Thursday, February 28, 2019

Let It Rain. Let It Pour. Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Let It Rain. Let It Pour.
Steve Martin

“After this, I will pour out my Spirit on all humanity. Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions;” (Joel 3:1, Complete Jewish Bible)

We all love it when the richly colored blue sky is splattered with those puffy white, voluminous clouds; when the golden sun rises faithfully in the morning, bringing forth its warmth and brilliance, and many hours later leaving a most beautiful trail across the painted canvas, at its daily setting in the west.

But then…

It pours rain. Seemingly never-ending rain lately. Day in and day out in many areas. (Or snow, if the temperature is low enough for the precipitation to be changed to that form.)

And what should we be proclaiming?

Let it rain Lord!

Amongst the complainers, and in some cases those who curse, my heart is proclaiming, “Let it rain oh Lord! Let Your Spirit pour down upon us, even as You promised in these last days through Your Jewish prophet Joel centuries ago. Let it rain!”

I want to sing it repeatedly, even as Michael W. Smith did, beginning in 2001. Remember?

Let It Rain Michael W. Smith

Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of heaven

The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad
Let the distance shores rejoice
Clouds and thick darkness surround Him
Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne

A fire goes before Him and consumes His foes on every side
His lightning lights up the world
The earth sees and trembles
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord

Before the Lord of all the earth
The heavens proclaim His righteousness
And all peoples will see His glory
We want to see Your glory, God!
Do you want to see His glory?
Lift your voices, lift your hands!
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of heaven
Let it rain, let it rain.
Open the floodgates of heaven

Songwriters: Smith
Let It Rain lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Reservoir Media Management Inc

Listen again. Be encouraged. Let this be your prayer, rising from deep within your spirit.

Listen to that powerful song here (LET IT RAIN) and let your spirit rejoice. Be glad that rain is coming. Give thanks that He is sending the rain.

We welcome Your reign, Oh Lord!

And even as the Lord’s prophet Joel so rightly prophesied, that as the Lord’s prophetic promises are being brought to fruition, even in His Promised Land, we know that we can trust Him, for He is forever Faithful and True.

“Do not fear, O land, rejoice and be glad,
For the Lord has done great things.
Do not fear, beasts of the field,
For the pastures of the wilderness have turned green,
For the tree has borne its fruit,
The fig tree and the vine have yielded in full.

So rejoice, O sons of Zion,
And be glad in the Lord your God;
For He has given you the early rain for your vindication.
And He has poured down for you the rain,
The early and latter rain as before.

The threshing floors will be full of grain,
And the vats will overflow with the new wine and oil.
"Then I will make up to you for the years
That the swarming locust has eaten,
The creeping locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust,
My great army which I sent among you.

"You will have plenty to eat and be satisfied
And praise the name of the Lord your God,
Who has dealt wondrously with you;
Then My people will never be put to shame.

"Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel,
And that I am the Lord your God,
And there is no other;
And My people will never be put to shame.

After rain in Jerusalem. (Photo by Steve Martin 2016.)

It will come about after this
That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind;
And your sons and daughters will prophesy,
Your old men will dream dreams,
Your young men will see visions.
"Even on the male and female servants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

"I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth,
Blood, fire and columns of smoke.
"The sun will be turned into darkness
And the moon into blood
Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.

"And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord
Will be delivered;
For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
There will be those who escape,
As the Lord has said,
Even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.”
(Joel 2:21-32, NASU)

It is coming! He is coming! He is coming back and preparing the way for us and all the nations that will turn to Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, the One and Only Savior of the world.

Do not complain. Do not give in to soulish proclamations that exist among the naysayers.

Be the one who welcomes the rain. Be the one who says even now, “So let it rain, Lord. We need Your reign!”

In all His Glory and Majestic rule, He is the One sending the rain.

For He will reign! Reign, Lord!

Shalom and ahava (peace and love in Hebrew).

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$120 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Also, my latest book (#20) was just released last week. You can get it on Amazon here, in paperback or Kindle version: All Together Now - For His Plans & Purposes 

Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

Israeli Archaeologists Uncover 1,600-Year-Old Estate of Samaritan Man With Rare Inscription - CBN News Emily Jones

Credit: Yitzhak Marmelstein, Israel Antiquities Authority

Israeli Archaeologists Uncover 1,600-Year-Old Estate of Samaritan Man With Rare Inscription
CBN News Emily Jones
The Israel Antiquities Authority has unearthed the sprawling 1,600-year-old estate of a wealthy Samaritan man.
The estate was found at Zur Natan on the southern Sharon Plain and is believed to have been a part of an extensive Samaritan settlement in the area. During the excavation, researchers discovered a Greek inscription, which says: "Only God help the beautiful property of Master Adios, amen."
"The inscription was discovered in an impressive winepress that was apparently part of the agricultural estate of a wealthy individual called Adios. This is only the second such winepress discovered in Israel with a blessing inscription associated with the Samaritans. The first was discovered a few years ago in Apollonia near Herzliya," says Dr. Hagit Torge, director of the excavations on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority.
While researchers don't know much about Master Adios, Dr. Torge says the inscription proves he was an important part of the Samaritan community at the time.
"'Master'" was an honorific given to senior members of the community and attests to the high social standing of the owners of the estate," says Torge. "The location of the winepress is near the top of Tel Zur Natan, where remains of a Samaritan synagogue were found with another inscription, and reveals Adios' high status," she adds.
That synagogue is called the Zur Natan Samaritan synagogue and was transformed into a church in the sixth century.
A compound near the synagogue was found in previous years. It contains large rooms used to produce oil, wine, and flour.
The recent discovery and rare inscription is further evidence that Samaritans had a thriving community in the southern Sharon Plain during the Byzantine era.
The Samaritans originated from the ancient Hebrews in the Old Testament. The New Testament details multiple accounts of Jesus interacting with Samaritans. In Luke 17, Jesus heals ten lepers. The only one who thanked him was a Samaritan.
Jesus also encountered an adulterous Samaritan woman in John 4. He tells her he is the Messiah and many Samaritans in her area become followers of Jesus.   

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Kim Clement - When God tells you to leave your family.

Published on Aug 5, 2018

Serious Christians who wish to learn how to hear God and interpret their dreams & visions, are welcome to join us here at this FREE private Christian dream interpreting forum: http://www.papagodsdreaminterps.freef... - wait to receive a code and notification of admission by email. -- Not all are permitted to join (be sure to check your spam/junk folder, it can take up to 48 hours

This Man Sees What Your Harsh Words Look Like in the Spirit—And It's Scary - BLAKE K. HEALY CHARISMA NEWS


This Man Sees What Your Harsh Words Look Like in the Spirit—And It's Scary

One day my wife, April, and I were in an argument. As our discussion wore on, a sentence popped into my head. I knew right away it was not the right thing to say. It wasn't anything horrible, of course, but it was neither productive nor kind. I knew this, but as our conversation continued to go in circles, someplace in the back of my brain was insisting that, despite its unkind nature, it would feel really satisfying to say it. So before my better nature could get the best of me, I threw out the statement that had been knocking around in my mind.
Immediately I saw a small cut appear on my wife's cheek. It was small, only about two inches long, but deep enough to draw a single drop of blood.
"Shoot," I said.
"What?" April asked.
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"I shouldn't have said that."
"Oh, it's fine," she said.
"No," I said, watching the drop of blood run down the side of her cheek, "it was not fine. I should not have said that, and I am very sorry that I did."
She smiled and said, "It's OK. I forgive you."
The drop of blood ran back up her cheek as the cut sealed itself up, leaving no sign it had ever been there.
I see spiritual wounds on people everywhere I go. From minor lacerations, such as the one caused by my unkind words to my wife, to the deep and repeated gashes from lifelong trauma and abuse, wounds are an unavoidable factor of life on earth.
Some appear swollen and infected, signs that bitterness and unforgiveness are beginning to take hold. Some look tended and clean, signs the person is letting God lead him or her into healing. Sometimes only scars remain, a sign that while the wound is no longer present, the memory of the pain the wound caused is still very much alive.
We all experience wounds, but we do not all experience them the same way. I have watched something simple, such as someone not saying hello when passing by in the hall, fester and grow into a wound so severe that it affected every single day of the wounded person's life. I have watched something severe, such as multiple affairs and a messy divorce, be completely transformed into a crown of glory by the wounded person's willingness to submit his or her wounds to the care of the Holy Spirit.
I do not know what God's answer is for every pain that exists in this world, but I have learned enough about the nature of His goodness to trust He has an answer for every single one of the pains. I am also familiar enough with my own nature to know that unless I am willing to run the risk of trusting He is as good as He says He is, then I will not see His goodness or how it responds to suffering.
We all get to choose how we respond to being wounded. We get to choose to hold on to our wounds and let them teach us how to see life, or we get to choose to give our wounds to God and let Him teach us how to see life. We may need help learning how to give it to God. That's OK. Whatever it takes, it is worth learning how to receive the healing God has for each of us.
No matter how severe or unjust the wounds in your life are, God has a perfect plan for perfect restoration—every single time. 
This article is adapted from Profound Good: See God Through the Lens of His Love(Charisma House, 2019) by Blake K. Healy. Healy is one of the senior team members at Bethel Church of Atlanta in Georgia. He is also the director of the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry. He lives in Peachtree City, Georgia, with his wife, April, and their four wonderful children: Haydon, Finnley, November and Ender. For more information or to contact Blake, visit
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Tebow's Film Makes Top 10: 'Run the Race' a Big Hit at the Box Office - CBN News Steve Warren

Image courtesy: Run The Race Production, LLC.
Image courtesy: Run The Race Production, LLC.
Tebow's Film Makes Top 10: 'Run the Race' a Big Hit at the Box Office
CBN News Steve Warren
Tim Tebow's first film as a movie producer landed in the top ten films at the box office in its opening weekend.
Released by Roadside Attractions to 853 theaters nationwide, "Run The Race" earned more than $2.2 million and finished at number 10 – even beating out "Green Book," which won the Best Picture Oscar over the weekend at the 91st Academy Awards. "Green Book" finished the weekend at number 11.  
The website The Wrap called the movie a "faith-based hit," comparing Pure Flix's "Indivisible" movie which debuted on 850 screens and opened to $1.5 million last October. 
Tebow's film tells the story of two brothers facing challenges and a major tragedy that puts the weight of the world on their shoulders. The film was directed and co-written by Chris Dowling. ("Where Hope Grows," "Rock Slyde")
The former NFL star turned pro baseball player says it's a story of learning what we have to hold on to that can't be shaken in the face of loss and learning "who we are" and "whose we are." 
Tebow recently told CBN News that the story behind the film is truly powerful. 
"I think it has to do with the story. My goal was never, honestly, to get into the movie industry. And it's still not, really. It was more about being able to tell the story. When we read the script, it impacted me. I was crying and I showed it to my family and they were crying," Tebow said. 
He explained there was something about the Truett brothers that reminded him of his relationship with his brother Robby.
"I think there are a lot of similarities to a certain extent. We are very close. We push each other. We compete all the time. Robby helped make me better in sports and in life," Tebow noted. 
"Just having each other's back, and that relationship. I think that is probably my favorite part about this movie. It is about relationships and I believe life is about relationships," he said. 

Paul Wilbur - Christians For Messiah Ministries annual Women's Conference - 2019 #1

Paul Wilbur - Christians For Messiah Ministries annual Women's Conference - 2019 #1

Published on Feb 24, 2019

Paul Wilbur singing and speaking at the Christians for Messiah Ministries Women's Conference session # 1, held at Antioch International Church, Fort Mill SC. CCLI- CSPL082445