Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Franklin Graham: America Has Turned Its Back on God

Franklin Graham: America Has Turned Its Back on God

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham
Sometime after my mother died, when I visited my father, I began to notice Scripture verses appearing all over the house—on an index card taped to the kitchen telephone, on a marker board in his study, even on a hand-lettered poster in his bedroom.
It became clear that all of the verses were about the cross. One said, “God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:14). The Lord had put it in my father's heart that if he ever was physically able to share a message again, he would speak about the cross, and he was determined to saturate his mind with the Scripture.
Now God has given my father that opportunity—not in a stadium crusade, but through a special television program called The Cross.
Click here to read the original article at
Over the past several months, he has been working with a video crew in his home to film a brand-new telecast that will air beginning Nov. 7—his 95th birthday—on the Fox News channel, TBN and other Christian networks, and also on local TV stations in a number of cities. It’s a tremendously powerful program that has his message interwoven with captivating testimonies of lives changed by the living Christ.
Tens of thousands of people across the country are inviting their unsaved family and friends to their homes to watch the program, which appeals to and touches people of all ages. A part of the My Hope America With Billy Graham nationwide outreach, it will also be available on DVD and the Internet. Some are gathering groups in neighborhood community centers or at their churches, and some are planning to meet a friend at a coffee shop to watch it on a laptop.
The most important part of My Hope America is prayer. Make a list of those you hope to invite, and start praying for them right now. This is the key.
The fact that each of us may have friends and family who will one day die and spend eternity separated from God in hell ought to keep us up at night. It ought to break our hearts. This November brings a fantastic opportunity for you to make a difference in their lives.
You can find all the details at
More than 22,000 churches from every state in the nation have already signed up to participate this November. More are added every day.
Is your church one of them?
America has turned its back on God. We see people everywhere who claim to know God but do not live for Him. The only thing that will turn this nation around will be a spiritual awakening, sparked and fanned into flame by the Holy Spirit of God.
God says, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). This promise was originally given to the Hebrew nation, but when God says “My people,” He extends the promise to all of us who call upon His name and trust in His Son.
Our nation needs healing now more than ever.
My father has also worked for the last year on a new book, which has just come out, called The Reason for My Hope: Salvation. I think this is one of the best books he has ever written. He still has a great urgency to share the truth of the gospel. That same urgency should fill all of us, knowing that eternity is at stake for individuals around us.
Will you pray with us for My Hope America With Billy Graham?
Ask God to save souls and bring revival. Ask Him to draw people to Himself through the power of the gospel, the only thing that can bring lasting hope both in this life and for eternity.
An outreach like this, which includes television as well as providing training and resource materials to all of the churches and participants, is costly, and we are only able to do it with your help.
A gift for My Hope America will bring the life-changing power of the gospel into homes, families and communities—and into individual hearts—all over our nation.
Thank you for your prayers and all you do as you faithfully serve our Lord.

Ministries File Class Action Suit over HHS Mandate

Ministries File Class Action Suit over HHS Mandate

The Southern Baptist Convention's GuideStone health plan and two other non-profit religious groups are suing the Obama administration over its contraception coverage mandate.
That Obamacare mandate forces all employers to provide birth control coverage to employees, including drugs that may cause abortions.
The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty is suing the Obama administration on behalf of GuideStone, the Oklahoma-based Reaching Souls International, and Truett-McConnell College in Georgia.
Their class-action lawsuit actually includes more than 100 ministries that participate in GuideStone's health benefits plan.
"The very purpose of the GuideStone plan is to provide ministry organizations with employee health benefits according to biblical principles," said O.S. Hawkins, GuideStone's President and CEO. "The government shouldn't prohibit us from continuing in that ministry."
The three organizations argue the contraception mandate is "an assault on biblical convictions and an attack on religious liberty."
The Obama administration has said churches and a narrowly defined category of religious organizations are exempt. But the administration is still threatening devastating penalties to many other ministry organizations, like Christian colleges, missions organizations, and family ministries.
"The government's refusal to treat these ministries as 'religious employers' is senseless," Mark Rienzi, senior counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, said in a written statement.
"These people spend their lives teaching and preaching their religious faith - if they do not qualify as 'religious employers,' the government needs to get a new definition," Rienzi said.
For more: CBN News

PsalmPlace - Free MP3 - "A Place in HIM" - Tamrah Aeryn-Alexander

Special Offer From Tamrah Alexander

Tamrah has uploaded her newest CD,”A Place in HIM” to PsalmPlace! Visit her page at

Tamrah Aeryn-Alexander is offering a special promotion, which can enable you to download her latest CD entirely for free! This week, Tamrah is offering 2 songs for free on her PsalmPlace page. And every week thereafter, she is going to offer one different song for free… so in 13 weeks, you will be able to download all songs for free… if you check in every week for the free download!

Of course, you are able to download the entire CD anytime. Visit Tamrah on PsalmPlace, or on her website at

So, visit Tamrah’s page, and take advantage of this opportunity to download “A Place in HIM” for free!

Please visit to download the anointed Psalms of Tamrah Alexander!

Psalmist Info 

Name (or Band Name):Tamrah Aeryn-Alexander
PsalmPlace URL:
Psalmist Description:In All Ways Acknowledge HIM and He will direct your paths--Psalm 3:6...
This Psalmist is a... Psalmist
 Congregation Representative
 Lover of Worship Music
Words to Describe this Psalmist:Bassist; Brass Instrumentalist (Trumpet, etc.); Drummer; Guitarist; Lyricist; Percussionist; Pianist/Keyboardist/Organist; Poet; Reed Instrumentalist (Oboe, clarinet, etc.); Songwriter; String Instrumentalist (Violin, Cello, etc.); Vocalist - Harmony; Vocalist - Lead; Wind Instrumentalist (Flute, etc.);

Breaking Through Your Old Ceiling - Doug Addison

Doug Addison:
Prophetic Word for October: 
Breaking Through Your Old Ceiling

October has come in with a swirl but will go out with smoother waters. The enemy has been trying to stir things up inside your mind with attacks against your relationships, family and ultimate calling and destiny. 

This is a time to trust that God is at work beneath the surface and it will take just a short time to see results and breakthrough work out on your behalf.

I keep hearing the word "Roc(k)tober" because that is what October is all about. Things are rocking right now. 

This rocking will begin to break open the enemy's hidden plans that were placed there to conceal hidden treasures from God being held in reserve for you. This is the time to stand firm on the Rock and not be rocked by the shaking around you.

Psalm 62:2 "Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

There have been demonic attacks on people's minds with anxiety, panic, and fears that you have missed it or even messed up. God says, "Rest in Me and My prophetic promises right now and watch as I work it out in the midst of adversity."

October 17th

God showed me that October 17th is the day that things begin to turn in a new direction. Watch for God to confirm and release new revelation about the coming year. I realize that this is the day of the "Debt Ceiling Deadline" in the U.S. government. 

This prophetic word is not necessarily about that but it is a prophetic sign that God wants us all to break through to something new. 

God is releasing revelation and Heavenly resources for you to set a new course in your life, business, and ministry.

Your Previous Ceiling is Now Your New Floor

Egypt and SyriaThere has been so much breakthrough in the spiritual realm over the past month. Quite often when we are promoted to a new level we may almost feel like we have gone backwards. 

Most of us were operating underneath a "glass ceiling" with regard to our spiritual gifts, which can feel limiting. We may even unknowingly become comfortable there.

I had a vision of people breaking through their old ceilings and you are now standing at a new ground level. 

When you get there, your gifts may not operate the same way they did before but there are also new angels to help you fight the demons that also occupy this new level.

Year of the Greatest Promotions!

In the Jewish calendar we began a New Year during Rosh Hashanah. Though we are no longer under the Jewish Law, God still operates on the Jewish calendar. Ten days after Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, which was on September 14th, is the most holy Jewish holiday – as God examines our lives for possible promotions in our spiritual life.

God spoke to me that on this past Yom Kippur there were the most promotions made in the spiritual realm than in decades. These promotions caused a tipping point so now the prayers and injustices for years past are being reconciled. 

Watch as new favor and unexpected opportunities begin to arise.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Dividing Point

God's love is for everyone. He will love and bless anyone who cries out to Him. A change has just started to happen and those who have been oppressed and held back will begin to rise up. We will also see those who have not shown love and grace begin to lose their influence. 

This is a time of adjustment from Heaven so that the new strategies will be released on earth.

IsraelWhat you sow is what you reap (Galatians 6:7), so those who have loved will receive more love. Those who have shown grace will be promoted into new levels of authority. 

There is a dividing point now where those who are called to be "new wineskins" will be set apart from the old. It is interesting to note that God values the old and the new. 

However, we need a new move of God to renew the old.
Matthew 9:17 (Jesus said) "Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. 

If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."
Plans of the Enemy

Because there is so much being released from Heaven right now, the enemy is scrambling to keep people from seeing and taking hold of the new. A few things to watch for are getting overwhelmed or too busy to catch subtle things being released

Worry, fear, panic, and anxiety are on the move but God wants you to rise above them and be at peace. Watch as God works things out.

Look for the enemy to try to distract you and blind you to what God is doing. The enemy is trying to get you to think the problem lies in a different area than it actually does. 

In some cases you will need to drill through several layers to get to the root. 

This will result in a greater release than ever before.

Restoration of Robbed Inheritances

I had a dream this month that I was standing on a portion of land that I should have inherited from my grandfather of Cherokee descent. It was a small strip of my favorite place on his farm where I played as a child. Someone wanted to buy the small strip of land for $1000 and tried to run the transition by me quickly. 

I felt rushed but I decided to take a closer look and, when I did, I noticed a brand new speedboat parked just out of sight on the land.

I knew it meant that there are ministries and spiritual and literal inheritances that the enemy wants to rob from us.

It is time to ask God to reveal and bring forward our generational callings and gifts that we may or may not have been aware of. 

After this dream I began to pray with a greater authority, calling out all that the Father has for us from our generational backgrounds. 

This is the time to take greater authority. 

Ask God to reveal and bring to you generational blessings, gifts and ministries that have been held back or stolen.

My staff and I have been praying a powerful prayer I learned from Arthur Burke: "God, show me what the enemy does not want me to see." 

I want to encourage you to pray this simple prayer and watch as God will indeed reveal things right now that will set you free and allow you to move forward.

Ask God to Fight Your Battle

I have always been a lover of all people and have operated with the mentality of "bless those who curse you." Because of the reaping and sowing principle, those of us who have been doing this now have a full spiritual bank account of grace that we can draw upon.

Just after Rosh Hashanah this year, I was finding myself in some of the most fierce spiritual battles and negative warfare that I have ever experienced in my life. 

God spoke to me that the season is changing, and it is time to take up the Sword of the Lord and take greater authority against the enemy (not people but demonic forces). Ask God to fight your battles for you.

This is a time of rapid changes. 

Watch as God rocks things open to a new level by November!!!

Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.

Click here: The Elijah List

25 Ways a Husband Should Love His Wife

New Man

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Happy Couple
(© Melis82 | Stock Free Images )
1. Includes his wife in envisioning the future.
2. Accepts spiritual responsibility for his family.
3. Is willing to say "I'm sorry" and "Forgive me" to his family.
4. Discusses household responsibilities with his wife and makes sure they are fairly distributed.
5. Seeks consultation from his wife on all major financing decisions.
6. Follows through with commitments he has made to his wife.
7. Anticipates the different stages his children will pass through.
8. Anticipates the different stages his marriage will pass through.
9. Frequently tells his wife what he likes about her.
10. Provides financially for his family's basic living expenses.
11. Deals with distraction so he can talk with his wife and family.
12. Prays with his wife on a regular basis.
13. Initiates meaningful family traditions.
14. Initiates fun outings for the family on a regular basis.
15. Takes the time to give his children practical instruction about life.
16. Manages the schedule of the home and anticipates pressure points.
17. Keeps his family financially sound and out of harmful debt.
18. Makes sure he and his wife have drawn up a will.
19. Lets his wife and children into the interior of his life.
20. Honors his wife in public.
21. Explains sex to each child in a way that gives them a wholesome perspective.
22. Encourages his wife to grow as an individual.
23. Takes the lead in establishing sound family values.
24. Provides time for his wife to pursue her own personal interests.
25. Is involved in a small group of men dedicated to spiritual growth.
Robert Lewis is passionate about helping men discover the biblical principles of authentic manhood. He founded and developed Men’s Fraternity in 1990, and today this significant area of ministry is reaching men worldwide in churches, on college campuses, in corporate boardrooms, and in prison cell blocks via his three one-year video curriculum: Quest for Authentic Manhood; Winning at Work and Home; and The Great Adventure. In response to great demand, Robert developed the feminine counterpart to Men’s Fraternity, The New Eve.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Word

Anti-Faith Sentiment Growing at Alarming Rate

Anti-Faith Sentiment Growing at Alarming Rate

By Paul Strand
CBN News Washington Sr. Correspondent
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

WASHINGTON -- Hostility against Christian Americans is growing at an alarming rate, according to a new survey from the Family Research Council and Liberty Institute.

The Liberty Institute's Jeff Mateer noted that while last year's survey was based on 600 cases, "this survey that we're releasing right now is almost 1,200. So we've almost doubled in just one year."

Audrey Jarvis

One such case involved college student Audrey Jarvis, who was asked twice to remove her cross, or at least hide it, at a student orientation.

"My supervisor came up to me out of nowhere and asked me to remove my cross necklace because he thought it would be offensive to incoming freshmen," she recalled.

Jarvis received an apology from her college, but couldn't forget how hurtful the man was who found her cross so objectionable.

"I think he was just kind of ignorant to the fact that his words could offend me in attempting to not offend somebody else," she said.

In another case, Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk got in trouble with his lesbian commanding officer when she ordered him to answer how he felt about gay marriage.

"This is about religious freedom because I expressly stated that I had a religious conviction that wouldn't allow me to answer the question the way it was posed to me," Monk said.

Former NFL running back Craig James found himself a victim of growing anti-faith sentiment when just one hour into a new job as a FOX Sports analyst, he was booted off the air.

James and the Liberty Institute insist it was because a top network manager disapproved of a statement James made about gay marriage 15 months before in a political debate.

"They knew who I was, what I stood for," James told CBN News. "And I'm being punished -- I was fired -- for my religious beliefs."

FOX says James just wasn't a good fit, but Liberty Institute is fighting to get James his job back.

"This is not about Craig James," the former NFL running back said. "This is about an American who had a job and someone came back -- a big corporation -- and said, 'Hey, we can't allow you on our network because of your belief and definition of what marriage is.'"

With some 1,200 cases like these documented in the new Religious Hostility Survey, Mateer says he's frightened for his country.

"The threats are increasing at a dramatic rate, and this survey demonstrates that," Mateer said.

Mat Staver's Liberty Council also fights for the rights of people of faith.

"What we're seeing is instead of religious liberty being protected as it is affirmed by the First Amendment, people of religious faith, particularly Christians, are finding themselves the targets of discrimination," Staver said.

Sgt. Monk says now when Christians facing hostility must hold steady, mostly for other believers.

"They need to see us stand firm in our faith," he told CBN News. "And when they see that, I think we'll see a turn of events."

Mateer noted that when believers fight back, they almost always win. So only by meekly accepting defeat will they let the enemies of religion triumph.

"They've stated their objective is to remove God from our public life. Well, if we remain silent, that's going to happen," Mateer warned.

Click here: CBN News - full article and video

Related Stories:

Craig James 'Shocked' over FOX Firing for Beliefs

'Jesus Not Allowed': Anti-Faith Sentiment Sweeps US

Hostility Toward Religious Expression Growing

Craig James 'Shocked' over FOX Firing for Beliefs

Craig James 'Shocked' over FOX Firing for Beliefs

FOX Sports Southwest hired former NFL running back Craig James as an on-air analyst only to fire him days later. The move came after statements he made on gay marriage while campaigning for the Senate resurfaced.

"People choose to be gay," he said during an April 2012 campaign stop. "I think it's a choice, I do. Same-sex marriage, if someone chooses to do that, that's done. And God's going to judge each one of us in this room for our actions. And in that case right there, they're going to have to answer to the Lord for their actions."

James said it was those sincerely held religious beliefs that led to the Sept. 2 firing.

"I was shocked that my personal religious beliefs were not only the reason for FOX Sports firing me, but I was completely floored when I read stories quoting FOX Sports representatives essentially saying that people of faith are banned from working at Fox Sports," James told

"That is not right and surely someone made a terrible mistake," he said.

While one statement from FOX Sports seems to confirm James' suspicions, another contradictory statement said the former running back was let go because he wasn't a good fit for the position.

Now James is pursuing legal action against the network.

James talked more about his case against FOX Sports on CBN Newswatch, Oct. 11.

Israeli Leftist Shocked by Anti-Semitic Hostility in America

Israeli Leftist Shocked by Anti-Semitic Hostility in America

Monday, October 14, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
A former Israeli soldier and member of the furthest reaches of Israel's left-wing establishment writes in a telling piece for the Times of Israel about how the overwhelming hostility he encountered during a speaking tour in America completely altered his outlook on the conflict.
Tasked with speaking on campuses and at churches in the Pacific Northwest, Hen Mazzig thought that his liberal, pro-peace credentials would provide him with an open door to reasonably present and discuss what is going on in the region.
It is a mistake many Israelis have made, and like them, Mazzig quickly discovered that to most of Israel's antagonists, it mattered not that he opposed the so-called "occupation" and truly cared for the well-being of the Palestinians.
As Mazzig found out, what animates this movement is not legitimate criticism of Israel and Zionism, as its members claim, but rather anti-Semitism.
"When I served as a soldier in the West Bank, I got used to having ugly things said to me, but nothing prepared me for the misinformation, demonization of Israel, and the gut-wrenching, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic hostility expressed by many students, professors, church members," he wrote.
Mazzig continued: "I never expected to encounter such hatred and lies. I never believed that such anti-Semitism still existed, especially in the U.S. I never knew that the battlefield was not just Gaza, the West Bank, and hostile Middle Eastern countries wanting to destroy Israel and kill our citizens and soldiers. It is also here in America, where a battle must be waged against prejudice and lies."
But what clearly concerned the young emissary even more was the lack of a strong response from the American Jewish community.
"Most mainstream American Jews are completely oblivious to this ugly movement and the threat it poses," Mazzig said, noting that this has been a dangerous pattern for Jewish communities throughout history.
The full article is well worth a read. Click here to find it.
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Love For His People Editor's Note: Because America has turned its back to serve other gods, the people of the God of Israel experience this sad situation too. 
Steve Martin