Showing posts with label dale Hurd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dale Hurd. Show all posts

Monday, February 5, 2018

'I'll Cut off Your Head': Anti-Christian Crime Spike Causing Alarm in Germany - CBN News Dale Hurd

'I'll Cut off Your Head': Anti-Christian Crime Spike Causing Alarm in Germany
CBN News Dale Hurd
German politicians are expressing shock at a new report from the German Federal Police that shows there were almost 100 anti-Christian hate crimes in Germany last year.
The German government website Deutsche Welle says one quarter of the 97 cases were attacks on churches and Christian symbols, and there were 14 cases of violent "anti-Christian crimes" among asylum seekers or refugees.
A spokesman for Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union party called the figure "alarming" and said the problem needed to be dealt with in the same way that "anti-Semitic attacks are rightly being dealt with at the moment."
Open Doors, which tracks the persecution of Christians worldwide, recorded 743 cases of anti-Christian attacks in German refugee homes over eight months in 2016, a year when several hundred-thousand refugees came to Germany from Syria and Iraq and were forced to live together in mass shelters.
Open Doors Germany told Deutsche Welle, "The victims told us that the attackers would say things like, 'I'll cut off your head, you non-believer,' 'You're contaminating the kitchen,' or 'You're defiling the fridge.'"
Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said integration in Germany required absolute tolerance of Christian values.
"Anyone who wants to live here must distance themselves from any anti-Christian disposition," Herrmann said. "Otherwise, they are simply not welcome."

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Austrians Face Jail Time for Waving Israeli Flag - CBN News Dale Hurd

Prison Cell
Austrians Face Jail Time for Waving Israeli Flag
CBN News Dale Hurd

Three pro-Israel activists face fines and jail for waving an Israeli flag at an anti-Israel rally in Vienna.
Austrian police are seeking a €100 fine or two days in jail for each of the protestors who showed their support for Israel at a December 8 anti-Israel rally that featured anti-Semitic slogans and death threats against Jews.
The charge against them states the activists "showed an Israeli flag at a rally in an extremely provocative way and manner that was visible for participants at the rally and thereby produced considerable offense and provocation among the Palestinian protesters."
Anti-Israel protestors were reportedly yelling the Muslim battle cry to massacre Jews: "Jews, remember Khaybar, the army of Muhammad is returning," and "Death to Israel."
When the three pro-Israel counter-demonstrators unfurled the Israeli flag, a scuffle broke out with Palestinian demonstrators.  Police reportedly confiscated the Israel flag but permitted anti-Israel protestors to wave Palestinian and Turkish flags.
One of the activists, identified as "Matthias F." by Vice News, said the charge against them is "unbelievable. We simply held a flag." He said the men plan to appeal the penalty.
"It can't be that anti-Semitic slogans can be hollered and go unpunished while showing an Israeli flag is reason to be fined."

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

WATCH: Netanyahu Brands CNN, New York Times Reporting on Hamas 'Fake News' - CBN News Dale Hurd

WATCH: Netanyahu Brands CNN, New York Times Reporting on Hamas 'Fake News'
CBN News Dale Hurd
WATCH: Netanyahu Brands CNN, New York Times Reporting on Hamas 'Fake News'
CBN News Dale Hurd
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attacked several news organizations, including CNN and the New York Times, for reporting that Hamas now accepts the existence of Israel and a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Last week, Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip, announced an amendment to its charter that sounded to some like a major change. It now says it accepts the idea of a Palestinian state that would fall within the borders that existed in 1967, before Israel took control of the West Bank, Gaza and all of Jerusalem.
In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem. Get Tickets
The terror group's founding charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews worldwide.
Netanyahu slammed the media for suggesting last week's change was significant.
"Ever wonder what 'fake news' is?" Netanyahu asked in a new video. "Last week, headlines in CNN, Al Jazeera and the Guardian said that Hamas now accepts a Palestinian state along the 1967 lines," Netanyahu said. "The New York Times headline called this 'moderation.' The intimation is that Hamas now accepts the State of Israel," Netanyahu continued.
The Israeli leader called the reporting a "complete distortion of the truth." He said that the new Hamas document still says "Israel has no right to exist" and "every inch" of the country "belongs to the Palestinians."
Netanyahu said Hamas wants a smaller state now to destroy Israel later.
"Is moving from calling for genocide of all Jews to calling just for the annihilation of Israel, is that progress or moderation?" Netanyahu asked. "Only if you have no standards whatsoever."
Netanyahu finished the video by picking up a copy of the Hamas document and tossing it into the trash.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why Mass Immigration May Mean the End of Britain - CBN News Dale Hurd


Why Mass Immigration May Mean the End of Britain

03-29-2017 CBN News Dale Hurd

LONDON  Last week's terror attack by a British-born Muslim proves again that a radical community exists within Britain. Its goal: create an Islamic nation. And there is a quieter force at work that will likely achieve that desire long before guns, bombs and violence. 
This is not Karachi. It's London. 
Britain's policy of mass immigration has brought what one expert calls "demographic upheaval" to the United Kingdom that could change almost everything.
"Finis Britanniae"  The End of Britain
It's now a demographic certainty. Someday the white native English will be a minority in their own country, including the native Welsh and the Scots. 
It's just a matter of when. 
Professor David Coleman is a supernumerary fellow in human sciences and university professor in demography at Oxford. He's has written that uncontrolled immigration could lead to "finis Britanniae." 
"Which simply means the end of Britain, and by that, I mean the end of Britain as we know it," Coleman said.
"The point I was making is the change in the number of people and particularly the change in the origins of people, in their religion, in their cultural background, would make Britain unrecognizable compared with the present time," he said.
Immigration can strengthen a nation. But several western nations, including the United States, are debating the wisdom of large-scale immigration from the Islamic world. And experts wonder what will happen as Muslim numbers continue to grow in officially Christian Britain.
In the dystopian masterpiece Children of Men, ethnic division and civil war wracks Britain in 2027. Armed Muslim gangs fight a government that is hunting down and deporting immigrants while trying to maintain order. 
Britain's future is not likely to be this violent, but it may not be peaceful either. 
When the Christian activist group Britain First took large crosses through Luton's Bury Park last year, angry Muslims confronted them.  
MUSLIM MAN: It’s our country.
WHITE MAN: It’s your country, is it, yeah?
MUSLIM MAN: Yeah mate, it’s our country.
WHITE WOMAN It’s a Christian country.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s not a Christian country.
WHITE WOMAN Yes it is.
MUSLIM MAN: It’s not a Christian country, mate....You’re jealous. You’re jealous that we’re taking over.
MUSLIM WOMAN: The Muslims will take over. Watch.
Urban areas are becoming increasingly Islamic whereas rural area are becoming increasingly English, and there's a retreat away from these two populations. That's the future. 
Policy analyst George Igler says he does believe it will take 40 or 50 years before the native British are a minority. 
"This is a nonsense. It's going to be much sooner. And more importantly, when you look at places like Luton. When you look at the experience of women in Cologne. We already have a window into what this future will be like. It's going to violence and sexual violence against non-Muslims. It's going to be insistence on Sharia Law," Igler said. 
Drastic Changes on the Horizon
Professor Coleman, who stressed he is not anti-Muslim but is simply looking at statistics, nevertheless said the changes could be drastic.
"There are strong currents in Muslim society which wish to see Muslim approaches to diet, to marriage and would like to see Sharia Law incorporated formally into British Law or in respect to some extremist groups would like to see Sharia Law replace British Law," he said. 
More than a half million non-British citizens immigrated to the United Kingdom in 2016. European Union rules prevented Britain from stopping migration from within Europe, but that brought European migrants. 
Coleman says Brexit, Britain's exit from the E.U., will not necessarily stop the influx of immigrants from non-European Islamic nations.
'England Is Not Going to be England Anymore'
Great Britain was a factory for Muslim terrorists long before last week's attack on Westminister Bridge by a British-born Muslim. At least 850 British citizens have left the U.K. to join ISIS. 
"Look, we have around 100 Sharia courts in this country. We're the only western country with a functioning network of Sharia tribunals and councils. They're dealing with marriages, divorce, even with criminal matters. They're marrying children," said Anne Marie Waters, from Sharia Watch. 
If demographic trends continue, British schools will change when most of the pupils are from non-British backgrounds, as will British foreign policy and military alliances.  
"England is not going to be England anymore," Igler says. 
In its street protests against the Islamization of Britain, the English Defence League used to sing 'we want our country back.' If current demographic trends continue, it may be too late for that. 
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

'Israel Is an Amazing Country!' Former Anti-Semite to Make Aliyah - CBN News Dale Hurd

'Israel Is an Amazing Country!' Former Anti-Semite to Make Aliyah (from Hungary)

CBN News Dale Hurd

A former rising star in a Hungarian party known for anti-Semitic views will move to Israel and become an Israeli citizen. Csanad Szegedi told the newspaper Ma'ariv that he will make aliyah with his wife and two children.
In a 2013 interview with CBN News, the 34-year old Szegedi, who was once widely viewed as an anti-Semite, shared how he discovered that he was Jewish.
When rumors of his Jewish ancestry started swirling on the Internet, Szegedi went to talk to his 94-year-old grandmother, who he never knew was Jewish.
"She opened up and she talked about her life and how she was sent to Auschwitz and how our family was annihilated," he recalled. "I was shocked -- first of all because I realized the Holocaust really happened."
At first, Szegedi tried to hide his Jewishness and act like nothing had happened. But he realized he couldn't stay in his party, Jobbik. 
"It started such a crisis in my consciousness," he told CBN News. "I realized I can't take part in any organization that has anything to do with anti-Semitism. And after my Jewish origins were disclosed, they really didn't want to see me in the party anymore."
He contacted a local rabbi, who first thought it was a joke. Szegedi started taking classes at the synagogue, learning Hebrew and the meaning of kosher and Shabbat.
Szegedi said his life completely changed.
"It's changed everything. It's like being re-born, and the changes in my life are still happening," he said. "I had this set value system that I had to change completely. I had had this value system until I was 30 and I had to admit that it was all wrong and to find the will to change."
In the interview with Ma'ariv, Szegedi said, "Israel is an amazing country, and I believe that every Jew who lives in the Diaspora seriously considers making aliyah to Israel, at least once in his life. After the nightmares that my relatives underwent in the Holocaust, my family and I very much want to be part of the positive dream that Israel constitutes for us."
For more, follow Dale on Twitter @DaleHurd and

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

'Easy Meat.' Britain's Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up CBN News Dale Hurd

'Easy Meat.' Britain's Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up
CBN News 08-29-2016

LONDON -- Some scandals are so massive that they're simply hard to believe. As many as one million white English children may have been the victims of Muslim rape gangs, better known as grooming gangs, in towns up and down Great Britain. 
Policy analyst George Igler says, "When you encounter an issue that is just so unbelievable, just so outside your frame of reference and understanding, the immediate human reaction is just one to not believe it at all."
Perhaps even harder to believe is that while there have been prosecutions, the British government has still not stopped this criminal activity. 
Easy Targets
Former Home Secretary and parliament member Jack Straw once said, "There's a particular problem involving Pakistani heritage men who target young, vulnerable, white English girls."  He also said these Pakistani heritage men view white English girls as "easy meat." 
This is when some shout 'racism,' but here are the facts: calculations based on convictions show that a British Muslim male is 170 times more likely to be a part of sex grooming gang than a non-Muslim. And there are no recorded instances of non-Muslims doing this to Muslim girls as part of a criminal enterprise. In one local jurisdiction, it was estimated that six out of seven Muslim males either knew about, or were part of, a grooming gang.

Igler says, "What you do not have is any example of non-Muslim men targeting Muslim girls for this organized form of abuse. So, the argument that this crime exists everywhere is not only false, but is being deliberately cultivated by the media and by the government inquiry that is kicking the can down the road."
The grooming gangs have been traced back as far as the late 1980s. At-risk white English girls, often from broken homes and some as young as nine years old, were wooed or "groomed" by teenage Muslim boys called 'Romeos' and even by groups of Muslim men who hung around school gates. The girl would be made to feel important; given gifts and drugs. She was being groomed to be a drug addicted prostitute. Then came the gang rapes. They were threatened with death if they tried to flee.  
Igler says, "The thing you have to understand about this rape of children is it's not just sexual abuse. It is unspeakable levels of violence, victims being raped with knives, victims being raped with bottles, victims having their tongues nailed to tables. These are sometimes girls who are picked up from a children's home on a Friday, are being raped during the course of a weekend by hundreds of men and returned with bleeding groins back to the children's' home on a Monday morning and they don't do anything about it at all."
Christine's god-daughter was preyed on by a grooming gang. She now tries to help grooming victims through the group Women Against Grooming. She says of one victim who came looking for help, "They pulled up alongside her with cars. They tried to get her in the car. They were talking to her, saying, "Come on, come on, we'll take you here or we'll take you there."
No Law or Order 
The said authorities often make it sound like it was the girl's fault, or her parents' fault, "because you don't have control of your child."
Igler says, "If you are a young English girl, particularly between the ages of nine and 14, and you find yourself subject to the perversions of Muslim men, you effectively exist in a country where the forces of law and order don't exist at all."

Stephen Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, former leader of the English Defence League, was just a young boy in the town of Luton when he learned a family member had been victimized by a grooming gang. He told us, "I first knew because my cousin was raped and she was found naked and running from the Muslim community, age 13. She was taken by the prostitutes on the street. The police wouldn't help. All the police would say is she's a drug addict. She was a drug addict. She became hooked on drugs after they were grooming and raping her. "
Some say grooming gangs originate from a particular region of Pakistan. But others point out that the Quran encourages Muslims to take enemy women as sex slaves, and that Muhammed had sex with a 9-year-old wife. 
ISIS has publicly defended sexual slavery, saying, "enslaving the families of the infidels and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Sharia, or Islamic law."
Victims of a Multicultural Revolution
The reason these crimes were covered up and continue to this day is political correctness. No one wanted to be called a racist.
The definitive book on this scandal is "Easy Meat" by Peter McLoughlin, who declined an on-camera interview for safety reasons. He told us, "Journalists would not speak about it, because the perpetrators were mostly dark-skinned and Muslim. Childcare professionals used Political Correctness as an 'omerta,' a code of silence concerning what the public was allowed to know."
Read an in-depth Interview with Peter McLoughlin here
"These girls are the victims of the multicultural revolution," says Igler, "and it is certainly an indication of the fact that this accusation of racism is potentially the most powerful weapon known to man."  "This is also an example of what can happen in a country of 60 million where the press just refuses to report; where the cries of all these agencies fail; fail to merely discuss what is going on." 
The cover up was eventually exposed, yet the grooming gangs continue to operate. One victim told a British newspaper, "Nothing has changed, not in the slightest. It's still the same scale as before."
Igler said of the grooming gangs, "They get sexual kicks out of ruining the most precious possession that people have, their daughters."
Stephen Lennon warned that there will be repercussions.
He told us, "There's no blood on my hands, but there will be a lot of blood spilled in this country, and it will be on the hands of our leaders. And there will come a time when they will realize what they have done, and the country's people will realize what they've done, as well. They've sold us out. They've destroyed our nation. They've destroyed our culture."
Watch report here: Gang Rape Cover-up

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Heidi Mund: Germany Being Destroyed by 'People of Darkness' - CBN News Dale Hurd

Heidi Mund: Germany Being Destroyed by 'People of Darkness'
CBN News Dale Hurd
FRANKFURT, Germany -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel famously said that Germany can handle millions of refugees.
But after five attacks in two weeks, most with some connection to immigration, and more attacks on the horizon, a lot of Germans are wondering what Merkel and her open-door refugee policy has done to Germany.
Some believe Merkel's political fate was sealed when she threw open Germany's doors to more than a million migrants and told the German people, "We can do it."
Now the approval rating for one of the most popular chancellors in post-war Germany has collapsed. It's less than half of what it was a little more than a year ago, down from 75 percent to 35 percent.
Dark People 'Want to Destroy Us'
Terrorism has now become a part of life in a nation that used to see very little. Almost daily terror attacks across Western Europe have an entire continent on edge. When someone shouted "ISIS" as a joke in Kosovo last week, a stampede injured 40 people.
A lot of Germans warned that Merkel was bringing disaster with her refugee policy, including the woman who awoke a lot of Germans to the threat of Islam, Heidi Mund, also known as the "brave German woman."
The video of Mund interrupting the call to prayer by a Muslim imam in a German cathedral went viral on the Internet. She shouted, "Jesus Christ alone is Lord of Germany. I break this curse."
Now, after a migrant influx, Mund says she believes that some German leaders want to destroy Germany.
"I believe, I am really convinced, there are bad people of darkness who want to destroy us. They are servants of the devil," she told CBN News. "They are sick in their opinion and they don't care if it will cost lives or not, it will be bloody or not. They want to destroy; they want to take over."
A Prophetic Dream Come True
Before the terrorism that hit Germany, before the massive New Years' Eve sex attacks in Cologne and other cities, Mund says God spoke to her about her country's future.
"God gave me a vision two times. I saw a human prayer chain standing around Germany. I spoke out a warning that the young Muslim men would increase the raping rate," she said. "I spoke out a warning, first to my brothers and sisters in Christ, that we need to pray against the raping. I told them we would face danger -- especially our children, our girls, our women."
She sent the warning to her followers on Facebook, and because of that, Mund was investigated by the local prosecutor for hate speech.
Then, what she warned of came true. Germany is now in the grips of what some are calling a rape epidemic. The hate speech charge again Mund has been dropped.
"It was not a lie. It's not hate speech. I don't have hatred in my heart," she said. "I love my people and also those refugees."
Mund says feels she knows Merkel because both grew up under communism in the former East Germany. Merkel was the daughter of a Protestant pastor.
But Mund had harsh words for Germany's chancellor.
"Who is Merkel? Who is she? I'm sorry. I have been a communist. I know who she is. I know who she is," she told CBN News. "For me, she is a wolf."
"And people who think she's a Christian? She would not destroy her country? She would not destroy her people here? She is doing it here, right now," she continued.
When Will It Be Too Late?
Germany is still controlled by a political correctness that casts opponents of immigration as Nazis and racists. But the right-wing party Alternative for Germany is now the third largest.
One of its leaders, Björn Höcke, told CBN News, "Chancellor Angela Merkel is throwing our country into disaster and with us, also Europe."
Höcke says he still considers Germany a Christian nation because of its Christian foundation, and he said Germany cannot integrate millions of Muslims because Islam is a religion that is stuck in the Middle Ages.
But the growing popularity of Alternative for Germany does not mean Germany is close to a turnaround. Merkel has doubled down on her refugee program, attacking opponents.
Mund told CBN News she now believes the future for Germany is chaos and war. But she would not say it is too late.
CBN News asked Mund when it will be too late.
"I will tell you when it is too late," she replied. "It is too late when God has given us up."
Watch report here: Germany report
*Dale Hurd also reported from Stuttgart and Erfurt, Germany, for this report.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Pastor in Germany Pays Price to See Spiritual Revival - DALE HURD/CBN CHARISMA NEWS

German pastor Olaf Latzel

Pastor in Germany Pays Price to See Spiritual Revival

German Pastor Olaf Latzel (CBN)

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Germany was the birthplace of the Reformation and was once a base for world missions. But much of Germany today is covered by a profound spiritual darkness, as are most Western nations.
Those who refuse to compromise on the teaching of Scripture pay a price.
Bremen Pastor Olaf Latzel knows full well that there is a cost for speaking out boldly—especially in today's Germany, where traditional Christian teaching is viewed by many as bigoted, hateful and even "un-Christian."
Latzel has been attacked in the media, investigated by the local government, and even denounced by fellow pastors. His crime? Refusing to bend a knee to political correctness.
No Compromise
"I'm only preaching the gospel in a clear way," Latzel said. "I think it is my duty to do this preaching in this way for our Lord."
In his sermons, Latzel cuts no corners. He soft-pedals nothing. To some, he might sound mean when he attacks other religions.
But Latzel is standing against what he sees as a spirit of compromise that seems to have swallowed Germany and the German state church.
In the process, he has angered the German establishment and even a lot of German pastors.
Latzel said the chief battle in the German church today now is over who God is.
According to Latzel, some Christian pastors have said, "Allah and Jesus Christ, the Christian God, are the same god."
"But if you ask a Muslim, 'Does your god have a son?' he would say no!" he continued. "Our (Christian) God has a Son; His name is Jesus Christ. So they are not the same."
"If you speak out loud and clearly about the truth of the Bible, that there's only one way to heaven and this way is Jesus Christ, there is only one God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and there is no other god beside Him, then you have a problem," he said.
Unsaved Pastors?
Seventy German pastors gathered in Bremen last year to denounce Latzel behind a banner celebrating "diversity."
The public prosecutor investigated him for hate speech and then cleared him, and the Bremen parliament passed a resolution against him.
It was reportedly the first time a German pastor has been condemned by a German parliament since World War II.
But far from backing down, Latzel said the real problem is that, in his estimation, most pastors in Germany's state church have not been born again.
"I think over 80 percent of the pastors in the national church in Germany are not reborn," he said. "And that's a great problem, and because of this, they make their own doctrine. The Bible is the Word of God; it's our law, chapter by chapter, book by book, sentence by sentence, letter by letter."
Latzel pastors at the historic St. Martini (St. Martin's) Church in Bremen, where around 1679 the church's pastor, Joachim Neander, wrote the great hymn, "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty."
Latzel enjoys saying that Pastor Neander also got in trouble for preaching the gospel boldly.
Some pastors would have been rattled by so many attacks against them. But Latzel, who comes from a family with a long military tradition, said he is in a "war" between Christ and the devil, and the attacks reassure him.
"This is one sign that you are on the right way in your preaching, when you get problems," Latzel said. "If you preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and everyone is clapping his hand, then you have a problem."
"Because if you're telling the truth from the Bible, then the devil will come and he will fight against you in several ways; he will fight against the Word of God," he said.
A Tool in God's Hand
In fact, Latzel admits his concern is not becoming discouraged but getting a big head.
"I (have received) more than 10,000 emails ... so many persons came to me and said, 'You are a great pastor,'" Latzel said. "And the more persons came and told me this, something happened inside me and, 'Oh, I'm really this great pastor.'"
"And the devil comes here and says, 'Yes, yes. You are great,' and that's not good," he continued. "I am nothing. I am only a sinner. I am only a tool for Jesus Christ. And when Jesus can use this tool, give any honor to Jesus Christ. I am nothing."
The great hymn of St Martin's Church says, "Let the amen come from His people again." Latzel believes revival is coming to Germany and he asks Christians to pray for his country.
"I ask you, brothers and sisters in America, please pray for Germany. Pray for awakening," he pleaded. "Pray that the Word of Jesus Christ will go out and reach persons who are lost so that Jesus can save them."
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