce amplified revelations of God's Kingdom and Heaven's spiritual economy. The Bible plainly foretells this battle as violent and spiritually bloody.

The Kingdom of Heaven truly suffers violence and God's army must take it by force. As was prophesied, "The Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it." 

Our adversary will not willingly hand-over his influence in this earth without conflict. We may as well come to an understanding of this reality and accept it as a part of our generational calling.

Redemption was purchased in a most violent way. The shedding of the Lord's Blood was brutal and unattractive to the natural eye. Nonetheless, it was the greatest demonstration of divine love ever expressed. 

The innocent blood of Abel cried out from the ground with a prophetic voice of recompense. Jesus is the mediator of a new and better covenant; His Blood speaks better things than that of Abel (see Hebrews 12:24).

It is the destiny of this generation of overcoming saints to enter the "fullness of the stature of Christ." It will be there calling to "taste the good word of God and the powers of the age to come" (see Hebrews 6:5). 

We have only seen isolated forerunners who introduced this more excellent way. A new day is upon us! This divine Life is in the Blood of Jesus; our quest is for a more comprehensive apprehension of its power. 

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Moving on to Maturity

The victory has already been won; it is now our place to appropriate it. This process is necessary for our spiritual development and maturation to rule and reign with Him as priests and kings. 

It would be quite simple for the Lord to eradicate every evil influence standing in our way. However, it is His desire to achieve it through us in a series of victorious battles that bring us to spiritual maturity. 
These will be days of "blood and fire." 

Greater appreciation of the redemptive virtue of God's Blood and fiery conflicts between good and evil will prevail in coming days

Something truly noteworthy has been imparted into the spiritual DNA of this generation who qualify as overcomers – they are jealous for God in a militant way. 

The Lord is a Warrior and those joined to Him share in His warlike attributes. 

His ministers are as a flame of fire and the angelic hosts assigned to co-labor with us are as winds that fuel the fire. This anointing will begin to address the "lukewarm" condition prevalent in much of the Western Church. 

Emerging Warriors

The Open Door by Robert BartowGreat warriors will emerge in this hour. The Holy Spirit is preparing a body of people to expose spiritual gates and open everlasting doors that the King of Glory may come in. He will reveal Himself as the awesome man of war Who is strong and mighty in battle (Psalm 24:7-8). 

Substantial authority will be given to this warring band to sever the head from spiritual influences that have successfully stolen the inheritance of God's people.

According to Psalm 74:14, "You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces, and gave him as food to the people inhabiting the wilderness."

God intends to retrieve His precious gifts and the vessels to which they are entrusted. These days will see many who are leaders of wickedness become vessels of light and righteousness. This is true in both the natural and spiritual arena. God is able! 

Gleaning from the Past

For the past two decades I have had a keen interest in understanding modern revivals and the positive things that were done and also understanding failures and mistakes. 

Part of the mandate for this generation is to recapture and restore to the Church our lost heritage.

Many forerunners and pioneers obtained a testimony from God and blazed a spiritual trail that left an indelible mark upon their generation and understood this high place in God. 

Recently I was sharing some of the great things the Lord has shown prophetically that He will do in the last days through His mature sons and His spotless Bride. Someone then asked me, "How can these things be? They seem so tremendous!" When I inquired of the Lord the response came authoritatively saying, 

"Tell them there's power in the Blood. Tell them there will be the full appropriation of My Blood before the end comes."

Without the shedding of Blood there would be no forgiveness of sin or end-time plan of redemption (Hebrews 9:22). This empowerment will likewise be carried to the four corners of the earth. 

God is about to download, through His government, messages that teach and preach Calvary's Cross in profoundly powerful ways.

The Body of Christ has scarcely touched the great redemptive truths of the Cross; these will prepare the Bride for her union with the Bridegroom. The enthusiastic preaching of Christ's shed Blood will be recaptured in the Church through great revivalist in the order of John Wesley and George Whitefield. 

New Wave of Revivalist

George WhitefieldI was just recently in New London, Connecticut and preached from the very pulpit from which George Whitefield declared Great Awakening in 1740. You could feel the richness of the heritage and God's desire to release a new wave of revivalist to our generation. 

Likewise, pastors and teachers will discover notable anointing on messages that stress the importance of the Lord's sacrifice and the great price of redemption. The Lord is coming with the now "opened" book of redemption in His hand. We are called to "eat it" and prophesy great mysteries of the Kingdom to every nation, tongue and people (Revelation 10:8-10).

As in all wars, liberty and freedom are acquired at a cost. These realities will be imparted to those willing to consider the cost and pay it freely. 

We pay the price by allowing the pruning of the Holy Spirit so we may know Christ, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. There is power in the Blood of Jesus Christ. 

Paul Keith and Wanda Davis
WhiteDove Ministries

Paul Keith Davis has written numerous articles appearing in various Christian publications, including the MorningStar Journal, Charisma, and Church Growth International. He has also written four books, including, "Thrones of Our Soul," "Engaging The Revelatory Realm of Heaven," and "Books of Destiny," all dealing with prophetic mandates placed upon the end-time generation. His newest book, "Angels That Gather," provides a Biblical outline for the harvest and insight to help access our end-of-the-age inheritance. 

Paul Keith and Wanda reside in Orange Beach, Alabama. Together they have five children.

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Prophetic Word for the UK: God's Glory Will Be On Display This Spring - Charles Shamp

Charles Shamp:

Church History in the UK

When we study out the history of revival in the earth over the past several centuries, we can almost single handily point to the United Kingdom as a major hot spot and catalyst for what the Holy Spirit was doing at that time. Almost every major shift of reformation or revival started on these Island nations.

Whether we are discussing the First and Second Great Awakenings, or go further back and discuss the mystics and catholic miracle workers that walked the shores of England, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales – God has always seemed to release the fresh movement of the Holy Spirit on these Islands that has gone on to affect the entire earth.
Key To a New Sound by Jennifer Page

My love for Church history and the moves of the Spirit caused me to recognize that what took place within these nations directly affected America and the move of the Spirit in my nation.

Although we are an ocean away, we are connected in the realm of the Spirit, and as the song of Heaven would arise over the UK, it would carry all the way to the shores of America and revival would begin to come forth in these United States.

Over the past several years as I have been traveling into the UK to minister, my greatest hope and prayer has been that God would once again ignite these Islands with the wild fire of Heaven. 

From the moment that I first stepped into a meeting in the nation of Wales back in 2010, I could feel something fresh was being birthed in the Spirit, something organic, something that would turn the world upside down!

Intercession and Weeping

Several weeks ago as I was ministering in a series of meetings in England, with my good friend Munday Martin, God began to show up in the most powerful way, both within the nightly meetings as well as during the street outreach in the afternoon time.

There were nights where during our preaching, young people would come in off of the streets and walk to the front asking, "What must we do to be saved?" With no alter call or invitation for people to accept Jesus, they were coming to the alter to be born again. The harvest was just that ripe!

On Friday, February 21, as the team gathered for a time of fellowship, the Spirit of intercession came unexpectedly into our friend's home. This was just hours before we were to travel into Lowestoft, the place of the English revival that took place in 1921. It was a revival that went for eighteen months that saw many people come to Christ. A Spirit of intercession came on the team and we all began to pray with fervency.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

During that time I found myself on the floor weeping with such a heavy burden from the Lord for the UK. Just as spontaneous as the intercession, so too was a word of the Lord over England. What I have discovered is that what is often released as a mystery in the form of intercession and tongues (if we are faithful to wait upon the Lord), will be revealed as "revelation in prophecy" to show us the future plan of God in a nation so that we will be ready when it comes.

God's Glory Will Be On Display This Spring

Prayer Is The Key by Jennifer PageThis was the word that came forth:

"The wilderness and winter season in England is coming to an end and the people would sing with great joy as it comes. 

This barren land will once again celebrate and flowers will burst forth in spring, bursting into blossom like a symphony of song and color. God's glory will be on display this spring.

"Those who have been weary will be strengthened in their knees. Those who were lame will leap with joy. Those who have been fearful will revive with courage. This is a season and time to take heart. 

God is coming in a fresh way.

"The people will say, 'God is here, right here, on His way to put things right in our nation. Yes He has come! He will save us!' The blind eyes will be opened, deaf ears will hear once again. Those who felt they had no voice will break into a song that Heaven has come!"

The Lord spoke to me that a major shift in the Spirit would come in the spring and wells that were capped over would be opened once again. I felt The Lord speak to me that there are springs of water that will burst out in the spring time and fresh streams will flow.

It will spring up in the spring! Watch for it! They will find natural springs in the spring and this will be a sign of what God is doing in the Spirit. People are going to drink of natural springs and it will be a sign of a new prophetic movement in the nation.

God is changing the waters from bitter to drinkable. New prophetic voices will come forth this year that will cause the axe head to float. There will be signs and wonders and prophets that will move with the government of God. They will decree a thing and it will be established!

"But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed. And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim. Therefore said he, Take it up to thee. And he put out his hand, and took it." 2 Kings 6:5-7

Key To a New Sound by Jennifer PageOverall, I believe that this word is for all of the United Kingdom and God will use England as a catalyst for revival that will spring into Scotland, Ireland, and Wales and eventually will touch the world. What was left unfulfilled in previous generations will be fulfilled in this one.

There will be voices that will come from the wilderness. Men and woman, that up until this point no one had even known their names, will come with the word of the Lord and an axe will be in their hand to lay at the root of the religious tree. They will cut off the old system. The old religious roots that made the waters so bitter will go and there will be new trees planted in their stead.

These will be trees of righteousness. These will be trees for the healing of the nations. These will be trees for an awakening that will touch the nations!

I am greatly encouraged by what the Lord has shown me and I know we are on the verge of a fresh great awakening that will begin in England and the United Kingdom. Remember friends to take heart in this spring season. Heaven is at hand!

Charles Shamp, President and Founder
Destiny Encounters 

Charles and Brynn Shamp are the founders of DESTINY ENCOUNTERS. They have a true passion for revival and the glory of God. They boldly declare the Gospel of Christ; ministering freedom, joy, and supernatural healing everywhere they go. They have ministered both nationally and internationally (with such ministers as Jeff Jansen, Munday Martin, Joshua Mills, Mahesh Chavda, Bob and Bonnie Jones) with radical demonstrations of faith seeing lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Compelled by the heart of the Father to seek and save the lost, they are releasing God's love to the world seeing the captives delivered, the sick healed, and lives changed. Charles and Brynn believe that through outreach, missions, and crusade evangelism one life changed can impact a nation and transform a generation. Charles and Brynn have answered the call to lead a generation in the movement of both the Word and the Spirit. With the power of an encounter they are truly unlocking a generation's destiny one heart at a time.

Source: The Elijah List

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How Christians Lose Credibility With Israelis

How Christians Lose Credibility With Israelis

Tuesday, January 01, 2013 |  Aviel Schneider
Israel Today  

When Israel is forced into military action such as Operation “Pillar of Cloud” in Gaza, the churches are always quick to respond.

For Israelis, outlandish condemnations by mainstream Church leadres send a clear message that Christians are opposed to the Jewish state. There is no differentiation between Catholics and Protestants; from an Israeli point of view they are speaking for all Christians.

Many Israelis are unaware of the worldwide support for Israel among born-again Christians who stand on God’s Word and promises to the Jewish people. Negative statements against Israel by senior clergy are reminiscent of Church history and cause all Christians to lose credibility in the eyes of the Jews. And once lost, such credibility is difficult to win back.

The full article appears in the January 2013 issue of Israel Today Magazine
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