Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Quenching the Fiery Darts of the Enemy by Dr. Sandie Freed

Quenching the Fiery Darts 

of the Enemy 

by Dr. Sandie Freed

Identity Network

I am writing to you today to encourage you once again concerning your identity in Christ.   A few nights ago I had a dream that the enemy had a quiver which was full of arrows.  As Satan pulled arrows forth to target against the Church, he would speak words against the Body and, as he spoke opposite of what God said about each of us, the arrows would catch on fire. 

Yes, his negative words about us were the fuel that ignited the fire.  In other words, as Satan spoke contrary to our true identity in Christ, the arrow, also known biblically as a fiery dart, would ignite with fire.  Then, Satan would carefully take aim and verbally hurl (shoot forth) these negative words from his bow which always were contradictory to what God spoke concerning us.  In the dream, some of God's children were suffering from the attack.  

And, when arrows were hurled at others, the flame would be quenched. I awoke from the dream with such a tremendous burden to alert the Body of Christ.  

Dear ones, we must fortify our shields of faith! And as we do, we will become strong in the Lord and our identity in Christ will prevail against any fiery darts planned by the enemy for our future! 

Okay, back to the dream.  Again, during the dream it was very clear to me that Satan had plans to target us with his fiery darts and flaming arrows. This is nothing new to most believers, but a strategic, Kairos assault by Satan is what I am bringing forth to the Body so please discern the difference. Now, before we go any further, I need to say again that my intent is for each of you to be encouraged. Notice the word "courage" in the word "encouraged?"  

Well, saint of God, it is our season to rise up in faith and courage.  God desires that we realize our identity.  We are not fearful warriors.  No way!  We are God's army, His mighty warriors, empowered by His Spirit. You're being led by His Spirit to shift from a fear-based mentality that is built upon a faulty foundation of "insignificance" to a firm foundation that is built upon the Rock! (More on insignificance in bit.) 

Understand Your Identity 

It's time that we, as believers, fully realize who we are in Christ.  The enemy seeks to challenge our identity, but God is speaking to us in this season about realizing our true identity.  And, we are like David who was challenged by the negative words from Goliath.  If you recall, Goliath was a Philistine champion who challenged David in battle.  On the battlefield, David was immediately defied d by the negative words of Goliath.  

The giant purposefully focused on what might have been considered a "weakness" in David.  Goliath drew near to David and hurled accusations that indicated David was too young, too unskilled and he also mocked David's physical appearance.  Goliath did this intentionally.  In fact, I believe it is safe to say that Goliath first used fiery darts against David (his words of negativity) believing that the negativity alone would cause David to cower down!  Yes, Goliath's negative words were meant to be a "first-blow" against David to weaken him so that Goliath could move in quickly for the kill!  

Believers, maybe you can identify with what I am saying.  For us today, a Philistine spirit might sound like this:

·  You're too young to be used of God.

·  You haven't attended Bible college.  So, you're unqualified to lay hands on the sick and see them healed.

·  You're not a good speaker.

·  Your family was poor.  How can you ever consider yourself blessed of God?

·  You are not attractive, you're fat, (skinny) or too short (tall).

·  You are weak.  Just take a good look at yourself.  Is there anything about you of which you can really be proud?

·  You failed.  You sinned.  God will never use you.  God has abandoned you.

·  Shame on you!   

Did you notice that this spirit targets our significance?  Let me be blunt- Satan desires for each of us to get stuck in cycles of feeling "insignificant."  The dictionary describes insignificance as being unimportant and having no purpose in life.  On the other hand, God addresses His children always as being significant- meaning we are important to Him and that our lives are meaningful and have a purpose.  

However, when we don't know our full identity in Christ, we remain in a continual search for significance.  This search will remain on our wilderness wandering map unless we begin to rebuke the words (fiery darts and arrows) and begin to agree with what God says about us. 

Satan Speaks Religiously! 

Another heads up!  Satan loves to speak "religiously."  He will even quote scripture to ensnare you. Just remember this key:  Satan's words bring doubt, fear, and unbelief.  But, when God is speaking, His Word releases courage, faith and life. 

David was able to triumph against his enemy because he knew his God and that his God would give him victory. David did not have an identity crisis because he had an intimate relationship with God.  David was a worshiper and in this season we must also become like David- worshipers! Worship is a platform for a victorious life. 

Worship catapults us into victory.  Yes, we've been in an identity crisis for way too long.  It is our destiny to be victorious.  If we are alerted now for any fiery darts, we can then preemptively prepare through worship, as well as fortify ourselves in the Word. The Word will quench every fiery dart! 

The Antichrist Spirit Targets Your Belief System 

Daniel 7:25 alerts us to the Antichrist spirit that attempts to wear out the saints.  Many times the enemy wears us out simply by unleashing words of negativity.  Pessimism always weakens us.  It's been said by some psychologists that it takes close to 100 words of affirmation to overpower just one negative word!  Is it any wonder Satan speaks negatively against our identity? 

I have written an entire book about the Antichrist spirit - Conquering the Antichrist Spirit:  Discerning and Defeating the Seducer That Binds Believers Today.  (Click title to order.) 

Please allow me to explain that it is my belief that this spirit is Satan, himself, and it has been actively seducing mankind and speaking lies concerning our identity since the Garden of Eden!  This spirit has been around awhile...it is in operation now- targeting YOUR identity!  Even more, as I explain in my book, the Antichrist spirit is everything anti-Christ!  

This spirit works alongside a Philistine stronghold.  

How?  Well, if you notice, Goliath (a Philistine champion) targeted David's identity just as the Antichrist spirit targets everything about us concerning Christ.  In other words, it targets our identity as a Christian; a blood-bought believer, a child of the King, a son and daughter of God.  Both spirits shoot fiery darts attempting to destroy our relationship with God, our identity in Christ and our significance. 

These strongholds negate our righteousness solely due to the Cross and the shedding of the blood of Jesus and emphasize religious works and religious performance.  They also confront us to operate with religious perfectionism focusing on works rather than relationship with God.   I encourage you to purchase this book because I teach how the enemy infiltrates our belief systems. This is exactly what Goliath attempted to do with David...infiltrate his belief system concerning his identity and his relationship with God! 

Your Divine Destiny 

Saints of God, allow me to quote from one of my previous books concerning your completing your divine destiny. (Click title below to order.)

"Do you know that you have a destiny?  That you have an 'expected end' that God has planned?  (Note:  an expected end translates as a ground of hope) Do you have mountains in your life that seem insurmountable?  Did you know that you also can possess the courage, strength, and determination of Caleb to possess your mountain?  The Bible is full of prophetic words (concerning your identity)...the Bible speaks the Word of God and His desire for good things in your life.  

His plans for you are just as they are for me-good and not evil!  All through the Word of God are prophecies of life, healing, restoration and fulfillment."  (Sandie Freed, Destiny Thieves:  Defeat Seducing Spirits and Achieve Your Purpose in God, page 22) (Insert based upon Jeremiah 29:11.)

Let's begin to fortify ourselves so that we can begin to rule and reign as we are destined. We need not fear any plan of the enemy.  In fact, 1 John 4:4 reminds us that "...because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." (ASV) 

Therefore, we need not be fearful because when our lives are hidden in Christ we are greater than any weapon that targets our lives.  Yet, though we know this in our hearts, it does not always deter those attacks from the enemy.  And, if we allow challenges that test our faith to become testimonies of victory...well....we can maintain an attitude that will overcome all opposition from our enemy! 

Fortify Your Shield of Faith 

Earlier, I mentioned defeating this assault through worship and the Word.  Let me expand this somewhat. It is necessary that we, as New Covenant believers, remember that Jesus is our shield.  And, as Christians, we are born into a battlefield against wickedness.  We would rather not choose this conflict, but we have to remember that Satan has declared war against us.  It's better to be prepared than not, right?  We can either be trampled by our enemies or be victorious.  

This is why I am encouraging you today; you are already victorious because of the Cross. Still we must possess our Promised Land as natural Israel was destined to do. 

Again, Jesus is our shield.  At the Cross, He took our infirmities, our guilt, our poverty and our curse. (See Isa 53:6, Is 53:4-5, 2 Cor 8:9, and Gal 3:13-14).  Jesus died to protect us, to shield us, from every fiery dart of the enemy.   

Ephesians 6:16 says "... take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." (NIV) 

Apostle Paul makes it clear to us that when we are in warfare and flaming arrows are sent our way that we must take up our shields of faith. 

The way we activate this shield is to speak God's Word! Yes! When the enemy challenges your true identity, just remind him of what God says! If you will do that, your shield goes up and quenches those fiery darts! We must always remember that Jesus, alone, is our shield.  When we speak the Word, it activates our shield of faith.  

We are not responsible to shield ourselves from danger. Jesus did that work at the Cross! Yet Satan targets our faith and the truth of the finished work of Christ.  Dear ones, it's time for breakthrough!  Jesus paid the price for it- let's believe it and enter into it! 

It's Time for Breakthrough 

Our true identity has been on the line- what do you believe about yourself?  What do you believe about God?  The truth must become established for breakthrough to occur.  I know I'm hammering this in, but I believe it is worthy of repetition- the fiery darts are targeting our identity. The identity thief has a plan- to steal, kill and destroy your future.  

Let's exalt the Lord and declare His identity as "the Breaker!"  Yes, He is the Breaker- the one who breaks forth on our behalf. (See Micah 2:13).  God is breaking forth for us.  Jesus broke forth and gave us life by the shedding of His precious blood.  It's time for faith to arise once more.  Raise up your shield of faith today!  Lift up the name of Jesus- your shield! 

Sandie Freed

Power in the Blood
By Sandie Freed
Price: $15.99
Sale! $12.99
Click HERE to order



Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; 
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.   
- Proverbs 9:9

SON OF GOD - Opens Feb. 28 in theaters

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Son of God Movie Coming February 28

Son of God, a full-length feature film about the life of Jesus, arrives in theaters this Friday, February 28.

Featuring a score by Oscar®-winner Hans Zimmer, Son of God is brought to you by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, producers of the highly acclaimed series The Bible. Check out exclusive clips from Son of God right now in the “Videos” menu in the Bible App, or at bible.com/videos.

And don’t missThe Bible: Son of God Tour, an immersive music and visual concert experience celebrating the life of Christ. Featuring artists Sidewalk Prophets, Natalie Grant, Francesca Battistelli — and more! — tickets are available now for dates near you.

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“God’s Wonderful Gift,” the Story of Pentecost, Coming This Week to the Bible App for Kids

Also debuting later this week, your kids will love “God’s Wonderful Gift,” the eighth story in the Bible App for Kids! Based on Acts 2:1–47, “God’s Wonderful Gift” uses delightful graphics and interactive storytelling to teach your kids about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.

Be sure to update your app later this week to get this new story. Haven’t heard of the Bible App for Kids? It’s the newest app from YouVersion, featuring colorful, fun Bible stories designed specifically to engage children. Available for any iOSAndroid, or Kindle Fire device, the Bible App for Kids has already been downloaded more than 2 million times.

And the Bible App for Kids is completely free! Get yours right now at bible.com/kids.

Millions Agree: Plans Are a Great Way to Connect Daily with the Bible

Since January 1, the worldwide YouVersion community has already completed more than 1.5 million Bible Plans!

Breaking your daily devotional time into manageable selections, Bible Plans are one of the most effective ways we’ve found to make daily Bible engagement a habit. In fact, more than 770,000 people completed this year’s 21-Day Challenge.

Whether you like to read God’s Word or hear it read to you through audio Bibles, it’s never too late to get started! Come see for yourself what’s so great about Bible Plans. With more than 700 Plans to choose from, you’re sure to find one — or several — just right for you at bible.com/reading-plans.
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A Prophetic History - Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

A Prophetic History 
- Rick Joyner on Bob Jones

Bob & Bonnie Jones

Love For His People Editor's Note: Rick shares in this episode prophetic words Bob Jones spoke years before it came to pass. The property Rick lived on, Lamb's Chapel, in what is now Ballantyne (south Charlotte, NC) is the same land the Lord gave to All Nations Church in 1994, with Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda, and myself. 

That property was also in fulfillment of a dream the Lord had given to me in 1991, showing me the land and buildings while we were yet in Fort Lauderdale, Fl and looking for a re-location for Mahesh Chavda Ministries/All Nations Church. 

You can read about that in my 1st book, THE PROMISE", and more in my 2nd book, AHAVA LOVE LETTERS.

The Lord indeed speaks to us through dreams, visions, and prophetic words.

Steve Martin

Rick Joyner - Prophetic Perspectives

A Prophetic History

Rick Joyner
Monday, February 24, 2014
Rick shares about the impact and prophetic influenece Bob Jones had at MorningStar.

Great book!

Monday, February 24, 2014





Minister of Tourism Dr. Uzi Landau invites
members of the NRB to Israel, telling delegates,
"If you liked the book, you'll love the country."

400 delegates in America's NRB Convention rose as one to wave
the Israel flag at the organization's annual "Celebrate Israel" breakfast.

Haim Gutin, Israel Tourism Commissioner, North America,
at the National Religious Broadcasters' (NRB) "Celebrate Israel" breakfast in Nashville.

Minister of Tourism Dr. Uzi Landau and Israel Tourism Commissioner join the President and Chairman of the NRB, and Danny Saadon, Vice President the Americas of EL AL Israel Airlines, to inaugurate the Israel Pavilion at the organization's annual convention in Nashville.

Nashville, Tennessee - February 24, 2014: 400 delegates of the National Religious Broadcasters' (NRB) International Christian Media Convention attended the Israel Ministry of Tourism's annual "Celebrate Israel" breakfast this morning. Keynote speaker, Tourism Minister, Dr. Uzi Landau, received loud applause when he declared, "I invite you to visit Israel where the Bible is both a living testament and a GPS - "God's Positioning System."

Hosted by Israel Tourism Commissioner, North and South America, Haim Gutin, the delegates viewed a variety of video testimonies from Christian Evangelical leaders and heard addresses by Efi Stenzler, World Chairman of the Jewish National Fund; Dr. Jerry Johnson, President of the NRB; Shahar Shilo from Jerusalem's City of David; Richard Bott, Chairman of the NRB; and author and broadcaster Mike Evans.

2013 was the best year ever for tourism to Israel, and 15 Christian leaders* were presented with the Ministry's Goodwill Ambassador Award for their leadership in bringing millions of American Christians to Israel. At the event's climax, the delegates stood to wave Israeli flags as Broadway star, Amick Bryam, sang the anthem, "You'll Never Be The Same."

The "Celebrate Israel" breakfast was sponsored by the Israel Ministry of Tourism, with support from the Jewish National Fund and EL AL Israel Airlines.

*Honorees for the Ministry of Tourism's 2014 Goodwill Ambassador Awards were Dr. Kay Arthur, Richard Bott, Earl G. Cox, Arnold Enns, Mike Evans, Annette Garcia, Mark Jenkins, Dr. Richard Land, Michael Little, Rev. David Mainse, Janet Parshall, Dr. Linda Smith, Peter Sumrall, Dr. Charles Travis and Dr. Frank Wright.

For more information about travel to Israel, visit www.goisrael.com.




Nashville, Tennessee - February 24, 2014: Israel Minister of Tourism, Dr. Uzi Landau, spoke to 1,000 members of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) at its annual International Christian Media Convention. Flanked by Jerry Johnson, NRB President and CEO (left) and Rich Bott, NRB Chairman (center) at the Media Leadership Reception & Dinner, he urged the delegates to bring a new generation of young American Christians to Israel.

For more information about travel to Israel, visit www.goisrael.com.


Ross Belfer at WEILL - rbelfer@geoffreyweill.com 
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Israel Ministry of Tourism, N.A. - Gail Barzilay 

New York ◦ 212-499-5650
Canada ◦ Director: Ami Allon ◦ 416-964-3784
Los Angeles ◦ Director: Eliezer Hod ◦ 323-658-7463
Atlanta ◦ Director: Eyal Carlin ◦ 404-541-2770
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Geoffrey Weill Associates
Informational material is disseminated on behalf of the Israel Ministry of Tourism.
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The Oldest Holocaust Survivor Inspired us all. Here is our Farewell and Thank You!

Today, we remember the oldest Holocaust survivor, Alice Herz Sommer, who just passed away at the age of 110. In tribute to Alice, we share with you some of her amazing words of inspiration, positivity, and love.
Please share this to keep her memory and wisdom alive.
Alice sommer flat6
Alice Herz-Sommer, believed to be the oldest-known survivor of the Holocaust, died Sunday morning in London at age 110, a family member said. Herz-Sommer’s devotion to the piano and to her son sustained her through two years in a Nazi prison camp, and a film about her has been nominated for best short documentary at next week’s Academy Awards.
“We all came to believe that she would just never die,” said Frederic Bohbot, producer of the documentary “The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life.” ”There was no question in my mind, ‘would she ever see the Oscars.’”
An accomplished pianist, Herz-Sommer, her husband and her son were sent from Prague in 1943 to a concentration camp in the Czech city of Terezin — Theresienstadt in German — where inmates were allowed to stage concerts in which she frequently starred.
An estimated 140,000 Jews were sent to Terezin and 33,430 died there. About 88,000 were moved on to Auschwitz and other death camps, where most of them were killed. Herz-Sommer and her son, Stephan, were among fewer than 20,000 who were freed when the notorious camp was liberated by the Soviet army in May 1945.
Yet she remembered herself as “always laughing” during her time in Terezin, where the joy of making music kept them going.
“These concerts, the people are sitting there, old people, desolated and ill, and they came to the concerts and this music was for them our food. Music was our food. Through making music we were kept alive,” she once recalled.
“When we can play it cannot be so terrible.”
Though she never learned where her mother died after being rounded up, and her husband died of typhus at Dachau, in her old age she expressed little bitterness.
“We are all the same,” she said. “Good, and bad.”
Herz-Sommer was born on Nov. 26, 1903, in Prague, and started learning the piano from her sister at age 5.
Alice married Leopold Sommer in 1931. Their son was born in 1937, two years before the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia.
“This was especially for Jews a very, very hard time. I didn’t mind, because I enjoyed to be a mother and I was full of enthusiasm about being a mother, so I didn’t mind so much,” she said.
Jews were allowed to shop for only half an hour in the afternoon, by which time the shops were empty. Most Jewish families were forced to leave their family apartments and were crammed into one apartment with other families, but her family was allowed to keep its home.
“We were poor, and we knew that they will send us away, and we knew already in this time that it was our end,” she said.
In 1942, her 73-year-old mother was transported to Terezin, then a few months later to Treblinka, an extermination camp.
“And I went with her of course till the last moment. This was the lowest point in my life. She was sent away. Till now I don’t know where she was, till now I don’t know when she died, nothing.
“When I went home from bringing her to this place I remember I had to stop in the middle of the street and I listened to a voice, an inner voice: ‘Now, nobody can help you, not your husband, not your little child, not the doctor.’”
From then on, she took refuge in the 24 Etudes of Frederic Chopin, a dauntingly difficult monument of the repertoire. She labored at them for up to eight hours a day.
She recalled an awkward conversation on the night before her departure to the concentration camp with a Nazi who lived upstairs and called to say that he would miss her playing.
She remembered him saying: “‘I hope you will come back. What I want to tell you is that I admire you, your playing, hours and hours, the patience and the beauty of the music.’”
Other neighbors, she said, stopped by only to take whatever the family wasn’t able to bring to the camp.
“So the Nazi was a human, the only human. The Nazi, he thanked me,” she said.
The camp’s artistic side was a blessing; young Stephan, then 6, was recruited to play a sparrow in an opera.
“My boy was full of enthusiasm,” she recalled. “I was so happy because I knew my little boy was happy there.”
The opera was “Brundibar,” a 40-minute piece for children composed by Hans Krasa, a Czech who was also imprisoned in the camp. It was first performed in Prague but got only one other performance before he was interned.
“Brundibar” became a showpiece for the camp, performed at least 55 times including once when Terezin, which had been extensively spruced up for the occasion, was inspected by a Red Cross delegation in June 1944.
The opera featured in a 1944 propaganda film which shows more than 40 young performers filling the small stage during the finale.
Herz-Sommer’s life inspired two books: “A Garden of Eden in Hell” (2006) by Melissa Mueller and Reinhard Piechocki, and “A Century of Wisdom: Lessons from the Life of Alice Herz-Sommer, the World’s Oldest Living Holocaust Survivor” (2012) by Caroline Stoessinger.
In 1949, she left Czechoslovakia to join her twin sister Mizzi in Jerusalem. She taught at the Jerusalem Conservatory until 1986, when she moved to London.
Her son, who changed his first name to Raphael after the war, made a career as a concert cellist. He died in 2001.
Source: Times of Israel