Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Leadership Through Love - Chapter 2 "Use The Tools, Not The Staff" (Steve Martin)

Leadership Through Love
by Steve Martin 

Chapter 2

Use the Tools, Not the Staff

A.    Do Unto them as you would…
B.     Treasure the people, while digging the foundations
C.     Bless and curse not - honor those who serve with you

After my high school days in Iowa, the Lord had me spend a year at the University of Northern Iowa, before moving to LaSalle-Peru, Illinois in the summer of 1976. I was supposed to have received a transfer through the Eagles food grocery chain, but when I arrived on the scene, no such position was available. They hadn’t even heard of me, as my previous manager had told me they would.

And so I got a job at a local restaurant, the English Muffin, alongside my brother-in-law David Johnson, and sister Mary, who had both moved to this town a few years earlier. Soon an assistant manager position opened at the Kerr-McGee lumber yard, which I promptly took, since I was now engaged to my fiancé Laura Jean Unzicker, and needed to prepare for the days to come.

Oct. 8, 1977 - Steve and Laurie

Working alongside three friends in the office and the yard continued to show me the importance of appreciating those you labor with. You get close to each other when you share common goals on the job, and entrust yourselves to the other one to complete the task.

The yard manager, George Rhodes, and I needed to build a new pole barn to house the steel siding we were adding to the inventory. After the poles were put in place by the Plow Creek construction crew, a common purse Christian community at a nearby farm setting, George and I put the 18’ sheets of metal together. Fighting the wind at times, we entrusted ourselves to the other one, so the metal wouldn’t cut into our hands as we held it in place, to be nailed into the 2” x 6” side boards.

With Kevin Grafton and our other member of the crew, Kelly Hass, supplying the parts and holding steady the tractor platform on which we nailed from, we learned the importance of each one respecting the part the other fulfilled. Teamwork was always important, as I learned on the playing field, and now on the job.

Kevin Grafton (Chicago Cub fan)

The Lord Jesus Himself gave us valuable lessons, while He led His band of men and women on His earthly team. These have proven to be most trustworthy and applicable in my leadership of business and ministry staffs. You also might considering applying these very effective truths in leading and administrating, spoken by Him when He said to His small band, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39)

Just to give further impact - these were the two key attitudes I took early on in my management positions, as I learned how to be a “manager of the people”, as one other executive team member put it, during my years with Derek Prince Ministries (1987-1990 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl and 2001-2005 in Charlotte, NC).

Not wanting to be one who “lords it over others”, demanding my own way and using the “staff rather the tools”, I took the posture of treating the staff who served with me as I desired my boss to treat me. I learned to honor them as I wanted to be recognized and honored, and uplifting them as I often needed, but rarely received, in some cases.

As I sought to encourage each one in my care, even as a pastor does his flock, I found that the love grew between them and myself. When those bonds were established, staff readily would give beyond the call of duty and pay, as they knew my heart was not just for the job to be done, but for them in helping me get it done.

Not only did we labor together for the cause of the Lord in the ministry, with me as the recognized leader and their boss, but we became friends for the long haul. I still treasure and continue to keep relationships with those who were in the same office setting with me, or on the church volunteer teams, as fellow servants. Taking a heart position of being their servant, and not one seeking to be served, created and maintained those unique, precious, and long term relationships.

Because of friendships I established with my employees, there were occasions when I had to cut staff, and even terminate some. Because of the respect I still had for them, and with them knowing my heart for them even after their termination, did not mean the “end-of-the-line” in our friendship.

I still maintain communication with ones that were “fired” from my staff. Though the tasks and the outworking of those tasks may not have been performed to expectations and ministry office needs, they still knew that I respected them as a person. They knew that my desire was to see them move on and find a better setting for their skills and lives. Rejection was not going to follow them out the door. They still had dignity and appreciation for the time we served together.

Far too often when people were asked to leave a staff position, it was assumed, and sometimes even expected, that the relationship that was created on the job left with them. Once they were no longer part of the business or ministry staff, it was "expected.". That should not happen, and rarely happened when people left staff I supervised. I didn’t want bridges burned when the Lord moved me on, and so I didn’t burn the bridge when others left the staff.

Even when it came to volunteers, the many who gave of themselves for weekends at the forty-four conferences I administrated, enjoyed coming back when I called on them each time. They knew they were appreciated and valued, not just for the time and energy they always gave, but for the gift of themselves that they freely gave.

Several staff members from one ministry or business that we worked together at providentially wound up on my office team again, some in another city and location than our previous time together. With one, it was after nine years had passed without seeing each other except once or twice.

In another case, there were twenty six years of time between our years of having a job together, and then other jobs apart, in other states. So it was with my good friend and best man at our wedding thirty years prior, Kevin Grafton.

Kevin and I worked together at the Kerr-McGee wholesale lumber yard in Mendota, Illinois for three years, from 1977-1980, and then, because we kept the bond of friendship alive, even as my family moved to three different states over the next twenty five years, we again joined arm in arm in 2004 for the work of the humanitarian aid center of Vision For Israel, in Charlotte, NC.

Even though I was again his “boss”, due to the different service areas we were given to do, the approach we both took was to respect the position the other had, and continue our friendship on and off the clock.

Kevin Grafton (top middle)
Vision for Israel staff - Charlotte, NC(2006)

Another attitude I try to apply, I will word as “treasure the people, while digging the foundation.”  Involved with businesses and ministries that I was employed at, some at the foundational stages of their work, I found that it is so important to show appreciation for those who work with you. Even while being in a “boss-employee” relationship, showing people are valued first for who they are, and then for what they do, will benefit the administration of the tasks being given and completed.

No building foundation is built without digging “below the surface”, and as you build a relationship of caring and encouraging your staff, they will see the concern you have for them. Going beyond the surface level on the job relationships will bring strength when tough times come, and you further need to depend on your staff to help get you through those tasks.

One way I enjoyed showing appreciation and honor for my staff was to bless them on their birthday, which gave them a special “day” that was especially for them. Cake, ice cream, even balloons and other birthday specialties showed my love for them, and desire to honor them, with them being in the spotlight. People know you really do care when you express appreciation for them in ways that show you took some time and effort to bring it about. (And sometimes you get a cake back!)

Take opportunities like this to also share with the rest of the staff something about your department member, if that is the case, that would uplift them in their peers’ presence. I found that sharing a Bible verse, which exemplifies a character aspect they have, not only encourages the individual, but the others who hear it, to press on even more in that area of appreciation.

As so often seems to be the case, the boss or leader of the group gets the recognition when a major task is completed, leaving the rest of the team sometimes wondering why the glory wasn’t shared across-the-board. Making a staff member the spotlight on these special days, and speaking not only words of joy but also giving of thanks for them, will go a long way in both task production and loyalty.

Expressing thanks for personal staff contributions can come by taking the time to go to lunch one-on-one. This gives them the space to share things that may not be expressed in the hectic business hours. Some time away from the office setting, even for a lunch period if possible, gives the employee an opportunity to discuss feelings and concerns that are not as easy with the boss sitting behind his or her desk.

Learning to bless and not curse those who labor with you, under your oversight, will actually give you more “tools” to enable your staff to grow. People will know you are not using them for the “tools” they are, but that they are being allowed to grow and prosper for their benefit also. Knowing that they themselves are the treasures, having talents and gifts to share in the work at hand, will get the foundation and the building built that you are administrating in a strong and enduring fashion. 

Look for Chapter 3 next week! 

If you missed the Intro & Chapter Listing, and Chapter 1, you can search for them on this Blog site using the Search box in the top right hand corner.

(Write me at and I will send you the full book via email.)

Leadership Through Love

Chapter Listings

1.      A Gift for His Purposes

- The Early Years
- On the job training

2.      Use the Tools You Have, But Not the Staff

- Treasure the people, while digging the foundations
- Do unto them as you would…
- Bless and curse not: honor those who serve with you

3.      Right Man (or Woman!) for the Job

- All are created equal – make the most of this!
- If the Shoe Fits, Have Them Wear It

4.      Train and Let Loose

- It IS Who You Know and Are Known By
- Hire To Complement Your Strengths
- if you are weak, then they are strong
- Outsource as needed

5.      Burn Candles At Both Ends? – NOT!

- Rest and Sabbath Days
- Mornings with the Lord
- Trust in Him at all times
- We all are given 24 hours each day

6.       The Visionaries Need You!

-          They dream it - you make it happen
-          It takes a team
-          Head Won’t Get Far without the Neck
(or heads will roll)
7.      Field Trips and More!

- Staff Retreats
- Party Time!
- Birthdays and BBQs
- After Hours

8.      It Doesn’t All Depend On You

- The Lord is the Rock – Not You
- Whose strength  - yours or His?
   - Key Staff to Lean On
    - Trustworthy managers and assistants

9.      Practically Speaking…and Walking

- Handle each piece of paper once
- File so you can find it!
- Early morning – before the others come
- Take a Break

10.  Meetings – Time-manger or Time-waster?

- Do you really need all those meetings?
- Group or One-On-One?
- Why Morning and Mid-Week?
 - Prov. 24:6 “By wise counsel…multitude of counselors

11.  Acknowledge Him in All Your Ways

- Heart of Thankfulness
- Heart of Worship
- Heart of Service

12.  Another Man’s Vineyard

-          Follow & help fulfill their vision
-          Faithful with another’s
-          Learn and growth until your time
-          The proper way of moving on

FINAL FRONTIER (Avner Boskey) - "Exposing Hearts, Creating Divisions"

Avner & Rachel Boskey

"What will the Jewish people's acceptance of Yeshua result in but life from the dead?"
 (Romans 11:15)

Exposing hearts, creating divisions

Taking a biblical stand for the Jewish people sometimes results in strife and division. Does that mean that there is something wrong with our zeal?  Why do blowback, opposition or negative feedback sometimes accompany our preaching of God’s heart for Israel? What is the cost of standing with the Jewish people and how can we count it accurately?

Land o’ Goshen!

At the dawn of Jewish history, in the land of Egypt, YHVH spoke to Pharaoh through Moses, regarding one of the Ten Plagues, “But on that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, where My people are living, so that no swarms of flies will be there, in order that you may know that I, YHVH, am in the midst of the land. I will put a division between My people and your people” (Exodus 8:22-23).

The purpose of division was to throw the spotlight on the people whom YHVH had chosen, to show which nation had God’s approval and which nation was standing against the purposes of God.

The Apostle Paul says something quite similar when discussing divisions in the Messianic congregation of Corinth: “For, in the first place, when you gather together, I hear that divisions exist among you; and in part I believe it. For there must also be factions among you, so that those who are approved may become evident among you” (1 Corinthians 11:18-19). Paul is referring to the age-old dynamic of ‘truth or consequences.’

Messianic division

Messiah Yeshua clearly proclaimed that one of the purposes of His ministry among the sons and daughters of Adam is to bring division: “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division;for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law” (Luke 12:51-53). The preaching of the truth often has consequences: “This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and man loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil” (John 3:19).

Years ago I had the privilege to study under a rabbi of Montreal’s Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, who taught a class for Concordia University called “The historical encounter between Judaism and Christianity.” This rabbi quoted Luke 12 and then waxed eloquent about how Yeshua’s words seemed to violate the spirit of Judaism as the rabbi understood it.

“Excuse me, Rabbi,” I asked, “Isn’t Jesus quoting here from the prophet Micah 7:5-6, where the prophet grieves over the spiritual state of some Jewish people?” A quiet rustling of pages among all present commenced, after which the rabbi, not quite sure how to respond, quickly changed the topic of conversation. It did not fit the rabbi’s worldview, it seemed, for Yeshua to be seen as a kosher champion of the prophetic tradition.

Ø  Obedience to the prophetic tradition and to Messiah the greatest prophet who ever lived, will usually bring with it blowback, opposition or negative feedback, divisions and strife. We have it on the Highest Authority!

Yeshua King of Israel – a sign to be opposed

A prophetic word spoken over Joseph, Miriam and Yeshua by Shim’on (Simeon) in the Temple precincts adds depth to this subject: “And Shim’on blessed them and said to Miriam His mother, ‘Behold, this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed – and a sword will pierce even your own soul – to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed’” (Luke 2:34-35).

The New Covenant reveals that the coming of the Jewish Messiah to the people of Israel would bring division. It was YHVH Himself who purposed this division – “to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”

Ø  If the first coming of Messiah brought division to even the Jewish people (and salvation  let’s not forget that as well!), will not His second coming and the events surrounding that also test the thoughts of many hearts, both Jewish and Gentile?

Israel – standing up to be counted

Years ago I listened in to a conversation of some zealous seminary students discussing Romans 13:1-7. One of them declared that if he had been a believer concealing Jews in his home in Nazi-occupied Holland, he would have surrendered them to the tender mercies of the Gestapo. God would have honored his decision not to disobey the powers that be, he opined. My response was to the point, “This Jew will never take refuge in your home!”

Certainly Corrie ten Boom’s Hiding Place ( would have been seen by the Nazis as treasonous, for at that time saving Jewish lives was considered ‘politically incorrect.’ Her father died in a Nazi prison, while she and her sister Betsie were sent to Ravensbuck concentration camp, where Betsie died of typhus.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer ( was a Lutheran theologian who had to walk a fine line in Nazi Germany. He saw that believers were being called not only to clarify their own attitudes toward Judaism and the Jewish people, but even more to properly discern and respond actively against the Nazi state’s actions against the people of Israel. His actions (which included smuggling Jews out of Germany, and involvement in a plot to assassinate Hitler) led to his imprisonment and eventually his execution by the SS on the gallows at Flossenbürg concentration camp.

In the 1930’s a believing Officer (later Major-General) in the British Army, Orde Wingate ( helped to train the fledging Jewish special operations forces during the time of the British Mandate. He rallied his Jewish troops (the future leaders of the Haganah), regaling them with biblical strategies of Joshua and Caleb, Gideon and the Maccabees. His strengthening of the Jewish people’s restoration in their hour of need was considered politically incorrect by the British High Command. He was later transferred to Ethiopia and then to India/Burma to train the chindits against Imperial Japanese forces, where he was killed in a military plane crash.

Ø  Ten Boom, Bonhoeffer and Wingate were believers in Yeshua who defended the Jewish people, each in their own way. The fact that most of these Jews were not believers in Yeshua in no way hindered the believers’ activism.

Ø  These true heroes of the faith did not stand on the sidelines doing nothing. Neither did they simply declare that anti-Semitic attacks were understandable because “the Jewish people were under divine discipline.” On the contrary, these men and women threw themselves into the battle, and were mightily used of God to help restore the Jewish people to their Promised Land.

When Messiah Yeshua returns, He will judge the nations based on how they treat the Jewish people (Matthew 25:45; Hebrews 2:11-16) and how the nations divide up the land of Israel (Joel 3:1-2; Zechariah 14:1-4). At that point in time, it will be too late for believers to decide that the “prophetically correct” time has come to be more activist in furthering the restoration of the Jewish people. Now is the time.

Ø  Standing with Israel certainly involves praying the prayer of faith today about Israel’s destinytomorrow.  But let us not be deceived – it also involves the necessity of works today on behalf of the Jewish people’s protection and salvation (see James 2:14-17). “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound judgment” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Israel – not standing up to be counted

I have noticed that some believing leaders exhibit a measure of fear when discussing Israel. They are afraid of being typecast by other believers as having gone overboard in their love for Israel, as not being balanced, as ‘going beyond the Bible’ in their expression of biblical convictions about Israel.

It is certainly true that even good causes can have some advocates who are out of balance. Yet these false fears must be confronted head-on.

For someone to have God’s heart for Israel:

ü  It means that one accepts Israel’s priority (Deut. 21:15-17; Exodus 4:22-23; Romans 1:16; 2:5-11; 9:1-5; 11:28-29) in intercession, in evangelism, in international affairs and in rescuing Jewish lives.

ü  It means that one feels the same pains and joys about Israel that YHVH feels (Isaiah 63:9; Hosea 11:1-4,8-9).

ü  It entails night and day passionate intercession for Israel and God’s purposes to be birthed through her (Isaiah 62:1-9).

Ø  People who do these things will face a measure of opposition, of blowback, of negative feedback, of divisions and of strife.  

When you are willing not only to embrace God’s heart for the Jewish people, but also to share the same fate as the Jewish people, even in the present –

ü  People may accuse you of having a primary loyalty to Israel and not to Yeshua. This is due to the fact that they do not understand or embrace the high priority that God places on the Jewish people.

ü  People may accuse you of ‘being for Israel in a way that God is not for Israel.’ This is because they do not understand how deeply God’s heart is for Israel.

ü  People may accuse you of ‘getting lost in Israel.’ This false charge is based on a profound misunderstanding of God’s prophetic heart and ways. A helpful corrective is found in something Mike Bickle told me years ago – that that one day the body of Messiah will begin to get so much revelation about God’s heart for Israel that it will fill their field of vision – it will seem as if they can see nearly nothing else.

Sentiment versus conviction

Some people are afraid that if they stand firmly with God’s heart and purposes for Israel,  they will be accused of being motivated by sentiment and not by Scripture. This fear is usually expressed by male theologians, and is often based on a misunderstanding of the divine origins of emotions.

Human emotions are part of the package called “being created in the image of God.” This means that YHVH has divine emotions, and not only divine intellect. The God of the Bible is not an unflappable and distant Greek deity. He expresses deep emotions for Israel. He longs for Israel, as expressed in passionate avowals like “How can I abandon you, Ephraim? How can I give you up, Israel?” or “In all Israel’s afflictions He was afflicted” etc.

Ø  Let’s not be embarrassed by God’s emotions. God’s sentiments toward Israel are enscripturated, and the result is divine convictions which are both solidly biblical and deeply emotional.

Standing for Israel’s king and for the King of Israel’s people

Rees Howells (free download at, a warrior among intercessors, saw intercession for the restoration, protection and salvation of Israel as an essential calling for all believers. His school prayed for the defeat of Nazi Germany, the protection and victory of Allied forces, and the protection of Israel. Howells was not afraid of being seen as ‘political.’ He was more concerned about being faithful to the heart of the Lord and to the fulfillment of His word regarding the Jewish people.

Ø  Israel’s King cares about His people Israel. When you care about Israel’s King, you also care about the King’s Jewish people. When you stand for Israel’s King, you will find yourself standing for His people as well.

The mystery of Israel (Romans 1:25; Ephesians 3:3-6) truly is about Israel. It is about the God of Israel, the people of Israel, and how YHVH adds multitudes from among the nations to share in what He calls “the commonwealth of Israel” (Ephesians 2:12-13).

Do not be afraid to take your stand in these matters, both in the spirit and on earth. Pray, reach out and extend your hand of rescue to the seed of Jacob. You have it on the Highest  Authority!

Ø  Pray for yourself, your friends, and your congregational leaders – that the God of Israel will grant greater revelation of His heart and greater courage to stand for and with the Jewish people.

Ø  Pray for this revelation to spread throughout the body of Messiah as we prepare for the coming days.

Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do!

In Messiah Yeshua,

Avner Boskey

Donations can be sent to:

BOX 121971 NASHVILLE TN 37212-1971 USA

Donations can also be made on-line (by PayPal) through:

Avner and Rachel Boskey of Final Frontier Ministries

Avner and Rachel Boskey live in the Beersheva area of Israel with their four sons. They oversee Final Frontier Ministries, a ministry with offices in Nashville TN dedicated to stirring up the creative arts, worship, intercession, evangelism and the prophetic – within a Jewish and Israeli matrix.

Avner was born and raised in Montreal Canada. He studied at Hebrew University, Jerusalem and McGill University, Montreal (B.A. in Jewish Studies) and at Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.). In the 1970's he was part of the Messianic Jewish band the Liberated Wailing Wall.

Rachel was born in Minneapolis MN. She founded the Star of David Singers, a Messianic music group and ministered with them in the Americas and Europe. Rachel's heart has been to foster intercession among believers for Israel's salvation and restoration.

Avner and Rachel have been involved for many years in evangelism, congregation planting, Bible teaching, worship and pastoral counseling. Avner has served on the Theological Commission of the United Christian Council in Israel, on the National Evangelism Committee in Israel, and from 1986-93 as associate editor of MISHKAN: a theological journal on Jewish evangelism published in Jerusalem.From 1995-96 they pastored the Messianic Center, a Messianic Jewish congregation in Saint Petersburg Russia.

Avner is the author of the book ‘Israel the Key to World Revival’ and ‘A Perspective on Islam’. Avner and Rachel have released three CDs – ‘Old & New’ (1993), ‘Ancient Gates’ and ‘LaKatzir’ (Hebrew for ‘For the Harvest’), both in 2001 through David’s Tent Music.

You can contact us by mail at the following address.

Support can be sent by mail to the following address, with checks payable to Final Frontier Ministries:Final Frontier Ministries
Box 121971
Nashville TN 37212-1971 USA
Or to donate to
Final Frontier Ministries
with your credit card
click below.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The 'Rediscovery' of the Oldest Torah Scroll

The 'Rediscovery' of the Oldest Torah Scroll

Tuesday, June 04, 2013 |  Tsvi Sadan
Israel Today magazine 
Last week, Mauro Perani, professor of Hebrew at the University of Bologna in Italy, announced the rediscovery of the oldest complete Torah scroll ever found.
The scroll is part of a small collection of Hebrew manuscripts belonging to Bologna University’s library. Perani insists on calling his find a “rediscovery” since the existence of the scroll was already well known, but until now it was thought to date back only to the 17th century. The rediscovery came about thanks to Perani’s realization that the scroll is actually centuries older, and was probably written anytime from 1150 to 1225.
In a radio interview he gave to “The Marginalia Review of Books,” Perani stressed the difference between a “scroll” and a “codex.” The oldest known complete Old Testament manuscript in a book form (codex) is the Leningrad Codex written in 1008.
Apart from form, Jewish tradition always preferred the use of scrolls over codices for Torah Reading in synagogues. Due to their sacred nature, centuries-old scrolls are extremely rare since Jewish tradition requires defective and worn out scrolls to be buried or put away in sealed rooms, a unique process called geniza. In addition, while a codex can contain the whole of the Old Testament, a Torah scroll will always have only the five Books of Moses – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
The date of the rediscovered scroll was determined by radiocarbon testing done at Italian and American laboratories, which both came to similar conclusion: The scroll should be dated from the mid-twelfth century to the first quarter of the thirteenth century.
In addition, and no less important, the age of the scroll was determined by paleography, which is the study of writing styles from earlier, especially ancient, documents. In the Bologna Scroll, for example, there are specially “curled” letters not found in later manuscripts, as these two examples of the letter “פ” (Pey) from this scroll show:
The left “פ” (Pey) is the correct form, while the “curly” form on the right is more common in manuscripts older than thirteenth century. Also visible are three vertical lines above the letter “ח” (Het) called a “crown.” The use of these crowns in the Bologna Scroll seem to be much less controlled than “newer” manuscripts, which followed stricter “crown usage” put forth in Maimonides’ Mishne Torah, written during the 1160s and 1170s.
While not particularly the concern of the average Bible enthusiast, the rediscovery of the oldest Torah Scroll in existence will contribute to the body of knowledge concerning the process of meticulous copying that has preserved long-gone original manuscripts. The Bologna Scroll, therefore, is yet further evidence to the reliability of the biblical text we read today.

Mantles of Glory Newsletter "The Lion Roars" - Vol 18

The Lion Roars Prophetic Newsletter - by Karla Shrake

A Prophetic Newsletter

May 30, 2013, Volume 18

 Click here to subscribe to The Lion Roars Newsletter:

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army;  Surely His camp is Very Great,
For Strong is He who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

"I am Readying You" says your Father, "To Rule and Reign with Me"

by Karla Shrake, May 30, 2013

"For surely these are the days My prophets have spoken about, days of challenge, transition and increasing turbulence. But as you will shortly see these are also days of great opportunity for the good news of My gospel to go forth as never before in history. Multitudes upon multitudes will be coming into My Kingdom very shortly, indeed it has even begun," discloses your Father.

I hear the Lord saying He is 'readying' us for the days in which we live, and for the days to come.

- to be prepared mentally or physically, prepared for immediate use
-to be fit, set, conditioned, primed, ripe, braced, fortified, steeled, qualified, trained, and seasoned

That is quite a list! We say yes Lord, we thank you for readying us and establishing us in all these ways!

"Keep the airwaves full of My glory," invites your triumphant Lion-Deliverer. "Your worshipping Me in spirit and in truth is your greatest tool of preparation, for it lifts you above the smog and releases and imprints My DNA more deeply into you, the DNA of resurrection life and overcoming grace. As you abide more and more in worship and in My Word be assured I am readying and strengthening you. 

As you live lifestyles of loving and helping one another and reaching out to the lost, understand that I am fortifying you as only I can do. As you flow in these things you are creating a highway in the wilderness, a highway of holiness that is preparing the way for My soon return," explains your Lamb-Bridegroom.

"My dear children I am calling you to stand before Me in a state of alertness, for I have much to disclose in this prophetic season, many winning plays and strategies I have to share with you. Stay in a state of focus, keen and sharp focus, keeping your ears and hearts attuned to Me first and foremost. I have much to reveal to you," repeats your Father, "of things that will soon take place for surely I am releasing instructions and guidance for this season to those who are seeking Me. I am preparing and training you to rule and reign with Me."

"Know that the sound of My voice is being turned up more and more so that it can be heard above the noise of the distractions and disturbances of the enemy. Even the whispers that come from My throne room are being heard more and more clearly by those who have their hearts toward Me as their Father-Instructor. 

The sound of My voice will be heard in the land in a new way and it will echo deeper and deeper into the hearts of man in this late hour. For even in My people there is much change and renovation that I am initiating. I am securing you into a more solid foundation of My truth, purpose and plan that you might rule with Me more effectively. For I am needing many last-day Noahs to build in preparation for what is to come........" 

 Part II to be continued in the next newsletter.

Dear Friends,

It is so good to know our Father is busy preparing and readying us. There is much passivity and complacency in our land and even in the Body of Christ. Truly we must rely solely on Him and keep our focus ever-toward Him as our one source of life, strength and direction.

Ultimately only He can ready us for the times in which we live, but it is our part to stay very close to Him and listen and obey His instructions. We know from the Bible that the last days are full of challenge and many faith-adventures, but it is so comforting to know that He already triumphed over all things. We have been given a 'winning script' and as we step into it and walk it out in obedience and faith, we will receive the crown of the overcomer.

"Heavenly Father we as the Davidic Warrior prayer family thank you for readying us for our destinies that we may remain steadfastly faithful to You and your plan for our lives. We honor Your voice of instruction and preparation as we set our hearts and our gaze upon You, the One we love, Amen."

Love and blessings to you,


Our Thursday prayer-decree is on my website under the Davidic Warriors page.

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A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households.

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Glory Conferences

Our ministry offers what we call 'Preparing for the Glory' Conferences.
We customize these for churches, prayer-groups, home-groups and even
businesses. In these we deal with the whole person, body, soul and spirit, in a very pragmatic way. The seminars and conferences are designed so that folks receive not only encouragement and inspiration during the meeting sessions, but also receive the very pragmatic tools to take home to bring about deep, genuine change and growth for themselves and their families. For more information, go to:
Coaching/Personal Ministry

As time permits in between speaking commitments, Karla is available for phone or Skype sessions. For more information go

Ahava Adventures Trip For The Next Generation - Help Sponsor A Young Person!

Ahava Adventures for The Next Generation
- Help Sponsor Them To Go!

Danny Boy's gift shop in Jerusalem
- Ben Martin on Ben Yehuda Street


Our annual Ahava Adventures trip to Israel

When I was 23 years old, a measurable time ago, a Bible teacher named Derek Prince began to impact my life with his teachings on Israel, and specifically our debt to the Jewish people. I have never been the same since. And subsequently have been to Israel ten times.

Having served with three ministries, from 1987-2010, that have truly blessed the people of Israel  (Mahesh & Bonnie Chavda Ministries, Derek Prince Ministries and Vision For Israel & The Joseph Storehouse - Barry & Batya Segal), I grew in my love for the Lord Jesus' plans and purposes for that nation and His Chosen Ones.

Camel rides

Now, a major goal of our ministry, Love For His People, is to connect the next generation - yours and my sons and daughters, and grandchildren, to Israel and the Jews. Introducing yours and my family of friends to their family of friends. It becomes an eternal connection.

Will you help us do that?

Every year we will take a number of our young loved ones to Israel, but we need your sponsorship to make it happen.

If you have ever been there, the land where Jesus walked and now His people live, you know the impact it will have on these that are able to go. (I like how the Israel Ministry of tourism puts it, "You (they) will NEVER be the same.")

If you haven't been able to go yet for yourself, or simply can't go for whatever reason, can you help another one go, with a supporting sponsorship contribution? Even $5 will let them eat a falafel on the streets of Jerusalem.

A pleasant place to be!

Our trip this year is set for November 2-11. More on that time can be found on our website Love For His People , where you can also give an online contribution through our PayPal link.

If you prefer to send a check, please do so:

Love For His People, Inc.
12120 Woodside Falls Rd.
Pineville, NC 28134

All gifts to sponsor another of the next generation are tax deductible, and you will be given a tax receipt. We are a 501(c)3 ministry.

Blessings on ye head. We will give much appreciation to you for your gift! And know that you will impact another's life for eternity. I firmly believe that.

Ahava (love in Hebrew),

Steve Martin

Photos below were taken by me while in Jerusalem and other sections of Israel.

Ben & Dov

Bedouin tent

Young men of Jerusalem

Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum) - Children's Exhibit entrance
Arm in arm.

Dad and son Ben, after a hearty lunch in Jerusalem.
Dead Sea experience!

Masada - We pray along with the Jewish people, "Never again."
Dead Sea mud. Get covered!

Young Jewish boys walking home from school.

Ben Martin and young man near the Old City of Jerusalem.

Wedding photo on Tel Aviv beach
 - Mediterranean Sea

A new friend at his coffee shop 
- near King George Street in Jerusalem.

Walk the streets where Jesus did. 
And now His descendants.

Ahava Adventures for The Next Generation
- Help Sponsor Them To Go!

Israel and the Jewish People

Derek says, 'Growing up in England, I would never have been anti-semitic, but I didn't know or care much about the Jewish people. I had two Jewish friends at Cambridge, but they were totally assimilated.'

When the British army posted him to Jerusalem just at the end of World War II, Derek watched in awe and amazement as the Jewish people returned from many different countries after nearly two thousand years of exile. As he read Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, he realized he was seeing biblical prophecy fulfilled before his eyes.

As a guest student at Hebrew University (the only Gentile at that time), and in daily life with Lydia's six Jewish daughters, he came to see the patience and faithfulness of God ? and the tenacity of the Jewish people in enduring every kind of pressure and indignity. He says,
We owe the Jewish people an enormous debt. Without them, the church would have no patriarchs, no prophets, no apostles, no Bible and no Saviour. My most precious possession in life is my Bible, and I owe it to the Jewish people.

Through his booklet, Our Debt to Israel, and his spoken messages, Derek Prince has awakened Christians throughout the world to their responsibility to Israel and the Jewish people. His book, The Last Word on the Middle East, examines in detail prophecies currently being fulfilled and expounds God?s plan for the Middle East as the age draws to its close.

In another book, The Destiny of Israel and the Church, he lists seventy-nine occurrences of the word Israel or Israelite in the New Testament, concluding that Israel is never used as a synonym for the church. He explains how the church needs to recognize the special destiny of Israel, and to align itself with God's purposes.

In nation after nation, Derek has unfolded the current worldwide fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:10:
Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, 'He who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd does his flock.'

Then in Jesus' words he has concluded: ?Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing? (Luke 4:21).

Challenging his listeners to a positive response, he cites the three parables in Matthew 25 and says:
In each parable there were those whom God judged and rejected. Why? All had this in common: apathy and passivity. It was not what they did, but what they did not do. We are either with or against, either gathering or scattering, either building up or tearing down. There is no middle ground. God requires us as Christians to comfort and pray for Israel.

Derek demonstrates his own confidence in the prophetic Scriptures by living in Israel and standing with the Jewish people through the pressures and trials of daily life. He views intercession as his primary assignment, praying for God to fulfill His Word and to bring salvation to the Middle East, to Jews, Muslims, and nominal Christians.