Saturday, May 3, 2014

God shall make the name...ISRAEL365

God shall make the name of Solomon better than your name.

I KINGS (1:47)

יֵיטֵב אֱ-לֹהִים אֶת שֵׁם שְׁלֹמֹה מִשְּׁמֶךָ

מלכים א’ א:מ’’ז

yay-TAYV e-lo-HEEM et shaym sh'lo-MO mish-me-KHA

Today's Israel Inspiration

We learn beautiful insight into Solomon's role as king of Jerusalem just by studying his Hebrew name. In Hebrew, Solomon is שלמה/she-lo-MO. Look for the root of the word and you'll see שלום/sha-LOM, peace! King Solomon built the first Temple in Jerusalem, without "hammers, chisels or any iron instruments" (I Kings 6:7), so that no instruments of war would be used and peace would be built into its very foundation. It symbolized complete peace between man and God and between all the nations of the world.

Amazing Replica of Solomon's Temple

This fascinating video gives a vision of Solomon's Temple as it once stood in Jerusalem. All of its intricate details were accurately culled from the Bible to present a beautiful and inspiring replica. 

Israeli Research: More Sleep, Less Cancer

Christian Arab and pediatric pulmonologist Dr. Fahed Hakim wants us all to get more sleep. His research reveals a strong connection between poor sleep habits and conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure.

Connected Rings with Blessings

Three delightful silver rings are interlocked to create one uniquely charming ring. On all three the Priestly Blessing are written.

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photo of Jerusalem by Rebecca Kowalsky shows the topography and ascension to the Old City, bringing to life the words of the Bible, as it says: "Arise! Let us ascend to Zion."

Independence Day Photo Contest!

Send me your best Israel photo, and a short description, with your name and where you're from, and we will proudly display the winner on Yom Haatzmaut! All photos will also be included in ourFacebook album.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Abraham L. Seiman on the yartzheit of David Joseph Seiman. 

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It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thank you for giving us Israel365 site where we have the privilege of praying for the people of Israel and the world. Cornelia R.

May you know the grateful and prayerful support of us who read “Israel365“ with joy. Roy S., South Africa.
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"Jew & Gentile" - Honoring Israel Night - Beit Yeshua dance team

"Jew & Gentile" - Honoring Israel Night - Beit Yeshua dance team

Sung by Joel Chernoff, Lamb

May 2, 2014 in Lincolnton, NC Led by Curtis Loftin

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - 
to give appreciation to and love for those we support,
 through Love For His People, Inc.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Interview with Boris Grisenkoo - Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation in Ukraine - Gordon Pettie - Revelation TV UK

Gordon Pettie of Revelation TV in the UK

Interview with Boris Grisenko - Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation in Ukraine - Gordon Petite - Revelation TV UK

Boris Grisenko 

Published on Mar 6, 2014 Watch as Gordon Pettie interviews Boris Grisenkoo of Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation and discusses the current events in Kiev, Ukraine.

Gordon Pettie - Rev TV UK

Love For His People Editor's note: Good interview. I also appreciate Gordon Pettie for his friendship as a board member for Vision For Israel when I was the USA Director, and how he has maintained that friendship even four years later after I left and started Love For His People. 

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Kim Clement: "Pope Francis - Appointed to Join the Hearts of Protestant Faith – Catholic – Those Who Are Spirit-filled"

Kim Clement:
The Elijah List

Kim ClementProphesied on April 19, 2014 - From The Den

A Renewal – Will Far Surpass the 60s and 70s

As I stand at this cross, there is one that I have chosen who has kneeled at this cross many, many times. I speak of the one who calls himself after St. Francis of Assisi. The Spirit of the Lord spoke for him to come and stand at the head, "But this man is not like any other," says the Lord. 

"This man has been appointed to join the hearts of Protestant faith – Catholic – those who are Spirit-filled

And I will do something so unique and so different," says the Lord, "because of his acknowledgement of My power.

"There is a renewal that will take place that will far surpass what took place in the 60s and in the 70s. My Spirit will not be confined; neither will it be arrested only for one or two groups of people. My eye is on the globe; My eye is on the earth. My eye," says the Lord, "is upon planet Earth, to pour out of My Spirit.

"And I have chosen Pope Francis as one of the voices that will speak, and he will command,and they will try and assassinate him three times. They will try within to damage him." God says, "they will even try to poison him, but his voice will not be stopped," says the Lord. "I will cause people to run to the cross, people to cling to the cross. Many souls shall come."

And then, God says, "There will be a change in the entire systemI will make a change, for what Martin Luther did 500 years ago, and when he nailed theses to the door and said, 'This is it – we believe that by faith we are saved, which is a gift of God, saved unto works, not by works.'"

God's Spirit says, "So it shall be that this man shall pronounce that as well, and there shall be fire that shall ignite in the southern part of America – in the central part of America. There shall be criminals that shall be brought to justice."

And God says, "This man shall change laws and there will be creeds that will come forth and the Catholic people shall rejoice and they shall smile again for I will fill them with light

I will light the candles of My incense in the buildings that were once built for My glory but were taken and used as stone, as a place of refuge, as a place of religion. I will take those same buildings throughout the earth and I will raise them up. 

(Photo via

"And in Italy, I will do something that is so anointed and strange they shall have two earthquakes and then you will know that God has begun to do His work throughout the earth. This is My word," says the Lord. "Pray for it shall come to pass," says the Lord.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Prophesied on April 26, 2014 - From The Den

By 2015 - A Scroll Shall Be Made Known to the Nations

God's Spirit says, "In My hands there is a scroll. There is a scroll that has been kept throughout the ages – a scroll that has keys, truths written in them – mysteries that I'm about to unfold throughout the earth. Hear Me, O princes of the Blood Royal; hear Me, O princesses of the Blood Royal. I have something to open, which will release Israel into a higher state of existence, to release My people into a higher state of existence

"In My hand," says the Lord, "there is a scroll and I will open the scroll." And God says, "By 2015 this scroll and the truth that is therein shall be made known to the nations

People within Israel shall begin to dance and celebrate shouting 'Yahweh, Shalom!' They shall shout, 'Adonai! 'They will shout, 'Shabach, Shabach, praise Him!' They shall say, 'Yeshua, Yeshua,'" says the Lord! 


I had a dream earlier this morning, and actually it was spoken of today, about the demise of Putin – not that I want him dead, because I prophesied over him (over Ukraine and Russia), but I want you to know that there's a strong spirit of death that is over that region. It's not just over him, but it's over the people. So I want you to pray about that.

Kim Clement
Kim Clement Center

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. 

Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. 

He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

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Are We Teaching Our Kids Reality? - JIM DALY - Charisma Magazine

Father and son bond

Are you teaching you children the realities of life? (iStock photo)

Charisma Magazine

Are We Teaching Our Kids Reality?

Not long ago, a Christian speaker admitted to his audience that his son was in prison for burglary.
“But,” he said, “we’ve done a great job as parents.”
The crowd looked puzzled.
“Because actually,” he added, “he was born an ax murderer.”
Naturally, the audience laughed. It’s a great line. There’s absolutely no truth in it, but it’s a great line. And in its own weird way, it hits the heart of what we’re supposed to be doing as parents—showing and telling our kids how to become good, reliable, upstanding adults, and as we do so, gently guiding them away from the serial killer career track.
Parents are teachers. And from the day our kids are born, we’re on the job. Sometimes we don’t even know that we’re teaching. Our kids learn how to smile and laugh and talk simply by watching and listening to us, and they figure out quickly that screaming is a great way to get some attention.
And as they grow up, they continue to learn from us by observation, often regretfully so. Kids who unexpectedly start cussing in front of grandma may have picked up those choice words from daddy during a particularly stressful drive to school. Statistically, teens who become smokers or drinkers took their first cues from mom and dad. The old cliché of “Do as I say, not as I do”? Children hardly ever listen to that piece of advice.
But often we do give our kids very intentional lessons. We encourage them to walk and show them how to use the potty by themselves (in the appropriate receptacle, we hope). We teach them to always tell the truth and to look both ways before crossing the street. We train them how to hold their silverware correctly and how to use a stick shift.
But I believe we have a more fundamental and basic lesson to teach our kids. We must teach them what reality is. We must show them how to look at the world with a clear eye and sober heart. We have to show them that while beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, truth isn’t. Truth remains the same wherever one finds it. And a key to growing up on this planet reasonably healthy and happy is to recognize the truth when we see it.
It’s a trickier proposition than you might think, particularly in our confusing 21st century. Lots of people out there today tell us that truth is really a matter of opinion—“You have your truth, I have mine.” Spin obscures everything, from advertising pitches and marketing gimmicks to political punditry and sophistry. Plenty of people out there try to convince us that up is down (or at least a little crooked or slanted). Our own emotions and biases can obscure the real truth, and so we have to teach our sons and daughters how to look past what they feel in the moment and see the bigger picture.
Of course, for us dads to teach the truth to our kids, we have to know it ourselves. And that’s where we often struggle. After all, we have our own emotions and biases to contend with. We have our own susceptibilities to spin. And sometimes our take on the world might be just plain off.
If our kids got locked away for burglary, we might very much want to believe that our good parenting saved them from an even worse fate. But the truth might look a lot different.
And as fathers, we need to do the best job possible to know reality—not as we’d like it to be or fear it to be, but as it really is.
Jesus addressed that sense of reality in Matthew 7:3–5: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”
In a sense, Jesus asked us, “Do you know reality? Not what you think you see, not what you think you feel. Do you know what is real?”
As fathers, we need to know reality. We must know how others see us. How we really speak to others. The difference between fact and opinion.
We need to, for instance, be real in how we see ourselves and our own strengths and weaknesses. Where have we come up short in raising a family? When have we failed to spend time with our wives and kids? How did those shortcomings affect those around us? We have to be honest with ourselves, because only then can we be honest with our children. We need to apologize when we do something wrong and make it up to them the best way we know how.
The-Good-Dad_2.jpgWe need to be honest about our own children too. Sometimes we believe our kids can do no wrong, and so when a teacher calls to tell us that Johnny is acting out in class or isn’t paying attention during social studies, we blame the teacher. Some parents see the opposite when it comes to their children—that they can never get anything right. We scold and chastise them for every little thing until we crush their spirit and bring their tether to us nearly to its breaking point.
And, most importantly, we need to get on the same page with Mom, our child-rearing partner.
Taken from The Good Dad by Jim Daly. Copyright © 2014 by Jim Daly. Use by permission of

Franklin Graham: The Flood of Compromise

Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham: The Flood of Compromise

Noah, the latest Hollywood epic, splashed across the big screen last month, revealing a flood of compromise. Described as a “biblically inspired fantasy film,” reviewers bragged that “despite its compromises … it retains a sense of religious awe.” But the great compromise cannot drown the truth. To use the phrase biblically inspired and the term fantasy in the same thought adulterates a historic record.
Some say the world is not held responsible for misinterpreting God’s Word, but the Bible does not agree, as we clearly see in the story of Noah: “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. ... And He was grieved in His heart. ... And God said to Noah, ‘The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth'” (Gen. 6:5-6, 13).
God not only holds His followers to account, but all of mankind. The human race continues gulping the bitter water in the sea of immorality, rejecting truth and trying to silence God’s people.
Because of pressure from the LGBT community, A&E tried to suppress Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame by suspending him from his television series because of his biblically based convictions. The Robertson family was willing to walk away from their wildly successful reality show rather than compromise their beliefs.
Facing the possibility of losing the Robertsons—and millions of viewers—the network reinstated the patriarch star. The family-oriented Cracker Barrel restaurant and country store that had pulled Duck Dynasty products from its shelves in the midst of the uproar also had to back up and restock the Duck Dynasty merchandise, issuing an apology for offending a large percentage of its clientele.

    In both cases, the LGBT lost. While many in the liberal and progressive media have deceived the public into thinking that this group makes up a large portion of our nation’s population, surveys support the fact that this small but boisterous movement consists of less than 2 percent of society.
    On the heels of these upheavals, it was particularly jolting when those who call themselves Christians departed from the clarity of God’s Word, as the leadership of World Vision U.S. did in March when they announced their employment of “gay Christians in legal same-sex marriages.”
    The very day World Vision announced its great compromise on a basic truth of Scripture—that a homosexual lifestyle is sin and that marriage is between one man and one woman—the Supreme Court began hearings to determine if the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, should be required to provide life-terminating drugs and devices in their employee health care plan, contrary to the Christian family’s spiritual convictions.
    The contrast was stunning. While the Christian-owned business stood up against a federal government bent on forcing them to compromise the right to life, a Christian charity compromised the sacredness of marriage, stating that “it’s the right thing to do for unity within the church.” Forty-eight hours after World Vision’s announcement, the organization was forced to reverse its epic decision after a flooding backlash from offended donors.
    The Bible gives strong warning to those who tamper with God’s truth: “From among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away [followers] after themselves” (Acts 20:30).
    The charity’s original announcement was personally shocking to me because World Vision and Samaritan’s Purse were founded by the same man, my mentor and dear friend, the late Dr. Bob Pierce. Much of my adult life has been guided by something he often said: “I want my heart to be broken by the things that break the heart of God.” I believe the heart of God was broken by the decision of the board of directors of World Vision. This is no small matter. I was as grieved by it as I have been by anything in my lifetime of ministry, because the heart of World Vision was revealed—a disregard for biblical truth.
    There was a day when World Vision’s board was made up of people who believed in and stood on God’s Word, but in making this decision, they completely disregarded Scripture and made a decision based on what they perceived as public acceptance and popularity.
    I do rejoice that the board of directors reversed its decision, but I pray that the fallout will cause a depth of soul-searching. True followers of Jesus Christ, whose salvation is based entirely upon God’s Word, cannot endorse same-sex marriage, regardless of what our president, the Congress, the Supreme Court, the media or the latest Gallup poll says about the matter.
    This moral issue has been settled by God Himself and is not subject to man-made revisions or modifications. In the end, I would rather be on the wrong side of public opinion than on the wrong side of almighty God, who established the standard of living for the world He created. Marriage is a biblically moral issue, not a political or theological one.
    This debate is ultimately about something much more important than the question of same-sex marriage. It is about the great compromise, calling into question the authority of Scripture. If Christians do not agree concerning the authority of Scripture, we will eventually disagree about all sorts of things.
    The church is tied up in the red tape of compromise that is being played out in rewriting the Bible and preaching a gospel emphasizing the works of mankind.
    The Bible says, “Now the Spirit [of God] expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy” (1 Tim. 4:1-2).
    I agree with the late Adrian Rogers, who said, “It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error. It is better to stand alone with the truth than to be wrong with a multitude.”
    It is time for the discussion of unity within the church to come into alignment with God’s Word on the issue of marriage. When there is division within the church, it is because individuals are against Christ Himself, for He is the head of His church, made up of the redeemed who are called to be one with Christ.
    The church is on dangerous ground when it departs from the teaching of Christ and attempts to redefine His commands and compromise His truth. There are many things in Scripture that Christians disagree on, but the Bible is crystal clear about the sanctity of life and marriage. It is also clear that homosexuality is spelled out as sin—there are no ifs, ands or buts.
    The only way the church can be unified with one another is to be in unity with Jesus Christ, unified in “faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God ... to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be ... tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ” (Eph. 4:13-15).
    Compromise is dangerous territory for the Christian—mixing a little truth with a lot of error, wavering between right and wrong. Jesus said, “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. ... Therefore ... repent” (Rev. 3:15-16, 19). I pray that the church will return to its calling to stand on God’s principles—not wavering, but steadfast, discerning the evil times in which we live. Charles Spurgeon once said, “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”
    My father has always said, “From compromise to deceit is a small step.” Let’s not compromise by seeing how close we can get to right; let’s stand on God’s promise to walk so close to Him that almost right becomes evil in our sight.
    “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7).
    For anyone reading this article, if you belong to the LGBT community, you may question whether God loves you and will forgive you. The answer is yes. I want to assure you from His own Word that God is eager to forgive all sinners, including the one penning this article.
    The Bible says, “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins. ... State your case, that you may be acquitted” (Is. 43:25-26). I am a great sinner who has received forgiveness by a great Savior—the Lord Jesus Christ. He went to the cross and shed His blood to cover our sin. He extends forgiveness to all who will call on His Name, turn from sin, believe in Him, follow Him as Master and Lord, and live in obedience according to His Word. My friend, God will heal your heart and give you peace the world cannot offer. Peace of mind and soul can be yours today. 
    Franklin Grahamson of evangelist Billy Graham, is the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse.
    Click here to read the original article at

    Love For His People Editor's Note: I highly respect and appreciate Franklin Graham. Having worked at Samaritan's Purse for several years during the Christmas Shoebox time, I saw what the ministry does, as one of their major specific outreaches. It is amazing, and Franklin is such a great and honest leader. 
    Thank you Franklin for your commitment to share the truth, no matter what the backlash brings. We stand with you in your proclamations and witness of the truth.
    Steve Martin
    Love For His People

    World Harvest - Rick Joyner & Daniel Kolenda of Christ For All Nations - Video - Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

    Rick Joyner & Daniel Kolenda (Christ For All Nations)

    Re-air: World Harvest

    Rick Joyner
    Daniel Kolenda
    Thursday, May 1, 2014

    Rick and Daniel Kolenda discuss the ministry of Rev. Reinhard Bonnke. Daniel shares about his life as a fifth generation pastor and how God is using him to minister in Africa.

    Top 5 Ground Breaking Israeli Defense Inventions

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    Laser beams that shoot down missiles! If I hadn't seen Star Wars first it would be inconceivable!! Just unveiled at Singapore's airshow in February this new system is incredibly affordable compared to older anti-missile systems. With "Iron Beam" each shot costs almost nothing - so take as many shots as you like!
    "Simon Says: Open Door". An ingenious innovation to help IDF soldiers in inner-city combat. Israel works hard to keep her soldiers safe.
    Elbitsystems FIT mexicanborder
    Any threat. Any Terrain. Any Time. Extremely sophisticated security posts equiped with cameras and radar systems. Elbit Systems presents: IFT (Integrated Fixed Towers). Border security was never this easy.
    "This is Iron Fist and it knocks RPG's out of existence." Join Richard Machowicz from the Discovery Channel as he checks out this new defense system that can be used on lighter vehicles and not just tanks. Detecting threats from all sides, Iron Fist provides an invisible shield around the vehicle. Phenomenal!
    starwars Israel
    Music to my ears! Music is a new Israeli technology which uses lasers to protect passenger aircrafts from missiles.
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