Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


“I was in the desert alone, lost. As far as the horizon, there was nothing in sight but sand. I felt the sand on my bare feet. Then I saw something extraordinary. In the midst of that barrenness, an immense wooden cross emerged from the earth, rising up with sand spilling from it back to earth.”

So begins a dream narrative posted by Bosnian Muslim teenager Emina Emlonic. A dream about Jesus.

It continues: “I felt then a spectator in my own dream, and the sight of the cross gave me neither fear nor joy. But I was a curious and began moving, almost floating, towards it, the most magnificent … thing I’d ever seen or imagined, and as I came closer to the cross, I suddenly saw a man walking toward me: a broad-shouldered, long-striding man, with a dark complexion, long hair, and wearing a white robe.

“And just as suddenly I ceased to be a witness to my dream. I was in it, walking toward the man walking toward me. I knew him immediately. He was Jesus. Without knowing why, I fell to my knees. He stood over me and touched my face with his right hand.”

Posted at the Catholic Thing website, such accounts of encounters with Jesus through dreams and visions increasingly are being reported, according to Pastor Frank Costenbader, founder of Manifold Hope Ministries, publisher of the Isa Dreams website.

Isa is an Arabic name corresponding to Jesus that is found in the Quran.

“The number of Isa dreams has seemed to grow tremendously since 2000, and in 2005 it seems to have kicked into another gear,” Costenbader said. “There has been an explosion of testimonies on the Web in the past two years about people encountering Jesus in dreams and subsequently becoming followers of Jesus.”

A Saudi man said his dream started with a “horrible” scene.

“One night, while I was asleep, I had this horrible dream of me being taken into hell. And what I saw there brought me real fear, and these dreams kept coming to me almost every night. At this point I was really wondering as to why I should be seeing hell in this manner,” he wrote at Answering-Islam.

He said Jesus appeared to him and said: “Son, I am the way, the truth and the life. And if you would give your life to Me, and follow Me, I would save you from the hell that you have seen.

“This came as a surprise to me, for I did not know who this Jesus was. Of course, He is mentioned in the Quran and in the book Surah Mariam. He is stated as one of our prophets, but not as a savior who could save us from hell. So I started looking out for a Christian who could give me some advice about this Jesus I have seen.”

He said he had to reach out to an Egyptian Christian, because Christianity is “totally banned in Saudi Arabia and if a Christian is caught witnessing to a Muslim, [it is] almost sure that he would be beheaded.”
A Thai teenager named Fa reported on Muslims of Thailand she saw Jesus as she walked in a field.
An account of her experience includes: “She found herself in the open field. There was nothing much special in this scenery but she felt peace in her heart, the kind of peace that she has never felt before. It seemed like she has been in this field before and somehow, she knew what was going to happen next.
“And then suddenly there appeared before her a bright light. She didn’t get startled when she saw the figure. It was a man wearing a white robe that seemed to shine. There was so much of joy and love that flooded in her heart when she saw the figure. She immediately knew that Jesus was appearing to her. Then she woke up.”
Not just Muslims
Muslims are not the only ones reporting such remarkable encounters, as Costenbader also describes accounts by Hindus.
He said regardless of the background, a common characteristic of the dreams of Jesus is that they instill a sense of peace.
“That’s far different than the fear-filled system of Islam,” Costenbader said.
Christine Darg, author and co-host of the Jerusalem Channel television program “Exploits Ministry,” agrees it’s an increasingly common development.
“The phenomenon of Muslims coming to a living faith in Jesus is happening every day. This is part of the prophecy of the prophet Joel that in the last days God will pour out his spirit upon all people – sons and daughters will prophesy, young and old men will experience dreams and visions,” Darg said.
Darg, who is also author of the book “Miracles Among Muslims: The Jesus Visions,” says compiling a record of the visions is difficult because of how often it happens.
“There are so many! One former terrorist promised God he would die for him, Jesus spoke to him audibly and said, ‘I’m calling you not to die but to live for me!’ He was surprised,” Darg said.
“While all Christians, from a theological viewpoint, should be willing to lay down our lives for the Lord Jesus Christ who made atonement for us, nevertheless, this message of Jesus to the former terrorist is quite a refreshing reversal to the death-wish mantra of jihadists!” Darg said.
Darg noted some experts say at least a quarter of all Muslim-background believers have experienced some type of supernatural dream or vision about Jesus.
“When I share my faith with Muslims, I often ask them if they’ve had a dream or a vision about Jesus, and usually they answer positively,” she said.
In his research, Costenbader found accounts of “Isa dreams” are not new.
A dream in 1844 led to the conversion of an Indonesian named Paulus-Tosari, who helped begin the first modern movement of Muslims converting to Christ.
He said also that two Jesus visions in 1892 can be directly tied to the founder of the second Muslim movement to Christ in Ethiopia.
Author and Choices for Living President Jim Bramlett, who has lived in Saudi Arabia, believes that the phenomenon of Muslims experiencing visions and dreams of Jesus is definitely “supernatural.”
“They’re visions. They’re dreams. It’s a supernatural, sovereign act of God and it’s encouraging. It’s also happening more often than anyone knows,” Bramlett said.
Darg said simply talking about a dream or vision of Jesus opens the door for the Muslim convert to talk openly about the encounter.
“For a case in point, recently I was taking a tour group through the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, and our guide had arranged for us to meet a Muslim cleric,” Darg said.
Soon it was time for questions and answers, and knowing that sheik was an expert on the mystical form of Islam, Sufism, Darg said she “felt he surely would have heard of some of his co-religionists who had experienced a dream about Jesus.”
“So I asked the sheik if he could share any examples with us. Suddenly, the man began to break down in tears. ‘I will tell you a secret. I myself have seen Jesus,’ he said, although he was speaking to my entire group,” Darg said.
Darg says the Sufi leader’s experience is typical.
“He related the most beautiful encounter that he had experienced with the risen Lord Jesus, and how the Lord had embraced him in a way that the sheik had become a believer and follower of Jesus without realizing that he was a Christian,” Darg said.
Costenbader said the number of encounters through dreams is incalculable, since he alone has documented stories from 29 countries.
“Nobody can get perfect statistics, but based on all our research, we believe that well over 1 million Jesus dreams and visions have occurred since the year 2000. This may be only 200 dreams each night among 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide.”
But he said “it is possible that as many as 5 percent of the worldwide Muslim population could have had such a dream – which would be up to 80 million dreamers.”
Darg pointed out many Muslims “do not readily relate these supernatural experiences out of fear of reprisals.”
She relates the story of a woman on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem who experienced dreams and visions about Jesus.
“She did not respond to him at first because of fear of what might happen to her if she became a follower of Jesus. Nevertheless, through an accident in her kitchen and a subsequent total healing of her injury by another night vision of Jesus, she received the strength to testify that Jesus is alive and that he had indeed healed her,” Darg said.
Costenbader cited Sura 4:89 of the Quran, which says conversions from Islam to Christianity are punishable by death.
They all had dreams
Costenbader said the dreams, in the words of one woman he interviewed, transform lives.
“When I interviewed one woman from Iran, she said that they had all had dreams,” Costenbader said.
The woman told him: “Would you put your life on the line for a proposition? We need something transformational, that’s what these dreams are.”
Darg’s book has examples of Jesus appearing to multiple people at the same time.
“My research, as far as I know, is the only book to emphasize this fascinating fact. It’s one thing when Jesus appears to an individual, which He did to me when I was a young girl. He healed me of a life-threatening illness in an open vision.
“But it’s another dimension altogether when Jesus appears to a group simultaneously. I have a whole chapter in my book about the Lord appearing to Muslim schoolboys in Arabia in a classroom during Ramadan,” Darg said.
Bramlett said the visions could be the result of prayers for Muslims, but he says God is the one who is doing the work.
“I believe He’s sovereignly pouring out His presence to the Muslim people. It’s a product of His grace. He sent His Son to die for them and He loves them. This is one of His ways of communicating His love to them,” Bramlett said.
While Bramlett believes Muslims’ prior perception of Jesus as a prophet could help them come to terms with the visions, another factor is responsible for Muslim conversions.
“I have no doubt that the Holy Spirit is at work, because Scripture says that no one can say Jesus is Lord apart from the Holy Spirit. So it’s His work,” Bramlett said.
Bramlett also notes an important attitude shift that he believes is necessary. He says the details of the stories should help Americans understand God’s desire to see the Arab people embrace Christianity.
“They themselves are God’s creation. Jesus wants to reach out to those precious souls,” Bramlett said.
Bramlett said a major hindrance for Muslims is their belief system.
“Their religious system is satanic. It’s possible that Allah may be the devil himself. Think of it; the Quran tells them to kill those who won’t convert,” Bramlett said. “However, we should want to see them saved. They’re God’s creation, and they all need to be redeemed. Jesus intentionally died to save them, too.”


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Keeping the Shemitah Produces Supernatural Results

Keeping the Shemitah Produces Supernatural Results

Bananas Israel
One farmer's crop of bananas in Israel produced a miracle. (iStock photo)
Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, Vice Chairman of the Agudath Israel World Organization, is a very busy man involved in important matters concerning the public. Why do you think he would spend many hours traveling to look at bananas in Israel, especially all the way up north near T'veriya (Tiberias)?
A secular farmer, Gibor Koach, whose produce focus is strictly bananas, decided that he would observe the Shemitah (the Sabbatical Year) this time around. He approached the organization that helps facilitate this—Keren HaShviis—for assistance, and they stipulated that he would be registered in their program if he would also undertake to be personally Sabbath observant (Shomer Shabbos) throughout Shemitah. He agreed.
The Rabbinic court (Otzar Bet Din) of Bnei Brak made the decision to cover his farming expenses and, in return, all the produce would become the property of Otzar Beis Din (court) and would be distributed in full accordance with Jewish Law (Halacha).
Israel suffered a significant cold spell for two to three weeks during the winter. Bananas don't like cold, and cold doesn't like bananas. When bananas are still growing and get hit with frost, they turn brown and become rock hard.
The hero of our story, Koach knew he was in deep trouble when the relentless cold hadn't let up for over a week. He lived a distance from his orchard and hadn't yet seen the damage with his own eyes. He began to receive calls from his neighbor farmers that have orchards bordering his, complaining bitterly that their entire banana crop had been destroyed by the frost.
He decided it was time to inspect the damage up close, no matter how painful it may be. He drove up close to Tverya to inspect his orchard, as well as those of his neighboring farmers. As he passed from one orchard to another, he was overwhelmed by the damage. Not a single fruit had survived; no tree was spared. His neighbors took quite a beating. All the bananas were brown, hard as a rock. He could only imagine how bad his trees must have gotten it.
Yet when he finally got to his orchard, he was awestruck. ALL of his bananas were yellow and green. It's as if his orchard wasn't a part of this parcel of land. His orchard bordered those of his neighbors, but not a single tree of his was struck by the frost. It's as if a protective wall kept the damage away.
At first he thought he was imagining it. As he rushed from one section of his orchard to another, the realization that the more the farmer keeps the Shemitah, the more the Shemitah keeps the farmer, hit home.
He immediately called his contacts at Keren HaShviis and yelled into the phone, "Karah Nes, Karah Nes!" (A miracle happened, a miracle happened).
It was a miraculous modern-day manifestation of "V'Tzivisi Es HaBracha" (I will ordain My blessing for you in the sixth year). There is no way to explain this other than that God keeps His promises. He says keep Shemitah, and I'll take care of you. He sure does.
Keren HaShviis reported that farmers who have until now refused to keep Shemitah have been turning to the Keren following their recent losses. They are now ready to commit to Shemitah observance.
Rabbi Bloom took the time to travel all the way to Tverya (Tiberias) and back to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon. During the previous Shemitah, Agudath Israel of America provided over $1,000,000 to Keren HaShviis. It plans to do even more this time around.
For the original article, visit

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Bob Jones Supernatural Clock Acceleration - Gary Beaton

Gary Beaton

Published on Aug 20, 2014
Gary Beaton, veteran television and film producer shares the amazing story of the accelerated clock in Bob Jones' hospital room during the last days of his life, and what it means for the Church.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Richard & Carolyn Hyde - Heart of G-d Ministries Update May 2014

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Heart of G-d Ministries  
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"Oh L-rd fill my heart for I long for Your presence night and day." 

The words above sound like those of a worship song, right? Well, this is a song that an Orthodox Jewish man played in a pub in Tsfat (Safed) Israel!  Can you hear the longing he has to know G-d intimately?  This desire is increasing more and more each day among Israelis, both secular and religious.   

I had the opportunity to participate in an open stage night in Tsfat with two of my daughters.  Since I hadn't registered previously they only had space for me to sing one song.  Before I began to sing I said, "Oh, how I love to sing from the Psalms". After the song the audience, comprised of many Orthodox Jews, exclaimed, "More, More!"  Wow, what a hunger and what a privilege to minister to my people!  
Sha'arei Tsion (The Gates of Zion)
Sha'arei Tsion (The Gates of Zion)

After I finished singing, three men approached me to see if I could sing on their new CD's!  Two of them have already called me and I shared with them about Messiah. One was Orthodox and after I told him I believe in Yeshua he had one question: "What holidays do you celebrate?"  After I told him Pesach, Sukkot, Shabbat, etc, he asked what I celebrate in December.  I said, "Chanukah, because Yeshua is the light of the world!"  His response was,  "Well, you're still Jewish."  
Let me explain.  Recently a dear Israeli friend was recording a worship CD and while in the studio of an Orthodox Jew, she and her husband explained that they are believers in Messiah Yeshua.  The Orthodox man replied, "I don't have a problem with the Jewish Yeshua, but I have a problem with the Christian Yeshua."  
How we wish that the history of the Church and the Jewish people wasn't so tragic. But G-d used the blindness of the Jewish people to our Messiah to spread the Gospel throughout the world.  So the nations were introduced to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  And now after 2000 years, G-d is removing this blindness that we've had and fulfilling His promises to restore Israel.  "A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in." Romans 11:25

Praise the L-rd for His faithfulness to keep His promises and for pouring out wisdom and favor upon His sheep and dreams and visions upon His prodigals! 
"For I do not want you to be uninformed of this mystery so that you will not be wise in your own estimation - that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; so all Israel will be saved, just as it is written, 'The deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.  This is My covenant with them when I take away their sins.'"  Romans 11:25-27
YP cover
"Supernatural or Just Remarkable" 

Booklet testimony:
"I had bought just one copy thinking that it would be interesting reading but found it had a very powerful message that had to be shared.  I gave my copy to my son, who after reading it, passed it around to his fellow workers.  One young man from a Lutheran background never knew that Jesus was a Jew."

"Then a friend gave me another copy to send to my grandson. He had accepted Yeshua as a young boy but many disappointments in his life led him to believe that there was no G-d.  After reading the booklet he decided there is definitely a G-d and now his heart is once again open to the Gospel!  So now I'm passing around your booklets to friends and praying that their hearts will also be open to the Holy Spirit."

The booklets are available via our website and make a wonderful gift for your Jewish friends and family!

 Would you like to live in a house with an Israeli-Moroccan Jewish family (believers) and learn Hebrew?  Small swimming pool, three meals daily (the wife is a fantastic cook!) and laundry provided.  It's only $120 per day per person or $200 for a couple.  This is less than what you'd pay for a hotel room alone!  Come for a week or two and see your Hebrew soar.  Contact us for more details.   תודה רבה
After receiving over 24,000 hits on social media ads from the "Supernatural" booklet, our son Ariel and Richard continue to work, along with the blessings of Pastor David Davis of Kehilat Ha Carmelin Haifa, on the second booklet and new evangelical websites.  Thank you for partnering with us - we're so grateful!
Another sign of the times?  Rain in May is highly unusual but last week we had a huge rainstorm - Let it rain!  
Recently while praying on the Golan with friends from Sri Lanka,  we gave away Psalm 91 bandanas and gifts to soldiers and hitchhikers. The openness of heart here in the Land is astounding, praise G-d!  Thank G-d for so many opportunities to shine for His glory at recent events for Holocaust survivors too!

LSE Asian group 
After a day of touring in the Galilee, please come over to our home for the 
and join us for worship, Israeli folk dancing and sharing how G-d is moving in our midst today.  Dinner will be served on our balcony with a magnificent view of the Golan, Kineret and Jordan Valley - enjoy!
  RH CH in CentraliaThank you for your love, prayers and support!  Our hope is to worship the King of Kings and raise up informed intercessors for Israel and partners in outreach to the lost.  
Blessings in Yeshua's love!
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
Heart of G-d Ministries   PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246   
partner with us icon   
Click on the CD covers for song samples and enjoy! 
Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover He Will Appear cover Some of the Best of CH cover Messianic Holiday Sampler cover 
We write G-d and L-rd like this according to an ancient Orthodox Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and loves to continue.  This is done only out of reverence and respect for the name of the Holy One of Israel.  Thank you for understanding.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What has Already been Set in Motion - Part 2 by Bill Click

What has Already been Set in Motion - Part 2 by Bill Click

Identity Network

Jesus told the Apostles:
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20)
Last time, we emphasized that what Jesus commanded the Apostles to do was to continue what He had set in motion. It was a succession of faith that would reproduce the very same dimension of who He had not only been to them, but through them, and was getting ready to release throughout the earth (Acts 1:4-8). This reflects who Christ must become to us, through us, and that: throughout the earth until His return (Ac.1:8; Mt.10:23).
We emphasized that the Lord said they were to be, “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.”  The word translated as “observe” is the Greek word tereo, meaning to make, guard and keep as a fortress, to prevent from loss. This means Matthew 28:20 could actually be translated, “teaching them to keep doing all that I commanded you to keep doing.”?
We stressed that the Apostles DID evangelize under Christ’s authority, but they did so with an anointing (Mt.10:8). This was also carried out by the seventy: heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, “the kingdom of God has come near to you.” (Luke 10:9)  Their effectiveness was verified by testimony: the seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name.” (Lk.10:17). Jesus established an ongoing apostolic dimension that could, should and must flow through His Church. That is God’s normal for the Great Commission (Mt.28:18-20). But to be and do this, we must first abandon non-biblical doctrines that allow these commands to no longer be valid.
Healing, Deliverance & the Supernatural: God’s Status Quo
Because of our experience, we have often made being healed, delivered and experiencing God supernaturally a “bonus” to salvation, instead of being part of God’s total package. Jesus accomplished these and freely gives them by His authority through the Cross, Resurrection, Ascension and ongoing intercession.
Being brought up in a traditional church, I always thought that when it came to God healing someone, that was certainly in His ability, but was an exception, not the rule. I cannot remember any reports of deliverance. The Supernatural of God was limited to someone having a burden to pray or, on very rare occasions, someone would confess that “God told me to...” (& such persons were not really seen as socially palatable by the “in-crowd” of that religious setting).
After becoming Spirit-filled and seeing the Lord begin to move in revelation gifts, I still saw very little healing, deliverance and the Supernatural. I began to have more opportunities to pray/speak deliverance (the devil seemed to be responsible for just about everything at times). And it seemed that ALL the “God told me to...” people came to the churches I was part of (& it became evident later many were not really hearing Him). That in mind, it was easy for me to maintain very similar attitudes about the works of God that I had held in the more traditional setting (Jn.6:28).
I did update from a “God can heal, but we don’t know if it is His will,” mentality to “Jesus wants to heal today, just as He did then,” but without seeing much difference in what actually took place. A few years ago I then further adjusted my attitude to “All healing comes from Jesus.” I start and stop with the Lord. If a Doctor is to be involved in the process, that will be at His leading. He is the Great Physician, they can be at God’s leading His assistants.?
This last view was mostly because of (1) my personal experience, (2) the fact that Luke traveled with Paul, (3) Paul confessed to having an illness (Gal.4:13-14), (4) Paul may have had issues with his hands (Ro.16:21), and (5) the “thorn in the flesh” dilemma. (2Cor.12)  Additionally, I didn’t like to see people beat up for their insufficiency in faith (I knew what it was like to have pain either so loud or for so long that belief didn’t come easily). This view seemed to make everything neat, tidy, and especially nice.  But as I continued to receive words in my spirit about healing and the Supernatural that didn’t match up with my updated experience and teaching, I knew something was lacking.
Our primary issue is that we theologize what God wants to actualize; we seek to doctrinally institute what God has released in order to Spiritually activate. We find our experience in the Word and then make it God’s status quo. In Golf there is an expression, “Think long, think wrong.”  As I have heard people in the church say, “when all is said and done, much more is said than done.”  True! So whenever faith rises, we need to get into that stirred water (John.5:1-4). Later, we can reflect on what took place. Much more often there will be praise to God for all He has done.
Your Freedom is to Become the Liberty of Others as Well
My lack of seeing healing, deliverance and the Supernatural take place has not been the hardest aspect of my personal experience to ignore. Instead, it has been the discrepancy between that and the instantaneous deliverance I myself received from the Lord. It had happened just before my 27th birthday. I experienced it 4 days after saying “yes” to the Lord for life, as opposed to when I didn’t follow through on my commitment to that same call 10 years before.
Without prayer by others or medical assistance, God freed me from a root of bitterness that (over 9 years) had led to stage 3 alcoholism, amphetamine addiction, and other multiple daily drug abuse issues. A few days later I was set free from smoking tobacco. I had been completely delivered without any withdrawal, rehab, working of the 12 steps, or seeking out prayer from others. To insure it was real, I waited 2 weeks before returning to church after 9 years.
This deliverance had come through a Supernatural encounter with God. The closest I have seen to it in Scripture is described in Ezekiel chapter 1. Yet it was still very different. I heard the Voice of the Lord coming through (actual) thunder, lightning, and pulsating Heavenly lights. Through those the Holy Spirit took me through 1Corinthians 2:11-16 over and over again until I received impartation of His Word. I had received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that (I) we may know the things freely given to (me) us by God (2:12). As I was made to go over that again and again, the previous words of 2:11 were also made clear: who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.  Eventually, the Spirit focused me on 1 Corinthians 2:14-16:
A natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one. For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ.?
Somehow, through the miracle of grace and faith received in that moment, God had made it clear to me that by His own power I was free, and that through the mind of Christ in the Spirit I knew what was being imparted to me. As I was still taking that in, I received the specific call, “go to Florida and study the Word.”
From the beginning, I knew God was real, I knew what I had experienced, but I later became compromised. Unknowingly and over time, I chose to offend God and deny Christ’s authority because of observing what took place around me, my need to package everything neatly, and my own present experience which didn’t match up with what He had clearly said we are to be and do:
“As you go, preach, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give. Do not acquire gold, or silver, or copper for your money belts, or a bag for your journey, or even two coats, or sandals, or a staff; for the worker is worthy of his support.” (Matthew 10:7-10)
Faithfulness with what You have is the Gateway to Much
During the first few years of my growth into ministry (1984-1991), I saw God deliver people in ways similar to my own. Whether in state substance abuse centers, treatment hospitals, rescue missions and prisons, I allowed the Lord to “get some mileage” from my past. God has not sent me in those specific ways since that time. But today, when the opportunity presents itself, I will announce, “if there is anyone here with drug, alcohol, or tobacco issues, God miraculously set me free and will do the same for you.”  This is not only based on “freely you received, freely give,” but also 2 Corinthians 1:3-4:
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
The Lord has given us two clear witnesses: whatever we have already received from Him is active within us to be released, and is to be done so freely. While you may very well need to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high to see Christ heal, deliver and release His Presence in ways you have yet to, you have what you have to give away and can, should and must do so.
Jesus said faithfulness with what we already have is the gateway to much:
"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much. Therefore if you have not been faithful in the use of unrighteous wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you? And if you have not been faithful in the use of that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?” (Luke.16:10-12)
We must allow God to use the “little thing” we already have as a springboard into much.  If we can be trusted to steward what we have already been blessed with, we will be promoted into more. In fact, if you will serve faithfully in the natural, as well as faithfully under the anointing of others, you can not only expect to receive the Spirit’s true riches, but also that which is your own.?
Last time, we concluded by outlining a process of progressing into receiving and walking in the apostolic anointing of Jesus that has already been set in motion. That call is:
  • We are each to seek Jesus until we truly find Him.
  • After finding Christ, ask Him what He wants you to do.
  • Believe what Jesus tells you to do will result in what He wants done through you.
This process needs to continue, but we do not have to sit on our hands during the process accomplish it. We don’t have to go lock ourselves away either, or (perhaps especially) use our own personal health as the gauge of our progress or readiness. We truly need to seek/find, ask/follow and believe in His process.
We must give away what we have received while we continue to seek to come into full alignment with Christ for His mandate. Our right, privilege and responsibility is representing Christ as He was, is, and forever will be: King of Kings and Lord of Lords, having "all authority….in heaven and on earth.?
Bill Click
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