Monday, February 10, 2014

Jane Hamon: "I Distinctly Heard Him Say 2014 Would Be The Year of the Quantum Leap"

Jane Hamon:
"I Distinctly Heard Him Say 2014 
Would Be The Year 
of the Quantum Leap"
The Elijah List

Tom and Jane HamonAt the beginning of this year, as I was seeking the Lord regarding the season we are in, I distinctly heard Him say this would be the "Year of the Quantum Leap!" 

I had of course heard this term before, but I didn't fully understand the meaning of it in regards to what God desires to do in and through His Church.Webster's defines "Quantum Leap" as follows: "a sudden and significant change or increase; something sudden, spectacular and vitally important, a sudden highly significant advance...breakthrough!" 

Wow! Am I ever ready for this! Aren't you?

Upon further research, I discovered that in quantum science a quantum leap is described as Convergence: Quantum Physics, Scripture, and Prophecy by Ras and Bev Robinsonan abrupt movement of an electron from one radiant energy level to another with no smooth in between. An electron will build up energy and become "excited," then will suddenly jump or leap to another level to orbit another atom. As it does the photons emit a burst of light! It goes from point A to point B with no in between. 

Once it makes this jump it finds a place of stability, then begins to build energy once again to work up to the next leap to the next level. In a quantum leap moment, BAM! Everything changes! It is a "suddenly" season filled with light, energy, and power that redefines our present and our future.

Quantum Leap Freedom!

This is what happens when we have an encounter with Jesus...BAM! Everything changes! Like the children of Israel coming out of Egypt after Passover, BAM! One minute they were slaves, the next moment they were declared free. 

The number 14 is tied to the concept of Passover since it is celebrated on the 14th day of the first Hebraic month. So when we encounter Jesus our Passover Lamb, BAM! A lifetime of slavery, bondage, addiction, fear, and sin is destroyed in a moment. We make a quantum leap out of the kingdom of darkness in to the Kingdom of God's Son, the Kingdom of Light! 

This will be a year of quantum leap freedom as God's people experience and appropriate the power of the Cross on a whole new level.

Prayer, Quantum Physics and Hotel Mattresses by Jim BergeOne moment you may be sick, then BAM! You are suddenly healed!

One moment you may be bound by darkness and oppression, then BAM! The light of God's love makes you free, full of joy, full of light!

One moment you are poor with nothing working for you, then BAM! God turns things around releasing His divine favor and opening new doors of opportunity and blessing!

This is a year for God's people to build up excitement and energy through releasing our faith, dreaming bigger dreams, and praying in the Holy Spirit, then BAM! 

Leaping from glory to glory, from faith to faith, and from strength to strength. This will be a time of "exponential" increase for the Body of Christ!

The Quantum Kingdom

In quantum mechanics scientists have found that there are two realms of reality. One is called the present, which is the life we are living. The second realm is considered to be the realm where anything is possible! It is described as a reality in which there is "infinite possibility" and "unlimited potential."

As scientists have studied this quantum realm they have widely concluded that this earth we live in, and all of humanity, could not just have occurred by chance but rather that there has to have been a Designer or a Creator. They have been amazed to find that at the quantum level each atom contains a signature as though this Creator wrote, "I made this."

Prayer, Quantum Physics and Hotel Mattresses by Jim BergeI believe this indicates that scientists are seeing into the reality of the realm Jesus called the Kingdom of God! Everything He did demonstrated this quantum realm of the Kingdom of God. Each time He healed someone of sickness or disease He was demonstrating this realm of infinite possibility.

When He walked on water He was demonstrating that this present realm of existence is subjugated to this other supernatural realm. When He was transfigured He was manifesting the unseen realm of quantum Kingdom glory in the midst of the earth realm.

Everything He did demonstrated that the Kingdom of God is actually right here among us...a supernatural realm in which anything is possible.

In Acts 8 we see that Philip experienced this quantum realm and made a quantum leap. One minute he was baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch and the next moment...Bam! He was translated from one location to another...from the middle of a desert to...suddenly!...the middle of the city of Azotus! He entered the quantum realm of "infinite possibility" and demonstrated the limitless power of the Kingdom of God.

Quantum Leap Power

Similarly, the disciples experienced a quantum leap of power and anointing on the Day of Pentecost. After 10 days of seeking the Lord after Jesus ascended to Heaven, suddenly BAM! The room they were in was filled with a sound of a rushing mighty wind and they were all baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire! They were given power from on high to go out and work miracles, cast out demons, and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom with boldness! In one instant they were transformed!

Elijah and Elisha's double portionThis is similar to but much more powerful than what occurred when Elisha received the double portion mantle from Elijah. Prior to that time Elisha had never done one miracle...then BAM! From that moment forward he demonstrated God's transforming power everywhere he went. He experienced a quantum leap of the anointing and power of God!

In this season God's people must cry out as Elisha did, "Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me!" (2 Kings 2:9) In response, God is giving His people a new mantle for a new day!

It is a double portion mantle, as 14 is a double portion number. But we must realize what we have received is far more powerful than the mantle Elijah passed to Elisha.

We are stepping in to a time of favor from Heaven where signs, wonders, and miracles will become widespread, not only within the Church, but in the marketplace as well, as Believers begin to awaken and arise to the transforming power of God that is within them.

I had a dream early this year in which I pulled up to a place that does oil changes on vehicles. There was a sign in the window that said "Change Your Oil, It Will Change Your Life!"

I believe this is what The Lord is saying to His Church! We need an oil change! Psalm 92:10says "I have been anointed with fresh oil!" There is a fresh oil anointing for those who are pressing in to His presence and His promises this year!

Quantum Leap Awakening!

Harvest, by Robert BartowGod has set us up for a quantum leap season of the move of God's Spirit into a time of great awakening! Revivals here and there will no longer suffice. We need an awakening! I believe an awakening is epidemic revival. The word epidemic means "affecting many people at the same time, spreading from person to person in a location where something is not prevalent, a rapid spread or increase in something making it widespread."

We need epidemic revival in America today!

Remember, in a quantum leap the electrons build up energy and become jittery or "excited"...scientists really refer to it this way! God is releasing supernatural miracles and favor to His people so we can become excited again.

There is a momentum that is building in the Spirit. We need to set our hearts to take all the limits off of God this year!

I heard the Lord say that we have entered in to a three-year period where He is going to make Himself real in spectacular ways. The purpose of this is so that He can restore hope to the Church so the Church can then restore hope to the world! Romans 15:13 empowers us with these words: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." We will encounter the God of hope in a new and powerful way in this new season.

Quantum Leap Provision

At the beginning of this year my mother-in-law, Evelyn "Mom" Hamon, had a spiritual dream which demonstrates quantum leap provision. In this dream she saw Bishop Hamon and some of our ministry leaders ministering to a large field of people. After a while the people were getting hungry. Just as in the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, they searched around and came up with just a few loaves of bread, hardly enough to meet the overwhelming need.

Still, Bishop ripped off a piece of bread and handed it to one of the people. As he gave it, suddenly his loaf of bread was whole again. When that person took the bread in his hand, he immediately broke off a piece and put it in a basket for Bishop, then turned and gave a piece to someone else. When he did that, his small piece turned into a whole loaf.

As each one kept breaking bread, they would first put a piece in a basket for Bishop then share a piece with others, and their piece was made whole each time. At the end, Bishop had the original few loaves of bread even though he had fed a multitude. But besides there were baskets full of provision that came back to him. Everyone present ate and was full and had an abundance left over afterwards for themselves.

Quantum Physics--Releasing the Power of Your Supply by David Van KoeveringThis is quantum bread! As we give and share what God has given us, we will see a miraculous demonstration of multiplied provision. Our little suddenly becomes much!

God shifts us from scarcity to abundance in one giant leap!

As we sow financial seeds, we should expect a quantum leap release into our own finances. Already we are hearing of financial miracles where debt has been suddenly cancelled, properties have sold, new contracts are being signed; expansion, blessing and prosperity are breaking out in the lives of many!

This is a time for the manifestation of the Prophet's Reward. 

The Shunammite woman, in 2 Kings 4, made a place in her home for the Prophet of the Double Portion, Elisha. He represented the voice of God to her life, her city, and her land. As she made a place for the voice of God in her home, that became a place of miracles for her.

Because of her generous heart and her desire to receive the voice of God, she received the Prophet's Reward, which was the miracle she needed that money could not buy!

After years of barrenness, BAM! she had a child. Years later she needed another miracle as that child of promise dropped dead suddenly. She took the child and placed him on the bed in the room she made for the prophet, the voice of God. When Elisha came in he confronted the spirit of death on the child, and BAM! The child experienced a quantum leap, out of death into life! Again, in 2 Kings 8, after having lost her land and house when she obeyed the prophet and fled for seven years as famine came upon the land, the Shunammite experienced another BAM! quantum leap encounter when instantly all that she lost was immediately restored!

Quantum Leap Harvest

To further demonstrate the concept of quantum leaps that take place in a "suddenly season," allow me to relate the story of Chinese Bamboo. It is a costly, precious wood grown in places in China. The first year the farmer plows his field and prepares the ground for the bamboo seed. He then carefully digs small holes for each seed and plants the crop. He waters it, fertilizes it, and weeds it, carefully watching over the ground in which his crop is growing. But at the end of the first year when he surveys the progress of growth, he sees nothing, no sign of life, no tender shoot, nothing.

Chinese BambooIn the second year he waters, weeds, fertilizes, and tends his field, but again, at the end of that year...nothing. By the end of the third growing season a small shoot pushes its way above the soil. It only achieves about three inches of growth; after three years, that averages one inch per year. Not exactly impressive. By the end of the fourth year of growth the plant measures a little over a foot tall.

But in the fifth year of growth the bamboo shoot hits a growing season which lasts four months.

During those four months the bamboo which the farmer has lovingly tended for five years SUDDENLY shoots 90-100 feet tall! There are days in which the bamboo actually grows 3-4 feet in a single day. SUDDENLY!

(Photo via Emeka Talks)

I think we have all come to realize that God's "suddenlies" don't always happen suddenly. But we are now in a quantum leap "suddenly season" where we will see those things we have prayed over, decreed to, quoted Scriptures for, prophesied into, and warred a good warfare for suddenly come to pass.

This is a now season! We cannot be discouraged or disappointed by the previous years as we have looked out over our planted field of promise and seen no visible results of our labor.

Because suddenly, BAM! Rapid growth, fulfillment, and harvest are at hand!

It is time to experience the quantum power of the Kingdom of God. Miracles, signs, and wonders are our portion as we take off the limits and arise to our potential in Christ Jesus.

Quantum glory is at hand!

Jane Hamon
Vision Church @ Christian International

Email: click here

Tom and Jane Hamon are the senior pastors of Vision Church @ Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Their ministry together is an example to the Body of Christ of a husband and wife team working in tandem and unity to accomplish God's purposes.

Their ministry is characterized by a rich deposit of God's wisdom to provide apostolic covering for the Church, prophetic teaching and ministry, and demonstration of Kingdom anointing and power. They travel as an apostolic/prophetic team to the nations, imparting both the spirit of wisdom and revelation to establish the Church and break open territories through spiritual warfare for the Kingdom of God to be experienced in a powerful and practical way

Jane Hamon has been featured on Christian Television on TBN and through co-hosting with Gordon Robertson on the 700 Club. She has also written several books, including her very practical work on Dreams and Visions, her call to marketplace ministers called The Cyrus Decree, and her proclamation over women in the Church to arise and be The Deborah Company.

Jane Hamon:
"I Distinctly Heard Him Say 2014 Would Be The Year of the Quantum Leap"
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

We just loved having Jane Hamon with us in January for our 9th annual, "What is God Saying This Year?" conference here in Albany.

This was just a tiny taste of what Jane had to say. You're going to love it.
By the way, the entire conference set with Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, James Goll, Denny Cline and myself is available in DVD, CD or downloadable Clicking Here.

Here is a small quote from this article to encourage your prophetic heart…

Jane Hamon: "One moment you may be sick, then BAM! You are suddenly healed!

"One moment you may be bound by darkness and oppression, then BAM! The light of God's love makes you free, full of joy, full of light!

"One moment you are poor with nothing working for you, then BAM! God turns things around."
You're going to love the rest of this article.


Steve Shultz

To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from 
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

2014: A Year of Double 7s... Double Portions... and Double Blessings - Gale Sheehan

A Year of Double 7s
...Double Portions 
...and Double Blessing
Gale Sheehan
(The Elijah List)

Gale and Shelly Sheehan2014 is a key year for expecting great things from the Lord. It is a year of "Double 7s," with a base number of double 7s (7+7=14) and the Hebrew year double 7 (5774). 

The number 7 is a special number to the Lord, one of completion, fulfillment, and destiny. I have experienced the miraculous power of the number 7 in great ways with the Lord.

This year will also be one of "Double Portion" mantles being released to those that have past the recent years of testing times. If you feel that you have been one of those with great tests over the last few years, this year you can expect great rewards, breakthroughs, and health and financial miracles.

Angels will be released on assignment this year to co-labor with us to get victories we never would have been able to get by ourselves. This year will also be a year of "Double Blessings." To be blessed is to be empowered by the Lord to be fruitful and have dominion, wherein 2014, supernatural advancement in the "7 Mountains" of society will be possible. This includes supernatural favor in business, government, media, and other realms of societal influence, including ministry.

We are moving toward the time when the "kingdoms of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord" as revealed in the book of Revelation. We corporately as the Church are becoming a "Kingdom and Priests to our God." We will be a demonstration of Jesus, the true "Light of the World," at a time when darkness, as well, will be experienced in the earth.

2014: A Year of "Double 7s"

The number 7 has always had a very significant impact on our family in both the natural and spiritual realms:
When I was born in the natural realm, in 1955, the time was 7:07 A.M. When I was "born again" in the Spirit, in 1981, it was when I read Matthew 7:7. 

The Lord spoke to me while I was in a crisis situation as an unbeliever ensnared in a drug culture. I was all alone on a farm in Central Illinois when it happened. My brother's wife, Linda, along with John Schlitt's (of the Christian rock band Petra) wife, Dorla, were prayer partners and were praying for me that night and pushing back the forces of darkness. This prayer effort enabled me to make a willful choice to serve the Lord that eventful night.

The Lord heard my heart's cry when I said, "I am asking for help," asking if He was real. I had remembered hearing somewhere the verse, "Ask and you shall receive," and I was sincerely asking for help from this God of the Universe. 

The next thing that happened was the Lord spoke to me to go get an old Bible that I had buried away with my old college books. This was a giant print Bible my mom had given to me many years prior. I jokingly say that she thought if the words were big enough they would work on me some day. College degrees in chemistry and psychology along with agnostic views had helped to blind my mind to the possibility of the true supernatural realm.

When the Lord inspired me to get this Bible out and read from it, very supernaturally, the Scripture I turned to was Matthew 7:7...double 7s again. This passage of Scripture states "Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find, Knock and the door shall be opened."

When reading this Scripture God revealed Himself to me and I said, "It is true," meaning this Bible and its Author were real to me. I was "Born Again" that night before ever knowing what that terminology meant. "It is True" got me into the Kingdom. As I believed in my heart and spoke with my mouth, I was transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the "Kingdom of Light."

Hearing the Voice of the Lord can change your world. 

This experience opened a new door into a realm I never knew existed. Through this door was a prophetic destiny to be fulfilled. This upcoming year of 2014 and ongoing years will offer opportunities for Double 7 "Prophetic Breakthroughs" as we pursue them in faith. 

The number 7 represents completion, fulfillment, and success. Many of your prophetic words of past years will be fulfilled this year. God will shine His light on your prophetic destiny steps this year.

After this time of being "Born Again", the next year the Lord stirred marriage in my heart. He again used the number 7 in a unique way. When I found Shelly, her birthday was on July 7th, another 7/7 day. I thought this fits well in the overall plan of Gods direction and His use of the number 7 for our destiny.

Over the years the number 7 has had additional special meanings. Our daughter's wedding was 7/7/7 and her son, our only grandson (thus far), Landon, came into this world right on time on June 7th. Our son's wedding was also on a "Double 7" day, the 14th of September 2013. This was also Yom Kippur another special day to the Lord. These have been some of the examples where the Lord has humorously and purposefully used 7's to confirm his will for us.

2014 will be a time for great expectation of the power of "Double 7" fulfillment. God is releasing His "Seven Spirits" to direct us this year. As we hear His Voice and partner with Him, all things are possible.  

2014: A Year of "Double Portions"

Rest mp3The relationship of Elijah and Elisha represents one of the best demonstrations of how to effectively move into a "Double Portion" time in your life. Elijah had been the model prophetic visionary for many years prior to his ascension to Heaven. He was known as the "go to guy" to get your miracle. He had many victories of light against darkness during his life validating the Lordship of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

When the time of his departure was growing near, he asked Elisha what he wanted prior to his leaving. Elisha was bold and asked for a "Double Portion" of Elijah's spirit (see 2 Kings 2). Elijah said that it was a hard thing but that it was possible if Elisha was diligent to be with him and see the time of his departure. Elisha was determined to see it happen and it did.

Elisha pursued Elijah when it was not easy and followed when there appeared to be no plan. Elisha did this because he believed the prophetic word of the Lord. Elisha got the "Double Portion" when Elijah left because of his tenacity. We as well this year can receive mantles of "Double Portions." We can then spiritually strike the waters and cry out for the God of Miracles and He will show up.

Double Portion of Fortunes: 

Some of you reading this have experienced the year of 2013 to be a great year of testing. This testing time of the Lord will cause us to focus on the key elements of fulfilling His Destiny. If you have been one of these, you can know that the good news is: test times result in a "Double Portion" if we pass the test of the Lord.

Job was one of the greatest examples of one who experienced great testing times but came through focused on the fact that God is a good God in every situation. As he was able to live his life accordingly, even though seemingly losing everything, he received a "Double Portion" in the end. Job 42:10, "The Lord restored Job's fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before." 2014 will be a year of double for those that pass the testing times of previous years.

Land of PromiseDouble Portion of Destiny:

One of the crucial keys of 2014 will be that the Lord is enabling Believers to be Destiny Fulfillers. There will be a "Double Portion" of His grace and anointing to cause destinies to be fulfilled. There will also be a release on Angels (Ministering Spirits) to help us to fulfill Destiny. 

As Angels were the keys of many Biblical battles recorded in the Bible, Angels will make up the victorious army of the Lord in the supernatural realm today. They will team with us, an earthly army, to enable victories.

The harvest of souls is imperative in this day and hour. The darkness in the earth is increasing to cause individuals to look for answers in life. The answer is Jesus. God is pouring out His Spirit today on all flesh – both Believers and unbelievers. 

The Church will arise in this hour to proclaim with power the name of Jesus and see many transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light.

Elisha became a great destiny fulfiller after receiving Elijah's mantle. He struck the water looking for the God of Elijah, the God of miracles. God parted the waters and Elisha went on to demonstrate even more miracles than Elijah. We need to be those that are striking the waters today with "Double Portion" mantles looking for the God of miracles. 

As we do, we are in for great times of signs, wonders, and miracles that we have not yet seen.

2014 A Year of "Double Blessings"

Double Blessing of Fruitfulness:

The first usage of the Hebrew root "to bless" is in Genesis 1:22, the 5th day of creation, when upon creating the creatures of the earth, sea, and sky, God blessed them and empowered them to be fruitful (the ability to reproduce) and also have dominion. This word "bless" denotes to endue with power for success, prosperity, longevity, etc.

This Hebrew word also conveys the idea of being supernaturally strengthened, and of our weakness being compensated with God's strength. It also means to kneel and acknowledge God as supreme. Therefore, a blessing from God is being empowered to do what is not within our natural capabilities. 

This will be a year where we will see impossible situations turned into supernatural victories.

Double Blessing of Advancing the Kingdom:

This "Double Portion" year will be a time when we can make great advancements in our destiny as we trust the Lord for strength to do things that we are incapable of doing alone. 

Even though there will be progressions in the world toward greater darkness we can also expect that God will strengthen us to be greater light during this same time period. When we are weak, we can say that we are strong by the power of the Lord.

Land of PromiseA key verse of Scripture for this year will be the one that the Lord charged many leaders with "Be Strong and Courageous, Fear Not Nor be Dismayed, for the Lord thy God will be with you wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9).

A "Double Portion" of destiny fulfillment will be attainable this year of 2014. 

As Elisha received the mantle of Elijah it equipped him to impact lives for the Lord in a greater way than he ever had. He was empowered to be fruitful in Kingdom business and see the signs, wonders, and miracles of the Lord in abundance. We are already seeing physical miracles, emotional healings, supernatural debt reduction, and supernatural favor being released in this year of 2014.

We, like Elisha, will be empowered this year to be fruitful in Kingdom business. The Kingdom of God is being established in the earth today even in the midst of the darkness of the world. The time is approaching where the kingdoms of the world will become the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ. When that day happens, we will begin to rule and reign with Christ on the earth in a way that we have never seen before.

May you be "Strong and Courageous" as we move forward in Destiny in this 2014 year of "Double 7s, Double Portions, and Double Blessings." 

Gale and Shelly Sheehan
Directors, CI Apostolic Network

Gale Sheehan is the Director of Christian International Apostolic Network, a network of over 850 ministers in the US under the vision of founder Dr. Bill Hamon. CI also has a global arm of ministry with over 3500 ministers around the world representing all continents of the earth. Gale travels both Nationally and Internationally as a conference speaker. 

Gale is also the author of several books including Miracles Now, a book that equips Believers to activate miracles, along with numerous prophetic audio and video products. Christian International is one of the foremost leaders of the Prophetic Movement over the last 25 years. 

Gale also conducts equipping conferences that focus on releasing and receiving miracles through the simplicity of knowing that "Christ within You the Hope of Glory" is the reason for every miracle. Gale and his wife, Shelly, and family reside in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Always Loved You - Now Think On This (Steve Martin)

Always Loved You

"My beloved responded and said to me, ' Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come along. 'For behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. ‘The flowers have already appeared in the land; the time has arrived for pruning the vines,and the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.”
(Song of Songs 2:10-12 NASU)

As she walked down the aisle that cool October evening, my heart increased with skipped beats. The original song I had written for her, using those words from Song of Songs Chapter 2, had been prepared weeks earlier. Now as I tried to sing them, soft and gentle, while playing on the borrowed six string guitar, I got choked up on the second verse. She was so beautiful. And I had waited so long.

When she finished walking the eternal length of the aisle, I had to set my guitar down before I dropped it. This was the moment to soak it all in, as our gaze upon one another filled our souls with passion. Nights of crying out to the Lord had been fulfilled. She had come.

There was a time just two years earlier when I didn’t believe this was going to happen. I had been engaged to another, and it didn’t work out. That one was meant for another. But now this beautiful young woman, whom He knew was the right one, was coming to me. Is it any wonder why I love the Lord so much? Just one look at her, my sweet Laura Jean, is enough.

This really happened, when my awesome bride Laurie entered the church sanctuary and glided to the wedding altar. Her full length, laced pure white gown covered her entire body, while hazel eyes looked at me from under the sheer veil. What could I do, except try to contain my heart from leaping out with joyous ecstasy.

And now decades later, because of His everlasting mercy, grace and provision has sustained us through the thick and thin, the joys and the sorrows, while commitment to the full days of our lives continues to keep us, we both love the Lover of our souls. He has always loved us. He has always loved you.

“I am my beloved's, and His desire is for me.” (Song of Songs 7:10)

You may have come to the place where your soul needs to know His love, of His heart for yours, of His passion and desire for you, His beautiful creation and Bride. Doubts may have arisen from rejection, while forgotten and forsaken relationships have brought you to the point of giving up on your hopes and dreams. That desire for a man who really cares. The longing for that promised wife, or maybe just a little more of living the abundant life?

There is One whose desire for you is never ending. He has sought you in your sleeping hours, in your waking moments, in your hours of grief and despair. He is the One your being longs for.

The lover of your soul knows what price has been paid for you. Yeshua has come. He has suffered the ultimate. He has risen and now lives, so that you can too. For Him to be with you through thick and thin, through joys and sorrows, until the length of your days has been done, and then beyond.

“Hurry, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices." (Song of Songs 8:14)

He has come for you. He has always loved you, and He always will.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 

Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #111 – Always Loved You  Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.10.14 Monday at 7:00 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of my Ahava Love Letters and Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and our messages website: Ahava Love Letters

Heart of G-d Ministries - Richard & Carolyn Hyde Feb. 2014

Isaiah 54:17 
 "No weapon formed 
against you 
shall prosper..."

Heart of G-d Ministries

Welcome to the ARC!
The Grand Opening of their boutique hotel in downtown Tiberias will be held on March 11 at the Galilee Experience. This is the Israeli branch of our dear friends from Canada at Return Ministries, with whom we partner in bringing Jewish people home. Please click here for more details.

"Thank you for the song 'Yet I Will Rejoice'. It's been on repeat for many hours at home today because it lifted up my spirit and poured out comfort on me."

Medical and skilled volunteers sought to serve in Israel:

By G-d's grace, several thousand "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" booklets have been distributed in Hebrew and Russian in Israel, sparking numerous fruitful conversations about G-d and Yeshua. Stories keep flooding in from fellow believers about how they've been able to use the booklet to start conversations about G-d - even with people who had been closed to such topics before. Hallelujah!

We also had about 12,000 Israelis who viewed our evangelistic videos last month - praise G-d! However, only a small portion actually contacted us in a way we could continue to interact with them. This, along with other reasons, led us to realize that we need to "mend our nets" (rebuild our website) so that we can more effectively "catch the fish." The goal is to create three websites that are all focused on impacting non-believing Israelis with the truth, then starting conversations about G-d with them (through live chat, phone calls, in-person meetings, etc.)

One website based on the first booklet, about G-d's promises to the Jewish people and their fulfillment
One based on the second booklet (currently being written) about who Yeshua really is One with testimonies from Israeli Messianic believers L-rd-willing, we'll also create an evangelistic video series based on each of the booklets, with the potential to reach tens of thousands of Israelis with the Gospel. 

We definitely can't do all of this on our own, so we greatly treasure your prayers and support!

Testimony about booklets:
"We recently gave your "Supernatural and Just Remarkable" booklet to a friend who leads a class for adults in one of our local churches. He was so impressed with the booklet that he wanted to share it with the other adults in his class. My husband made it possible for him to do that and the response has been excellent. So we just thought you'd want to know that you are informing Gentiles in the Church as well as Jews in Israel about the faithfulness of our G-d."

We are prayerfully considering upcoming ministry journeys, G-d willing, so we can continue to raise up informed intercessors for Israel, minister through worship and teaching about G-d's heart for Israel and sound a clarion call for Aliyah. We'd love to hear from you there in Ontario, the East Coast and Texas and nearby areas....

When you come to Israel, please join us in our home for
a time of worship and sharing, a time of Israeli folk dancing and a delicious meal served with love and magnificent view of the Sea of Galilee, the Golan and the Jordan Valley!

"Deep Calls to Deep" "The Latter Rain" "Fine Linen" "He Will Appear" "
Some of the Best of CH" All five CD's are available via our website. 
  Enjoy song clips here! Download lead sheets here.

Todah rabah - thank you so much! We especially thank you for 
your prayers as we've recently gone through strong attacks from 
the enemy; he's not too pleased with us... 
We send blessings from the Galilee in Messiah's love!
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
If you'd like to partner with us, please visit our webpage or click:

Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

Canadian charitable tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada 


We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a 
Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's 
done only out of reverence and honor for the name 
of the L-rd. Thanks for understanding.

Father, Son and the Other One: Is the Holy Spirit Too Weird for American Christianity? - CHARISMA

If you’re a Christian and you have a pulse, then you’ve heard about the latest dustup between conservative Christianity and the modern charismatic movement. In his most recent book, Strange Fire, noted cessationist John MacArthur accuses charismatics of everything from doctrinal heresy to just being plain weird. He often cites the worst cases and passes them off as the normative charismatic experience.
To be fair, I do think some of the excesses and abuses in the book warrant correction today. I must also say that I agree with some of what MacArthur and his surrogates teach about the Holy Spirit.
For instance, it’s true that God wants our worship to be doctrinally sound (1 Tim. 1:3), intelligible (1 Cor. 14:19) and orderly (1 Cor. 14:27). We need to be reminded that the Spirit brings conviction of sin (John 16:8) and transforms our character (1 Cor. 13:1-7). MacArthur’s emphases on these vital aspects of the Spirit aren’t wrong.
But as I read, I wondered, “How is it that such a biblically educated believer can so blatantly and effortlessly screen out the supernatural content of Scripture?”
At worst, MacArthur just morphs Christianity into a mere doctrinal system—a checklist of sacred beliefs. At best, he portrays the Spirit as that silent member of the Trinity who is busy with the discreet work of inner transformation.
He doesn’t speak to us. He doesn’t lead us. And He has no interest in setting hearts, hands and lips ablaze with His presence. At least, not today anyway.
The Legacy of Radical Cessationism
Here’s the problem with all this. More than a century of mere doctrinal inculcation has left us with a generation of believers who don’t even believe in the doctrine of the Spirit anymore. It’s counterintuitive, I know. But just consider this:
These statistics are alarming when one considers the mass exodus of 18- to 34-year-olds from the church.
In effect, we have barred would-be worshippers from the fullness of the Spirit’s experience while insisting that they learn the Apostles’ Creed. But the Holy Spirit is not merely a doctrine we learn about. He’s not a dove on a stained-glass window. And he’s not the “silent member” of the Godhead. He is God himself—the God who has “invaded our lives with transforming presence,” as Craig Keener puts it. 
A diminished view of the Spirit’s work is dangerous for several reasons.
First, minimizing the Spirit compromises biblical truth. The Spirit is instrumental in our personal rebirth and renewal (John 3:3, 5-8). He fills us as we gather and worship (Eph. 5:19). He also empowers us to meet our obligations through Spirit gifts (Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12). The same power of the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is available to the believer (Eph. 1:19-20). The Christian faith is a lot of things, but it is nothing without the Spirit. We may engrave His name in the bedrock of our historic creeds, but without His presence, we are not of Christ at all.
Second, minimizing the Spirit will jettison our mandate. Christianity is not a nice family religion. It is a living, active and missional enterprise. If we make the mistake of treating the Spirit as nothing more than a theological abstraction, an amorphous concept or the “silent partner” of the Trinity, we will utterly fail to disciple the nations and the next generation. This is why Jesus told the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promise—God’s empowering presence (Acts 1:4–8). Take the Holy Spirit away from the church and all we’re left with is a grace-deficient, family-based cult. Christianity doesn’t work when the Spirit is ignored, marginalized or sidelined in favor of our Spirit-less ingenuity.
We’re losing our culture to darkness. And Christianity cannot be seen as a credible option in a culture where it is reduced to a mere historic curiosity, devoid of wind and fire—absent the Spirit of life.
Jeff Kennedy is executive pastor of adult ministries and discipleship at Eastpoint, a large and thriving church in the Pacific Northwest. He also serves as an adjunct professor of religion at Liberty University Online. When he is not teaching, writing, training leaders or grading papers, he is spending time with his wife and four happy children. He is also author of Father, Son and the Other One. You can visit him at