Showing posts with label gifts of the Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gifts of the Holy Spirit. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2016

THE GOD OF STRATEGY - Morris E. Ruddick SIGN (Strategic Intercession Global Network)


(c) Morris E. Ruddick
"Then David gave Solomon the plans for all that he had by the Spirit. 'All this,' said David, 'the Lord made me understand in writing, by His hand upon me, all the works of these plans.'" 1 Chronicles 28: 11,12,19
One of the greatest virtues of God's game-changers has been the ability to respond to current developments in a manner that resets the course of the future.
When David was made King and brought all Israel together, the clan of Issachar served as his special advisors. Their gift was in understanding the times in order to know what should be done. They were the planners and forecasters. They evaluated and they made predictions.
The tribe of Issachar served as the observers of the dynamics and trends tied to the events of the day. Together with the prophetic insights and David's abilities to discern the heart and intentions of the Lord, the result combined as a gift to the community. The opening scripture then describes how David captured in writing these matters he got from the Lord for the next generation. All together, they combined as the elements forming the strategies shaping Israel's future.
The Components
So it is that in this time of global turbulence, we see the unfolding of the restoration of the components of this cooperative effort between the Lord and those who are called by His name. The Lord is the God of strategy.
It includes the restoration of the anointing of Issachar to discern the times and advance change. It combines shrewd evaluation with prediction, but is ultimately driven by the prophetic. It manifests with the actions of game-changers.
When out of balance it represents analysis that results in interim, albeit man-made efforts. When properly enshrouded in the prophetic it becomes revelation that predestines the future ordained by God.
This grasp of anticipating the future, which merges forecasting and the prophetic into God's plans for the future, is a vital differentiating factor between God's game-changers and those whose impact of leadership may simply be less than global in nature. It is encased by a big-picture outlook that triggers the application of the diversity of gifts to spawn the type of change that challenges the status quo.
The Gifts
Throughout the history of God's people, the Lord has given gifts to men. These gifts have combined natural "gifts" or abilities with spiritual ones. For the game-changers, more often than not, they've been applied during times of duress, enhancing their dependency on God. The application then, guided by the God of strategy, eclipsed by the prophetic, has been the catalyst for paving the direction of societal change.
It represents the discipline of the process in reaching for God in concert with the action needed to implement God's prophetic strategies. It defines the heroes of faith. In viewing the primary feats of the heroes of faith, we observe a progression of strategy.
Abraham began the legacy by his sensitivity to God and radically obeying God's voice. He honored God with his willingness to get out of the box by leaving everything familiar to him. He established the community model for God's people to live in self-sufficiency, as a people of God. Isaac's response to God amid a time of famine unveiled the secret of God's economy. He supernaturally prospered through God, gaining the respect of the regional power-brokers observing him.
Joseph demonstrated how stewardship and an identity and faith in God can influence and release God's authority to harness the spiritual climate and resources of a pagan society. Joseph then managed the largest wealth transfer the world had ever seen.
Moses outlined the framework for the Abrahamic model to inoculate God's own from the subtle wickedness of the world and become a society of the righteous, living for God. David demonstrated the leadership response to God's guidance and then shaped a society of diverse factions into a Kingdom of God's people, that would prompt awe for God and His people from all those around them.
Each involved strategies that changed the course of events for the people of God. Jesus then raised the bar to the challenge of strategy and opened the gates to the authority that governs cultures, economies and seats of power. In so doing He set up the Kingdom standard for applying righteous power in a corrupt world.
The Uniqueness
For each it involved understanding the times and knowing what to do, not as an analytical precept, but as a strategy discerned and acted on from the heart of God.
When game-changers such as these go into action, the change begins with a shift in the spiritual climate. In each instance spiritual climate change came as a result of the response of God's people interacting with and obeying Him. The implementation of God's strategies then influences a mix of the cultural, the economic and of power. Technology-advances factor in as accelerators to the change. The status quo is both the blind-spot and the resistance in the application of God's strategies for change.
However, beyond the role of the game-changing heroes of faith, there is another way to look at the impact of the God of strategy. It is the change brought about by the community of those known by His name. God's heart has always sought for it to be His people who would respond to His path of strategy, becoming as a light on a hill.
If we fast-forward to the book of Revelation, in between the lines is the story of the people of God, together with the angelic hosts experiencing this pathway of oneness with Him. It is God's strategy triggering the final face-off with and death-throes of the forces of darkness and its minions.
The Tripping Point
What has made the heroes of faith stand out from the crowd has been their ability to determine and act on the tipping points rather than the tripping points. They have been the ones unconstrained by the spiritual myopia that has plagued far too many. 
Today, one of greatest challenges and sources of confusion is the Body's grasp of the prophetic. Despite God's intention of the prophetic being the tipping point, instead it too often has become wrought with clutter and short-sighted prognostications.
The prophetic is not an analysis or consensus. It is the heart of God acted on that comprises the strategy of God. More often than not, it comes to the forefront in the midst of times of turmoil. It is the foundation for God's unfolding will that reshapes the economic, cultural and power factors driving the course of events in the world.
However, with the shift materializing that changes the spiritual climate, the factors that should be the tipping point instead become the tripping point: namely the dimensions of the cultural, the economic and of power. In other words, there has been a tendency to major in the minor things and miss the focus that ought to be given to major, big-picture things.
Within the cultural is one's worldview. Across Christendom today there is a subtle skewing of doctrinal precepts interpreted through the prism of a Western worldview. This blended perspective not only dilutes the power of God, but impedes the change intended within the cultural setting.
Within the economic setting is much the same thing. Success and money create a blinding to the realities of the economic infrastructures that hinders the change needed to be acted on in those infrastructures. This Western "overshadowing" is evidenced even in Israel. It influences believers on all corners of the globe.
It is the same in seats of power. As the changes in the world's framework accelerates the manifestation of the age-old challenge to God and His people is again rearing its head. The power shift underway is being driven by distorted views of cultural or economic models that may have shaped past exploits. This myopia and confusion has penetrated the ranks of God's people, impeding the amassing of the prayers and the move of God needed to precipitate the real shift of power and God's strategy. 
The root snares among the community of faith have long been and continue to be the desire to be like everyone else. Among the leaders in Jesus' day, it was the idols in their minds that came with the seduction of power. For God's people both the identity and the strategy must be in and from God.
The Tipping Point
The need is for what makes the Lord to be the God of strategy in the cultural, the economic and power structures. The call is for those known by His name, in humility, crying out to Him for the hunger that will bring forth His presence and intervention. Israel is the focal point, with the people of God seeking His face with the right focus.
In both 1948 and 1967, the crucible of the shift in the spiritual climate has manifested with war in Israel, accompanied by significant moves of God in the Body. These dynamics have changed the equilibrium of the equation. These are a part of the birth pangs.
Yet the carry-through to the tipping point ushering in the strategy impacting the cultural, economic and that of power requires more. This is where the way of the Kingdom, Jesus' central earthly message, combined with maturity in the prophetic becomes critical to God's way of strategy. It is where the premise of "he who loves his life will lose it, but he who hates his life will gain it" becomes significant.
Times of revival or renewal in the Lord are not driven by seeking ideals or their conception of solutions, but rather the One who creates the ideals and solutions. When we abandon our comfort zones and precepts, it demands a humility and commitment to His pathways. This humility and unreserved commitment to the God of strategy opens the gates and paves the way for the new thing God seeks to release among us.
"Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. I will shake the nations, so that they will come with the wealth of the nations and fill this house with glory." Haggai 2:6-7
It is the simple things that confound the wise. A wall-hanger in my office states: "Seek not after ministry, but after the fruits of a disciplined life." When combined with the words of Jesus, "seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these other things will be added," it incorporates the pathway needed for God's strategy of change.
We have reached a climax in which the change needed will only come from the God of strategy. God's change will shake up the status quo. It will bring restoration of His ancient paths and release the power that raised Jesus from the dead. It will trigger the mantle dormant within the covenant descendents of Abraham.
"What will their acceptance be, but life from the dead." Romans 11:15
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from, and
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your congregation on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.
2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization

Monday, February 1, 2016

Theresa Phillips: "A Rise of Defiant Ones for the Kingdom" THE ELIJAH LIST

Theresa Phillips: "A Rise of Defiant Ones for the Kingdom"

THE ELIJAH LIST  Jan 31, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
My friend Theresa Phillips has some of the most deep encounters with the you'll read below. Just reading this should make us all hunger for more ourselves!
We really are in a time of seeing the power of God move as never before in this new season...many have been saying this!
Theresa shares this exciting word from the Lord:
"The gifts of the Spirit are about to EXPLODE with many signs and wonders. I will begin to use those who have surrendered to My presence at will! I will use the aged to the very young. I will use men, women, and children – I will even use that cat and that dog. Yes, I am going to speak in various ways and do many new things!
Let the Lord make ALL THINGS NEW for you in this season!
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.
Friends, this truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase the full message sets in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to:
PLUS: HEY! Please EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts at:

What is God Going to Do in this New Day? (Hint: It has to do with the gifts of the Spirit)
I sat in the church. I was just thinking, when I saw the hand of the Lord come down on the people. It was such a blessing to see Him touching the ones assembled, when I noticed something amazing...a flash in His hand, like a spark. I knew right then and there we had shifted into a new realm, a new day, a new atmosphere. It was amazing.
I could sense Holy Spirit was about to speak, and He did!
"I am releasing great exploits of signs and wonders and miracles in the next season. I am about to show Myself an extraordinary GOD who loves to lavishly spoil My children."
I then started to see the number nine...yes, a "9," as if it was a hologram, in the room. I sensed His presence stronger. Wow, the power gifts of the Spirit are nine in number! My heart was beating so fast! I was getting really thrilled at this Presence, which I was watching engulf us, when then...I heard more: (Photo via Pixabay)
"The gifts of the Spirit are about to EXPLODE with many signs and wonders. I will begin to use those who have surrendered to My presence at will! I will use the aged to the very young. I will use men, women, and children – I will even use that cat and that dog. Yes, I am going to speak in various ways and do many new things!
"Oh, get ready, Church, for I love you to LIFE, and life beyond the now."

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 9
About seeing the number 9, here is some information (according to
Used 49 times in Scripture, the number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. Christ died at the 9th hour of the day, or 3 p.m., to make the way of salvation open to everyone. The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is the only one of God's annual Feast days of worship that requires Believers to fast for one day. This special day, considered by many Jews to be the holiest of the year, begins at sunset on the 9th day of the seventh Hebrew month (Leviticus 23:32).
Nine also represents the fruits of God's Holy Spirit, which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). (For more meanings on the number nine from click here.)
"I Will Raise Up My Warriors to Pray, Fast, and Drive Out the Enemy"
"I know the afflictions have been many, and I am sorrowful over them. Yet I am awakening My people, yes, those who will arise and take My Kingdom by force. 
Yes, for My Heavenly Kingdom is suffering a violent attack, and I will raise up My warriors to pray, to fast, and to drive out the enemy. I am giving Spirit-led strategies to do this.
"Get ready, those of you who have been waiting...for here I AM. I will show you how to overtake the enemies of our Kingdom. Listen and do.
"The weapons will be new. They will be released, for they have been forged on the anvils which are in the Heavens. Prepare yourself. Arm yourself. Gird yourself. For I have need of you! 
(Photo via Pixabay)
"Don't shake your head in despair. Lift up your head, O ye gates; lift up, you everlasting doors."
Psalm 24:7 Lift up your heads, you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.
"Yes, I am releasing a wave of glory (My divine presence) that will cause a humbling and an excitement at the same time. This glory cannot be reproduced. It cannot be faked. It will be Me," says the Lord,"and man cannot deny it, though many will try, then their knee will bend.
What are the Spirit-Led Strategies the Lord Will Give?
"I am about to share with some of My prophets strategies of winning. Yes, the winner's circle is nearby, and you will see in the elections ahead a major shift BECAUSE I have caused the prayer of the righteous to BE HEARD. Have you felt it? Sensed it? The prayer language has shifted from the needs of man to the needs of Heaven. I am crying over you and through you.
"The violent men have been radical, but many of them will be tamed but not converted. Do not confuse this. Unless they confess Me, they are not converted. Look for conversions, not a taming. Wisdom, cry out for wisdom.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"For the next six months I will send Holy Spirit to speak in small congregations and large. It will be noised abroad all over the world. The Kingdom is suffering.
"Now I shall give you but a few weeks rest. Then when you hear the call, arise and do what I bid you do...and watch Me move through the land," says the Lord.
Matthew 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it.
"My Heavenly realm is being mocked and driven, as if to be paraded like a lamb to the slaughter.
"You see, I shall stir My brothers and sisters with power and insight to defend My realm. They will use the gifts of My Spirit to gain the attention of the world. 
(Photo by Jennifer Page "Love's Preservation"via
"Remember, a new wave of My glory will fall, and many will be under this weighty power for some time. While under this presence, they will see the miraculous they had only heard about.
"NO longer will we say, 'Oh, I heard that before.' Many will begin to say, 'I have seen and now I believe.' For once, many were unbelieving; now they will believe and go forth and show the world who I Am," says the Lord.
Let's Pray!
Pray with me: "Dear Lord, I am willing to be Yours. I surrender all I am and will be to You. I ask You to allow me and each reader to be used in this wave of glory – Your presence. O, Lord, I surrender my past mistakes and pray for fast conviction when I make new ones. O Lord, then Forgiver of all, My Redeemer, and My King, use me for Your glory, in Jesus' name. Amen."
Dr. Theresa Phillips
Founder and Chief, Editor, Global Prophetic Voice

Dr. Theresa Phillips is Senior Pastor and founder of Kingdom Global Impact Center and Dean of Praise Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. She is known as a prophet to many nations, is an itinerate speaker, author of 22 books, and has been featured on many prophetic sites. She is the owner and managing editor of Global Prophetic Voice and the developer of Royal Scents A Kings Oil. Her ministry spans more than 28 years, seeing many signs and wonders, including eight risen from the dead. Her knowledge of God's glory and His ever-advancing monarchy of Heaven is known by many.
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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bobby Conner: "Divine Power For Purpose – Let's Be Power Hungry For All The Right Reasons!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Bobby Conner: "Divine Power For Purpose – Let's Be Power Hungry For All The Right Reasons!"

Jan 24, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I appreciate prophetic voices and Fathers in the Faith like Bobby Conner. I know that Bobby takes time to spend with the Lord to get clear prophetic words and direction from God...we need great Fathers and voices like Bobby Conner!
In Bobby's article'll learn a great deal about the POWER that God has made available to you – to be released in this day and hour.
Bobby shares:
Christ Jesus has set the bar extremely high, and we are called and commissioned to do the works that He did as well as even greater works. We are living in the greatest time of history, for we have been given a dynamic release of power to accomplish the purposes of God. This is a historic time, for "His-story" is being proclaimed in a powerful way across the earth.
Get ready to do "the greater works!"
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.
Friends, this truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase the full message sets in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to: PLUS: HEY! Please EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts at:

God spoke these extremely exciting and electrifying words to me: "My people are becoming power hungry for all the right reasons!" Many in the Church are tired of business as usual, and they are not going to settle for mere talk. Paul states this very clearly:
"For the Kingdom of God is not based on talk but on power." 1 Corinthians 4:20 (AMP)
A desperate cry asking for revealed revelation of God's holy presence is coming forth from many in the Church.
"Let Your work [the signs of Your power] be revealed to Your servants, and Your [glorious] majesty to their children. And let the beauty and delightfulness and favor of the Lord our God be upon us; confirm and establish the work of our hands—yes, the work of our hands, confirm and establish it." Psalm 90:16-17(AMP)
We are desperate to see the works of God not the polished performance of human effort. It is time for followers of Christ to display and demonstrate the mighty power of God! (Photo via Pixabay)
"And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (NKJV)
This passage is paramount. Paul makes sure we don't miss the centricity of Christ. Notice how the Message Bible states this passage:
"You'll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to let you in on God's master stroke, I didn't try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest philosophy. I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified. 
I was unsure of how to go about this, and felt totally inadequate—I was scared to death, if you want the truth of it—and so nothing I said could have impressed you or anyone else. But the Message came through anyway. God's Spirit and God's power did it, which made it clear that your life of faith is a response to God's power, not to some fancy mental or emotional footwork by me or anyone else."
The Holy Spirit is truly anointing the Body of Christ in an unprecedented manner in these days. The Church is discovering that the gifts of the Spirit are tools, not toys. Believers are realizing that they cannot fulfill their role in the purposes of God unless they have His power.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Christ Jesus declares without Him we can accomplish absolutely nothing (see John 15:5). However, with Christ and through Christ we can achieve all things (see Philippians 4:13). This flow of God's power was promised and prophesied in the Scriptures (see Joel 2:28). If we are to do the works of Jesus, we must walk in the anointing of Jesus.
"How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him." Acts 10:38 (NKJV)
The promise of power and purpose is almost unbelievable yet these promises come from the lips of our Lord.
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father." John 14:12 (NKJV)
Christ Jesus has set the bar extremely high, and we are called and commissioned to do the works that He did as well as even greater works. We are living in the greatest time of history, for we have been given a dynamic release of power to accomplish the purposes of God. This is a historic time, for "His-story" is being proclaimed in a powerful way across the earth.
This fulfills the stirring words of Joel the prophet:
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. 
And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call." Joel 2:28-32 (KJV)
Joel the prophet, speaking forth the Word of God, promises that this outpouring of the Spirit would bring about a dramatic release of revelatory gifts: dreams, visions, and prophetic declarations. 
This anointing is for every Believer, female as well as male, and young as well as old. Joel also foretold that during these days the heavens would be filled with cosmic signs and the earth would be rocked with volcanic activity. (Photo via deviantart)
Quoting Joel's prophecy, Peter says in his sermon at Pentecost that this wonderful outpouring of the Spirit of God will come in the end times, or last days:
"But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; and it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh..."Acts 2:16-19 KJV
Don't be timid! Share your faith in Christ Jesus and let your light shine bright in these dark days.
Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries

Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy, which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! 
Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years.
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Sunday, November 1, 2015

We Need His Gifts - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

We Need His Gifts
Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“God also testifying with them, both by signs and wonders and by various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will.” (Hebrews 2:4 NASU)

When it comes down to the end, power verses power will be the action of the day. Living in the end of days, through the end time events coming upon the earth, will require us as believers to be equipped with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We will have to be empowered with His holy fire, that working within us to give the courage, boldness and overcoming power to defeat the enemy and his attacks.

You know Satan is going to use all the power he has been allowed to have, for a given time. We better be ready to fight back – not in our own power, but in the power of the Almighty God of Israel, who has given us the supernatural weapons for warfare.

The world is seeking the unseen and the supernatural. We see it in the movies being produced in Hollywood, the TV shows that more and more depict hidden witchcraft, portrayed as “good and wholesome”, and through the increasingly dark and evil manifestations that draw the young and old after them.

We can’t win the battles we face through our own abilities. No smooth talking words will achieve the necessary force that will stop Satan and his demon henchmen in their tracks.

We need the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the gifts the Lord has made available to us.

In 1973, when I was a senior at the Catholic Columbus High School in Waterloo, Iowa, I was seeking the Lord for more. I wanted a supernatural experience that my previous Catholic upbringing didn’t provide. Even after 12 years of religious upbringing, it wasn’t enough. I wanted more.

And as He always does, the good Lord responded to my seeking heart.

At a prayer meeting with others from my class, when hands were laid upon me to receive His Holy Spirit, I was baptized with the holy fire and supernatural love of the Lord. As both a sign and a wonder, I began to speak in tongues, even as they did in Acts 2. My life was changed forever from that day forward. I experienced what the early Church had been given the first time.

The Lord has made this available to us today, because He knows we need this empowerment.

“When the Feast of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force — no one could tell where it came from. It filled the whole building. Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them.

There were many Jews staying in Jerusalem just then, devout pilgrims from all over the world. When they heard the sound, they came on the run. Then when they heard, one after another, their own mother tongues being spoken, they were thunderstruck. They couldn't for the life of them figure out what was going on, and kept saying, "Aren't these all Galileans? How come we're hearing them talk in our various mother tongues?

Parthians, Medes, and Elamites;
Visitors from Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia,
Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia,
Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene;
Immigrants from Rome, both Jews and proselytes;
Even Cretans and Arabs!

"They're speaking our languages, describing God's mighty works!"

Their heads were spinning; they couldn't make head or tail of any of it. They talked back and forth, confused: "What's going on here?"

Others joked, "They're drunk on cheap wine." (Acts 2:1-13 THE MESSAGE)

In these 42 years since that May day, I have used this gift from the Lord of speaking in tongues as my prayer language, allowing the Spirit of the Lord to intercede through me, on behalf of my family, my co-workers, my country, and the nations of the world. He has also built me up in my inner spirit, even as His word says it would.

Again, the gifts of the Holy Spirt are going to be most needed in the end of days. Those who will be standing will have been trained and daily walking in faith by using them.

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware. You know that when you were pagans, you were led astray to the mute idols, however you were led. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, "Jesus is accursed"; and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons.  But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, and to another the word of knowledge according to the Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills.

For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot says, "Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. And if the ear says, "Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body," it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand, "I have no need of you"; or again the head to the feet, "I have no need of you."

On the contrary, it is much truer that the members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary; and those members of the body which we deem less honorable, on these we bestow more abundant honor, and our less presentable members become much more presentable, whereas our more presentable members have no need of it. But God has so composed the body, giving more abundant honor to that member which lacked, so that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it.

Now you are Christ's body, and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues. All are not apostles, are they? All are not prophets, are they? All are not teachers, are they? All are not workers of miracles, are they? All do not have gifts of healings, do they? All do not speak with tongues, do they? All do not interpret, do they? But earnestly desire the greater gifts.” (1 Corinthians 12:1-31 NASU)

With the gifts of the Holy Spirit in use, we will be able to fight the onslaught of the enemy, encourage our brothers and sisters in the faith, and demonstrate to the world Who is the most powerful One on the throne. Working with all in the Body of Christ, together as each uses that which they have been given, we will demonstrate the miracles, signs and wonders that it will take to show the world His greatness.

Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? You can be. You will need to be. The Lord will freely give to you as you ask Him.

The coming days will require you to be equipped with all that the Lord has to give. Be ready.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

P.S. We sure could use your help to bless the families we do in Israel, India, Pakistan, Vietnam and the hurting ones here in the USA. Please give out of the abundance you have been given.

In May, 2016, my wife Laurie and I will be traveling to Israel to spend time with our friends. We support them in word and deed. We have our plane tickets in hand.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #201 “We Need His Gits” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (11.01.15) Sunday at 6:15 am in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Believers, Embrace the Fire - LANA VAWSER CHARISMA NEWS

Believers, get ready to embrace the fire.

Believers, get ready to embrace the fire. (Lightstock )

Believers, Embrace the Fire

I saw angels being released from the throne of God, and they were being carried on the Word of the Lord and the winds of the Spirit. I saw them flying toward the people of God who were crying out in their prayer closets for more of Him. 
As these angelic hosts were flying toward the people of God and they were singing with the Spirit. They were singing, "It is time for overflow; it is time for glorious overflow."
As they flew, I saw they were holding huge buckets and in these buckets was the most glorious fire I have ever seen. Yet the fire was self-sustaining and the buckets remained untouched. They were carrying the fire of God to the earth. There was such life in this fire, just looking at it I felt completely undone by His love and presence. I was filled with the fear of God in such an intense way. A reverent awe of His nature and holiness covered me. 
These angelic hosts were moving swiftly on the winds (Heb. 1:7) toward the people of God. As they arrived before those who were crying out to Him for more of Him, tears falling, I saw these angelic hosts begin to tip the buckets and the fire of God began to fall. The fire of God and the winds of the Spirit moved in total beautiful unison. The people of God fell on their face in reverent awe of Him. A new wave of the fear of God was being released like a river through the body of Christ as the people of God met that revelation as Moses did, that they were on holy ground. 
All the "wrong places" (exposing of issues and sins of the heart, strongholds, oppression, lies) began to be burnt away in the fire of His love. An intense heart purification took place, and the wind of the Spirit brought a refreshing and greater empowerment into the lives of God's people. 
Suddenly I heard the Lord speak and the angelic hosts echoed what He spoke. "Now let the right places be ignited." Suddenly, hunger and love for Him exploded. Giftings were set on fire with increase and prayers and promises of His heart that looked like dry bones suddenly came to life. 
His words boomed: "Step into the rhythm of overflow." He was leading His people deeper into the realms of living in the overflow of abundant life, of sensitivity and response to His Spirit and a place of richness in intimacy with Him in new depths. 
As the people of God stepped into this rhythm of overflow, they began to move in the power of the Spirit in their lives on a grander scale. I then saw flames of fire being released from heaven that came and rested in their hearts and above them. Those who stepped in received greater impartation of carrying His fire for revival. It was an awakening to the truth that they are revival, and wherever they go, the fire of God is within and upon them to be released and see revival break out.
The positioning of our hearts and lives is at a critical point in the body of Christ right now. The encounters with the fire of God are and will be on a scale we have never experienced before.
Embrace the fire! Allow anything not built on Him and in Him, anything that's not aligned with all He has for you and how He sees you, to be burnt away in the fire of His love. A deeper purification process is taking place, a greater extension, leading you deeper into realms of freedom and the fear of the Lord. Get ready to shake in reverent awe like never before as the glorious fire of His love consumes and releases. 
All the wrong places are being burnt away and all the right places ignited. Get ready for an impartation of His fire that meets the hunger in your heart, releasing you into new, radical depths of love and lovesick abandonment to Him that will usher you into the greatest breakthrough of your life. You will be used by Him in a whole new way in the greatest outpouring of the Spirit that we have yet seen on planet earth. 
Get ready to burn. An army of burning lovers is arising. 

Lana Vawser has a heart to encourage the body of Christ and individuals in their walks with Jesus, to have deeper intimacy with Him and to learn to hear His voice. She operates in the prophetic and loves to share the heart of God with others. Lana has written her first book, titled Desperately Deep—Developing Deep Devotion and Dialogue With Jesus, and loves to see others grow in all that God has for them.
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