Showing posts with label enemy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enemy. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2014

Push Back - Ahava Love Letter/Now Think On This (Steve Martin)

                           Now Think On This


Push Back

“Through You we will push back our adversaries; through Your name we will trample down those who rise up against us.” (Psalm 44:5 NASU)

As believers in Jesus (Yeshua), we are called to first stand for truth, and then take the ground. In some instances we will be taking back the ground already lost in a nation, including ours, due to sin that is continuing on the rise.

When the Israelites came out of Egypt after their first Passover, they were instructed under Moses in preparation to go into the Promised Land. It was to have been only be a short trip. But it took 40 years. Their actions of unbelief kept them out of the land that was to be theirs. Of the generation that miraculously crossed the Red Sea, almost all died off later in the wilderness, except a few. Unbelief had taken its toll. Having no faith in God will bring death.

Joshua, which means “salvation” in Hebrew (the same word for “Yeshua”, which was then translated Jesus in Greek), did lead the new generation into that which had been promised to the patriarchs. They believed that God was Mighty, and thus He able to do through them as He had said He would.

With Joshua and his mighty men as our example, it is time for our generation to take the land, and push back. Push back on the enemy that has stolen lives in many nations, murdered innocent babies through abortion, and destroyed countless young men and women, our children, through the use of drugs and alcohol. It is time to push back against the darkness that seeks to smother us.

The Joshua generation didn’t camp at the Jordan River for years, just waiting for the Lord to come and wipe out their enemies on the other side. For the land to become theirs in reality, they had to physically cross it. Then they had to fight for every piece of ground that the Lord had already given them. They had to destroy the enemy in the process.

Growing up in the early ‘70’s, my high school years, our cheerleaders would lead the football game crowd in a loud chant. “Push ‘em back! Push ‘em back! Way back!” Many other squads of the opposing teams had the same cheer, and the two crowds on opposite sides in the bleachers would compete as to who could be the loudest. (Except in our particularly case, it really didn’t matter how loud the parents and students yelled for us. We got beat more often than when we won. But at least we gave it all we had.)

The time is now for new leadership, as in Joshua’s time, to become emboldened and not compromise in speaking the truth. The time is now to speak in black and white terms, the reality of the situation. We can’t sit back and wait for the rapture. We must push back.

One way we can do this, as believers, is to push back in social media. Rather than letting foundational truths in our Christian lives get eroded away year by year; lies about Israel and the Jews go unheeded; abortions killing off future generations; or give up speaking up where we can -  we need to be the ones who take a stand and push back. It can be done, If you and I do it.

I am committed to posting daily truths on my Facebook pages, my Twitter accounts, and especially my blog. I ask you to do the same. The Lord has given us a powerful tool to get the Gospel out, and speak the truth through this media. We need to use it. Right from our couch, table or office desk.

Even as He established a common language in the first century through the Greeks, and laid access for the early church to travel on the extensive Roman built road system, He has brought forth modern technology to reach our nation, and all the nations. We need to use it for His purposes. We each can do that from our own homes.

Push back. And then keep pushing back. We are called to be lights in the world. Let’s do it, with His wisdom and the provision He has given us.

Here is one last thought. An easy way to be a part of pushing back is simply to share this message on your Facebook page; tweet the link on your Twitter account, or e-mail to others. Why not? (If you don’t have one or the other as yet, I encourage you to do so.)

If we don’t push back, we will be buried under the onslaught that isn’t letting up. Each of us will give an account for our actions, or lack of them. Push back.

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #108   “Push Back”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.03.14) Monday at 7:00 pm in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Kim Clement: "Stop Looking to OPEC and the Middle East...I'm Going to Give You a New Source of Energy and Resources"

Kim Clement:
"Stop Looking to OPEC and the Middle East...
I'm Going to Give You a 
New Source of Energy and Resources"

Kim ClementGod Wants to Open Up Resources

September 21, 2013 - From The Den:

[God] started dealing with me about the blessings that are supposed to be on the people of God – people that serve Him, people that give, people that do good. There's supposed to be a blessing.

So, I began to pray for different things, and while I was in the garden, I was speaking to someone about building an altar there so that I can bring all the prayer requests to a literal altar as well, and then I heard this in my mind: He said, "I want you to tell all the businessmen and businesswomen, all the business people, that you are going to dedicate a specific day to pray for their businesses."

I saw it developing and I began to pray. I saw young people become entrepreneurs, and they're going to make millions and billions of dollars that are set aside for them. You see, God sets times and seasons aside for certain things.

When I was in the garden, I was catching a glimpse of this season where God wants to really raise up businesses for people that want to start businesses and people that are in businesses now that are drying up (in other words, you're not doing very well). 

There's another business for you. There's something new – a new opportunity, a new door that has opened up for you.

I heard all this and thought, "What do you want me to do about it?" He said, "The first thing you've got to do is enlighten them, because there are a lot of people that are discouraged."

There are a lot of people that have lost out so much, they think it'll never be retrieved and that it's impossible for God to ever restore them. But what you're doing is, you're looking to the same source. In other words, if you sell shoes, you're trying to sell more shoes, and the shoes are not selling. What you're trying to do is beat that dead horse when there might be something else.

Start digging for wellsGod wants to open up resources. 

All He needs are a few people that are prepared to start digging for wells. That's when it happened in Isaac's time; there were wells that were stopped up that belonged to him by inheritance, but by occupation the enemy had them. 

In other words, the wells that Abraham had dug were Isaac's as an inheritance, but he didn't occupy the territory; therefore, even though it was his inheritance, by occupation they (the enemy) controlled the wells. 

That's happened in America; that's happened all over the world. Those who take occupation of a region or of a soil – they have the power. That's what's happened with the oil.

So what did God begin to do? He did exactly the same thing. He said, "Stop looking to OPEC, stop looking to the Middle East, and wherever." He said, "I'm going to give you a new source of energy; I'm going to give you new resources," and people found it difficult to believe. 

They found it difficult to believe because what we do is we focus on that which we are familiar with. I want you to take your eyes off that which you are familiar with.

Don't Give Up; I Hear the Sound of the Abundance of Rain

Elijah must have gotten insecure, and God said, "Elijah, go to Zarephath, and from Zarephath, after you have been fed, I'm going to take you to a mountain and I'm going to give you an abundance." It took diligence on Elijah's part. It took Elijah getting on the mountain and saying to his servant, "I want you to go and look for that little cloud."

The man went once – nothing; then twice.

You know what the problem with us is? We give up too easily because we heard a word and we don't see it manifested.

He said, "Go look," a third time; the man went looking for a cloud somewhere on Mt. Carmel, looking at the sky. They hadn't had rain for three and a half years. He came back again and said, "Nothing." Elijah didn't stop and say, "My God, what's happening?" He said, "Go back, for that which you have never seen shall be seen today." 

He didn't attempt to run back to the brook. He didn't attempt to run back to Zarephath. He said, "I want you to look ahead, because there's got to be a cloud in the sky because rain is coming."

You know why? He said, "Because I can hear an abundance of rain."

I hear the sound of an abundance of rain!He didn't say he could hear a little bit. He didn't say he heard a drizzle. He said, "I hear the sound of an abundance of rain."

So he goes a fifth time; he goes a sixth time, then goes back to Elijah and says, "I tried, but nothing. What must I do?" Elijah says, "We've tried six, but I hear the sound of abundance."

How many of you hear the sound of abundance? And yet you've looked and there's nothing. Have you continued, have you pressed in? Have you continued giving and praying? Because that seventh moment is upon us. 

That seventh moment is upon many, many businesses all over the world, and many of you watching me that don't have businesses – that moment is upon you now. If I've heard it, you've got to see it before you can get it.

I prophesy to every one of you now that there is a realm of craziness, and there's a word God has for you at this very minute to get this to happen.

If for Jacob, why not us? If He could do it for Jacob, why not us? If He could do it for Isaac, why not us?
You might say, "The New Testament tells us we're supposed to be poor." Who told you that? It says that Jesus became poor that we might become rich in our souls, in our spirits, in our bodies, and in our families, relationships, and our businesses.

We are a people that are going to make a difference in the world today. 

There's the word from God. "...and today My word to you is let go and open your eyes, for today I will open doors and bring prosperity to your businesses, to your industry, to your ministry, to your artistry. Today, shake off that which you have held onto, for I open a brand new door for you," says the Lord.

This is what I'm hearing: "There are people that have stepped out before and it hasn't worked, so you're afraid." God says, "Don't fear. Don't fear, because I watched you as you took the step of faith. 

Today I'll honor that faith, so take a step out of the boat and say, 'Why not us?! Why not us?! Why not us?! If Moses could prosper, why not us? If David could prosper, why not us?! If Abraham could prosper, why not us? Why not us?! Why not us?!'"

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. 

Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. 

He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

For more: Elijah List

Thursday, July 11, 2013

WE stand with Israel.

It is time we take a stand, 
A never changing line in the sand;
To stop the enemy from having his way.
Beginning now. Today.

Steve Martin