Showing posts with label gay marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gay marriage. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Late Chuck Colson Prophesied This Woeful Day in American History

The Late Chuck Colson Prophesied This Woeful Day in American History

Chuck Colson
Chuck Colson forewarned of this day before his death. (Courtesy)
"Even though we won the vote in Congress, we ultimately lost in the court of public opinion. We're painted as bigots in the media, we're driven into the corner. And the Supreme Court, which will ultimately have the final say and has already tipped its hand in Romer, will rule against us."
"But now, religious freedom may have to settle for equality with freedom of sexual expression, because it is overriding religious freedom at every turn. This is the battle we're having with a number of great cultural pressures. We can't stand for the Defense of Marriage Act, even if, with us, it's a matter of religious conscience, because to do so is to 'do harm to gays.'"
"The gay rights juggernaut is grinding down on us. It's the most ominous threat on the horizon in America, and with all the threats we have that's a pretty big statement—because it threatens not only to institute something which is an abomination to God, but also to crush our religious liberties in the process."
"Homosexual 'marriage' is redefining who we are. It's redefining what the creation is about and what it's for. It isn't simply about any two (or more) people of the same sex coming together, enjoying each other, and sharing joint benefits.
We call marriage a sacrament because it is a sign of God and His creation. It's the definition of the word creation. We've got to restore this and teach it in the churches. We've got to take this simple little nugget of truth and build on it so that eventually we permeate public consciousness with the realization that this isn't just about equality. This isn't just about rights for gays versus straights. This isn't about civil rights. This is about the plan of creation. And if we destroy that, we're going to bring the wrath of God upon us. We're actually going to destroy the very nature of the world we live in, the very purpose of the world and the very purpose of life."
"In a very short time it will be impossible to preach that homosexual behavior is a sin. How do you teach that something is a sin when society is saying it is simply a legitimate choice? This is the camel's nose under the tent. This is why the homosexual issue is about a lot more than gay rights. It's about destructing the moral order of society, and the people behind it know that. They really are moral nihilists at heart."
"Now look at the debate going on regarding whether homosexual behavior is immoral. What has for centuries been regarded as immoral and a perversion, a distortion of the natural or created order, has now become moral. In fact, it is an act of bigotry to criticize it. This is incrementalism, cushioning us against what seems so hard at first. You just kind of get used to it; it's like pornography. After a while, people don't think it's so bad after all; they just get used to it."
"I think the attacks on Christians for their stand on marriage is the latest assault by the left on religious liberty. It's going to be the acid test. Martin Luther King Jr. quoted Augustine, who wrote that an unjust law is no law at all. If we're not willing to fight this, even to the point of breaking the law, or refusing to recognize the law, then we will lose everything. I think our backs are to the wall, and if your pastor doesn't have the courage to speak out on this issue, look for another church."
For complete excerpts from Chapter 7 of My Final Word or additional information, contact
Chuck Colson was the founder of Prison Fellowship, the nation's largest outreach to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families, as well as Breakpoint, a nonprofit organization that educates Christians on how to apply their faith to all areas of life.
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Love For His People Editor's Note:
Supreme Court? I don't think so!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

NC Lawmakers Let Government Officials Opt Out of Gay Marriage Ceremonies

NC Lawmakers Let Government Officials Opt Out of Gay Marriage Ceremonies

Government officials in North Carolina can refuse to perform same-sex marriages by citing religious objections under a law enacted on Thursday by the Republican-led legislature, which voted to override the governor's veto.
The law protects the jobs of magistrates and other officials who refuse to perform marriages of gay couples by citing a "sincerely held religious objection."
Governor Pat McCrory, also a Republican, had said the officials who swore to defend the Constitution and perform their duties of office should not be exempt from upholding their oath.
The state House of Representatives overrode his veto by reaching the three-fifths majority in a 69-41 vote. The state Senate overrode the veto earlier this month.
While gay marriage was targeted in a wave of conservative legislation in U.S. statehouses this year, North Carolina is among the few states to pass a measure. Utah approved a similar opt-out law earlier this year.
North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore said in a statement after the vote that the law "protects sincerely held religious beliefs while also ensuring that magistrates are available in all jurisdictions to perform lawful marriages."
Once they have asked to opt out in writing, magistrates would be barred from performing any marriage, gay or heterosexual, for six months.
A court decision last year invalidated a North Carolina law banning same-sex marriage.
Gay marriage is now legal in 36 states plus the District of Columbia. In Alabama, a federal court struck down the gay-marriage ban, but the state Supreme Court has stopped local officials from issuing marriage licenses to gay couples.
The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide by the end of June whether same-sex marriage should be legal nationwide.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How Franklin Graham Is Praying for the Supreme Court

How Franklin Graham Is Praying for the Supreme Court

Gay marriage supporters
Gay marriage supporters gather outside the United States Supreme Court (Reuters)
While Americans wait and watch for the Supreme Court's verdict on same-sex marriage, Franklin Graham is doing more than waiting and watching—he's praying.
The evangelist has been offering assessments of various justices stances and how to pray for each of them as they deliberate.
"Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was born to a family of immigrants and grew up in public housing in the Bronx. She is a great example of someone who reached the American Dream through hard work and determination. Unfortunately, she is also an example of someone who seems to be very misguided on the issue of same-sex marriage," Graham says.
"She voted to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act in 2014, and homosexual advocates consider her an ally in their fight to make same-sex marriage the law of the land. Let's pray for Justice Sotomayor to have the wisdom to know that as a society we cannot survive if we turn our back on God's standards and His definition of marriage."
Graham also points to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. Last year, she officiated at a same-sex wedding for her former law clerk. In 2013, Kagan—who was appointed in 2010 by President Obama—also voted to strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which stated that marriage is between one man and one woman.
"There seems to be no doubt about how she is leaning as the nation awaits the Supreme Court's decision on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage," Graham says. "Today please pray that she will see the danger of deciding to go against God's law and standards."
As advocates of same-sex marriage made their case before the Supreme Court in April, Graham notes, Justice Samuel Alito asked a pointed question: "Suppose we rule in your favor in this case and then after that, a group consisting of two men and two women apply for a marriage license. Would there be any ground for denying them that license?"
As Graham sees it, Alito seems to understand that ruling in favor of same-sex marriage would have far reaching implications. Again, he's praying Alito will have wisdom and stand strong for what we know is God's unchanging truth—marriage is between one man and one woman.
Graham is also concerned about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has served on the Court for over two decades. He says those who support same-sex marriage consider her an ally in their fight to toss God's Holy Word aside.
"As the Supreme Court continues to deliberate over the constitutionality of same-sex marriage, let's pray that Justice Ginsburg's eyes would be opened to the truth of Scripture and that she would not be deceived by the arguments of those who seek to impose their 'new morality' on our nation," Graham urges.
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy served on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals before being nominated by President Reagan to the Supreme Court in 1988.
"Some say that Justice Kennedy may likely be the swing vote in the ruling on same-sex marriage being considered now," Graham says. "In the oral arguments phase a few weeks ago, he seemed to understand the vast implications if the court were to 'throw away a millennia of marriage ... .' Today, pray for him especially, that he will realize the folly in doing just that."

Monday, May 4, 2015

Will the High Court Protect Traditional Marriage?

Will the High Court Protect Traditional Marriage?

The Supreme Court has heard arguments for and against gay marriage, and a decision is expected by the end of June.

The High Court will decide if the 14th Amendment can require all states to allow same sex marriage. It will also decide if the amendment can require states to recognize same-sex marriages from other states.

"Only three states have actually voted for same same-sex marriage," Mike McManus, head of Marriage Savers (LINK), a ministry to strengthen the institution of marriage in America, said.

"Eight other legislatures have voted for it, but we have it in 37 states because the courts have imposed it in 26 additional states," he continued. "It seems to me it should be up to each state to decide whether they want to allow same-sex marriage."

McManus said he believes the Supreme Court will protect traditional marriage. He also writes a regular column on marriage and family issues.

What is the justices' current outlook on gay marriage and state's rights? McManus answers this question and more. Click play to watch.

Watch interview here: Traditional Marriage

The Supreme Court and the Mark of the Beast - Rick Joyner

Prophetic Bulletin by Rick Joyner

The Supreme Court and the Mark of the Beast

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MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #93 - April 30, 2015
     In Revelation 13 it is prophesied that at the end of the age there will be a false prophet that arises to prepare for and give power to one called “the beast.” This “beast” deceives the nations and requires all to take a mark, 666. Without this mark no one can “buy, sell, or trade.” This “mark of the beast” has been a dominant subject in eschatology (the study of biblical prophecies of the end of the age) since the first century, and many things have been called this that turned out not to be so. However, we know it will come, and it may be upon us.
     Few events in history have so remarkably fit the biblical scenario of this mark as the potential U.S. Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage. As bizarre as this may sound, this is an uncanny parallel to the biblical prophecy. Even if this is not the actual mark of the beast, it is at least a precursor, a “dress rehearsal” that sets up the world for this ultimate test.

Understanding “The Beast”
     First, taking the mark of the beast is not the sin, but rather worshipping the beast. The mark is just the evidence of what one is doing. So to understand the mark, we must first understand the beast.
     This “beast” has been presumed by many Bible scholars to be an individual, such as the “antichrist” figure. He is also called the “man of sin,” or “abomination of desolation” prophesied by Daniel. Others have seen it as a system, a world power such as a world bureaucracy. Some have believed it to be the spirit that dominates the world at the end of the age. Some have concluded that it could come in all of these forms. There may be some merit to all of these assumptions, but the principles given in Scripture for identifying the nature of the beast are clear enough for any seeker of truth to discern it, regardless of the form in which it comes.
     This beast “comes up out of the earth,” which is a term for “earthly mindedness.” Such is the root of what is popularly referred to as “secular humanism.” This is the philosophy, perspective, or “worldview” promoting the exaltation of man, his wisdom and abilities, above God. This philosophy presumes that man does not need God and should not consider Him as a factor in human affairs even if He does exist.
     Because man was created at the end of the sixth day, the number six is often symbolic of man in Scripture. For this reason, many have presumed that the number 666, or three sixes, was man’s attempt to displace the Trinity, and could fit with this belief.
     The “abomination of desolation” that was prophesied by Daniel, Jesus, and the first century apostles could have been translated “the abomination that desolates.” Because homosexuality is referred to as an abomination in Scripture, and its impact on Western culture is so quickly and profoundly desolating the moral fabric of Western civilization, it is to be expected that many will start to consider this “the abomination that desolates.”
     Who could have dreamed just two decades ago that we would have major cities celebrating “Days of Decadence” with all manner of perversions being performed and flaunted openly in our streets? Who would have thought that such a moral and religious nation could fall so quickly to the ultimate national depravity spoken of in Isaiah 5—calling what God calls “good,” “evil,” and what God calls “evil,” “good,” while the dishonorable are honored and the honorable are dishonored? Is that not precisely what has happened to America in just the last generation?
     The meltdown of morality in our military could be happening even faster. Just a few years ago, the U.S. military was such a bastion of morality and integrity that adultery was considered grounds for dismissal because one’s vows had been broken. “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was the handwriting on the wall that a devastating change was coming. But who could have foreseen the pace of the desolation of our military since homosexuality was openly allowed in the ranks? It moved quickly from everyone having to accept it, to everyone having to celebrate it if you expected any further promotions, to now being forced out if you do not celebrate it.
     Christians are now openly discriminated against, if not persecuted, in the U.S. military. Not only are some of the best and brightest leaving the military, they are no longer choosing it as a possible career.
     The same is taking place throughout government services on all levels, as well as corporations, education, and the media, as was once the case for a long time in arts and entertainment. Now, with a single Supreme Court decision it could be that Christians, Muslims, and Jews that honor their books as the word of God will not be able to “buy, sell, or trade” in America without the constant threat of losing your business, or your position and livelihood, because of an offended homosexual.
     Even if this is not “the mark of the beast,” it will be for those who are now losing what they, in some cases, have given their lives to build, because they would not compromise their religious convictions in order to buy, sell, or trade. If the Supreme Court decision falls the way it is expected to, we can be sure that very soon every Christian in America will have to make a similar choice between obeying the Word of God or this beast.

The Great Awakening
     The good news is that few things have begun to wake up the sleeping giant of the church like this issue now before the U.S. Supreme Court. A growing number of the most influential leaders across the spectrum of Christianity are now calling for civil disobedience if the Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is a constitutional right to be enforced throughout America.
     Regardless of what caveats the Supreme Court may add to their decision to feign protection of our freedom of religion, an ultimate firewall that protects all of our freedoms will have been breached. Six thousand years of recorded history where marriage was always between a man and woman will have been overturned. Already there are applications for threesomes to be married, and polygamy at any level will have to be accepted. We also have applications filed for some to “marry” their animals. Voices within the gay agenda have declared that they see nothing wrong with pedophilia. One bad decision for our Supreme Court and America’s slide into depravity will then have been greased, and we will go down fast, unless…

Saving America
     America’s slide to this point of moral depravity seems to have happened quickly, but it didn’t. It is the result of a very intentional, systematic erosion of our values that has been going on for almost a century. Only recently has the momentum of this evil strategy gained speed as we enter into the last phase of what the perpetrators boasted would destroy America from within.
     This strategy has been very public on the part of several major groups, who will end up fighting each other over the spoils if they succeed. But for now, we must focus on what will stop and then reverse this momentum in order to restore the foundations America was built upon.
     President Reagan was at least partially right when he said, “Government is not the answer, it is the problem.” Our salvation will not come from the White House, or any other state house. It can only come from the church house. If the church in America does not rise up to become the salt and light she is called to be, there is no remedy, and an ever-deepening darkness will continue to spread over our land with increasing speed and devastation. The encouragement is that the biggest sleeping giant of all is starting to wake up.
     When I was in Washington recently, a congressman said to me that there would be more courage in Washington if they saw more courage in the church. He said they do not feel that the church has their back. The church in America must ultimately accept the blame for what has happened in America, but it can also be the solution. Following are the four major crises in the church that are also the basis of the major crises of our times, as identified at a recent roundtable of leaders of national and international stature:
We have a crisis of courage.
   This is the failure of Christian leaders to address the crucial issues of our times with clarity and boldness.
We have a crisis of a lack of moral excellence in the church.
   This has robbed the church of its moral authority.
We have a crisis of Christian disengagement from our civic responsibilities.
   This has robbed the world of the salt and light capable of preventing its corruption and dominance by evil.
We have a crisis of a lack of the church’s preparation for the inevitable challenges of our times.
   This will cost loss of lives, and it will cost many the greatest honor we can receive for our lives—hearing,“Well done, good and faithful servant”(see Matthew 25:21 NIV).
   The church is called to be the salt and light in this world, and this meltdown has happened on our watch. We must take responsibility, and we must take action. If we will take responsibility, acknowledge our failures, which is repentance, and become what we are called to be, this great failure can become one of our biggest victories, and our nation can be saved. If the church does not do this, we do not have much time left.
   When the Iron Curtain fell, the church was not ready. The cults and crooks were ready, and they filled the vacuum. The week following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, churches were flooded with their biggest crowds in history. The church was not ready, did not have the answers, and another one of the greatest opportunities in recent times was lost. The next strike will be our third, and we cannot fail this greatest of all responsibilities and opportunities. If we do, it will very likely be our last chance.

What Do We Do?

     We must decide now that we are going to obey God and that we will refuse to obey any mandate from any power that is in conflict with God’s Word. We must be prepared to pay the price for obeying God, which is likely to be significant and can affect the rest of our lives. Of course, the price of not obeying Him will be much higher and eternal, so we need to determine now who we will serve.
     For such a choice, we need to be clear about what God’s Word says on these ultimate issues. As the Lord said through Isaiah the prophet, if we do not speak according to His Word then we do not have the light. Each of us must choose whether we believe His Word or not. Then we must choose if we will obey it or not. We can expect these choices to both prune and purify the church. What remains of the church will likely be much smaller, but it will be far more powerful.
     Accepting that The Bible is God’s Word to us is a major issue for all who claim to be Christians. Many have accepted the constant attacks on the validity of the written Word by the enemies of the faith. The very first lie of Satan was to get Eve to doubt what God had clearly said, and this has been his basic tactic since causing the fall of multitudes. Make no mistake about it—this is the point at which we will fall or stand.
     Let us consider that if Jesus, who was the Word, would take His stand on “It is written!” how much more must we? Now is the time for all Christians to decide this issue. If we are going to follow Christ, we must believe His Word, fortify ourselves in His Word, and obey it.
     Many Christians have bought Satan’s lie that would cause them to doubt what God has clearly said. Doing so makes it even easier for them to buy into the teachings that blur what God has made clear on just about any issue. Those who have done this will soon fall away. This will be a major factor separating the true from the false.
     The next major factor that will likely cause many to fall away will be the fear of man, or caring more about what people think than what God thinks. The first group cast into the lake of fire at the end of the Book of Revelation is the cowardly. We can expect many who know the Word of God to fall into this category, because they fear men more than God. In Scripture that is an idolatry also called “an abomination,” as is the one who turns their ear from hearing the Word of God (see Proverbs 28:9).

     We must strengthen our own foundations, especially those under specific attack. The most important of these is the family. This is the most basic and important of all units within a culture or nation. Family is under relentless attack now, not just the definition of it.
     A happy, functioning family is one of the greatest lights. Being part of a happy, functioning family is one of the greatest experiences we can have in this life. Being in a dysfunctional family is at the root of our most devastating social problems.
     We must also teach and esteem manhood and womanhood, with all of the dignity and nobility they are given by God in the Scriptures. After getting one to disbelieve that The Bible is the Word of God, the devil’s basic tactic is to blur the distinctions that God has made clear. If we are going to be lights in our time, we have to stand against the spirit of this age and esteem men who are men, and women who are women.

     We must call what God calls “sin and wickedness,” sin and wickedness, and we must repent of it ourselves. God does not forgive excuses—He forgives sin that is repented of. We’re not repenting if we are making excuses, or blaming someone else for the way we are.
     Homosexuality is called an “abomination” in Scripture. Abominations are weightier than other sins because they are so destructive that they bring desolation. Now let’s consider some other things that are also called “abominations” in Scripture:

spreading strife
using unjust weights
devising evil plans
worshipping idols
a proud heart
the way of the wicked
the devious
acting unjustly
those who scoff (ridicule)
shedding innocent blood
wearing clothing of the opposite sex
those who justify the wicked while condemning the righteous 
sacrifices made to God by those living in wickedness
those who choose (vote for?) those who are of “no account”
those who oppress the poor and needy, rob, or fail to keep their word

    Now, who has never committed an abomination? If you claim you have not, you are likely guilty of the abomination of lying. So what do we do? We do not say everyone is okay because everyone is guilty, which is an ultimate folly that we are warned against. The Word of God is clear in places like Galatians 5 that such will not inherit the kingdom of God.
    What we do is: We first get the log out of our own eye if we are guilty of, or are still practicing, any of these. Then we judge those who are trapped in sin for the purpose of their redemption, reconciliation to God, and their restoration from sin and its consequences.

      This is not last because it is the least important, but because it is the most important. We must grow in love for God and one another. We are told, “Love never fails” (see I Corinthians 13:8), which could have been translated, “Love never quits.” Anyone will quit at some level except for those who are in love.
      We must love God above all to love all as we should. “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing,” and this is the main thing we are called to do. This will be the main thing that determines if we will be successful human beings or not when we come to the great Judgment Day.
      We are also commanded to love our enemies. The gay agenda has turned into the biggest enemy of Christianity in America at this time. Extreme elements within the agenda are resolved to drive Christians into “the closet,” just as they were forced to live for so long. Other enemies of Christianity are joining with them in seeking to drive Christ out of our culture. This is the definition of “antichrist.” Even so, we are told that our war is “not against flesh and blood” (see Ephesians 6:12), or people, but against the spiritual forces that have them in bondage.
      We are also told that we, Christians, have been given divinely powerful weapons that can bring down every stronghold exalting itself against the knowledge of God (see II Corinthians 10:4). We will address this in a future Bulletin, but this is a battle we cannot lose if we follow “the Captain of the host,” or the Captain of God’s armies.
      We must keep in mind that during the greatest times of darkness, the Lord raised up His greatest lights. Some of those greatest lights were those who came out of darkness, like Paul the Apostle. Paul was possibly the greatest enemy of the church for a time, and he was transformed into possibly the greatest friend of God and builder of the church.
     Let us keep in mind that even those who, at this time, may be in the greatest opposition to God and His truth, if saved, can become some of the greatest champions of the faith. The transformation of the enemies of God into friends of God is the greatest victory of all. This will happen to many if the present followers of Christ will stand up as the champions of the faith we are called to be. We are here now for such a time as this, and it is now our turn.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Christian Leaders Threaten Civil Disobedience if Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Christian Leaders Threaten Civil Disobedience if Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage

Gay marriage supporters rally outside the Supreme Court.
Gay marriage supporters rally outside the Supreme Court. (Reuters)
"We will not obey."
That's the blunt warning a group of prominent religious leaders is sending to the Supreme Court of the United States as they consider same-sex marriage.
"We respectfully warn the Supreme Court not to cross that line," read a document titled, Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriage. "We stand united together in defense of marriage. Make no mistake about our resolve." 
"While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross," the pledge states.
The signees are a who's who of religious leaders including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, National Religious Broadcasters president Jerry Johnson, Pastor John Hagee, and Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse. 
The pledge was co-drafted by Deacon Keith Fournier, a Catholic deacon, and Mat Staver, the founder of Liberty Counsel. Also involved in the document were Rick Scarborough, the president of Vision America Action and James Dobson, the founder of Family Talk Radio. 
"We're sending a warning to the Supreme Court and frankly any court that crosses the line on the issue of marriage," Staver told me.
He said that once same-sex marriage is elevated to the level of protected status—it will transform the face of society and will result in the "beginning of the end of Western Civilization."
"You are essentially saying that boys and girls don't need moms and dads—that moms and dads are irrelevant," Staver said. "Gender becomes pointless when government adopts same-sex marriage. It creates a genderless relationship out of a very gender-specific relationship. It says that it doesn't matter and that two moms or two dads are absolutely equivalent to a mom and a dad."
Dobson said the legalization of same-sex marriage could fracture the nation.
"The institution of marriage is fundamental and it must be defended," he told me. "It's the foundation for the entire culture. It's been in existence for 5,000 years. If you weaken it or if you undermine it—the entire superstructure can come down. We see it as that important."
And that means the possibility of Christians—people of faith—engaging in acts of civil disobedience.
"Yes, I'm talking about civil disobedience," Staver said. "I'm talking about resistance and I'm talking about peaceful resistance against unjust laws and unjust rulings."
That's quite a shocking statement. So I asked Mr. Staver to clarify his remarks.
"I'm calling for people to not recognize the legitimacy of that ruling because it's not grounded in the Rule of Law," he told me. "They need to resist that ruling in every way possible. In a peaceful way—they need to resist it as much as Martin Luther King Jr. resisted unjust laws in his time."
Scarborough said the pledge was meant to be forthright and clear.
"We're facing a real Constitutional crisis if the Supreme Court rules adversely from our perspective on same-sex marriage," he told me. For me there's no option. I'm going to choose to serve the Lord. And I think that thousands of other pastors will take that position and hundreds of thousands—if not millions of Christians."
Scarborough is urging pastors across the nation to sign the pledge. 
He referenced the "outrageous penalties" being assessed against people of faith simply because they don't want to participate in a same-sex union.
An Oregon bakery is facing a $135,000 fine for refusing to make a cake for a lesbian wedding and a Washington State florist faces fines for refusing to participate in a gay wedding.
"Christians are being declared the lawbreakers when we are simply living by what we have always believed, and by a set of laws that the culture historically has agreed to," he said. "Right now the courts are changing the playing field and declaring that what the natural eye can see and natural law reveals is not truth. ... What will we do, and how will we respond?"
Dobson said there's no doubt that LGBT activists are targeting Christian business owners.
"For about 50 years the homosexual community has had as its goal to change the culture, to change the ideology and if necessary—to force people who don't agree by use of the courts," Dobson told me. "I think there's a collision here and we can all see it, and where it's going to go is anybody's guess—but it is serious."
To be clear—the men and women who courageously signed this pledge did so knowing the hell storm that is about to be unleashed on them—and their families.
"We have no choice," Staver told me. "We cannot compromise our clear biblical convictions, our religious convictions.
Todd Starnes is host of "Fox News & Commentary," heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is God Less America.
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Faith Leaders Warn Supreme Court: 'Don't Cross That Line'

Faith Leaders Warn SCOTUS: 'Don't Cross That Line'

A group of prominent Christian leaders are issuing a warning to the Supreme Court. If it legalizes gay marriage, they will not obey.

"We respectfully warn the Supreme Court not to cross that line," read a document titled, "Pledge in Solidarity to Defend Marriage." "We stand united together in defense of marriage. Make no mistake about our resolve."

The pledge goes on to state, "While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross."

The signees include Franklin Graham, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa.

The pledge was co-drafted by Keith Fournier, a Catholic deacon, and Mat Staver, the founder of Liberty Counsel.

They're urging pastors across the nation to sign the pledge.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Supreme Court's Mind Made Up on Gay Marriage?

The Supreme Court's Mind Made Up on Gay Marriage?

WASHINGTON -- Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear cases that will likely determine whether same-sex marriage will become a legal nationwide.
The justices have rolled four cases together that will allow them to decide two questions: must states recognize other states' gay marriages, and does the Constitution require states to allow same-sex marriage?
Some believe the justices have already decided to create that right before hearing the case. But others say the matter is far from decided.
On Wednesday, a panel discussion at the Family Research Council was swimming upstream against conventional thought on the issue.
That is, it's a foregone conclusion that the Supreme Court justices will rule homosexuals have as much of a right to same-sex marriage as heterosexuals do to traditional marriage.
But these panelists pointed out there's evidence the justices won't rubber stamp gay marriage.
"When the lawyers walk into that courtroom on Tuesday morning, they're going to be walking into a situation where there are three-and-a-half justices who've said 'no constitutional right to same-sex marriage' and no justices who've said there is a constitutional right," former Supreme Court Clerk Gene Schaerr said.
One of the more interesting propositions brought up at Wednesday's panel discussion is that maybe the Christians of the world owe it to the homosexuals to point out that their lifestyle is intrinsically wrong.
"Faith actually teaches nothing about hatred toward gays and lesbians; in fact, the opposite.  But it also says the behavior is damaging and harmful to your eternal salvation.   That's the faith teaching," John-Henry Westen, editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews, said.
"But they also know from the empirical evidence that the behavior is damaging to your body as well," he added.
Westen argued that Christians need to say to gays, "We love you enough to tell you this is harmful.  In fact, we'll even take the hater and bigot label so that we can tell you this because we care about you."

Friday, April 10, 2015

Prophetic Bulletin- Message to the Supreme Court by James Robison, James Robison | MorningStar Prophetic Bulletins 2015

Prophetic Bulletin by Rick Joyner

Prophetic Bulletin

- Message to the Supreme Court

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MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #92 - April 8, 2015
         This is concise and clear statement on the implications of the coming Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage could be the biggest blow in recent history to religious freedom in America, and may truly be, as it is being called, "A Bonhoeffer Moment." This is a must read for every Christian in America. – Rick Joyner
            This Tuesday, March 10, I was asked to join more than thirty other deeply concerned church leaders on a conference call. The topic was the marriage and family-damaging decision the Supreme Court may soon make.
            If they follow present cultural trends and rulings of numerous lower courts, by June they will rule against the biblical and historical institution of marriage in favor of what is being called “same-sex marriage.” Below are excerpts from comments and concerns expressed by those who participated in the call.
            These comments have been edited and condensed without compromising the content or concerns. I felt very deeply in my heart that it should be shared with all who are concerned about the obvious assault on faith, family and freedom.

Opening remarks by Rick Scarborough (President – Vision America Action)
            There is a growing concern about the nature of the ruling the Supreme Court will hand down in June on same-sex marriage. We believe that the majority of the Court will rule in favor of elevating what we have always taught to be a sinful lifestyle to the stature of a civil right — forcing us to choose between their ruling and our religious convictions that are based on Scripture. This ruling will conflict with our deeply held conviction and religious belief.
            With the current administration, there is every reason to believe that the Executive Branch will use the full weight of the Federal justice system to enforce this. We must be prepared for that possibility.
            I am speaking as a minister to the moral and biblical ramifications of this expected ruling. This would be a decision as incorrect and as tragic as Dred Scott. Because of the trends and cultural shifts that we have witnessed in culture over the past forty years, we have all known that this day would likely come and Christians would be put at odds with the culture and the courts.
            I believe we are there. We are approaching a Bonhoeffer moment in America.
            Outrageous penalties are now being assessed against people of faith and conviction who haven’t changed their position on marriage. Rather it’s the courts that have changed the definitions, the rules, and laws that now govern us. They are ruling against Nature’s Law and Nature’s God. Christians are being declared the lawbreakers when we are simply living by what we have always believed, and by a set of laws that the culture historically has agreed to.
            My desire as a pastor is to see another Great Awakening, and I pray that those caught up in any sin will find Jesus and God’s grace, but that can only come when there is a biblical standard lifted up and acknowledged as truth. Right now the courts are changing the playing field and declaring that what the natural eye can see and natural law reveals is not truth. Therefore, this is a Bonhoeffer moment. What will we do, and how will we respond?
            The timing of this conference call in coordination with the anniversary of the stand on the bridge in Selma is remarkable. Things do not change if no one stands up and takes the brunt. Right after a word from Dr. Dobson, Mat Staver will walk us through the seriousness of the situation. We must find the mind of God and walk uprightly regardless of the direction of the culture or the Court.

Dr. James Dobson (Founder – Family Talk Radio)
            Thank you, Rick. That was a beautiful statement you made, and it stirs my heart. As Christian leaders, we cannot sit and let our voices go silent when that’s what the rest of the world, Congress, and many other Christian leaders and pastors are doing. We must stand together. Everyone I have talked to here at Family Talk agrees.
            We will be attacked from every direction, and critics will do all they can to weaken and embarrass us, but so what? Are we going to sit on our reputations and go to our graves without having played a role? This is Roe v. Wade all over again. I am standing shoulder to shoulder with all who will stand up for God’s Word concerning marriage. We don’t know all of the steps that must be taken, but God will reveal His will. To the extent that I am able to influence anybody, I will do it with passion.

Mat Staver (Founder – Liberty Counsel)
            I express my thanks to Rick Scarborough and Dr. Dobson. Their comments resonate with all of us. Let me address the seriousness and the basis for engaging with resistance to a Supreme Court decision that could go the wrong way. Once you elevate same-sex marriage to the level of protected status, whether on the federal or the state level, you begin to change and transform the face of society. In my view, it will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization.
            When you make a government policy that says that this is a relationship between humans that is so critical, so fundamental, and so essential to our society and to our future that we are going to protect it by law and surround it with laws and benefits that are designed to protect that relationship as a policy matter, you are taking a big step. You are essentially saying that boys and girls don’t need moms and dads—that moms and dads are irrelevant.
            Gender becomes pointless when government adopts same-sex marriage. It creates a genderless relationship out of a very gender specific relationship. It says that it doesn’t matter and that two moms or two dads are absolutely equivalent to a mom and a dad.
            Immediately, when elevated to that level of a constitutionally protected category, it is given the same status as race. What you cannot legally do with respect to race, you will not be able to do legally with respect to same-sex unions and sexual immorality.
            Think of race in the context of religious expression or conscience expression and replace it with sexual immorality, transsexualism or so-called gender identity. For example, churches and other religious organizations are exempt from the religious discrimination provisions of federal, state, or local nondiscrimination laws. But they are not exempted from the race provisions. So Catholics can hire Catholics, and Baptists can hire Baptists, but they cannot hire only “white” Catholics or only “white” Baptists. They would face significant penalties. You can’t have separate restrooms or drinking fountains for people of a different color. If a church did that, they would be liable for a significant amount of damages because of discrimination on the basis of race.
            Same-sex marriage or laws including sexual orientation or gender identity as a non-discrimination category directly impact religious organizations and churches. If a man wants to use the women’s restroom and a church official told him he could not, then that act would be like telling people of color they cannot use the “white only” restroom. You will also have the same issues with tax exemption over sexual preference as you have now over race.
            Already a Methodist church association in New Jersey lost its property tax exemption status because it refused to allow use of their facilities for a same-sex union. Although the church then obtained a religious exemption instead, it ceased all weddings on its boardwalk pavilion. Bob Jones University lost its tax exemption status because it refused to allow mixed-race dating. They have since abandoned that false doctrinal belief, but they still lost their tax exemption at the Supreme Court. It will not be long if same-sex marriage is adopted that other universities could lose tax exemptions if they maintain a policy based on natural marriage and biblical morality.
            Anything that you can imagine on the basis of race discrimination will apply to this issue of sexual preference. There is a huge collision coming. Those examples will be intensified significantly.
            Roe v. Wade was a time when the church should have said no, regardless of what seven Supreme Court justices said. The difference is Roe was a wrong decision that resulted in a loss of life, but people were not forced to participate. With this issue, people will be forced to participate and affirm it. It will affect licenses for counselors, attorney disciplines, and every licensing profession will be affected.
            In the history of the Supreme Court, they have reversed themselves about 230 times, and other Supreme Court decisions have been overruled by new laws or Constitutional amendments. Two were especially bad decisions. There was the Dred Scott decision in 1857. The Supreme Court told Scott he was not entitled to full citizenship, because people believed that “blacks are inferior human beings.” That was contrary to the Constitution, natural law, and revealed law, but we still went along with it, and we ended up in a civil war.
            Today no one would agree that was right. Why did we obey it then? In the case of Buck v. Bell a lady in Virginia was forcibly sterilized as part of the eugenics movement. This was promoted by Planned Parenthood because they wanted to get rid of the “undesirables,” which according to Planned Parenthood at the time included blacks, the infirmed, and those with low IQs.
            They did this because there was a history of low IQ in her family. The Supreme Court said that there is no justice for her because “three generations of imbeciles” in her family was enough, so they upheld the decision. When the Nazis were put on trial at the Nuremburg trials, they cited the Buck v. Bell decision to justify their use of forced sterilization. To this day, that Supreme Court decision hasn’t been overturned, though no one would justify that decision today. It wasn’t right then, and it isn’t right now.
            In 1992, Planned Parenthood v. Casey was argued in the Supreme Court. During that week they voted, and it was a 5-4 vote to overrule Roe v. Wade. For thirty days William Rehnquist was writing the opinion to overrule it. For those thirty days, O’Connor and Justice David Souter lobbied Justice Anthony Kennedy who was part of the majority to overrule it.
            After thirty days, they broke through, and he wrote a note to a fellow justice Harry Blackmun who wrote the decision in 1973. Kennedy switched his vote, so the Opinion was taken away from Rehnquist and given to another justice. So Roe v. Wade was upheld, rather than overruled. O’Connor said in that Opinion that even if Roe v. Wade was decided wrongly, we have to uphold it because the power of the Court rests solely in the confidence of the people.
            Unlike the executive branch, which enforces the law, or the legislative branch, which enacts the law, she said that the Supreme Court has no power to enforce our law: the only way our orders have enforcement is because the people voluntarily comply. The executive branch must uphold it. Upholding Roe v. Wade was necessary, she argued, to uphold the power of the Court and the confidence of the people that what they do is right. She said in her Opinion that upholding the decision of Roe v. Wade was a necessity to maintain the authority of the Court and the power of the institution.
            Historically we know that Thomas Jefferson would not enforce the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 that President John Adams had signed. Jefferson wrote a letter to Abigail Adams saying, what gives you the idea that the judges have the final authority to be the arbiters of the law? If that were the case, we would have a despotic branch.
            Lincoln advocated disobedience to Dred Scott, and Andrew Jackson advocated disobedience to the banking bill, so it’s not unprecedented that both executives and individuals have said some laws are just and some are unjust.
            Martin Luther King’s argument in “Letter from Birmingham Jail” considered just and unjust laws. Just laws are laws in conformity to higher law we have a duty to obey. We also have a duty to disobey laws that are against higher law but be prepared for the consequences of the wrath of the civil authorities. We still cannot obey the unjust laws.
            In 2004, same-sex marriage came to Massachusetts. Catholic charities refused to place orphans in same-sex homes, so they stopped doing adoptions. What they should have done, and now what we should do, is to say we are called on a mission and that is to place orphans in homes with moms and dads. We will not run from that calling, but we will also not violate our consciences and The Bible by placing them in a place that is sinful and immoral. If you disagree with it, bring your civil authority after us because we will not voluntarily cease with our calling.
            The photographer out in New Mexico, the baker in Oregon, Washington florist Barronelle Stutzman—they are all facing the same thing. We either all stand together, or we hang separately. This is indeed a Bonhoeffer moment. They might be able to pick us off individually, but collectively they can’t. Whenever someone gets targeted, we must gather around them and say no.
            In Alabama, the Supreme Court has made a decision to refuse to enforce same-sex marriage (read the decision at When you read the decision, you don’t get the impression that the Alabama Supreme Court justices are waiting for the June decision to see what the U.S. Supreme Court decides. They are making their stand now that they will not go along with it, and their minds won’t be changed.
            It’s one thing to say you will stand; it’s another to withstand the fines and the potential of loss of your entire livelihood (such as Barronelle Stutzman). We must collectively support and stand with them and say we will not cross that line. We need to let them know now where we stand. Tell them now that if they cross that line, they will become an illegitimate institution, that the Supreme Court will lose the respect of the American people and therefore lose its authority.
— James Robison is the Founder and Publisher of The Stream (
Prophetic Bulletin- Message to the Supreme Court by James Robison, James Robison | MorningStar Prophetic Bulletins 2015