Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Israelis, Palestinians sorry to see Pope Benedict XVI go

Israelis, Palestinians sorry to see Pope Benedict XVI go

Tuesday, February 12, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israelis and Palestinians were united on Monday in lamenting the announced resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.

The 85-year-old pontiff stated that after eight years at the helm of the Catholic Church, his deteriorating physical condition simply would not permit him to adequately continue performing his duties.

Born Joseph Ratzinger of Bavaria, Germany, Israelis and Jews worldwide were initially wary of his adolescent Nazi affiliations.

But Israeli political and religious leaders on Monday hailed Benedict XVI for having faithfully continued efforts toward Jewish-Christian reconciliations began in earnest by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II.

"I greatly appreciate him for his immense activity to interfaith connection that has contributed greatly to the reduction of anti-Semitism in the world," said Israeli Chief Rabbi (Ashkenazi) Yona Metzger.

President Shimon Peres added that under Benedict XVI's leadership, "the Vatican has been a clear voice against racism and anti-Semitism and a clear voice for peace. Relations between Israel and the Vatican are the best they have ever been and the positive dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Jewish people is a testament to his belief in dialogue and cooperation."

Palestinians, too, were sorry to see Pope Benedict XVI go, but for different reasons.

"We want the representative of the Holy See to be supportive of the marginalised, of the downtrodden and in this case, the Palestinians who are living under a brutal Israeli occupation [sic]," a Palestinian Christian political activist told The Sydney Morning Herald.

For most Palestinians, Benedict XVI was that pope. Especially after the Vatican openly supported last November's bid by the Palestinian Authority to upgrade its status at the UN to that of a non-member observer state, the same status enjoyed by the Holy See.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict to become first pontiff in 600 years to resign

Pope Benedict to become first pontiff in 600 years to resign

In a sudden announcement that caught Catholics around the world off guard, Pope Benedict XVI said he will resign at the end of February, becoming the first pontiff to step down in nearly 600 years.

The 85-year-old pontiff made the announcement Monday, saying he no longer had the strength to carry out his papal duties.

"After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry," the pope said according to a statement released by the Vatican.

"After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry."
- Pope Benedict XVI

He said he is aware of the "seriousness" of his resignation, but that he did so in "full freedom." He will live out his days on Vatican grounds, according to officials.

The last pope to resign was Pope Gregory XII, who stepped down in 1415 in a deal to end the Great Western Schism among competing papal claimants. The sudden announcement sets the stage for the Vatican to hold a conclave to elect a new pope by mid-March, since the traditional mourning time that would follow the death of a pope doesn't have to be observed.

There are several papal contenders in the wings, but no obvious front-runner, according to Vatican watchers.

A Vatican spokesperson told "Fox & Friends" that Pope Benedict "will not take part in conclave" to choose his successor. Officials hope to have a new pope in place in time for the start of Holy Week, on March 14. Although there has been much speculation about Pope Benedict's health, a Vatican spokesman said he is not in any immediate danger.

"There's nothing immediately serious or grave," the Vatican spokesman told ABC.

The pope's 89-year-old brother, Georg Ratzinger, told a German news agency that the pope has had difficulty walking recently and has considered stepping down for months.

“His age is weighing on him,” Georg Ratzinger said. “At this age my brother wants more rest.”

Born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, Pope Benedict became the 265th pope after being elected by his fellow cardinals on April 19, 2005, at the age of 78 following the death of the popular John Paul II. The ninth German pope and first in nearly 500 years, Benedict was ordained in 1951 and was a major figure at the Vatican stage for decades before his ascension.

Ratzinger chose the name Benedict, which comes from the Latin word meaning "the blessed," in homage to Pope Benedict XV, who was pope during World War I, and Saint Benedict of Nursia, who established the Benedictine monasteries.

During his papacy and in the years prior, Benedict was a key figure in the church's efforts to address widespread instances of sexual abuse of children by priests. In 2001, then-Cardinal Ratzinger convinced John Paul II to put the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which he led, in charge of investigating cases and setting policy regarding what he termed "filth" in the church.

As a cardinal, Ratzinger pushed through important reforms, including making Internet offenses against children a violation covered by canon law, extending child abuse offenses to include the sexual abuse of all under 18, waiving of the statute of limitation and speeding the process of dismissing guilty priests.

Even before becoming pope, Ratzinger had experienced health problems and attempted to resign from his role as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith several times, only to stay on at the behest of Pope John Paul II. In 1991, Ratzinger suffered a stroke, according to reports.

After becoming pope, Benedict, who predicted a short tenure for himself, suffered another stroke in May 2005, according to the Vatican. He is also believed to suffer from a heart condition.

As pope, Benedict embraced technology. In December, he began using Twitter, wher
e he has 1.5 million followers.

"We must trust in the mighty power of God’s mercy," read his most recent tweet, posted yesterday. "We are all sinners, but His grace transforms us and makes us new."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/02/11/pope-benedict-xvi-to-resign-at-end-february/#ixzz2KbCxTrAt

Get it straight: Hamas does NOT accept Israel!

Get it straight: Hamas does NOT accept Israel!

Friday, February 08, 2013 |  Ryan Jones  
Israel Today
Every once in a while, world leaders and diplomats try to spin a certain piece of news to make it appear that even Hamas is willing to compromise and accept Israel's existence for the sake of peace.

The goal is obvious - to paint Israel and its policies as the sole obstacle to peace.

But every time, Hamas wastes no time clarifying what everyone already knows: that it, the group which won the last Palestinian general election, does not and never will accept Israel's right to exist in this region.

The most recent example of this phenomenon took place late last month when Jordan's King Abdullah reportedly informed US President Barack Obama that Hamas was ready to accept a two-state solution that guaranteed Israel's future existence.

Abdullah met with Hamas leader Khaled Mashal in Damascus, where the latter was said to have expressed a sincere change of attitude toward the peace process.

It took no time at all, and zero fact checking, for Western media, Israeli liberals, and international diplomats to adopt the story and begin shouting for Israel to return to peace talks with concessions in hand.

Two days later, Hamas put the lies to rest. The reports of Mashal making peace overtures in his meeting with King Abdullah were completely baseless, Hamas officials said in a statement released to Palestinian media.

"Hamas will not change its position" regarding Israel's existence, senior Hamas official Yahya Moussa told Bethlehem's Ma'an news agency. "We will never agree to giving the Zionist state one inch of the land of Palestine."

Moussa stressed that Hamas remains committed to the "liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea."


Unlikely Library Archive Contains Rare Pictures from the Galilee

Unlikely Library Archive Contains Rare Pictures from the Galilee
In the near future we hope to publish newly found antique photos and details of a collection of pictures we found in a European archive.  The pictures show another aspect of Jewish life in the Holy Land over 100 years ago.

Meanwhile, here's a tasty morsel from the collection, a picture taken almost 120 years ago.

The caption reads "Sea of Galilee [Scots] Mission Hospital. A peek at a corner of the Male Ward 1894." 

The picture shows care being given to Jewish and Arab patients. The orderly (?) on the right appears to be a religious Jew.

The Palestinians and The Middle East Conflict (THE TRUTH)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Love For His People - our new blog header

    LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE - our new blog header
    (designed by Ben Martin)

Obama Planning First Visit to Israel as President

Obama Planning First Visit to Israel as President

President Obama is planning his first trip to Israel since taking office in 2008.
The visit is planned for this spring but the White House hasn't released the dates or itinerary.

Obama last visited Israel when during his 2008 campaign. But his lack of visiting the Jewish state during his first term as president has drawn criticism from some pro-Israel groups who say the administration isn't supportive of the United States' closest ally in the Middle East.

The president did visit Arab countries in the region during his first term, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sample Reel for 'Above and Beyond: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force' - Playmount Productions

Sample Reel for 'Above and Beyond: The Birth of the Israeli Air Force' - Playmount Productions

To see full video "Above and Beyond - The Birth of the Israeli Air Force: http://vimeo.com/54400569

Hungarian Jews flee to Austria

Hungarian Jews flee to Austria

Leader of Vienna's Jewish community says anti-Semitism in Hungary is causing influx of Jewish immigrants
Published: 02.05.13, 14:51 / Israel Jewish Scene

VIDEO - The leader of Vienna’s Jewish community says anti-Semitism in Hungary is causing an influx of Jewish immigrants to Austria.

Oskar Deutsch said he was pleased people were coming, but that the circumstances forcing Jews to leave Hungary were deeply troubling.

Video courtesy ofjn1.tv

Austria’s Jewish community numbers approximately 8,000 people and is being joined in recent years by some 150 families annually fleeing from Hungary.

Hungary, which has a Jewish population of approximately 90,000, has been experiencing a wave of anti-Semitism after the ultra-nationalist party Jobbik picked up 47 seats in parliaary elections in 2010.

The party provoked outrage when it recently called for a list of the country’s Jews to be drawn up as a matter of national security.

The party has also labeled Israel a "Nazi state" and accused Jews of controlling Hungary’s media and being responsible for the central European country’s economic woes.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Israel declares water crisis is over

Israel declares water crisis is over

Monday, February 04, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel's Water Authority on Monday officially declared the national water crisis to be over, and lifted its "severe drought advisory."

"The water crisis is over" and the situation is stable, but Israelis must not become complacent lest the nation find itself in a drought situation again, stated Water Authority Head Alexander Kushner.

Israel has suffered from dryer than usual winters for the past seven years, resulting in an overdraft of its national reservoirs, in particular the Sea of Galilee.

But, heavy winters rains and snow this year, combined with increased desalination efforts and conservatory behavior on the part of the public, has brought the Sea of Galilee to within two meters (six feet) of its capacity.

Experts believe the lake will fill the rest of the way when the winter snow atop the Golan Heights melts later this year.

Over the past seven dry years, Israel established three large desalination plants along its Mediterranean coast that today provide the nation with nearly half of its drinking water. Two more plants are scheduled to come online in the near future.


Hungary orders Holocaust denier to visit Auschwitz

Hungary orders Holocaust denier to visit Auschwitz

02/03/2013, Jerusalem Post 

Court orders Gyorgy Nagy, Hungary's first convicted Holocaust denier, to visit Yad Vashem or Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Train to Auschwitz
Train to Auschwitz Photo: REUTERS
KRAKOW – A court in Hungary ordered a Holocaust denier to serve a most unconventional punishment. He was instructed to visit either the Budapest Holocaust memorial center, the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp or the Yad Vashem memorial in Israel.

Gyorgy Nagy, a 42-year-old unemployed computer technician, is the first Hungarian convicted under the country’s Holocaust denial law, which came into effect in February 2010. The court also gave him an 18- month suspended jail sentence.

If Nagy chooses to visit the local Holocaust memorial center, he will have to visit the place three times, and write down his thoughts and observations after his visits in order to complete his sentence.

Nagy was arrested at a political rally in Budapest in 2011 when the local police read on the banner he was holding: “The Shoah didn’t happen.”

Holocaust denial is a crime in Hungary punishable by a maximum three-year sentence.

The law criminalizing it was submitted by Attila Mesterhazy, chairman of the Hungarian Socialist Party. The law passed two years ago 197-1 with 142 abstentions.

Earlier attempts to ban Holocaust denial were rejected by the Hungarian courts for infringing on freedom of speech.

Despite the new law, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been sharply criticized recently by many world Jewish organizations for pandering to nationalists and tolerating anti-Semitism. In one of the most notable cases, Orban’s government was accused of approving the naming of a park in Gyomro, a small town on the outskirts of Budapest, after Miklos Horthy, the country’s wartime leader and a close ally of Adolf Hitler.

Orban was also accused for not condemning the anti-Semitic statements made in recent months by some members of the far-right Jobbik party, including a call to count the number of the Jews living in the country “and who represent a hazard for national security” and the demand for the resignation of Hungarians MP’s with both Hungarian and Israeli citizenship.

Last June, Elie Wiesel, Nobel peace laureate and Holocaust survivor, returned Hungary’s highest state honor, the Grand Cross, accusing Hungary of “whitewashing” its history and its collaboration with the Nazis.

'Shema Yisrael' to be Engraved on Koch's Gravestone

'Shema Yisrael' to be Engraved on Koch's Gravestone

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch's memorial stone will include a Magen David (Jewish Star) and the first portion of the Shema prayer.
By David Lev
First Publish: 2/3/2013
Israel National News

Former New York Mayor Ed Koch
Former New York Mayor Ed Koch
Former New York Mayor Ed Koch's memorial stone will include a Magen David (Jewish Star) and the first portion of the Shema Yisrael prayer. A report in Ha'aretz Sunday said that Koch had made the request in his will.

In addition, Koch's stone will feature the last words of Jewish journalist Daniel Perl, who was murdered by radical Muslim Pakistani terrorists. Perl's final words -- “My father was a Jew, my mother was a Jew, I am a Jew” -- will be inscribed on the stone as well. Koch passed away Friday, February 1, eleven years to the day of Perl's murder.

Koch's funeral will take place Monday. Services will be held at Temple Emanu-El in Manhattan, and “shiva” will be held at Gracie Mansion, home of New York's mayors. Koch served three terms as New York City mayor, from 1978 through 1989, helping to shepherd New York through financial crises, transit strikes, and a period of very high crime. Many commentators attribute the city's prosperity and growth over the past two decades to the “grunt work” Koch did in developing new institutions and methods of government.

Current New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, praised Koch, who passed away at age 88, as a "tireless, fearless and guileless civic leader" for his role in pulling New York back from the brink of financial collapse in the late 1970s."Ed helped lift the city out of its darkest days and set it on course for an incredible comeback," Bloomberg said, ordering flags to be lowered to half-mast.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Praying Daily for Jerusalem & All of Israel!

Praying Daily for Jerusalem & All of Israel!

We pray daily for our friends in Jerusalem and all of Israel, whether "in season or out".

As believers in Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach), we lift up our brethren, as fathers in the faith.

The Jewish people have been, and are being used by the Lord (Adonai) to show His love and purposes for all people in all nations. We are wise to take heed.

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People Inc.

I use the above pictured proclamation card in my daily prayer time, from Derek Prince Ministries.You can get a copy for your prayer time (in black and white), if you write to me using the address below.

Blessed are those who pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Blessed are those who bless the Jews, even as Scriptures states in Genesis 12: 3:

"I will bless those who bless you, but I will curse anyone who curses you; and by you all the families of the earth will be blessed." (CJB - Complete Jewish Bible)

Our love for His people is constant, unchanging, and eternal.

We share His love with ongoing support for our Messianic friends in the Promised Land, Eretz Israel. We welcome all who will join us in expressing His love.

Ahava & Shalom,

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA

Steve Martin, Founder/President      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414  Pineville, NC 28134      

E-mail: loveforhispeople@gmail.com martinlighthouse@gmail.com

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       

Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)

Jerusalem - the eternal capital city of Israel, 
and the King of kings and Lord of lords.

So do we Charlie Brown!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; those who love
you will be serene.

PSALMS (122:6)

שַׁאֲלוּ שְׁלוֹם יְרוּשָׁלִָם יִשְׁלָיוּ אֹהֲבָיִךְ

תהילים קכ''ב:ו

Sha-ah-LOO she-LOME Ye-roo-sha-la-YEEM yeesh-la-YOO oh-ha-va-YEEKH

Friday, February 1, 2013

Super Bowl suspense: Will Jewish NFL owner join Hall of Fame?

Super Bowl suspense: Will Jewish NFL owner join Hall of Fame?

Baltimore Ravens’ Semitic supporters anxiously await Shabbat announcement about former team leader Art Modell

January 31, 2013
Times of Israel
Art Modell, the late owner of the Baltimore Ravens, embraces star linebacker Ray Lewis in 2001. (photo credit: Courtesy of the Baltimore Ravens via JTA)
Art Modell and Ray Lewis
NEW YORK (JTA) — Every Sunday during the football season, a group of 30 diehard Jewish Baltimore Ravens fans suit up in purple pants, jerseys, socks, face paint and special Ravens tzitzit to watch the game together.

If the game falls on a Saturday, the club gathers for a “purple Shabbos,” when they wear Ravens jerseys under their suits, eat Ravens-inspired food from a purple menu and go into lockdown mode once the game starts so they don’t accidentally discover the final score before they can watch the recorded broadcast post-Sabbath.

“Yes, we’re all absolute Ravens nuts,” said Noam Heller, a 25-year-old Baltimore native. “We’re not just casual football fans like some other states. Everyone who knows our crew knows we’re crazy.”
The group has been reveling in the Ravens together for about five years at the homes of its members. Wives and kids come along now, too.

With their beloved squad slated to face off against the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl XLVII on Sunday, Heller and company no doubt will get even crazier than normal.

Supporters see Modell as a brilliant businessman instrumental in the creation of ‘Monday Night Football’
The showdown comes just six months after the death of former owner Art Modell, the Jewish Brooklyn native who moved the team to Baltimore from Cleveland in 1996. Ravens players dedicated this season to Modell, wearing a patch with “Art” on their jerseys.

And even more poignancy: The Pro Football Hall of Fame will announce whether Modell will be inducted Saturday.

“Honestly, I’m kvelling over this game,” said David Modell, one of the late owner’s two sons and a former president and CEO of the Ravens. “I’m not praying for results; I’m praying for the strength and courage of this team, and the rest will take care of itself. But a Super Bowl victory and a place in the Hall of Fame would be an incredible way to honor my father’s memory.”

Modell’s legacy is something of a touchy subject for football fans. Supporters see him as a brilliant businessman best known for his role in negotiations with the ABC television network leading to the creation of “Monday Night Football” in 1970, and for his support for community charities in Cleveland and Baltimore.

In Cleveland, Modell isn’t remembered as fondly. After 34 years as owner of the Browns, Modell took the team to Baltimore in 1996 and renamed them the Ravens. Many Cleveland fans remain bitter over the loss of their team and say it would be wrong to honor Modell with a spot in the Hall of Fame.

“I don’t care how much money he gave to either community or how well Baltimore is doing,” said one disgruntled Jewish Clevelander who asked that his name not be published for fear of bad football karma. “Art Modell stole our pride in Cleveland, and stealing in football should not be praised.”
Modell ‘wasn’t the type of man who wore his spirituality on his sleeve, but he was a quietly religious and very spiritual Jew’
David Modell said that many Cleveland fans wrote to him and his brother, John, to offer condolences after their father passed away. It seemed they forgave Modell, who sold the Ravens in 2004, for abandoning Cleveland and now remember him mainly as a football legend.

Although Modell’s two sons are Catholic, children from the first marriage of his wife Patricia Breslin, David Modell said his father made sure to teach them the basic Jewish traditions of the religion he loved.

“My father wasn’t the type of man who wore his spirituality on his sleeve, but he was a quietly religious and very spiritual Jew,” David said. “We knew that he carried around a piece of paper with God’s name in his pocket every day of his life. Every year he would light memorial candles for his parents’ death. He always attended temple on High Holidays. And Hanukkah candles were so important to him that my brother in California and I skyped together this year to light candles and recite the prayers.”

Modell had a special relationship with football players as well as fans, specifically with Ray Lewis, the Ravens’ All-Pro linebacker who is retiring at the end of this season. Modell watched his team practice every day and had a father-son relationship with Lewis.

Unlike his former boss, Lewis did wear his spirituality on his sleeve — or at least on his chest. Following a 24-9 playoff victory over the Colts earlier this month, Lewis removed his game jersey to reveal a T-shirt that read “Psalm 91,” which concludes with the line, “With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.”

Heller and his friends responded by getting together for a communal reading of the psalm and to pray on the Ravens’ behalf.

“We’ve loved the Ravens since Art Modell first brought them to Baltimore in 1996,” Heller said. “We all looked up to him as kids. And this Super Bowl is going to be ours.”

Messianic ministry continues to reach Israelis via Internet

Messianic ministry continues to reach Israelis via Internet

Friday, February 01, 2013 |  Ryan Jones  
Israel Today 
Israel Today has for years been covering the Internet-based evangelism efforts of One For Israel, a team of young Israeli Messianic new media professionals.

One For Israel's latest newsletter reveals that not only has the ministry remained active, it is growing considerably both in activity and reach.

As an example, One For Israel noted that over just the past seven days, "we were contacted via our websites by 6 different people around Israel who stated an authentic desire to learn more about the Lord Yeshua (Jesus)."

Among those who made contact were two teenage girls doing a report on Messianic Judaism for their school and a young man who identified himself as a homosexual eager to learn more about Yeshua.

"Three out of the six who contacted us asked to be connected with a local congregation/church as soon as possible," according to the newsletter.

As a reminder of the growing curiosity (and hunger) among Israelis for information regarding faith in Yeshua, One For Israel published statistics showing that every month 18,000 Israelis search Google for the term "redemption," and over 22,000 search for "Yeshua."

On their own series of websites, One For Israel offers a free copy of the New Testament in three versions: MP3 (audio), hard copy and an app for smartphones.

A hard copy New Testament is requested once every 35 hours, and the MP3 and smartphone versions are downloaded as much as five times every day.

The ministry recently moved to new facilities at Israel College of the Bible, a Messianic college located in the coastal town of Netanya. One For Israel hopes to increase their already impressive efforts with the new television and audio recording studios now available to them.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Expert: Netanyahu in good strategic position

Expert: Netanyahu in good strategic position

Thursday, January 31, 2013 |  Ryan Jones 
Israel today 
Professor Gideon Rahat
The right-wing powerhouses of the Israeli political scene might not have done as well as many hoped in the recent election, but that doesn't mean Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to achieve his goal by calling an early vote.

Professor Gideon Rahat, an expert on Israeli politics at the Israel Democracy Institute and the Hebrew University, told Israel Today that "Likud lost the election, but Netanyahu won."

Asked why Likud and its partner Israel Beiteinu Party lost so many mandates, Prof. Rahat said Israelis have been searching for a viable centrist option since at least 1977.

That's why Yair Lapid's centrist Yesh Atid (There is a Future) did so well, at the expense of both the right and left.

When it comes to economics, "most Israelis want socialism over capitalism," said Rahat. But Israelis also realize that unrestrained socialism means most of their taxes go to support sectors of society that largely fail to contribute - namely the ultra-Orthodox Jews and the Arabs.

When it comes to security and the peace process, "most Israelis see that [the Palestinians] don't want real peace, but Israelis also don't want to rule over the Palestinians," Rahat continued.

These two factors drive voters to centrist options like Yesh Atid, which ran on a platform of sensible socialist economic policies and a cautious approach to peace-making with the Palestinians.

All that said, Netanyahu still came out as "the only real option for prime minister," explained the professor.

"Netanyahu is in a very good strategic position," said Rahat. "He can make a coalition with Yesh Atid and the center, but threaten to pull out and form a new coalition with the right if his partners don't go along with him.He has several options."


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Evangelical leader: Israel is safest place on earth

Evangelical leader: Israel is safest place on earth

Jerusalem Post
Apostle Renê Terra Nova
Apostle Renê Terra Nova Photo: Sam Sokol
Apostolate Renê Terra Nova, the head of the International Restoration Ministries in Manaus, Brazil, has brought tens of thousands of Christians to Israel over the past 10 years and says that his followers “leave this country in love and become ambassadors of Israel.”

Terra Nova, who is the leader of one of the largest Evangelical communities in South America, has been coming to Israel since 1991.

Visiting Jerusalem to accept an award for his activism by the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and the World Jewish Congress- Israel, the preacher sat down with The Jerusalem Post on Monday to explain what motivated him to bring so many of his followers to Israel.

After hearing a lecture many years ago on the theological importance of the Jews and the “Holy Land,” he said, he became convinced that the Jewish community has “a fundamental role on this planet.”

After his first visit to Israel, Terra Nova began bringing groups of pilgrims to the country.

“First of all, I became a Joshua, like in the biblical account. I came to know the land and I came through the land and I discovered that the fruits of the land were very good,” he said. “Israel is the safest place on earth.”

By 2008, he said, he was leading as many as 2,500 people on pilgrimages. The other pastors in his extensive network also began leading groups.

“It is difficult to measure how many people I have brought here,” he said. “All of the pastors and apostles under me also bring thousands of people to Israel. My followers talk about Israel with a lot of love and they have a passion for the Holy Land and the Jewish people.”

The Evangelical community, he continued, is “willing to be an army to fight for Israel.”

Like many Christian Zionist leaders around the globe, Terra Nova is hawkish on issues related to the peace process and territorial concessions.

Israel has enemies, he ventured, in order to give the Jewish people an opportunity to control more land.

 “Every war is a seed for a new territory,” he believes.

While there have been anti-Semitic incidents reported in his home country, including the use of stereotypes of Jews as misers on television, Terra Nova said he believes most Brazilians to be supporters of Israel and that “in Brazil you have more friends than enemies.”


Monday, January 28, 2013

Ariel Sharon shows significant neural activity

Ariel Sharon shows significant neural activity

01/27/2013, Jerusalem Post

Brain of former PM - in coma for 7 years - shows "surprisingly significant activity,"; no indication he'll ever wake up.

Ariel Sharon.
Ariel Sharon. Photo: Marc Israel Sellem

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the activity in the brain of former prime minister Ariel Sharon – who has lain in a deep vegetative state for the last seven years – has been shown to be “surprisingly significant,” according to a team of brain researchers at Beersheba’s Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka University Medical Center on Sunday.

However, that does not mean that he will ever regain consciousness, or that he feels anything, other fMRI experts said.

The special scanner measures brain activity by detecting changes in blood flow and is used to map neural activity in the brain and the spinal cord. It does not require people to undergo shots, surgery, ingest substances or be exposed to radiation.

The procedure is similar to MRI, but uses the change in magnetization between oxygen- rich and oxygen-poor blood as its basic measure.

The BGU-Soroka team said the results “show the existence of sensory information processing” in Sharon’s brain, which suffered severe damage as a result of his second stroke at Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem when he was prime minister.

The scan was conducted on Thursday by BGU nerve scientist Prof. Alon Friedman and his colleagues. Family friends made comments to Yediot Aharonot on Sunday about the test.

Although the 85-year-old former prime minister has been taken care of at Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer – which has its own fMRI scanner – for most of the time since he was felled by two strokes, he was brought by ambulance to Beersheba for the tests.

Soroka said they were conducted there because “advanced new imaging techniques” were recently made available to the Beersheba hospital team by Prof. Martin Monti of the neurosurgery and psychology departments at the University of California at Los Angeles. They wanted to determine the “amount and quality of activity” in Sharon’s brain, Soroka said.

During the two-hour test, researchers “showed” Sharon photos of his family, played his son Gilad’s voice and presented stimulation by touch.

To their surprise, Soroka said, “significant brain activity was found in each test and in suitable brain areas. This demonstrates the existence of sensory data processing” by his brain.

They then conducted some tests aimed at estimating Sharon’s “level of consciousness,” and that despite the existence of “several encouraging” results, “they were still too weak to reach clear conclusions,” the team said.

Monti said that “information from the external environment reaches suitable brain centers in Mr. Sharon’s brain. Nevertheless, the evidence is not clear cut on how much he is aware of his environment.”

Dr. Ilan Shelef, head of Soroka’s imaging center, said that “this kind of research, which is at the forefront of science today, was the main motivation for the purchase of the advanced fMRI by Soroka and BGU.”

Dr. Tzvi Ganel, of BGU’s Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience, who initiated the tests, said the Sharon family was pleased that the advanced techniques were used, and they could be useful for other families.

BGU’s Dr. Galia Avidan added: “This is the kind of research that opens a window on the understanding of basic questions connected to deeper understand of the basis of human consciousness.”

Soroka’s fMRI model is Philips’ 3T Ingenia.

“This important test expressed the great effort and cooperation between BGU and Soroka. There is no doubt that we wouldn’t have been able to reach the necessary level of execution without it,” said Soroka imaging center director Dr. Ilan Shelef.

BGU president Prof. Rivka Carmi said the cost of the device was about $3 million, and it is “regarded as the most advanced of its kind in Israel.” The cost was covered not only by Soroka and BGU but by Soroka owner Clalit Health Services and US donors.

“The new system,” said Carmi, “makes possible the immediate conversion of the analog signals that the body releases to digital signals and greatly improves the quality of the picture and the speed of the scanning compared to analog systems.”

Meanwhile, researchers at other fMRI centers, who did not want to be quoted because they have not examined Sharon nor seen his medical file, noted that they too have studied reactions in patients who are in deep comas.

Patients who have been in such a coma for a shorter period may come out of it, they said. Patients without severe brain injuries could react through an fMRI scan, not if asked yes or no questions, but if told to think of a specific object, or if they could answer a particular question. A familiar piece of music or odor could also trigger a reaction.

But reacting to stimuli via fMRI does not mean the patient has awareness, they added, or that the patient really can communicate.

However, brain research on patients in a deep vegetative state could, they agreed, have the potential to help patients in the future, as they could learn how to awaken patients. The actual chances of recovery for a person who has been in a deep vegetative state for seven years is virtually nil, they concluded.
