Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Heart of G-d Ministries - Richard and Carolyn Hyde

Cover from Website   
 Heart of G-d Ministries


    We're delighted to announce the arrival of our new worship CD, "Just Like Joseph"!  The music is a special blend of songs in Hebrew, English and Spanish, in styles ranging from folk to jazz and Gospel to soft rock, recorded in the Galilee and featuring many wonderful Israeli musicians who love the L-rd.Please visit our website to request your CDs and thanks for standing with us in Israel!

On the Haifa Taiyelet
Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,

Please join us in prayer while our son Ariel and his co-worker Eliel, also from Kehilat Ha Carmel, and Richard follow the leading of the Spirit of G-d to reach Israelis on the streets:

The L-rd has put it on our hearts to interview Israelis on the street with a camera and share the Gospel with them.  We believe this could have three benefits:
1.  L-rd willing, lots of opportunities to share Messiah with Israelis.  
2.  We hope to put the video up on medabrim.org.il and impact thousands of other Israelis.
3.  We hope this can inspire many Israeli believers to share their faith with more boldness and effectivness.

We've already seen the good fruit of doing this but please pray for an increase of wisdom, anointing and compassion.  We believe the L-rd could use this powerfully, bringing conviction of sin and revelation of Yeshua!

Matthew 28:19-20    
"Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.  Behold I am with you always, even to the end of the age." 

It's great to be home after an amazing journey through America and Canada and once again our faithful G-d anointed us to minister to many through the Word, testimonies and worship.  We're especially delighted for the many divine appointments that He arranged!

While sitting next to a Jewish friend at a wedding, she suddenly exclaimed, "I wish I had what you had!", referring to the vision I had of Yeshua.  I asked her if she wanted Richard and I to pray for this and she said yes, so right there, at the wedding reception, we held hands and prayed!

Family times were so precious in New York and New Jersey.  My wonderful cousins asked many questions and when one cousin asked me to pray for a cousin who was sick, that cousin was a bit embarrassed.  But the first one said, "Why not let her pray?  She's got good connections upstairs!"  :) 

Two more families who we've been encouraging and praying for just made Aliyah!  And more are coming, especially from France.  In fact, the "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" booklet is being translated into French and we're prayerfully considering a fishing trip to France after it's ready.  

We are so grateful for you all who pray, support and stand with us in Israel!

LSE on the roof at night Living Stones visit from Canada         LIVING STONES EXPERIENCE

Join us in our home for worship, Israeli folk dancing, and sharing testimonies plus dinner served from our balcony with a magnificent view of the Kinneret, Golan and Jordan Valley!
Chag Sameach - Happy Fall Feast season and thank you for your love, prayers and support.  May the L-rd pour out His Spirit on you all and surround you with His presence more and more...
Blessings in Yeshua's love,
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
Heart of G-d Ministries  * www.heartofg-d.org  * hydefamilyisrael@gmail.com
partner with us iconIsrael:  PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA:  PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX  78246

Canada:  First Century Foundations, Canadian Charitable Tax # 10780-1771-RR0001
Box 234, Milton, ON  L9T 4N9  Canada  *  1-877-628-2800  *  www.firstcenturyfoundations.com

Germany:  Hilfswerk fuer Israel e.V.  *  VR Bank eG Steinlach Wiesaz-Haerten  *  Karl-Jaggy-Str 8  *  72116  Moessingen  *  IBAN:  DE31 6406 1854 0031 0890 03  *  BIC:  GENODES1STW 
Click on the CD covers below for song samples and enjoy free lead sheets here!
Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover He Will Appear cover Some of the Best of CH cover Messianic Holiday Sampler cover 

We write G-d and L-rd like this according to an ancient Orthodox Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and loves to continue.  This is done only out of reverence and respect for the name of the Holy One of Israel.   
Thank you for understanding.

Happy New Year! Jews Will Blow the Shofar (Ram's Horn) in Synagogues for Rosh HaShana

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 23 Sep 2014
Yemenite Jew blowing the shofar (circa 1935, all photographs are from the Library of Congress archives)

"Blow the Shofar at the New Moon...Because It Is a Decree for Israel, a Judgment Day for the God of Jacob"  - Psalms 81

Jews around the world prepare for Rosh Hashanna this week, the festive New Year holiday when the shofar -- ram's horn -- is blown in synagogues. 

The American Colony photographers recorded a dozen pictures of Jewish elders blowing the shofar in Jerusalem some 80 years ago.  The horn was also blown in Jerusalem to announce the commencement of the Sabbath.  During the month prior to Rosh Hashanna, the shofar was blown at daily morning prayers to encourage piety before the High Holidays.   
Ashkenazi Jew in Jerusalem blowing the shofar to announce the Sabbath

Yemenite Rabbi Avram, donning tfillin for his
daily prayers, blowing the shofar

Man blowing the shofar in Mandelkern, NY, 1901

WATCH: Deion Sanders Prays in Tongues Before Dangerous Leap on National TV

WATCH: Deion Sanders Prays in Tongues Before Dangerous Leap on National TV

Deion Sanders
Deion Sanders appeared on 'Running Wild with Bear Grylls' earlier this month. (Facebook)
Deion Sanders must summon all his courage to find his way across a daunting chasm. The former NFL star relies on his heavenly prayer language to overcome the fear of facing potential death.

Study: Many European Jews Hide Their Identity

Study: Many European Jews Hide Their Identity

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
A majority of Jews living in Europe today avoid outward demonstrations of their faith and nearly half actively hide their ethnic identity, even as assimilation rates on the continent are skyrocketing.
That according to figures released by Rabbinical Centre of Europe. The study revealed that only about 500,000 Jews will attend Rosh Hashanah services this week in Europe, and that a mere 30 percent will participate in Yom Kippur at local synagogues next week.
The survey further revealed an 80 assimilation rate by comparing the number of Jewish weddings to the number of Jews living in each city.
Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director of the European Jewish Association, said those numbers corresponded to an earlier study that showed about 40 percent of European Jews choose to actively hide their Jewishness, most notably by refusing to enroll their children in Jewish schools.
Rabbi Margolin said that the strengthening of extremist nationalist movements, the growing Islamization and Israel’s overly-reported war against Hamas have combined to put Europe’s Jews in a tighter situation than they have experienced in years.
There have been more attacks, more harassment of individual Jews and Jewish communities, more demonstrations, and more politicians issuing fiery speeches against Israel and the Jewish people.
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IDF Kills Terrorists Behind Murder of Jewish Teens

IDF Kills Terrorists Behind Murder of Jewish Teens

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli forces on Tuesday morning exchanged fire with and killed the two chief suspects in the June 12 abduction and execution of Jewish teenagers Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Frenkel (pictured).
The brief gun battle took place in the Judean town of Hebron, where Marwan Kawasme and Amer Abu Aysha had holed up in a carpentry shop near a complex owned by the Kawasme family.
Israeli soldiers surrounded the building during the predawn hours and demanded the two wanted Hamas members surrender. They were instead met by machine gun fire.
Following the disappearance of Yifrach, Shaar and Frenkel as they attempted to hitchhike home from their yeshiva near Hebron, Israel launched “Operation Brother’s Keeper” in a frantic effort to find the youths.
When the boys’ bodies were found a week later, the operation shifted to one of retribution and deterrence. In the wake of Tuesday’s successful operation, had this to say:
“On the eve of the Jewish New Year, Operation Brothers’ Keeper - which began Friday, June 13, 2014 and continued with determination since then - came to an end. We promised the Shaar, Yifrach, and Frenkel families that we would get to their children’s murderers, and we did that this morning.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu added the following:
“When we found the bodies of Naftali, Gilad and Eyal I said that whoever carried out the kidnapping and murder of our teens — his blood will be on his head. This morning it was accomplished. We will continue to hit terror everywhere.”
Hamas, too, confirmed deaths of its operatives in a statement reading:
“Two members of the Izz A-Din al-Qasam brigades, Marwan Kawasme and Amer Abu Aysha were killed after a journey of sacrifice and giving. This is the path of resistance and we walk it side by side.”
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Monday, September 22, 2014

"The Signs of the Harvest! Can You See the Signs?" Steve Scroggs

Steve Scroggs, Hendersonville, NC
The Elijah List

The Signs and Wonders in Our Midst

Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. Isaiah 8:18 KJV

"Signs, signs, everywhere are signs. Can you see the signs?" 

Is what John Harris, a man of God greeted me with as we were sitting down for coffee. Then he said, "I have also seen this country go into great revival... There were coliseums full of people. I could hear the testimonies of the people, as they were touched by the Holy Spirit." The Father is speaking through a cloud.

The mystery of God's voice demands attention when a sign escorts the revelation. The Scripture is clear in Amos 3:6-8: "If a trumpet is blown in a city, will not the people be afraid? If there is calamity in a city, will not the Lord have done it? Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?"

This statement begs an answer to at least four questions. One, is God speaking? Two, what is God saying? Three, is there a sign escorting the message? And if so, four, what is the choice for action?

Is God speaking? Expression is a part of His eternal nature. Before the fall, Adam talked with God in the cool of the day. Enoch walked with God, communed with him, and one day walked right into Heaven. Jesus lived in continual communion with the Father and prayed for you to have the same relationship (John 17:20-22). Can you imagine Jesus praying a prayer that will not be answered?

Before He left the earth, Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit who would comfort you, who would teach you, who would tell you things to come, and who would take from the Father and from the Son and give it to you. The Lord speaks through three expressions of His Word.

One, through the Graphe' (a Greek word meaning to grave especially to write - the holy writ,) the Holy Bible (Matthew 4:7), two, through the Logos (a Greek word meaning the spoken, expressed Word) who is Jesus, the living Word (John 1:1-3,14), and three, through the Rhema (Greek word meaning an utterance – in the moment) the present tense voice of God (Matthew 4:4). Everyone on earth hears God's voice, but His sheep hear and heed. What kind of a Father would God be, if He didn't want to talk to His kids?

Two Signs: Bob Jones and Arthur Burt

For some time now, I've heard the prophetic ministry declaring that an end-time awakening is breaking forth in the earth, and this last great revival will bring over one billion youth into the Kingdom of God. The Body of Christ in this awakening will reveal the glory of God through preaching, prophesying, demonstrating authentic signs, amazing wonders, marvelous healings, and creative miracles like the multiplying of food to feed the thousands, translation in the Spirit from one country to another, and physical body parts coming down from the warehouses in Heaven. (Photo Wikipedia)

At the center of this enormous move is a nucleus of men and women who live for the revelation of the Father. This is the word I have heard. An old sage (Great Grandfather) and prophet (Grandfather) in the faith both spoke words, and their life and death are a sign. The time is now.

Is there a sign escorting the message? 

Two signs have escorted God's message. The first sign is Bob Jones, who prophesied the coming of the last great awakening that would sweep over one billion youth into the Kingdom. In 1975, when he stood before the Lord in death, the Lord held up his hand and said he had arrived before his time. God asked him to return. When Bob agreed, the Lord said, I don't want you to go back for one soul. I am going to bring over one billion youth to Myself. I want you to go back to speak into the leadership of that move. When he died on February 14, 2014, it was a sign that his job was done. Prophets are always reading signs. God is working His plan.

The second sign is Arthur Burt, a great grandfather in the family of God, who entered Heaven August 28, 2014. He was born in 1912 and in his youth traveled with Smith Wigglesworth, a plumber turned Evangelist who walked with God, manifested amazing signs, wonders, healing miracles, and power demonstrations that reaped an enormous harvest of souls into the Kingdom. Although Arthur did not like talking about his days with Wigglesworth, at breakfast one morning he said to me, "When it comes to Smith, all that the books have written about him pale in comparison to the glory that was released in his meetings." 

Although Bob and Arthur are with the King of kings, the story of how they are signs demands our attention.

In 1999 the Lord said to me, "I want you to cultivate a family relationship with Bob and Viola."I didn't know how to do this, so I talked with a friend, whom Bob called his Jewish chauffeur at the time, and he arranged for a weekly visit on Wednesdays. For about a five-year season, I began visiting Bob and Viola in their home. During each visit we would sit and talk, sharing life and family stories, but at some point I would ask a question, "What were your visions about today?" 

Usually each vision would be accompanied with stories from his life and revelation from the Word. We listened. (Photo of Bob Jones and Steve Scroggs)

One day Bob told this story: "In my visions the angel of the Lord visited me and said, 'In the year you were born, I gave a word to a group of people and now there is one man remaining. I want you to encourage him today. Tell him he will see this word come to pass before he dies. He is old and this word is not yet fulfilled. Tell him he will see it.'"

And then Bob turned to me and said about the angel who told him this, "And then he left, and he didn't tell me the man's name or what the word was that he gave him." (The angel was referring to Arthur Burt.)

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

That same evening Kathie Walters, who had just returned from ministering in Wales, called Bob and asked if he had a word for Wales. Bob said, "No, but I have a word for an old man in Wales, and you were just in his house." She said, "That must be Arthur Burt... What is the word?"

Bob replied, "Tell him, he will see it." Kathie responded, "He will see it?" Bob said, "Tell him he will see it. I don't know the word God gave him. He received it years ago. It was given to a group of people and they are all dead now except for him. But tell him he will see it."

When God speaks there will be signs in the heavens, and signs in the earth with some living among us.

A few months after Bob told me this story, I read Kathie Walter's account of her conversation with Arthur. When Arthur picked up the phone she said: "Arthur, this is Kathie Walters. Did you receive a word from God years ago among a group of people and you are waiting to see it?" 

Arthur said, "Yes, we did receive a word." 

She responded "Good, what was the word?" 

Arthur replied, "They are all dead now, the people in that group. I am the only one left." 

"Yes, I know Arthur; what was the word?" 

Arthur responded, "I can hear it now like it was then. I keep it in my pocket you know." 

"Arthur, what was the word?" I practically yelled at him then.

This was the word he read to me over the phone:

AND THERE SHALL BE NO EBB." (Photo Arthur Burt via Steve Scroggs)

The Breath is Blowing... What Is Your Action?

How is Arthur Burt a sign that escorted the word?

First, God spoke to a group of people and he was the last one carrying that word. Second, when the prophet Bob Jones through the Holy Spirit said, "He would see it" before he died, it made him a sign. Like Simeon, he was given a word from the Holy Spirit that he would see this awakening.

Therefore, the breath is blowing. The winds are here. The rain is falling. The floods are swelling. The torrents are on their way. If you are waiting for a sign to tell you what God is doing, join Him now because the revival is here.

The final question, what is your choice for action?

The first choice is to acknowledge the sign and receive the word with faith. The second choice is to pray and ask, "Lord, what do You want me to do?" You will speak hope as you open your mouth. God will fill it. The third choice is step out, bring forth the destiny you are called to, and fulfill the dreams you have had as secrets in your heart. The fourth choice may be to look where God is moving and join Him.

"Signs, signs, everywhere there are signs. Can you see the signs?" Will you mix the word with faith and act? God has now stepped onto the world scene in the form of His sons and daughters, and is releasing an unforgettable display of His love, glory and power.

A revivalist from the early 20th century, John G. Lake, gave this prophecy before he died:

"Now beloved, I can see as my spirit discerns the future and reaches out to touch the heart of mankind and the desire of God that there is coming from Heaven a new manifestation of the Holy Ghost in power and that new manifestation will be in sweetness, in love, in tenderness, in the power of the Spirit, beyond anything your heart or mine ever saw. The very lightning of God will flash through men's souls. The sons of God will meet the sons of darkness and prevail. Jesus Christ will destroy antichrist." (This was spoken by John G. Lake in a sermon on February 23, 1921)

The events of the earth are lining up. Future events are walking off of the pages of Scripture and into the life and times of planet earth, and the Sons and Daughters of God are being revealed. Through the Scriptures, the awakenings and the judgments of God have appeared on parallel tracks. There is something about the displays of God's power and majesty that humbles the heart of man and makes him ready to receive eternal life. (Photo via pixabay)

This harvest will bring in a harvest of souls so great and so numerous that they will appear as falling leaves from the mighty oaks driven in a hurricane. 

The sons and daughters of God will walk in the faith that will create arms, legs and a multitude of body parts. 

What would be the response from one who receives a call from a last day ministry that sounds like, "Hello, this is John Doe down at the church. Are you Sam Smith? Do you need a leg? We have one down here with your name on it, come and get it."

It has begun. You can be a part of this awakening, just let your heart reach out and touch your friends and relatives. Begin with the people you know and expand from there.

Steve Scroggs
The I AM Network 

Rev Steve Scroggs is a man who believes life's greatest achievement is to be a friend of God. He loves family, enjoys people, and encourages God's kids all over the world to walk in their eternal destiny. He and his wife have ministered for over thirty years in the US and in 15 different countries. His passion is to reveal the love of the Father, the compassion of the Son, and the creative power of Holy Spirit. 

Signs and wonders with healing miracles usually accompany his preaching. Now he speaks, writes, and oversees a networking ministry called The I Am Network, preparing the sons of God in the awakening.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

How Meditation Becomes Your Key to Success - JOHN ECKHARDT

God's Word
How often do you meditate on God's Word? (Lightstock)

Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
Being bound by demonic strongholds and oppressive spirits has a way of keeping you in a place of lack and failure. You may have a few high points here and there, but there is no lasting victory and success.
When you are delivered by way of God's grace and mercy, you will find breakthrough from the cycles that keep you from lasting success and victory. When you are delivered and set free, you may even find that you will see success in many other areas that on the surface seem to be unrelated to what you were delivered from. Success, victory and breakthrough become a way of life when you see true deliverance and learn to maintain that deliverance.
This is the covenant of God with you—that you will have the full measure of salvation so that you can walk free, have victory, take over the land that God swore to your fathers, and have good success in this life and the life to come. You cannot have good success when you are bound. By way of covenant you can be set free and walk in an abundance of prosperity and success.
Prosperity is not just about riches and fame. Prosperity covers everything that concerns you. When you are prosperous, you will not lack in health, relationships, supernatural power to serve and help others, wisdom, insight, knowledge, all the fruit of the Spirit, creativity, strategy for everyday life, as well as all of your needs being met. Do not get caught up into thinking that prosperity means that you will be a famous celebrity megachurch pastor or TV evangelist. Prosperity means that you will not lack any good thing the Lord has designed for you.
Joshua 1:8 gives insight on how we can make our way prosperous and have good success—which is essentially how to maintain our freedom and deliverance. The verse says that we must meditate in the Word day and night. This takes discipline, but it will pay off greatly if done consistently. Prosperity is the key benefit to being in covenant with God.
Muttering and meditating upon the Word of God, until it becomes alive in our spirits, is the key to actualizing the promises of God. Muttering (Hebrew hagah, "mutter") upon the Word of God day and night is likened to a tree planted by the rivers of water absorbing and drawing water into its system through its roots (Ps. 1:3).
Meditation is the process of chewing on the Word. We take a Scripture, speak it, think on it, and then we do it again. This is the biblical way to get the Word into your system and to receive revelation and understanding. To meditate means "to ponder, regurgitate, think aloud, consider continuously and utter something over and over again." This is exactly what we need to do with the Word of God.
"Meditate" or "muse"—Hebrew word siyach—means to put forth, meditate, muse, commune, speak, complain, ponder, sing, study and talk. Your meditation is also what you are speaking, muttering, singing, complaining about, or pondering (see Ps. 5:1).                 
  • My meditation is connected to the words of my mouth (Ps. 19:14; Ps. 49:3).
  • My meditation should cause gladness (Ps. 104:34, emphasis added).
  • My meditation is on what I love (Ps. 119:97).
  • My meditation gives understanding (Ps. 119:99).
  • My meditation brings success (Josh. 1:8).
  • My meditation is what I delight in (Ps. 1:2).
  • My meditation is at night (Ps. 63:6)
Josh. 1:8 is the only place the word "success" is found in the King James translation. Success is the Hebrew word sakal, meaning to be prudent, be circumspect, to act wisely, to understand, to prosper, to give attention to, consider, ponder, to have insight, have comprehension, to act circumspectly, act prudently.
Meditation is connected to wisdom. Meditation will help you access the wisdom of God, and the key to success is wisdom.
Gods-covenant.jpgAdapted from God's Covenant with You for Deliverance & Freedom by John Eckhardt, copyright 2014, published by Charisma House. Covenant is the foundation of all of God's interactions with us. In fact, success for every part of your life depends on how you respond to God's promises and divine plans for you. Learn how to overcome personal struggles and end cycle of failure and bondage with this book. To order your copy click here.
Prayer Power for the Week of 9/22/2014
This week include times of meditation as part of your prayer time. Ask the Lord to direct you in those times and to lead you to the Scriptures you need to ponder. Include Him as you ingest the Word of God and expect Him to give you life-changing revelation and wisdom for success in everything you do. Continue to pray for God's kingdom to spread at home and abroad. Expect and thank Him for revival in our churches, communities, nation and the world. Remember Israel when you pray for God's purpose to be fulfilled in the earth. Lift up those suffering for the cause of Christ, and ask God to show you tangible ways to be a blessing and carry His presence (Ps. 1:3; Josh. 1:8).
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Why You Need to Pray Hard For This One Thing - JENNIFER LECLAIRE

When offered anything in the world, Solomon chose Wisdom. Will you? (Flickr/Andy Rennie)

The Plumb Line, by Jennifer LeClaire
I pray for many things every day. I pray for my family, my friends, my ministry, my nation—and, of course, myself. I pray for protection. I pray for a deeper revelation of God's love and over my life. I pray for grace.
But there's one thing I've been praying for more and more lately—and I am convinced that if we would pray more for this one thing we would make better use of our time, live happier lives, and ultimately see more answers to our prayers.
What is this one thing I've been praying for more and more lately? Wisdom. I believe if we pray more for spiritual wisdom—even if it means praying less for natural needs—we'll receive more wisdom and our natural needs will be more than met.
Take a Hint From Solomon
We could all take a hint from Solomon. You know the story. The Lord appealed to Solomon in a dream and made this invitation: "Ask! What shall I give you?" Can you imagine the Lord coming to you in a dream and making such an invitation? What would you ask God for if you could ask and assuredly receive anything?
It seems Solomon had enough wisdom to ask for the principal thing: wisdom. Solomon replied to God's invitation with these words: "Give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?" (1 Kings 3:9).
That made God happy. Let's see how He responded:
"Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you. And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days. So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days" (1 Kings 3:10-14).
All I can say to that is, "wow" and "amen."
What Wisdom Will Do for You
God is no respecter of persons (see Acts 10:34). You can receive the wisdom you need to walk according to God's plan for you. James clearly stated that "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5). The only catch is you have to ask in faith, without doubting. That's not much of a catch and it shouldn't be too hard to do. God wants to give you wisdom so you can walk wise, making the best use of your time because the days are evil (Eph. 5:15-17).
Let's check out what Solomon had to say in the wake of receiving such great wisdom: "Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding; For her proceeds are better than the profits of silver, and her gain than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies, and all the things you may desire cannot compare with her. Length of days is in her right hand, in her left hand riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her, and happy are all who retain her" (Prov. 3:3-18).
My Prayer for You
Wisdom begets wisdom. The ear of the wise seeks knowledge (see Prov. 18:15). The wise man listens to advice (see Prov. 12:15). A man's wisdom makes his face shine (see Eccl. 8:1). By wisdom your house is built (see Prov. 24:3). Wise ones are cautious and turn away from evil (see Prov. 14:16). The words of the wise win him favor (see Eccl. 10:12). The wise will inherit honor (see Prov. 3:35). Wisdom will keep and guard you if you love it (see Prov. 4:6-7). I could go on and on and encourage you to do a study of the benefits of walking in God's wisdom.
When we receive wisdom, it's important that we acknowledge its source. The Lord gives wisdom (see Prov. 2:6). We should never be wise in our own eyes (see Prov. 3:7). But we should humbly pray for wisdom more and more. So these are my prayers. I pray like Solomon, who said, "Give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil" (1 Kings 3:9).
And I pray like Paul, who asked, "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come" (Eph. 1:17-21).
And I pray the Lord would give you wisdom, too. Amen.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can email Jennifer at jennifer.leclaire@charismamedia.com or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.