Showing posts with label repentance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label repentance. Show all posts

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cindy Jacobs: A Movement Coming to Korea Like a Tsunami Wave - Changing Korea and the World

Cindy Jacobs:
The Elijah List

Mike and Cindy JacobsAsia: The Missionary Wave

Mike and I just traveled to Asia to teach in Korea and Hong Kong. We were scheduled to go to Korea two years ago to minister, but I cancelled to stay at my sister's side the weeks before she went to Heaven.

Asia is special to us, perhaps because we have been going since the early '90s. It is said that old friends are good friends, and while that is true, when one is in Christ, the bond goes much deeper; we begin to experience something the Bible reveals to us as Believers, and we become family.

Our first stop on the journey was Seoul, Korea. It is hard to describe this nation without intertwining the impact of the Gospel on the land; it has literally gone from what was known as the "Hermit Kingdom" to one of the most booming economies in the world. Korea is right up at the top with the leaders in the tech and automotive industries. One only has to drive down a street to realize the reformation principles placed in the nation through the education systems started by early missionaries have caused the nation to thrive.

A Recent Time of Mourning

As we landed at Inchon International Airport, my thoughts were on this amazing nation and their recent deep sorrow – a ferryboat sank with school children and resulted in around three hundred deaths. There are testimonies of text messages sent from young Christian students who gave up their life vests to other classmates. No doubt these stories will live for generations and keep their memories alive in the collective heart of the nation. Later in the trip, we were told this incident was the "Korean 911." 

(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

The spirit of mourning was palpable as we sat with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We knew we needed to bring comfort and hope, not only for their sakes, but also so the missions movement that is a huge part of the nation's destiny would not be slowed down. I knew that would actually dishonor those whose lives were tragically cut short.

Continuous Prayer with Repentance and Reconciliation

Pastor Hye Ja Kim and Young Dong of First Church worked tirelessly to prepare. They also spent hours in prayer. In fact, they have had 24 hours of prayer continually since I gave them a word about it in 1997.

Their youth had all-night prayer meetings to prepare and prayed around the building at Sejong, the university where we would meet. The campus is lovely with beautiful statues of Christ in different Biblical scenes.

Over four thousand attended the conference. The power of God was evident from the first night. The other speakers were Pastor Takimoto from Japan (he is 86 years old, the head of All Revival Koshien Mission, and an old friend), Jerome Ocampo of the JREV in the Philippines (a next generation leader who has mobilized more than 100,000 youth to pray for his nation), and Dutch Sheets.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Powerful times of reconciliation and repentance took place. Pastor Takimoto repented on behalf of the Japanese Church leaders who came to Korea during the Japanese Occupation and told the Korean Church leaders that it was okay to bow down to the Emperor of Japan and Amaterasu in the Shinto Shrines. The Japanese built them all over the country in order to spiritually control the nation. He also asked forgiveness from those whose ancestors were killed by the occupiers. There were many tears, especially from the older generation.

The Role of Korea

I preached prophetically on the role of Korea in God's end-time move. The conference theme was Prepare the Way. I gave what I see as three previous awakenings of the nation and spoke of another awakening still to come.
1. The 1907 Revival in Phong Yang: the start of the early morning prayer meetings
2. The Evangelism Movement sparked by Billy Graham's visit and Expo
3. The Charismatic Movement in the '60s
4. A fourth movement still to come that will be like a tsunami wave of people changing both Korea, with a Jesus People style movement, and the world, with a missions movement
On the last night Dutch preached on the heart of David and the identity of Korea; it was like a spiritual eruption took place as people threw off shackles of hopelessness and despair. A leader named Joshua, proclaiming the role of the Korean Church and its role as David to fight Goliath and as the tribe of Judah, declared, "We are not kittens; we are lions!" 

(Photo via Pixabay)

Indeed, the sleeping Church awakened.

We caught an early morning flight to Hong Kong in order to have lunch with a good friend before the Empowered 21 Asia conference. Going to the meeting was like old home week for us. They had asked us to minister to the people, not on simple inspiration themes, but on that which would heal the generations.

I spoke on the theme of the spirit of Elijah and the Father's heart; the text was from Luke 1:17, and I spoke into the healing of orphan hearts among Asians. The power to heal broken hearts was manifested, and one could hear open weeping all over the center packed with 4,000 leaders from the continent of Asia and island nations such as Japan. I would say the majority of the participants had never heard their own fathers say, "I love you," in their entire lives, such tender, but powerful words.

My friend, Billy Wilson, the President of Oral Roberts University and the founder of Empowered 21, tag-teamed the message with his own message on the Father's heart, including his own personal testimony. We ministered together afterwards, and God's power and tender loving kindness swept the center from the top to the bottom. 

I really believe many of the problems we have with fighting in the Church and competition between businesses and nations are symptoms of unhealed hearts from a lack of spiritual parenting.

Surely God was smiling from Heaven as He was able to wrap His loving arms around His children from the beautiful harbor city of Hong Kong. The Spirit of Elijah was released to heal generations from Asia that will have an impact to the ends of the earth.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Generals International is an international church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a Biblical worldview. They are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.

Cindy has authored seven books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her five adorable grandchildren.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Spirit Says 'A Great Awakening Is Coming to This Nation' - Jennifer LeClaire

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

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The Spirit Says 'A Great Awakening Is Coming to This Nation'

sleeping church
(iStock Photo/juanestey)
When I kicked off a preaching series at a local church, the senior pastor charged me with bringing a word about politics.
I knew it would be a hard word because the body of Christ is divided over Democrats and Republicans, as well as many of the political issues they stand for.
As I ticked down some of the harsh realities we've come to face over the last several years, most of the congregation was eerily silent. I read and report on these issues every day, but it dawned on me that many don't follow the state of the union as closely. The looks on their faces revealed that they hadn't previously heard much of what I was saying.
Here's some of what I shared about the slide our nation has taken in the past several years:
  • Our deficit has increased more than $4 trillion, causing the first-ever downgrade in the U.S. credit rating.
  • Our nation has become more racially divided instead of more unified. According to a Newsweek poll, nearly 60 percent of Americans are now convinced that race relations have either deteriorated or stagnated over the past four years.
  • Our military strategy now eliminates the ability to actively fight two major wars at once. Our military has become much weaker while world threats have grown greater.
  • Abortions are on the rise, according to the Guttmacher Institute, with 1.21 million baby murders in 2008 alone.
  • Violent crimes are on the rise for the first time in 20 years, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
  • The economy remains weak more than three years after economists declared the recession ended.
  • U.S. poverty is on track to climb to levels unseen in about 50 years, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s, according to the U.S. Census.
The Prophesied Great Awakening
I submit to you that our nation is in natural and spiritual crisis and it will take an intervention from God to avoid disaster. Although "man" can't solve the problems in our nation, electing leadership that will guide America using biblical principals rather than leadership that defies biblical principles in the name of change speaks volumes to heaven.
If we don't make a drastic shift in this nation, I believe there's no way to escape God's judgment. Billy Graham's wife once said, "If God doesn't judge America He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah." I never wanted to believe that. But now I do. I can see it. God has removed His hand of protection at times because He loves us and hopes we'll wake up. Clearly, we haven't woken up yet.
On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight and I sensed Him offering this prophetic word:
There is a great awakening coming to this nation. For I have heard your cries and I long to heal your land. I am a covenant God and I will not forget the covenant I made with your Founding Forefathers. Yes, there will be a shaking, but the foundations will not crack and they will not crumble. Only those things which can be shaken will be shaken that the sin in the land may be laid bare.
Repentance. I require repentance from My people who have through the generations allowed the enemy to take ground in this nation. I require repentance for the abortions and for the prayerlessness. I require repentance for the apathy and for the idolatry. You shall have no other gods before me. I am indeed the God of America.
Yes, there is a great awakening coming to this nation. I am the Author of it and I will bring it to pass. Just turn from your wicked ways and humble yourselves. Stand in the gap and make up the hedge. I am the Lord and I am a Warrior. I will not leave or forsake this country. I will fight through you and with you to regain what has been lost.
Be encouraged now because as you go forth boldly with My Word and My Spirit there will be the sound of truth and it will prevail in the land. Speak boldly and clearly and watch as the mighty men arise to take their positions on the wall and in the churches and in the marketplaces. For I am raising up deliverers and reformers in this generation who will not shrink back at the challenge that is coming in the days ahead.
Yes, it will grow darker before My light shines brightly from this nation again. But the light has not been extinguished and will not be extinguished. The time to rise up is now. I am calling you to war. I am calling you to repentance. I am calling you to My side. I am the captain of the hosts. I am calling you to victory. I am calling you to destiny. Will you answer?
Please, Please Wake Up!
That was more than 7 years ago! There is hope for America. I believe the remnant is rising. But it has certainly gotten darker in this nation and, again, I fear God's judgment may come if we continue to stand by in silence while abortions, same-sex marriage and other sin rages in our land.
The church—AKA the sleeping giant—needs to wake up. If the church were being the church, we wouldn't have all these problems. Of course, these problems didn't just start four years ago. There's been a gradual decline in morality in this nation since prayer was removed from schools in 1962. Abortion was legalized in 1973. Massachusetts became the first state to legalize gay marriage in 2004. And plenty of wickedness has taken place in between and since.
What if we all lived the Sermon on the Mount lifestyle? The Sermon on the Mount speaks against murder, which is what abortion really is. The Sermon on the Mount speaks against sexual immorality, which includes homosexuality. The Sermon on the Mount speaks against divorce. But the church is largely ignoring the Sermon on the Mount's Christianity 101 lessons. The church looks, thinks and acts too much like the world. Christians are having abortions. Christians are committing adultery. Christians are fornicating. Christians are getting divorced. Lord, help us!
At the same time, the Sermon on the Mount speaks to giving to the needy, prayer and fasting. I can't prove it with hard numbers, but I submit to you that it's likely that most Christians aren't giving to the poor. It's probable that most Christians aren't praying for our nation. I'm sure most Christians aren't fasting. We really aren't the salt and the light. And that's why it's getting darker.
Adding insult to this injurious lifestyle, some Christians declare that the prayer rallies and solemn assemblies don't make a difference. I believe the greatest sin of the church is prayerlessness. The government of the world happens in the prayer rooms. Yet we're too busy feeding our souls on worldly entertainment to meet God at the altar.
Our nation is in crisis. It has grown darker over the past five years. It will continue growing darker until we turn back to God as a nation. The good news is when we do, we'll see a Great Awakening and many souls will come into the kingdom. I'm blowing the trumpet. I'm sounding the alarm. There is hope for America, and that hope lies in the body of Christ rising up to do as Jesus commanded: Occupy until I come.

Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also director of IHOP Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Dutch Sheets: God Is Not Done With America

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media

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American flag
(Courtesy of Dutch Sheets Ministries)
A demonic tide of destruction has been unleashed upon our nation, and is taking ground at an increasingly rapid rate. Politically, economically and humanistically, there is an agenda to make this nation never again look the way it has looked before. Yet, God has not given up on America! He has great a plan and a purpose for this nation and He is calling on us to partner with His heart and His strategy in this critical hour.
Discouraged Hearts, Defeated Plans
The book of Ezra paints a picture of where we are today, as well as God's desire to awaken, revive and restore a nation whose God is the Lord. The Israelites began rebuilding the temple after it had been destroyed because of their sin. While they were hard at work, the people of the land—the enemies of God—discouraged the people of Judah, causing them to be filled with a paralyzing fear.
Counselors were also hired to work against the people of God, and frustrate their strategy. This resulted in a 16-year delay in the rebuilding of the temple—the place, in that day, where God's presence and glory dwelled.
In many ways, America currently finds herself in this sort of delay. After making great advances in kingdom building, many have let discouragement and fear gain a foothold in their hearts. They've laid down their tools and folded their hands. Others are busy with good kingdom works, but don't dare challenge the status quo, much less, the systems aimed at shredding the moral fabric of our nation, destroying the institution of the family and stripping us of our religious freedoms.
As in the days of Ezra, "wicked counselors," known today as lobbyists, are diligently and strategically opposing God's people to advance the antichrist agenda in every sector of society. This is a fulfillment of the first few verses of Psalms 2, which describe those who hate God and take counsel together, devising plans to contend against Him and His people. These counselors think they've overthrown God's rule and conquered His people and, in their arrogance, openly decree this.
Notwithstanding, Psalm 2 describes several terrifying things God does in response. First, He laughs a mocking laugh of derision toward them. Then, He asserts that His Son will rule the earth. Lastly, God takes His rod and begins to break and shatter kingdoms in order to reestablish His reign in the earth. The good news is clearly laid out here—in the end, we win!
Fellow warriors, we cannot fear that if we resist the government and the political activists, we might be taken out. Neither can we fear that we might go to jail, lose our government funding or tax-exempt status, or have our business shut down for speaking the truth or refusing to marry same-sex couples. Yes, these things are already happening—some are already paying a high price to stand for righteousness—but we cannot cower and live in a paralyzing fear. We must only move in the fear of the Lord.
Repentance and Restoration
The account from Ezra that I've told thus far is only half the story. After a 16-year delay, upon seeing the hunger and desperation of the people, God raised up a company of leaders who worked together to steer His people toward repentance and the restoration of the temple.
First, God raised up two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to boldly awaken the people to their true condition, and to His desire for them. The moment God's people responded in repentance, God began to work in their behalf. He frustrated the plans of the lobbyists and gave the people of Judah favor with the politicians. Everything they needed for the restoration of the temple was provided.
The most amazing part of the story, in my opinion, is how God's spokesmen (the prophets Haggai and Zechariah), God's government (Joshua the priest) and civil government (Zerubbabel the governor) came together to lead the people into reformation. In response to their obedience and righteous partnership, the Lord blessed them by decreeing that the glory of the latter house would be greater than the former.
Zechariah later prophesied to Zerubbabel saying, this mountain in front of you is going to be brought low and become a plain. Not by might or power but by my Spirit, you will tear it down with shouts of grace, grace! This is a picture of what God wants to do in America!
If the church wakes up from her slumber, heeds the voice of the prophets and begins to partner with righteous government leaders to take her stand, the Lord will make a way for our nation's biblical foundations to be restored. His glory will fill our land once again. God's desire is that you would contend for and see revival in your city and nation!
Church, we cannot become so busy making money and building our own houses, that we lay aside the often painful and sacrificial work restoration required for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done in America.
It is OK to grieve, like Jeremiah or Nehemiah, over the condition of our nation, but we must not give in to discouragement and fear. God is calling forth an army of faithful followers who will come up out of their discouragement to boldly push back the darkness.
Many leaders in government, health, education and ministry are having to make a decision right now—am I going to make my stand or am I going to compromise and yield to the enemy's plans? I, for one, say what America's founding fathers said upon signing the Declaration of Independence and, thereby, committing an act of treason against the crown: I pledge my life, my fortune, my sacred honor—everything to stop this insidious plan of hell. Will you join me?
Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized teacher, conference speaker and author of The Power of Hope. He has written more than 20 books, translated into over 30 languages. His first work, Intercessory Prayer, sold nearly a million copies and is being used to empower believers worldwide for passionate prayer and societal transformation. He and his wife, Ceci, make their home in the Dallas area.
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Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Can Relate - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

I Can Relate
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

I don’t understand my own behavior — I don’t do what I want to do; instead, I do the very thing I hate!” Romans 7:15 Complete Jewish Bible

I certainly can relate to Paul at times. When I think I have mastered something in my spiritual walk, then, boom, I react the same way as before. And here I had thought I had checked that one off the “Got It Mastered” list.

Someone at work gets a big pat on the back during the company staff meeting. My response at times? “Well, what about that great job I did last week?” Instead of being congratulatory for them, I am asking myself, “Why didn’t I get acknowledged?”

Or the emotion that arises when driving down the highway and a young kid races by, obviously going beyond the suggested speed limit. My response has been, “I hope he gets caught. I want to get to my destination just as fast. But no one is catching him now are they?"

At other moments I find myself having high expectations, believing that a person is thinking the same way I am, and then finding out later that that wasn’t even on their mind at all. And then the big disappointment sets in, as I fall to the ground with the thought, “Another hope dashed.” At least it doesn’t take me days to get over it like it used to. Now it is down to a few hours. (At least most of the time.)

Paul got it right when he said, using the same verse as above, but as translated in the New American Standard Version, “For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate.”

Weariness sets in when you think you have overcome a sinful act, and yet when the opportunity arises to show that what you had desired to be the true colors by now - well, it just isn’t quite yet, but the same old same old had just come back. Why is this so?

We need to continue to practice repentance; to keep looking to the Lord to help us overcome those things that just seem to hang on and not go away. Attitudes, behaviors, wrong directions we tend to take, in our natural and spiritual walks, that we thought we had dealt with already, are going to take more practice. Our dependence on the Lord should never go away, where we think we have accomplished “it” and can walk on our own. Sure, we are to be mature. It will certainly come as our acknowledgement of Him is kept forefront in our minds, wills and emotions.

David is another person given in Scripture as an example for us to imitate. I can certainly relate to David, as He called upon the Name of the Lord. As a shepherd, and then as king of Israel, his dependence on the Lord is evident in his words I believe he continually prayed, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14 NAS) He knew that only in His Lord would he be able to maintain a proper attitude towards people and situations that came his way.

Paul encourages us with his inspired words, giving us further hope that what we experience isn’t just us going through it, but that our fellow ones also struggle with this. “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NAS)

Bob Mumford, a popular Bible teacher whom I enjoyed hearing and reading his books in the 1970’s and 1980’s, liked to share experiences about how we get caught up “going around the mountain” – getting in that mode where we just can’t seem to conquer, or finish the test, but have to keep repeating it over and over again. But someday we do! Someday we will have gotten that last mountain test passed, and be promoted to the next grade, with bigger challenges.

My hope is that as I continually give myself to desiring the Lord’s cross in my life, allowing it to work the eternal effect it is to have in my heart and spirit, that the things I hate to do, will in time no longer have its hold on me.

I know you desire that too. Aren’t you glad we are not alone, that along with the Holy Spirit we will be overcomers. That is my hope. I know that He Who is Faithful and True also desires that for us too.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #155 “I Can Relate” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (6.12.14) Thursday at 8:15 am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Posted: 26 Oct 2013
    Repentance is the most beautiful of words. Repentance should not scare us. It is a gift from God. If we really understood it we would make it a way of life. It is turning from our sins to a Father who longs to forgive us. Last night I repented of some things. This morning I learned His grace, as well as His mercy, is new every morning. 

It is when I least deserve both that I have to ask: "Why me Lord? What have I ever done to deserve even one of the pleasures I've known? Tell me Lord, What did I ever do that was worth loving you for the kindness you've shown?" ( lyrics by Kris Kristofferson ) 

As grace poured over me, the Lord said: "When America least deserves it, I will show her My grace. I am releasing My gift of repentance. It will flood the altars of churches again. It will flood the streets. It will flood the righteous who think they are more righteous than others. Watch for My flood of repentance!"
    Many years ago I ministered in Africa. A rural song there that became a spiritual national anthem for believers was, "Africa Must Be Saved! The words are: "If you believe and I believe and we together pray, the Holy Spirit must come down and Africa must be saved!" Since 1987 God's fire has swept an estimated 75 million Africans into the Kingdom. I wonder what God could do if we changed our tune and began singing over our nation: "America Must Be Saved!"

Bill Yount

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Meaningful Questions about Curses and Deliverance from Evil Spirits

Meaningful Questions about 
Curses and Deliverance 
from Evil Spirits

Jim Croft

Questions from Vince


I really enjoyed your book, Invisible Enemies: How to recognize and defeat demons. I have been working to get cleaned out. I have also been reading your articles and I am seeking to apply them to myself where needed.

I have some thoughts and questions. As you know, I come from a Vineyard background. This does not make me special, but I embraced the Vineyard’s history of openness to the things of God.

Anyway, I understand the need for forgiveness, repentance and renunciation of the curses listed in the Old Testament and any sowing and reaping effects.Jim, I notice that in the New Testament, there is no indication that the disciples or Jesus required anyone to ask for forgiveness before ministry of healing or deliverance.

Likewise, neither Christ nor the disciples asked anyone to renounce curses before healing. It appears the same pattern exists when they drove out evil spirits. Of course, I am seeking to apply these principals in your articles and book to my life. But I wonder what your thoughts are on these issues?

My Response

Vince – I’m very pleased about your observation of the absence of specific mention of repentance and renouncements in relation to demonic and curse issues in the New Testament and the Early Church. Miracles were performed without explanatory trimmings of that genre. Were you to exhaust yourself by reading all
of my articles, you would find that I’ve pointed out the truths that you have mentioned.

However, I have thoughts about the evolvement of the practices in question.Though the practices are not specifically addressed in “how to instruction” in the New Testament, they can be arrived upon by reasoning about the implications of the entirety of the Bible’s record.

There are many modern evangelistic techniques that we hold dear that are not explicit in the New Testament. Among them are found altar calls for salvation and leading people in prayers where they ask Jesus to come into their hearts to replace self in Lordship on the throne of their hearts. Nonetheless, millions have been born-again through those methods.It is much the same with the evolvement of how we function in the gifts of
words of knowledge, wisdom and discerning of spirits. We have come up with acceptable guesses about function and the Lord grants results.

Repenting of and renouncing sins resultant of curses and any accompanying demons had similar evolution that came from innuendo in both Testaments. We know of a certainty that Jesus, like John the Baptist, preached repentance and that the Lord’s disciples baptized the repentant. Therefore, it is safe to assume that inclination of repentance permeated the atmosphere of Jesus’ presence.

The existence of a particular habitual sin and demonic infestation within a person are evidence that either the Adamic curse or a self-induced curse is in effect. There is a vernacular way to define renouncement. It is verbal or physical indication that a person wants riddance of the curse of a sin and/or a demon.

People made physical indication that they wanted liberation from the aforementioned when they presented themselves to Jesus for healing from affliction.With all of that said I rarely bring up demonic and curse issues during first prayer encounters with people’s sicknesses and negative life situations. I simply pray with faith’s expectation and routinely see positive results.

Countless secular people and many nominal Christians are not familiar with the idea of evil spirit and curse affliction. If introduced prematurely, those concepts can derail attempts for effective ministry. With that in mind, I hesitate to venture more than subtle reference to evil spirits and innuendo about curses when ministering to them. 

The phrasing could go something like this: “I command the aspect of John’s personality that compels him to be excessively confrontational to leave his psyche. (Speaking about demons) If John’s parental guardians exhibited habitual contentious interaction with others, I break ancestral influence in his life. (Pertains to curses)”

It is my conviction that the generic repentance and forgiveness of initial salvation dissolves many curses and puts most demonic entities to flight. I do not bring the possibility of demons and curses to bear, unless a Christian incessantly has the same issues after prayers of faith. In that event, I surmise it is legitimate to do so under an extension of the “confess your faults” clause of James 5:16.

In conclusion, the concept of renouncing curses has become ingrained in the collective psyche of a sector of the Church. Due to this, it is better to address the matter on common ground than to try to stop the momentum of what so many reliable voices assert.

We can offer thanks to the Lord for allowing us innovation in our efforts to see captives of life’s bondages liberate.

Note: Following artwork added by blog editor.  :)
Steve Martin

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama Prophecy and Prayer - Prophetc Word from Wendy Alec (11/12/12)

Obama Prophecy and Prayer

Prophetic Word from Wendy Alec – November 12th 2012:

      Rory & Wendy Alec - GOD TV

I sensed the Lord saying: It is time to stop. It is time for a complete turnaround of my people. It is time to pray.
And as my people, as my church, rises up across the nation and the nations of this world to pray –
Pray fervently for President Obama; pray fervently for the government; pray fervently for the White House
That we will see in the land of the living –
That we will see a change in the direction of the White House –
That we will see a change – a transformation even of policies –

And it will be My Hand that has wrought this change says the Lord
For my hand has been restrained, says the Lord – My Hand has been restrained because of the disobedience of my people –
For there have been many prayers that have risen up to my throne but there has been prayerlessness for this government
For I tell you, beloved son, beloved daughter that as you arise in prayer for this government – as you arise in prayer for this President – for this husband; for this father of children, for this President of the nation of America –
That my hand shall once again be loosed to move upon the White House – upon the government – upon the President – in power – in glory and in might
And as you lift up your voice in the day and as you lift up your voice in the night hour before my throne and pray for wisdom for this man –
I tell you that even in an instant – I shall release wisdom –
Even in an instant I shall release revelation –
Even in an instant – his eyes shall be opened to things in the natural and things in the spirit realm that he has been previously blinded to –
And I shall pour out My Spirit upon the White House –

And I shall pour out My Spirit upon Congress
And I shall pour out My Spirit upon the President, and I shall pour out My Spirit upon this government – and shall pour out My Spirit upon this Congress, and there shall begin to come a softening – and the great divides shall start to dissolve –
And one by one, there shall come a working together across the aisles – across the differences – across the issues – and My Spirit shall move at first in individuals – in one man – then in one woman –
Then another, and another, and there shall be within the walls of Congress a spirit of reconciliation – a spirit of working together – and the walls of division shall start to fall – for there has been a stalemate in the spirit says the Lord – but no more

For there shall begin a healing of rifts says the Lord
A healing of rifts
A healing of rifts between the Republicans and the Democrats
A healing of rifts that shall extend even from the Congress to Israel
For there shall even be a healing of rifts between President Barack Obama and President Benjamin Netanyahu

And the spirit of Jezebel shall be rooted out of the White House –
It shall be rooted out of the Congress
For I shall tear down and root out –
And even certain men and certain women shall be removed from their positions
They shall be removed –
And there shall even be removals from a high place – a place of great authority
And in their place I shall position those chosen and appointed by my own hand
There will be Cyrus’ whose hands I shall use
And there will be Marys who hear my voice and who seek my face –
But Lord how can that be?
It shall be – says the Lord of Hosts – for child I am neither Republican nor Democrat – I am God, says the Lord of Hosts.

Is a man’s heart not in my hands?
Have I not said that that I move the heart of kings?
So I wait for you beloved son –
I wait for you my beloved daughter –
Come rend your garments – come dry your tears and bring your supplications for this President –for this government before my throne –
And it shall be – that even in a moment –
Even in a day –
You shall start to see things shift and change –
People removed – people replaced –
And I shall pour out wisdom in the night hour upon Barack Obama –
And he shall hear a voice saying this is the way – walk ye in it
And it shall be my voice says the Lord
And I shall put a hook in his nose to Israel
And I shall water the stony heart and I shall wash his eyes with my salve –the salve of my Holy Spirit
And I will break the bonds of intimidation from this President
For is it not that same spirit of Jezebel that has surely paralyzed his hands in this past term
That has kept his eyes from seeing
That has stopped his ears from hearing
But no more says the Lord of hosts no more shall it be
For I shall raise him as a champion of the poor in this next term
And yes – he shall raise his voice as a champion for the poor and the weak and the helpless
And this is not of himself but it shall be of me
And he shall champion the poor
He shall champion education
He shall champion the common man
And I shall bring to him men and women after my own heart who shall speak to him of things that hold great weight with me
And he shall think deeply on these things
And he shall ponder them in his heart
And there shall be many issues that he shall quietly address that may go unnoticed by the public
But they will not be unnoticed by me
And I will place a steel rod at his back
And he shall start to stand firm – and I shall grant him wisdom concerning economic issues
And yes there will be naysayers
And yes there will be opponents
But as my people – but as my church bring him faithfully before me
I will grant him wisdom to deal with the Middle East
I will grant him wisdom to deal with Israel
And I will send my prophets
My prophets will speak a word to him in season concerning my people Israel
And I will grant him wisdom concerning Israel – wisdom concerning Jerusalem, wisdom concerning Iran
Wisdom concerning Afghanistan
Wisdom regarding China
And a new mantle shall rest upon him in this term
A new mantle
A mantle of wisdom; a mantle of power; a mantle of strength
For it will be a new day
And many, many across America will say – is this the same man? How can it be?
And I tell you - it shall be because I am God -

Prayer for President Barack Obama and the government of the United States
Beloved son – beloved daughter – I feel that the Lord says that he has been grieved, much grieved at the voices of criticism that have risen up from his own people – from his own church these past years – from those across the United States that he has raised up to intercede and stand in the gap for America.
That the Father, Himself is now urging all of us who may have criticised, spoken words that were not beneficial over the President to do a hundred percent turnaround.
To repent of our attitudes – justified as many feel they are, and to get down on our knees, ask for forgiveness and start to earnestly pray.

Prayer for the President of the United States
Father we come before you and humble ourselves under your mighty hand.
We ask your forgiveness for every negative and idle word spoken from our lips against our President – President Barack Obama.
Oh father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for all men, we release your will over the government and across the United States of America
Father in the mighty name of Jesus – we bring President Barack Obama before your throne.
Oh almighty Father, we earnestly ask you for his salvation, that he may come to a vital, living knowledge, to a vital living understanding of you as his living God and as Jesus Christ his Lord and saviour.
We earnestly ask that you would endow him with wisdom in the mighty name of Jesus.
That he would be led even as Moses, even as King David.
That he would hear your voice ring out to his heart and mind – this is the way – walk ye in it.
We release wisdom to President Barack Obama.
We release the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Father, use him father. Use his hands to sign what you would have signed.
Use his voice to speak what you would have spoken.
>Use his eyes to see what you would have seen.

And in the mighty name of Jesus Christ – we break every hold of Jezebel over the White House.
President Obama – we speak to you in the name of Jesus and we free you this day from Jezebel’s clutches.
President Obama - where you have been bound – we cry freedom.

Where your ears have been stopped – we cry open.
Where your hands have been bound – we cry – a severing of the chains – we sever the shackles of intimidation.
We break off all Jezebelic deceptions –
We cut off ungodly advisers –
We remove all ungodly tentacles from your shoulders
We call forth Godly men –
Godly women by your side – day and night –
We call forth day and night prayer for you across the United States and the world.
Prayer arising even from the capital itself.
We call forth wisdom concerning Iran.
We call forth wisdom concerning Israel.
We call forth wisdom concerning Syria.
We call forth wisdom concerning the economic situation.
We call forth wisdom concerning the issues of the day.
We call forth a new mantle of strength.
A new mantle of wisdom.
A new mantle of revelation.
That you would bow your knee in the night hour and hear from the living God.
Father, we place President Barack Obama in your hands, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
May your kingdom come in the White House.
May your will be done in the White House.
In the name of Jesus Christ, your son, amen.