All You have Been Walking Through
is NOT for Nothing
by Lana Vawser
Identity Network
As I watched this pressing happening the more pressing that occurred the more the Father poured His love, His strength, His comfort and revelation into the hearts and lives of His people. So even though the pressing was so intense, MORE was being poured in than the pressing was seemingly taking. So unaware the people of God were in this hidden place of deep pressing, but they were actually living in a greater overflow of His love, strength, comfort and revelation than they ever had been.
As this glorious wine flowed from the lives and hearts of believers, I saw crowns flowing out in amidst this glorious heavenly wine. There were names written upon each of these crowns.
These crowns fell at the feet of many believers and Jesus came and placed these crowns upon their heads. As I looked closer, on the front of the crown was one of those names mentioned above but on the back was the name of the believer. Instantly I knew that this pressing had been to bring these ones to the place of preparation where they would carry a similar anointing to the names placed on the front of these crowns, but not identical as they were created unique and individual, beautiful and different, hence their own name. I knew they were going to be used in similar ways to these heroes of the faith.
Encourage My People
Jesus said to me, "Lana, encourage my people that what they have been walking through is not for nothing, but for a greater purpose, vision and mission than they have imagined." I saw Him smile the most beautiful smile and His face was radiant with joy, expectancy and His eyes danced looking at His people, SO PROUD! With a wink and a smile He says to me, "Lana, tell them, it is going to be GREAT."
All of a sudden, I find myself standing before a stage that looked like a runway where models walk to display outfits. But this stage was so different. It was draped in the most beautiful curtains, like robes, that were red and with a smile on my face my heart knew that it was a sanctuary. A place that was so special, an inner chamber and the red curtains all around were reminders of the blood of the Lamb, and all that He purchased. There was glorious heavenly light in every part of the room that filled the room with such warmth and joy, such peace that nothing else mattered than being in this place.
It was the place that represented deep intimacy with God, the inner chamber, but also a stage set. I wondered why there was a stage, and into my heart came the words "to be placed on any stage of influence or stage of the world, it is birthed and remained upon by remaining in the place of deep intimacy with Me."
Jesus then stepped onto the stage, and my eyes filled with tears as I could feel His pleasure over His people, His complete joy at the release and unveiling.
He looked at me with His beautiful eyes and said to me, "It is time!!"
One by one He began to bring forth His people wearing crowns, each with the names written on the crowns. They were so beautiful and so wonderfully prepared.
"All for such a time as this," He spoke and handed each one a key, and the keys that each one of these were handed unlocked doors to their destiny. I saw them go into the world to begin to release all that was poured into them through the intense period of pressing.
In this encounter, I felt to encourage the people of God that ALL you have walked has not been for nothing. It has ALL had a perfect purpose. God has used it all, the good and the bad to bring you to this place, for such a time as this. All the things the enemy threw at you, He has turned, to bring you to this place of release.
New Mantles
God is releasing mantles right now in the heavenlies. These mantles are not to be treated lightly and they are mantles that have been released to those who have been through the pressing, that have walked the path of great sacrifice and continued to hold onto their Beloved. They have gone deeper into the inner chamber and pressed through when everything else has screamed at them to give up. The place where they have come to a place of such depth of intimacy that every part of them yearns and delights for Him and living before the audience of One.
He is releasing you now. He is releasing the Esthers, the Samuels, the Davids, the Josephs, the Daniels into the world. There is going to be an increase in dream interpretation in the Church and in the world, an increase in creative revelation in worship, an increase in the gift of administration and excellence, an increase in open doors to speak before people of influence releasing Kingdom principles.
Blueprints from heaven that have been given to the people of God in their pressing, in the winepress, the visions are being released now into the world and are going to be released into large corporations and these Kingdom principles released through these ones will not only bring increase to their corporations but salvations, signs and wonders into the marketplace.
Transformation in Governments
I felt the Lord wants His people believing for the transformation of GOVERNMENTS. Many of the keys that were released in this encounter were keys to unlock governments and minister to leaders of governments. There is a revival coming within governments. Jesus is going to visit world leaders in tremendous encounters in the night and great favor opening up through these ones being sent in to proclaim the Word of the Lord and bring about a Kingdom shift. Nations is now shifting nations with His love and Glory and He is moving into government to bring a REVIVAL OF HIS LOVE, which will bring even greater radical shifts in nations.
His People will Shine
I was then taken back into this encounter where I saw many of His people sitting on the floor around the stage of this inner chamber and they were weeping. I watched as Jesus went and knelt down beside each one and I heard their heart cries, "I am not a Joseph, I am not an Esther, I am not a Daniel." Their hearts were full of insignificance, not knowing their value, and bound in an orphan spirit.
I saw Jesus touch the chin of each one, one by one and lift their heads to look at Him in the eyes. He spoke with such conviction, such love and compassion and He said, "THIS IS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU" and He stretched out His arms and I could see His heart, and inside His heart, I saw the crucifixion and as I saw Him on the Cross I saw Him look at each one of these and He spoke so tenderly and beautifully, "It was ALL FOR YOU!" and the people of God began to sob and sob as the love and kindness of God enveloped them, healing their hearts and breaking off the orphan spirit. "All so you could be Mine," such healing and restoration was coming into their hearts that I began to weep.
He then bent back down and handed each one a scroll. As they unraveled this scroll there were pictures of each moment of their lives, when they were children and fell and hurt their knee, to when they were adults and got a job promotion, dreams coming true and in each picture I saw HIM! Every moment of their life mattered. My eyes then gazed over to the list on the other side of the scroll and it was every hearts desire, every dream and how He had molded, shaped, planned, perfected them and their hearts cries in His presence to bring them into the place of fullness and deeper knowledge of Him and His goodness. The presence and LOVE of the Father was ALL over this scroll with the words ringing in my ears, "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father." (John 14:9)
These ones stood to their feet, free of the orphan spirit KNOWING their value and knowing the unshakeable truth that they ARE LOVED and they are a SON AND DAUGHTER of the most GLORIOUS GOOD GOD!! I saw them go into the world into their day-to-day lives and they were releasing BOMBS OF LOVE through their words and their actions and attitudes and LOVE REVIVALS were happening EVERYWHERE they went. There were deposits of God's love being released everywhere, their feet trod in signs and wonders.
These ones who thought they were insignificant and of no value, not knowing how LOVED they were, were releasing a LOVE REVIVAL everywhere they went. People were coming to know Jesus at a rapid pace because THEY WERE KNOWN FOR THEIR LOVE.
These ones were even ministering in the Church to those who do not know their love, that were caught in division, caught in unforgiveness, bitterness and hatred and were releasing impartations of God's love through their testimonies and others were being set free in the Kingdom, reawakened and revived and then going into the world of their day to day lives and releasing His love. It was a LOVE REVOLUTION!
No matter where you are, no matter what you are walking, no matter what you have walked, as you are part of His Kingdom, it is YOUR TIME TO SHINE! It is YOUR TIME TO ARISE! Stay deep in the inner chamber with Him. What you have walked was not for nothing. It has been for such a time as this. Doors are opening now for your destiny.
The world is waiting for you. It is time to take your place. The pressing even though was one of the most difficult things you have ever walked, was one of your greatest blessing. You just watch how He is going to use you! The best is yet to come.
As He said to me in the encounter, "Tell them Lana, 'It's going to be GREAT!!!!'"
Lana Vawser
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