Showing posts with label overcomers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label overcomers. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

"The Overshadowing of The Lord Releases Favor and Influence" Keith Miller

"The Overshadowing of The Lord 
Releases Favor and Influence"
Keith Miller, Amarillo, TX
The Elijah List

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

Life is hectic; there are deadlines to meet, long to-do lists to check off, places to be, problems to solve, and obstacles to overcome. It is easy to get caught up in it all and to become overwhelmed or stressed by our obligations, lack, worry, and challenges. 

This is not good, because such things can make us feel separated from God, who is our refuge and fortress (see Psalm 91:2). Such feelings will not lead us to victory, will not produce the blessings, and will not help us one iota (please read the entire chapter of Psalm 91). (Photo via Pixabay)

To dwell in the secret place of the Most High is to rest, remain, and stay there. Every moment we are there, God is overshadowing us with His protection and glory. We are, therefore, constantly living under an open Heaven where everything becomes possible, where we are protected from dangerous and destructive circumstance (spiritual and natural), and where spiritual and natural blessings and promises manifest. Whenever we are in that awesome place of abiding relationship with the Lord, we are assured that He is overshadowing us, truly dwelling with us in prolonged habitation.

Overshadowed By the Holy Spirit

In Acts 4:29-31, the Believers gathered in one accord and prayed for more boldness to speak His word and for His hand to heal and perform signs, wonders, and miracles. 

It says the Holy Spirit came and dwelt in that place, shaking it, and overshadowing Peter, transforming his ministry style so that, wherever he went, the overshadowing of the glory of the Lord followed him. Such a tangible presence of the Lord rested upon him that people brought the sick and laid them in the street so that Peter's shadow would fall on them and they would be healed (see Acts 5:15).

Life Under His Wing

Job knew what it was to live under the shadow of the wing of the Almighty. It was a powerful place of anointing – an incredible place! He walked in favor, immense blessings, and protection, and he even awoke in the friendly counsel of God. In the following passage, we see that the shadow of God's wing is a very powerful, comforting, and fruitful place to be! Those who have been there once will crave to be there again. And those who have never been there will be enticed by this passage to long desperately to experience life under His wing. Hear Job's account of his nesting days: (Photo by Robert Bartow "Wings"

"Oh, that I were as in the months past, as in the days when God watched over me; when His lamp shone upon my head, and when by His light I walked through darkness; just as I was in the days of my prime, when the friendly counsel of God was over my tent; when the Almighty was yet with me, when my children were around me; when my steps were bathed with cream, and the rock poured out rivers of oil for me!

"When I went to the gate by the city, when I took my seat in the open square, the young men saw me and hid, and the aged arose and stood; the princes refrained from talking, and put their hand on their mouth; the voice of nobles were hushed, and their tongues stuck to the roof of their mouth. When the ear heard, then it blessed me, and when the eye saw, then it approved me; because I delivered the poor who cried out, the fatherless and the one who had no helper. 

The blessing of a perishing man came upon me, and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy. I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; my justice was like a robe and a turban. I was eyes to the blind, and I was feet to the lame. I was a father to the poor, and I searched out the case that I did not know. I broke the fangs of the wicked, and plucked the victim from his teeth" (Job 29:2-17).

Read it again. How would you like to experience life like that? How would you like to cause the widow's heart to sing for joy, to be feet to the lame, to be a father to the poor? How would you like the power to break the fangs of the wicked and actually pluck the victim from the enemy's teeth? How would you like to awaken every morning and receive advice and strategy, formulas and solutions, and revelation into key areas? How would you like to receive answers to mysteries that confound the world?

Mighty Things Ahead

His overshadowing releases fresh favor to walk paths we've never tread and to influence spheres we've never impacted before. 

Suddenly, we might have opportunity to speak wisdom to a government official, which causes that official to overturn an ungodly decision or action. Or, God may give us the key to inspiring New Agers to seek God. Or, God may use us to release destiny in families in a way that impacts their extended families and their children's children's children's children. Or we may have newfound boldness to literally pluck the innocent out of the fangs of death. I'm sure we would all like that kind of anointing! (Photo via iStock)

I'm going for it! I want to experience more than just a few breakthroughs; I want to see entire families set into the order of divine justice, living not as victims in the fangs of death but as overcomers in the victory of the Lord! 

I want to see an outpouring of righteousness, of God's justice in the land. I've been blessed to be part of five great outpourings, and I've seen great and marvelous things, but I want more than that! Yes, I want to see His righteousness poured out!

How about you? You were born for this moment! You are alive for such a time as this!

Psalm 91 starts off with a powerful revelation: "He who dwells...." It's not just anybody, not all, but, "He who dwells...shall abide under the shadow of [My wing]." Some have seen His habitation, and they have made a habit out of dwelling in His place. These ones His wings will cover. Upon these ones, His blessings will manifest.

Among us, there are those who prefer to ascend into the hill of the Lord and those who prefer to stand in His holy place (see Psalm 24:3). Some have traveled through the outer temple court, through the inner court, and into the Holy of Holies. They've experienced God, are touched by Him – but then whoosh, out they go. These are the ascenders who come for the touch and then leave.

But there are others who won't leave that place for anything. They say, "I'm not leaving this place! I'm staying, abiding, and dwelling, because I have been given the priestly blessing. I wear the garment of salvation for glory and for beauty. I have unlimited access, and I, therefore, will stay right here in the habitation of God's glory!"

As Believers, we wear purified, priestly garments that cover our flesh, garments made "for glory and for beauty" (see Exodus 28:2, 40). We wear the beauty of His holiness upon us! We have that garment! And being fully clothed in it gives us access to the secret place of His presence. Jesus has made us priests and kings in the Kingdom (see Revelation 1:5-6).(Photo by Kevin Moffatt "Heaven's Delight – John's Joy" via

In Job 29:6, Job recalled the days of his prime when the friendly counsel of God was over his tent. Imagine waking up and seeing He's there! Imagine awakening with God over the tent! This is what happens when we remain in that Holy Place, aligned with Him and His thoughts. This is what it means to walk in the glory of His presence.

The glory doesn't lift but rests and settles upon us, in our wakefulness and in our sleep. It fills us afresh with the fatness of the richness of His oil – to the point that our lips cannot help but speak of His lovingkindness. Just as David did, we will praise God because, even when we are lying down at night, we cannot help but meditate on His glorious ways (see Psalm 63:1-2, 5-6).

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Become a Gate

By abiding in the dwelling of the glory, we become gates who have the potential to see multitudes get delivered, healed, and born again. We have the potential to lead thousands upon thousands of people into the inner court. There revelation of the Word as more than simply a good teaching floods their hearts and becomes the very essence of their DNA, causing them to worship because of the vastness of the God they had never known before. Suddenly they understand, as the Illuminator illuminates the truth, ringing it true to their hearts, and they are flooded with praise, saying, "Oh! How majestic are You and Your ways, O Lord! Under the shadow of Your wing, I am protected."

In the abiding place of His presence, deep calls to deep and Spirit calls to spirit, telling of the reality of how big God really is. The impossible floods the heart, mind, and imagination with possibility, with the reality that He knew us before we were born, called us, and fashioned our days for us. Let us all pray, "Teach me Your ways, O Lord. Let me know You and Your ways." Let us purpose in our hearts to be overshadowed and to dwell in the secret place!

Enjoying Our Resurrection Life

This anointing also destroys yokes and removes burdens. When Jesus called Lazarus to come forth in John 11:43, Lazarus was resurrected and alive, but Jesus then followed up by saying to those there, "Loose him." He did this because Lazarus was still bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and until they came off, he could not fully enjoy resurrection life. 

When we are under the anointing, our grave clothes are loosed! By and by, we no longer see ourselves as other people say we are, but we see ourselves in the revelation of who Christ says we are! Habitually dwelling with Him brings this about! (Photo by Kevin Moffatt "Come Out!"via

Once we are through the gate named Christ and in the Holy of Holies, once we are clothed in righteousness, we don't have to go back to the outer court or the inner court; we can remain in there. Through His Blood, He made the way and made it possible. 

When He sees us garbed in our priestly garments, He doesn't see the mess; He sees glory and beauty. It's the right place to be! 

If we enter into a beautiful house but never get past the foyer, we won't ever really enjoy or appreciate the house. In the same way, as we enter the Lord's presence, He will turn on every light in welcome. In Psalm 85:9, it says the Lord has saved us so His glory may dwell in our land; this means, those who are born again should be spreading and manifesting His glory. 

We must first experience victory in the Lord ourselves, and this victory happens when He overshadows us with His wings as we abide in Him. In that dwelling place, we experience the Spirit of burning, which releases the spirit of judgment and a canopy of glory, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night (see Isaiah 4:4-5).

Let's pray right now, "God, I give You permission to burn up everything that keeps me from learning to dwell with You." Now confess it often, "My heart is to dwell with You!"


Father God, I thank You for all the people reading this article. I decree and declare over their lives that they are covered by the cloud of glory! Now, Father, I ask for the overshadowing of the glory realm. I decree that they are walking in the strength and stature of Christ in them, that each one carries the weighty presence of the Lord. They are not satisfied just to touch the Holy Presence now and then, not content for a visitation here and there, but are earnestly seeking the habitation of Your glory resting upon them. I ask for all who have ears to hear to know a new and greater degree of Your tangible presence in their lives and in their households. I pray that the beauty of Your glory will even be seen by their children and their children's children.

God, release that fire and help us in every area where we are not making Your presence our habitation; bring us into alignment. Help us to know Your truth in our inward parts so that we may walk in a greater degree of Your glory. Make us beckoners who will see hundreds and hundreds set free in the mighty name of Jesus. (Photo by Jennifer Page "His Flame" via

Friends, I pray that each of you diffuses a greater fragrance of Christ's victory wherever you go and that He would surely overshadow you so that all you come into contact with would encounter His holy presence. I pray that you would become peacemakers and that you would release the priestly blessing everywhere you go. It is a whole new day. We are shucking off shame and condemnation. We are breaking out of doubt and unbelief. We are not just going to touch the glory, but we will abide and dwell in the secret place where nothing can touch us because we are protected under the shadow of His wing.

Let the fragrance of Your holy presence be upon Your people, Lord. Anoint them with fresh, fragrant oil! Wherever they tread, Lord, in coming days, I pray that their thoughts and minds will be with You, that they will tread as gatekeepers in the house of God, that as they open up the gate for the King of glory, it will release a blessing of the spiritual rain of Ezekiel to bring breakthrough, righteousness, peace, and joy. May they bring salvation, the victory of the justice that Jesus delivered at the Cross, and Your victory!

You have an invitation to not only dwell with the Lord and continually experience the magnificence of His presence, His protection, and His many blessings, but to also draw close to His heart and develop a life of communion together. Such a mutually abiding life requires a decision on your part, a resolve and perseverance. I highly recommend memorizing the entire sixteen verses of Psalm 91 for further encouragement. The vastness of God is beyond your understanding. Press into it right now!

Keith and Janet Miller
Stand Firm World Ministries


Keith and Janet Miller minister throughout the U.S. and internationally, across denominational boundaries, with a vibrant teaching, preaching, and ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, seeing entire cities and regions impacted by the glory of the LORD! Keith and Janet have founded and pastored a church. Keith is also a conference speaker, and he and Janet are regular guests on Christian television. 

They have put together Apostolic Revival Teams to see entire regions powerfully impacted with a fresh anointing, fresh oil, and an increase of a deeper passion for JESUS. Keith and Janet's hearts are to see God's people released and walking in their destiny for the LORD, to see the advancement of the Kingdom of God through each person's life, and the effective working of HIS mighty power through the Believer's life.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Fearless Leaders With New Shoes of Authority - Entering a New Season and New Walk In Christ - Bonnie Jones

Bonnie Jones:
The Elijah List

Bonnie JonesWe're entering a season of a new walk with the Lord. It's a walk unlike any other in the history of mankind. Why? We've been given all authority to conquer the gates of Hell and now we are stepping up to the plate in the authority Christ died for.

Fearless leaders are emerging wearing their new shoes of authority. They walk not in fear of the enemy but in the awe of God. There is no weapon formed against them that will prosper and they believe it. The enemy has already been crushed under their feet and they believe that also. 

These are the overcomers that look adversity in the face and laugh as they continue their march through the footsteps of time.

New WalkThere will be many obstacles along the way, but God has prepared us with the shoes "peace". It's these shoes that crush satan under our feet. Our demonstration of love protects our feet, and the enemy has no defense against it. 

(Photo via SXC)

And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15 Amplified

Four-Part Dream: Four Separate Obstacles

Recently, I had a four-part dream where I was shown four separate obstacles. 

In each one the enemy would try to obstruct our walk. But in each one, the Church was victorious because she remained steadfast in the Lord and continued walking together in love.

First, we were walking on a sidewalk that had become muddy. Due to a recent heavy rainfall, soil washed down the bank and onto the sidewalk, causing thick mud. I said, "We must be like Jesus and walk on water!" Directly in front of us we saw a set of footprints in the mud. All we needed to do was follow them and keep our eyes fixed on the clear, clean pool of water that lay ahead. Although our feet got muddy, they were cleansed in the fresh rainwater puddles just ahead of the mud.

We must keep a clear vision because the enemy is trying to get us off track by losing our focus.   

Therefore we must keep our eyes on Jesus and follow after Him. There were great men and women who have gone on before us that paved the way. Each one in their own time followed the same set of footprints. These were the forerunners of the end time army of God that followed after Jesus. They have set their shoes aside, and now we must pick up where they left off.

The second obstacle was ice and snow, which speaks of troubled times ahead. 

We had a long distance to walk where there was deep snow and thick ice on the roads. Looking down at our feet, I thought we would get frostbite because our footwear was not suitable for these weather conditions.

God has prepared us with the shoes of peaceBut to my surprise, our feet were fine. They were not frostbitten or even cold because we were shod with the shoes of peace. It looked as though our feet were in/on the feet of Jesus. We were in perfect stride with Him and marched together in perfect unity as one Body.

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7

In the third part of the dream we were in a building that looked like a hospital corridor. 

The strange thing about it was the floors were layered with what looked like razor blades that would cut our feet. But in reality they were soft plastic objects that were easy to walk on. Everyone was barefoot and they walked across the objects with ease. 

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The enemy will always try to deceive us; after all, he's the master of deception. He's great at luring us into his trap by presenting things that are not the way they appear to be. We must be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. The Lord is sharpening the spiritual senses of the saints as they mature in spiritual wisdom and discernment. Then they'll better discern the works of the enemy and not fall prey to them.
Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16

Rotten potatoIn the fourth part of the dream we were on a narrow path in a dark and dingy part of town.

Small, rickety houses were very close in proximity, and between them looked like stepping-stones on a path instead of a sidewalk. A man on the path ahead of me became frightened. Then he picked up a rotten potato in front of one of the houses. Looking at this potato ended his fear. There were a lot of big fat maggots crawling out it. You could see how infested the potato was, but the man was overjoyed. The dream ended. 

(Photo via Flickr)

Tomatoes grow above ground and represent God's love revealed, while potatoes grow underground and therefore represent God's love concealed. The fact that this potato was badly infested with maggots was an incredible breakthrough. And I believe it refers to evangelism.

Maggots are fly babies or larvae. When flies lay their eggs, they become maggots as they hatch. Old Beelzebub, the lord of the flies, has been hatching a lot of maggots since the beginning of time. Maggots are considered to be a worm in the first stage of their life; in the second stage they become a fly. And the cycle continues. Just like satan keeps his cycle of lies and deception aimed at us in order to confuse, deceive, distract, divide, and disillusion the saints.

An unsanctified mind is considered a worm. The enemy knows his time is short, so he must hurl lies and accusations. He's going to give it his best shot, and he's had lots of practice. 

But the one thing he can never conquer is love. 

He has no match for it and can't duplicate it. Because the army of God is marching in unity one with another and their mind is fixed on Him, they speak to the mountains and expect results. So Jesus said to them, "Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20 NKJ

MaggotsOne thing about maggots: they only eat dead flesh and rotten food. During the American Civil War and WWII, maggots were used to clean wounds. If a soldier had gangrene, maggots were placed on the infected area. They would eat away the dead flesh and the wound would heal quickly. 

The Body of Christ has been fed a lot of rotten food, but I believe she's going to get healed quickly as God's concealed love is revealed. 

(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

A Breakthrough Into Evangelism

Therefore, I feel the Lord was showing me a breakthrough into evangelism as the army of God goes forth into the harvest field redeeming the unsanctified mind (worm) and renewing it to the mind of Christ. 

Maggots are great fish bait and we are called to be fish cleaners.

We are in a time of great change. The Body of Christ has been crying out for change, and it is now upon us. 

It's time for us to transition into the army God has called us to be as we pick up our marching orders to proceed into the harvest field of time. 

We can avoid the enemy's obstacles by keeping our focus on Christ and walking in unity with Him and our fellow brethren. Know the Word and discern the plan of the enemy.

March fearlessly into the harvest field and redeem the lost. So, get ready for the harvest to begin!

Bonnie Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones


To contact Bonnie Jones send your inquiry to:

Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministries
White Horses Publishings
P.O. Box 838
Pineville, NC 28134-0838

Bonnie Jones has a great love for the Lord, the Word and the Cross of Jesus. She loves children and enjoys blessing them with a gift of joy, truth, love, and encouragement. Bonnie moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2001 to attend Morning Star School of Ministry; in 2005 she met Bob Jones and they were married the following year (Bob Jones went home to be with the Lord earlier this year). Bonnie moves in a seer prophetic gifting as well as healing and miracles. Her passion is to see women set free from the fear of man and step into their gifts and calling.

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Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

We are IN a new doubt about it! This is a new, prophetic word by Bonnie Jones. It's full of dreams and revelations as she shares:

We're entering a season of a new walk with the Lord. It's a walk unlike any other in the history of mankind. Why? We've been given all authority to conquer the gates of Hell and now we are stepping up to the plate in the authority Christ died for.

Make sure and forward this on to others as's a must read...AND let others know they can Subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2 Keys to Surviving God's Refining Fire by Teresa Seputis

sad woman
Every believer enters a season when God turns up the heat. Here's how to keep the goal of the refinement process in view when going through the flames.
Those of you who are familiar with the process of refining gold know that the gold is first placed in a crucible and subjected to intense heat. The heat causes the gold to melt and its impurities to separate and come to the top, where they can be skimmed off.
This process is repeated as many times as necessary in order to increase the quality and purity of the gold. For example, 10-karat gold does not have to be heated as much or as long as 14-karat gold. Twenty-four karat gold undergoes an even more intensive refining process.
In a similar manner, God is in the process of refining His church. He wants a pure, beautiful bride upon whom He can pour out His anointing and His power. God desires to manifest Himself through His church so that each of us is able to do the things Jesus did (John 14:12-14).
Christ longs for each member of His body to see what the Father is doing and to do it with Him. It is His will that we walk in victory and be overcomers. These are His highest priorities for the church.
 The Refining Process 
God has to remove the impurities from our lives that hold us back from going all the way with Him. I believe that this is His agenda for the church right now and that we have entered a season of God's refinement.
Refining can be a difficult and uncomfortable process. At times, we may feel very much as the gold does when it is being melted. We experience heat, discomfort and adversity.
This process is walked out a bit differently in each of our lives. For some of us, important relationships seem to fall apart. Others are misunderstood, misjudged and falsely accused.
Finances run out for some; others may face sickness or hardships. We may find ourselves struggling once again with emotions and issues that we thought we had long since conquered.
The purifying process can be especially confusing to those of us who have been seeking the Lord and drawn to a place of deeper intimacy with Him than ever before. We may not understand why God is allowing "bad" things to happen in our lives.
Is It God or the Enemy? 
Some believers don't understand that God is refining them, so they "resist the devil" instead of submitting to the Holy Spirit (James 4:7, NIV). But God wants us to know what He is doing in this season so that we can properly respond to it.
Sometime the enemy's attacks and the refiner's fire look a lot alike. Fortunately, God has given us a strategy for distinguishing them. In his letter to the church, the apostle James wrote: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5).
In other words, ask God, and He will make it clear to you. It may not happen the instant you ask because sometimes His answer has to work its way into our understanding.
God may choose to speak to you through circumstances. James says that the enemy must flee when we resist him and submit to God (James 4:7). So if you apply the authority that Jesus has given you over the situation and nothing changes, that may be a hint that this is God's hand on you and not the enemy's.
Perhaps you've seen a certain weakness frequently rise up in you. The Lord may be calling your attention to a character trait He wants to refine.
He may put a conviction in your heart, speak to you through the Scriptures or use friends to let you know that He wants to deal with you in a certain area. I can't tell you precisely how, but He will make it clear to you.
You can know when it's the enemy's attack and what strategy God wants you to use to resist him. And you can know when it is God's refining fire and how to best cooperate with Him in the process.
Why God Allows the Fire 
We need to realize that God wants to purify our lives of the things that keep us from moving forward with His plan. Hosea 6:1-2 paints a picture of what God is doing:
"He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us but He will bind up our wounds. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will restore us, that we may live in His presence."
When I first read that passage, I had a mental image of a lion mauling someone. I could not understand why a loving Father would maul His children in that manner, so I asked God about it.
He told me: "Teresa, you have the wrong picture. Let Me show you what it really means." Then I saw a picture in my mind's eye of a surgeon skilfully cutting around a cancerous growth so it could be removed.
The cutting away of the "death" within us can be painful. But God's goal for the surgery is to remove those things that work death in us and replace them with His life.
Even if you are already walking in holiness, you will go through a season of God's refinement because He desires to radiate His glory and His presence through your life. He wants pure vessels that He can pour His anointing into.
We can't control whether or not God will take us through His refiner's fire, but we can control how long we stay in the fire. The more we resist Him, the longer the process will take. The more we cooperate with Him, the faster it will go.
Surrender to the Process 
The first step in surviving God's refining process is to cooperate with Him rather than resist Him. Once I was holding on to something dear to me that held me back in my walk with God. For about a week, God and I struggled over this. Then He said: "Teresa, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but we will do it."
God showed me two pictures. The first was a child's hand tightly clasping a stone. An adult's hand began peeling back the child's fingers one by one until the stone fell out of her hand.
The second picture was the same child's hand holding the stone. But the child relaxed her grip and placed the stone in the adult's hand.
"Which will it be?" the Lord asked me.
Suddenly I understood that God was going to remove this thing from my life. I could willingly cooperate with Him, and He would help me gain the victory with minimal pain and effort. However, if I chose to resist Him, He would orchestrate one situation after another to "pry back my fingers" until I could not hang on to it any longer.
Tearfully, I laid this thing on the altar. It was not long before God gave me the victory in this area, and I found new fruit of the Spirit emerging in my life.
Then God showed me a little girl holding on to a very dirty and tattered teddy bear. The girl's father was trying to take the bear away, and she resisted strenuously.
Finally, she released her grip on the old teddy bear. As soon as she did, the father placed an exquisitely beautiful doll in her hands that she liked much more.
God showed me that He made me give up what I had been holding on to so that He could replace it with something better.
Acknowledge the Need 
The second step in surviving the process is to see our need for cleansing. "Impurities" will rise to the surface, and we will see behaviors, attitudes and character traits in ourselves that we do not like.
When the pressure is on, inappropriate responses from our weaknesses and woundedness will become more visible. These may include bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, anger or sinful desires that we know are displeasing to God. These have to come to the top so they can be "skimmed off."
We may be horrified at what shows up in our lives. Some of us may go into denial mode and try to push these things down.
But Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick" (Luke 5:31). We need to see our need before God will help us.
Receiving forgiveness for sins works on the same principle. We must see our guilt, confess our sins and repent before God will forgive us (1 John 1:9). If we acknowledge our need for God to help us in this area of our character, He will.
Some of us become upset and condemn ourselves when we notice impurities present in our lives. We may even pull away from God.
But God wants us to run to Him and receive His forgiveness and cleansing. His desire is not to condemn us but to purify us and transform us into the image of His son (Rom. 8:1; Titus 2:14; 2 Cor. 3:18).
We're in the Fire Together 
We can be of great help to our friends and acquaintances when they go through God's refining in their lives by 1) understanding that God is bringing impurities to the surface to remove them and 2) being quick to forgive and slow to take offense. We also need to encourage our loved ones to have hearts after God, bless their resolve for holiness, pray and speak God's strength into them.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Doug Addison: It's Time to March Forward! Prophetic Signs From Bob Jones

Doug Addison:
Doug AddisonThere has been a horrendous attack against those who are advancing right now. March is coming in like a lion with warfare and resistance but it is going out like a lion as well. 

The result will create a new strength of character that you need right now: to be "gentle as a lamb." Humility is a key to overcoming and advancing.

March Forward!

If there is one word to describe what we need to do...that is "March." Forward motion will open the doors in front of you and close the doors behind. "As you go" things will open. Don't sit down or give up right now. The enemy's plans are to get you discouraged and quit, but God is sending help and angelic reinforcements.

The first three months of 2014 have been a testing time. Many people have taken themselves out of the game but it is not time to back down. It is time to keep moving forward!!! 

God is promoting people who are able to overcome, remain humble and engaged.

Sudden Advancement

Covenant Promise by Jennifer PageWatch for surprises and sudden advancement. God is taking the Heavenly resources for the higher callings and gifts that were intended for those who quit and giving them to people who are ready and willing. This will unfold more from now through July. Ask God to show you assignments or tasks that others have forgotten about or stopped using. As you pick these Heavenly tasks up, you will see an accelerated increase in growth and resources.

Wisdom, Peace and Encouragement

As you may have seen or experienced, there is an extreme amount of turmoil on the earth right now. It is happening with the weather and in the political overthrowing of governments. Disharmony is at an extreme level.

It is so important to stay at peace during this storm. It will take three characteristics of the Holy Spirit to get through: Wisdom, Peace, and Encouragement. 

God is granting a huge amount of peace and encouragement for those who need it. As you begin to exercise new levels of wisdom, God will establish a new foundation so that many of the prophetic words you've received will make sense. 

God says that the Spirit of encouragement will win this year.

"By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations, by understanding He set the heavens in place." Proverbs 3:19

Political Upheaval

The political shaking that is happening right now is birth pains. It is not for judgment but for the release of something new that is going to set up a huge move of God. It is a prophetic sign that the old is being displaced by something totally new. We saw this in the Winter Olympics as many reigning champions were replaced by new, upcoming leaders.

Older ways of controlling people are making way for new levels of freedom. "The old has gone and the new is here" (2 Corinthians 5:17). God is releasing a new level of freedom that is waking up the Earth to His love and power.

Vertigo in Leaders

I have been seeing a lot of leaders suffering from vertigo. If you are experiencing this, there is a good chance that people around you are not in agreement with what you are doing. Vertigo is a negative spin that can happen when there are people praying or going in a different direction.

Granted, it could be a physical illness. But often, if you are a leader, physical illnesses are a prophetic sign of things happening around you. You will overcome this by getting the right people around you to support the new time you are entering.

Prophetic Signs of Bob Jones's Death

Prophet Bob Jones went back to Heaven for a final time on February 14, 2014. Bob died in 1975, but was sent back to prepare us for one of the greatest revivals on earth that is about to take place. Bob was a personal friend and spiritual father to me. I had the opportunity to travel and mentor with Bob for a number of years.

There were so many prophetic signs at Bob's passing. Here are a few:

• Bob died on 2/14. The prophet of Love dies on the day of love (Valentine's Day).

• 2/14 = 2 Kings 2:14 is the passing of the mantle from Elijah to Elisha.

• He died at 6:22 am. Matthew 6:22, "The eye is the light of the body..." Bob was a true "eye of the Body" type of Seer.

• There was an earthquake in South Carolina on the day he died and measured 4.1 on the Richter scale. Revelation 4:1, "I looked and there was a door standing open in Heaven."

We know that Bob's loss on earth is a gain in Heaven. All that Bob had prophesied and given to us will bring a great return!

"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24

My Miracle at Bob's Graveside

As many of you know I have been very sick with Lyme disease for the past eight months. I had to cancel several speaking events and have been unable to do much work, moving slowly. An infected tick in Moravian Falls, NC a few years ago, bit me. 

As I was walking away from Bob Jones' graveside service in Moravian Falls, Bobby Connor turned and prayed for me. 

A flash of blue angelic light appeared between us and I was instantly healed. I am so grateful to be restored 100% by God's Holy Spirit. I have been feeling great ever since!

May God grant you full healing and wholeness as we advance the Kingdom on Earth. 

It's time to march forward!


Doug Addison
InLight Connection


Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.
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There is a lot of prophetic insight and wisdom in Doug Addison's latest word. "Miracles, signs and wonders" is what you will read about here.
There is something in this for everyone... be full of HOPE and be greatly encouraged.


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