Shalom! I send many greetings.
Here in Stockholm the snow melts just now. Maybee there will come more before the spring in about middle of March. I have been thinking and wrote like a biblestudy. Send it. Hope you like. Sent pictures, too. Will watch some soccer at TV with family.
Blessings Eva.

Stockholm by night.
We can be in very difficult circumstances but we must not be discouraged. The one who made us has a way out. We shall never give up. God loves us so much and sent his Son for us! He is a great God and nothing is impossible for him.
We can think our problems are big but we must remember that God made heaven and earth. Ps.121. He made all the planets and all the stars and the sun. Before him we are small like ants because he is so big and his ways are so much higher than ours. Would he not be able to help us? Who do we think God is? He is much greater than we understand. He could make seven earths if he would. He made the thunder and the storm as we can see his power in. God has power!
As the small bird under the wings of an parent can feel secure we can feel secure under Gods wings.
In Ps.46 we can read that " God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will NOT fear."
We will not fear if the earth be removed and and the mountains be carried into the sea we can read. I think that if this would happen God would God help us but also think about that it can feel like this that if the mountains are removed and the mountains carried into the sea but eaven if it feels like that God is faithful and stand for what he say. He is not a God who lies. I am also thinking about earthquakes here and about high waves as we can read in verse 4. His grace will not leave us as his children. He will protect us.
In Isaias.54:10 it is written that if the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed that God's kindness and covenant of peace shall not be removed.
I think about that the covenant of him as child of God will not be removed. The way is Jesus. Just in his name is salvation. He payed the price for us so that we could be clean by his blood. Jesus biggest present to us was when he gave his life for us. The greatest love.
If we go through much fire and water Isaias.43 his covenant of peace will not be removed and he has not forsaken us and can help us -eaven if it feels like the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed he has not left us and his covenant is there.If we belive in Jesus and what he done at the cross for us we are saved for eternity. We cannot come into heaven by ourselves because we were not perfect so God sent Jesus - like a lamb who was led to the slaughter Isaias.53:7.
In verse 53:6 we read that "All we like sheep have gone astray". It means we could not be saved by ourselves. But in 53:6 we read "And the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all". It means in his name we do not have to be afraid of his return. In Jesus name we are saved - salvation is in his name.
Sometimes you hear that you cannot know when Jesus return. We do not know the day Jesus says in 34:36 but I think about Matt. 24:32-34. Jesus says in Matt.that when the branch has become tender and the leaves on the figtree puts forths leaves you know that summer is near. I believe that when the state of Israel was born 1948 I think Jesus talks about that the generation who see this will not die before Jesus comes back.
It is important to talk about Jesus return because it is not far away. In Jesus name we have salvation and hope.
Eva Haglund
Feb. 5, 2014
" I will my eyes up to the hills.
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord
who made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1
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