Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Ex-Witch Exposes Rampant Spirit of Leviathan - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Ex-Witch Exposes Rampant Spirit of Leviathan

Ex-witch Beth Eckert says God is revealing the secret things of Leviathan to her so that she may share them with us.
"Leviathan is a principality, which is also known as a territorial spirit," Eckert says. "... That tells us that principalities are a supreme power, a chief ruler or a prince." 
Eckert says Daniel warned us about this and how to defeat it.
Watch the video to see more. 
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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Doug Addison: "March Forward: Get Ready to Advance! - The Elijah List

Doug Addison: "March Forward: Get Ready to Advance!

The Elijah List  Mar 3, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an incredibly exciting time to be alive and watch the King and His Kingdom advance on this earth.

I love the season we are in. But you may notice we continue to have need to FIGHT and WIN the WARFARE AGAINST US.
God could defeat the enemy with the thought in His mind. But He loves to partner with us and He wants to teach us how to both WAR WITH GOD and have TRUST IN GOD at the same time.
Does the warfare confuse you? Check out this statement by Doug:
Yes, we have the Word of God, the word of our testimony, the Name and the Blood of Jesus. And they are all powerful to destroy the attacks of satan. But if you are seeing a continual attack on your finances, chronic sickness or anything contrary to God's Word, then you need a strategy from Heaven to overcome.
Jump into the rest of this word to gain new strategies for this warfare!
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.
Friends, this truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase the full message sets in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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This year, the month of March is going to be a turning point spiritually. On the last Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015), I heard God say that 24 weeks from that day there would be a big shifting happen. You can read more about it in my 2016 Prophetic Forecast. We are currently in a time of pruning and preparation. 
Why Am I Feeling Discouraged or Attacked?
So often it is common for things to look the opposite from what we thought would happen. We should not expect or make room for this in our lives, instead we need to take authority and battle it.
Over the past few weeks, several demons and witchcraft attacks assigned to harass us were revealed. We continue to break these things as they are being exposed.
I have been asked, "How is it possible for people in witchcraft to attack us when we are under the Blood of Jesus?"
This is a great question.
There are a few reasons. I sometimes get attacked even though I battle daily over myself and others.
We are in a time that evil is increasing and we as Christians need to be advancing in the anointing to overcome these things.
Most Christians are operating in older ways of doing spiritual warfare that worked 10 years ago, but they need to be updated to survive what is happening right now. When I talk about this with people, most of them argue with me, but I am seeing this firsthand in my life and ministry. 
(Photo by Jennifer Page "Warrior's Heart" via
Yes, we have the Word of God, the word of our testimony, the Name and the Blood of Jesus. And they are all powerful to destroy the attacks of satan.
But if you are seeing a continual attack on your finances, chronic sickness or anything contrary to God's Word, then you need a strategy from Heaven to overcome.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources
What Are Some New Ways to Battle?
• There is power in agreement. Find someone or even groups to pray (where two or more agree together it shall be done for them.)
• Make declarations. Take God's promises and the Bible and combine them into a powerful tool in prayer.
• Take communion. I take communion every day and pray.
• Position yourself. Try waking up at a different time. Right now I have to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. so that I can get enough sleep to get up at 4:00 a.m. every day because that seems to be the time for me to see and to battle.
How to Prepare for Advancement
First, get familiar with what God spoke to me about the season we are in. This will help you respond and get into sync with Heaven.
I recommend reading this blog post: Strategy for the Next 24 months. This is what God spoke to me on September 23, and it gives lots of prophetic insight into what is happening right now.
Another prophetic blog I would recommend reading is Doorway to Your Advancement, which has details on how to respond. 
(Photo by Donna Smallenberg"The Song of Deborah" via
We are entering into a season of God fulfilling many prophetic promises. This truly is an exciting time to be alive!
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps people discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. 
Doug releases Daily Prophetic Words online and is the author of several books, including Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.
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Friday, February 19, 2016



YOU DON’T NEED TO BE NUMBER ONE! Stand beside another and hold their arms up in the cause…and God will send you those who will stand with you.

God did not call Joseph and Daniel or Esther to be the top of the mountain as a number one- but as the indispensable number two in support. Your place may be alongside a team that is collectively going to the top. If you insist on being a solo act when you are called to support someone else you are missing out on your highest calling. Maybe later God will give you your own assignment. Right now many of us are called to help another in their mission.

There is such a tangible battle going on for the soul of nations you can feel it. The book of Revelations says that there are demons released from the pit of hell to go forth to the nations. As the lust of man and the anger of man and the strife of man intensifies it puts a demand on the infernal regions and spirits are released.

The other side of this is true also. As God's people put a demand on the realm of heaven and hunger, press in and pray, heaven is released and angels break through and disrupt the works of darkness.

The status of Sheep or Goat cities, regions, nations will be determined by the people in those places and the intercessors assigned to those places.

What does it mean that one can put a thousand to flight? It means that one genuine saint hungering for God has more influence over the environment then 1000 people putting a demand on hell! What about two praying together? They cancel 10,000 people who are unconsciously conspiring with hell.

What about 2 or more coming together as a legislative assembly? A Micro church? Like Daniel and his 3 friends? Well now you have an entity that can move into even greater authority.

God wants to activate you – a new Davidic company.

Breakthrough is happening all over. There are already those in Hollywood that are making movies and developing actors. Its happening now.

There are those who are stepping into multiple millions and billions of dollars in new markets. Its happening now.

America's political landscape is getting shaken up…keep praying till God's choice emerges. When it does let us move AS ONE!

My encouragement to you is to watch the last Periscope I did and join in the soaking prayer and get your inner man conditioned to a new level of spiritual activity.


Lance Wallnau

Go here: Lance Wallnau website

Friday, June 5, 2015

We Are All the Duggars

We Are All the Duggars


photo credit: Duggar Family Blog

Leo Tolstoy famously wrote, “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” The problem is that I’ve yet to meet a family that fits into Tolstoy’s tidy categories of “happy” and “unhappy.” The reality is far messier. Put tears and laughter, love and betrayal, fights and hugs into a blender and out will come a family. Even in homes where the walls are decorated with portraits of grinning moms and dads and kids, there’s usually a closet door that’s kept shut. Last week we were reminded of that, when the media flung open that door in the Duggar family home. And the skeletons came spilling out.

Josh Duggar, now twenty seven, the oldest son in TLC’s hit show, “19 Kids and Counting,” sexually abused five underage girls—four of them his sisters—when he was in his early teens. On the family’s Facebook page, Josh, his wife, and his parents have acknowledged this, as well as described how they addressed the abuse a dozen years ago when it occurred. Josh, who had been a lobbyist in Washington D.C. for the Family Research Council, has since resigned his position. And TLC will not be airing any episodes of “19 Kids and Counting” for the foreseeable future.

What happened within this family is many things—tragic and abusive, shameful and selfish, destructive and deceptive. It is all manner of evil, no matter how you look it. But there is one thing that it is surely not: it is not surprising. Not in the least. The only ones stunned by this revelation of abuse are most likely those who assume that the Duggar family image on their reality show does, in fact, accurately reflect reality. But there is no reason why this family’s secret should be shocking, especially to the Christian. The Duggars are not the pristine, ideal family that their television show portrays them as being. They never have been, nor will they ever be. Nor is any family. They are parents, sons, and daughters who have a civil war raging within each of them. It just so happens that Josh’s particular battles, and the pain he inflicted upon others as a result, have taken center stage.

Consider these words: “I don’t understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” These are the words of Paul, the one we’ve dubbed Saint Paul. He frankly admits that he’s anything but a model of moral perfection. “I do the very thing I hate,” he admits. He’s got a civil war raging inside him, too. He’s fully sinful in himself and fully righteous in Jesus Christ, all at the same time. He is what the Reformers called simul justus et peccator (simultaneously saint and sinner). What Paul’s particular struggles were, what those things he hated were, he doesn’t say. He doesn’t have to. He’s simply upfront about his condition—the fallen, curved-in-on-itself human condition.

As it was with Paul, so it is with the Duggars, and so it is with every Christian: each of us lugs around an old corrupt nature that we won’t shed this side of the grave. Of course, that nature rears its ugly head in different ways with each person, sometimes in ways that must be addressed with spiritual as well as psychological help. With Josh, sadly, it was through sexual abuse; with others it’s through addictions and greed and hate and selfishness of every kind. But one thing is certain: not just Josh but all of us harbor our demons. And the sinful nature within us is daily clawing its way out to manifest itself in ways great and small, public and private. Only liars and fools pretend otherwise.

The sooner we as individual Christians, as Christian families, and as churches present ourselves to the world that way, the better. Believers face more than petty allurements, make more than “mistakes.” We fail and fall in mega ways.

Dear world, do you struggle with alcohol or drug abuse? So do we believers.
Dear world, has your family been wounded by infidelities? So have ours.
Dear world, have your children hurt each other through sexual abuse? Yes, ours too.

Dear world, do your families members commit crimes and end up in prison? Ours too.

Dear world, do you have a closet full of skeletons? So do we Christians.

The greatest witness that Christians can present to the world is not their own morality, their ideal family, or their dream marriage, but their weaknesses and sins and failures, all of which have been atoned for by the crucified and resurrected Jesus. Our witness is never, “Look at how well we’re doing at being good,” but always, “Look at the good Savior who died for our evils.”

Here’s what happens inside the closed doors of Christian families: sinners live together in very close proximity. And you know what that means. Husbands who are righteous in Christ, but sinful in themselves, do and say mean and hurtful things to their wives. Wives who are righteous in Christ, but sinful in themselves, do and say mean and hurtful things to their husbands. Christian children mess up big time, rebel, and yes, sometimes sexually abuse others. We do terrible things. Tempers flare, eyes lust, tongues yell. In other words, sinners act the way sinners are. We are no better than the world is. Nor should we claim to be. We are far from perfect. We are by nature sinful and unclean. And because of that, we return, again and again, to the blood Christ shed that atones for our sins—the same blood, dear world, that has atoned for yours as well.

Christians families do not live on the mountaintop of morality but at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ. In his shadow is shelter from the burning sun of iniquity. Whatever repercussions Josh may experience from what he’s done, he will find at the foot of the cross a God who does not punish him, but says, “I love you. I have forgiven you. My blood has made you whiter than snow.” If this seems scandalous, then you’re beginning to understand the grace of Christ. Christ’s love is a scandalous gift. He didn’t die for the not-so-sinful portion of humanity. He was crucified for all. He died for sexual abusers, murderers, gossips, hatemongers, adulterers, pornographers, and you—whoever you are, whatever skeletons may be piled in your family closet.

But there’s still more that Jesus did. Christ took upon himself the shame that others inflict upon innocent victims. He lived and died and rose again for the girls that Josh abused. The battered wife, the rape victim, the child whose bedtime lullaby was the screams of a drunk father—these who have been physically, emotionally, and psychologically harmed by the evils of others, they too find peace and wholeness in the battle-torn, broken body of the Son of God. He didn’t just die to forgive us for the wrongs we do, but to provide us with healing from the wrongs others do to us. For in Christ, the Spirit puts us into communion with a restoring God. He gives us the peace that passes understanding. Not the evil that others have done to us, but the good Christ has done for us, is what defines who we are. We are God’s sons and daughters. We are adopted into the family of a Father whose greatest joy is loving and embracing us as the dearest things in all creation to him.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have said, “We pray that as people watch our lives they see that we are not a perfect family.” We would echo that prayer, and add to it. I would pray that as people watch their lives—and as they watch the life of my family as well—they would see families that boast only of their weaknesses, that do not deny their flaws, and that find peace and healing only in Jesus Christ.

We are all the Duggars. We are all dysfunctional sinners living in flawed families upheld by grace. There is only one who is perfect, the one who became our sin, that in him we might become the righteousness of God. And in his wounds, bleeding with love, all of us find healing.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

How the Media is Culpable in Gaza Deaths

How the Media is Culpable in Gaza Deaths

Sunday, July 27, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
An award-winning international journalist has written a must-read piece over at The Times of Israel regarding the mainstream media’s culpability in the high Gaza death toll.
Simcha Jacobovici explains that the media likes nothing more than props that can quickly and dramatically tell a story for them, and the Palestinians (in particular Hamas) have become masters at playing to this desire.
A highlight of the article is this line:
“…the Western media has taught Hamas that it doesn’t matter how downright evil you are. It doesn’t matter if you launch two thousand missiles at civilian targets, including the airport. It doesn’t matter if you use your own children as human shields. You’ll get the coverage you want if CNN, BBC et al. have props to point their cameras at. Our form of news-gathering has taught Hamas to turn their children into those props, and to sacrifice them on the altar of Jihad. By misreporting, our media has encouraged the bad guys to kill their own children, and has dragged Israel into a war it did not want.”
Sounds like the kind of child sacrifice that once dominated this region, and which Israel was commanded to wipe out.
They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood. (Psalm 106:37–38)
…for every abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods. (Deuteronomy 12:31)
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Friday, January 24, 2014

Updated Spiritual Warfare Tactic - Jim Croft

Updated Spiritual Warfare Tactic - Jim Croft

(This article is superior to my sermon of 1/20/14 on the Omega Man Internet Radio Show)

It is my belief that the Scriptures hold what are for us are ever evolving strategies to combat satanic forces. I have been meditating on how to better help believers who have ongoing perplexities in particular areas of life. My customary approach has been to advise repentance from habitual sins; advise wearing down fleshly desires by denial of activation; and to treat exceptionally stubborn issues as demons that need to be expelled.

All of those are legitimate aspects of spiritual warfare, but there is another that could be of great help in some situations. It’s to go after a fallen angel that has been personally assigned to complicate the life of a believer at a particular juncture of life. The premise for this line of reasoning is taken from the hint in Matt 18:10 that God assigns personal guardian angels to people. With this in mind, it is feasible to imagine that the Devil mimics the practice by assigning evil fallen angels that commandeer earth’s demons to harass individuals.

To understand how this might work, let’s envision Satan’s kingdom like an earthly army comprised of enlisted rank demonic infantry and higher ranked officer fallen angels. The evil spirits, the demons live on earth which is within the 1rst heaven.

The evil fallen angels are headquartered in the 2nd heaven immediately above earth’s atmosphere. The 3rd heaven is the dwelling of the Triune God and his multitudes of holy angels. (2Cor 12:2-4) It is also populated by the spirits of the righteous dead who are waiting to be rejoined to their bodies in glorified form at the Coming of the Lord.

Demons are earthbound trench soldiers. They incessantly go wandering about looking for a human personality to inhabit and/or they perch in close proximity to an individual selected for a given type of harassment. Demons obey the warfare directives of officer fallen angles that dwell in the 2nd heaven. It is Satan’s headquarters as the Prince of the Power of the Air. (Eph 2:2-3)

Daniel’s Experience

The 10th Chapter of Daniel depicts that during Daniel’s and Israel’s captivity in Babylon that the prophet entered a period of prayer and fasting to learn about his people’s future. After 21 days, he was visited by an angel who was likely the Arch Angel Gabriel.

This powerful messenger told Daniel that from the first day of his praying that his words had been heard and that he had been sent to bring answers.

However, Gabriel explained that he had been held up for 21 days in making it to Daniel by warfare in the heavens with a fallen angel identified as the prince over Persia. At that time, Babylon was under Persian control.

Gabriel was not able to continue his journey to Daniel until the Arch Angel Michael came to assist him. He distracted the prince of Persia by engaging in battle with him and with the other evil entities that Gabriel had been battling singlehanded. (Dan 10:11-14) While Michael kept the powers of the principality over Babylon busy, Gabriel slipped through to Daniel.

Before Gabriel gave the requested answers to Daniel that are found in Dan 11, he gave him a glimpse into an aspect of the nature of spiritual warfare. He told him that he would again have to battle with the prince of Persia on his return to the 3rd heaven. He also informed Daniel that Babylon was due to come under the control of the Greeks next. (Dan 10:20-21) This happened through the conquering campaigns of Alexander the Great.

Change of Administrations

Babylon was first controlled by Chaldeans; then Persians; and then the Greeks. The entire region of the ancient Babylonian Empire is now under the primary control of Islam. This demonstrates that as years pass and circumstances change, that there are correlating changes of guard with the evil principalities over nations. Eph 6:11-13 admonishes believers that our wrestling match is with these powers in the heavens. But, our battle does not stop there.

We are also responsible to expel demons from the lives of those who have some area of life under demonic control. We are also to do the same for ourselves wherever needed. Previously, I saw battles with evil angels in the heavenlies as a separate issue from expelling evil spirits here on earth.

Spiritual warfare in the heavens was about wresting political control of cities and nations from evil earthly rulers who are manipulated by fallen officer angels in the 2nd heaven. Expelling demons was about delivering God’s people from various types of demonic control. Now, I suspect that there is a connection between assigned evil officer angels in the heavens and the evil spirits that complicate the lives of individuals here on earth.

I have come to the opinion that a reason that many people have to repeatedly fight the same demons again and again is because the evil officer angel that marshal earthbound demonic forces against them have not been dealt with. Therefore, I heavily suggest that it would be best to first discern and shackle the mouth of a particular officer angel in the heavens. This will stop it from issuing commands to demons within the person before the person receives deliverance ministry to expel the demons from their life.

In a similar manner in which there were administration changes of the fallen angels over the Babylonian Empire, there can be changes in the evil officer angel over a person’s life. Most every Christian has had the experience of changes in the nature of his spiritual battles as he advanced in age.

In teen-life it might be fears of rejection and awkward feelings about personal characteristics. In early marriage, it might be temper tantrums and temptation to divorce. In later life, the struggle is commonly with demons of depression fueled by regrets about broken relationships and life’s other tragic happenings.

Howbeit, if an individual has never learned how to effectively wage spiritual warfare, there can be long range consequences. They can carry the excess baggage from every administration of fallen angel assigned to their life and the particular demons that each administration sent into their lives. This need not be so.

The Process

Prayerfully evaluate the current stage of your life and what issues you suspect are of demonic origin. If you have not ever received deliverance ministry and/or have not conducted self deliverance, take your past struggles under consideration also. The chances are that substantial demonic holdouts from previous administrations are still lurking. Name the evil spirits that might be in you or harassing you from a close proximity perch.

Their names are their function such as fear, rejection, laziness, addictions, abusive language, hatred, unforgiveness, and so forth that correlate with most every negative emotion and physical malady.
It could be that you will notice that the categories of demonic troubles changed from one period of your life to the next.

A given category can serve as the name and nature of the fallen officer angel assigned to commandeer that particular category of earthbound demons during a given period of your life. Examples might be that the fallen angel over a teen could be sexual fantasies; over an adult, bitterness; and over a senior, short-term memory loss.

Whatever the case, first command the mouth of the commanding officer angel in the heavenlies to be shut from issuing commands to demons. Then shackle it with chains of confessions about the blood of Jesus’ powers and with the manacles of the high praises of God. According to Psa 149:5-9 and Rev 12:7-11, you have the authority to do so.

Psa 8:2 conveys that praises from a mere spiritual babe can silence the enemy. Afterward, proceed to expelling the demons while calling them by the descriptive name of their function.

I’ll give you a testimony of a dear member of my church who practiced what I have outlined in this article. At one time, he had a boss who was given to irrational emotional outburst at importune times. He identified the evil officer angel over the man’s life as one that commandeered a demon of insanity within the man.

Prior to interaction with his boss, the Christian would first shackle the mouth and function of the evil angel of irrational mood swings in the heavenlies. It worked and the man became far easier to deal with.

Years passed and the boss retired, but he still owned the facility that housed the business of which my church member had become president. In a recent year, the rental agreement had to be renegotiated with the owner.
The negotiations were disrupted by the owner’s bombastic irrational demands. Everyone’s blood pressure became elevated by the agitations. What happened? My friend forgot to deal with the fallen angel over the man before going into the boardroom with him.

My hope is 3-fold. It is that you will try the tactic I’ve outlined in your own circumstances and when dealing with others that need help. Foremost, I hope the advice that I’ve given is an asset in your spiritual weaponry. One way or the other, there is no harm in experimentation as spiritual warfare is not an exact science. We learn by trial and error that has precedent in the Word.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Demon Possession: The New Confession of Modern Youth - Jennifer LeClaire (CharismaNews)

Demon Possession: The New Confession of Modern Youth

Eminem (Facebook)
I don’t listen to secular radio. I haven’t listened to secular radio on purpose since I was saved and tossed thousands of dollars of secular CDs in the garbage.
As dark as secular music was back then, mainstream music has taken on a whole new level ofdemonic influence as popular radio songs work to get our youth to confess they are demon-inspired, if not demon possessed.
This revelation came as I was driving across the state of Florida with my teenaged daughter recently and decided to take a listen to what type of music today’s youth finds appealing. I heard the typical Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry hits that were hardly wholesome but not especially wicked. But I also heard tunes from "artists" like Eminem, Rihanna and Imagine Dragons that shocked me.
Consider the hook in Eminem’s “The Monster,” which features Rihanna: “I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed; Get along with the voices inside of my head; You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath; And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy.”
Then there’s Imagine Dragons with its “Demons” hit that talks about the “beast inside” and proclaims, “No matter what we breed; We still are made of greed; This is my kingdom come; This is my kingdom come” and then goes on to declare, “When you feel my heat; Look into my eyes; It’s where mydemons hide; It’s where my demons hide; Don’t get too close; It’s dark inside; It’s where my demonshide; It’s where my demons hide.”
And this is what much of today’s youth is listening to—rock stars confessing and glorifying their struggles with voices in their heads and demons in their souls. Even church kids are listening to this demon-inspired drivel, singing right along with Rihanna and Imagine Dragons, agreeing they have voices in their heads and demons in their souls when they should agreeing with the voice of God and theHoly Spirit about who He is.
You might say to me, “Jennifer, this is nothing new.” Maybe not. But the beats and lyrics of modern secular music are growing darker. We’ve moved from “amazing grace, how sweet the sound” to Electric Hellfire Club with songs like “Kiss the Goat.” 
I know there’s plenty of Satanic underground heavy metal music that never makes it onto the radio, but clearly Satan, who once led worship in heaven, or his demons are dropping lyrics in the minds of pop stars who have a mainstream radio platform. The key word is mainstream. This isn’t some dark underground music I’m talking about. These are top hits.
What’s the danger? According to an Illinois State University study, male undergraduates behaved with more hostility toward women and were more likely to view aggressive behavior positively after viewing music videos that featured violent acts. And an Emory University Study reveals black girls between 14 and 18 who viewed hardcore rap videos for 14 hours a week or more were 3 times more likely to hit a teacher, 2.5 times more likely to get arrested, and 1.5 times more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease, use drugs, or drink alcohol.
Of course, there’s no particular study about what happens to teens who confess there are voices inside their head and demons hiding inside them. But a spiritually-minded person can connect the dots and the final picture is disturbing. The power of death and life are in the tongue (Prov. 18:21). A generation of youth is confessing insanity and demon-possession over their lives.
Again, you’re probably saying, “Jennifer, this is nothing new.” Maybe not. And maybe there’s nothing we can do to stop today’s youth from confessing they have voices inside of their head and demons inside while they are riding in the car with their friends or even sitting in their rooms with an iPod and headphones blaring the demonic messages in their ears.
But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be vigilant. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t teach our youth the spiritual implications of singing along with their favorite heathen rapper. That doesn’t mean we should allow it in our homes and cars. That doesn’t mean we should bury our heads in the sand while a generation of youth is confessing demon possession and insanity, does it?
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Chuck Pierce: See the Unlocking and Shaking in the Next Three Years

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
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Chuck Pierce
Hear the clock ticking, for the Lord says I have now catapulted you into the three years ahead.  And this day the dearest of My Months I say to You I am moving you against gates that have never been moved before.  
And I am causing those gates that have withstood you in the past to have to come loose so they open in days ahead!  I say to you move strategically day by day and month by month until the gate that has held back your blessing opens up. 
For I say in the 3rd year the War of the Kingdoms will begin and kingdom will rise against kingdom.  But I say I have a Kingdom now I’m preparing and I will remember this Kingdom and the seed and the seed's seed of this Kingdom.  So I say to you know this I have a Kingdom that will triumph. 
For I am beginning a highway out of Egypt but I’ll redo the highway that you’re on.  And I say now, the demons that have been trafficking and even creating trafficking throughout the earth, I Am going to unnest their headquarters. 
And I’ll surprise you with the leaders of this Nation, for I have ways to cause them to bow their knees, and you think they’re going one way but you watch Me knock the feet out from under them.  And you watch them see Me in a way they’ve never seen Me before! 
You’ll hear of shakings from North to West!  You’ll hear that I have come from Alaska to Maine to shake but it will be the center of this Nation that I now shake saith the Lord.  And I will cause that which has been hidden and controlling the forces of this land to shake down! 
For I say to you make favor with those that even have come into places and you say, but they have evil character. I can cause every Pharaoh in this land and the lands that you’re a part of to favor you in days ahead! 
And even today I call you My Army that is unstoppable. But even as in the natural there have been swarms that have crossed the Atlantic that have shown up in the most unusual places.  I call you My Kingdom Swarm and you shall invade the kingdoms of the earth and you shall extract that which is needed and you will bring it into My Kingdom says the Lord.
And that which the enemy meant to destroy through trafficking I will raise them up as an unstoppable army in the days ahead for that generation will be My Generation says the Lord!
So I say shout that the kingdoms of this earth are becoming My Kingdoms saith the Lord. And decree that the prisoners will be let go and they will come back to My House and this is a season My Altar will be filled! 
A new baptism I’ll give you and I say to you My very Finger I will place in My People’s keeping.  And I say when you point your finger demons will flee! 
And I say I’m going to open your eyes to those around you and you’re going to say they're of a different kingdom. And I will say to you they are Mine bring them in now! 
And in this year of honey I will cause a new hunger to arise throughout the lands for My Word saith the Lord.  And where you have known My Word in the past you will taste and see My Word in a different way!  
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as president of Global Spheres Inc. in Corinth, Texas, an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping triumphant reserve throughout the world. He also serves as president of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting that helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 
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