Sunday, April 27, 2014

Israel Mourns Holocaust, as Local Survivors Despair - ISRAEL TODAY

Israel Mourns Holocaust, as Local Survivors Despair

Sunday, April 27, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel on Sunday opened its annual Holocaust Remembrance Day with the blast of nation-wide sirens and solemn memorial ceremonies. But, as Israel’s major newspapers pointed out, many of the 190,000 Holocaust survivors in the Jewish state today live a lonely and poverty-stricken existence, prolonging that greatest of human tragedies.
“Let us live our final days in dignity,” read a sub-headline in Israel’s main national newspaper, Yediot Ahronot.
According to official figures, the average age of Holocaust survivors living in Israel is 85. Some 13,000 die every year, and that number is accelerating as the average age gets higher, meaning it won’t be long before the Holocaust is no longer a living memory for anyone in the Jewish state.
More worrying than the loss of the survivors are the conditions that far too many of them endure. Over 50,000 live below the poverty line and a full 20 percent have to rely on charity for their sustenance. This in addition to the fact that many survivors lost their families to the Nazis, and so must walk this difficult path alone.
The care of these survivors is a constant topic of hot debate. Most Israeli government officials would agree there is far more that should be done. But with the national budget running at a deficit, it is unclear where the money would come from.
That’s where Israeli and Christian charities come in, though the number in need of help usually far outstrips the amount of aid coming in.
Israel Today has been doing its part by regularly visiting and providing assistance to Holocaust survivors living in Jerusalem. Below are some images of our staff on a recent visit to a home for Holocaust survivors.
We would like to invite you to partner with us in doing all we can fulfill the final wish of these precious souls - to allow them to live out their final days in some dignity.
CLICK HERE to bless a Holocaust survivor today!
Holocaust survivors

Holocaust survivors

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Kathie Walters: Following The Wild Goose: Prophetic Words For Canada, The USA, Wales, And Whoever Wants To Follow The Wild Goose

Canadian Goose

Kathie Walters:

Kathie Walters
What About The Wild Goose?

I recently was part of a seers conference hosted by The Oasis Church in Kinburn, Ontario, with Steve Shultz, Darren Canning, Pastor Mark Redner, and myself. We had a great time with lots of lively, hungry Canadians. There is a kind of fierceness about Canadians...I would say, "Don't mess with them!" Ha ha.

During the conference several times, and once in the night, I saw wild geese flying, and I could hear in my spirit that honking sound they make. My friend Bob Jones used to say the geese "honked in the heavens." He said they were better watch dogs than watch dogs when it comes to guarding their property and territory. Many intercessors are like them (the geese).

It was said that the early Celtic Christians referred to the Holy Spirit as the "Wild Goose," or "An Geadh-Glas." In Gaelic that means "the goose-grey." It really can't be proved, but certainly in the 20th century the Holy Spirit was called the "Wild Goose" by Celtic groups. (The Celtic nations are Ireland, Scotland, Wales, West of England, part of France, Brittany, and Isle of Man. The Celts originally came from Galatia and settled in those lands.)

Celtic Wild GooseThe dove was considered a tame bird – but Andy Raine, a friend of mine who belongs to the Northumbrian community on Lindisfarne (Holy Island), explained why the wild goose was adopted by the Celtic Christians, who had such a boldness anointing among them:

"Historically, if it meant anything to the Celtic peoples, it would have been a symbol of war-likeness. But the Wild Goose sermon of George MacLeod caught people's imagination, and the image stuck. Most 'Celtic' Christians today have adopted the wild goose as their emblem – and the Synod of Whitby where Roman versus Celtic was to be debated could be symbolized by dove versus wild goose, which equals order and control versus freedom."

Andy Raine continues, "The other characteristic of wild geese in flight is that they fly in an arrow formation. When the lead bird is tiring, it falls back into the ranks and another takes its place as the pace-setter. If any are tired or sick, and should need to rest, the others wait, and even if they do set off again, they will not leave the straggler behind on its own, but one or more will stay to fly with it when it's able to follow."

So the geese are, in many ways, like a small army. And the boldness and wildness that can't be contained is very present.

A Strong "Wild Goose" Anointing Will Flow Between Canada, the USA, Wales, And The Rest Of The UK

I saw the anointing like the wild goose flow over Canada and down into the USA

Now, there are many wonderful ministries in Canada that are unknown, and relatively few ministries from there become well-known. There are people like Patricia King, and Todd Bentley, Stacey and Wesley Campbell, Charlie Robinson, Samuel Robinson, and others, but there are many more that are hidden inside Canada, and we don't hear about them.

But God is going to draw back the curtain and those ministries will be seen and they will follow the Wild Goose all over the world. They will carry the wild goose anointing. It will flow down into the USA, across the Niagara, and from Quebec and Vancouver. A strong Wild Goose anointing will flow between Canada and USA and Wales and the rest of the UK.

A Wild Goose Does Not Represent Rebellion But Being Open To The Leading Of The Holy Spirit

Abandoned to GodA lot of Christians abandon their boldness because they are afraid of being called rebellious, and certainly that has been used to tame people – and keep them caged – in some places. "Don't rattle the cage," "Don't rock the boat," and "Everyone is in place to support my ministry," has been the thinking of many ministers. 

(Photo via

But if you are Spirit-led, then you will be unpredictable; that does not mean unreliable and stupid, but that you are open to being led by the Holy Spirit, The Wild Goose.

A good friend of mine has spent his life being led by the Wild Goose. Arthur Burt, who lives in Wales – and is 102 right now, is expecting to see the Heavens be opened and the power of God to descend on the saved and unsaved alike before he dies.

Again, Arthur lives in Wales, and one time his wife sent him to get some potatoes from the store in town; but at the same time, the Holy Spirit told him to go to Ethiopia. He dropped the potatoes back at the house like a good husband should, but then he took off to Heathrow Airport and got the next flight to Addis Ababa. It's a wonderful story; I don't think he was there for more than three days. Arthur ended up giving a powerful and life-saving word of the Lord to a missionary family there – then he left and returned to the UK.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Allowing And Trusting God To Steer The Ship

Someone emailed me the other day. The lady said they had a wonderful move of the Spirit in her church last Sunday evening. God showed up, He took over, and she said it was marvelous. Afterwards the pastor said, "Well, we can't have too much of this, just occasionally is OK."

Another friend of mine who pastored a great church in Ohio would have moves of the Spirit, but then he would say, "This is great, but we must return to normal." What a shame. I think God's going to be wanting His Church back soon.

God is steering the shipThere is something in you that wants to fly and to soar and have adventures. I often say, "We only have one life to live down here, you may as well have some fun and adventures." 

The Bible says, "The people that know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."Well, no one is going to do any exploits or anything else if every time they start to move out someone stops them and puts them back in the cage. 

(Photo via

My husband, David, has a powerful revival anointing. We've helped raise up churches, and pastored churches, but you know, you have to KNOW the Wild Goose very well to allow Him to do what He wants to do. 

Our job as leaders is to teach people to hear from God for themselves, not try and be God for the people.

Sometimes – well, a lot of times, you don't understand everything that is happening, but it's OK when you know the Wild Goose is in control and He is steering the ship. It's not your ship anyway – it's His ship. If it becomes your ship, I can promise you one thing – trouble.

The Wild Goose Cannot Be Chained – It Fights

Celtic Flames by Kathie WaltersI was not going to write like this, but the anointing is very strong – you will feel it, I am sure; I smell an aroma like the ocean, like the sea. To me that means journeys. The Peregrini (Peregrini means traveller or pilgrim), in the 5th and 6th century in Ireland, would come from the monasteries and get into a small boat off the shores of Ireland. They had no oars and they had no rudder; they released their faith and BELIEVED God to send the winds to take them where they were supposed to go. 

Brendan the Navigator, and others, had amazing adventures with God (see my book Celtic Flames).

Jackie Pullinger was just a lass when she left home and took off – she didn't even know where she was going, but she ended up in Hong Kong, and God did amazing and wonderful and miraculous things through a young women who wasn't afraid to follow the Wild Goose.

Darren Canning, and others like him, have a great anointing, and Darren is strongly bringing that Canadian Wild Goose anointing into the USA and beyond. Each country has something to offer – because God does not put all His eggs in one basket, but disperses them so that we all need each other and we learn to be as these geese I previously spoke about.

If we all are in the place God has placed us, we only make the flight easier. If one gets weary, then others will go take them some encouragement and wait with them; no one has to fly alone.

I wonder how many churches there are that prevent people from being risk-takers? If you start to move out in faith, then you automatically move out of your comfort zone. If you begin to follow the Wild Goose, you will be out of your natural comfort zone. But inside you know there is something that cannot be contained. You long for flight and freedom. You get on fire, but there are fire trucks all around to put out the fire as quickly as possible. Maybe that's what's in Canada that is about to be released – a rising up to follow the Wild Goose.

You Have Things To Do And Places To Go

TravellerAren't we just supposed to get a cat or parrot and sit at home and pat the grandkids on the head when someone you love goes on to Heaven? No, you still have things to do and places to go – follow the Holy Spirit and have supernatural adventures. 

(Photo via

"What if I make a mistake?" you may ask. "Well, have another go. I don't know anyone whose never made a mistake, do you?"

This song is by the band Iona, 

Here I Stand:

Here I stand, looking out to sea
Where a thousand souls have prayed
And a thousand lives were laid on the sand
Were laid on the sand
Years have passed, since they have died
But the Word shall last
And the Wild Goose shall fly
Shall fly
Here I stand, looking out to sea
And I say a prayer
That the Wild Goose will come to me
That the Wild Goose will come to me

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

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Muslims Mob Attacks Jewish Children on Temple Mount

Breaking News - 590x148

templemount jews
Several dozen hareidi Jews, including children, ascended the Temple Mount Wednesday. In the course of the tour of the Mount, Muslims began hurling objects at the hareidim, spat at them, hurled shoes and sticks and pulled the sidelocks of one of the children. The raging Muslim mob terrified some of the children, who began to panic. At one point one of the Jewish men seeks to reassure the frightened children. "Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! This is our place!" he said, referring to the Mount, the holiest site in Judaism.

Which One of These 8 Reasons Is Really Why Millennials Are Leaving the Church? - ROB SCHWARZWALDER

Hipster Jesus?

Is American Christianity trying too hard to be "cool"? (Flickr/Brett Jordan [edited])

Which One of These 8 Reasons Is Really Why Millennials Are Leaving the Church?


Many young people are leaving Evangelical churches. Statistics vary, but there is general consensus that large numbers of post-high school age Evangelical youth shed the faith of their fathers and mothers upon beginning their college years.
The reasons given are multiple. They include such things as over-identification of older Evangelicals as angry Right-wingers who disdain homosexuals and are skeptical of global warming; a subculture that is unwelcoming to the young and secular; Christianity's claim of exclusivity as to truth and salvation; and the general superficiality of the preaching and teaching.
Summing up much of this line of thinking, Carol Howard Merritt writes, "There are three major reasons that a younger generation is leaving Evangelicalism: pernicious sexism, religious intolerance, and conservative politics"
Yet this analysis, so neat and damning (and, for critics of Evangelicalism, rewardingly severe), seems woefully incomplete.
First, the idea that younger Evangelicals are jettisoning their youthful faith could well be overstated. University of Connecticut sociologist Bradley Wright, author of Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites and Other Lies You've Been Told, challenges the conventional wisdom regarding the young and Evangelical Protestantism:
Evangelicalism increased among all age groups from 1972 through the early 1990s, and it has decreased in all groups since then. The differences exist in rates of change, namely it's dropped among young people faster than older people. It's worth noting, however that the biggest drop of faith in young people happened in the 1990s, and that current levels are about the same as the early 1970s. 
Still, this doesn't alleviate the fact that a noticeable number of younger Evangelicals are departing from the pews in which they were raised. Let's also agree that the verbal and political excesses of some Evangelical conservative leaders have been off-putting and that personal friendships with gay men and lesbians make younger believers alert to real and perceived insults by believers of homosexuals.
But is the (supposed) ecclesiastical exodus of collegiate and post-collegiate Evangelicals really as simple as disgust with the excesses of political conservatism, discomfort with Christianity's claim of exclusivity regarding the path to salvation, a desire to "live green," and simply get along in an adverse society?
I propose several other reasons why some young people are leaving their Evangelical heritage. They are these:
1. Evangelical churches try so hard to be palatable and relevant that we become distasteful and irrelevant.
Desperate contemporaneity has become the coin of the age as Evangelicals make gasping efforts to draw in the disaffected. We preach on methods of achieving various kinds of success (with one or two Bible verses thrown in) instead of the books and themes of Scripture. We have become what Michael Patton calls "the entertainment driven church." After awhile, manic superficiality in the name of "relevance" induces cynicism, and rightfully so. As described by Alan Jamieson, "the institutional church" has become "irrelevant or unhelpful ... for so many reflective and intelligent believers today" (quoted in Julia Duin, Quitting Church, p. 175).
"We've taken a historic, 2,000 year old faith, dressed it in plaid and skinny jeans and tried to sell it as 'cool' to our kids," writes Marc Yoder. "It's not cool. It's not modern. What we're packaging is a cheap knockoff of the world we're called to evangelize."
This plunge into irrelevance through "relevance at any cost" is the fruit of a tepid theology and only further weakens the orthodox spine. This theological weakness is augmented by something we find decidedly uncomfortable raising: the sin of Eden, also known as pride. As an anonymous contributor to "Juicy Ecumenism" has written caustically:
A lot of people come up to me at conferences, to which, as a very successful hipster-progressive post-evangelical blogger, I have been invited to speak, asking me how they, too, can make a name for themselves as a voice for the disaffected semi-faithful ... The trick of post-evangelical blogging is to take the issue du jour, be it gay marriage, birth control, gun control, abortion, or assisted suicide, and re-interpret it as a fundamental and authentic challenge to the assumptions of the suburban evangelicalism which for you represents the sum total of Christian belief and experience. 
As King's College President Gregory Alan Thornbury writes, "If we cannot reconcile our theology with the sturdy basis for biblical Christianity that framed evangelicalism and once made it great, we will find ourselves and our children cut loose from our tradition" (Recovering Classic Evangelicalism, p. 208). This result must be unacceptable to those born of the Spirit.

Sharing Love from the Lighthouse Center, India - Pastor John Ebenezer - Update April 25, 2014

Sharing love from south India

April 25, 2014

Dear Steve,

Shalom, as I am very much busy for the VBS and we have in 3 centers  about 11 hundred children from all walks of life joining with us,please pray for them and staff too. As I am coming to USA states in July first week first I will be at Pittsburgh, then Orlando and then Madison etc. After that I am  able to see you some day but I will be in touch with you all the time.

As I have funds with you now I am using Indian money for the VBS and other needs. We are all praying for your ministry in India and Israel and Jews too. I also do the same praying for the nation of Israel and Jews to believe in Jesus Christ Yeshua.

Now its very hot to day 42 degrees it goes every day until June 15th may will be highest of all. We are unable to go out after 9 AM to 5 PM but our GOD is able we are able to travel some days. Please pray for us as we are going to 3 states. We need a VAN for the ministry and secondly we need to have INN at Light House Center to educate the Hindus and other caste children and teach them the BIBLE too. This is my dream and vision to make children know Jesus Christ/

Many families come to church and souls can be saved in 10 to 15 weeks time. Please pray with us. You are in my daily prayers and for ministry. He will make you a leader of the nation to bring many souls into His kingdom hallelujah...Amen.

All the pastors David, Lucie, Joseph and many others are praying for you. Looking forward to see you when you will be with us again. Praise HIM.....

Ahava and shalom,

John Ebenezer
Lighthouse Center, India
Pastor John Ebenezer
"Great is Thy faithfulness, O God"
"Bless the Lord, O my soul!"


Pastor John Ebenezer, Lucie and Steve Martin
Hyderabad, India
Feb. 2010

A new church in India coming

Love For His People, Inc. has supported Pastor John and his ministry in Hyderabad, India since 2004. I have ministered and traveled along with him to several of the churches he has planted and also spent a week teaching his annual Pastor's Conference on the importance of blessing Israel and the Jews. I can attest to the great work he has done over many decades.

John made his first trip to Israel in Nov, 2013 on the Love For His People Ahava Adventures trip. We plan on taking more pastors there in the future.

Please share your love and support along with us, to bless the orphans and kids that he is reaching and teaching about Jesus. 

Contributions made through this ministry receive a USA tax deduction.

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134


Steve Martin
Love For His People

Pastor John in Jerusalem Nov. 2013
on the Love For His People
Ahava Adventures trip.

John reading the chapter I wrote about him in my book Ahava Love Letters.  
(Xulon Press, Sept. 2013) I gave to him in Jerusalem Nov. 2013. Steve Martin

(Photos by Steve Martin)

"It has been a pathway of preparation into a time of greater purpose." Morris Ruddick

"We have entered challenging times. It is a time requiring more than what the best of human effort can achieve. With it has been a pathway of preparation into a time of greater purpose; a time of preparation for ones who bear a mantle like Joseph to prepare. The preparation to prepare involves walking through a fire, not unlike what Job, Joseph, Daniel and many other heroes of faith went through." 

Morris Ruddick, "Righteous Power In A Corrupt World", Xulon Press page 121 

Amazon - paperback & Kindle: Righteous Power In A Corrupt World

Employing righteous power is a leadership calling. It builds and wields influence. It is God's strategy for change that requires a mix of biblical community, Kingdom entrepreneurship and heeding the voice of the Lord, as a people. With extraordinary examples drawn from an extensive track record in lands of persecution, its practical, grass-roots application exceeds expectations. 

This book outlines the steps being successfully applied in a diversity of extremely adverse spiritual climates. Righteous power doesn't operate like worldly power. It goes against the grain. It's the way of the Kingdom. Jesus described its employment as being a narrow, difficult path. Yet, against the odds, it is a catalyst for opportunity that brings blessing. It is the explosive power that demonstrates God's reality to those in darkness and releases societal change. 

The author's calling has been one of leadership for change. He was recently described by a long-time associate with these words: "Morris Ruddick heads several organizations and corporate entities, including Global Initiatives Foundation, The Ruddick Int'l Group, and a global intercession network. He has led development of entrepreneurial activities in critical needy areas and brought together business and ministry in several nations, including the Messianic Jewish community in Israel, as well as in Africa, Asia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Russia and other areas of need." 

Mr. Ruddick's Kingdom agendas reflect a unique merging of the secular and the spiritual. He sums it up as "an interlinking of secular business enterprises with overriding Kingdom objectives." 

Since 1995, Mr. Ruddick has been a voice encouraging and mobilizing Kingdom leaders and entrepreneurs.

Purchase at Amazon - paperback & Kindle: Righteous Power In A Corrupt World

FaceBook tags: Steven Louis MartinSteve MartinMorris RuddickSteven L MartinLaura Jean Martin and Steven L Martin at Love For His People

Morris & Carol Ruddick of Denver, CO
Steve Martin (Charlotte, NC)

Shabbat Shalom to my Jewish friends in Israel!

We love, appreciate and support 
our Jewish friends in Israel!
Shabbat Shalom!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.