Saturday, November 2, 2013

Back To The Future...

Ben and I leave Saturday, Nov. 2 at 11 am, for our annual fall Ahava Adventures trip to Israel. (This is my 11th trip. Ben's 2nd.)

These trips are part of our Love for His People ministries, which Laurie and I started in April, 2010. We are committed to go each year to meet with those we support on a monthly basis with contributions received. These are either Christians working as volunteers in ministries there, or believers who live in Israel. We have been doing  this even beyond the three years of the ministry.

On this ministry trip we will be joined by our good friend, 70 yr old pastor friend from India, John Ebenezer. I went to India in Feb. 2010 and spent four days teaching 75 pastors, that he oversees, on the importance of blessing Israel and the Jews. He is so excited about coming and getting baptized in the Jordan, among other events on his 1st time to Israel.

Pastor John Ebenezer from Hyderabad, A.P., India
(on the left)

Pastor John praying with one of his pastors in training.

Steve at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv

We land Sunday afternoon (Israel time) in Tel Aviv, are picked up by our friends from Christian Friends of Israel, and then drive to Tiberias on the Sea of Galillee. Supper is with a Messianic Jewish couple who moved there from Cleveland many years ago. 

We are also delivering 40 lbs of bandanas form the USA for the IDF soldiers (Israel Defense Force) which fills an extra suitcase I am bringing. Imprinted on the bandanas (scarves) is Psalm 91, both in Hebrew and English. We will personally give some of them to the young men and women on Monday when we visit a base in northern Israel.
IDF (Israel Defense Force) soliders. Typically 18-21 yrs old.

Young women in the IDF.

Other highlights include dinners at five Israeli homes, again of those families/ministries we support; my meeting with the head pastor of Kings of Kings (for 30 years) in Jerusalem) and the Producer/Editor of Israel Today magazine, Aviel Schneider - both in Jerusalem.

Steve with Aviel Schneider 
of Israel Today magazine - Jerusalem

On Shabbat, Friday night, we will be with a young Jewish family of six, with another child due in 2014. Their apartment in central Jerusalem is less than 700 sq. ft. Packed, but full of love and hospitality!

Ben and I enjoyed a Shabbat meal with them during our last time in Jerusalem in 2010. We (Love For His People) send them $200 a month in regular support. We hope you join us in supporting families like these in The Land.

Click here to: Donate Even Now 
using our safe PayPal account

Another most important aspect of the trip, in addition to being with our friends, is to pray at the Western Wall (The Kotel in Hebrew). I will again place names in cracks in the Wall. Be blessed and send me your name and family members via e-mail ( I will do it.

In order to keep our costs down, we only stay one night in a hotel. The other nights are with our friends. We walk a lot, and/or take the city bus and train to historic and spiritual locations. Keeps it cheap, and adventurous at the same time. We meet more of the local people this way, and share our ahava (love in Hebrew.)

Please pray for us as we journey to the Promised Land. Our solid commitment is to give strong, ongoing support to the Lord's Chosen people. It grows in our hearts every year. We love His provision, connections, and protection always.

Shalom and ahava! (Peace and love in Hebrew),

Steve, Laurie and Ben Martin

P.S. I am taking my camera (of course!) and laptop. Expect to see photos and videos on this blog and Facebook pages nightly! (Did you think otherwise??!!)

Next year in Jerusalem for you or a loved one?

Check this out by seeing our full website:

My good friend George Payne 
gave me this
Ahava Adventures jacket!

Young David in Jerusalem.

You can join with us 
in blessing families in Israel.
Please use the donate button
in the right hand column
to go to the 
Love For His People, Inc. 
contribution page.

Western Wall (The Kotel) - Jerusalem. Now and then.


Time to get back to the Wall.

The Shocking New Israeli Trend

The Shocking New Israeli Trend

Shalom! As an Israeli Jew and a son of a Holocaust survivor, I was more than surprised when I realized what the latest trend is in the Israeli society. Believe it or not, many Israelis are choosing to leave Israel and go live in no other than... Berlin, Germany.

It was 2003. Here we are in Berlin: My dad, my mom, my wife, my sister and her husband and two other family relatives. It felt so strange for me to be in this city, the city where both of my parents were born, the city from which an entire side of my family were taken to the gas chambers in Auschwitz. Sixty four years prior to our visit in Germany, my dad - Joseph - fled from Berlin at the age of 12 on his journey to the coasts of the Promised Land, the land of Israel.

We didn't come to Berlin just for a family vacation. Since my dad was a Holocaust survivor, we were invited by the German government to witness how the city has changed; to see in our own eyes that this new generation in Germany is nothing like the one that lived there 60-70 years ago. And indeed, the city was pretty nice actually, a beautiful fusion of old and new. I remember that during our visit I heard that some predict Berlin to be "the future capital of Europe."

But my memories from that visit are not just architectural. The days we spent in Berlin were probably among the most emotional of my life. I will never forget how my dad took us to the apartment building where he and his family used to live. Once we got there and looked at the building from the outside, my sister suggested that we go into the building and knock on the door to my dad's childhood home. And so we did. The lady that opened the door was a bit cold at first, seeing a bunch of strangers like us. It took a couple of minutes of conversing in German, which I didn't understand at all, before the lady warmed up and allowed us in.

And here I am. Standing with my dad in this tiny condo where he spent his childhood, until it was stolen from him forever. When this surreal peek into my family's history was over, we stood again on the street and looked at the old building from the outside. Unexpectedly, the grandchild of the lady that let us in was looking at us from the window. I couldn't escape the thought that this little child is almost a visual duplication of my own dad looking out of this window so many years before. The scar of this image will remain in my memory as long as I live.

Next, we headed to what would become the emotional peak of our time in Berlin. It took us about 10 minutes' walk to get there - to the synagogue - the place where my grandparents worshiped and prayed to the God of Israel, along with my dad, his younger brother and his two sisters. The synagogue was locked and in bad condition. It was obvious that it had been in that state for many years. Actually, the synagogue was inactive since the "Kristallnacht", the night of the broken glasses, when over 1,000 synagogues were burned, over 7,000 Jewish businesses were demolished and many Jewish cemeteries were desecrated. This horrific Anti-Semitic act happened in November 9-10, 1938. Yes, in just a few days it will be exactly 65 years ago. Below is a picture of one of the synagogues that were burned down on that dark night.

I will not share many details about our experience there other than saying that it was and forever will be one of the major events of my life. It was the first time that I could begin to comprehend the depths of the struggles that my dad had in believing in God and even more so - in accepting the fact that his only son (me!) had come to believe in Jesus as the promised Messiah of Israel. Indeed, when my dad came to saving faith in Jesus about 5 years later, it was truly a miracle of God.

Maybe now you can better understand why I am so shocked that Berlin became the new "IN" place for Israelis. You see, many of them probably have a German citizenship through their grandparents (like I have) which makes it possible for them to live in Germany. But why there of all places?! Germany is in the European Union, which means that one that has a German citizenship can live anywhere in Europe. What's wrong with London? Or Amsterdam?

Nevertheless, this is a fact. Israelis are immigrating to Berlin in unprecedented numbers. Why? There are several reasons for this phenomenon. The main cause is without a doubt financial. The economic situation in Israel is extremely difficult, especially for the younger generation. It is practically impossible for them to buy a decent condo in a location that is even remotely near areas of employment, unless you have very rich parents. Even the rent prices are unbelievably high. Not to mention the cost of living that is almost unbearable for most Israelis. On the other hand, while London is very expensive too, Berlin offers a much more comfortable financial environment. For Israelis, it is like a breathe of fresh air.

Others share that what attracts them to Berlin is the sense of space that they feel. In Israel everyone is in everybody's business. In Berlin, Israelis have the freedom to live in a way that they would not dare to live in Israel, away from the intense social pressure of family, friends and the Israeli society in general.

One other big attraction to Israelis is the jazz music scene in Berlin. Israeli musicians are gaining tremendous appreciation in Berlin which makes them feel right at home. In addition, there are also emotional reasons for Israelis to live in Berlin. As one Israeli woman said: "Every time I take out the garbage I say to myself 'we won.' I live here as if it is my own city."

You may be wondering how I know all that. Did I go to Berlin and interview Israelis on the street? No, there is no need to do that. Naturally, the Israelis in Berlin, just like 99% of all Israelis in that age group, are VERY active on the internet. They have their own internet websites (in Hebrew of course), Facebook groups and on-line blogs. This is where I got to know Israelis like Micha, Abraham, Michael, Liat and Tal. Yes, all of them, and thousands more, are just one click away!

What an opportunity!! Now, with a click of a button, we can share the Gospel with Israelis who are brave enough to go against the stream, who are open minded enough to go and live in the city that once was the center of unfathomable atrocities against their own families, flesh and blood. Today, many Israelis are willing to leave the past behind and search for the meaning of their lives, wherever it may be. Oh, how my heart cries out for my Jewish people in Israel and around the world! "Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved." (Rom. 10:1)

As 2013 draws to an end, PLEASE join forces with our ministry with a one-time special tax deductible gift.

We are privileged to live in this internet age! God gives you and me such an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel with an immeasurable number of lost Jewish souls. Together we will reach them in Israel! But we won't stop there. Together we will reach them in the US and in every corner of the world - YES, even in Berlin.

Your partner for Israel's salvation,

Ze'ev Nevo

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Israel Media Ministries
6277-600 Carolina Commons Dr.
Suite 120, Indian Land, SC 29707

By Ze'ev Nevo


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