Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester Bombing Attack Sparks Prayers From Around The Globe - HELLO CHRISTIAN


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Over The Last 10 Years The U.S. Economy Has Grown At EXACTLY The Same Rate As It Did During The 1930s - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 22 May 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Even though I write about our ongoing long-term economic collapse every day, I didn’t realize that things were this bad.  In this article, I am going to show you that the average rate of growth for the U.S. economy over the past 10 years is exactly equal to the average rate that the U.S. economy grew during the 1930s.  Perhaps this fact shouldn’t be that surprising, because we already knew that Barack Obama was the only president in the entire history of the United States not to have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent.  

Of course the mainstream media continues to push the perception that the U.S. economy is in “recovery mode”, but the truth is that this current era has far more in common with the Great Depression than it does with times of great economic prosperity.

Earlier today I came across an article about President Trump’s new budget from Fox News, and in this article the author makes a startling claim…
The hard fact is that the past decade’s $10 trillion in deficit spending has produced the worst economic growth as measured by Gross Domestic Product in our nation’s history.  You read that right, in the past decade our nation’s economy grew slower than even during the Great Depression. This stagnant, new normal, low-growth economy is leaving millions of working age people behind who have given up even trying to participate, and has led to a malaise where many doubt that the American dream is attainable.
When I first read that, I thought that this claim could not possibly be true.  But I was curious, and so I looked up the numbers for myself.

What I found was absolutely astounding.

The following are U.S. GDP growth rates for every year during the 1930s

1930: -8.5%
1931: -6.4%
1932: -12.9%
1933: -1.3%
1934: 10.8%
1935: 8.9%
1936: 12.9%
1937: 5.1%
1938: -3.3%
1939: 8.0%

When you average all of those years together, you get an average rate of economic growth of 1.33 percent.

That is really bad, but it is the kind of number that one would expect from “the Great Depression”.

So then I looked up the numbers for the last ten years

2007: 1.8%
2008: -0.3%
2009: -2.8%
2010: 2.5%
2011: 1.6%
2012: 2.2%
2013: 1.7%
2014: 2.4%
2015: 2.6%
2016: 1.6%

When you average these years together, you get an average rate of economic growth of 1.33 percent.

I thought that was a really strange coincidence, and so I pulled up my calculator and ran all of the numbers again and I got the exact same results.

The 1930s certainly had more big ups and downs, but the average rate of economic growth during that decade was exactly the same as we have seen over the past 10 years.

And of course the early 1940s turned out to be a boom time for the U.S. economy, while it appears that our rate of economic growth is actually slowing down.  As I noted yesterday, U.S. GDP growth during the first quarter of 2017 was just 0.7 percent.

But you don’t hear any talk like this on the mainstream news, do you?

Instead, they tell us that everything is just peachy.

I often wonder what things would be like right now if Barack Obama and his minions in Congress had not added more than 9 trillion dollars to the national debt.  By stealing all of that money from future generations of Americans and spending it now, Obama was able to artificially prop up the U.S. economy.  If we were able to go back and remove 9 trillion dollars of government spending from the economy over the past 8 years, we would be in a rip-roaring economic depression right now.  For an extended analysis of this, please see my previous article entitled “The Shocking Truth About How Barack Obama Was Able To Prop Up The U.S. Economy”

But even though we have been adding more than a trillion dollars to the national debt each year, and even though the Federal Reserve pushed interest rates all the way to the floor during the Obama era, the U.S. economy has not grown by three percent or more on an annual basis since 2005.

When you take an honest look at the numbers, there is no way that anyone can possibly claim that the U.S. economy is doing well.  The best that you can say is that we have been staving off a complete economic meltdown and another Great Depression, but of course the measures that our leaders have been taking to do this have just been making our long-term problems even worse.

I feel bad for President Trump, because he has inherited the biggest economic mess in U.S. history.  When we finally reach the point when it is impossible to artificially prop up the U.S. economy any longer, he is going to get most of the blame, but he won’t deserve it.
It is not going to be possible for Trump or anyone else to fix our system, because it was fundamentally flawed from the very beginning.  The Federal Reserve was designed to create an endless spiral of government debt, and since the day it was created the U.S. national debt has gotten more than 5000 times larger and the value of the U.S. dollar has declined by about 98 percent.

If we truly want to fix the economy, the Federal Reserve must be abolished.  If I was President Trump, I would look to start issuing debt-free U.S. currency just like President Kennedy did in 1963 as soon as possible.

In addition, we need to push tax rates as low as possible.  Personally, I would like to see the day when the personal income tax is completely eliminated and the IRS is shut down.  The greatest period of economic growth in all of U.S. history was when there was no income tax and no Federal Reserve.  America once thrived in such an environment, and I believe that we can do it again.

Of course we need to also dramatically reduce the size and scope of the federal government.  Our founders intended to create a very limited federal government, but instead the left has just kept pushing to make it larger and larger.

Businesses all over America are being strangled to death by mountains of federal regulations, and if we could just get the government off of their backs the business community could start thriving again.  

There are quite a few government agencies that could be shut down entirely, and I think that the EPA would be a good place to start.

Once upon a time the United States showed the world the power of free markets and capitalism, and if we want to make America great again, we should go back and do the things that made America great in the first place.

But would the American people be willing to go down that path?

TRUMP PAYS RESPECTS AT ISRAEL'S HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL YAD VASHEM BYJPOST.COM - MAY 23, 2017 13:07 Live updates from the US president's historic visit.

US President Donald S. Trump and flame at Yad Vashem 
Jewish Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, Israel
May 23, 2017

BYJPOST.COM -  MAY 23, 2017 13:07   
Live updates from the US president's historic visit.

(after you look at these screen shot photos! Steve Martin)

US President Donald Trump set out Tuesday on the second day of his historic visit to the region after arriving in Israel Monday. 

As part of his whirlwind first trip to the Holy Land as president, Trump went here in Jerusalem for a brief visit at Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust museum and memorial. The American leader was set to give a speech later in the day at the Israel Museum before departing the country for Rome in the late afternoon. JP

Wreath from our USA President Donald J. Trump 
laid on the memorial containing ashes
from victims of the Holocaust during World War II.

The Holocaust (from the Greek ὁλόκαυστος holókaustoshólos, "whole" and kaustós, "burnt"),[2] also referred to as the Shoah (HebrewהשואהHaShoah, "the catastrophe"),[citation needed] was a genocide in which some six million European Jews were killed by Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany, and the World War II collaborators with the Nazis.  Wikepedia

Kathi Pelton: "A Summer of Miracles" Kathi Pelton May 22, 2017 - THE ELIJAH LIST

May 22, 2017

"A Summer of Miracles" by Kathi Pelton, Eugene, OR

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzWell...I am DEFINITELY looking forward to this Summer of Miracles that Kathi Pelton from Eugene writes about. She mentions:

I continually see the months of May through August as a swell in the spirit that births a time in history where great miracles are seen throughout the Earth. This "swell" will be like the miracle of birthing new life and will be marked by unprecedented miracles that occur in impossible circumstance.

Birthing NEW life? Miracles? Sign me up! I believe there is GREAT JOY ahead of us this Summer. Get excited for your Summer of Miracles! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: http://elijahlist.com/subscribe.


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


"A Summer of Miracles"by Kathi Pelton, Eugene, OR

For a few weeks now I keep hearing the words, "This summer will be remembered as a 'Summer of Miracles.'"

I continually see the months of May through August as a swell in the spirit that births a time in history where great miracles are seen throughout the Earth. This "swell" will be like the miracle of birthing new life and will be marked by unprecedented miracles that occur in impossible circumstance.

This summer's miracles will establish a "new norm" (normal) in the Church where miracles are no longer rare but frequent and widespread.

Miracles will flow through children's prayers, the prayers of unknown Saints and through those that God has raised up to stand before the masses.

Nations Will Shift and Be Brought Forth

These miracles will come upon nations that have been thought of as a "lost cause". Get ready to see a move of God come upon the darkest places. We will see that the Saints in those nations who have been hidden and held captive will suddenly be like when Joseph was set free. Their prayers, their faithfulness in dark captivity and their worship will suddenly break through the darkness and light will come causing the darkness to be broken.

Isaiah 66:8 will be seen.
"Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children."
The faithful remnant in nations that have been known to persecute Christians will emerge suddenly from captivity into freedom.

They will worship freely and with great joy. They will be anointed to set the captives free.

This is not only for nations that have been under an oppressive government but it is for nations that have been considered "free" and yet darkness has gained a foothold.

Canada will experience a "tsunami" that will be like the water breaking before a birthing. It will shift the spiritual landscape and break down dividing walls.

As they have stood to see other nations birthed, now they will see the birthing of God's purposes on their own soil. The spiritual ice will melt in the Great North. The light of the Son will come upon the Inuits, the French, the English and the First People of the land and unity will emerge – one family formed to establish God's purposes.

God's chosen remnant in Canada will also reach across the border, into the womb of the United States, and be a midwife for the birthing of what the Lord has planted in North America as a continent. The walls of division between the two nations will crumble.

Watch the nations that the enemy has attacked with acts of terrorism because the enemy has marked them for a great move of God.

Nations such as France, England, Germany, the US, Sweden, Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan and Syria will experience a great move of God. They have all been chosen by God to strike terror in the enemy's camp. What the enemy meant for harm God will turn for the profit and good of these nations. These will be like the days of Joseph and the mercy of God will triumph over judgement.
"But Joseph replied, 'Don't be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. No, don't be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.' So he reassured them by speaking kindly to them." Genesis 50:19-21
The Fear of the Lord is Key

Many in the Body of Christ have suffered greatly over the past few years. The pressures have been great but these pressures have produced a refiner's fire that has purified hearts, motives, beliefs and character.

A shift has taken place that has caused God's people to move from the fear of man into the fear of the Lord.

This shift is the key to this move of God that is swelling even now. The water will break to bring forth the birthing of seeing the sovereignty of God displayed throughout the nations.

The strength of man has not brought this forth but rather the humbling of man so that in great human weakness (humility) the strength of God will be made manifest.
"So He said to me, 'This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty." Zechariah 4:6
I hear the words, "Grace, grace..." being shouted over the Church,
"But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.'" 2 Corinthians 12:9

The birthing of God's purposes and promises begin with a breaking of the water. I see the dates May 24 - August 24 as a time for this Summer of Miracles and the swell of this water washing over people and nations.

It is like a great bowl or basin of water is about to tip and pour down. Deep has called out to deep and it has filled this heavenly basin (bowl).
"Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; all Your breakers and Your waves have rolled over me." Psalm 42:7
This pouring out of water will not only cause a great move of God but it will also serve as a washing of His current-day disciples' feet.
"So He got up from the table, took off His robe, wrapped a towel around His waist, and poured water into a basin. Then He began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them with the towel He had around Him." John 13:4-5
Watch for and expect a Summer of Miracles to come upon the Church! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries

Email: jkpelton@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.inscribeministries.com

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton understand our culture's need for encouragement and hope. Through writing and speaking, they escort individuals into awareness of God's profound compassion and mercy that heals brokenness, and they have a unique ability to help anyone seeking pathways into His kind embrace.

For several years, Jeffrey and Kathi led a house of prayer located in Kelowna, British Columbia. Currently, they travel extensively, working with prayer and prophetic movements. Recently, Jeffrey and Kathi, their grown children, and their one grandson relocated from Northern California to Eugene, Oregon.

They continue to travel and have begun networking with prayer ministries in the Pacific Northwest. They are also part of a development team for Kairos Ministries, a local church plant.
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Prophecy: God Is About to Unleash a 'Summer of Miracles' - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Kathi Pelton writes that God is about to unleash a "Summer of Miracles" in which persecuted remnants of Christians will be allowed to rise up. (Reuters photo)

Prophecy: God Is About to Unleash a 'Summer of Miracles'


Kathi Pelton, who, with her husband, Jeffrey, leads the Inscribe Ministries prayer ministry in Eugene, Ore., wrote Monday that God is about to unleash a "Summer of Miracles."

She wrote for Elijah List, in part:
I continually see the months of May through August as a swell in the spirit that births a time in history where great miracles are seen throughout the earth. This "swell" will be like the miracle of birthing new life and will be marked by unprecedented miracles that occur in impossible circumstance.
This summer's miracles will establish a "new norm" (normal) in the church where miracles are no longer rare but frequent and widespread. Miracles will flow through children's prayers, the prayers of unknown saints and through those that God has raised up to stand before the masses.
These miracles will come upon nations that have been thought of as a "lost cause." Get ready to see a move of God come upon the darkest places. We will see that the saints in those nations who have been hidden and held captive will suddenly be like when Joseph was set free. Their prayers, their faithfulness in dark captivity and their worship will suddenly break through the darkness and light will come causing the darkness to be broken. Isaiah 66:8 will be seen.
Click here to read her entire article at the Elijah List website. 
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