Monday, September 29, 2014

Israeli Fields Enter Biblical Shmita - Fallow Year

Israeli Fields Enter Biblical Shmita - Fallow Year

Monday, September 29, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
The new year that began last week on Rosh Hashanah (year 5775 by Jewish reckoning) is a biblically-mandated shmita year in which all farmland is to lie fallow.
While the weekly Shabbat (Sabbath) is a day of rest for man, the shmita is to be a year of rest for the land every seventh year. It is commanded in Exodus 23:10–11, which reads:
You may plant your land for six years and gather its crops. But during the seventh year, you must leave it alone and withdraw from it. The needy among you will then be able to eat just as you do, and whatever is left over can be eaten by wild animals. This also applies to your vineyard and your olive grove.
It is estimated that some 5,000 Israeli farmers obey the above commandment, and the state sets aside around USD $28.5 million to support them during a year without crops to sell.
The largest and oldest Israeli environmental organization, the Jewish National Fund, also strictly adheres to the shmita, and will not prepare any land for new forestation efforts during the fallow year.
At the same time, many Israeli Jewish farmers fearing a significant loss of income circumvent the rules of the shmita, which are encoded in Israeli religious law, by “selling” their land to a non-Jew for a token amount of money. Once the land is in non-Jewish hands, the farmer is free to work it as usual.
Many also believe there is increasing reason to violate the shmita due to a downturn in Israeli agriculture over the past 30 years. Whereas Israel could once boast some 40,000 farms in its tiny corner of the Middle East, today there are only around 13,000 farms in the Jewish state.
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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Cindy Jacobs' Response to Rick Joyner's Prophecy

Cindy Jacobs

September 26, 2014

Cindy Jacobs' Response to Rick Joyner's Prophecy

Steve ShultzOnly minutes ago, I finished watching this 22-minute video by Cindy Jacobs. In it, she gives a prophetic and thoughtful response to Rick Joyner's sobering dream we recently published. Rick's dream about physical dangers IN THE USA, also on video, can be found right HERE.
Rick and Cindy are each highly concerned and tapping into the same revelation - that our prayers as the Body of Christ – are essential RIGHT NOW for the protection of America! Listen as Cindy details the things most concerning to her, prophetically.

Let's pray!!

Steve Shultz

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Cindy Jacobs' Response to Rick Joyner's Prophecy

From Cindy Jacobs at Generals International:

Many of you have seen the prophetic word circulated by Rick Joyner. It was undoubtedly a sobering and urgent word, and many people have asked Cindy for her thoughts and response. When such a message is delivered, it can be easy to allow spirits of fear and heaviness to grip us, but that is not the purpose in God’s heart when He communicates these things to His people. We invite you to view Cindy’s response as she offers additional insight and guidance on how we should respond to the word of the Lord.

To watch this video by Cindy Jacobs click on the image below or CLICK HERE.

You can watch Rick Joyner's prophecy right HERE.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Generals International is an international church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a Biblical worldview. They are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.

Cindy has authored seven books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her five adorable grandchildren.

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Friday, September 26, 2014

A Painful Reality: The Long Battle to Free Saeed

A Painful Reality: The Long Battle to Free Saeed

Naghmeh Abedini, wife of Pastor Saeed

BOISE, Idaho -- For the last two years, American Pastor Saeed Abedini has been in an Iranian prison because of his Christian faith.  Christians around the globe have been praying, and many will join rallies across the country on Sept. 26 to push for his release. 
Saeed's wife, Naghmeh, has led the fight. She told CBN News it has been long and painful. Naghmeh said when she and Saeed married she never dreamed they would ever be apart.
"I never dated before Saeed," she said, adding, "He was my everything and I processed everything with him, my best friend."
Saeed, an Iranian-born Christian and U.S. citizen, is serving eight years in the brutal Rajai Shahr prison, one of Iran's worst penal facilities, for doing nothing more than preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Iranian government also calls him a national security threat for openly practicing his faith outside of their country.
***According to the ACLJ, nearly 300,000 people worldwide have signed the BeHeard Project petition in an effort to get him released.
Let your voice be heard, sign the petition. 
While in prison Saaed has endured torture and threats from guards and fellow inmates.  He has also suffered from internal bleeding and other health issues, but prison officials have denied him proper medical attention.
"They've been beheading Christians all over Iraq and Syria," Naghmeh said. "Here's someone who converted from Islam and he's an American citizen and so they want his life in that prison so it's been really intense for him in that prison."
Saeed's parents have been allowed to visit him once a week in prison, but he has not been able to call his wife back home in the U.S.  It is a painful reality for Naghmeh and the couple's two young children, ages 8 and 6.

"My son was 4 and my daughter was 5, so this is her 3rd birthday without him," she explained. "I never imagined. It was too painful to realize that my kids will grow up without their dad and it's been painful."
"I had a lot of emotional days," she commented.
'Abandoned' by the US
Naghmeh has turned her pain into a crusade for her husband's release, taking her case to both the United Nations and the U.S. Congress.
She said at times she feels abandoned by the U.S. government.
"There's been no efforts to get him out outside of a few statements here and there," she added. "I really do believe that Iran, if there's incentive they will release him if someone's stern with them," she said.
The U.N. recently issued a report on Saeed's case in which it strongly condemned Iran and called for his release.
When he was first imprisoned, Saeed and his wife felt bitterness against Iran.  But now Naghmeh prays for her husband's captors and that God would use Saeed's story for his glory, even if that means she never sees him again.
"It's been this really intense moment where my eyes have to be on Jesus every day," she told CBN News,
"If I turn it to the Iranian government, what they're saying, or our government - I will fall," she added. "I can't look at who's saying what and who's doing what for Saeed. I just have to look at Jesus."
It is a prayer she also prays for Saeed. 
"I've been praying that God would just give him grace for that day," she said.
Opportunity to Witness
One positive result that has come from Naghmeh's journey to free her husband has been the unique platform to share the Gospel.
She said she has been able to share in front of the U.S. Congress a few times, different parliaments in Europe as well as all over the world, telling them that Jesus is the answer.
She said it is a message that Saeed also shares while in chains.
In letters from prison, she said he shares how he hugs those who persecute him in the prison and how he has led many Muslims to Christ.
"He's in the darkest place and he's sharing Christ where they never would have a chance to hear about Christ if he wasn't there," she told CBN News.
"I've heard that some of the prisoners have said, 'I don't feel in prison anymore,'" Naghmeh shared. "'I feel free because I found Christ.'"
Strengthening the Persecuted Church
While she said her heart aches for her husband's safe return, she said his story is strengthening the body of Christ around the world.
"This is the 2nd year he's in prison because of his Christian faith and (we're) not only remembering Saeed but we're remembering other persecuted Christians," Naghmeh said. "We're coming together and praying."
"My eyes are on the Lord," she continued. "That's where Saeed's deliverance will come from and that's why this day of prayer is so important to me."
That is what keeps her going.
"…like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in saying God will deliver me, but if he doesn't I give my future, my life to you," she said. "Whatever happens I'm going to be okay."
And she is confident that Saeed would agree.
"I know he would say it's worth it, if I die in this cell it's worth it. That's what keeps us going is knowing that it's for Jesus," she said.

Dershowitz: US Attack Mirrors Israel Gaza Attack

Dershowitz: US Attack Mirrors Israel Gaza Attack

The U.S. air attacks in Syria against ISIS have some strong similarities to Israel's military campaign in the Gaza Strip this summer, according to noted constitutional attorney and author Alan Dershowitz.
In a Jerusalem Post article Wednesday, Dershowitz cites retired U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark, who said the goal of the Syrian airstrikes is to degrade and destroy the infrastructure of terrorist groups, as well as the electric grid, financial sources and mixed military-civilian targets.
Israel pursued similar goals during Operation Protective Edge this summer. The difference, says Dershowitz, is that some of the Arab nations supporting US airstrikes vehemently criticized Israel.
"Among the most hypocritical nations participating in the U.S. attack is, of course, Qatar, which not only condemned Israel for defending its citizens against Hamas rockets and tunnels, but actually funded the Hamas attacks and provided asylum for the Hamas terrorist leaders who ordered them," Dershowitz writes.
"The U.S. and its Arab partners have the right to take preemptive action against terrorist groups without fear of U.N. condemnation, a Goldstone Report, or threats to bring its leaders before the International Criminal Court. Yet everything Israel does, regardless of how careful it is to minimize civilian casualties, becomes the basis for international condemnation," he charged.
Dershowitz says it will be worth noting how the world reacts to the U.S. campaign in Syria because international law is vague concerning attacks on targets such as electric grids and sources of finance and is open to "selective interpretation."
He also notes that international law "does not take into account situations where the enemy hides its valuable military targets behind human shields."
The U.N. Human Rights Commission is proceeding with an investigation to see if Israel committed "war crimes" in the Gaza campaign. Israel has refused to participate, calling the commission biased.
Meanwhile, a bi-partisan group of U.S. senators has asked the State Department to investigate suspected ties between Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

"It Is Time to Take a Stand! Praying For Israel and the Middle East's Destiny" James W. Goll

James W. Goll, Franklin, TN
The Elijah List

For more than a decade I have been declaring in many gatherings in many cities of the earth: "While all eyes would be on Iran, watch Syria. Iran will pose a great threat, but the imminent danger to Israel, and the entire Middle East would arise out of Syria." I have warned of chemical and biological weapons being stored up in this rogue nation and how they would attempt to export them to their puppet regime of Lebanon. I have seen a terror that would emerge out of Syria – and now it is right in front of our eyes in ISIS. I have seen this multiple times in dreams over the years. 

But I also believe that prayer changes things! It is time to take a stand!
Sometimes I have grace and faith to pray that what I see does not occur. Sometimes I sense grace to intervene. Other times, like many of you, I have called forth the "Shields of the Lord to Arise" and protect Israel. (Photo via pixabay)

At one point I called forth for 91 Days of Prayer for the Homeland Prayer Initiative to protect the borders of the United States of America. Sometimes I have sensed things are "out of God's appointed timetable" and to call forth angels from Heaven into the earth realm to hem in the demonic enemy. Sometimes I sense the clock is ticking according to God's prophetic calendar and in the midst of turmoil, His purposes are coming forth. It takes discernment to pray properly!

A Pivotal Time in My Prayer Life Journey

In the fall of 1987, an angel of the Lord visited me and declared to me that times of great distress would come to the Persian Gulf. In that angelic visitation, when we lived in south Kansas City, Missouri, I was given the exact dates of both Gulf War invasions in 1991 and 2003. I was assigned by the Lord to be a "Crisis Intercessor" for the entire month of February 1991, when there would be a "ground engagement" in the land of Iraq. 

I took my place and I did my part along with others around the world. It started on February 1st and ended on February 28th. Later, I saw in the Spirit that Syria would conspire a scheme of invading the Golan Heights as things would heat up and temporarily go "out of control in the Middle East." Years ago the Holy Spirit spoke to me about the Fall of 2013, and how things would heat up and spill over into an eruption in 2014 and potentially till 2020.

I have meditated on Psalm 83 where it says, "The nations will conspire to wipe Israel off the face of the earth to be remembered no more." I have written and spoken on Psalm 83 for the past decade. Like many of you, I have logged many personal hours over the years being up the middle to night to "watch to see what the Lord would speak."

The Countdown to Zechariah Twelve

In January of 2004, the Lord woke me up in the middle of the night and said, "Watchman, tell Me, what do you see?" I looked up and in a visionary experience saw a clock, that was not there in the natural, hanging on the bedroom wall. The time on the clock read 11:53 p.m. and above the 12 were the letters "Zech." The Holy Spirit then said, "Watchman, tell Me, what do you hear?" Then suddenly the external, audible voice of the Lord came: "It is the countdown to Zechariah 12." (Photo via Wikimedia)

I rested in the presence of God for a while and did not move until His manifest presence withdrew. Then I turned on the light and read Zechariah 12. It is the most amazing chapter, all about a city named Jerusalem. Let's read a portion of it together:

"The burden of the word of the Lord concerning Israel. Thus declares the Lord who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundations of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him, "Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it...."

"In that day the Lord will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord before them. And... I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. I will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplication, so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced; and they will mourn for Him, as one mourns for an only son, and they will weep bitterly over Him like the bitter weeping over a firstborn." Zechariah 12:1-3, 8-10

The countdown to Zechariah 12 is on. I never have stated that this would happen in the next seven minutes, seven years or even seventy years. What I do know is that God's prophetic clock is moving toward a kairos moment when God's plan for Jerusalem will be consummated. This is the final countdown!

God has a Road Map, and it points toward Zechariah 12:10. It is easy to identify with Zechariah 12:3, as we hear about the nations coming against Jerusalem. But read further and you will see that Zechariah 12:10 declares that God will "pour out the Spirit of grace and supplication on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and they will look upon the One whom they pierced and will mourn."

Let's arise and pray for Israel's destiny and that of the entire Middle East! There is coming a great outpouring of the presence of God and tens of thousands will turn to the Lord.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Romans 11 through Isaiah 53

Since that revelatory encounter those many years ago, I have pondered on the time shown on the clock: 11:53. Perhaps it is something like this: Romans 11 will be fulfilled through Isaiah 53.Romans 11 – "all Israel will be saved" – will be fulfilled by a revelation of the suffering Messiah in Isaiah 53.

Romans 11:12 speaks of how the Jewish people's rejection of their Messiah has brought salvation to the Gentiles. Paul says, "If their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!" Romans 11:15 goes on to say, "For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?"

What do you think "life from the dead" looks like? Zechariah 14:5, 8-9 and 11 gives us a glimpse of that day:
Then the Lord, my God, will come, and all the holy ones with Him!... And in that day living waters will flow out of Jerusalem... And the Lord will be King over all the earth; in that day the Lord will be the only one, and His name the only one...

People will live in [Jerusalem], and there will no longer be a curse, for Jerusalem will dwell in security.

The Father will reward His Son, the Messiah, for His sufferings. The salvation of Israel is a key component of that reward, and the Father will not do without it. If we are going to align ourselves with the God of Israel, we are going to have to align ourselves with His covenants and His prophetic promises of the salvation of the Jews and the restoration of Jerusalem. (Photo via pixabay)

It is not difficult to find political analysts, historians, reporters and even theologians ready to explain their theories and share commentary on Israel's current state of affairs. But despite the abundance of opinions and strong feelings, the future of Israel still remains a mystery to most of the world. Paul, the apostle and bond slave of the Lord Jesus Christ, did not want Believers to be uninformed of this mystery or to be wise in their own estimation concerning Israel (see Romans 11:25). The Holy Spirit through Paul made a number of very clear points in Romans 11.

Despite what it may look like, Israel has not fallen so far from God that they can never return. In fact, their falling away was ordained by God as a measure of grace to us, the Gentiles. Paul said it this way: "He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit"(Galatians 3:14, NIV).

The Gentiles are being embraced by the Jewish Messiah in part to make Jews jealous (see Romans 11:11). Gentiles are not "natural branches" on God's family tree, but rather "wild olive shoots" who must recognize that they have been grafted in. God's plan is to graft the "natural branches" into their own olive tree once again (see Romans 11:24), resulting in the reality that "all Israel will be saved" (Romans 11:26).

God Has a Grand Plan!

We must not be wise in our own estimation when it comes to Israel or be uninformed of this mystery. Romans 11:25 says that, "A partial hardening has happened to Israel until..."

Until what? Maybe you have read this verse many times. Have you realized that the word until is the key word in this passage? "A partial hardening has happened to Israel until..." That means there is a point in time when the hardening will be removed. That time is when "the fullness of the Gentiles has come in" (Romans 11:25).

What does the fullness of the Gentiles look like? Perhaps it deals in part with the day Jerusalem was released from Gentile control and restored to Israeli rule in 1967. But knowing the God that we serve, this probably does not deal only with land but with hearts as well. 

Oh yes, He has the hearts of the people of the Middle East in His heart and plan! (Photo via Wikimedia)

What Gentile people group would, in the minds of most people, be the most unlikely to come to faith in the Jewish Messiah? Would it not be the Islamic people? What if the Holy Spirit moved powerfully upon a remnant of the Islamic people and they turned away from their false god to serve the Jewish Messiah? What if a movement of God fell upon them with the signs and wonders of an apostolic dimension, and they were grafted in as wild olive shoots to the Master's tree? Talk about pricking the Jewish heart to jealousy!

What I do know is God has a Road Map, and it is different from the international Quartets Road Map or other political agendas.

God has a grand plan and ultimately His will shall be done!

A Watchman for Such a Time As This!

Dr. James W. Goll
Founder of Encounters Network • Prayer Storm • God Encounters Training e-School

Dr. James W. Goll is the president of Encounters Network, director of Prayer Storm, and coordinates Encounters Alliance, a coalition of leaders. He is director of God Encounters Training – an e-school of the heart, and is a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic team. He has shared Jesus in more than 50 nations worldwide, teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. 

James is the prolific author of numerous books and has also produced multiple study guides and hundreds of audio and video messages. James was married to Michal Ann for 32 years before her graduation to Heaven in the fall of 2008. James has four adult children who all love Jesus, and continues to make his home in Franklin, Tennessee.

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 | September 1, 2014 
The following is an NTEB Original Story. Please provide a link back when reposting this.


And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
In one press conference after another, when referring to the Muslim terror super-group ISIS, United States President Barack Obama will use the term ISIL instead of their former name ISIS or current name Islamic State. Have you ever wondered about that? We have.
What makes up the near exact center of the Muslim Levant? Israel.
ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Now, to us Westerners we don’t really make much of a distinction, do we? No, honestly from our perspective its all about the same. But how would a Muslim living in the Middle East view it? Just what is the Levant anyway? Let’s take a look.
The geographical term LEVANT refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s a land bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south. If you look on a map, however, in the near exact middle of the nations that comprise the Levant, guess what you see? Come on, guess!
It’s Israel.
When Barack Obama refers over and over to the Islamic State as ISIL, he is sending a message to Muslims all over the Middle East that he personally does not recognize Israel as a sovereign nation, but as territory belonging to the Islamic State.
Now you know why Obama says that he has no plan, no goal, and no stated aim for dealing with ISIS. But he does have a plan, and it’s a really nasty, diabolical one. Obama’s plan is to drag his feet for as long as he can, doing only the bare minimum that Congress forces him to do. His “plan”to buy ISIS as much time as possible to make as many gains as they can.
Listen as Obama painstakingly spells out the letters I-S-I-L so there is no doubt in your mind:
And it’s working.
The Islamic State has garnered millions of dollars, a vast cache of weapons, and in their latest foray have captured Syrian fighter jets. With each passing day that Obama fulfills his stated aim of doing nothing, the Islamic State grows by leaps and bounds. The ultimate goal, of course, has not changed and will never change.
The ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel.

Now you know a little bit more why Obama chooses his words so carefully, and what’s really in a name. Shakespeare had it right.