February 19, 2016
"New Move of God Starts in Southern California"by Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:If you're like me, you've seen these prophecies coming for several years and you've waited for things to finally begin to happen. Well, they are happening now!
Let me warn, caution or even encourage you to jump on board with this revival. If, during this revival, as prophesied, the least deserving and most unlikely people get saved, don't reject this move as some have done! Many of you were not around to observe that during the Jesus movement of the 1970's and many rejected the move because of the "hippie" element to those getting saved who wouldn't change their hair style or dress.
Let's not let that happen again, deal?
Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: http://elijahlist.com/
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"New Move of God Starts in Southern California"
by Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
Book of Revivals
Since last Christmas I have been having encounters that are happening almost daily. In one, an angel gave me a Book of Revivals from Heaven. This is deeper revelation that is being opened up now regarding previous revivals of God.
This new revelation is about the moves of God over people and regions. I have been continuing to see the shift of "Keys of Authority" that were in the hands of those not using them or who became judgmental and used their authority to hold people down instead of building them up.
Judgments from those with authority to release and bless has been one of the major reasons why we have not seen a sustainable movement of God in North America in 22 years.
2016 Will Be a New Move of God
I released my 2016 prophetic word last month. In it I talk about "Why 2016 could be the start of something new."
There has been a move of God every 11 years in North America dating back to the Azusa Street Revival in 1906. The 11-year intervals fall on the 1950 Healing Movement, the 1961 Charismatic Renewal, the 1972 Jesus People Movement and the 1983 Third Wave Charismatic Movement. 1994 had the Toronto Blessing and 11 years later there would have been a movement that actually did start around 2005—but it was cut short because it was judged and bound by those who carried Keys of Authority.
The 2005 move started with unusual signs of God's glory such as gold fillings appearing in people's mouths and gold dust and gemstones appearing supernaturally in meetings. But the move never went global as God intended and was very limited.
Now 11 years later it is 2016, the year that we will indeed see something new start. Joshua Mills was one of the ministers who operated heavily in the 2005 "gold and glory" movement. I had a prophetic word for him and we talked on the phone the first of January this year. I told him that God is going to honor him because he honored God. Joshua told me that once again gold dust and oil began appearing on his hands that very week.
Dream: New Move of God
I had a dream that I was in a resort-like place in California. The new movement from God had come and the pool at the resort was all updated. People were swimming in God's presence. The water represented the Holy Spirit and many people were swimming. As we swam in the pool you could look down on the bottom of the pool and there were remains from previous moves of God.
The dream is showing that as God pours out a new move of the Holy Spirit it will be refreshing to many. Also it will be "new" and we will not need to operate in older ways of doing things. This new movement coming will be completely updated to fit and reach people in today's culture.
February 2013 in San Diego
God told me to look up prophetic promises from 2013 that have not come to pass. I looked in my journal and found some major things. One entry that stood out was called "The Sign of the Dolphins." On Valentine's weekend in February 2013, I was speaking at the Power and Love Prophetic Conference at Bethel Church in Redding, California. God spoke to me that there was going to be a major prophetic sign on the news on Valentine's weekend (2013) to show that His love is coming to people in need.
Sure enough, on the news the next day, there was a story about a massive seven-mile stretch of over 100,000 dolphins gathered off the coast of Southern California. Previously there had been thousands, but on that weekend it was estimated to be over 100,000 dolphins. It was a sight that could not be explained scientifically. You can read one of the many news stories about this phenomenon here.
This was a prophetic sign of a move of God that would come to San Diego in February and bring refreshment. And it would be seen by the entire world.
Symbolically water represents the Spirit and dolphins are encouragers. Many people said that the dolphins had gathered for the food in the area. In the same way, God is preparing a great banquet or party that is coming to Southern California that will impact the entire world.
I wrote this on my blog in February 2013.
San Diego Outpouring Starting Now
Joshua Mills and Jerame and Miranda Nelson held their annual Decree Conference last month in San Diego and indeed something new started. They began seeing a higher level of God's presence, glory and miracles. They extended their meetings and are now doing nightly "The Fire and Glory Outpouring" meetings in San Diego. You can join them live or watch the live stream online.
Linda and I visited these meetings and witnessed that, yes, this is the start of something new. It is in the early stages, but God spoke to me that by February 14, 2016 this will begin to spread and affect the world globally. This is the fulfillment of the 2013 Sign of the Dolphins!
Two Moves of God Coming
God showed me that there are two major movements coming. The first is a long overdue movement to revive and refresh the Church. This is what is beginning to happen in San Diego.
The second one is much more radical and it is what I have been prophesying for a number of years.
God's new agenda will be the spiritual outcasts, those who have been wounded and rejected by Christians.
Sadly, many leaders will be tempted to reject this new movement at first because it will be so outside the box of our current understanding of what is possible. This is why God is saying to prepare to be stretched.
Get ready to cross over into a new season of God's glory and presence. A new wave of God's love and power is about to sweep the world!
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Email: respond@dougaddison.com
Website: www.DougAddison.com
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps people discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. Doug releases Daily Prophetic Words online and is the author of several books, including 2016 Prophetic Forecast, Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.