Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Dr. James Dobson (Facebook/Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk)
It's easy to recognize the intense spiritual war going on in the U.S. right now. It shows up in our politics, our media, our classrooms and even our families. And as believers, we can't afford to ignore it.
In Charisma's November cover story, titled "The Spiritual Struggle for the Soul of America," I write about this war and how believers must respond if we want to see our nation choose a righteous path again. I believe the insights I share in that article will bless you, but since the article is so long and in-depth, I split it into three parts. In my last two Strang Reports (Part 1and Part 2 of the article), I wrote about John Kilpatrick's prophetic word about Jezebel warring against Trump and Chuck Pierce's prophetic exhortation to align with God's will for this nation.
Today I want to share with you the final part of my print article, in which I share Dr. James Dobson's take on our culture's spiritual war. Dr. Dobson, founder of Family Talk Radio, is widely respected, so I was grateful to interview him for my latest book, Trump Aftershock. He says the solution to the culture war is spiritual.
"Most of the contentious issues that divide us are rooted in Scripture and theology," Dobson says. "Those of us on the conservative side aren't dealing with mere differences of opinion. We are trying to live by standards that are eternal and 'God-breathed.' Those principles are not negotiable. We must, however, defend them within the context of love for our fellow human beings. That is a given for followers of Jesus Christ. Our task is to defend our beliefs without insulting or wounding those with whom we disagree."
America stands again at a precipice. God is leading us to make better choices, just as He did with Israel. Moses and his people continued to wander in their comfortable, desolate wilderness and missed God's direction.
Here's what you can do now:
Get involved. Speak up to friends and family. Complain when media or others espouse principles that violate Judeo-Christian beliefs. Get your pastor to mobilize your church to be involved. Join other interceptors. There are many groups. I recommend ... read more
There are three actions Christians can take to impact America. Hear how you need to vote, become a Christian activist and to pray.
Host Stephen Strang shares these actions Dr. James Dobson gave him in an interview for his book "Trump Aftershock" and in the November issue of Charisma magazine.
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Strang Report podcastHot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and International politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach. Join host Steve Strang, founding editor and publisher of Charisma magazine, as he discusses these topics and challenges you to know what Christians are experiencing nationally and globally. Listen now
Powerful social movements and passions are "blowing in the wind," and most of them have dangerous implications for the institution of the family, religious liberty, our children and unborn babies and the country at large. The ship of state, on which we all are passengers, is steaming into uncharted waters, and the midterm elections occurring on Nov. 6 will determine its course for decades to come.
Christians must go to the polls tomorrow and let their voices be heard! Turnout will determine the outcome. What will you do about it? Will you sit out this election? God help us if you and I fail to fulfill our moral responsibility. We, the voters, have it within our power to protect our Constitution, preserve our system of government, and secure the blessings of liberty for us and our posterity.
Will you, my brothers and sisters, take 30 minutes to go to the polls? Before doing that, I ask you to become familiar with the issues so you can cast an informed vote. And even before you do that, bow humbly and prayerfully before our merciful Lord and ask Him to guide how you make the choices that appear on the ballot. Do everything you can to influence this election.
Dr. James Dobson founded the James Dobson Family Institute.
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When I grew up, homeschooling was almost unheard of. At first it was controversial; now it's becoming more mainstream. The state of Florida, where I live, actually encourages parents to homeschool and provides all kinds of taxpayer-funded resources to help.
As our culture is becoming increasingly secular and as prayer has been taken out of public school and so on, public schools have changed from being fairly neutral to Christianity (as they were when I attended) to being downright hostile. Not only is the worldview definitely not Christian, but in many places, public educators are actually pushing the gay agenda. What's a Christian parent to do?
E. Ray Moore of Columbia, South Carolina, has the answer. Since the early 1980s, he's been leading the Exodus Mandate, calling on parents to make an exodus from what he calls the "government school." He encourages parents either to put their kids in private Christian school or to homeschool them.
This call is beginning to attract attention. Recently, Dr. James Dobson interviewed Moore on his "Family Talk" radio program, which gave Moore's ministry a huge amount of credibility. It's a very interesting interview that you can listen to here.
This week, I caught up with Moore, whom I originally got to know through the Trump for President campaign, to talk to him about his interview with Dr. Dobson and why he believes it is so important to educate our children with Christian values. That's an extremely difficult proposition for parents of children in public schools, which pull their kids in the opposite direction.
Below, you can click on our podcast and listen to us discuss our own experiences. We also explore today's trends in public education as well as those of private Christian schools and homeschools.
I applaud Ray Moore for the leadership he is giving. I urge you to get involved and to check his website at
Do you agree with him? Please leave your comments and share this with friends whom you believe would be interested.
Following President-Elect Donald Trump's victory in Tuesday's general election, Dr. James Dobson has issued the following statement:
Shirley and I would like to congratulate President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence on their hard fought victory. We believe this outcome is good for America, and it could not come at a more critically important hour.
Trump's victory is a reaffirmation of the importance the American people place on religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and a conservative judiciary.
The American people have spoken clearly, and in so doing they have affirmed yet again our founding fathers' vision for America. It remains as true today as it has ever been, "In God We Trust."
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Every four years, when Americans head to the polls to choose our next president, it's easy, and frankly common, to label each election as "the most important in our lifetime."
However, given the unprecedented nature of this current presidential contest, that statement is finally proven true. Each candidate proposes radically divergent visions for the future of our country, making 2016 a great turning point in the history of America.
What hangs in the balance is not only who will occupy the White House, but the many down-ballot candidates and initiatives, our constitutional right to religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, the meaning of marriage and the composition and nature of our entire judiciary. This election could represent a point of no return for many of the issues Americans hold dear.
As Christians, we cannot and must not leave the future of our country to chance. I beg you, the American voter, to go to the polls on November 8th and make your voice heard. The fate of the country depends on it.
Dr. James Dobsonis a celebrated psychologist, Christian leader, and Founder and President of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, "Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk." He is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family. Dr. Dobson served as an associate clinical professor of pediatrics at theUniversity of Southern California School of Medicine for 14 years and on the attending staff ofChildren's Hospital of Los Angeles for 17 years. He has been active in governmental affairs and has advised three U.S. presidents on family matters. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (1967) in the field of child development. He holds 17 honorary doctoral degrees, and was inducted in 2008 into The National Radio Hall of Fame.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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A Christian Pastor’s Analysis of the U.S. Election Drama
By: Dr. James Dobson
Is Trump good for America? I mentioned Sunday that I would speak on this next week. Unfortunately, I found that I was shoehorning this topic into my planned message. To properly present what I want to speak on Sunday, I may have to leave the Donald out of it!
But let me take a minute for those that wonder and give some of my thoughts.
When I first heard that Trump (DT) was entering the race last year, I told my wife that perhaps it was a good thing for the party and America. I knew that he was not a "saint," but I thought that he would be like a bull in a china shop.
He is a disrupt-er and I believe America could use a fresh thinker especially in the political arena. I didn't think he would get the nomination, but that he would shake up politics as usual. I was correct on the shaking up!
Lance Wallnau likens him to a biblical Cyrus. Someone who is dynamically used of God even though not perceived by many as a God follower. God has used many people in history that I would probably not like or agree with.
I’m not sure I would have liked all the disciples, or David, or Moses. Somehow, God did not seem compelled to consult with me on His choices!
I have always admired Winston Churchill. He is seen as one of the greatest national leaders in the 20th century. Last year, I had the privilege of going through the War Museum in London. Winston is a key feature. His life is controversial. He was not always celebrated as a great leader. He was a bombastic, cigar smoking, at times crude, even misogynistic leader.
It is alleged that he told off color stories to his children before bedtime! A woman once told him he was disgustingly drunk. His response was "My dear, you are disgustingly ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly!"
There are many websites that discuss the outlandish comments and activities of this great world leader. But, he had exactly what was needed to stop Hitler at the Channel, to rouse a nation to never give up and to partner with America to find final victory in Europe. You probably wouldn't want him as your pastor, maybe not even your father, but he was the right leader for that moment in England's history.
Such a brazen man that would go up to the roof of his quarters in central London and smoke cigars as Hitler’s air force bombed all around him. I’m not sure I would have voted for him.... but he was the right man!
I think it would be awesome to have a righteous leader, one that understood the intricacies of the economy, health care, defense, immigration, with great sensitivity to religious institutions, a heart for the poor, a vision for the future. If that leader was a praying person, formidable in the word of God and loved the local church, I would rejoice! I do not think that is the choice we will have in November.
Instead....we will look for someone who is imperfect, yet will fit the times we are living in. Particularly, that ‘whoever’ we vote for, will be someone who might possibly have the opportunity to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices. That could radically shape our culture in America for the next 30 years.
The America of our grandchildren could be very different....and that may not be good. We cannot stand on the sidelines. A non-vote is a passive vote for a direction we may very well regret. Donald Trump good for America? I honestly believe that he has been already. He has shaken the political system. Do his comments offend me? At times! Do I agree with all he says? Not at all! But could he be a “Cyrus” being raised up by God to preserve America?
Nobody liked Gen. Patton, but he sure WAS an instrument of the United States for the right things.
This I know. I will vote for the best chance for America. I will pray for our leaders as I have already. In the end - God will continue to be my source and my hope. I do believe that God has had a hand in America's history.
I hope and pray that He will also have a saving hand in America’s future.
I shudder when I think of the caliber of HILLIARY’S APPOINTEES.
Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, founder and president of Family Talk, a ministry that promotes principles that support marriage, family, and child development and the radio program "Family Talk with Dr. James Dobson" has endorsed Donald Trump for president.
Here is the full text of Dr. James Dobson's personal endorsement of Donald Trump for president.
"I have decided to endorse Donald J. Trump for president of the United States, not only because of my great concern about Hillary Clinton. I am supporting Mr. Trump primarily because I believe he is the most capable candidate to lead the United States of America in this complicated hour. I am also very enthusiastic by the selection of Gov. Mike Pence as Mr. Trump's running mate. Together, I believe they will make America great again.
"Mr. Trump has been unwavering in his commitment to issues that are important to evangelicals such as myself. In particular, I have been heartened by his pledge to appoint conservative Supreme Court justices, preserve religious liberty, rebuild the military and defend the sanctity of human life. On the issue of abortion, I choose not to evaluate him based on his past position but rather on what he says are his current convictions. I believe God can change the hearts and minds of people and I celebrate when they support principles of righteousness.
"Without a doubt, my decision to endorse Mr. Trump has been influenced by the way his children speak of him as a father. As a psychologist and a family counselor, I have spent my life equipping and resourcing families. One thing I have observed is that you cannot make a child talk about his or her parents the way Donald Trump's children speak of him. That is one of a man's most significant affirmations.
"Of course, I make this endorsement in my personal capacity and not on behalf of any organization. Though I can tell you most evangelicals I know have decided for various reasons that they will really have only have one choice for president, and that is Donald J. Trump. I believe it's a good choice. America needs strong and competent leadership."
Dr. Dobson also recently shared with Christianity Today why he is voting for Donald Trump and his concerns about a Hillary Clinton presidency, with his permission we excerpt his article here.
What are the strongest arguments for a Christian to support Donald Trump for the US presidency?
First, let me say that I will respond to your questions as a private individual and not as a representative of the organization I lead.
I don't vote for candidates or political parties. I support those who will lead the country righteously, honorably and wisely. In many ways, this is a single-issue election because it will affect every dimension of American life: the makeup of the Supreme Court. Antonin Scalia's sudden death made this election the most significant of our lifetime. The next president will nominate perhaps three or more justices whose judicial philosophy will shape our country for generations to come.
Unelected, unaccountable, and imperialistic justices have a history of imposing horrendous decisions on the nation. One decision that still plagues us is Roe v. Wade, imposed on America in 1973. It divided the nation and has led to the murders of 54 million innocent babies. This killing goes on every day.
That leads us to ask what the judiciary will look like in a Trump administration. I attended a June 2016 event called "A Conversation with Donald Trump" in New York, with more than 1,000 other religious leaders. Before the meeting, 30 of us met Trump in a private session in Trump Tower. Most were evangelicals or conservative Catholics. I asked the candidate about his concerns regarding religious liberty.
I liked that he promised us emphatically that he will work to protect our religious liberties. He has since released a list of potential Supreme Court nominees that is stellar. We must pray that, if elected, he will keep his word.
Trump's selection of Governor Mike Pence as his running mate was a hugely encouraging decision. I've been a personal friend of Gov. Pence for more than 30 years. He is pro-life, pro–traditional marriage, a godly family man, a solid conservative, and a competent leader. There is no politician whom I respect more.
Many supporters of Trump believe that Clinton would be a disaster for the country. What are your concerns about Clinton?
My greatest concern is related again to the judiciary. Clinton has said she will seek to overturn religious liberty and bring the power of government against people of faith. She has made this clear on many occasions, including a comment she made during the Women in the World Summit in 2015.
Laws about "reproductive health care" and safe childbirth "have to be backed up with resources and political will," Clinton said. "And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed."
"Reproductive health care" is a euphemism for abortion, so that threat should send chills down the backs of every true believer in Jesus. It blatantly contradicts guarantees of the U.S. Constitution. We dare not give ultimate power to anyone who does not respect or feel limited by this historic document. It is the basis for all the freedoms handed to us by the founding fathers.
I'm convinced that with the wrong president, we will soon see a massive assault on religious liberty. Certain powerful groups and organizations seek to weaken the church of Jesus Christ and limit what pastors and ministers can say and do publicly. They believe some of our teachings represent "hate speech" and must be stifled. They seek to severely restrict the freedoms of Christian schools, nonprofit organizations, businesses, hospitals, charities, and seminaries. With Christian colleges and universities, they want to limit whom their leaders choose as professors and what their students will be taught. Government funding and accreditation will be in the crosshairs, and you can be sure that home schools will be targeted.
We at Family Talk have experienced this tyranny firsthand. The Department of Health and Human Services has mandated that Family Talk and many other Christian nonprofits cover contraceptives known as abortifacients in their healthcare plans. They include the morning-after pill and other medications that are known to prevent embryos from implanting in the uterus. They can be baby killers, and we consider them immoral. The Feds have forced us to sue to find relief. We are now in a federal lawsuit that may be decided by the Supreme Court. If we lose our case and refuse to comply, we'll face ruinous fines and will be forced to close our doors. It all will depend on five attorneys who sit on the Court.
There are many other concerns about Clinton's candidacy. She has proposed to pay for abortions in countries around the world, including generous funding for Planned Parenthood, and she is committed to the most radical demands of the LGBTQ agenda, to name but two.
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Dr. James Dobson: Donald Trump Has Accepted Christ
Is Donald Trump a born-again Christian? According to a well-respected evangelical faith leader, the answer is "Yes." (Reuters photo)
Donald Trump, according to a new report, has accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
No, you didn't accidentally click on The Onion. That's a factual statement, according to a well-respected evangelical faith leader.
Dr. James Dobson, who was among the more than 900 evangelical faith leaders who met with the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting in New York City, says it happened fairly recently. He also said he knew who led the businessman to Christ.
"I don't know when it was, but it has not been long," Dobson told Godfactor's Michael Anthony in an exclusive interview. "I believe he really made a commitment, but he's a baby Christian. We all need to be praying for him, especially if there's a possibility of him being our next chief executive officer."
"I think that he's open," he added. "He doesn't know our language, he really doesn't, and he refers a lot to religion and not much to faith and belief."
To that, Anthony responded, "I imagine Saul, when he became Paul, didn't know the language, either."
"Yeah, well you've got to cut him some slack. He didn't grow up like we did," Dobson responded. "I think there's hope for him, and I think there's hope for us. I have great concerns about the next election."
Dobson said he was in the "small group" of 40 faith leaders who met with Trump earlier in the day at Trump Tower, and that he had a chance to interact directly with the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting.
"He's a lot nicer guy than you [think]," he said. "I think he is listening. There were a lot of people ministering to him personally."
Dobson also praised the event, during which he said faith leaders were "genuinely seeking the Lord's direction" in the things Trump was saying.
"He's sometimes kind of obscure in the way that he answers questions, and we wanted to ask him directly, with follow-up questions," he said. "We got a chance to do that."
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Dr. James Dobson, founder and president of Family Talk, has announced his endorsement for President of the United States. Among the most influential advisers on matters of family in the U.S., his support for a candidate is seen as a big boost for any candidate. (Video Screenshot Image)
Love For His People Editor's Note: Please see my comments following this article.
Dr. James Dobson Makes His Presidential Endorsement
When Dr. James Dobson speaks, most evangelical Christians listen. As the founder and president of Family Talk, which produces a radio program heard on 1300 outlets around the world and on the Internet, he commands a very large audience.
In other words, his endorsement carries a lot of weight, particularly in presidential politics.
Dobson put his weight behind U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), endorsing the presidential candidate's campaign. Among the nation's most trusted advisers on marriage, child development, and the family he was quick to point out the senator's record on religious liberty, life, and marriage was "second to none" in the current GOP field.
"I have met with the senator on multiple occasions: he is brilliant, articulate, and informed," Dobson said. "Shirley and I have been praying for a leader such as this, and we are confident that Ted Cruz has the moral and spiritual foundations to lead our nation with excellence. Speaking as private individuals, we urge conservatives and people of faith to join us in supporting his race for the presidency."
Dobson has advised three presidents on matters pertaining to marriage and the family and is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to preserving and equipping families. His wife Shirley is chairwoman of The National Day of Prayer Task Force, which sponsors tens of thousands of prayer gatherings, gathering millions of Americans together in prayer for the nation.
"Dr. Dobson has mentored and encouraged three generations of American families," Cruz said. "Dr. Dobson's wisdom and common sense have inspired health and healing in millions of lives. He has rallied people around the world with a vision for happy marriages and beautiful home life. I am deeply grateful for Dr. Dobson's gift to the world—he has been a voice of hope and a guide to many of us, and I am thrilled to have his support."
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Love For His People Editor's Note: I highly respect Dr. James Dobson and his leadership. His books on raising children were read and adhered to by my wife and I as we raised our four kids during the 1980's and 1990's. His earlier radio program, Focus on the Family, has had tremendous impact on our nation.
We certainly appreciate and respect Dr. Dobson's choice. The Republicans have several good choices, and we are listening! As citizens of the USA, who also believe in the Lord Jesus, each of us needs to stand up and speak out. Don't believe lies that some who are involved in our media and elected government officials would say as otherwise; whether locally, statewide or nationally. We have as much right to write, speak, and influence as the next citizen. Noone cannot and will not prevent us from doing just that. The US Constitution does not prevent any US Christian citizens from fully participating in the political election process. Some have taken the "separation of church and state" concept and absolutely misconstrued it in our time to mean the very opposite of what our Founding Fathers intended. We CERTAINLY have the right to declare in our churches and other gathering areas our stance on all matters of life and living in the USA. Don't be deceived by those who would threaten otherwise. Our nation's freedom of speech laws were set in place in the founding years of the United States of America. From the very beginning, these and other laws allow us to voice our opinion, just as others have that right also. So be informed. Speak up and speak out. Be seeking the Lord for His election choices. Be involved in the political process, and vote when that time comes. I most certainly will be too.
Steve Martin,Founder/Writer/Editor Love For His People blog